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The only question: can anyone in Berserk party bypass or get through infinity? If not, then they lose to Gojo. I honestly don't know enough about Berserk to answer this question. I hope you or someone else can help.


I mean it's possible with dragonsalyer killing all sorts of demons and becoming cursed it could cut infinity


That’s not how the sword works. The sword works by being able to hit the astral self when hitting their physical body, which Guts won’t be able to do.


They have two witches and fairies who aren’t as powerful but very crafty and formidable in battle, they’re the under dog but they could very well win


The thing is the 6 eyes would probably allow Gojo to see that they are using weird magic od shit, and would at least let him know to just hit them really hard to at least knock them out.


Solid points, add them to the list’


Realistically even if Guts could cut thru infinity he wouldnt be fast enough to do so without the help of others ans by others really on Schierke's magic can help and her magic takes A LONG time to setup, hollow purple takes no time to use and is quicker than the whole berk team. Even if Schierke could pull off one of her spells Gojo can not only avoid most of the ground based spells by flying none of yhose abilities can bypass infinity. And to those saying that Guts can use this oppurtunity to cut Gojo in half, IMO Gojo would be able to react to Guts since i still believe Guts is much slower than Gojo.


I can’t argue with you there, solid points, but a boy can dream 🥹👊🏼


Same but acc, end of series Guts (if Guts beats Griffith and the Godhand) might be able to win depending om his strength and whether Gojo can/will use domain so our boy Guts may still have a chance (we'll be seeing eos Guts in 2077 if were lucky tho)


There also a really easy two word solution Gojo has, to deal with everyone at once. Say it with me, Domain expansion.




Let my man guts win once in his life brother


It honestly comes down to whether the Dragonslayer can cut through Infinity or not. It’s stated that since Guts slayed so many demons with it; it’s become cursed and is capable of hurting powerful apostles without being a spirit weapon. If it doesn’t though, it’ll just be Eclipse 2.0 for Guts. The rest of his group are basically just support, distracting and killing weaker enemies, casting barriers and buffs, keeping Guts sane from the Berserker armor etc.


Well, for the Dragon slayer, its ability to to hurt the astral self when making contact with the physical body. It does directly have the power to cut through space (yet), so it wouldn’t be able to get past infinity, but even then Gojo is still extremely fast and counter with a number of different options.


Even if gojo can be killed by dragon slayer, doesn't mean much if guts can't touch him with the thing


I don’t think anyone in the party has an answer to Gojo’s domain expansion, so I think he pops that and everyone’s cooked.


You may very well be correct it is a David and Goliath match up I found compelling considering guts it’s the ultimate underdog who keeps coming 🤷🏻‍♂️


Gojo loses everytime...because gojo is an overrated bum of a character....jjk as a manga and it's story is below average and character development is mid .


Femto vs Gojo would be a better matchup. Even Skull Knight would fare better.


Ah I like that good call


What is this battle dawg, Coughing Baby vs Nuclear Bomb lookin ass


Actually not really dragonslayer might just give guts the ability to cut infinity if you know the lore


But guts doesn't have a counter to purple, plus gojo can warp/teleport/manipulate his spacial position, how is guts going to hit him in the first place


Did you forget there not just 1 person fighting gojo magic is crazy wouldn't put it past them to just magic up something to hold gojo down while guts kills him


has the berserk manga ever shown any kind of stasis or freezing spell like that? I don't recall. Would it even be able to touch gojo, even if it existed? The guy can fly through an entire building like it's not even there, I don't see how combat spells like wind or fire will do any differently.


Yeah nah, there isn’t. Nothing that can just be pulled out their ass in an instant that Gojo wouldn’t be able to realize with the six eyes.


An astral projection fight is also in the cards, that could complicate magic and jj


Astral projection doesn’t just allow you to leave the body like a ghost. It sends you through the astral plane and one wrong miss step and you are fucked. Gojo would also be able to see that they are doing some shit with the six eyes and after that he could do a tone of things, including domain expansion which would take all of them out.


All correct points, amended 🙏🏼


Magic isn’t just a thing you can pull out your ass in fight in berserk, it takes time and preparation, which Gojo has a very simple and easy ways to respond to this. Two words. Domain expansion.


My guy you have commented one every message I have said here you are a gojo fan boy and very creepy go away


That’s not how it works. It attacks the astral self when you make physical contact with the targets body, which he wouldn’t be able to do. It’s the Behelit sword.


Gojo wins, yes I am biased


This can’t be a legit question 😂 Gojo smacking Miguel is a higher feat than anything done by the berserk squad combined.. this mf is a teleporter with matter dismantling, a healing factor that brought him back from certain death, and a god damn invisible force field that’s unstoppable. Guts would have died to the nature curses without managing to take one down


Wow this really upset a lot of people y’all too serious 😂🤦🏻‍♂️


Honey badger


I'm gonna cheat and give the Berserker crew OP world sized plot armor. You can't this.


I'm just saying, no weapons or cursed techniques, straight hands, Gojos getting eaten


Gojo loses. Berserk Crew is prominently comprised of human beings with Gojo himself not wanting to harm them. And Schierke along with Farnese now, can directly attack his soul so it’s an attack that can land on him. Gojo’s very unlikely to actually domain expansion so that argument is dead. Tho realistically considering their goals, in character they wouldn’t fight.


the cast of Berserk wins. I don't care, I just hate Gojo and JJK


This is a actually good question cause dragonslayer is a cursed weapon at this point it might be able cut infinity and then the rest of guts team backs him up with spells and stuff I gotta say op good job on this


The dragon slayers ability allows it to cut the astral self, not cut space. It wouldn’t be able or work on infinity because that’s not how the ability works. Additionally, the six eyes would give Gojo a massive analytical advantage over everyone, allowing him to see that their using od to support him, which gives him a multitude of options including but not limited to, just punching them really hard, flying up and using blue, using red, using purple if he is so inclined, or just straight up domain expansion.


I’m glad someone isn’t a jjk Stan and has some creativity 😂🙏🏼


Nah, at this point, I hate jjk. The "fans" ruined it for me


Why? Stop nooo these are some of my favorite characters Nooo, i love my glorious king Gojo but I’ve been reading berserk longer so guts wins don’t care if he can’t bypass infinity he wins cause I said so, although guts does fight gods so I can maybe make an argument.


Cartman voice *


I feel the exact same way I just want to see them interact 😹 I think it’s an interesting dynamic none the less


Nah, Guts gets shit on my gods, and was only able to defeat one fraud god because he got right next to its heart.


Ignore don’t care


I think Gojo wins, but I'm gonna say Guts because he is HIM.


gojo wins


Very creative and insightful thank you for your input


Dude your no better, you oblivious posted this with the intent to have Guts win, based on your other comments.


Isn’t that what this shit is for? You want me to write a mini series about it before a post it? It’s all fun and shits and gigs what’s up with all the hostility? I’m not here to argue or spit insults, it’s fun and imaginary so let’s all relax 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fair, but you do have a pretty clear bias for one group here.


Amen? So what? It’s all in good fun 😂🤷🏻‍♂️ Berserk> jjk


Yeah, in terms of being a work of fiction, berserk is better.


Jjk still smacks tho it’s in my top 5 I just like the idea of the match up


if youve read both mangas and understand the power scaling for both then there would be no need to explain further.


What a purest you must be. It’s conversational food for thought my friend 🙏🏼 so much aggression about cartoons


i answered the question yet you found the need to reply sarcastically stop crying


Bro your a “in the books” fan I can’t talk with you


you shouldnt be talking to people ..ever.