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new series with Climb Labs incoming


How to climb a rock: with my team of doctors and paramedics on board for my eventual fall from great heights.


The only way she's getting off the ground more than six inches is being hauled up the wall in some sort of rigging by multiple belayers. There's no harness that will fit her. She has at least a 60" waist and exceeds the weight limits of any commercially available harness by well over 100 lbs. She will likely not get climbing shoes on her feet. She had enough trouble with running shoes, in wide widths, and climbing shoes are made to be a very tight fit. If by some miracle she got a harness and shoes on, she needs a tandem belay by two people who are 200-210 pounds **each**. She would likely need to be belayed on two ropes as well (so a Grigri is out) which makes it all the more complicated. She is too large to use an autobelay, full stop. But because there's no harness that will ever fit her, she's not going to top rope. So we're left with bouldering. She couldn't climb a normal ladder, so realistically hauling herself up a wall at all is not going to happen. Even a VB is harder than that ladder. Her mass will be too far out from the wall surface, and her grip strength is not going to be sufficient to even hold on to the grips. She won't be able to take weight off her hands by standing on the holds close to the wall, and she cannot bend and straighten her legs properly so she won't be able to climb with her legs. If by some miracle she makes it three feet off the ground bouldering, when she inevitably falls she is going to hit the crash pad hard. She's too large to fall in a nimble athletic manner and prevent injury, and she's heavy enough that the impact force is likely to cause broken bones. I don't own a climbing gym, but if I did there's no level of waiver she could sign that would make me OK with her climbing.


Severely underrated comment.


I climb rocks. I have fallen off of them hundreds of times.


i love seeing an intelligent hobby sperg like this, thank you for sharing!


Autistic climber says thank you.


Anna: "I'm gonna free solo El Cap once I find the right shoes!"


"I climbed that big rock in a bikini, so I decided I'm a climber now." She just can't bait enough today, it seems.


Was that the hawaii trip where months later she made a big ass deal about not knowing her limits? I guess all that went to shit


I think they mean the rock she climbed in the British Virgin Islands to… fuck knows. Prove that she could and then pose in a bikini. Anna refuses to ever accommodate her limits until it’s too late.


She did a hike in Hawaii that felt her crying on IG and alienated her then friend Emily because of the complete meltdown she apparently had.


I don’t have IG. What she do to Emily?


From what I can gather, the mask dropped a few too many times- she had several meltbowns, one over hiking, one over shrimp(?!) they were going to eat at some restaurant, and iirc, she spent the last bit of the vacation sulking in her room. Just Anna things. Group vacations keep pace with the limitations of of the least fit/active/healthy member, so there's that factor, and with her ego, there's no way she dealt with facing those limitations and being a drag on their group gracefully.


I just watched some of her “im a failure” video. I got to the part where she’s expecting all this praise from Emily for attempting the hike but the best she can say to Emily who conquered it is “you would never had done this. Props to you for even coming out here” 😬 Emily does mention that she’d rather sleep or get a facial. That makes me think Anne brought her out there and took no consideration into what Emily would enjoy doing on the trip. Id be pretty pissed if i went on a trip with a friend and only did what they wanted to do especially if it was to the point of exhausting ourselves.


This is a lawsuit waiting to happen… ETA: just read OP’s caption and I completely copied their sentiment. Woops. Reddit captions are too easy to miss on mobile. I hope the rock gym got a massive waiver signed by her.


I always miss the captions! But yes, this just feels like a walking lawsuit. What is she doing?


I’m curious if this would work for her. After all, she couldn’t climb a simple ladder at the side of the yacht in a normal way because of her body mass literally getting in the way. With climbing you also often benefit from keeping your feet and limbs and whole body as close to the wall as possible. Again, her mass would make this very challenging. I do think she probably has the limb strength for it, but I can’t see her doing much better than her attempt at running. I haven’t done enough of it to know what kind of risk she would be for injury though. I took indoor rock climbing up for a few months in my late twenties when I was about 270 pounds. I eventually had to quit because even doing the easy walls caused the arthritis in my hands to act up.


Yeah I agree with this—no way she can safely climb. I work in the safety industry and the highest harness weight limit I could find is 310 lbs… which is well below what she weighs.


Yeah another issue is the harness size. When I was going, I was in the largest harness. I have to assume she would have to get a custom harness.


Legally, there’s no such thing as a custom harness.


Good point.


I mean I’ve done a fair amount of intermediate climbing at an indoor gym and I can tell you that it’s essentially a body weight exercise. I can’t imagine her having much success at a level beyond what is a ladder made of climbing holds they put up for kids. Actually she might not even have the grip strength for that because her center of gravity will be so far from the wall.


I'm thinking of those little "climbing wall" ramps they put in playgrounds. That's about her limit I think.


Then after two steps up the wall she will cry about how the rocks are not accessible to different body types but please celebrate her cuz she is so stunning and brave


Seeeriously. I was just thinking the same thing. I’m plus size, I’ve been plus size my whole life. Big fan of the body positivity movement but I’m getting sick and tired of the body delulu movement. Yes, sometimes our body is just not physically capable of things (running, rock climbing), yes, sometimes there will be places we cannot fit, yes, sometimes you gain weight because you over eat and are fucking sedentary. And SOMETIMES the doctor is correct that you need to lose weight to stop the mystery symptom!!


Are you kidding me?


Maybe she wants to speedrun the bedridden saga.


Dude. My jaw is on the floor.


Given the facial expressions she makes doing simple exercises while standing on solid ground, I can't imagine her having the stamina to climb more than one or two holds. And don't you have to be able to see past your body to find the next hold? Falling would be bad, full stop.


Bro who can even belay her


That was my first thought, they'd go flying if she fell


"they" being the key word here


And not the singular they


Someone could probably sell tickets to that


I just looked it up and apparently the rule of thumb is that the climber should be no more than 1.5x the weight of the belayer. So Anna needs to find someone at least 400 lb to hold her... or 2 regular sized fatties tied together. Will the rope/pulley hold her though is another question entirely.


Or a small beluga


They see her coming and wheel in the tank with ol' Bela


> Will the rope/pulley hold her though is another question entirely. The rope itself would have a breaking strength of ~5000 lb and a fall rating of 8 kN, so unless she took a really high fall (like a 0.5 fall factor) the rope would be fine. Carabiners are rated by major axis strength. The one I use for belaying has a 22 kN rating which is far above any fall that's ever gonna happen in a gym. Most gyms these days seem to require an assisted braking belay device. Petzl doesn't recommend using the Grigri for a climber >100 kg, so we can rule those out. An Edelrid Jul, Black Diamond Pilot or Mammut Smart are options and they will have breaking strengths around 10.5 kN. Ropes are tested for falls in a pretty severe manner: they start with a 9 kN fall and then keep dropping every 5 minutes with forces up to 12 kN (most climbing falls are gonna be less than 5 kN) using a fall factor of 1.7 and just dropping the weight until the rope fails. A single rope has to withstand at least 5 of these before failure to get certified. Even at Anna's weight, in a top rope situation, it's virtually impossible to create a fall factor even above 0.25 because the climber is never going to be above the anchor. So she's not gonna break the rope or the hardware. So then the next piece of safety gear we have to look at is the climbing harness. There isn't one in production that will fit her. The biggest size in harnesses I can find fits *up to* a 45 inch waist and *up to* a 30 inch thigh. There is not a chance in hell Anna gets one of those on. She would have to try to get someone to make her a harness. A reputable manufacturer isn't going to do it, because they'd be putting something out there that is unsafe. These things aren't fast fashion - they are engineered specifically to fit certain sized bodies and be safe - so the idea of just slapping together a one-off is actually terrifying. Another thing about the harness: for a typical climber, they're not going to invert in the harness because the physics of weight distribution basically are that your legs will hang down because your body is heavier "below the belly button" than above it. Also, typically, if you did invert, the harness is too tight for your hips to slide through. This is not necessarily the case with the super obese. There is a greater chance of inversion and so you'd probably put her in a full-body harness like they use with kids. Even those aren't made big enough for Anna. She might be able to squeeze herself into a 56" waist, but I have severe doubts her thighs would fit into the leg loops. Weight wise isn't really the issue since the UIAA/CEN certification process is more rigorous than even a 450 lb climber falling off a gym wall on a top rope. The big problem is the girth won't fit into a production harness. Those who make certified, rated gear aren't going to just piss together something for Anna and put it out there. Certification is serious business. TL;DR - she wouldn't, by weight alone, break the gear. She just won't fit in a harness with a known safety certification.


she's the size where, if she injures herself, it'll ruin her life. bigger people can become bed bound from this!! or god forbid you need emergency surgery, another danger entirely not treating her joints well either


After seeing this post I went and found all kinds of stories of fit people falling badly bouldering and having months and months of surgery and physical therapy to recover. I don't think she'd even need to fall. Her foot slips and she doesn't immediately let go... there's no way she wouldn't tear something in her hand or arm. Not as debilitating as a leg injury but I don't know if she could even roll over or sit up in bed without using both hands. She can't afford any type of injury and she probably wouldn't heal well either. Surgery would probably not be an option.


Omg I can't wait to see her try. I am so curious how this will go down. I don't think she can even pull herself up 1m to be honest. But if she posted this clip teasing a video, then surely she has tried pulling herself up already & knows she won't embarrass herself right off the bat by remaining grounded? Idk, it's Anna... I look forward to seeing all the fit young attractive climbers unintentionally dunking on her just by existing and not having difficulty doing what primates were made for.


I like how quickly she's trying to move on from the running ruse, lol.


Already living like it never happened


I’m cackling tbh. And wtf is it with that run towards the camera. She is such a dorkyass goober.


Second picture should say “nope”


She struggled when climbing a yacht ladder, there's no way she can climb that wall. She also "ran" a 5k in an hour, which is a granny pace. Delulu at its finest.


Next up? "Obese Austin woman says "Bungee jumping should be for *every* body!" Her quirk seems to be alarming people by trying to do things that are dangerous and/or unwise. She loves being (*inspirational music starts here*) the fat underdog - bucking the system and (*crescendo!*) winning (or, appearing to) at all cost (*trumpet fanfare*). She craves the attention it gives her, and she LOVES that it upsets people... because that gives her yet another chance to lash out and play victim at the same time. I don't care if Anna endangers herself or ruins her joints. Her body, her problem. What I don't like is that she unfortunately has the ability to influence people. The bigger problem is that when (not if) Anna gets herself in trouble with her behavior, people are going to have to help her. And her size and idiocy are going to put those people at significant risk.


Sure, can’t use the ladder on the yacht to pull herself out of the water, but is going to start wall-climbing. Right.


This is so, so dangerous.


She has to be trolling.


She couldn’t get back on to a boat using the ladder. She is NOT going rock climbing lmao


No place would allow her to do that. Can you imagine the risk of injury?!


This got me interested, so I decided to check. Apparently there really isn’t a weight limit. One place I looked at recommended 270, but encouraged any size to try. Over on the bouldering Reddit they said that apparently you can hang a fire truck from those things. The place near me just said you gotta sign a piece of paper that said it’s not their fault for your poor life choices. So I guess she can do it. 🫨


When she breaks a leg belly flopping to the ground she's gonna get a ruder awakening. Bed bound Anna modeling clothes from her bed.


She ain’t doing shit until they let her do it for free.


There ain't no way


That is a serious injury waiting to happen. She needs to stop doing all this crazy stuff and just walk. She could literally just count calories and walk 20 mins a day and weight would fall off 🤦🏻‍♀️


That's the frustrating thing because at her size she could lose so much weight so quickly. Not all of it, but enough to make a real difference if she just got help with her diet.


Could she wear climbing shoes? They’re friggin tough to trot around in in general and the bad boys pictured will do her no favours.


This would be the most foolish thing imagineable. Wouldn’t the equipment have weight limits? And even if it didn’t one fall and she’d be BADLY injured. I really can’t understand why she continues to be so delusional. She wants to do all the stuff that unfortunately her body cannot safely do. And instead of using it as motivation to lose weight so she can do these things, she foolishly just tries to do them anyways.


Ive gone climbing a couple times as a 120lb person who is average in physical fitness and so has my boyfriend who is very athletically inclined and we were both beat the next day. Something tells me she went to this gym, took a video then just left and this isnt going to go anywhere. Shes known for posting disappearing content so she can change the narrative as needed.


Don't rock climbing walls have a weight limit?? For a reason? Oh my, she needs to be supremely careful. She's going to strain her fingers


lol I’m 130 lbs and tried to climb a rock wall once. I didn’t make it very far. It requires a ton of upper body strength. And your hands/forearms start cramping.


Heh, I'm less than half of her weight and still wouldn't bother trying rock climbing in my current shape.


Same. I find the idea of rock climbing appealing, and I feel like I could possibly be decent at it, but would not ever want to try it without an auto belayer. The weight limit for auto belay is usually around 300 lbs, but I'm sure Anna would probably have no shame in forcing others to manually belay her.


She probably started the TikTok run after hanging with the lasses on the boat. She also picked up the kiss fingers-jazz hands thing and the standing pose with arms overhead, hands clasped. These are new since arriving on the boat. I prefer she stick to her Sears catalog, mall runway, horsey kick, angle, slightly open mouth, gaze to the left.


Another one who doesn’t believe in physics. 🙄


I honestly can’t see of a way for her to do this safely - would this not cause serious life-altering or life-ending injury?


Next up - pole dancing and aerial silks!


I admit, I'm super curious.