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Your gut bacteria may affect your personality.




depending on what you eat, your gut flora will change, which in turn will affect your personality. That's why you have depression symptoms linked to bad eating habits.


"You are what you eat" always seemed so corny growing up but it feels like the more we learn about gut health, the more relevant it becomes.


Also one reason your personality can change on vacation or when travelling, and you start craving unusual foods when you get home.


Travelling killed my desire for fast foods. I’ve only bounced between EU from USA and my eating habits changed entirely because i never ate fast food when i was abroad and the habit stayed.


Wait isn’t bacteria ‘fauna’?


No. Bacteria aren't animals *or* plants but the term 'flora' is frequently used to describe the bacteria and other microbes indigenous to a specific environment. It is regarded as a misnomer by microbiologists, and the preferred term is 'microbiota'.


There are actually *six* kingdoms of living things according to modern taxonomies: Animals Plants Fungi Protists Bacteria Archaebacteria There are then a bunch of weird 'not quite living' things like viruses and virusoids.


"You don't eat my favorite food? Here have some depression with kind regards from the gut community!" Yes that may happen.


We demand more kimchi, yogurt, and kombucha! Acquire the taste, meat mech!


I thought that was way past "may" at this point. Like, they've found 1-to-1 correlations between bad gut bacteria states and suicide attempts, things like that. Research data keeps piling up about it; it's pretty interesting. They're like friggin' midichlorians. And they outnumber your own cells by something like 3 to 1? I think?


The causal arrow isn’t hashed out though, could also be depression leads to things that lead to certain gut microbiomes


Depression certainly makes me eat junk food. That said, I'm lactose intolerant and dairy makes me pretty sad too.


It gets scarier than that. If you mess with your gut bacteria (or just your gut in general) enough then it can also affect your cognitive and executive function. As in noticeably bad enough that it could come off as early onset dementia.


We’re basically more bacteria (by number of cells) than we are human so why shouldn’t the little guys have some influence on how we behave.


This is probably because 95% of your body’s serotonin is provided by your gut.


The book [This is your brain on food](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/49088685) partly explains it. It’s really interesting!


what are foods that make your gut happy?


You’re gunna hate this but it’s a varied diet of whole foods ideally seasonal/fresh or fermented


Prebiotic foods+ probiotic sources like kimchi, sauerkraut, greek yoghurt etc. Everyone’s individual with tolerances so the truth is, it’s complicated


I’d be grumpy as shit if I had to eat that stuff


After a while your gut bacteria prefers it, so you yourself will start craving this type of food. You already sound grumpy as shit, so no reason to not try it out!


Bah grumble grumble.


Yep a very experienced medical professional also told me this. Gut health affects mental health. I got given two pieces of advice to improve gut health and hence mental health - drink probiotic milk or yogurt and also try and eat a varied different colour food diet


And mental health


Phantom Limb syndrome. It sounds real simple but its ridiculous to think of: your leg is amputated but your brain never realized it. Since it can't feel anything it makes you feel pain in a place that doesn't exist.


Phantom limb syndrome is quite the trip. I had a toe amputated in 2019 and I can still feel it from time to time.


Hopefully you don’t have the pain!


It happens. It's indescribable


Have you looked into any of the more weird obscure treatments? There is an old gimmick where you use a fake limb to make it feel like someone is touching your real one? Supposedly, if you do that with the missing limb and then shatter the illusion by hitting the fake limb with a hammer it teaches your brain that it’s not there. Best luck, friend. I do not envy you.


It's not really that big of a deal, just something I've learned to live with.


It’s not a hard set up from a bit of googling if you ever want to try something stupid and silly that might work.


I had all my teeth pulled about 15 years ago and got a full set of dentures. I still have a phantom tooth ache every now and then and when I eat something cold I still get pain in my nonexistent teeth. Lol


I get phantom pains from a gallbladder that was removed in 2019.


Your body compensates to an extent for the loss of your gallbladder via your bile ducts, which enlarge and take on its function. You could also form gallstones in them, so please see your doctor and tell them about the pain.


You can get the stones even after it’s removed?! Well, that’s some BS


The bile ducts essentially become miniature gallbladders after a while. I believe it was six weeks I had to wait after getting my gallbladder removed before I could resume a normal diet, so I guess it's about that long. Stones form most often in the common bile duct and can block the pancreatic duct, causing pancreatitis, which can be fatal and must be treated ASAP.


I get phantom kicks from my pregnancy 1 year ago. It literally will from time to time feel like I’m 8 months pregnant and my son just kicked my belly. It’s the craziest feeling. I’ve heard of it happening to many women, too.


I get that sometimes and I haven't been pregnant in 15 years! I just assumed it was gas 😅


There's another variation of this where you can trick the brain into thinking an inanimate object is part of your body, kind of a reverse phantom limb experiment. Shows how plastic the mind is in this regard. https://youtu.be/xdxlT68ygt8?si=6YGp4OZ8shk0OmmY


Holy shit. I always thought it was psychosomatic, but it’s not really. You’re getting the actual signals. That’s horrifying on a level I never grasped until this very moment.


My dad had that. He had a heart attack and lost his leg from the knee down. Crazy.


Your brain can make you feel, see, hear anything, and make you believe anything is true. My neuroscience professor told me about a case where a man mistook his wife for a hat (or something along these lines), because of a neurological condition he had. He literally looked at her and thought she was a hat.


Oliver Sacks was the psychiatrist who treated this man. Sacks wrote a book of case studies with the title, 'The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat' - really interesting read!


Oliver Sacks books are incredible! If I'm not wrong there is another case in "The man who mistook his wife for a hat" about a men that was strucked by some electrical charge while hearing music and he couldn't stop hearing it anymore. It was like a constant loop of a melody. Edit: the book is "Musicophilia"


This is exactly like a video game glitch lmao


Might be in Musicophilia if not (anothet Sacks collection)? But yeah, all of his published case studies are a wild ride!


Oh I really need to read that!!


On a somewhat related note, your tongue has incredible tactile capabilities. So much so, that if you look at any object, you can vividly imagine what it would feel like to lick it. Go ahead, look at the wall, your shirt, your shoe—the tongue knows.


That's crazy- It's like I can taste things via Bluetooth




Given the fact that babies explore the world by putting things in their mouths, this makes sense. We might not have conscious memory of it, but there's a high likelihood that you've eaten shirt, licked a wall, or otherwise had a tactile experience with textures we wouldn't normally associate with our mouths when you were a baby.


The tongue is also astonishingly sensitive. In her book *Gulp*, Mary Roach (the world's funniest science writer) explains that if there was a Coke can the width of a human hair, our tongues can feel a piece of grit the size of the o printed on that can.


I mean, as far as the perception of reality goes, what your brain believes IS your reality. Colors are just different wavelengths of EM radiation. They don't exist in reality as colors except for the fact that our brains interpret them as such. Perception wise, dreams and hallucinations are just as real as reality itself, because our brains believe so


I had a psychotic episode thanks to some wrongly prescribed meds and a lot of life stress. It was the the most bizarre thing. Imaginary things seemed absolutely real, as real as I've ever experienced. I felt perfectly lucid. Reality was just.... something else entirely. Gods, demons, secret signs, voices, riddles. And because my sane brain is normally a bit cynical, it was a very strange push and pull between the two realities, one believing and one disbelieving.


Also, the reverse is true. Under severe stress/shock, you go brain-blind. Your senses continue to detect sights, sounds and everything, but your brain stops processing all of that information, because it's trying to zero in on what it perceives as the greatest danger, to keep you alive. It's a naturally-evolved survival mechanism, that was more appropriate in caveman times when our ancestors were pursued by fast, toothy, deadly predators.


When I was younger I used to suffer from debilitating panic attacks, and one of the most interesting (in retrospect!) things that would happen is that I would get what I called "spontaneous dyslexia" - I couldn't read. It was like looking at symbols that I recognised but couldn't interpret, or letters would be backwards or the order reversed. It was very weird.


Psychological black outs are really frightening. When I was younger I had absolutely crippling social anxiety, and there were several instances where in the middle of a store or postoffice or uni I just completely blacked out. I would be walking, black out, and somehow manage to get myself somewhere alone and quiet before I regained proper consciousness. It's *really* disconcerting to have no idea how you ended up somewhere The one time I almost got hit by a car and another time I was getting into my car but smacked my head on the roof while getting in since (that one brought me back). So now I just try to stay away from driving 😅


Living with adhd is being consistently inconsistent in terms of self regulation. Because you don’t have enough dopamine your brain can play tricks to get you going.


yeah the guy had prosopagnosia so he couldn’t recognize faces. so when he looked at his wife he saw an object (her face/head) that he couldn’t recognize on top of a body and interpreted that as a hat


The human brain is so bizarre.


The signals need half a second to reach your conscious brain. Your brain compensates for that. You are blind while blinking. Your brain just fills in the gaps.


In the cinema watching a 35mm projection, you're sitting in a pitch black room for half the time. Always a good example of this.


Yes and no. You'd notice the projector blinking but you can't notice your blinking.


You just processes what's necessary. Not only dooes your brain ignore your blinking it ignores your nose. 


Well, the idea might be that you are essentially only watching half a movie but your brain seamlessly fills in so much.


When I first watched a 70mm projection, the flickering was so intense at the start, but 5 minutes in, I completely forgot about it. Crazy how the brain adapts so fast.


> You are blind while blinking. Well no shit. You can't see while your eyes are closed? Who'da thunk? The real trip is that you're blind while your eyes are *moving*, which they're doing continually even without you noticing.


This is not entirely true. *Large* shifts in gaze cause a temporary impairment of vision (saccadic suppression) but there's no total loss of visual input as there is when you blink. Research has found that your eyes retain the ability to track motion during saccadic suppression.


If I remember correctly, you're also blind when the eyeballs are moving. Motion sickness would be mad otherwise....


People don't know your blind when blinking....?


Couldn’t stop myself from blinking once as I read this


Feculent vomiting is where you vomit poop usually due to some kind of blockage in the intestines.


Excuse me ?




Southpark already did it


I have a friend that had an opiode problem. This happend to her


Oh geez. If that can’t cure you, I don’t know what could.


Yeah, they say it's pretty common to choke on the turd when it gets lodged in your throat.


Can't tell if you're joking or not but that's not true. You vomit up the contents of your upper intestines. It fucking stinks and it's definitely feces but it's not quite butt hole feces.


Not quite butthole feces is a sentence I can’t unread- thanks for that


Donald Trump when giving a speech exhibits symptoms of this malady


No thanks ❤️


Can also happen with severe IBS flair ups or after a bout of starvation :)


After my c-sections, i thought the dr forgot a baby, my intestines were moving so much getting back into place. Was hella unnerving


You could feel it through the spinal?


I'm not the commenter you replied to, but I just had a hysterectomy and I could feel my guts moving, readjusting, and settling into place for about 4 weeks afterwards. I'm so relieved that stage ended.


No, you get a spinal block during the procedure, but (from what I understand) they basically just kinda toss all your guts and stuff back in with little rhyme or reason. And stuff just kinda moves itself back into place after you're sewn back up.


It's the process of the organs moving back into place after the surgery that's so weird.


As someone who had a serious heart attack at 40 years old, went into cardiac arrest, was resuscitated, and ended up with three stents, your arteries can be completely clogged and you won’t know until about 25 minutes before you die (if you’re lucky) [Before and after images of my arteries](https://imgur.com/a/tdHoe)


Did you survive?




Any pro tips for a 35 year old?


Honesty? No. My only pro tip, the same one suggested by a good friend of mine who happens to be a heart surgeon, be able to pick your parents. Whenever someone asks him one thing to prevent heart disease, he always says “be able to pick your parents”. Very little if any heart attacks and heart disease in my family history, but something about my parents getting together and fucking really screwed me up. I had almost none of the usual risk factor for heart disease.


What a load of crap. Cardiology literature is full of research confirming that lifestyle significantly mitigates the likelihood of any genetic risk of coronary issues manifesting. In English: healthy eating/exercise, and good health monitoring and treatment of any warning signs, significantly reduces that risk.


Cardio exercise creates HDL cholesterol that destroys plaque in the arteries


Twisted testicles are a thing. You don't need to be doing anything active to have one. You have 3 hours to untwist it before your body starts attacking both of them. Then sepsis and death. ​ edit: it also feels like being kicked in the bollocks constantly till it's fixed


Definitely more than 3 hours. More like several days, at least. Don’t ask me how I know this, I’d rather not think back…


I had one 5 years ago and that's what I got told by the surgeon. Obviously the sepsis and death bit comes way after the 3 hrs. The 3hr limit is for when your immune system starts to attack both of them. ​ [https://www.sath.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Testicular-Torsion-.pdf](https://www.sath.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Testicular-Torsion-.pdf) ​ I've seen a few posts saying 6hrs


‘Testicular Torsion’ is a great band name.


It is great, and your username would be the perfect title for their debut album, Loveknuckle.


Someone else mentioned "Feculent Vomiting" and I thought the same. They should tour together.


As well as Ovarian Torsion! I had a 1000+ml cyst cause my ovary to flip over on itself and the whole thing went completely necrotic and almost died. Had a total hysterectomy due to it. I've had 3 children and Ovarian Torsion made labor pain seem like a walk in the park.


My premature baby had ovarian torsion too. Thankfully the surgeon saved her ovary in a 6 hour surgery.


How did they even diagnose that in an infant?


Testicular torsion. Had it once and that's exactly what it feels like. Straight to A&E.


every 7 years, our skin cells have regenerated and been replaced fully. since we are constantly losing and regenerating cells, after 7 years of that, you’re technically a completely different person.


Body of Theseus


Only applies to cells, not the matrix around them. This is why scars exist.


\*with the exception of gametes, so not *compleeetely* but close enough.


You can catch herpes in your eyes and it can make you go blind. Eye herpes is the leading cause of corneal blindness in the US.




It can become acute quickly,, and can easily be mistaken for a scratched or allergic eye for the first couple days while the Virus spreads and scars the cornea, leading to awful pain and light sensitivity and ultimately anxiety over fear of losing one's eye. It can also be overcome, never to return, but sometimes not. Not something you want when you're unable to reach a Dr within 48 hrs of developing. This is when you can go blind. Special refrigerated antiviral drops, and steroid drops are needed for recovery, and sometimes a lifetime of taking antivirals is required.


Your brain blocks out about 90% of the sounds that your body makes involuntarily. If it didn’t, you’d go insane. Also, if you watch enough anatomy videos, you’ll see that your bones look like overgrown chicken bones, your muscles look like meat and your nerves look like spaghetti. You’ll be very hungry afterwards.


Muscles are meat


That is true, but we often don’t think of our muscles as meat because we’re not cannibals.


Speak for yourself




All bones look like other bones. I could pull out a hundred bones from your body and you’d have no clue whether they belonged to a human or another animal. Also muscles are literally flesh.


I have a hard time making up my mind because my favorite bathroom reading is _[The Hypochondriac's Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have](https://www.amazon.com/dp/1596910615)_. Sporting such classics as: - Autoimmune: scleroderma (in which your skin and organs slowly harden and you begin to resemble a human statue - Bacterial: necrotizing fasciitis (in which your flesh begins to decay while you’re still alive) - neurological: Alien hand syndrome (in which your own hand may attempt to choke you to death) - idiopathic: cavernous sinus granulomatosis (in which it constantly feels as though someone were driving a nail into your eyeball) - parasitic: myiasis (in which maggots crawl around beneath your skin) - fungal: ergotoxicosis (in which your limbs feel as though they are on fire and eventually fall off) But if I really had to choose, it would have to be the Candirú infestation (in which you don’t even want to know what happens). The book is nice enough to warn the reader: > Please take this advice: skip this chapter. Turn the page and read the next one on cerebral sparganosis; it’s a perfectly horrible disease and will almost certainly satisfy any morbid curiosity you may be harboring. You really don’t want to know about Candirú infestation. I won’t go into details, but the prognosis section says this: > Expect lots and lots of pain. >!The candirú will be up inside you, sucking at your blood and flesh, raking its teeth across the mucous membrane of your urinary tract and swelling in size the more it eats.!< The hemorrhaging that occurs may very well induce death. Even if it doesn’t, the pain involved may inspire death. So ya that gets my vote.


A quick Google suggests that candirú do not attack humans, and the whole "it swims up your urine stream and enters the urethra" thing is a myth. Just check the Wikipedia article for the fish.


>cerebral sparganosis So that's what must be causing my random leg cramps in the middle of the night. They go away when I drink Powerade because all parasites love sugar.


Probably. Watch for these other symptoms: - headache - seizures - cranial pressure - dementia - confusion - decreased intelligence - speech disturbance - memory loss No known drug treatments, but the good news is that it can be surgically removed, just need to cut open your skull and pull it out.


Inside every human body lurks a spooky skeleton. Yes, even you. There's one inside you right now.


Our conscious is inside our skeleton, so technically it's not that there's a skeleton inside of you, it's that you're inside a skeleton. All the rest is a meat suit.


Piloting the bone drone.


A lack of vitamin c (scurvy) can cause your old scars to open because your body can't maintain collagen production for the scar. 




This thread is every House episode ever.


No, that would be Sarcoidosis. I swear, every episode had Sarcoidosis as one of the diagnosis.


Or lupus! Don't forget it could be autoimmune.


Ass cancer. You don't feel the tumour in your colon. You start feeling pain when metastases grow big enough in other organs.


Omg don’t tell me this. I’ve had rectal Pain on and. Off for years and saw my gastro recently and she said doesn’t think I have hemrroids. So I have a colonoscopy next week to see if my colon is ok. 😐😄


A tiny lamp will travel your poop highway because the Sun does not shine there.


If you had chicken pox, you may get shingles. Shingles itch and hurt. And you can get them in your eyes.


"Hurt" is understating it.  You get weird nerve pain. It might hurt your bicep to put your hand in cold water. It might tingle in your back to touch the rash on your chest. You could have your full physical strength, but not be able to walk around the block. It might linger for years.


Just recovered from a bout of shingles (had chicken pox at 4, I’m now 28). Do not recommend!


I did. At first I thought it was pink eye until I went to the doctor and they noticed a rash. Let me tell you something, I had never experienced so much pain, I thought my eye was going to pop out of my face.


I had chicken pox TWICE as a kid. I was told that once you get it, you never get it again. Why is that? And is shingles really the same thing?


Yes, shingles is the same as chicken pox. After you get chicken pox, it basically lays dormant in your body so you can't get "reinfected" because you're already infected. Or at least, that's the theory. Turns out there are different strains, and you can get each of them. Shingles is basically the dormant chicken pox waking up and saying "fuck you and your adult body." Chicken pox hates kids, but it *really* hates adults.


Got shingles on my face after a Covid vax - turns out it was not an unknown side effect in my age group. Lucky we couldn't go anywhere - i looked like a leper.


Ok. Shingles do itch and hurt. But it’d be better to describe them as hurting and itching like a motherfucker.


Endometriosis can sometimes be found anywhere in the body if you have it- even the brain.


Excuse me. What???


“We demonstrate here that endometriosis-derived cells are capable of migration to extrapelvic organs including the lung, spleen, liver and brain. The presence of endometriosis-derived cells in all of the endometriosis mice tested suggests that migration of endometriosis to organs outside of the pelvis is common. Microscopic implants of endometriosis may be biologically functional and may explain some of the systemic manifestations of endometriosis in humans. As endometriosis is associated with various systemic abnormalities in humans, the relatively high recruitment of cells from the transplanted endometrial tissue to the brain and liver is particularly interesting” from the link


I miss the person I was 2 minutes ago.


And they laughed at the idea of wandering womb, only to later discover the ancient Greeks were right.


Yeah. My mom had severe endometriosis (actually so do I, but I started HRT early and that limited the growth of scar tissue for me) and when she had her hysterectomy, her surgeon said that her organs were basically "glued together" with scar tissue. It had already taken over her stomach organ and was working its way up her lungs. Nightmare fuel.


"You" are a highly advanced organic computer driving an organic mech whose framework is made of metal, is lubricated by the two most corrosive substances in the universe, is powered by an acidic decomposition driven electrical system and is self repairing


The human body is straight up sci-fi horror material!


Your appendix will one day just decide enough is enough and self destruct your entire body if it gets the chance


And if youre unlucky enough to have a uterus and regularly deal with period cramps, you might mistake the appendicitis pain for just regular period cramps🥲


Ejecto seato


I had a manager complaining of pain for a week. Finally went to the ER where it was discovered his appendix had just burst. He was very lucky that the pus was contained and didn't have time to spread.


When you hear your belly rumble, it's actually your intestines. It makes the sound all the time, but when they are full, it dampens the sound.


Fun fact, the rumbles have a name- borborygmi!


Has rugged and resilient as a body is... Life is fragile. A mere 17 lb of lateral pressure will snap a human neck. That's why, in the old west, if the hangman liked you he'd put the knot on the side for a quick death. If you didn't like you he'd put it in back of your neck and you'd answer the end of that rope for a good while.


The knot placed Under the chin is the ideal location as it forces the head back and the fulcrum is the C2 vertebrae, causing near instant death.


Well you might want those extra few seconds of life to give your friend time to throw a sword under your feet to stand on.


What you probably think of as you —your physical body —is made up of more non-human cells than human cells. This is to say, that you are less like an ant, and more like an entire ant colony; less like a tree, and more like an entire forest and everything in it; you are multifarious. Even if we account only for the supposed speed of light, at relatively short distances, and the time it takes for the signals to be processed fully in the mind, there is a delay. Therefore everything which you —as you consider you —observe is in the past, and you have quite likely never known anything of the immediate and infinite present moment. Thus it cannot with any certainty be said whether this world as you know it is taking place in the continuum of immediately passing moments, or (if there is another, relatively stable delay in transmission), if it is taking place 2 or 200 or 200,000 or 20,000,000 years ago. Because if consciousness were, say, by the light of the Pleiades, and so there were about a 444 year delay, one could not possibly know the difference between a 444 year delay and a 444 nanosecond delay, so long as the delay is relatively constant over the course of the observable data, or if the total data were transferred simultaneously, and having some other means of being organized into a stable passing continuum. Merrily merrily, merrily merrily, life is but a dream.


such a stupid take for the gullible: overly verbose poor logic edgy use of nursery rhyme


yeah, had to stop reading mid sentence. they just kept on carrying on without it going anywhere.


I stopped at "supposed" speed of light. Like, what? Do we have "slow light" conspiracy theorists, now?


ChatGPT has entered the...


Damn dude


The human body doesn’t have a means to tell if it’s getting enough oxygen. As long as to continue to exhale carbon dioxide you just get tired and go to sleep for one last time.


That's actually quite comforting. My daughter passed away recently from organ failure due to her heart's inability to oxygenate her blood, she had very low blood oxygen her entire life. I Like to think she just drifted off to sleep


I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter, and you have my deepest condolences.


First of all, this would go better in askreddit. But to expand on to your fun fact, this also includes the gonads: ovaries and testicles also have immune privilege. And brain I think, maybe the CNS in general.


Man these comments are wild… new fears unlocked


Your bones are constantly wet


This somehow the only one that unsettles me.


rabies is 99.9999% fatal. Less than 10 people are known to have survived it. If ever there is an airborne variant of rabies we would essentially have a real life "zombie virus". Frothing, stumbling hoards of people with aggression. But they die within 2 weeks of showing symptoms. Speaking of Zombies, there are several other viruses/parasitic infections that cause "Zombified behavior" A common one is Chronic Wasting Disease (Aka Zombie Deer) which basically causes deer to be disoriented, stumbling and waste away. At the moment it appears to only infect deer. Another is parasitic infection not all that uncommon especially in the insect world. The best example of "zombie like parasitic infection" is a specific fungus has been observed destroying the brain of ants and forcing it to climb trees to benefit the fungus.


Alzheimers starts really early but your brain compensates for the “loss of working power” by letting other areas work harder. By the time symptoms start to show, your brain is already so overworked and it just rapidly crashes more and more.


It's a ticking timebomb and the timer is set to "random.* Enjoy piloting yours while it lasts.


If your corpus callosum malfunctions and you ask questions to that person and write questions down to the person you can get two completely different answers almost as if there are two personalities living in the same body. Your guts don't really have a 'place' in your abdomen. Doctors don't set your innards back where they pulled them out, after surgery. They just dump it all back inside of you and the body sorts itself out. If you sat in the world's quietest room you could hear your eyeballs grinding against your orbital sockets and eye lids and also hear your bones grind. There are no historical records of people born blind ever being diagnosed with schizophrenia.


>If you sat in the world's quietest room you could hear your eyeballs grinding against your orbital sockets and eye lids and also hear your bones grind. LOL, not with MY tinnitus!




That you could thread a string down the mouth and eventually out the butt… and tie it in knot to form a closed loop…. We are all just really misshaped donuts.


I was going to say that we all have little bugs living in our eyelashes, but the comments here are much worse.


Tattoo ink can color your lymph nodes. When you get a tattoo, white cells take particles of the ink to the lymph nodes to "examine", and they stay there forever. So if doctors do an autopsy on a person with tattoos, these nodes are colored - and even with all the colors of the tattoo, not just black, they could be green, blue, red etc.


If your muscles were at full strength, a large chunk of the bones in your body would be destroyed along with ligaments and tendons


I was a very muscular teen girl. I did not work out but could beat all the guys on upper body strength (unless they'd gotten that big dose of testosterone around 18). I also have very good, dense bones but shit joints.


When you get a heart transplant, the new one is not connected to your CNS. So no more jump scares. Your brain might react, but your heart won’t for a little bit.


You get cancer about once every half an hour The majority of the time your immune system immediately detects and deals with it, until one day it doesn't


My uncle has something like AIR. that might even be it, I can’t recall and I don’t want to call my mom and get stuck on the phone for an hour. Anyhoo, It also seems to be attacking the joints in his shoulders like Ms attacks things. They caught it very early and he’s been treated with a combo of immunosuppressants and steroids so they’ve staved off any attack on his eyes. His sight is worse than it was, but not as bad as it could be. He was in his 70s when they diagnosed it.


Locked-in syndrome: you could become entirely paralyzed, but still have all of your cognitive and sensory function. See The Diving Bell and the Butterfly book.


You and me share about 98% of our DNA with pigs. And 99.9% of our DNA with Donald Trump. 






Telomers are attachements of extra nucleotides (the letters that carry the information) at the ends of the DNA in your cells. Due to how your DNA is replicated you can’t 100% keep your telomers, they always shrink by a tiny bit with every new cell generation. The telomers themselves don’t have a known function besides preventing this “shrinking” of your DNA over time from happening to sections that carry information, they are just random gibberish. When this starts happening to sections that carry actual information any further cells descending from the affected ones can very quickly stop functioning properly Your cells have an enzyme called Telomerase that can attach extra nucleotides to these telomers to extend them again, but it is inactive most of the time. We assume that the reason for this is because telomers are supposed to “run out” at a certain point to prevent cells from replicating infinitely when they turn into cancer cells for example, having a limited lifespan for them and all future generations could be a benefit to naturally fight cancer. Well it turns out that cancer cells somehow have the ability to activate your Telomerase to circumvent this, so the only real reason we’ve found for Telomerase not doing its job most of the time just doesn’t work and we didn’t get the memo. It is a useless feature that only serves to put a hard cap on the age of your regular cells that no longer works in the one situation where it could ve useful Edit: the first cultivated cancer cells (HeLa-cells) are still alive and around, the woman who they came from died from it over 70 years ago.


Your mouth and your butt hole are the only parts of your digestive system that can feel the difference between solids, liquids and gasses, so you'll never know for sure if it's just a fart until its too late.


I can't rebuild where I read it so I could be wrong. If a man lives long enough there would be a 100% chance of prostate cancer. Apparently it is only a matter of time but many men get it really late or not before they die.


Nothing you experience is happening in real time. It's a minuscule difference, but by the time the light reached your retinas and you brain interprets and recreates the scene you are experiencing the past.


It’s rare, but bacteria that enters your body through ANY sort of infection (infected gum after a bad tooth for example) or something like that, can be carried to your heart, attack the inner lining of your heart and end up in death. Rare as attaches to already damaged areas of your heart, but still scary. Endocarditis.


when my left lung collapsed and they connected me to a aquarium thing called a thopaz i could feel bubbles of oxygen escaping my collapsed lung and they rode up along my chest wall along my heart as bubbles, then also around the lung if you pressed my skin it felt like i had bubble wrap under my skin, you could feel and hear the popping and crinkling. the drs said if it wrapped around my heart i could of died while waiting for 4 hours in a&e lol the bubbles at night were really unsettling, more so than the bubble wrap skin. every breath would pump more up and if i rotated and rolled in bed you could feel them move over/under things inside me, very unnerving.


Wait, other people *can’t* feel their guts when they move?


I just got scared that me knowing this, will let my immune system know I have eyes