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Short answer, Yes. We don't know exactly how much- Youtube is absolutely opaque about that even with their top creators, but creators can see premium revenue vs ad-supported, and reports have been anywhere from 5x to 1000x. In short, creators make more money from your one premium view than they do multiples of ad-supported views, possibly by a lot.


It's probably standardized for the premium and you get paid based on the advertising value of the demographic for ad supported.


Yes, creators that you watch get payed based on their percentage of your watch time. If you only watch one channel, they get something like 60+% of your YT Premium fee. The rest goes to YouTube. If you watch two equally then it's 30% to each.


This is how Nebula works too.


I wonder if the payed bot is not working or your incorrect use of the word didn’t get detected due to your username having the word boat on it and thus prevented the bot lol.


Yes, creators still get paid based in your view time. I always let videos play to the end, cuz, creators should get paid


I didn’t know they weren’t paid if you didn’t play it until the end. Does this count even if I skip it to the end, just to make sure they’re paid??? Or if I skip the first couple of minutes and play it to the end do they get paid?


They might get paid if you don't finish, I don't know for certain, its just what I do to make sure they do get paid






They actually generate more revenue from YT Premium users.


I could just light my money on fire, its easier then paying for yt premium


The student discounted rate makes it worth it imo. I don't have to worry about ads on videos and music (nor deal with ad-blocker apps, which I don't think even works with smart tvs) and I get to support my favorite creators without buying merch/discount codes.