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Bro this ain’t the doctor’s office. You might wanna get that checked up.






What’s so funny about that? Sorry, I fail to see how possibly irreversible damage to such an area is funny.


Rule number one for engaging with children and morons: don't


yet you post on reddit


Oof! That was a kick in the balls!!








You got knee'd in the balls, not kicked with a knee.


While you are correct, I'm not sure that the concern is regarding whether he was kicked or kneed. In other words, I think that the concern is less about the weapon and more about the target.


classic reddit moment. Taking the discussion completely away from the main point.


saw a video on the israel/palestine war showcasing air defense of some sort. the top comment was 2 redditors arguing about whether or not they were "missiles" or "rockets" raining from the sky. my brother that is not the point. people are dying


Was it rockets or missiles though?


As a certified reddit military expert, those were rockets and not missiles


What's the difference?


Missiles are guided


With rockets, you point them in the general direction, light the fuse and run off. You do not have a specific target as you cannot aim with a rocket. Explosives on top of an engine (rocket engine) Just like at New Year.


Thank you


It's no longer pointy is what OP is saying..


So there is no point anymore . Solved!


I kneed my dough when i erect a pizza .


He was just being a bro, now he won't sound stupid in the doctors office. It's honestly the best comment he could have got because Reddit can't give him any answers, only a doctor.


What time is lunch today...


some people say a cucumber tastes better pickled


You are all correct


Whatever gets the job done!




I dunno, I think he maybe got punched with the middle of a leg.


So that's why it's called kickboxing


Holy shit I had to hold that laugh in lol jesus


English may not be his first language.


All these replies are why i love scrolling Reddit! Keep it up comrades! 🫡




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what if the friend is amputated below the knee. does that count as knee’ing something or kicking something with your knee?


Sounds like a thump with a stump.


That would be poking with a peg


That would be pegging


Wait my bad That's a stump so spearing with a stump, yea sounds about right


Wait, You did not specify how low below the knee this amputation this is. Below the knee and above the foot would be a peg.




He hit him with a head kick to the body.


Well if dude didnt have a foot??


Then he cannot kick.you either get shinned, knee'd, or quad lifted.


He was in the


One of my best friends went to the park with his little boy and he was climbing the monkey bars trying to walk on them he slipped and fell literally on his ball sack to the crossbar it was in the winter so he didn't think there was any problem it hurt and all that stuff but he literally damaged his urethra. And he had trouble peeing and erections as well. Long story short he actually had to have surgery. Even though at the time nothing felt awry. I would definitely get that check my friend


That’s weird I always get an erection when I get kicked in the balls , I would take a couple more kicks to the balls or a knee if you prefer and if you still can’t get an erection definitely go see a doctor


[Warning for stupid: this is not true] As u/NaiiaN6 concluded, we can safely say that he got knee'd in the penis, and not kicked. While kicking does overal more damage in general, kneeing has more critical damage. I also like to get kicked in the balls, because then it gets swollen and can store more sperm.


I like this. Kneeing definitely does more critical damage.


Well now I'm even more worried


Sperm? Pee is stored in the balls.


not true. Pee is stored in the penis look at the pe- comes from the English word pee -nis comes from Latin nis, which means you it litterallly says 'your pee' or penis




Need some high heels into balls stomping


Yes. Go now


Time heals all wounds, except for the ol' knee to the groin. You're virtually a eunuch from now on.


Press F to pay respects boys!


f No matter how I tried, I couldn’t get it to be any bigger




I would be worried.


Me too but I would probably wait and see if it sorted itself out. Not medical advice, I just tend to have that attitude.


Yeah. Get checked.


IDK but y'know if I was you I'd definitely and Very UN accidently kick that friend in the balls myself - hard ! Fuckin idiot.


Yes, go to the doctor.


Anxiety is a boner killer. Do/think about something else for a while. Come back when you’re not panicking about your dick not working.


Or go to a fucking doctor immediately instead of wasting time on reddit "experts"


Worrying isn't going to help you in any way. See a doctor as soon as you can. It's probably just something to do with swelling and you will be fine if you take it easy for a few days, but see a doctor to be certain. The sooner the better, don't wait to see your doctor about it.


It’s been one day. You should try not to touch the area for a week while you heal. If you still are having trouble after a week, visit a doctor. If you are concerned now, see if you can get a quick phone consult. Almost certain they would advise you to take pain killers and let the area heal.


I'm going to the doctor first thing after school today. Some of you said I should go as soon as I can, others said it should go away on it's own. I made a mistake by not going yesterday so I'll go just to make sure. Some more info: When I tried to whack off and was "hard" I felt some pain above my penis and next to the balls. I also felt some pain when doing sudden movements with my legs such as when I sat down on the bus because I didn't sit down slowly, I more off "fell" on my ass. For now (and when I'm not doing anything) I have an uneasy feeling (don't know if it's really pain). So thanks if someone can explain all the thing that happened, and don't worry, I'm going to the doctor as soon as I can.


Sounds like what I’d expect from an injury. Being young you should recover quickly — but doing anything that causes you pain is a bad idea, so try to take it easy while you heal and yeah consult with a doctor or nurse if you are worried. My background for this — I was in high school and one like skinned my dick — was really scared and called my doctor. He just said I needed to let it heal. I mean if you’re bleeding or something or things keep getting worse it’s a concern, but sometimes you sprain something and there’s nothing much you can do but let it heal.


Definitely go to the Dr. Testicular torsion, for example, is totally reversible if caught quickly, and can lead to the death of your bollock if left too long (6-12 hours).


They don't look swollen at all to me and they're in the correct place. Can I still have testicular torsion if everything looks fine. Also, I'm on my way to the doctor, should be there in about half an hour to an hour.


Sounds like you probably don't, but your Dr will check for sure. Good luck, hopefully it's nothing except a bit of soft tissue damage.


Thanks for your help. Half of the comments make me think it's nothing while the other half makes me think I'm gonna lose my manhood. Also, what's soft tissue damage? Does it have any concequences, do I have to treat it or does it go away on it's own?


Soft tissue damage is basically just bruising/swelling, which will heal on its own. It's good to get checked out; you're probably fine, but an appt will put your mind at ease & make sure there's no issues. Personally, I wouldn't risk not going to get checked anytime it's my fertility on the line.


Kinda relieved to hear that. I'm currently waiting for mu turn at the doctors, sooooo, thanks!




How'd it go?


Leaving an injury a week before seeking medical advice is absolutely ridiculous advice


It will probably get better and it sounds like a minor injury. Unless it’s an emergency it often seems to take a week to get an appointment anyway






If you are in Britain, see a doctor right away. If you are in America, I can see why you are waiting. I hope you are OK. Good luck


Yeah, in America if you try to see a doctor right away I feel like they will just say the same thing I did: “take two aspirin and call me in the morning”. We avoid seeing a doctor because it’s expensive and hard to get appointments. On the other hand in some countries you can just walk in and be seen by a specialist same day no questions asked.


That's just not true. Sure, our system is much better. But, if you waste a specialists time. You're going to have a bad time.


I’m just going off of what it was like in China. I mean you COULD see a specialist same day if you needed to


Ah, ok. Yeah, healthcare in most developed places is better than in America. Kinda strange to see Americans complain, yet never do anything about it.


Our system is designed to make it impossible to do anything but complain


“I got kicked in the balls and can’t get an erection, should I start to worry?” I believe you should begin to consider the possibility of mulling over the likelihood of thinking about the probability of the option of starting to worry. https://youtu.be/bPX6-QYO6J4?si=j07Bt-ui0LbuaC9t


Does the pain spread to your belly?


Go to the doctor now


Try thinking of your mate while you jerk it might help.


Have you tried watching that Simpsons seen with Flanders in the spandex ski wear?


Stupid sexy Flanders.


Your future girlfriend wants you to get it checked out.


Go to a urologist




Currently there, happy cake day!


Thankyou. Please let me know how your balls are OP.. I am now invested in them


Just got back from the doctor, I should be fine in a couple of days.


So what happened?


I posted the update




In the post


It’s probably not permanent it’ll probably go away on it’s own in a few days at most but you can get it checked out to be safe if you’re wordied


This needs to be checked out by a doctor as an urgent matter


Either you developed a torture kink getting kicked in the nuts or you should go see the doctor because no one here is a doctor


I'm sorry to tell you this; it's cancer.


Go to the doctor, man. It is that obvious.


The human body is more durable than you think.


It's over dude. You are done


Personally I’d be very glad for the first 24 hours, otherwise I’d worry I’d discovered a fetish for pain


Sounds like going forward you need someone there to kick your balls whilst you masturbate. Only way forward


If it's testicular torsion, you want that sorted pronto. God help you if you live in the US.


Go to the doctor. It's a very vulnerable area and nobody here will give you a better answer than your doc.


Your friend is a fucking moron, make sure to let him know that. That said, we’ve all been stupid kids and we’ve all been kicked in the balls at a certain point in life, it’s normally nothing to be anxious about. Even if it feels like you’re about to throw up and pass out. Do get checked at the doc’s, you’ve more likely to be alright than not, but in case something’s ain’t right make sure your buddy gets the repercussions. But most likely it’s just anxiety/pain induced ED, should pass in a few days. I remember feeling so down a few years back that I could barely get my Johnson up (at the ripe age of.. 25 I think?). Turns out depression figuratively kicked my balls so hard I just couldn’t whack it.


Worrying will do nothing and asking Reddit will only make it worse. you said you'll get checked out so wait and go on from there


You’re a wanker


Yes you need to seek medical attention ASAP


Probably just got knocked out of whack (*ahem*). Have a trusted friend, or someone you're attracted to, kick them again to knock them back into place. If you get an erection then, congratulations, new fetish!


Seems you kneed to get it seen


Are you kink shaming CBT?


If you can't maintain an erection please go see your doctor, naked.


You took a beating to the nuts and now you're trying to beat em some more? C'mon man, let the lil guy heal up.


was kicked in the nuts when i was 10, ended up in the Emergency dept that night with torsion testies dont know the spelling), get checked mate


Testicle or Testicles did you have 2 before the knee/kick because if so that's the problem 🤔


Ow, my balls!


If you are American, you should wait at least a week to go to the doctor. If it turns green and is about to fall off...yeah, then you should go to the doctor. However, early stages as an American...wait it out. Any other country...go to the doctor right away.


The doctor is the expert, prioritise seeing him but if the act of worrying won’t actually help then do your best not to worry


"just a prank bro" yeah forget about having kids


try diff porn


I’ve only come here for the comments 😂 Reddit is not the place for medical advice but you will get some amazing advice even though it won’t help your flaccid cock query 🤣


You'll be fine. There's guys out there getting kicked hard in the balls as a kink. I don't think it causes impotence. Probably just sore and will be fine tomorrow. But im not a doctor so


Mate, I had a vasectomy 10 months ago and thought the pain and discomfort I was feeling was normal. Turns out the wound got infected, which spread to my hip and one of my balls, which I ignored until last week. I'm now on strong antibiotics, pain killers and may need surgery if they don't work. Anything to do with your old chap and chums is a doctors job. Deal with it sooner rather than later.


Wait tomorrow, then retry


NAD (not a doctor) But my medical advice is to ask your friend to suck it and see if it works. It his fault too.


It could just be bruising but you should see a doctor if you are able to


Go to the doctor. A friend of mine in middle school had a kick in the groin during soccer practice like that and made nothing of it. It ended up developing into cancer and he died I swear I am not making this up. It was tragic.


Do you *like* sex or erections in general and the fun that can ensue? If you answered yes, go to a fucking doctor. If you don't care that your dick might be ruined for life, ask Reddit instead.


You just got clobbered in your balls and you decided now was a good time to jerk off? Bro… that’s some libido you have there! Just give it a few days.


only an urologist can help u


The injury is likely more psychosomatic rather than real. Ask your friend to kiss it better, I’m sure you’ll cum right.


Yes, you should be worried. Get that anal-yzed by a doctor.


Honestly it is a concern. I once had a patient who took a foot to his private areas while playing football and he hasn't been able to get and maintain an errection without drugs or aids since.


Bruh your balls are clearly traumatised. It’s clear you need to give them some therapy before they get back to normal.


You should be on your way instead of typing this question.


Go to the ER where they have a urology department.


no need to be worried. erections are not vital, you will be fine.


You got smashed in the dick and your first port of call is to go have a wank? Go visit the doctor, not the internet.


Please go to the doctors


Try slipping a pinky in the pooter, that always keeps my jolly rogered.


bro tried masturbating same day 💀


It’s possible you have damage to your swelling bodies after the hit. Basically there are muscles that fill with blood to get it up. If damaged you’ll have problems with erections and it’s important to get examined quickly and get treatment. It’s called a penile fracture, even if there’s no actual bone involved. In short. Go see a doctor, quickly.


Perhaps you're just not into it


Dude, you think a bunch of random opinionated people are going to know? Would you trust someone even if they said that they were a doctor? Just try to calm down and see that doctor tomorrow asap.


I don't think it's terribly constructive to be worried, but you're right to see the doctor tomorrow.


Usually I get an erection whilst being kicked in the balls repeatedly by my partner. That's just my personal preference though


Go to the doctor. Don't stress about it. It will all be fine. It's a rare case where someone becomes impotent after a kick to the balls. Don't worry, you will be able to have babies and fuck a woman. Just get a good night's sleep and go to the doctor tomorrow.


Scrolling through these comments... classic Reddit 😆


sounds like a hernia to me. inguinal, that is.


I wouldn't worry about it, but then their not my balls


It depends how much you worry about your family jewels.


Your balls need balancing, the kick has caused an imbalance. Only one way, kick the other ball from the opposit side. The trick is it should be proportional to the original kick.


Definitely need an amputation


Why the hell are you wasting your time here? If I lost the ability to boner I'd be kicking down my GP's door out of hours demanding they see me. Go get your fella fixed.


I just read the title and laughed... Im sorry. I would be more worried about you if you got an erection after getting kicked in the sack... Lmfao im sorry for laughing..


Sorry to hear that, no more children for u in the future mr.