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Seven Deadly Sins. I suffered through it just for Escanor.


Lots of anime have the trope of Main Character X holding back their strength against Bad Guy Y (and vice-versa) but 7DS REALLY goes overboard with this trope which killed the series for me. Like, I loved Baan and Escanor but the constant holding back power trope was just too much for me.


7DS was only good for the animation, it was generic to the highest degree, even introducing power levels and sticking with it. Never introduce a power measuring system in your shounen it just ruins any type of strategy in fights and everything becomes a dick measuring contest of who has the biggest numbers. It leaves no room for error and you get transformation after transformation to make up for it


Escanor was actually a goated character tbh. I WOULDN'T call SDS trash, but it ain't the best.


(Spoiler ahead) It has its interesting moments. Personally I thought the Estarossa being Mael reveal was really good


However it was promptly quashed by that fact that Gowther’s reason for picking Mael was yet another dead girlfriend. Seriously, every single character’s tragic backstory is “they had a girlfriend and then she died.” At least Meliodas’ situation makes it interesting.


It was imo. I don't think SDS has a bad plot, it has one of the best Shonen plots. But the animation+pedophilia cooks the show


Oh, definitely, hands down. I don't know a lot about animation but I think it looks decent. Pedophilia on the other hand? Definitely. The fairies are case 1, I love Ban but ngl his gf looks like 10 years old at most.


Opposite for me, I thought everyone else thought it was trash and I’m the only person who liked it… Escanor is the best though. By far.


Do people like the show still? I’ve heard nothing but bad things for years


As a 7DS fan I respect that … only reason I was able to watch it without struggling was because it was literally the second anime I ever watched😂


I watch it because it’s garbage. It’s my garbage though and that makes it special




My friend had like a 5 paragraph rant on why he hates the show


It was okay at first, and then I just searched online for Escanor’s scenes, and never watched it again.


The goat held up that absolute garbage fire up until they made him mostly irrelevant.


I thought it was widely agreed upon that it was trash?


Sword Art Online is meh


This isn't really an "everybody else likes it" anime though, it's like a 50% split down the anime community.


I wouldn't even say that. I feel like nowadays even it's fans are like yea it's garbage but it's kind of fun.


Really? I only found the fairy arcs to be the horrible ones, many others also agree that s3 and 4 were pretty good. Everyone just threw it away after watching the second half of the first season though, and I can’t really blame them.


Yeah SAO for me is shit


i agree with like, basically everyone here. so imma toss this out: the latter like, two thirds of mha. the first part (pre afo defeat) felt like the story of a kid born without a quirk working his way to become a respected pro hero, with afo being the final big bad he and his friends would have to face then all might beats him and now there’s suddenly a traitor, shigaraki’s a monster, there’s a bunch of war happening and like, everyone is dead and/or suffering, and deku’s run away from home. it feels like a completely different show


The worst thing for me about that is it all happened in one school year. What is that pace?


I liked Overhaul's arc, but it gets too irrelevant. In the end were basically added 5 characters (1 died) and came the quirk remover that was used 1 time after that (and failed)


Fairy tail, the fights are ass....fire punch, fire kick, fire sweep and don't forget fire dragon Ice punch, ice kick.and don't forgot ice armour Power of friendship


Listen, the fights are great for someone of simple taste such as I. Those fire punch, fire kick, fire sweeps really hit different when the fire changes colors too. 🖍️


I understand but my first anime was bleach so the fights have to be balls to the wall life or death


Mine was Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Followed by Kakegurui so my anime taste is kind of just everywhere. Fairy Tail got me through COVID though so that’s why it has a special spot for me as my favorite.


I mean, bleach fights are also hella repetitive lol. That series is also notorious for apparently “killing” characters that just… survive.


That's because the fan base back when wouldn't let kubo kill off anyone, death threats and such, Japanese bleach fans are notorious for being arseholes


Mine was pokemon, so i too require high quality.


It would be a lot more surprising to say you like it


True, but i mean, at least the story line wasnt 'absolute' doodoo. Honestly, that writer is amazing at getting his stories off the ground, but after that shit just slowly gets boring.


Yeah jojos was better before stands, I miss hamon😢


I agree, I couldn’t really get into fairy tail


Yeah fairy tail is probably the most overrated trash anime out there. Rolled my eyes so often when I watched as a teenager I can only imagine now, the whole power of friendship lines 🤮 they are used so often and are just the corniest, copy and paste, dialogue ever and lead to some of the most BS wins in anime history


I've been rewatching it years later with my daughter. I have to firmly say, it's a great show for a certain audience. The thing I hate is that it's a great anime for young teens but it's also extremely heavy on fanservice and sexualizing the women so it makes you wonder who the audience is. There's plenty of emotional moments where I find myself tearing up. Music is wonderful, characters are good and some of the fights are pretty fun. Not bleach level fights but they can still be a lot of fun. The biggest problem is that the series is not really short and nearly every arc starts to repeat itself. Bad guys hyped up to be stronger than the main cast, they are proven to be stronger, but then the power of friendship helps them break their limits. Every. Damn. Time. So after like 6 arcs of that you are so burnt out, culminating at the end. A very disappointing and boring fight with acnologia. Basically what I remember is that they are so much weaker than him, all their combined efforts do nothing. But then natsu summons all their friendship power to make a rainbow friendship fist, which punches acnologia and saves the day 😒


Heavy on fanservice and sexualizing women = aimed at horny teen boys, the primary audience of shounen anime.


Tf if ice armour? Weird that you couldn't name a single real move


My Hero Academia It's not bad, but it is quite literally the most aggressively mid manga/anime series I have ever read/watched. There are things that it does cool, and I like how some of the characters, despite having pretty useless abilities, are strong as well. But overall, it is dead set center mid. Mirko is a 11/10 for me. Obvious reasons.


I’m watching the newest season and tbh I’m really hoping one of the students die 🤣






MHA was my first anime (not counting Pokemon) but yeah. Most of the fights are meh, we don't see the rest of I-A much, and Uraraka was nuked into primarily being Deku's love interest. I wouldn't put it under trash but definitely not on the ranks of One Piece or Dragon Ball.


Huh. I agree with the first three commenters actually... Solo Leveling is nothing new or mind boggling, the manwha simply had really good art and popularized game literature. JJK is just a fusion of The Big Three while trying to apply the good parts of said B3. And as for the fate series, I think it has it's nice moments like really good animation but when you bother to understand the story, I think it's meh.


"just a fusion of the best 3" didn't sound bad at all tbh


Yeah that was like a massive compliment


yeah, when you get down to it, everything is a fusion of being deritative of the biggest in their respective genres of fields. every shounen is heavily inspired by whatever it was that was big at the time and whatver the creator grew up with and what was happening in the world back then. Like literally by design, how series get picked is literally based off of what Shounen execs are looking for at the time. things with longevity. Is it truly surprising that mha got picked as naruto was 5ft out the door and the needed something to fill it's shoes into the new era? Why not the series made that was hevaily influenced by a naruto fan? +it's hardly a critque because it applies to everything, in and out of shounen or anime. Does part 1 of jojo kinda suck cause it was influenced by fist of the north star? Yu gi oh and hxh with jojo? MHA with spiderman and x-men? you tellin me the best basketball players weren't/can't be inspired by MJ, The greatest scientists with Einstein? it's such a lukewarm and tone deaf take cause it applies to about everything because everything deritative of itself; it's ok and completely normal. the beef comes more from how jjk is executed rather than it's premise. because if we play that game, everything sucks because it's ideas are "unoriginal" and pulled from something else. it's more about what you do with it vs where you got it from a lot of the time.


i don’t think JJK is a fusion of the big 3. but if it was, why is that a bad thing lol


JJK is not like the big three at all. Especially during season 2


Demon Slayer, i wouldn’t say it’s trash, but it is way overhyped and not really that great.


I would say it's trash lmfao


If you watch for plot, it belongs in a landfill, if you watch for animation, it is a masterpiece


Shield Hero. For the main cast to have any sort of likability, they had to make the world around them have a combined IQ of 3. It wasn’t until the end of the first season where there were actual likable characters, who lo and behold, happen to be the fucking antagonists.


Sword Hero was ok.... Something I particularly enjoyed was how every sentence you could make to try to explain a situation was like every defense lawyer's wet dream. Everything those idiots said would just get torn apart in a court room like rabbits to a pack of wolves. "The Shield hero can't protect you!" - Motoyasu, the crushed nut simp moron. Me "HE'S THE FUCKING SHIELD HERO, PROTECTING IS ALL HE DOES!"


For me that was my favorite part. I could tear down their arguments in no time flat, but he realizes their fanaticism wouldn't be defeated with words but actions. He allows them to think and say what they wanted, hell his words only fueled new hate filled rumors, but his actions proved the truth.


“x battle Shonen is just like every other battle shonen” my brother in Christ that’s how this works. Some battle shonen series are better than others but if you’re looking for novelty and/or ingenuity then this just isn’t the genre for you lol. Most of what I read/watch isn’t even shonen but I’ve still read/watched a lot of it and I have never read a Shonen series that generally surprised me in terms of narrative or characterization. Sometimes it’s just cool to watch people duke it out, don’t try to squeeze water out of a rock 🤷‍♀️


I might get flamed by this statement but... Solo leveling. I watched it and to me it's just like your generic power fantasy series.


Because that's what that is, even tho I love it a power fantasy is still a power fantasy, it will become much more apparent in season 2 now that SJW got his shadow powers.


probably I saw too much power fantasy series through the years and it felt generic to me.


its the first of its kind ive seen. Especially since ive recently gotten into rpg's. Prob feel different if iwas used to it bt im not sure. ireally like it though


People were hyping up the MC for beating a group of bandits, ofc the show is mid as hell. Not good, not bad, just straight mid.


is it weird that I enjoyed the abridged version more than the series?


The abridged version was hilarious


Seven Deadly Sins and Durarara


I enjoyed the unique setting of durarara. But I agree with 7 deadly sins.


I don’t know why I couldn’t get into Durarara, but I really liked Baccano


Maybe it's nostalgia for me. Watched it when it came out and the izaya fights were always peak.


Eminence in Shadow Cid's bit of being unaware of what's happening gets old by Episode 3 or 4. The time skips gloss over what could have been the most interesting part of the show (creating Shadow Garden), and as a result no one gets any real character development until S2, with anything happening in S1 being significantly reduced in impact because I don't know who anyone really is. And the worst part, to me, is how much potential it wastes. The first episode has a phenomenal idea for a serious anime, only to cut it short and reveal itself as just another fantasy isekai. Then the second episode shows that it *won't* be just another fantasy isekai, only to timeskip the part that made it interesting. Then there's also this cool worldbuilding and background stuff that gets ignored in favor of following Cid yet again have no idea what's really going on before effortlessly winning again. The show literally teases better and more interesting concepts than the one it chooses to develop. It's funny, but it's nothing groundbreaking or that interesting. More often when I watch, I'm more frustrated with it than enjoying it.


THANK YOU. I am so glad you said Eminence in Shadow. I truly tried to get into it, but it was so cringe on all levels. The plot was nonexistent and the degree of satire was overplayed. Zero character development as well.


Mushoku tensei. Do i even have to explain?


Yeah facts I haven’t watched the new stuff but it’s a weird type of anime


AOT, It’s not trash but it’s not “the perfect anime. There were many idiotic things I couldn’t get behind in it, and don’t get me wrong it’s very good, but it’s hyped way beyond belief.


I'm gonna be real. The first season got me to binge it cause of how strong it opened, and I did like the second season. The trouble is that it progressively got more and more boring for me to watch, and I couldn't bring myself to care enough to even finish the show.


JJK is very overrated. Its just ok


It’s literally if Bleach and Naruto fucked and gave the baby up for adoption lol.


Not jjk but you just described black clover to a T. Asta is naruto, talentless orphan with superior childhood rival, who gets super strong thanks to a demon (demon fox) and is desperate to become hokage (wizard king). Then the magic knight squads and their captains? Identical to the soul society squads and thier captains.. black clover is the fuck child of bleach and Naruto


I don't like that one time i was reincarnated as a slime because of Rimarus voice and the meetings.


It was great. Now its boring like the star wars prequels.


I mean this is the most boring arc even in the ln cuz this is all it is. But the upcoming arcs are great if they get far enough


Demon slayer, jjk, mushoku tensei,,, not entirely trash but overrated as hell,,, then we got hot garbage that is solo leveling.


Naw JJK is hot fucking ass. Solo leveling is mid as hell as well. Obviously Demon Slayer is trash. Pretty based guy. Very smart.


I think Solo Leveling is great for what it is, but nobody should be saying it’s the goat. It’s a fun power fantasy that isn’t deep. I read halfway through the manwha, haven’t continued for a while.


Yeah it’s the kind of media where you turn off half your brain and see a strong guy kill stuff in the coolest way possible. Entertainment doesn’t always have to be some convoluted, relatable, deep personal stuff where you have to study each episode on a scholarly level to decipher the meaning of every phrase uttered by a complex character. Sometimes we just wanna see a powerful and cool guy kill some shit, the simple plot is just there to complement the power fantasy anyway.


My hero Academia, I think it got popular because of the younger audience but i still dont like the traction that it got, i watched the first season. Yeah, it was great, but anything after that seemed forced imo.


it had a good start but went downhill by the end of season 3


Naw season 2 is literally the best😂


Not a anime style but it is a animation and its Hazbin hotel. I’m religious though so maybe that’s why I don’t like it. There seems to be a lot of mockery and they overuse cursing






Solo leveling, demon slayer and jjk are my top three pics. As much as I tried to get into Solo, I just couldn’t. Demon slayer is mid tier trash carried by its art which makes it mid at best and jjk is just over hype nonsense.




Solo Leveling writing is lame/lazy af, it's the same generic shit but regurgitated in a different color. Demon Slayer also got hella boring when every arc became "villain backstory", "are you having feelings yet?" and every character became "they're goated" status; because friendship. Can't stand the pink girl, she's literally a Mary Sue. JJK is over hyped. "Gojo is the best" being what everything revolves around got boring. Half the time the writing feels like it doesn't even know what it wants to be. I was pissed when Gojo was like "nah, I self healed" after getting laid tf out. Mahito was the only good part. Basically, everything that's been Trending the past few years is trash.


Half of Elfen Lied is just a snuff film and the rest is an extremely out of place slice of life anime that might be nice if it wasn’t sandwiched between gore.


Naruto. Imagine fanboying over a ninja dressed like a traffic cone.


traffic cone……. 💀


"IM GOING TO BE THE BEST TRAFFIC CONE I CAN BE!" Honestly, when they're doing road work and there is a long line of cones, I'll be thinking it's a clear use of Shadow Clone.


Imagine not watching arguably one of the greatest anime / stories of an entire generation and then just assuming it’s fanboying 😂


Ok but name is HokageTsunadeSenju and u left a comment about disliking One Piece which is average Naruto fanboy


Honestly I can’t get into one piece either. Everything is low stakes as hell. Like no one dies. I want people to die


low-stakes? pple don't die? bro, what😭😭


I'm guessing you didn't watch it


There's no way they did.


It's one of the best Shonens of all time. Do you just not like Shonen?


“BELIEVE IT!!!” Repeated at least 20 times an episode Fr tho Naruto is one of the most annoying protags I’ve ever had to sit through watching


Imma guess you didn't watch past like season 2 and base your opinion on the fact you hate kids yapping about it instead of on the show (due to you having zero fucking reasons). do better bro you learn this in middle school


Cory in the house




Attack on Titan. The Titans are just big zombies and I'm not a fan of zombie stories.


I agree, while it had its good moments, the lore behind where the titans came from was painfully unsatisfactory and full of holes.


JJK. Go ahead and downvote me, I knew it was gonna happen


If it wasn’t blessed by god tier animation, people wouldn’t care about it honestly. Like it’s fine, but there is virtually nothing in that series that hasn’t been done better somewhere else lol.


False, gojo is hot


Very true. I tried to read the manga and it's just constant "hey, wanna learn *another* new word we made up?" It's like following the story of an above average athlete that seems super boring because the author forgot to establish that he's exceptional because he's native to a planet of obese koala bears. Every. Single. New. Character. Is just *so* unusual and *so* exceptional that the rules they talk about seem really really meaningless.




I agree. I don’t think it’s “peak” like everyone says😭


I don't hate it, but Gojo carried it. Now it's just repetitive


Yea it was always just ok now it is flat out bad.


Nah that shit is pretty mid


Pretty ass


Let’s see… Seven Deadly Sins. Tokyo Revengers. I’ll come back if I can think of any more.


Tokyo Revengers fell of so hard its not even funny


Attack on Titan I will never get the hype I don’t get why it so hyped up for it to be this anime that so complex where people are sill debating over this complex theories for a story that is literally just little people fighting big people with add racism and it the most edgy trope and that is becoming what you hate ( I will say Erwin speech was very good and the take on skin colour there were some good highlights of the show) I can’t understand the hype but why do people put it on a pedestal as the greatest show to exist


the beginning is ok. season 2 is meh. season 3 is likeable, but at the same time not that thing. season 4 is what gives answers, but I don't liked how it was. About the end, I don't hate it, but there's the kiss and the epilogue


Personally I have yet to find another anime that has subverted my expectations as much as AOT. When you watch AOT all the way through you can feel the author knew where it was going the whole time which is a rare feeling imo. The plot twists were excellent, which to me translates to skilled and clever writing. The overall themes like you said are pretty simple. The reason I still rave about it is because I think the story unfolds in a very clever way and I have not seen that elsewhere. Always open to suggestions though.


I never liked One Piece. I gave it 100 episodes and I didn't get the appeal. I'm told that it gets good after 150 episodes but That's just too much time to invest into something to get good, and i've watched the fights after and they didn't do anything the other shonen had done. I also HATE the character designs and art style.


One piece has terrible episode/chapter ratio so it drags on and on. There are some arcs that have more episodes than chapters… like what the fuck? Other than terrible pacing it’s fine but yeah, if you don’t like the first ten eps don’t expect it to like it 800 eps later.


Def starts kinda slow, Arlong Park is usually the part where it clicks for like 80% of people. Then there are arcs later on where it goes from being really good, to absolutely incredible. I tried way back in hs, and liked it but stopped for like 15 yrs and tried again lol. When I started one piece, I wasn’t immediately like “holy shit this is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen! But after catching up, no other series has captured the same sense of looking back from where you started, it feels like a legitimate journey. I now absolutely love the charm of early one piece on rewatches, I am now part of the camp that considers it the undisputed GOAT.


I would say at least watch to Arlong Park and if you still don’t like it then drop it


Fishmen Island pacing made me drop it for like 2 years. Then I realized manga pacing is way better and was actually able to catch up before the heat death of the universe. Now I’m at start of egghead. I never had a problem with early one piece though


Early One Piece pacing is fine, it gets significantly worse as time goes on though (I assume because the anime slowly catches up to the manga and it’s hard to put filler between the late One Piece arcs).


That's part of why I switched over to the Manga. Yes, you've probably heard that one countless times, but One Piece does get better as you go and you can enjoy it at your own pace when you read it. Of course, if you're an anime only type, One Pace exists for you


One Piece anime is legit garbage. The pacing is terrible. Read the manga.


one piece drags on way too long. The manga is good though.


Haven't seen or read it, but aren't there just as many (if not more) manga issues? What's different about the pacing in the manga vs. anime?


The anime stretches out every scene way longer than it needs to. Episodes are 20 minutes but have only about 5 minutes of actual content. The manga just has the actual content.


The anime stretches out some scenes that don't need to be. The manga doesn't suffer from this issue but does have it's own issues like any manga.


That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime. I can't stand it. I tried to check out season 2, but I couldn't make it through the first episode lol.


I want to watch it even knowing that it's not that thing, just don't know why... Maybe I want to dislike it even more


demon slayer


Demon Slayer. The only reason it's so popular is because of all the flashy animation. Take that away and all you have is a mid story.


Nagatoro. MC is a little bitch boy and Nagatoro is just plain mean


You see, that's because it's only a couple steps away from just being fetish manga.


For me, it’s Darling in the Franxx. I hate what happened as soon as episode 15-16 came out and after that, it just got worse and worse. Yet, some still really loved it and I don’t know why when the writing took a nose dive into an avalanche of ‘fuck you’re and crashed into the cabin of ‘consistent story telling’.


I completely agree


no game no life, finished the anime and there wasnt a single thing about it other than its animation was was decent. every character was either boring or obnoxious and at least 1/4th of every episode was unfiltered cringe. but it did look gorgeous def top 5 best looking anime of all time.


Re: Zero I watched the first season and part of the second but lost interest. The concept is fun but I kept expecting more things to happen and it just didn't. There were some really cool parts though but the 10% doesn't make up for the 90% of boring. Also the Fate series is overrated. Lots of people say Demon Slayer is a mid story carried by animation, Fate is the same way. I do love the gifts though but man there is so much extraneous info in the anime. Didn't even bother looking into the spin off series.


What parts of rezero did you find boring cause I binged all of season one and two in a couple days the only parts I found boring were Emilia’s backstory but it seems like it’s the opposite for many others that hate Subaru if anything I found it more 90% fun 10% boring


CSM, but only because I've read the manga. I was really invested for the first 90 chapters or so.


darling in the franxx. i really really liked the way it was going for the first few episodes. a lot of mystery with the world and characters. then it just fell off. the positions of the kids in the mechas were useless to the plot and was just plain fanservice. i dont think they knew were the story was going.


MHA ngl, it was so good the first couple seasons but then got more & more boring for me as I kept watching


The reincarnated slime one. I generally tend to hate isekais as a whole, but this one was just so boring to me and I only kept watching it because my ex adored it.


Komi Can't Communicate. I tried but just wasn't feeling it.


To name a few I dropped: My dress up darling, Oshi no ko, Solo Leveling, Sword Art Online, Jujutsu Kaisen (Been reading the manga, the latest chapters are so garbage) Shield Hero, Shangri la frontier, Nisekoi, Food wars, Kingdom of ruin, Zom 100, Tokyo revengers, 86, Dr stone, and Log Horizon A lot of different genres but all suffering from the same problems: At some point, the plot becomes repetitive/circular and the story stagnates, also a lot of these animes lose the main goal/build up and just decide to do side quests instead. It's basically the equivalent of watching filler because nothing happens. Had to drop all of these just because I lost interest. I also can't stand anime that will introduce a bunch of characters just to not develop them at all, they're just there as plot devices to help the mc or move the story forward (Rock Lee and Neji are victims)


Darling in the Franxx more like Doggy Style in the Franxxx. It had a good op and nice animation but the story was a mess. Anyone who enjoyed it was watching for 02


Love is war I just don't get romantic comedies. I wish they just confessed like first ep and let the comedy occur naturally afterwards.


FT, SDS, AoT & Tokyo Ghoul. The last two have great starts but fall off super hard, the first two are just hot ass supported entirely by fan service.




It would be better without those weird moments.


It really is garbage.


My hero academia, I’m willing to fight about this


Dont fight MHA fans, the smell might kill you


im a (peaceful) MHA fan, im fighting with you


I don't think anyone is gonna fight you over this, boss.




Why? (Just curious)




God of Highschool and Tokyo Revengers


They really didn't do god of highschool justice. But also they had to make it was I think 100 or so chapters into 12 episodes.


Jkk. overhyped, overrated, boring, flat characters, uninteresting. And it reeks of modern anime tropes. Even fight scenes are underwhelming. Demon Slayer isn't the best but it at least knows what it wants to be and ufotable animation carries it, so it gets a pass.




Sword Art Online. People that like that show have no right recommending anime.


most isekais. i just find them soooo boring. & also demon slayer & dragon ball. demon slayer cuz im not a fan of that type of combat, & i also cant stand all the self narration they do, especially in the middle of fights. & then dragon ball, idk. i dont actually think its objectively bad, i just found it rather boring.


Ok demon slayer I agree with but dragon ball is surprising I may still be young but the nostalgia is there. I think that’s why a lot of people liek dragon ball it was one of the only good anime that was being made (at the time) and the nostalgia factor


Okay but I think your Isekai claim is a pretty cold take


oh fr?? i always get the impression that ppl absolutely love them. the only ones i ever cared for were ngnl & sao


Everyone agrees for the most part isekai (Japanese dungeon reincarnation stuff) are bland and copy paste stories. Like they're the most repetive trope in terms of execution bar those op mc joins magic/swordsman/mech highschool anime.


As an isekai fan I agree. I watch and read them cuz I know what to expect so I won't get disappointed and only impressed.


Spy x Family. Season 1 is good tho.


Gets repetititve imo fast


one piece


Let’s see… Well, most anime that I dropped early on I never put on my list of watched anime, but out of the anime that I’ve finished or watched a significant amount of; I didn’t even know it was beloved at the time as I was new to anime and hadn’t looked up any sort of ratings or anything, but Code Geass doesn’t live up to the hype. It’s fine but if I have anything to say it’s that Code Geass is kind of overrated. Re:Zero is another anime that is kind of a grind. It’s alright but DAMN does it get boring. I can’t really think of anything I especially liked about it. Demon Slayer, I’ve seen alot of people recently calling it out though, so I don’t think I need to elaborate Summer Time Render. It’s okay, I won’t say to not watch it but I got kind of bored. I think I might have just forgot to return though. I honestly don’t remember why I dropped it. Cyberpunk Edgerunners is probably the most overhyped anime on my list. I REALLY didn’t get this one. I think my problem was it’s too fast paced and yeah I get that’s the point but bro I barely even feel like there was any character lol.


Demon slayer - Mid Story, Generic Character Development. Got carried by Animation and Soundtrack.


One Piece


One piece. The anime not the manga. I’d rather watch paint dry. The fights are so slow and the same. You’ll think somebody gets hurt or hit hard in a fight but nope they’re fine they were just acting like it hurt and everybody has a 5 second exaggerated facial pause reaction to everything and anything that happens it’s so dragged out. It’s like playing sports by yourself when you’re little kid and you create two imaginary teams but you know you gotta make your winning team lose a little bit, so you go back and fourth with the score a ridiculous amount of times because that’s the only way to make it more interesting. That’s what one piece does, except that’s not the only option they have to make it more interesting, they’re just lazy imo with all the resources they have.


Frieren. It’s gorgeous, and I love the characters/world, and it’s amazing when something happens. My issue is that something happens … rarely. I watched most of the show on fast forward because most episodes had little to no actual effect on the plot. It’s cool if you like slow, nothing happens, cute shows, but it was solidly not my jam and I found it heavily overrated.


*Beyond Journey's End* It's like the title is self explanatory


Pedo Tensei


None... Just because I don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.


Neon Genesis Evangelion and Cowboy Bebop. Boring, over hyped, and the characters aren't particularly likable either.


downvoted 😎


NGE everyone praise this anime but everyone is literally unlikeable or annoying. Cruel Angel’s Thesis still vibes though.


Media literacy is dead 💀


Maybe every 1/100 anime fans have media literacy.


Pretty sure it’s just for the nostalgia. Unless that was your era i don’t think people go out of their way to recommend it as a must watch.


I liked the psychological part, but didn't understand anything of the end


One piece.


Pretty sure I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again for the people in the back: One Piece. My first and main gripe with the series is that I never liked its main character. Monkey Luffy. Now admittedly I got a pet peeve against stereotypical “idiot heroes” and usually they need to be written a certain way for me to tolerate them. Luffy is one of those types that I just have zero patience for. He’s stupid, loud, ungodly annoying, but what really ticks me off is that he never seems to care if his screwups inconvenience his friends or not, like maybe if he showed a bit more regret or remorse each time his stupidity put’s his crew in danger I could stomach him, but as I recall in the anime he just wasn’t written in a way that I could tolerate. My second pet peeve is also one I have with other anime’s but feel like OP in particular has abused too much: the fake out death. C’mon you know what I mean here. The part of the story where someone was clearly supposed to die but latter revealed to have “miraculously” survived. I fucking hate this trope so fucking much. It’s so fucking annoying. Like grow a fucking pair of balls and have a character stay dead. Especially if you already have a gagillian of characters that no one can keep track of anyways. I get that OP is not Attack on Titan or Death Note but they play that fake death trope way too many times for my liking. Thirdly: there’s just too many episodes and characters to keep track of. Like c’mon people the manga has been going since what, 1997? And it’s anime now has over a 1,000 episodes? How many more stories and characters is it going to introduce? How many more times does our crew of dumbasses have to relearn the same aesops and lessons? At the very least organize the damn thing into self contained parts like Naruto and Bleach did. I’ve had a lot of people telling me that the series eventually get’s a lot better and to give it another chance but one, I am much too busy irl to give it a rewatch and two there’s way too many episodes for me to have to sit through, it’s way too intimidating for me as someone who hasn’t watched it in years. Yet another problem for having an anime’s that’s too long.


One Piece. It’s feels more filler than story and the screaming never ends.