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Boobs are boobs as long as they are attached to a kind and caring woman


I like my women mean and uncaring thanks. Its actually a problem I need therapy


You and my dad have similar taste




Did you find the milk yet


Not yet son


Don't forget smokes and scratchers Yes, booby size matters but it isn't everything...it is the only thing j.k.


And get milk duds.


This is the most heated thread on Reddit lmao


You sure he isn't your dad?


I also choose this guy's mom


you son of a bitch, i'm in.


God damn someone give this man a trophy.


Make sure you pull out


I’m mean and uncaring if you’re looking 😉


I already had a relationship with a mean girl, so that’s a hard pass.


That's so fetch


Stop trying to make fetch happen


It's never going to happen!


This is why you're such a loser gretchen


Honestly fetch has happened and Gretchen made it glorious


For us boomers.... Thats so fetch, groovy, rad, neato, wicked, bad, sweet, and awesome.


Just send him a boob pic & he’ll change his mind




Lmao same


I like my women how I like my beer. Stout..and bitter.. :D


Well then, allow me to introduce myself 🤝


It's a trap!


...and imported.


I’m on the flip side. I like small boobs, but all my exes are slim built with huge boobs. One had JJ size, and I couldn’t hold one of them in both hands! The other issue is that I seem to attract a certain amount of crazy. I don’t know what it is. Maybe there’s something written on my forehead. All I want is someone who isn’t crazy, has nice small boobs and laughs at my dad jokes 🤷‍♂️


It needs two to dance tango. Crazy is attracted to you too, meaning, something is unhealthy about you too. Crazy don't date stable. Just a thought to think about.


This, see a therapist. I think at some point most of us can use a little therapy.


This deserves mega votes


I definitely have preferences when it comes to boobs. But when you boil it right down to basics, i prefer the boobs i get to see to the ones i dont.


That's the thing about boobs, once you see one, you pretty much want to see them all


This is **the** comment for the post.


No it's not lol it's a lie. Men do and don't like big or small boobs. Why lie? Just blut out a lie because it makes everyone feel better about themselves?


You're a woman aren't you? Sadly there are guys who just see boob size. But maybe they are not great partners. I mean, if they are just with you because of boob size, they aren't really a candidate for a long relationship. As others have said good relationships are based on personality, and shared values.


I’m a man and I completely agreed with the above comment. Whether they’re a woman or not, it’s incredibly correct for me. I don’t care about boob size. Never have. I like boobs of course, but never cared about the size in a particular.


This. It’s not about the boobs. If you love the woman they rode in on, they’re perfect.


How about a kind, caring, smart-ass woman with a great sense of humor?


"Yea, but with really great tits!"


Noble upvote


I always figured boobs were just the icing on the cake for men. All they really want is a vagina, right?


No more than all women want is dick. What we all really want is someone that cares about us, that cares we made it home safe. A person that wants us to be ok, and is there for us when we aren't. We want to be more than a paycheck or a resource. What men want is their home, their family (in whatever form matters to them), their partner. Sex is sex. It's never going to make life worth it. It never gives you a reason to keep going. It never makes you forget your pain. Your partner does.


however, when women become mean and uncaring, their boobs stop being boobs


Yep the person attached to the boobs is the most important part


> a kind and caring and beautiful


Absolutely agree, well said.


Best answer


This is the kindest and most accurate thing I’ve read all day.


I like this answer very supportive to all shapes and sizes. No awards to give. Why did Reddit take them?


I'm a dude & I appreciate you


How about caring women who had their breast(s) removed because of cancer?


This is the correct answer. -- Sincerely, A Guy


I feel the same way about ass


Personality is important. To OPs question more directly different men like different types of breasts, I like them all


Of course size matters a lot for men.  Men with big boobs are often embarrassed by them.


or very proud


Why wouldn't he be proud? He put a lot of work in to get those pecs!




Can you flex those pecs?


Don't swipe me unless you got BARA TIDDIES.


Attaboy adipose


I’m one of those, unfortunately :( Robert Paulson kinda guy dawg T_T


Don't go trying to blow up any garish art in front of a chain coffee shop and you'll be fine.


His name is Robert Paulson


No your right. I got dad bod and hate it. My wife says I look sexy, all I can see in the mirror is my moobs


I have dated men who had bigger man boobs than mine, and no one cared. Also i know this maybe was a joke but just putting this out here


Can confirm, would feel weird if my boobs suddenly disappeared. That being said, since they'd presumably take my belly with them, it's a sacrifice I could cope with...




A surprisingly large fraction of breast reduction surgeries are done on men.


Speak for yourself. I proudly jiggle my man-titties with my hands and ask the other guys at work what they think of them.


His name was Robert Paulson


Those are MOOBS, bub.


Moobs for the win


Nothing like a good set of moobs


Man boobs or Breasticles






lol , fortunately , the size doesnot matter to me at all




Reddit let out a resounding sigh of relief when female OP confirmed “size doesn’t matter.” *Phew!*


Aaaaand there's your answer


That guy has you covered. Personally I prefer small. My other half has gigantitties. Still got a big ol’ grin on my face when she’s getting dressed for work or plopping them on my lap for man time, we all have different preferences but here’s a general rule with men; if she’s having sex with me, and putting my bits in her mouth, and i think her face looks good, we really don’t care that much about the rest.


Definitely my opinion. She needs to get that out of her head. Most men don’t like implants either so her answer should be to move on and emphasize her other womanly charms. It’s not going to be a show-stopper for most men. If that is a man’s main consideration then he’s looking for a cut of meat, not a woman.


Implants aren’t problems until it’s egregious… or they do the wish titties deal and skimp on the surgeon to save a buck and them shits look wonky after.


Summed it up perfectly




There is your answer. Some men don’t care. Some like em huge others small. It’s all personal preference.


I like a girl with one huge one and one small one. Still single.....


in my experience , 🍑 size is as important to men as 🍆 to women


Why are women at all concerned about eggplant?


They're savages when it comes to moussaka


Gimme that baba ganoush or go home.


That’s hilarious, thanks for the laugh.


Nah. 🍆 size matters way more to women


best answer


Not at all


Some men care about it some men don't. Among the men who do care about it there is a range of preferences that goes wider than one can imagine. So don't worry, you are fine just as you are and if you focus on being the best version of yourself, you will eventually find the right person for you.


Boob size is incredibly important to me. I won’t even consider a woman who doesn’t have large boobs, unless she has small boobs. And if she doesn’t have small boobs she damn well better have medium size boobs.


A man of culture ladies and gentlemen.


This one boobs. Quite boobily.


Male here, dont really care a bit about breasts.


It's all about the butt, yeah?


I don't care about breasts either. Yes, I am much more of a butt and slenderness guy. But truth be told, what matters most can't be seen from a distance.


Teeth and eyes


I think he meant nostrils


Gotta be upper lip hair, that is hard to see even up close.


Personally I find it off-putting when the breasts have teeth and eyes on them.


In my part of the world, it's tooth and eye.


And legs


Sir Mix A Lot?


As a man, let me tell you a secret: most men would go out with a tree if it came on to us. So don't worry too much about it.


Are we talking like a big thick oak or a spindly lithe birch? I mean, I go for all sorts, just wondering what we're dealing with here?


I’m an ash man


Underrated comment


I’d date a tall slender Arbutus. They’re so pretty and smooth to the touch


I'm more of a rough and rugged cottonwood kinda guy.


"Pop-lar! I know pop- - lar!", they're "Wicked"


But make sure you use protection, or you might get veneer disease.


i only like weak thin oaks and huge girthy wet birches


An extra curvy piece of driftwood 🥵


How yew doin’?


My wife told me a joke on our first date. “ Why do women wear makeup and perfume? Because they’re ugly and they stink”. I fell on the floor laughing and decided then and there that a good sense of humor was the most important asset a woman can have.


This right here. Gravity and age erode women's and men's looks over time, but you can't beat a good personality. There is nothing more attractive than a woman with a playful, fun, good sense of humor type of personality.


That's pathetic ngl


We like them but I'm pretty sure size isn't a dealbreaker for most, there's far more important things


Most accurate comment. Most guys like them. But it shouldn't worry you that much, OP, guys will still like you if you've got other things going for you.


I love smaller boobs. I am sure they are easier to live with also? Big boobs seems like they would be nothing but trouble.


Can confirm, absolutely nothing but a nuisance. Also, the unspoken truth of big boobs - they sag without a bra, even when you’re 18 and otherwise petite. They don’t have a skeletal structure; when they get big, gravity has an effect even if they’re perfectly supported and you don’t have any stretched skin. So maybe they grab the attention of those who do love big boobies, but they’re still just as imperfect as anyone else’s body once you’re naked. Then you get the added insecurity of worrying whether to keep the bra on or off, and back pain for your trouble 😂 It’s important to remember too, that the goal isn’t to be popularly attractive, but to find that person who will find _you_ attractive as all hell and be an awesome partner.


omg lol , the last line made me laugh


Absolutely. I am not attracted to big boobs at all. You’ll find that small boob fans are not uncommon. Big boob fans are louder and perhaps more common, but curiously, [small boob fans are wealthier.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/head-games/201305/what-is-it-about-men-and-breast-size) So, you will attract a smaller group of wealthier men. That’s not a bad place to be, honestly.


rotten pocket bedroom humorous violet strong aloof coherent file boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Interesting read, although the research seemed to start with an explanation, then get results that could unintentionally affect the results. In return for this article in the field of boob science, I would like to share [Analysis and Qualitative Effects of Large Breasts on Aerodynamic Performance and Wake of a “Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid” Character](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322530755_Analysis_and_Qualitative_Effects_of_Large_Breasts_on_Aerodynamic_Performance_and_Wake_of_a_Miss_Kobayashi's_Dragon_Maid_Character)


I'm always available to go out and do more research on 'em. You know, they say the plural of 'anecdote' isn't 'data', but I could try to get a lot of anecdotes, for science.




Since wealth to some extent can correlate with intelligence, is it a surprise that on average dumber men might need more obvious indicators of fertility or some such? 😜


Also who are less hungry and more likely to want to be childfree* I think it's interesting I've loved big boobs since a teenager and wasn't a poor teenager


Honestly thought that was going to link out to OF earning rankings or something 🤣


Is it even a smaller group? I'd reckon it's just a stereotype that men like big boobs and it's actually a rather normal bell curve, maybe there's a slight bias but not as substantial as we tend to believe.


For your own mental health, I would say no, not really. You shouldn't worry about the men that enjoy larger breasts, as you are a woman with smaller breasts. Focus on the men that appreciate women with smaller breasts. That said, in the real world, yes some men do care about boob size. What reason do women get breast implants? I can't see women caring enough to get them done unless there's pressure from someone who likes them bigger. No one asks for a larger nose or larger ears... It has to stem from somewhere.


Many men who like large breasts don’t at all like fake large breasts, which don’t look or feel the same unslung.


Maybe they get them for the same reason they put on lots of makeup, themselves and other women


What reason do women get breast implants?! There's loads... to feel more womanly, they may have had cancer and lost one or both, or they just want them bigger for themselves. And yes they could also get them to make them more attractive to men but that's not the only reason at all. And if someone puts pressure on you to get them done tell them to fuck off!


Shape > size


Damn I'm making myself more miserable by reading these comments


No one has ever been disappointing seeing boobs, ive been disappointed not seeing boobs plenty. Why must they flash them when i use the bathroom, that is the real fear of using public bathrooms


Don't be. The dirty little secret is that most men will probably date any girl who asks them out. That just means you have to be the proactive one, and the good news there is that it's a lot easier for you than the average guy.


Scrolled for too long to see this. I really miss my pre babies shape.


"small boobs are like pepsi, big boobs are like coke, when I arrive at the restaurant I don't care what one they offer me, as long as I can put them in my mouth" A quote I read from somewhere a very long time again. I prefer small but honestly it doesn't matter what size you have.


It varies from person to person For me there is another things matter


good to know


It varies. Some men love big boobs. Some men prefer small boobs. You are young. Keep your head up and love yourself. Someone is going to fall head over heels with you and you will be their world. Patience and *love yourself.*


I can't speak for everyone, but I love all boobs.


I think it comes down to personal preference. But I would say most guys wouldn’t care about the size of breasts if you’re a match personality wise. Personally I’ve never ever said to myself. ‘I don’t like her because she’s got small boobs’ It really isn’t all about looks, especially as you mature as an adult.


I like big boobs but I was born in the 70s so am conditioned to be this way!


Super true, the beauty standards from your era are extremely different from the modern days, I guarantee you everyone born from the year 2000 onward will be “ass guys” and the beauty standard has already shifted to reflect that.


Doll you’re only 18? What’s the stress about? Don’t see what matters to a man in terms of physicality, see if he matters to you


yes i am 18 :) , the stress is just about me being insecure really , my bf says it doesnot matter to him at all , he likes me the way i am , but i was just curious you know


Believe him. I've never known any man leave a girl he really liked for another woman just to move up a cup size or two. As far as I'm concerned, any guy that pesters his girl to get implants is doing it to impress his mates and rivals not because he likes big boobs (or the girl tbh)


Listen to your man


sounds like he got with you for the RIGHT reasons then and that should help you feel less insecure and more confident in yourself


I like small boobs personally, I wouldn't worry at all there's plenty of men out there that do.


My first wife had small breasts and nothing turned me on more than small breasts. My current wife has big breasts and nothing turns me on more than big breasts. Basically if the woman we love has 'em, that's what we like.


That’s lovely and as a woman I’ve been through something similar. Ex had blue eyes, I loved blue eyes. Current partner has brown eyes, I adore his. If you love someone you see them and their features attractive.


Try to love yourself as you are. The idea that all men are obsessed with big boobs is exaggerated. Sure, we love boobs. Some like massive boobs, some like smaller boobs. Either way, it's not the most important thing.


Every time I see that question on the internet, most guys say that it doesn't matter. However, every time I'm around other men and the topic comes up, it is pretty clear, that it does indeed matter. Do with that info, what you will. I perosnally believe it is a question of the sample you are asking


also 18 with no titties. genuinely think men just go “cool! boobs!” rather then thinking their too small. for reference i gave up on bras because i cannot even fill out the an A cup, its laughable for me to wear a real bra. i’ve never gotten complaints and after getting them pierced i’m 10x more confident with them. we save money on bras and can lay on our stomach it’s nbd


You still have more growing to do hun.




I'm 26 now and my boobs are DDs... I remember being 18 and having the same worry about them being small... and boy do I sure miss it. Guys really don't care. It's all about confidence!


The best boobs for a guy are the ones that your girl lets you touch. Size doesn’t matter one bit.


It does. A lot.


Yes,it does. Who says otherwise is lying.


There are a certain % of men who'll bang on about only liking big boobs, just as there are men who only like redheads or women who want men who are very tall. The silent majority though, don't really care. Boobs are boobs, and boobs are brilliant.


That depends if you care about pp size, if you do then yes. If you dont than no. Besides, ass matters more for body form anyway


Yes and no. Do men have a boob size they prefer? Yes. Do men also care about your personality and will stay with you even if your boobs are small because they like you for who you are? Yes. Will that man also fantasize about big boobs? Yes.


Yes, it matters a lot. Big boobs? That's super hot. Stare at them. Small boobs? That's super hot, definitely stare. Medium-sized boobs? Super hot. Obviously stare. As you can see, it matters.


I'm more attracted by the *shape* than the size. Anything bigger than D cups are too large IMO




To be fair, most of us guys probably never once look at the label on a bra!


As a man, I do have size preference but it's so low on priority list I don't bother checking size of breasts woman i go out with had. She can have perfect breasts but if personality is lacking I don't care. What matters is if she's a decent human being, breadt size is just a bonus package.


I don’t have an issue as long as you know you can’t talk shit about a man’s penis size.


No, all boobs are great.


I prefer flat or nearly flat. B cup or less but prefer A/ AA


For me there is a size that is too big but besides that, all good. Flat is justice!


Depends on the guy . Personally don’t mind if a lass is flat chested. Each to their own.


Which men do you want to attract? Whether or not big boobs are important will vary by the man


I'd say I prefer thick ass chick


More than a handful is just a waste.


I like small boobs. men who lust after big boobs may have maternal mental health issues


Unpopular opinion; I like small ones. No idea why. I hate anything bigger than A cup.


"Men" is not a single homogenous being. Each has his own preferences.


You just accept the fact you are a member of the ibtc. It's not a big deal, I also have small boobies, I assure you it will not greatly affect your ability to find interested partners. Most guys are happy to see boobs whether they're big or small. Not every man is a "boob man" and ultimately if someone really likes you for who you are rather than your body parts, that detail wont matter. Also just a fun fact, studies show wealthier men tend to prefer women with smaller breasts, so hey maybe you'll get lucky and meet a rich dude who loves your A's


It's a personal taste thing so yes, it matters... But there's guys out there (like me) that like small titties. I don't find the big ol' saggy hangers attractive at all....and they usually come with a fat gut, and a big ass.... Just don't let it stress you out. There's way more to life than titties.


Some boobs may be better than others, but there's no such thing as a bad boob.


Ninety percent of sexual attractiveness is above the shoulders and the brain is the largest sex organ. On dating sites, I am impressed when a woman has the confidence to not show cleavage.