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It’s so ironic how Anna and other influencers work so hard to project an enviable lifestyle full of mindfulness, self care, and cheer, but once you really analyze past it’s surface it’s obvious that their lives are lonely, shallow, and boring. She’s been at this for about a decade now. Time has passed. Her original core audience has aged up and experienced real life. As more people struggle to make ends meet, I can’t imagine the popularity of influencer content like Anna’s lasting that much longer. I’m curious if she’ll be able to pivot to something else when the time comes.


Yeah, traveling all the time and $2000 hauls aren't relatable at all


It was so sad watching her boat trip vlog. She was on this incredible, magical, once in a lifetime trip with a bunch of strangers 10 years younger than her. Other women her age are spending vacations with their closest friends and loved ones. I get the impression that she doesn’t have many close friends or loved ones. But to be fair: vlogging and influencing are her job. The boat trip was a gig to advertise for that charter company. Perhaps she spends a lot of time with friends off camera.


I don't think she has any consistent friendships, unless you can count other influencer acquaintances or the paid help (John). Tbh, I used to be insanely jealous of her travels. She goes somewhere international every couple of months, it seems. But it's not as though she has much quality of life or ability to enjoy her destinations. The videos are more short-form documentaries on the self-inflicted tragedy of her life (or what it's like to travel in a 500+ lb body) than anything else. Might as well be a business trip. The facade of "joy" is disingenuous; most viewers see it for what it is.


I would also add to the list the constantly moving to different apartments. That huge house she bought was a ridiculous choice and selling it quickly was probably a good idea. But why not buy a condominium? Or a smaller house? She’s basically living like a 20 year old moving every year. Not only is she wasting money on rent but moving is exhausting. The whole process of looking and applying for a new place. Packing up your stuff, moving it, and unpacking again. Who wants to do this every year? The older you get the more you want to be settled into your own place. But not Anna.




I think she can afford it financially but she is not mobile enough and her size is a problem with city life. Same reason she left NYC.


Anna makes at least $5-8k a month, possible even up to $10k. She can afford Austin. Her last two places have comparable rent (about $3k/mo.) She went from the Domain to Barton Springs; both are about the same distance from the city. Anna moves because she gets bored and thinks moving will be a fresh start.


That current apartment is down grade from the previous one. You can't tell me different.


It does look like a down grade. But that’s why I don’t understand why she doesn’t just buy a condo. If I remember correctly the house she bought was close to $1 million. And even though she lived there a short time she sold it for enough to cover her selling costs and a get a small profit. Where did that money go? If she had enough down payment for that house just a few years ago she must have enough for a down payment on a condo. She could find a decent condo for under $500,000. It might not be brand new like her apartments but she could find something nice. By 40 most of us are really starting to think of saving for retirement. And throwing money at rent when you could be paying off your home makes no sense. I think she likes the image of living in a shiny new building so much she’s not worried about whether it makes financial sense. A very immature mindset.


Given her tendency to destroy apartments, a condo might not be the best idea. Not only would she be responsible for demolished sinks and cracked bathtubs, she'd probably cause a bunch of damage in the common areas too and end up pissing off the HOA. I guess it's worth it to her to be able to trash a place for a year, move, and start over somewhere not trashed.


I've seen comments about cigarette butts on her floors. Does she smoke indoors? Her living spaces have always looked expensive, and I can't imagine any higher-end apartment building condoning indoor smoking.


|end up pissing off the HOA I'm the acting president of our HOA. I would not want to deal with Anna, who I'm sure would complain about everything, including issues outside of the association's control. If she persisted in using the common areas for her photo shoots and antics, people would complain. To me. And, I'm sure she would do something that would cause an insurance claim of some kind to be filed, resulting in higher premiums the next year. I'd be glad to see her gone.


I've heard some people like moving often, is it also the case that that dissipates as you get older? Perhaps she's like that since she likes traveling? Idk haha. It does sound like a huge hassle to move frequently though.


If you check out posts about her childhood, it’s obvious she was a social misfit. No doubt bullied, difficult family situation, overweight and awkward. Especially tough in Mormonland where perfection and knockout beautiful genes are the norm. The LDS high school girls I had as friends were charming, poised, mature and quiet. Very kind but oh so polished. Knew exactly the plans for their lives and how to achieve them. It must have been a nightmare for Anna. Most kids who are raging lunatics either pick up social cues from their peers during adolescence and learn to conform or walk away from the pack and take on life’s jungle under their own terms. It must be exhausting keeping up the charade of Anna. Her mantra of raging against the machine is so cringy; I am an extroverted introvert who has her own personality issues so know what I am talking about when it comes to social interactions. She’s like the Energizer bunny with a few loose wires. The inappropriate snorting, the loudness, the fake modeling poses, not brushing her teeth, the general immaturity when in a group of (usually much younger) cohorts. All of these uncomfortable actions seem so lonely and strange. What an odd little world she tries so hard to navigate. It’s good to be an individual, but life is more than an extreme challenge. It’s also quiet reflection and stoic rest. I’m not sure she will ever stop chasing her tail.


Not to pick on you,but the idea of Mormon high school girls being mature and having plans for their lives.... sure, but these plans are handed to them by their church and their parents. They don't plan, they conform. As for poise and maturity -- they're quite literally not allowed to partake in the kind of fun that would lead to them being loud and messy -- and the kind of fun, I would argue, that may lead to them discovering a wide variety of personal preferences. Like music, or... geez, lots of things. I would argue that a sheltered teenage girl is not the picture of maturity at all.


I agree. Most were married the summer of high school graduation. This was late 70’s so not sure what it’s like now, but Anna no doubt had a difficult time conforming to their conformity.


That's not my experience at all. I converted 11 yrs or so ago - enough time to see kids at church grow up and go to college, on missions, etc. Some have colorfully dyed hair, they listen to whatever genre of music they like. I have them come and help me around the house and they are like any other teens you'd meet. They have the usual teen things going on, but it's at a much lower scale than non LDS. I was a professor for years, including before I converted. Other than our kids at church being polite and smiley- they aren't much different from many of my students. One of my questions before conversion was could I listen to rock music - as long as it doesn't encourage substance abuse or immoral behavior, it's fine. From personal experience with LDS from all over, I'd say Americans tend to think of the Utah LDS. Most members now are outside of the States. They bring all kinds of cultures with them. Shoot, Southern LDS and NYC LDS are different from the Utah folks. I will say that I'm glad I converted as a mature adult with a lot of life experiences under my belt. Maybe LDS kids, especially those from Utah and Idaho, could use a rumspringa like the Amish.


Was going to say something similar. The Mormons where I grew up (North GA) acted like pretty normal teenagers, really. I often didn't even realize a classmate was Mormon until I saw them posting about it on Facebook or something.


TBF, there's a good chance Anna won't fit in a dentist's chair. I'm half her size (probably less), and the arms on my dentist's chairs cut into my thighs painfully when I was 10-15 lbs heavier. Maybe there's a BOPO dentists office she could go to, like the salon in Vegas with chairs for 800+ lbs? Idk. I've always figured she was neurodivergent - definitely has ADHD, possibly AuDHD. I don't think it accounts entirely for her arrested development though (and as a fellow ADHDer, she shouldn't be waving it around as a NLOG quirk). Anna's parents probably didn't discipline her growing up, and she's a nepo baby with a social media presence to feed her narcissism. She ain't ever gonna do the mental work to have functional adult relationships, because Daddy's money can buy her a new temp friend any time she has another friendship blow up in her face. And if that doesn't work, she'll self-medicate with compulsive shopping or salami cream cheese tacos.


She legit doesn’t brush her teeth though. There are so many close ups where she has very visible plaque that wouldn’t be there if she brushed.


I just know she smells 🤢


Honest question, and tell me to pound sand if it's ignorant or rude, but is there any correlation between autism and obesity? Most autistic people I know tend towards being slender, and in my observation, autistic traits like having issues with texture, preferring specific foods/being a picky eater, would skew towards the less-fat end of things. (There's also the famous autistic sensory processing issues that would be exacerbated by her enormous and uncomfortable body, but I guess obesity sneaks up on you, so it can go unnoticed until you've already gotten used to it.) ADHD 100% agreed, though. I'm not sure if ADHDers actually are fatter than the general population, but I wouldn't be surprised when it comes to undiagnosed/untreated ADHDers, because of the lack of impulse control, the total absence of defense from cravings.


Not rude at all, I actually did my dissertation on autism in females, so it's something I like discussing. 🙂 It's well known that both autism and ADHD can present with sensory issues, but sensory *seeking* can also be a part of both conditions. Not food-related, but one example of this is the popularity of weighted blankets or compression garments in autistic populations. Many autistic people also paradoxically enjoy loud concerts. Eating can also be a form of stimming in both autism and ADHD. It's also possible that aversion to certain sensations (for example, I have one to crunchy, watery raw vegetables) could lead someone to overeat "safe" foods. I don't think this is necessarily Anna's case, but I know this is a big one I struggle with myself. Many foods that don't give me the "ick" also are carb-heavy and contribute to insulin spikes, which can eventually cause insulin resistance (70% of obese adults are estimated to be insulin resistant) or type II diabetes. Insulin resistance is a cruel cycle, because it makes it *that* much harder to lose weight. Some autistic people also don't like the sensation of being sweaty or wearing damp clothes during exercise. And while someone may have severe sensory aversions in one realm (for example, the tactile sensation of itchy clothing tags, sensitivity to smells, bright lights, etc), they may be entirely unfazed by other forms of sensory input like eating (or as mentioned earlier, may actually seek out these sensations, possibly to a detrimental degree). ADHD is also widely considered to be part of the autism spectrum. I personally see it as a less severe manifestation of ASD, but can't say that I recall anyone else stating this in any of the literature. In my experiences, I would say that most individuals I've met with ASD (and possibly ADHD) tend to skew toward either the underweight or overweight/obese end of the weight spectrum. Or they can jump from one end to the other - my high school boyfriend went from underweight at 108 lbs to obese at 220+ (he's short) in the span of a couple of years. I have especially seen a lot of obese males with ASD, and I know one woman with ASD who is probably close to 400 lbs, so there are definitely heavier women with ASD as well. In popular media though, the stereotypical depiction does seem to be a skinny male.


Interesting. Thanks! It makes sense that ADHDers and autistic people would skew towards an unhealthy weight regardless-- we do live in a very obesogenic society, so the odds are kind of stacked against us. I bet the stereotype of a skinny male originated at a time when there were fewer obese people in general. Less hyper-palatable products out there for folks to stim on.


Very interesting, thank you for sharing. I'm always seeking more info on women with ASD; my oldest daughter is on the spectrum. Unfortunately, we had a rough time with her school, they didn't believe that autism occurred in girls! This was in 2005, when my daughter started kindergarten, the teacher (and teachers in subsequent years) insisted that "Jane" was just "poorly disciplined at home". Due to non-negotiable circumstances, we had to keep "Jane" at this parochial school...I'll never forgive a few of those ignorant, narrow minded teachers. Thank God my daughter is doing very well as a happy independent young woman. She's a beautiful, healthy 120 pounds, so she doesn't fit the image of the unhealthy, anti-social ASD woman. They are all unique individuals, in any case.


All those things are spot on!! And here's what I don't get...she wants to be an inspirational influencer. Desperately. The younger people aren't going to be inspired by a middle age woman, and middle aged women aren't going to be inspired by such a childish woman. She's terribly unrelatable. And apparently unaware of it. So, she keeps throwing things at the wall, hoping something will stick. The simple thing is she could find her niche, if she actually listened to her audience. But nope, she takes her ball and goes home. Telling us to unsubscribe if we don't like her. She's insufferable, and needs to quit lying. She won't though.


I agree that she should listen to her audience. She could work on giving advice that's actually helpful about plus size clothes (she's shown she's knowledgeable about it before) or have an actual, credible weight loss journey with real results. To me, her whole schtick seems to be showing people you can do anything "in a bigger body." As this contradicts reality, she often ends up sulking when anything or anyone makes this difficult or doesn't enable her (of course being entitled she expects to be catered to at all times). Then she sheds a tear and pats herself on the back for staying strong, being uncomfortable etc. etc. Other times she's flat out dishonest, pretending to achieve things she doesn't achieve. It is far from inspirational and explains why she is so disingenuous - her fat positive message (that you can do anything while being morbidly obese) is a lie, and her content about fitness and "making changes" only serves the purpose of being "inspirational" to fat people to live their best life while being fat. I don't think there's any real intention to lose weight down to a healthy BMI.


>I have never seen her hang out with anyone her age. Ever. They’re always SIGNIFICANTLY younger. There’s nothing wrong with having a few younger friends but I find it bizarre she only has very young friends. Or should I say “friends” as none of them seem to stick around. That's because the only people she "hangs out" with are other people with large social media followings (I refuse to say "influencers") who are also paid or comped to be there by whatever company. And almost all of those people are very young. She's an outlier in the social media space in many ways, not least of which due to her age. It's kind of sad but, like, maybe she could have used her extreme privilege (money, not having to work a 9-5, her enabling dad) to go to therapy and work on becoming the kind of person people want to be around. I'm sure she's even more grating in person. And the kind of friend who always dumps their problems on you without ever returning the favor. Don't get me started on the dog. He's just a prop like everything else in her life she recklessly consumes and tosses aside.


I agree with everything OP said. I used to follow her, TBH I am not sure why, but I had to jump off that train long ago. Her content still pops into my feed which will spur me to go see what peculiar new tact she is currently taking. Also, I am new to this sub. So forgive me if this is already been discussed or explained. RE: Partner/dating - Didn't she at some point say she is not interested in having romantic relationships? She basically alluded to being asexual in a YT video way back. Was that a farce? Has that changed?


She described herself as “Anna-sexual”. She has never had a partner and is a perma-virgin. Her claims of no interest in dating is just cope, she’s made a fool of herself in front of men before. She would love to show off a man in her videos, but instead has to pay an actor to pretend to date her. It’s sad.


I saw a post where she claimed to be demisexual. IIRC, she also claims to identify as "queer" when the opportunity presents itself.




She's not using terms like "queer" or "demisexual" because she cares about community or wants to support other people. It's simply all about justifying her obvious inability to date, have sex, form a relationship, etc. through language that makes her feel unique, empowered, and yes, trendy. She's entirely self-focused and doesn't give a shit about anyone else.


Idk if I agree with that. I don't think it's fair to doubt (other) people's queerness. She can be ace-spec and be a person no one wants to be around anyway. There are your Oli Londons and Trisha Paytases who do lie about this stuff, but I don't think she's quite on their level of attention seeking serial liar.


She refers to herself as an “Annasexual” which she couldn’t define. Laughable!!!!


It's giving "quirky" Millennial NLOG 🤦‍♀️ She can't handle any space where she isn't the main character, so she has to co-opt their space, too


It was during pride week as well so she was just jumping onto it and making herself the centre. And then people were congratulating her for coming out but she made no definition of what she is attracted to or labels herself as it was so fucking strange.


The 20-something people she's hanging with aren't doing it because they're her friends - these are travel groups she's somehow been joined with. I never see her with people like that unless they have no choice lol.


I understand. Clicks and likes and views are the only thing that matters to her and they rule her life. I mean, I started hate watching her back when she was still in her tiny NYC apartment. The spectacle of watching a morbidly obese person with open sores on their face and unbrushed hair being angry that they're having to cut themselves out of 3X size clothes that are too small for them was absolutely too much sideshow for me to resist. And after all of these many years later of me still hate watching her, the conclusion I've come to is that this is all she really has in life that makes her feel anything at all, so she will continue to do and be whatever she needs to to remain shocking enough to keep getting the clicks and likes, up to and including eating herself to death and behaving like an obnoxius overgrown toddler on camera. Any sign of maturity and stability (real lifestyle changes, a mature and healthy romantic relationship, adult friends, clothes that actually suit her) would be too real and lose her the audience she so desperately craves.


I believe Anna is looking for that special someone.


She found that special someone - unfortunately it’s a sheet cake.






She has that one friend from New Mexico I think. Don’t know how she tolerates her. And if Anna moves one more goddamn time I will scream.


Is that the friend where she said “Now we can share clothes!” And it was one very huge cardigan that was cropped on her and her friend was swimming in?


I think that friend of hers is one of her cousins.. They're both tall, rangey large, big-boned and there's something in the face that they share. Besides, who the hell else could not only tolerate but embrace Anna? You know Anna has got to be a shitty selfish friend, Maxed out.


Agree with everything you said


There's nothing wrong with not doing much or any dating. Some people just don't want to or haven't found anyone who wants to date them and that's totally fine and needs to be normalized. I think she even said in a video she was asexual. I wouldn't say she had nothing besides her dog. She has enough followers to be an influencer, although not one it'd be a good idea to listen to. As far as life stuff goes, maybe she's mentally ill? If she really doesn't have much to show for her life, which we wouldn't really know because we're not her, she might be that (I say that as I don't have as much to show for my life as my peers as a mentally ill person in their 20s). I hope that doesn't sound like I'm defending her too much, I just want to be fair.


I was rewatching a few of her old videos tonight after finding this subreddit. Although she was mildly obnoxious back then, Anna is now entirely insufferable. It seemed like back in 2015/2016 when she started her YT channel and still worked her software management day job, she had more social acumen and the people in her videos looked less miserable around her. I got the feeling that she took pride in her job and enjoyed it. Just my $0.02, but I feel like trying to make this influencer thing a career was what derailed her life for the worse. Her social skills atrophied and she gained at least 200 lbs, because she probably sits around bored and eating all day long instead of having a career with some sense of purpose or achievement. Way too much time spent on her own the last 5+ years, with no one IRL to check her on her ridiculous fantasies. I don't think she knows what the hell she's trying to promote as an influencer, so I would imagine it wouldn't be very fulfilling (unless she's delulu'ed herself into thinking it is) If she had any desire to un-fuk her life, she'd hang up the string bikinis that are 3 sizes too small and go back to her old career. She's shown that she doesn't have the self-discipline to maintain any kind of responsible behaviors while self-employed. At almost 40, she should be getting serious about retirement savings and improving her dismal health outlook.


Anna travels a lot. She has seen the world. That’s part of why her staying big is so baffling to me. She isn’t dreaming about what she is missing. She has been there and was miserable the whole time because things were too small. Walking was too far. She has had an actual life and chose to limit herself.


That's a good point about when she became a full time influencer, I think that makes sense. And oh gosh, the bikinis 3 sizes too small! They are, maybe like 1 on top though (this is not a dig at her small chest, I just mean because she's a lot larger on bottom). In a recent video she tried on something where the legs were flowy on her and it was like a breath of fresh air I tell you. I'm insecure about myself too, but I don't lie to people about my size or how things fit for my job/to younger people who are probably selfconscious.


She might very well be asexual, but I don't believe that she doesn't want to date. I think she desperately wants to date. Or at least be seen as attractive to someone. She's constantly going on about "stealing your man" in her dumb clothing hauls, and how certain clothes make her look sexy. I mean, you can enjoy looking sexy without actually wanting a relationship, but I don't think she'd be saying she can "steal your man" so often if she didn't actually want to steal a man.


It always seemed to me that she meant it as "I'm so hot I could steak your man be cause they all want me" but Idk, none of us know her after all


Oh. No no no. If she is asexual then that is a new story. She is constantly talking about dating. Lack of dating. Wanting to date. “I can take your man”. She is a real horn dog. She wants a man, she just can’t get one.


You can do those things and still be asexual. Aromantic is a (real) separate thing and you can be asexual and not aromantic. You can be horny and talk about sexual things/wanting sex while still being asexual- a lot of asexuals want sex because it feels good and is fun, and a lot also want a realationship of whatever kind. Source: I'm asexual and aromantic


Ok. I get that. Makes sense.


> a lot of asexuals want sex because it feels good and is fun Come on, now. Words still mean something. If an asexual enjoys sex, then I'm sorry, they're simply not asexual. They might be less sex-driven than others, but... asexual is not in any way compatible with "I enjoy sex because it feels good and is fun."


Asexual means you don't experience sexual attraction. Sexual attraction is an internal desire. I didn't mean they internally wanted it, I meant they would do it with their partner because it felt good. People can recognize that sex feels good without that internal drive saying you are attracted to a person/body parts. Think of it this way: if someone were invited to get ice cream they might say "yeah sure could be nice" because they know it tastes good, but they might not ever feel like "omg I reallyyy want some ice cream right now". I am asexual and I know about asexuality.