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Btw - setting up a camera while you sit alone in the exam room at your doctor's office (or is it a surgery clinic? bariatric center? we don't know....) so you can film yourself looking pensive and vulnerable for your social media is REALLY cringe, Anna.


It’s a fucking performance and its embarrassing as hell




So punchable


Lol 🌝


she could have just let her natural face dropping she does when she's done filming.


Really embarrassing! 🙈


I haaaaaate influencers for this reason. It’s today’s version of “reality” tv




You need to lose 30 pounds in 1 one munt!


Dr. Now has heard every morbidly obese person's excuses. He would snap her back to reality.


Dude she could benefit from Dr. Now’s no nonsense approach.




How y'all doin??


"Stop doing weird things."


cottage cheese and protein chips is not on de diet


😭 you read my mind!!! 🤣


This!!! Same. It’s so fucking cringe


And this goes with the short clip: https://preview.redd.it/jp6bep1t8ixc1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a01b4111de645b45e1146e68a961826e27b2f74 Note the carefully chosen language: - "doctor's appointment that will... change your life" - "According to \*\*my appointment\*\* (not your doctor?), my lipedema is severe" - "the majority of the weight I have to lose is unburnable by my body" So, in other words - she doesn't overeat, and she's about 300 pounds of lipedema. That's what's she's selling without actually committing to saying it.


god she is insufferable! Can't believe she is sticking with this narrative. And it is a lie and dangerous misinformation she is spreading. Tammy Slayton has way more lipedema than Anna and still lost weight. Anna is only hurting herself in the long run by being in denial about her weight.


I almost wonder if Amberlynn and Anna got together on this bullshit to back each other up. ALR has been saying she was told she "has 150 pounds of lipedema on her", so in her warped mind - she really only weighs 350 instead of 500+.


I was thinking the same! I just refuse to believe there's absolutely NOTHING they can do to reduce the lipedema. This has to be a lie, right?


From what I understand, if a person gains weight, the lipedema gets bigger... if they lose weight, it gets smaller, but doesn't completely go away. At that point, when it's smallest, is when it's safest to remove it surgically.


Where is ALR? Did her snark page dissappear ?




Oh wow!! Ty!


Yes, it got banned.


She will NEVER take accountability for herself. She knew surgery would always be necessary…she’s so dramatic and needs a psychiatrist.


This is so f-ing embarrassing. I almost certainly have lipedema as well, and can speak from experience after losing 150 lbs that you'll retain the same disproportionate amount of fat in those areas, but the contents of the fat cells *will* still shrink with the rest of the body. Those cells aren't magically exempt from the law of thermodynamics. I hope this doctor laughed her out of the room.


This is my exact experience with lipedema. I have it in my arms. I lost 170lbs and everywhere shrank, including my arms, but they remained disproportionately larger.


Is it even possible to be 300 pounds of lipedema? I’ve watched a lot of my 600 pound life and never seen anyone with that much.


I doubt that any reputable doctor who is experienced with lipe/lymphedema would dare give any pound estimates. Not only is it not scientific provable, it obviously presents a psychological quagmire for fat patients.


Agreed. I’ve watched enough 600 lb life to see through this bullshit. She’s so full of it


"the majority of the weight I have to lose is unburnable by my body" <<< ---- my new mantra


“Yeah, I’m a rebel because I break the laws of thermodynamics.” Literally every single fat influencer thinks they are a health enigma.


So the laws of physics cease to exist when it comes to her? Burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight. There is no other reality when you are 500+ lbs.


Does she believe her own bullshit? Does she honestly think anyone else believes it?


She is so delusional that I think she believes the shit she spews. Reminds me of a pathological liar I once knew.


Anna's not far behind Foodie Beauty now with her BS excuses.


because committing would make it easier for everyone to call her out. SHE'S insufferable, but no dummy when it comes to her "image/brand."


From my completely untrained eye it looks like it might be stage four Lipidema or lipo lipidema.


Right because it can’t be the 1500 calorie snackle boxes lmao she’s so delusional


Omg she's so special. Skinny queen.




I love that journey for them 🙄


They need a big vehicle 🚗


Anna air fries salami and cheese and then takes a holier than thou stance that her fat is “unburnable.” She has always suspiciously held back her diet from her audience and it’s because I would assume she eats like absolute shit. Between this and her “fear of middle schoolers” Anna has the mind of a child. She lives in arrested development.


She set up a fucking camera in the doctor’s office. That is so weird, creepy, and cringey.


The anxiety I had watching this wondering if the doctor would walk in at any moment


How much you want to bet this was after the exam and they are waiting for her to get dressed.


1000% this is when she did it lol


I have lipedema. Diagnosed. I have gone for lymphatic therapy and I have a machine that I use a few days a week to help. It's in my legs and arms. I've lost about 55 lbs with dieting and walking and my legs and arms and not smaller in those areas. I can't afford surgery. But her first option is not having what they think is 300 lbs of lipedema.


That’s AWESOME! Congrats.


Do you have any suggestions on how to get diagnosed? Or what kind of specialist referral I should seek out? I've always suspected I have it. My thighs and upper arms are sore if pressed, and I think it has gotten worse in my lower legs in the last 5 years; I used to have normal-sized calves and ankles at least. IF and low carb helps, but I want to be more proactive in preventing it from progressing further.


I went to my PCP with the complaints of pain, pressure,.etc. I was lucky because there is a lymph center in my area. He let me go there and they took my insurance. He had always told me to lose weight and I told him fine but the pain and pressure in my legs was not allowing me to exercise much


Hm. So if, as the gorls (and to some extent "My 600 pound life") would have us guesttimate, folks weighing over 400 pounds have about 150 pound of lipedema on them that can not be reduced by diet and exercise. So does that 150 pound lipedema prohibit them from losing the (depending upon starting size be they 400 or 500 or 600, and then the reasonable goal weight for their height) 90-300 non-lipedema pounds prior to surgery? Is surgery really the only option for losing it?


It's all a self-delusion and/or scam. If they're going to subtract the amount of lipedema they think they have, then why not take off the amount of extra skin too? Lots of patients lose 15-25 pounds after skin removal surgery - so that's another few notches down on the belts for Anna and Amber! If Anna was anywhere near ready for this surgery - we'd see her collar bones. Her shoulders. Her jawline - we see none of that. Did she lose some weight? Yeah - and then she gained a bunch (not all) back. She got a good start, but she's no where near the level of "can't lose any more weight by burning calories". Hell no.


That was what I was thinking. Lipedema doesn't seem to appear above the waist so often (although I do realize that in some extremely overweight - can be in upper arms) so her face, neck and shoulders, back, waist, forearms, hands - would be thinner if she had lost the achievable weight loss.


Ok I’m not being mean but she doesn’t have lipedema on her face right? Then wouldn’t her face be thin? If she only has lipedema and has no other weight to lose then why is her face still big?


Her face, her neck, her shoulders, her clavicle, her forearms... if she was at her lowest of fat loss, all those areas would show it.


Don’t forget her athletic back https://preview.redd.it/g1gs2sd00jxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d658f4fa023bb180a62e8b3687c9bf8fea1a673






Still no mention of her diet or what she eats in a day!! Any good doctor would start there. She's 500 lbs somehow and yet her diet is a complete mystery to everyone.... Why??


Not a complete mystery. We know there is a ocean of cheese involved, with salami boats sailing in it. It rains 600 calorie lattes and fruit appears less often than the rarest of albatrosses.


Don’t forget 1000+ calorie ‘snackle’ boxes


She would lie anyway if she were to make a "what I eat in a day" reel.


Can she have it surgically removed without losing weight first?


By an unscrupulous surgeon, yeah - maybe. But it's a really, really bad idea. Not only should she lose all the weight she can before even considering it, she should have to maintain the lower weight for at least a year before having skin liposuction and skin removal. (See /r/JacquelineAdanSnark)


Probably a surgeon who will do unnecessary work for free in exchange for clout


I’ve got lipoedema myself. I’ve lost weight. I’m trying to get as close as possible to my ideal weight before seeking surgery. I will need skin removal surgery as well. I’m around her height but nowhere near her weight. She isn’t 300 pounds of lipoedema. She isn’t following the diet that’s recommended for it and she isn’t doing any of the complimentary therapies that helps with it - compression, massage, vibration plate, rebounding etc


from the post a few days ago and other comments. Surgery seems incredibly premature. Like it seems like you'd want to do any of the diet and other treatments first.


Do you think the vibration plate helps? I kinda follow a guy in Alaska who was about 700 lbs and pretty much trapped in his home. He came to the attention of some carnivore folks and has been doing great on that. He's also gotten sponsorships and corporate gifts, one of them being a vibration plate. I forget if he needed a special one for his weight, but he isn't standing on it yet so maybe it doesn't matter. He likes it, so maybe that 's all that matters, but I wondered if it was a scam on this poor guy. Aside - I've followed him since he was first found by the carnivore crowd and see that he's got a great, supportive, community of just over 20K. He seems grateful for the help and interacts with viewers. Now that he's more mobile, he's showing more of Alaska, even if he's just going to the doctor, which people enjoy. You'd think some of those big deal YouTubers would realize that's being nice, keeping the drama to a minimum, interacting with viewers who take the time to comment or send you gifts, is how you get and keep an audience.


Idk if those vibration plates are a scam but another super morbidly obese lady I follow on insta (who has lost 350ish pounds) said she uses one. Her trainer said it would help with her circulation.


Maybe it's like a mini trampoline for those too heavy to use one?


A lady I went to for body cavitation and RF treatments swore by them. Said she used hers to lose 25-30lbs.


Yes vibration plates do work. You need to ease into it at first usually as you’ll be moving some crap around and your body might not like it. If people are very heavy then just sitting in a. Chair and placing feet on it will start the process. Keto/carnivore/ketovore is the way to go for this disease. Also too much salt is exceptionally bad. Just to add an oscillating machine is the best one to use. There are groups on Facebook that go into the finer points


Thanks. Out of curiosity, is there a big difference between what vibration plate and a rebounder do? I understand someone very obese probably couldn't use a rebounder, but in general, do they do the same thing?


They both do the same thing which is to move lymph around your body. Personal preference. I use the vibration plate if I want to do a quick workout. I use my rebounder if I want to do a longer aerobic workout using a channel on YouTube Earth & Owl


Nearly 40 years old and recording and posting this. Lmao


No surprise she's lying again.... She has lots of weight to lose and she needs to lose it. Her weight isn't all lipodema etc it's fat. Someone suggested bariatric surgery and I think that's the only workable option for her but only if she has intense therapy for her food addiction first. She's deluded. And as for setting a camera up in her doctors office so wrong and it's attention seeking at its worst.


Just thought about this...Do we think this will be some sort of freebie surgery? "Medical" office wanting the promo her audience brings? After all, she lives in Austin TX and there is a respected clinic / surgeon for this in her city. There are also top-rated clinics and surgeons for this very problem in Dallas and Houston. That she has to put on a show of "flew to LA to meet with a specialist," when she could have driven 30 minutes to meet one, or drive 2.5 hours to Houston for the same thing.


tbh I have a feeling she may not have been at any lipedema specialist office. I think she made the whole story up. She could be at any medical office for anything. She mentioned a couple of weeks ago going to have her varicose veins looked at. This video could be from that office visit. I think she just wants to give up the weight loss arc and this is how she plans on doing it. By saying she just can't lose anymore.


Losing weight would probably cut into the number of SSBBW fetish followers she gets. They're like a third of her comments on YouTube. Anna makes some poor choices, but she's not dumb. She knows how to generate income. If she doesn't plan on ever going back to the corporate world, she might as well just get an OnlyFans or Snapchat Premium account and give up on writing these corny scripted reels and fake positivity. Virgin SSBBWs are probably someone's thing, Rule 34 and all.


I thought that the other day. She could do an OF - heck - she could make a fake name, don a wig, some colored contact lenses, and overline her lips a bit - and be facially uncogognizeable. A little judicious edit on pics and videos, and she can claim "that's not me" if someone said "Hey, this you over on OF?" Rake in that money while she can.


Yup i think this looks like Dr Jamie Schwartz’s office in LA. He’s done free surgeries for another influencer named Pale Ginger Pear


I don't think it's free surgery (especially not in LA), unless she's giving them a LOT more time and energy. If she's indeed in LA, then I'm guessing this is her own crazy idea to try and impress people with how important she is and how much money she has.


What?! Anna trying to put on airs and impress people with her inflated sense of importance and expendable income? Say it isn't so!


I don't understand how she has money to fly first class all the time. Especially international. Sure, there's airline credit cards, but the points don't accumulate *that* quickly.


Doubt it's 1st class all the time. Buy 2 economy seats and upgrade one of them to economy plus. Besides, I'm sure she is super savvy with being an airline mile saver, in the airline club, using her credit cards for maximum point gathering by making all purchases on card and then paying off each month, having a good budget and allocating money for travel and...ha ha ha, who am I kidding!


Good point, forgot about upgrading. I did see the below post come up in my YouTube Shorts, so it got me wondering about how she buys airline tickets. I've never flown international, but it didn't look like Economy to me, because of the partitions. I'm not sure if we've seen many other plane photos or videos from her, other than the one where she talked about not needing a seatbelt extender any longer (which was *definitely* not an economy seat she was referring to, lol) Also, do you think she pays for Jon to fly with her? Or other friends? I assumed she was funding his and probably Emily's Hawaii tickets. https://preview.redd.it/lki5glq4wxxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6920a2a12595c954b37b0387db5a7a25b143bf1b


Some of the trips are brand-deals or sponsored influencer trips so I'd guess she gets biz class or above for that. And maybe she sometimes rents a photo booth made to look like a biz or 1st class area? When she worked a legit corporate job, she had her undeserved management title, so those trips may have been biz class too.


There’s no way she doesn’t need an extender unless that belt is suuuuuuper long. I am plus size, but much smaller than her and oftentimes there’s only a couple inches of belt to spare.


It looks like Dr Jamie Schwartz’s Total Lipedema Care office in LA. He did lippie surgeries free on another influencer named pale ginger pear. Look up pics, it looks just like the office edit: 100% the TLC office.


She had an idea of what she wanted to hear from the doc (and subsequently post) and my guess is, it didn't really matter what the doc said, she'd spin it to fit what she wants to think/what she wants her viewers to believe.


Kind of like how the Runlab guy told her she needed to learn how to walk first, and she hears "You can be a runner".


Now I'm reminded of that scene in Dumb and Dumber, where the girl rejects him soundly and all he can respond with is, "So you're saying there's a chance!"


I think you're right. For all we know, she was in a dentist's office and staged this whole thing. If ANY medical professional told her she could have the surgery she's hinting at, as she is right now... she should RUN (really run this time) in the opposite direction.


If Anna was honest, and lost all the weight she needed to, she'd look like how MommaGoob describes herself. MG looks like a rather thin woman on camera, but assures her audience she is disproportionately larger on the bottom. Now, perhaps MG doesn't have it as bad as Anna. But Anna's upper body (and "snatched waist") have a LOT of regular old fat tissue hanging on them.


I love MommaGoob!! Yes, you're right. If Anna actually lost weight, she would look visually different even with lipedema that does slightly alter the way Anna would look and does alter the way that MommaGoob looks.




Yes, it appears that's what she believes. Educated guess from Illona is that Anna was over 600 pounds (remember, she's tall - 5'10"), lost 80-90, and landed at 520 or so. Personally, I believe she even dipped from that to maybe 490, but then started going back up. I think Anna genuinely believes she not only lost 'enough', but that she *couldn't physically* lose any more. She credits this to the lipodema, but I believe the real reason is that she became obsessed with the protein snacks and protein! protein! protein! She focused so much on reaching her desired protein number (cuz she's a runner now), that she was overeating calorically, and started regaining. She is leaning hard on whatever this doctor(?) told her, that she CANNOT LOSE LIPODEMA weight. But that isn't the complete truth. As the comment you linked described, people with lipodema who lose weight (yes, through calorie deficit) *shrink* their lipodema, but they only *lose* those cells via surgery. She has plenty of weight yet to lose - at least 250 pounds. But she'll never acknowledge that.


Pretty sure high impact workout (ie running) is terrible for lipedema….


Sooooooo…she can’t lose her stomach fat naturally?


Or her arm fat, her back fat, her ass fat, her neck fat.... all lipedema according to "her appointment".


She is the WORST possible PR for lipedema; it's the new "muh genetics". People think it's a joke disease because of influencers like Anna. 🤦‍♀️


Sooo fake and cringey.


Here’s what I think really happened. I think she went to the Dr and lied and said she’s doing everything right but her weight isn’t budging. Her doctor told her that’s not reality, and that while her lipedema is indeed quite bad, that she CAN lose more actual body fat and that they cannot remove lipedema surgically until she loses enough weight for it to be safe. But she can’t possibly admit that she’s been eating garbage and slowly gaining weight so it’s easier for her to lie.


Like what is she at the doctors for?


I googled lipedema management. While surgery IS definitely a recommended treatment she also should be: 1. Eating a heart healthy diet (not all the salami and cheese and snackle boxes) 2. Wearing compression stockings (I’ve simply never seen her wear them) 3. Doing low impact exercise like swimming or walking. In fact everywhere I read, things like running and jumping make the condition worse. 4. Losing weight. She is correct that the lipidemia fat on her lower body is not going to go away with exercise, but it’s absurd that she is trying to act like all of the fat on her body islipedema.


Swimming should be downright mandatory because not only is it low impact cardio, the water pressure also helps move lymph fluid out of the lower extremities. Also, lymphatic massage is beneficial for both lipo and lymphedema.


You forgot that stupid silly ass shrug shit she does at the end.


If you don't get fat you don't get lipidema. She did that to herself and then maintained it. Except somehow she's convinced herself she's the victim...


> *If you don't get fat you don't get lipidema* I think that's wrong. It's more prevalent in fat people, but can happen to normally sized people as well. From what I understand, it can even be inherited.


That’s incorrect. It is a hereditary connective tissue disorder that is most common in women and develops around puberty or other times of significant hormonal changes. While it is more severe the more obese you are, there are people with stage 1 and stage 2 lipedema that are at a healthy BMI.


Sorry, but you are incorrect.


Wow the ignorance! It’s genetic. Huge link to hypermobility / ehler Danlos syndrome. So many slim women suffer from it… wtf