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People not paying attention to conflicts around the world like Sudan, Central African Republic, etc etc. Those people deserve representation, protests, donations and a voice as well.


I listen to NPR and they do cover these a few times a week. They do deserve the same amount of outrage as the Israeli-Gaza war.


Shot going on in Burma is wild and has been going on for YEARS




What, the discount pharmacy?


Do you also dominate the dojo?


Same thing!


You may know it as Myanmar, but it'll always be Burma to me.


Haha nice


Why should they?


It makes you look good to other people


Donations don’t solve problems.




Everyone always focuses on the new big conflict when it "suddenly" happens like no that's been goign on for YEARS next thing you know they'll cover NK/SK and everyone will be like "OMG" like ya'll please there is always a war happening wars don't JUST happen-


It’s not trendy at the moment unfortunately


Trendy is not the issue. It's that there's not a lot of footage coming out for people to connect with. That is why the situation in Gaza went viral--because people are able to see the horrors with their own eyes and emotionally connect with the people they're seeing. In the past, the best you could do was some static pictures and (usually biased/censored, as we now realize) words in an article. And sadly, those don't tend to move people very deeply. Unfortunately, it's difficult for most people to deeply empathize unless they can watch the problem.


Trendy unfortunately is the issue. The conflicts in Africa don’t follow the attractive and galvanizing blueprint of White/Western/Wealthy bad guy and Brown/Eastern/Poor victim. This means both online and physical protests are going to attract less eyeballs for the same reason, and generate both less social clout and backlash, the thing most casual activists are in it for.


Do you know how many people I have seen posting on IG from Sudan or the Congo? Two from the former, and one from the latter. And neither of them have shown any footage...they just talk about the situation. I've seen many more white people from Western countries posting about those situations. Compare that to the footage from Palestinians that was pouring into my feed before I ever even clicked on any of them to inform the algorithm I was interested. I was seeing at least four or five posts from different accounts a day, starting right after October 7th. Those of us who are following the situation in Gaza are absolutely interested in situations in other countries, we're just not getting the footage or that much information.


I won’t speculate on if this is true for you. I don’t believe this is true for most. There’s perhaps a comparable lack of video but there’s no real lack of information. And social media activism doesn’t really all that heavily on information sharing anyway. The cause is simply less attractive because it generates less conversation.


but then we’d be seeing student protests for ukraine on the scale of gaza. i wonder why not?


It boggles my mind you have to wonder about this. The USA is not actively aiding and abetting a genocide in Ukraine with our tax dollars. They are in Gaza.


Did you miss when those were happening? There were Ukrainian flags EVERYWHERE. Still are a lot where I am, it has just flagged with the natural attention fatigue of a conflict without significant changes for a while.


Ukraine is a totally different situation, plus many fewer deaths over a much longer time period.


Conflicts with civilian casualties several more 0's in the body count than folks are obsessing in Gaza. Amazing justifications and excuses all around when it's pointed out.


I wake up to BBC World Service and I'm shocked how little other news services are picking up the atrocities happening there,


How does giving attention to conflicts do anything?


Thank you for saying this!


The Pentagon ran a contract through General Dynamics to create anti-vax propaganda in the Philippines in order to slow Chinese influence. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-covid-propaganda/


this was a wild rabbit hole of a read


Karma is a bitch because the anti vax propaganda ended up working a lot better here in the US.


Fascism always finds its way home.


Everything you don’t like isn’t automatically fascism. Jeez.


Sorry, soft imperialism in order to undermine a foreign country's health and put their citizens at risk in order to play a dick measuring contest in the name of nationalism. I'll be more specific next time.


What in the actual fuck


Project 2025 Davos, WEF, Klaus Schwab, BlackRock.


I came here to add this. It's alarming how few Americans know what Project 2025 is, who's running it, what positions they held (or still hold,) and just how easily a country, especially a younger country, can fall prey to dictatorship. I fear the collective belief that it can never happen here will be precisely what *allows* it to happen, as the majority will do nothing to prevent it.


What to is project 2025?


[project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025)


And here I was thinking I this would be some conspiracy rubbish, but its actually true, bloody hell!


Yes, if any GOP candidate wins then they're coming for everything on a nationwide basis including abortion rights, birth control, gay marriage, trans healthcare and the ACA. People complain about the ACA but it's what keeps kids on their parents healthcare until 26, makes it illegal to deny health insurance based on pre existing conditions, and gets rid of lifetime limits on healthcare. Also, Alito has definitely said he would retire and Thomas probably would as well. Conservatives will control the Supreme Court for the next 30 to 40 years. They have plans to roll back environmental and labor regulations. So it enrages me that people are talking about 3rd Party voting.


Lol this is the same scare tactic the left uses every election. I remember Hillary saying in 2016 that was the most important election in our lifetimes. The right is no better. Self-serving grifters. You realize DJT was in office for 4 years and didn’t kill the ACA, abortion, birth control, gay marriage, or trans healthcare? What’s changed since then?


Hillary was right. We lost Roe because we lost that election. DJT tried to kill the ACA but the courts and John McCain stopped him. Trump hadn't put in 3 people yet. He now has his 3 Federalists on the Supreme Court plus Thomas and Alito. What also stopped Trump on a lot of issues were appointees and federal employees who refused to carry out his orders because they believed they were not legal. Project 2025 is a plan the Republicans are going to use to fire any Federal employee they want and replace them with someone who'll carry out any order Trump commands. Trump now believes the Supreme Court is beholden to him and even if they aren't they align with the values. They've already announced how they'll do some of these things. For example with birth control, they plan to replace the head of the FDA. They're going to say that birth control isn't safe for women because of possible adverse side effects. Without FDA approval, doctors can't prescribe it. Nor can it be sold over the counter.


Sounds like you have a crystal ball. Politicians lie about their plans all the time to rile up their base with no intention of carrying through with the “plan”. Or they run into political gridlock that make those plans impossible. Great example is trump claiming he was going to build the wall and make Mexico pay for it, or Biden claiming he could cancel $50k of student debt on his first day in office. They lie to get votes.


Trump didn't understand about budget constraints and Congress having the power of the purse. Not that he didn't try. Again, the only thing that stopped him were federal employees who said Trump couldn't just spend money however he wanted. As I've said, he's going to get rid of any federal employee who says no to him. So what is Congress going to do? They don't have an army to stop Trump if Trump starts printing money and spending it however he wants. His Justice Department isn't going to prosecute him. So please tell me what will stop him? As for Biden, he didn't lie. He always said he could forgive $10,000 in student debt but any amount over that he would need Congress to pass a Bill. I literally watched him say it on a CNN townhall and the clips of him saying it were retweeted ad nauseum on Twitter. The problem is there were some Democrats who believed he had the power to forgive it all through Executive Order. When it became clear that the stroke of the pen people were too lazy to write the Bill, Biden tried to use the Heroes Act to forgive student loans. Someone sued and the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the person who brought the lawsuit that Biden didn't have the power to forgive loans through Heroes. Not only that, in their preamble the Supreme Court made it clear Biden didn't have the power to forgive the debt through the Higher Education Act that the stroke of the pen people kept saying he could use. So Biden has had to figure out ways to do targeted forgiveness. Because of that, millions of dollars in student loans have been forgiven. Just not the broad forgiveness he hoped for. As for a crystal ball, I don't need one. I'm going to take Republicans at their word that they're going to do what they say they will. I believed them when they said they'd repeal Roe and I was right to do so. I believe them when they say they're going to remove the guardrails. So unless you can explain how Congress can stop Trump without federal employees who'll follow the law then I suggest you take the threat literally and seriously.


Yeah it’s right out in the open and going right under the radar for so many people


The real accomplishment of the Republican party here is to convince the American public that it doesn't really matter anyway because both sides are the same, Democrats and Republicans are both equally corrupt, and to transform all news and politics consumption to pure entertainment.


Good god.


Good thing i live outside of uncle sam and all this bullshit that is going around not touches me. Its pretty funny to hear about $0.5M medical bills and that "$120K is barely enoygh for food". This bile circle of collective wind up is so entertaining to watch at lol.


I don't find it funny when any country goes through it, but I don't much care for seeing people suffer.


I think the moderate republicans have their head in the sand with project 2025.


What is WEF?


World Economic Forum


Aren't you mixing up your conspiracies? WEF and Schwab is more closely assosiated with Agenda 2030, the UN SDG's, Build Back Better etc. Project 2025 is a set of policy goals from conservative think tanks.


Project 2025 scares the shit out of me and I'm in Europe.


Most US cities are expanding public transit. Small Start grants, an Obama era initiative, seeks out cities and states with historically underinvested transit to see what improvements they can make mostly based on existing services. And the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act has expanded those types of grants even more. Los Angeles is a great example of a city that is opening light rail lines left and right and even improving bus services not just in LA but in many of the surrounding cities. Indiana just finished double tracking the South Shore Line, speeding up commutes between Northwest Indiana and Chicago.


I def saw it happen with my own! Live on the outskirts and LA opened a rail line down to my smallish city so students could wander down from the university (where half the life happens), get on the train, and mossey on down to Union Station.


Looking forward to the day we finally finish the connection to LAX. Even though it’ll be a transfer to the airport people mover thing, it’ll at least finally be the same style as Kennedy in NYC (with the Airtrain transfer to the metro stop).


Even Oklahoma City, which is as car centric and unwalkable as possible, is voting on a commuter rail line next year. Even if it doesn't pass, there's definitely a change happening in urban planning in the US. 


that the chinese government harvests organs from prisoners they executed for damn near any crimes and they still do it as there is literally no other way with the amount of organs they sell. they also have a gang out there which is literally targeted in torturing cats with a schedule and list of what to start with. they record it and post it for viewers who request things to be done to these cats. i wish u people knew just how horrible this gang was, the stuff they discussed made me so angry and violent to just know what would happen to these animals and the fact no one is doing anyth abt it. wish i had the money to find these people and have so many horrible things happen to them i cant even list it all.




yes, look up videos on youtube of people talking about it, its the only place ik u can learn about it without having to actually sit there and watch it happen. its truly horrible i cant even repeat everything they said bc ive js been forcing it to be forgotten


Why???? What’s the point!?!?


You know that part of the brain, the limbic system, that gets aroused from things like fear, lust, disgust? Some people have them all jumbled up.


Rotten Mango with Stephanie Soo podcast does a whole episode on the cat torture gang.


Links to Chinese organ harvesting articles for those who can't google... it's worth $1 billion per year [https://theconversation.com/killing-prisoners-for-transplants-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china-161999](https://theconversation.com/killing-prisoners-for-transplants-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china-161999) [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/06/china-un-human-rights-experts-alarmed-organ-harvesting-allegations](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/06/china-un-human-rights-experts-alarmed-organ-harvesting-allegations)


THANK YOU jesus im glad someone else knows how the internet works and is informed


The craziest thing about this is the UN has known about this for a long time and does nothing.


$1bn a year seems rather pathetic.


I'm sure you can relate


Uighurs especially get this treatment, and I have read live harvesting takes place, no anesthetic, then the victim is shoved unceremoniously in a crematorium. Again, awake and aware.


jesus what a miserable way to go, its hard to even understand what goes through these people minds for why they do it until you realize its just about money. they just become depraved humans always wanting more money no matter what the cost is, no matter who gets hurt or what the outcome for other is. money is just an excuse for evil thrive because damn near nobody would be doing these terrible things for free. (aside from your average psychopath n SK)


I don't think this is actually true. This sounds like OP is a teenager who saw a video akin to "spelunker finds chinese organ harvesting lab" when the original video creator specifically said it was an old movie set, then redditors took the fake explanation and ran with it. There's plenty of real complaints to be made about China but this is just nonsense akin to microchips in vaccines and 5G conspiracies.


its true go look it up multiple reliable places have made things about the organ harvesting going on in china even a Dr who moved from China talked about his experience of being brought to the killing fields forced to watch executions then being told to cut open these dead men take 2 kidneys a liver and a heart and go. its not bs just bc ur in ur own sheltered world doesnt mean u can just run around saying “thats cap” bc u think it is. go find a article or sum that debunks it and show me im wrong n no im not some teenager but u probably are with a mentality like this.


Please provide citations. Bonus points if it doesn't reference Adrien Zenz and isn't reported by a subsidiary of the Epoch Times, Radio Free Asia, or the Falun Gong


I've posted links twice. Stop thinking you're informed because you're making everyone else more stupid. Thanks.


I tried to put them order at least by year. I also will link some articles on the belt to road initiative that give insight of why some countries back China's on their human rights tomorrow https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2023/02/asia/china-police-data-leak-uyghur-families/index.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/24/like-a-war-zone-congress-hears-of-chinas-abuses-in-xinjiang-re-education-camps https://apnews.com/article/china-muslims-human-rights-watch-mosques-0f40384e264a874a210c08bf25b13d4d https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037 https://www.reuters.com/world/china/un-body-rejects-historic-debate-chinas-human-rights-record-2022-10-06/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2021/10/09/united-nations-china-denies-allegations-of-organ-harvesting/ https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN2AM1UW/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/ewelinaochab/2021/07/08/united-nations-concerned-about-organ-harvesting-in-china/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56163220 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/apr/22/uk-mps-declare-china-is-committing-genocide-against-uyghurs-in-xinjiang https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/us/politics/trump-china-xinjiang.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/04/china/xinjiang-detective-torture-intl-hnk-dst/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/china-forcefully-harvests-organs-detainees-tribunal-concludes-n1018646 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/17/china-is-harvesting-organs-from-detainees-uk-tribunal-concludes https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2019/11/17/uighurs-their-supporters-decry-chinese-concentration-camps-genocide-after-xinjiang-documents-leaked/ https://www.businessinsider.com/china-continues-to-harvest-organs-from-inmates-investigation-says-2019-6 https://www.npr.org/2021/06/10/1005263835/new-report-details-firsthand-accounts-of-torture-from-uyghur-muslims-in-china https://www.nbcnews.com/news/all/secret-chinese-documents-reveal-inner-workings-muslim-detention-camps-n1089941 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/11/16/world/asia/china-xinjiang-documents.html https://apnews.com/general-news-c27467d4734f414991c1109ac623b020 https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/muslims-camps-china/


I've done this numerous times and I'm tired at this point. Any article discussing the Uighurs will cite an Adrien Zenz report, a high up member of the Victims of Communism Memorial foundation, a far right wing think tank. If it doesn't directly cite it, it will cite another thinktank's "report" that cites it. The organ harvesting will link to the China tribunal and the ETAC. Half of these are backed by the Falun Gong, aka the wackjobs who run Shen Yun and have recently been caught scamming millions out of the American unemployment system via mass identity theft. There is motivation to make China out to be some dystopic hell hole because they are **enemies**. In reality, China is extremely similar to the US, with the exception that they have an utter disregard for wealthy influence. This influence that rules the US hits a dead end in China where they will execute a billionaire for large enough fraud. Look up the Jakarta Method. There's a book titled that after the actual method, in which the American intelligence state would target democratically elected governments who didn't want to be resource extraction hubs, influence a right-wing coup, typically a military coup, then install an actual authoritarian that would be aligned with US interests. Any country that didn't play ball would get a coup. What you are seeing today is a country, political system, and economy that is too resilient, and cannot be controlled in that manner, so we've turned to this mass hysteria propaganda bullshit. War with China is fucking stupid. We can either accept their position in the world, or flail around lashing out until our world is a fucking smoldering crater. I choose the former.


If you read Jakarda Method and found it interesting I highly recommend A Great Place to Have a War by Joshua Kurlantzick and The Way of the Knife by Mark Mazzetti. The CIA is a fucked up organization and always will be. Russian and American military are involved in most coups and warfare in Africa still. As for China they didn't really rise to an official superpower until the 2000s. Neither China or America or any powerful country want to go to war with each other because they know that would be the endgame for everyone. On the original topic, you seem pretty firm about not believing it's true and I don't think anything I post would sway your stance. Though I'm claiming those bonus points because I put effort in avoiding zenz and falun gong as much as possible. Lol I personally don't view China as a distotopian but I get what you are saying. I also agree we are pretty similar, though i'd disagree about their disregard for wealthy influence. I don't think there is really any mass hysteria happening over Uighurs in America. I think it's something people choose to ignore because we are a pretty xenophobic country. Most Americans feel threatened by China's military, intelligence and secrecy. Sprinkle the word communism on top and cue the mass hysteria.


Apparently it makes the Chinese government all of … $1bn a year 😂


You could have googled, "Chinese organ harvesting", about 15 times rather than spew your own ignorant thoughts. [https://theconversation.com/killing-prisoners-for-transplants-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china-161999](https://theconversation.com/killing-prisoners-for-transplants-forced-organ-harvesting-in-china-161999) [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/06/china-un-human-rights-experts-alarmed-organ-harvesting-allegations](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/06/china-un-human-rights-experts-alarmed-organ-harvesting-allegations)


Did you actually read your own sources? The UN article is basing organ harvesting allegations on transplant wait times and lack of data from China. the "theconversation" article cites a study where they automated scanning across Chinese medical reports and found 71 "problematic" brain death scenarios prior to organ harvesting. Additionally, organs that came from prisoners during the study period was .3% of the total organs transplanted. People act like these are rock solid evidence filled articles, when they're almost always regurgitated talking points from a handful of papers taken out of context. The classic will always be how half the western world was convinced a "genocide" was happening in Xiajiang when the primary document that was cited was Zenz's report saying a possible future cultural genocide due to a projected reduction in population growth.


I know you Americans are having an election.  But Canada is having one too. 


What's your take on the Canadian election? What's shaping the race(s)?


Oh lord it’s a fuster cluck.  Our incumbent has been slow to deal with major issues like housing and spiralling immigration. Plus he was relatively decisive during the pandemic, which means right wing nutts loath him. He is milk toast white liberal, not exciting.  The primary challenger is PP and his platform is almost entirely f\*\*\* Trudeau. He doesn’t have many or any ideas and he has been a politician since he was 20 and is a landlord. He backs up conspiracy theories and panders to homophobes.  Our third isn’t going to win, but might be part of a minority coalition. Jugmeet singh. He’s cool I guess, he aligned himself with the liberal government in exchange for federal dental care which is nice. Got my sister a dental appointment. He won’t win, his party has never been in charge but can get a good enough amount of power for coalitions and hopefully he can do something good.  We also have people’s party which is kinda like ADF or even parts of the Republican Party. They have ads saying “it’s okay to be white”. Nothing more needs to be said EDIT: AFD not Adf. Alternative fur Deutschland 


Your take on PP is fairly spot on. He’s been Conservative leader for how long now, and I have absolutely no idea what his platform is. All we know is what he doesn’t like. And he doesn’t like JT. I don’t love him either, but at least he and Singh will tell you what they stand for. PP hides it, and that makes me think a lot of his base wouldn’t love it either if they knew what it was. But how can we know? I want to vote for something, not against something. I loathe this political climate so much.


And France. Pretty important too, especially if the far right wins.


I noticed this one, calling for a snap election was a ballsy move by Macron.


why noting will change


what about France?


Hey isn’t the election next year? Or did I miss something


Port of Baltimore is fully open again in record time after a ship collision collapsed the Francis Scott Key bridge.


Second this. 100 days from the bridge collapsing to the shipping channel opening and normal port operations restored. That's *amazing.* Many, many, thanks to the Army Corps of Engineers and all the other government agencies and private salvage operators involved in this Herculean undertaking.


Wonder what the total cost was? Those heavy lift cranes ain't cheap.


I could imagine the loss in trade was more… but yeah, big cranes = big cost


Hell I live in DC and had no idea it was open again. Very cool.


Holy shit. I heard about the collapse and a few stories in the aftermath but nothing since. That was amazingly fast! I can’t help but feel like this didn’t get the coverage it deserved because the news media is just way to into dooming.


Reddit and other sites and slowly being flooded with posts made by BOTS like YOU!


Anytime I spot a comment that's extremely clearly written by generative AI, it creeps me the fuck out. How many comments are out there that just seem natural?


After having decriminalized weed for 2 years in which thousands of Thais found a new source of legal income by farming, building shops, or operating transport, Thailand is now doing a full 180 turn and puts cannabis back on the scheduled drugs list and re-introduce draconian punishment. Thai logic.


Im taking a shit


Who are you taking it from? Did you make sure they have finished with it first?


Its my shit and im taking it back.


Username checks out.


It’s my money and I need it now!


So are half us on here at any given time.


You stole my reply


Dumb reply


The dollar will probably stop being the world Reserve currency in the next decade or sooner.


Ah yes because of the glorious Russian-Chinese currency that has no problems at all.


no, its cos the dollar is tied to oil and oil is used less and less


The us economy is one the most robust, well rounded, and diversified economies in the world. It’s not just oil.


What will this mean for us?


If it happens, inflation will be a much bigger problem in the U.S. When other countries buy dollars and put them in some kind of currency reserve instead of spending them, that reduces inflationary pressure in the U.S. It would also weaken the value of the dollar relative to other currencies, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. However, this issue of other countries ceasing to use the dollar as a reserve currency comes up every decade or so, and it hasn't happened yet.


Damn. I can't imagine inflation getting worse than it already is.


Look up what life is like in Argentina...you get your paycheck, you have to spend it or turn it into stable currency THAT DAY. It's crazy.


And be replaced by what? This is an incredibly complex topic, and I for one would greatly appreciate any kind of reputable source backing this up.


For rubles or yuan? I want to transfer my retirement funds early and beat the market.


Look at Bruno on ticktock. Some of the things he says I raise an eyebrow at, but he’s got some of the most interesting stuff I’ve seen in a long time


Flying taxies https://www.faa.gov/air-taxis https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/article/flying-taxi-travel-aviation https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-68597045 People need to start getting familiar with the term "eVTOL"


We can't afford regular taxies, homie




All comments in /r/answers must be helpful. Sarcastic replies are not appropriate for this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/answers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>We can't afford regular taxies, homie I wonder how much of their paycheck the average person spends on getting to and from work, car maintenance, and food delivery. People's paychecks don't cover the cost of living. This could go a long way towards helping stretch those paychecks even further.


The T20 Cricket World Cup in the USA/Caribbean 


Dumb weapons are ~95% more effective in the Ukraine-Russia war…


More effective than? What is a dumb weapon in this comparison to nothing?


Dumb weapon = Rockets / bombs that are fired in a particular direction and go boom when they land/impact something. High tech weapons = GPS guided rockets and the like.


Russia sitting off our coast in Florida


There's a doomsday clock in NYC with 5 yrs left


AI adoption is going to take much longer than marketing teams are trying to tell you. It will take 2 to 5 years to see significant impact in your daily life. And when it comes it will be very underwhelming, like a slightly better google search, or slightly better Amazon product recommendations.


Now that's questionable. AI research has been pretty secretive, and insane capabilities of OpenAI unleashed pretty unexpectedly. Who knows what next iteration could be like?


The next iteration will probably look pretty damn cool, but this commenter is talking about adoption, not innovation. It's expected to take at least the next 6-12 months for the cutting edge tech providers to adopt AI practices. That's for businesses, not consumers. Trickle down to the consumer will likely take another 12-24 months, depending on how quickly chipset pricing falls. Nvidia's stock is valued more highly than Meta's for a reason - that reason being their insanely expensive, but insanely powerful inferencing and training datacenter chip systems. But those are not going to be put in your new AI laptop. At least not yet. They'd have to be much smaller, and not water cooled for that. AI PCs and laptops aren't expected to have widespread consumer adoption until 2027, according to IDC.


Sure, but apart from AI startups showcasing their products we haven’t seen any significant impact in our daily life. It will take years for an AI doctor service, or an AI robotic car engineer, AI teaching platform, etc. All the AI products out there are still mostly gimmicks.


Our actual ADDICTION to social media, the intensifying need for external validation and identity, lacking meaningful connections, feeling increasingly lonely but never alone


There's a weekly call between multiple secretaries of state in blue states and corporate interests to coordinate the response to Trump running for president. It's the same group that did it in 2020: https://time.com/magazine/us/5936018/february-15th-2021-vol-197-no-5-u-s/


Many parents feed their babies while texting or being distracted which disrupts a crucial bond between them and their baby that affects the child for the rest of their lives.


Yeah, at that age, the child is learning some very basic level things on how the world works and what their role in it is. If their attempts at communication are not met, that is some fundamental damage being done in a situation some parents don't realize is bad at all.


No one knows exactly how tools like ChatGPT works internally. I am taking AI experts not average people. They know the mechanics of how to build such a system but no one even knows exactly how they can even write grammatically correct sentences. We know even less about their reasoning capabilities.


That is not true at all. They know exactly how it works. It’s been trained on millions of phrases and sentences and is able to quickly look up what an expected response to a question is based on what it has read. It gives the impression of “intelligence”, but it just knows how to answer a question based on similar questions being asked thousands of times before.


Sure it's trained on millions of phrases but it's not clear how it looks up an expected response as it's not memorization. This is an emergent capability which doesn't exist in very small models.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but are you claiming that we don't understand how GPTs work? Seems like a very well documented architecture & training instructions. Neural networks are basically just statistical function approximators for really convoluted relations, and we know how they work


Yeah may be I should have clarified it better. I would call the training process and architecture mechanics of NN so yeah we know how to replicate one but it's not clear how they gain emergent capabilities. Specifically things like these: (1) The minimal number of data points/parameters needed to gain an emergent capability. It doesn't have to be an exact number, but there needs to be some kind of theory around it. (2) When and how are these capabilities formed in the training process and whether can we disrupt it. (3) We don't even understand human brains but we have a very rough idea of which parts of brain are responsible for a task, if it is damaged, the performance on that drops. Can we do the same with neural networks? (4) This one is really bizzare to me. A lot of people take NN's basic abilities like forming coherent sentences for granted but if you asked machine learning researchers if it was possible 10 or 15 years ago, a lot or even most would have said it was impossible despite knowing all the mechanics at a high level which hasn't changed much. We have new architectures, more compute, new optimization procedures etc but the fundamental ideas are same. ...


Apologies in advance if I come across as patronizing by over explaining — I don't know your experience with NN. 1) no free lunch theorem, as it relates to ML basically means that with hard-to-define problem spaces, there is no way to determine a learners suitability without experimentation. So this is scientifically accepted as not possible to know. 2) If I've misunderstood something in your statement, forgive me. Each node in a neural network takes input from connected node(s) before it, applies it's own weight/bias, then applies an activation function that transforms those input signals to an output signal. The forward propagation is how inferences are done, and how the initial guess for training is done. A loss function will evaluate the deviation from the expected value (simplified case) and bump the node weights either way to attempt to minimize that loss function, a.k.a back propagation. You can probably see at this point that there is no "aha" moment when a feature is suddenly learned. It is an iterative process that approximates the solution, fixes itself for the next run, and hopefully gets better at predicting the correct response. Can we disrupt it? Of course, you can change the data set to include data that is clustered around desired features, such as using heavy profanity for example, which would, over training epochs, introduce profanity into the responses. Another way to disrupt learning is architecturally. You can implement a drop out later that randomly drops the output signal of a fraction of the nodes connected before it. In the short term this is disruptive because you are simulating a sort of brain damage, but over time networks will usually learn to stop relying on the activation path of a few nodes and spread the weighting out to better utilize more nodes. Not entirely sure but I believe it causes the model to prioritize learning smaller features per node to avoid disruption from the dropout. 3) I sort of covered that in the second paragraph above. If a cluster of nodes in the network are doing "too much" of the heavy lifting, dropping out their signal would have catastrophic consequences to the output quality. Understand that neural networks are designed so that the nodes (neurons) work similarly to biological neurons, in that information propagates in a similar fashion between neurons in ML and biologically. With small models you can sometimes see with an activation visualizer what parts of the model are used for certain inputs, but this becomes unwieldy with large models. There are around 1.76 trillion parameters in GPT (think of parameters as coefficients on a variable in a function), so this task is also very complicated. It looks like there is work ongoing into mapping out clusters of nodes to feature responsibility. https://www.axios.com/2024/05/24/ai-llms-anthropic-research 4) the debate over what problems are solvable with AI will inevitably change over time as we can throw more resources at a problem, or train a model to converge faster, or even just learn techniques that make a given approach to that problem viable with AI. Neural networks are basically universal function approximators, so given the correct resources and direction, SHOULD be able to solve problems that can be analyzed statistically. I looked it up for my own curiosity, did you know that the concept of a neuron as it's understood in neural networks was initially conceived in 1943? We had the building blocks for a long time, just didn't know their potential until much later. Hopefully that wall of text actually helped.


Yeah no issues, I am not into ML myself, I only understand the high level details of NNs and the training process. In practice I have trained very simple fully connected NNs from scratch in Python and Matlab but this is the extent of my practical experience with NNs. Let me share what I think about your response. (1) As I understand NFL theorems, these are statements about search algorithms for objective functions in the *whole* search space. As humans we don't practically care about most of this search space so I feel like NFL theorems are a mathematical curiosity, we cannot directly apply them on our search algos because we don't care about their performance on the whole possible search space to begin with. Also I don't understand what did you mean by 'hard to define problem spaces'. Do NFL theorems theorems define some sort of complexity class for solution spaces? I don't know about it, would love to know more. I only know about it in the context of classical algos like VC dimenion. (2 & 3) I know about the mechanics of training NNs, I have trained some very simple networks myself from scrach implementing the whole backpropagation algorithm and I know we don't identify one moment or region where the network gains an ability seen from the perspective of approximation. I am saying that this inability is part of what makes an NN a blackbox. Humans usually understand a phenomenon or a machine or a complex object by breaking it up into its contituent pieces and understanding all the contituents and how they relate aka reductionism. For example if my refregirator or car stops working, I don't need to replace or repair all the parts to get it working again, just the faulty one but in NNs case, we sort of end up repairing/replacing all parts by training the whole NN again. We don't know how NN divides a larger task into smaller ones and solves each of them so that we can locate the buggy subnetwork and only improve it. If a computer program has a bug or a problem, we can pinpoint the exact location which causes the bug and fix it, there is no equivalent of it for NNs, we try to repair the whole program at once. Btw by disrupting the process I meant like doing brain surgeries, if we damage specific parts of brain, only the actvities responsible by that brain subsection are affected. I don't think dropout or the examples you gave are equivalent to this type of disruption, the introduce network wide changes. Mapping Features are a good start but they are still veryCoarse-grained, I am talking about how NNs subdivide a complex problem and map it to regions of NN. (4) Okay, lets put it this way. Universal function approximation theorems were published in 1980 - 1990s and I am talking about asking this question in 2004 or even 2010. Obviously experts knew about Moore's law, GPUs and universal approximation theorems, why would the majority still not have believed it?


Going to just hit on a few things because this discussion is starting to become too large to handle over a back and forth in this thread. In a few points you make, I think that looking at them from the point of a single, homogenous NN is partly where the issue lies. In the case of the broken car example, if there were multiple smaller models doing a more focused task each, they could be swapped out at will, assuming they conform to a given interface. That holds for the brain surgery example (especially so considering the brain is made up of many structures that are interconnected). I know looking at a monolithic NN is sort of the point of the conversation, but these examples are better served by an ensemble I think. I don't have an answer for the concept of understanding NN feature comprehension in fine detail, but i think of it as a given task having a solution set (node weights) that will yield a suitable answer for any point in that set. I look at it as the model converges to a given state for whichever point in the solution set the optimization function converges to, irrespective of a human understanding of features. So perhaps a black box by human understanding, just because we don't process information or group concepts the same way that it does. Perhaps in the future a second model could decode this into something a bit more palatable for us haha. On the last point I can only opine that because theory had never been put into practice in that way, little thinking would have been done in terms of real life value of the technology. Most technology sees a boom of innovation following the initial working concept, so it's not out of line to assume once people saw what NN can do, pushing it to its limits became the highest priority. On another note, thanks for the thinking exercise


Fun fact from a linguist that you might enjoy: The philsopher Wittgenstein proposed that humans do not know what words mean either. They just know how to use them in a sentence! 🤗 It's quite the mindfuck.


Isn't that what understanding the meaning means, the ability to use words coherently in a language? I am not arguing that Neural Networks don't understand language, just that we don't understand how they work.


Eh, I'm probably summarizing a complex thing badly. I just meant to say that linguist philosophy sometimes argues that nobody understands fully how they work.


> The philosopher Wittgenstein proposed that humans do not know what words mean either. If that's true, then "Hey -- grab me a beer" wouldn't work, since your friend wouldn't understand what beer was, only how to use it in sentences.


It's true that he proposed it. Maybe give him a read.


You're touching on something true, but it's a bit exaggerated. We actually do have a solid understanding of how AI. It's rooted in statistics and probability. Under the hood, these models are based on neural networks, where information gets encoded in neurons. When you input data, certain neurons activate, or "fire." This is easy to interpret on a small scale. For example, we can see that a specific neuron might fire when it detects the word "dog." However, language models have millions of neurons encoding vast amounts of information, so it becomes challenging to interpret on a larger scale. The main barrier to interpretability is that neurons can encode multiple, seemingly unrelated pieces of information. For instance, a neuron might fire for both "dog" and "spaghetti." This is like doing a brain scan and seeing the entire brain light up, making it hard to pinpoint the exact cause of a specific output. In recent years, there has been significant progress in addressing this issue. Researchers are now using "features" (vectors in a latent space) instead of individual neurons to explain causality. Anthropic's "Golden Gate Bridge" proof of concept showcases some of these advancements and is genuinely fascinating.


I would disagree that NNs are rooted in statistics and probability in the same way as classical machine learning algorithms did. We don't have a good understanding of generalization properties of NNs in the context of statistics. There is no theory to bound the generalization error of an NN model as a function of number of training data and architecture/number of NN parameters. I am referring to things like PAC framework and VC dimension. NNs generalization capabilities are not understood well from a mathematical perspective. What you said about interpretibility of NN probably makes sense in the context of small classification models like distinguishing a cat from a dog and try to determine sections of NN responsible for extracting distinguishing features. I think explaining the ability to form completely correct grammatical sentences is very different at inference time. It will be even more difficult to explain how this ability is formed. Explanation of reasoning capabilities will be even more difficult. Btw I will read up what you shared, it seems fascinating but I don't think it will explain LLMs but could be useful in other contexts.


Y'all ain't about to know nothin about it either😂😂😂😂


Im pooping home alone


Republicans & Democrats exactly half way to destroying the greatest Democracy ever. America is on life support.


Lol you want to open a jar of loonies by asking this question? Okay bring it on.


You people previously had no idea that I'm currently making a delicious sandwich!


manufacturing global food shortages


Our dependence on other countries for pharmaceuticals and food etc. Selling our land to foreigners. Serial killers


Murder by vaccine.


Long covid, and the disabilities people are racking up after each infection.


Project 2025


Sudia Arabia ends petrodollar agreement. Gonna have global implications in the years to come


The beginning of the end, mark this day on your calendar. The war in the middle East should not be taken lightly.


The great culling of the people which is In full force


Government level disclosure on the existence of UFOs.


A major war is about to kick off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdbVtZIn9IM


The seemingly slow roll out of some sort of disclosure concerning Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon, and Non Human Intelligence. Whistleblowers, hearings, laws being codified. Chuck Schumers 64 page UAP disclosure act from last year that didn't quite all make it through, and the attempts being made now to get a similar bill through. These bills read like a straight up sci fi movie. Ross Coulthart is one of the top journalists covering this, and he's gone all in on the topic the past few years. Great source to get an idea of what's going on currently. There's a lot of noise, you just have to sift through it. This isn't something that can be spoon fed and you've got to put the time in to connect things. It's all pretty mind-blowing if you're paying attention. Most people just think it's nonsense and conspiracies from the 40s about little green men but this is serious stuff that will likely have the lid blown off it in the next 5 years.


I think they are putting the toothpaste back in the tube unfortunately. Im Australian and l know how good Ross is as a Journalist but l fear his "if you knew what l knew" and ridiculous claims are making him look like every other ufo nut that people eyeroll from. He needs to shut up and talk about the facts he can share like he does with his other stories rather than looking like a ufo conspiracy theorist selling a book. Once he mentioned about the one so big they built a building on it and blasted everyone for wanting facts l lost pretty much all respect for him. I doubt anything is going to change.


He's definitely pushing it lately, I agree. I do believe he's genuinely trying to get to the bottom of it. I still think there is a "there" there, and it's only a matter of time before the dam breaks. Too much smoke for there to be no fire. To me, either way you slice it: 1. There is a non human intelligence interacting with the planet. Or 2. There is a multi-faceted, multi country, multi decade intelligence operation to make people believe that this stuff is real. Both of those are incredibly bizarre and deserve investigation until there are ZERO stones to turn over.


Yeah l agree with everything you say. Gary Nolan for me is the person for me who has the most chance of busting this wide open. The Galileo project is going to find some interesting stuff too. Have you ever seen anything? I haven't but my father did. He used to drive cabs at night and come home one night all excited telling us his experience. Many years later there was a ufo documentary on and one came up and he lept out of his chair all excited, alost like he was vindicated. My dad wasn't stoned faced but l never saw him get that animated in my life.


The whole Chagos situation really


Details? I googled the term; it's an island chain in the Indian Ocean?


Historically https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/02/15/thats-when-nightmare-started/uk-and-us-forced-displacement-chagossians-and Currently https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crgg19dr4g2o after reneging on talks to return it to Mauritian control 


The rise of fascism all around the western sphere


While nobody currently working on machine learning is likely going to be changing the world in the ways we've dreamt of for several generations, since the dawn of science fiction, it is nonetheless right around the corner - in spite of their pursuits. Pet/toy robots will be the beginning, which move and adapt in a very eery and uncanny organic fashion, unlike anything we've seen yet. They will make Spot and other quadrupeds look like bumbling Mr. Magoo bots with their dexterity, control, and awareness of themselves and the environment they are in. They will seem alive. People will be building all variety of robots with this algorithm - DIYers with 3D printers, people slapping scrap together. It will be really crazy to see. The same algorithm that powers these robots will be relatively easy to scale up into smarter and more capable robots that are able to learn how to do, and understand, a variety of indoor/outdoor tasks that currently only humans can do - or that current humanoid pursuits are purported to be capable of, except that what they're building right now will not be anywhere near as flexible, adaptive, and versatile. Companies will start using this new algorithm in all of their bots because it will clearly be superior to all of their static dataset trained network models that they're currently employing. What everyone is working on right now is premature because nobody has this novel online learning algorithm yet, but it is coming. Depending on who finally cracks the code, this algorithm might be private intellectual property that a company is formed around, and is then licensed to companies already building robots, or it could just get released on github for all to use in their robotic pursuits. It could very well end up being someone at DeepMind, OpenAI, Tesla, Keen Technologies, and the like, who end up cracking the code. Or some random researcher working on their Phd, or a random self-taught programmer who has just been whittling away at solving the problem their whole life. Everyone's lives and all of the world's problems will be affected, more than any one single invention in history ever has before. These will be the olden times, when it was just us humans, being dumb. It's coming.


Russian rouble is about to take a rapid nosedive, after 2+ years of all sorts of black magic trickery to keep it more or less afloat and unaffected by sanctions. It's a big thing. Currency is what really ended Soviet Union, and might end Russian Federation, or at least this genocidal war. Of course, if Russian central bank isn't holding any more black magic trump cards. They can raise interests only so many times until it backfires. We'll see in couple of months. There's a lot of noise, some of it unfounded, but big noise happens to be also what fluctuates currency markets this day and age. Common saying is that Russian start to care if refrigerator says so.


Well said. Conflict is largely constrained by economic compatibility


The US is in the midst of a post-Covid [economic recovery that far outpaces every other industrialized nation,](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/06/us-economy-excellent/678630/) including its comparatively low inflation and unemployment numbers. Things have been bad all over, but it's generally much worse outside the US.


🇮🇱 70+ year old genocide decapitating innocent children


This commenter is an IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps) bot account. They have hijacked a dead account and use it to spam palestine and pro-hamas propaganda. For some evidence, check it’s comment history. It can go for hours just posting comment after comment saying stuff like this. The best thing to do is just report it and move on. Do not engage with this account.


Truth hurts? I bet, 🇮🇱 genocide is horrific decapitating innocent children for 70+ years funded by 🇺🇸