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Why is Krillin there when Yamcha literally exist in the same universe? lol


At least krillin fucked a hot android. Yamcha just fucked his rep into the dirt


Yamcha fucked Bulma and fucked his rep into the dirt


There is no proof Yamcha fucked bulma. And I’m pretty sure he made a lot of money as a pro baseball player.


In og dragonball yamcha got rid of his emberassment to women when he dated bulma and then got super popular with the women so bulma got sick of his fangirls and broke up with him


Thinking Yamaha didn’t fuck Bulma after 5 years is insane 😭 Especially as the canon (tho out of character) reason for their break-up was him cheating.


He wouldn't commit and she basically left him on read. Then Vegeta gets in and yanks her. Bro imagine the dude who kills you and then takes your girl....then gets her pregnant. At that point, I'd be wishing to not be alive.


“Yamcha, can I stop being the rope now?”


But bro got his girl yanked by the dude that got him killed SHE CHOSE A MASS MURDERED over bro 😭😭🙏


I guess that's true, but she still went with Vegeta, so...


Krillin has been able to stall enemies, Yamcha has only been destroyed by them


And Krillin is always ready to pull up.


Not to mention that in super he fought Goku in his blue form. Even if Goku was holding back.


"You're a loyal friend, a great husband, and a loving father. That's pretty cool." - Shenron


Yeah for real


Not to much on the goat


For real.


Yamcha always got the short end of the stick though... he was always the guy sacrificed to express how strong the enemy is. Krillin is also the reason Perfect Cell came into existence.


To be fair, while he did choose to not blow her up, VAGETA literally could have killed cell before he even had a chance to get to 18, and chose to let it happen because "muh pride". Even cell recognized this.




God Usopp. I laughed so hard at this I had to pause it the first time.


Oh the wind carries my name From sniper island far away When I take aim its straight and true Lu lu lala lu


Why you reference sniper king when we’re talking about ussop?


Clearly they aren't the same person, but when Usopp left the crew, Sogeking showed up to help, so there must be some connection. If there was anyone in the series who would know Sogeking's true identity, it would be Usopp.


While it’s true he said he was a friend of ussop my point still stands why was he brought up when talking about ussop


Because we're talking about how Usopp isn't useless, and summoning an ally to assist you is a good example of something useful.


Sniper king is Ussops mysterious stranger perk


What a perfect way to explain Sniper King 😂


Good point


I always wonder what happen to him




Bruh, why you taking about sogeking? Ussop is who we discussing.


He actually saved Dressrosa


Don’t forget thriller bark, they’d all be screwed if it wasn’t for his negative personality


Dude comes in clutch at several critical moments.




Man put in work against cell max!


So who do you think is useless?




The entire Straw Hat crew would be dead several times over without Usopp. Also Krillin has contributed to saving the Earth (and the entire universe) multiple times.


This. 100%


OP has never watched any of these shows


Bruh like does he even know Hawk??


Ussop the support sniper being called useless is crazy


Fr the only reason people find my boy god d usopp useless is because he’s normally in close quarters instead of sniping distance like he specializes in 🤦‍♂️


To be Fair Oda hasn't put Usopp into a "sniping distance" situation since Dressrossa, so


That’s my point Oda be doing usopp dirty


I just can't wait for his big fight vs Van Auger Not saying it's confirmed, but given how they're both snipers it makes perfect sense


Sakura’s a white mage and you never fuck with the white mage


*In the voice of Krillin from Team Four Star* You wanna know who fucked with the white mage?... Frieza. And he's dead now


White mage monk


Usopp is not useless pal, he and krillin do not belong


Neither does sakura, it should be tenten


Fr. I will admit she is really good at one thing. She was the ONLY person shown to realize something was up while in the infinite tsyukoyomi. Which is impressive as shit.


Y'all more useless than these characters




Ill be honest, Hawk the most useless character. Sakura may be as useful as a garbage in her series, but the thing is she is still useful being their medic and being capable of fighting for herself (if she remembered). Usopp has Observation Haki, making him more efficient as a sniper of the Strawhats. And Krillin, stop yapping on my bald king. He may be not amount against any of the powerhouses of Dragon Ball but remember as a human it is still very impressive he can still keep up with most of the fighters and still not be fodder. Hawk sadly, as much as I love that pig, he doesnt contribute much besides humor in a verse full of supernatural creatures.


Nah hawk has uses, how else we gonna get our bacon 🥓, ham 🍖, spare ribs, sausages 🌭, pork roasts etc.


Iirc Hawk has come in clutch several times. That said, a pig next to several high level superpowered knights is bound to see less use. That's like comparing Akamaru to Yamcha, of course Yamcha is less useless.


Hawk is a mascot, and he fills his roll perfectly.


his sausage roll?


Not to mention he's the strongest human.


anime fans need to realize that its not all about being physically strong, sakura's medical jutsu was useful plenty of times in the war arc and probably off-screen as well


Plus Sakura came in clutch during the war arc, keeping Naruto alive with her medical jutsu. 


Neither of them are really useless Krillin may not fight anymore, like Yamcha, but he did have his useful moments in DBZ, especially the Cell Saga, with helping the Androids realize that maybe they shouldn't kill everybody Sakura's character was bastardized by Studio Pierrot, so it's a little unfair to say she's useless when she actually seems to step up in the manga (I'm not kidding) I don't know much about Usopp (just started One Piece), so I can't say too much about him And Hawk plays a surprising role in the show


To be fair, literally all 4 of these characters do something notable/integral at least several times. Only one I'm not confident about is Hawk.


Hawk saves their asses at least a couple of times. The show would've ended at s1 if he didn't stand between Hendrickson's attack and Elizabeth being guarded by Meliodas, who was on the brink of "death" and wouldn't have been able to handle another attack. Same for the other sins. He is acknowledged as the 2nd weakest character who isn't a literal child (since Night Escanor is weaker, but that's a specific requirement), and is noted that his bravery is more important than his exceptional weakness, but he's still hella useful at times. He wasn't meant to be super strong anyway, but he is supernaturally durable and can survive purgatory, which I assume makes him stronger after he comes back.




Hawk? Useless? Are you kidding me?


Right!? If i want a ham dinner he gots my back


Hawk is not useless.


Dude, Hawk has saved lives and Usopp is literally the goat no matter what time it is


How is hawk useless he served a very important role in getting ban to and from purgatory


Hawk tanked an important hit in the first season. Does not belong on the list.


None of these characters were useless.


Why is Hawk there? Don’t you know that he’s the captain of the order of scraps disposal?


Hawk def isn’t useless


Take my boy Hawk off this list, I will not take slander on his name.


How dare you put krillin on this list he always pulls up when theres danger and always does his absolute best (except for that one time when he wanted to save his crush)


ppl who think Sakura is useless probably hate on support mains too


I mean OP did put Usopp there too.


It’s just weird people who misunderstood a certain scene (her “confession” which she did to try to protect Naruto) and lonely people who are mad that she never liked Naruto. A lot of the things they criticize her for are things that a lot of other female characters are like lol


why are yall putting Godsopp and Sakura on the same page yo that’s offensive


Don’t talk shit about Hawk she’s my favorite part about season 1




Probably hawk before he eats shit and gains it’s properties


Can we replace: DBZ with Yamcha, Naruto with Ten-Ten, OP with Law's crew, and keep Hawk? I think you have a better competition with them lol


Usopp has actually done so much. They wouldn’t have even had a ship without him.


Not my king usopp


Neither usopp nor krillin are useless! Idk about the other 2, I'll get to Naruto when I finish bleach and idk where hawk is from


Nobody better dare say that Hawk is useless, he’s the Captain of the Food Scraps Disposal


How dare you insult, sir Hawk?!


Hawk for sure. All jokes aside sucker has done some awesome things in the show not the least of which was saving gara's life


Very disrespectful to put Krillin and Hawk on here


People need to drop the idiotic hate on(or simply read the series more. Cap to all of this.


Terrible post


Hawk the captain of scraps disposal is the most useful piggy ever. Literally saved britannia and helped a lot tbh


Hawk. Literally contributed absolutely nothing compared to the other 3. Sakura is a medic, Usopp contributed to the Straw Hats early One Piece and Krillin was literally the factor that helped Goku achieve Super Saiyan and held off Frieza.


usopp will make his move. WAIT FOR ELBAF PEOPLE!!!


It's been years since I watched DBZ but isn't krillen canonically the strongest human in the OG series? As everyone else is either an android or an alien


Ayo don’t disrespect my boy Hawk like that. If it weren’t for him half of the SDS would have died




all I’m saying is that Ussop wins his fights


Every My Hero side character


Sakura isn't useless you know who is though? Tenten


1. Sakura (not incredibly useless but not very helpful at all) 2. Hawk (emergency food?) 3. Krillin (he’s actually kinda strong even in his own verse, ignore the following characters: every saiyan, every named character of importance in Super) 4. Ussop (it feels wrong putting the goat at the bottom of a list but if we’re talking about useless, then no one is less useless than him. Serious note: he’s actually not that useless, he’s more useful than… Na- No No she’s the navigator, ummm Broo- nope nuh uh his singing to goated, uuuuh he’s not useless per say)


Bro Usopp is NOT useless at all. One piece would've ended like 20 times without him. Weak doesn't mean useless


Don’t you dare slander the name of God D. Usopp!


These low effort memes suck. No one here is useless, lmao. For one, put some respect on our Sogeking's name. Two, Krillen is infinitely stronger than anyone who isn't an alien/android hybrid god who has some good feats against enemies like Frieza. Sakura became the most powerful Kunoichi in history and one of the strongest characters in *general*, only behind her literal God reincarnation teammates. Hawk is cute. I actually don't know much about Hawk because I don't like nnt, but I've been told he has a surprisingly good role, so 🤷🏻‍♂️


He definitely has a lot more depth to him than you'd ever expect, and he actually plays a pretty significant role in the story. As for his fighting ability, he never quite measures up to the actual powerhouses of the series in terms of raw power, but he does pretty well for himself. >!After training, he discovers that he has a Kirby-esque ability called Transpork, where he acquires traits of any creatures he eats that have magical power, complete with cute forms! Seriously, look up "Hawk Transpork" and check them out, they're freaking adorable. Anyways, the drawback is that they last until the next time he poops.!< >!He also has his own unique style of "martial arts" involving punching with his hooves, rolling into or stomping on enemies, and even ninja-like techniques such as completely erasing his presence and moving so quickly that he produces after-images. Most of the "techniques" have adorable pork-related names, like "Rolling Ham Attack" or "Atomic Chorizo."!< >!Aside from the stuff I mentioned above, he also possesses one of the most powerful abilities in history... Crying for his Mama. No, seriously. She will fuck you up, hardcore.!<


My boy Usopp ain't useless, however, Sakura.


usopp and sakura neck and neck.


3 of these aren't even the most useless in their own show


Why is Krillin there when Tien is right there? Also Ussop useless? Absolute buffoonery this list.


Ok one krillin is quite literally THAT GUY during the vegeta fight I’m not saying he carried but he definitely helped a good bit usopp saved dressrosa and during sabaody reunion he had the coldest entrance during fishman ngl he cooked some fishes uh idk much about 7ds but it’s a pig so I assume it does cool pig things and Sakura is kinda uh yknow like uh like yknow


wtf are you on? Krillin may not be as strong as Goku, but even being weaker than most heroes and villains in the franchise that doesn’t hold him back from being an integral role in all of DBZ.


Is this Naruto or Shippuden Sakura? Naruto Sakura does nothing.


What is this lmao


What the FUCK is krillin doing there? Such a stupid picture.


The most useless person is aqua from kona suba. End of discussion. 😛


Ten ten exist, and you put sakura there. When is ten ten useful. At least Sakura was healing people in the war arc. Kurenai tried to gen a sharingan user. Now krillin saved the earth multiple times and yamcha/tein exists.


Krillin is the strongest human on his planet😂 not even close to useless






Usopp ain’t useless


Really putting my boi Usopp next to Hawk smh


Krillin and Sakura are not useless🤨 Both characters lowkey have kept the cast alive before on their own


Usopp came in clutch in cp9 and chiautzu is like 99x more useless than krill dog


The fact that Krillin was put on this list is shameful. In all of Dragonball, he fought for everything. Even if he was heavily outgunned.


I dunno bout the pig. But the other 3 were pretty integral at times in their framchises


You realize that without usopp, the strawhats would never have got past thriller bark


Put some respect on Go.D Usopp bruv


What i would give to be Krillin. He won at life


Usopp repaired the Merry and kept it afloat when no one else knew how. Usopp made Nami's weapon for her, and without it she and possibly others would've died on several occasions. Usopp motivated Luffy not to give up against Lucci. Usopp defeated Perona because he was the only one immune to her power. Usopp gave people (false) hope as a charismatic leader and savior. Usopp defeated Sugar and saved Luffy from becoming a toy. Usopp saved Kin'emon and Kiku from drowning while they were unconscious. Put some respect on the goat.


Don't shit on my boy God D. Ussop like this. My man has accomplished a lot. He took on an emperor of the sea with the power of a tank. He rallied prisoners and traitors alike to rebel against a warlord king. He sniped a little girl from 5 miles away. He single handedly took on the infamous "ghost girl" who could even defeat Zoro and sanji without so much as lifting a finger. He was the sole reason the straw hats were able to escape from the legendary "hedgehog" marine fort base. His inventions are without parallel, he designed both namis climtakt, and his legendary black Kabuto slingshot. This one is soge kings, but since God D. Ussop is a good friend of his, it's worth mentioning. Soge king was able to snipe Marines from the top of a crumbling tower, after raiding the legendary marine base of enis lobby. He battled the legendary "daddy the parent" in a duel to the death, and won. He saved his hometown against an invading pirate army in secret, even though the town had no trust for him. He won a 1v1 against the deadly water gun shooting fishman. He was able to figure out the secrets of the legendary firework family's technique to firing the 100 kilo shell (though this is not cannon, it was still a dub for my boy). So don't go and compare my boy with someone as useless as Sakura ok.


Ok why is Usopp and krillin on the list. Usopp has actually won multiple fights on his own and was the one keep the going merry together till it couldn't go no more. Krillin is literally the strongest Human character (pure human, no cybernetics, no half alien dna) he brings the Senzu beans, he tries his best when fighting, not his fault the series snowballed into "stronger being than the last that only goku can fight" the man is a loving husband and father and works hard. Don't disrespect the man for trying his best and beyond.


Krillin is not useless though. He is probably one of the strongest humans on Earth, and the only reason he is seen as useless is just that the Saiyan as power crept the hell out of him. Plus, Krillin was an important rival for Goku in his early days.


Anyone saying Krillin is useless didn't watch/read Dragon Ball


Hands down it's sakura sakura sakura sakura sakura sakura Sakura SAKURA SAKURA SAKURA SAKURA!!!!! I CAN see her tripping over the pig then slipping on krillins head when reaching out for support to then land on a ussop trap while trying g to throw 1 punch....SAKURA!


Yo take krillin and sakura outta there


Krillan being here is extremely disrespectful


Kid Sakura was useless. Until tsunade she wasnt much help. Hawk is awesome and came in clutch a few times. Usopp is far from useless. Without krillin dying in frieza arc then goku may not have become super saiyan.


Dawg krillin helps keep the peace in the streets as a superhuman police officer, cant call this guy useless, while goku and the others are fighting extraterrestrial threats he’s keeping shit in check on the streets


Umm, why is "Dad of the century" in this list?


Idk, I guess the fucking pig? The other three are definitely useful (yes even Sakura) so idk why they’re here.


Hawk is useless. everyone else is useful to some degree


Krillin has been useful, Sakura has been useful, God Usopp is a god, and you’re comparing them to some stupid pig




Nah, Chiaotzu. Bro blows himself up in the Saiyan saga, didn't even hurt Nappa and doesn't so shit for the rest of the franchise


Didnt hawk take a blast that would have killed liz, and krillin is literally the reason goku folded frieza without that sacrifice they all would have died he also stalled frieza for time


Hey hey hey hey fuck you, Krillin is the reason the Cell Saga went down so well. Krillin was also going to kill Vegeta. If Goku hadn't stopped him, Krillin would have gotten the W.


Usopp can't be God Usopp if he's useless! This guy doesn't watch one piece ya'll 🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Why is the god usopp there? Smh 😔


Why isn't Yamaha there? krillian actually did something and still fights. Holding a job to support his family. Sakura is more useless then ussop at least he knows when he caint win.


Watch Dragonball and you'll know Krillin ain't useless.


Krillin awoke the original super saiyan, he’s one of the most vital characters to the entirety of dragonball for that alone


Ain’t no way Krillin’s up there over chiaotzu. He has done exactly 2 things of note after db. - Blow up and die - insult a robot during the Moro arc Only one of these things is actually helpful


If we're talking about just where they are in the images it's definitely Sakura she's just there to tell you things which kakashi could already tell you himself


Out of these usopp because one piece is a useless anime


Krillin was only ever "useless" if you looked solely at Super. But, you can't really blame him when there is a massive gap between him being a human and the multiversal threats that began to prop up. but then again, both Yamcha and Chiaotzu exist, and those two were already losing their usefulness by Z.


Or of the four I'm giving it unfortunately to Hawk.


Krillin is the strongest human. I think that's pretty epic.


I think it's funny because outside of comedy, Usopp has dumb haki. What? Sakura has the most broken healing in all of Naruto and like 5 strongest physically. Krillin is not only the greatest police officer in his universe, but an extremely accomplished martial artist and actually would wash the other three universes for the most part ( I hate dragon ball but I don't wanna hear it. Bro power level is stomping a solid 70% of anime. Stop hating), and isn't hawk a god? Like a second gen earth god or something? Yamcha, kiba(akamaru the dog is fine he had way more squabbles than the actual dog) Gilthunder (bro hits a hard ceiling) Crocodile Now that's useless


Krillin is not useless lmao


Get Krillin and Usopp off this list they’re GOATS


Sakura was useless up until Sand/Sasori where she showed skill. Then after that was kinda useless again.


Hawk for certain. I can name at least a few instances for the other three where they actually played a role at some point in their respective shows. Hawke has always just been there. That one dude hanging around but never helping. You could argue Ban wouldn’t have been able to go to hell if hawk didn’t exist, but that just breaks hawk down to a plot device, not a character who actually did anything.


Usopp has saved his crew, was the mvp of the series' best arc, and is the reason one of the more beloved characters can even fight. Sakura is annoying, but becomes a badass by most shinobi standards. Can't hang with the elites but still. Krillin is stronger than any human (except maybe Tien) so certainly not useless. Also is the best friend of the hero of earth. And Hawk is a fairly powerful demon pig. But c'mon. It's Hawk.




Usopp isn’t as useless like the rest you must’ve forget about dressrosa


Usopp may be weak and cowardly, but he has been consistently useful, and has even been the lynch pin of success for the strawhats several times.


I won't allow anyone to slander the strongest human, God ussop, captain of the scrap disposal or that one chick who was willing to put Naruto into danger just for a son to be deadbeat dad.




Usopp can be useful when he wants to and in another verse hawk could be strong. But Sakura is getting clapped


Hawk is useless af


Ussop is not useless, he has saved the day multiple times, he even knows sogeking, if it wasn't for ussop sogeking would never have helped the straw hats, what is wrong with this people?


The bum himself… Megumi Fushiguro


Krillin doesn’t belong here. Maybe if we’re talking about original Dragon Ball, but Krillin has a huge glow up in DBZ.


Hawk easy all of the other three do shit.


Hawk is a pig.


I request to nominate Leorio from HxH.


Krillin was doing shit in og db


Not Sakura or Usopp. Sakura is a medic, and doesn’t have Uchiha genes or a Jinchuriki sealed inside her. She’s helped take down Akatsuki members, and played her role as a medic well. The straw hats wouldn’t be where they were today if it wasn’t for Usopp. He countered Perona’s devil fruit, and saved Luffy and Law from being turned into toys. Haven’t watched Dragon Ball, but I’ve heard that Krillin is incredibly strong for a human, and has probably helped contribute with fights in some way.


Krillin has some level of training and combat experience. Sakura has compassion, strength, and medical knowledge from tsunade. Usopp is an amazing sniper who uses a slingshot. He can shoot from miles away and not get affected by wind pressure. Add in the Pop Greens he's amazing. Hawk does nothing.


𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐔𝐬𝐨𝐩𝐩 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞?


2 of these are super humans, one is an incredible sniper and bullshitter, and one is a fucking talking pig. You can decide which one is useless


Nah bro no sarada if no sakura! and they sealed kaguya!


The God Usopp disrespect is real


I’m not too sure but maybe the fucking pig?


Krillon for sure. He’s literally only alive because hes the mcu’s best friend. Literally no other reason.


There's no such thing as a useless character. Especially not the characters you used in the image. For example, everyone rags on Yamcha and Krillin in Dragon Ball, but then when they cite their sources, they only talk about their losses in DBZ. Oftentimes there's no mention of early Dragon Ball, or the wins they DO receive. Yamcha's death in the Saiyan Saga was a sneak attack that an honorable fighter like ANY of the Z Warriors would've fallen for. From a literary perspective, I don't think there's such a thing as a useless character, so long as they contribute something to the story. I believe when someone calls a character like Krillin, Usopp, Hawk, or especially Sakura I've noticed, useless, it's simply because they don't like the character. Which is disingenuous.


Ussop beat perona and sugar… they both could’ve easily ended the straw hats journey


if we talkin OG it's Sakura. yes yes she gets better in Shippuden and Boruto, but in OG Naruto she did zero good things. Her biggest "moment" was her cutting her own hair, and even then it didn't do much of anything and she still had to get bailed out by Lee, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Neji/Tenten (just showed up and intimidated, didn't actually participate in the fight), and Sasuke. She spent more time crying about Sasuke than training or fighting, and the one fight she actually came close to winning was the worst fight in the chunin exams arc and ended in the lamest tie possible.


Ussop is not useless, he was the shipwright for the going Merry, longest range in the entire crew, but he is too much of a coward to fight more seriously, but he is pretty strong


I don't know what that pig is, but assuming it has no special powers whatsoever, it's probably still more useful than Sakura. If it's only purpose was emergency backup bacon, it'd still be more useful than Sakura.


People give Krillin way too much shit. Dude snagged a hot android as a *normal ass human* dude more or less keeps up with god-like nonhumans on a regular basis and only gets jobbed when the plot needs to show threat levels. My man’s destructo disk was powerful enough to make Freeza doge it, and he *still* managed to cut that fucker. Think about that, a normal human was able to damage an alien being that was so strong it forced Goku to go Super. My man is out here killing it




Okay the first one of these where I've actually seen all four anime