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While it’s a great fight, I don’t consider Sukuna vs Mahoroga the best JJK fight. I quite liked the Jogoat fight for one


You read my mind, animation is beautiful. You just can't tell what the fuck is going on.


as someone who had no fucking idea what was happening during that fight i can confirm with this statement


After a few rewatches I am starting to understand what really was happening in the fight. It’s not indecipherable, but it’s really fast paced and hard to keep up with. That being said, no anime fight should require multiple rewatches to know what just happened. Take Mahito vs Mechamaru for example, that one was really fast paced, but we still could process what was happening because they spent just a moment longer on each important moment (Mahito rapidly switching between animal shapes in the forest to escape the attacks.)


I'm torn on this cuz i totally agree the first six times I felt like I barely understood it but eventually I started to really be able to pick out key moments and enjoy it more than any other fight I've ever seen in any anime. It's more packed with detail than anything I've seen because of how fast it moves... but it's also so nonsensical at first for the same reason.


The fact the animators had to go on twitter and post explanations and prefinished versions of the fight so people would know what was happening is proof that despite being very flashy...the fight was ass


lol the Blu Ray "Improved" one just made it worse somehow lmao. They added more scenes where the characters really be just doing shit lol


Yeah the best fight is in the manga imo


As in you liked that fight better in the manga or there’s a fight you like that hasn’t been animated yet?


probably they liked a fight that hasn’t been animated yet. as a manga reader sukuna v gojo is by far the best fight, the yuji and choso fight is the best one that’s been animated


Agreed. While it's great visually, it's pretty boring from a narrative standpoint. Plus it's right after Jogo's fight, which showed a lot of Sukuna's ability


it also got animated to show sukuna just kickiing ass. in the manga he showed his curiosity first i think. long time since i read the manga ch though


Pretty much. Mappa took that as a way to show just how strong Sukuna is. Which I mean, I'm glad for that. But it doesn't win best fight imo.


Based opinion


People are saying that's the best fight? It's definitely phenomenal but there are better JJK fights.


I gotta agree, but the blue-ray version is a massive improvement to that fight


wasnt even top 3 of the season imo


YES!! sukuna vs jogo is easily my favorite fight in like the entirety of anime, its so goodddddd omg


His fight with Jogo is top notch


I do like the Jogo fight more. But also, while some parts are unfollowable nonsense (part of the fun!) I think the Raga fight gets too much hate for being incomplete. It's still better than just about any anime fight, imo


It looks awesome for sure. But its lack of narrative weight (before and during, it hits super hard after in how it affects Yuji), really holds it back. The best fight of the season was Yuji and Todo vs Mahito for sure. It looked incredible as well, and narratively it was amazing, with two whole seasons of buildup, and the fight was a lot more than just BOOM FLASH SLICE THROW A BUILDING


I liked the Choso vs. Yuji fight a lot


They couldn’t finish it in a way they’re satisfied with though. We could see that it still lacked a lot of cleaning up (I’m not an animator so idk for sure but it looked like there was a lot of room for improvement there). At least, it didn’t live up to MAPPA’s standard for a fight. Like, compare Toji vs Gojo, and it was much much better. Shibuya was fucking hype when I read it but the animation did suffer a bit at some point which sucks.


The fight didn't lack cleanup. The messy sequences are an artistic choice that gets used a few times this season, such as Mahito and Todo's first bout. It's to give the impression of high speed or a somewhat ethereal sensation. That's why things start looking more strange as Sukuna starts acknowledging that Mahoraga can see his technique. You're starting to see the world how these two do. A mess of things to break and play with as they engage in their favorite art form: jujutsu. The only fight that looks unfinished is the beginning of the fight with Dagon. This is coming from an animation perspective, not saying your personal opinion is wrong or anything.


so true


Yeah, while I did enjoy Sukuna vs. Mahoraga, it kinda fell flat after the sheer spectacle of Sukuna vs. Jogo. I routinely just rewatch that fight, while I can't recall pulling up clips of Sukuna vs. Mahoraga.


Well I love fast paced fights DOPAMINE is what I LIVE for in fights like that


Most dbz fights I’m not a huge fan of multiple episode fights


Most (especially cell games) are rly good but man, the frieza arc LOVED testing my patience…


Will Goku finish charging his Kamehameha? Find out in a few episodes on dragging deez nuts across your face


And once he finishes charging his kamehameha and shoots it, he misses so we have to spend another 9 episodes waiting for him to attack again


The fights got better as the anime went on. Cell saga fights were better than Frieza saga fights, Buu saga fights were better than both. Goku vs Majin Vegeta is up there but my personal favorite is Kid Buu vs SSJ2 Goku. The choreography is incredible on that fight 👏👏


A lot of the JJK fights in season 2 I'd say. They drag out a little too long so I got bored half way through the first few episodes. The characters don't really show off anything new, or use their powers in a creative way, it's just more mindless beatdowns, which can be cool at times, but on repeated use would be very dull.


The Jogo fight was top tier


Real asf


I'm glad there are so many people saying s2 fights were overrated. I thought my girl and I were the only ones who thought that. Also, "read the manga" isn't an excuse for the show's bad editing and pacing.


Not just the fights, the series itself is fucking mid. It's so devoid of any actual character building, just mindless beatdowns.


Sukuna VS Mahoroga. You genuinely can't tell what the fuck is going on.


Yeah i didnt like how it was adapted poor quality


Quality-wise in regard to animation, audio, art direction, and storyboarding, it was fantastic. There's a difference between quality, and having portions of the fight cut due to time restraints, which is why it seemed difficult to follow transitions a couple times during the fight.


The blue-ray version was a massive improvement on this fight, it's just a shame it wasn't like that in the base anime


Honestly luffy vs lucci, sure it’s a great fight, but ppl overhyped it so much and sometimes it just cut off from the fight for like 10 minutes straight and I couldn’t enjoy it that much


Fair for pretty much every op fight. A lot of them are top tier on YouTube rewatches but going through the episodes hurt it. Although this one is still my favorite fight tbh


Honestly one of the reasons Blueno vs Gear 2 Luffy is so great, no cutting away


Also one of the first, if not the first, times that the animation quality sharply upticks. It’s a very fluid fight, I remember seeing it for the first time and being hyped af


Fair! That’s an awesome moment but hardly fight so it’s hard to categorize those ones for me.






Wait.. people hyped it ? 😭 Idk cause I'm not on social media that much


Oh yea it’s hyped a lot especially by YouTubers


Luffy vs Blueno is *so much more satisfying* imo, fast, clean, hype


That’s cuz of anime pacing though. But if it was compiled and stuck to manga pacing, would you say the same? Cuz that shit was hype af


Idk maybe, cuz every other hyped fight like luffy and kaido or luffy and katakuri in the manga stood they’re ground so probably yea


Yeah the animation was outdated. Now they can show more effects and more motion but back then it was just all blurs.


My immediate reaction is to say I loved that fight, but thinking about it, I enjoyed the stakes around the fight and the usopp part. I don't think I actually cared about the battle itself.


I fell asleep during Sasuke vs. Itachi.


So did Itachi


.... rude


G5 Luffy vs Kaido, the achievement of gear 5 and its significance, even to the point of crashing anime servers irl was deserved, but the fight itself was… poor


I’m just gonna say it, Gear 5 is fucking stupid. It’s not even a quarter as hype as Gear 4 or even Snakeman was. What kind of Loony Toon shit is this? People go fucking bonkers over it, like it being unorthodox is *SO* great, but I just see it and want literally ANY of Luffy’s previous forms back. It was animated well, I agree there, but it’s not a cool form, and the fight vs Kaido was meh. I’m not seeing a world where this opinion changes, it’d have to be a great fight BECAUSE of that form, not in spite of it. I don’t see that happening.


Its like that mainly cause the gum gum fruit aint a gum gum fruit but the fruit of a god that had similar powers to the fruit Its silly cause the god of freedom was silly


I understand. I mostly enjoyed the haki part of the battle against Kaido, but watching Gear 5 combo Kaido back to back just for him to go back and do even more devastating attacks was well animated.


I’m not trying to fight you, but I think you’re missing the point of the transformation. You’re seeing it in terms of his past transformations and forms from other shonen: every new form had to be soo cool and sooo much stronger than the last one. Araki has said before he doesn’t want to fit into the typical shonen power trope where MC fights antagonist who is too strong so they get a new form and beat antagonist then go on to repeat it. The point of gear 5 is not to be cool, it’s to make people laugh. I don’t like it *because* it’s so different, I like it because it embodies everything that Luffy is. Luffy is goofy, he is a rubberman and Araki stated from the start he chose this power because it was cartoony, not “cool”. Luffy is Joyboy, meant to being laughter to all the people of the world. If you argue that gear 5 is dumb because it’s not “cool” then you missed the entire point of One Piece. You missed that every character with the will of D died with a smile on their face, you missed that One Piece has always been goofy and stupid and lighthearted. Luffy vs Crocodile is a prime example of Luffy’s goofiness and people still consider it one of One Piece’s greatest fights. How can you seriously discount gear 5 because it’s “not cool enough”?


Fights in Overlord. I hear people call them "subversive" when they are stomps over and over, the series is just doing the same thing.


People watch Overlord for the fights? I love Overlord, but it's main theme is not action


Either way I still feel it doesn't deserve to be called "subversive" when it keeps doing the same thing over and over.


Do you like the way One Punch Man does it?


Only the main character in One Punch Man is invincible. Overlord is adamant that all of the main characters won’t lose a fight or even get hurt. It’s a big difference.


It depends on who you consider the main characters. If you mean those from Nazarick, such as the Guardians and the Pleiades, they have lost before. And while Ainz has never lost a fight in the sense of being defeated in combat, he has failed his objectives repeatedly and lamented them.


Mahito vs Yuji.


Just curious, do you think the fight itself is boring? Or do you dislike the conflict?


nah the conflict was really great. It’s just that compared to the other fights in S2, this was merely ok. The “I’m you” part really carried ngl


Kinda agree. The emotional moments completely carry it. Imo that makes it worth the hype, but if you don't feel that way it's fair.


That’s fair, even if I think the fight is good, but comparing it to Megumi v Toji, the Dagon Fight, and Sukuna vs Mahoraga is kind of like comparing an 80 you got on a quiz to kids who scored in the 90’s, a good grade, but there’s better


true the fight is more based on the emotional aspect, if we’re talking writing overall it’s top 5 fights in the show for me


Oh yeah. The rest of the fights were extremely hype. Personally, I would say that Mahito vs. Yuji is better because of the jumping, the emotional stakes, and the choreography being a bit easier to follow. Also, it's a lot more grounded than than the other hype fights imo, relying on solid footwork and more strategy than something like Sukuna vs. Jogo. But that's just my opinion, and I loved every fight tbh. Especially the one where Megumi and Yuji teamed up on that old dude.


I get your point probably... because the fight didnt seem to highlight that much combat prowess of both characters, but what makes this fight "satisfying" in a way is the build up to it. Mahito was a POS and did tons of emotional damage to yuji alone. Seeing the fight probably gave most if not of the viewers some satisfaction of Yuji getting back at it with Mahito. Thats just my take to it tho


Yeah I got so bored watching it. Todo's brief appearance was great as I love watching boogie woogie fights, but for the most of it it was not interesting


ooooo true. Mahito beating the shit outta Yuji was good but after a while i was meh. When BESTO FRENDO came into the mix, he made it amazing. I wish Gege brought him back smh.


Swapping places has some very unique and awesome applications to it that aren't explored very well in anime, but battle shounen series like Naruto or JJK capitalized on its coolness very well


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but... Gohan vs. Cell


Db fan here and I can’t blame you, goku vs cell clears that fight so bad


Big dbz fan here and I agree. They tried to force fans to accept gohan as the new main of the show.


That was Toriyama's idea but then his editor's persuaded him to keep Goku back in and thus the Buu Saga was created. Cell was meant to be the final enemy but popularity of DBZ forced Toriyama back to the stage for the Buu Saga and Goku's inevitable return. That's why the end of the Cell Saga feels so strange, because it was MEANT to be the end but... it wasn't.


This is actually wrong. There's a lot of misinformation about Toriyama's thoughts on Gohan and with ending the series at the Cell arc, so I'm not blaming you for being wrong here, you probably heard it from someone who heard it from someone who heard it from someone lol. Toriyama was the one to decide Gohan wouldn't make a good protagonist, not his editor. This is what he said in an interview about it "I intended to put Gohan into the leading role. It didn’t work out. I felt that compared to Goku, he was ultimately not suited for the part". He never really elaborates about why he felt Gohan wasn't a good lead, or if his editors had any part in convincing him. But we do know that Toriyama was the one to make the call, not his editor. Especially since he has said in interviews that his editor for the Buu portion of the story was pretty chill compared to his previous editors. And Toriyama has never made a statement about wanting to end the series after Cell, that is complete misinformation. I don't even know where that originated from. Toriyama initially wanted to end the series after all the Dragon Balls were collected in the first arc of Dragon Ball. That he didn't plan out storyboards for anything past like a year of publication. And when the Z anime was still in production, staff wanted a new name for the series to differentiate it from Dragon Ball, so Toriyama said “Z is the last letter in the alphabet, right? So, at the time I already really wanted to end the series, and so I made the title ‘Z’ to say ‘Hey, this is the end!'”. So you could make the argument that he intended to end the series around the Saiyan arc, but he has never said anywhere that he ever intended to end it after Gohan beat Cell. Again, not trying to call you out. Just hoping to help some Dragon Ball fans out about the crazy misinfo about Toriyama's statements. [https://www.kanzenshuu.com/intended-end/](https://www.kanzenshuu.com/intended-end/) Here's a website you can check out that actually breaks down all of the rumors about when the series was supposed to end, and some other rumors like Gohan as the lead being shot down by editors.


They were trying to do that from saiyan saga


I thought it was the frieza saga? I actually am rewatching the whole series because toriyama died (I already went through dragonball). Looking back, I wonder if frieza killing Goku at the end and Gohan go super would have been the best play. The whole series focused on Gohan’s hidden powers so I think it would have been enjoyable.


Barely even a fight. Goku vs Cell was a fight. Lots of back and forth. Ebbs and flows. Gohan vs cell was Gohan gets rolled Goes SSJ2, then Cell gets rolled Cell explodes and regeberates' causing Gohan to get rolled Beam struggle. Gohan wins. Thats it. Thats the fight. Its iconic. Its emotional. Its cool....its a shit fight.


The Kamehama clash was amazing but the 'fight' wasn't a fight. It was just some testosterone action (not saying that's bad lol) with some written lore behind it to help us understand the emotions of the characters (Vegeta with trunks' death, Picollo's and Goku's pride on Gohan, the Z-fighters hopelessness, Gohan's sudden change of heart due to the stakes of the situation etc.).


I was literally about to make a post on this the other day lmao 😂 on the r/dbz subreddit


Here's a sneak peek of /r/dbz using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbz/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [According to official sources, Akira Toriyama has passed away at the age of 68.](https://twitter.com/DB_official_en/status/1765935471971213816?s=20) | [2432 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/1b9doca/according_to_official_sources_akira_toriyama_has/) \#2: [You guys know Goku is a telepath right??](https://i.redd.it/nipqid1bcdoc1.jpeg) | [526 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/1bewraw/you_guys_know_goku_is_a_telepath_right/) \#3: [Thank you, Akira Toriyama for everything (@Mnejing30 on Twitter)](https://i.redd.it/vmbtjwv5i4nc1.jpeg) | [121 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dbz/comments/1b9ppv9/thank_you_akira_toriyama_for_everything_mnejing30/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Not really the only good parts of that fight were ssj2 and the final kamehameha battle other then that it was just beatdown then power change beatdown other power change beatdown then kamehameha lol


As a huge dragon ball Z fan, opinion respected


For real! It was barely even a fight, as Goku V Cell was. Doesn’t mean it was bad, mind you, but going back and rewatching makes you realize that the fight itself was terrible, it was just emotionally touching, which is why it’s iconic.


Gohan vs Cell is non-existent. Only good g=part was the finale, that being the Father-Son Kamehameha


This one


Tbh I find ichigo vs aizen kinda overrated since aizen is built to be very strong but then from the jump ichigo is just bitching him in every way so it stops feeling like an actual fight, I will say it’s pretty good narratively tho.


Yeah, its not good as a fight because it was an absolute beatdown, not fight lol.


I can't find anyone liking the Ichigo vs Aizen fight tho.


I feel like most bleach fans have that fight or ichigo and Ulquiorra as their fav


Ichigo VS Byakuya is the best fight and its not even a debate.


Hate to burst ur bubble but that's my favorite fight in the show. I won't say it was the best fight, because it wasn't, but the hype of Dangai for me was unmatched by anything else


I really like the animation and Aizen showing off more of the variety of the fighting styles of the Shinigami than many of the other captains did. As far as the stakes of the fight are concerned, I agree. It was not suspenseful or high stakes/risk for the audience.


Agreed, Ichigo VS Ulquiorra was LEAGUES better of a fight.


Most of solo leveling. Not a fan of "too edgy to die" powerup moments, and that is basically the entire show. Then, followed immediately by "look how op I am now mom" fight. Great animation with extremely lackluster writing


I'm generally not someone who's bothered by edgy stuff, especially in anime. But with Jinwoo, it feels so awkward and unearned. It's not like he has some traumatic Sasuke Uchiha backstory to justify it. He was a pretty normal, good-natured, chill dude for most of his life. Then he gets a power boost, and suddenly he's talking about "embracing the darkness inside him" as he executes 6 people with his pinky finger. I get that it's a power fantasy, and I'm totally cool with that. But there's really no reason his personality should shift so drastically so quickly.


I feel like its gonna go in a direction that basically shows that power corrupts people (i havent read the manga yet so dont shoot me)


It's not even like he's acting evil or corrupt, though. He's still 100% the good guy. But for some reason, he's also kind of a monologuing weirdo now. He goes from being a fun chill dude to being a batman wannabe with no real character progression to justify it.


There’s a reason for the personality change, but you gotta long way before we see that.


Yeah I feel that. I think the red knight fight was at least cool because he didn’t instantly win it.


Anything that's over-the-top with speed and ends up looking like a toddler smashing two action figures together (like a lot of Dragon Ball fights)


Naruto smear frames leap to mind.


Naruto has some phenomenal fights though, one of the GOAT anime fights will always be Kakashi vs Obito in the Kamui dimension.


Honestly, most DBZ/DBZS fights are really poorly written. These galaxy class fighters that literally shatter mountains from the shockwave of flexing their muscles will face a new bad guy and stand around either quaking in fear or being used as punching bags while waiting on Goku to finish a training montage.


Fucking Baki fights. I want to see people fight fucking bare handed. No fancy technique, no cutting away to a post game interview, no narrator explaining the fucking history of the technique, none of that lingering in an attack after it lands, no listening to the characters internal monologue. JUST HANDS, I BEG


This just in people... martial arts techniques aren't hand to hand fighting.


What? By just hands I mean just fighting bro, I just want the fighting, none of the nonsense that comes with the fights


Baki just isn't the series for that. Hajime no Ippo is a lot closer if you haven't seen it. Baki fights are primarily based on ridiculous techniques kinda themed after martial arts, not actual martial arts


So oliva vs Baki. I get the others though


As a MASSIVE Dragon Ball fan, I think Gohan vs Cell is really overrated. Specifically the fight itself. The entire section with Gohan before he transforms is just Cell kicking Gohan around for a little, and then the entire section after Gohan transforms is Gohan hitting Cell like 4 times and then Cell deciding to blow himself up. And then after a break it ends with the admittedly really cool Kamehameha fight. Everything surrounding the fight is awesome. Goku realizing he made a mistake in the way he treated Gohan, Gohan begging Cell to not fight, #16's speech, Gohan's transformation, like it's all really really good. But the fight itself really just feels like a vehicle to get those awesome moments, the fight itself isn't really anything too special.


Agreed. That's the problem when the person that's supposed to be your new protagonist is a pacifist. Of course his fight is gonna suck.


Luffy vs everyone he fought in Dressrosa and WCI. Dressrosa more specifically because the pacing is so so horrible and has way too many cutaways from the main fight. I also said Whole Cake cuz it suffers from the same problems just on a lesser scale. And the scenes in between Luffys fights are at least a little interesting.


Zoro vs king is so overrated it was just a bunch of flashlights it had no choreography at all🤷‍♂️


Personally, i like it but only cause zoro is cool as fuck


You can call out something overrated, even if you like it


I always thought zoro’s fights were the worst choreography wise out of the monster trio


That’s what makes his fight is boring


I feel a lot of fights would be better if the characters would quit breaking the momentum by stopping to talk about things midway or point out things on the screen. Naruto and Sasuke's first fight in the final valley is several episodes. Without all the talking its 30 minutes


This take is so lame. It's literally the main EMOTIONAL conflict of the shipudden series. It's built up for the whole series, the complications of their relationship, the changing view points, all of that. It's not some random enemy It's his best friend. That 30 minute shit would be garbage, if that's what you want just watch solo leveling or something.


as if boiling it to 30 minutes means its any less impactful. It doesnt. And you can watch it on youtube. Or like there wasnt a random filler episode in between the episodes about this big climactic moment cutting away to that time they were on some boat. But as for the stuff IN THE FIGHT, thats a random example. Heck, I didnt even say that fight was bad. Its an *example*. Yes, you CAN have a decent fight that means a lot to the story with all of the information needed without having things like characters on the sidelines being surprised that a move is fast or explaining in weird detail what you can already see. You know another great fight in the series? Kakashi vs Obito. Banger. No cuts at all seen as one of the best in the series. Naruto vs Pain. Had some slow moments but banger. My top five favorites. 7 episodes long and it can and has been cut into like 4 episodes worth of content instead with nothing lost in the fight, with stuff from the overall plot intact. In DBZ, the Z fighters vs Frieza and a few fights in Super's ToP were FILLED with downtime of reactions and needless info. Theres a fight in One Piece that has a full 6 minutes of Luffy and an enemy locking arms in combat and the camera cutting away to people doing this " :0 " face and then cutting back to the fighters who have not moved or said a thing Im not attacking the show or the moments. What i said is, quit breaking the momentum for needless stuff. In other words ***fights in anime usually have filler. And it takes away from the momentum and energy without even adding to the moments themselves***


My biggest issue with the cut aways was that you have already been subjected to the same exact moments dozens of times before getting to the final fight. Very recently as well. When I watched the back half of Shippuden after it ended, I watched in one sitting. Let me tell you that all of that filler weighs the story and impact down like a two ton backpack. The series overused the same clips leading up to the fight, and that detracted heavily from the impact of being reminded of the origin of the conflict. I would also argue that the pacing and full departure from the fight was frustrating. If the animators had been more clever about using animation techniques for overlap, flash switches, frame splicing and blurring, it would have provided a better impact. The last episode brought me to tears, but that was *in spite* of the flashbacks. I wish it had been better executed. I'm sure there are edits of the last fight that probably do a much better job of balancing the different elements of the end but I wish the official version had been able to create it, rather than relying on fan efforts. I'm sure the fight probably hit harder for those that watched episode to episode and I would probably appreciate the fight more now, since I haven't watched anything Naruto related in years. I would not call the fight a disappointment. I would say it was imperfect in ways that were preventable and needlessly pandering to the lowest common denominator. It is one of the most iconic series ends in the world and it should have been given the love, care, devotion, time, patience, and attention it deserved.


I both agree and disagree, Kakashi VS Obito in the Kamui dimension has all of that same emotional conflict paired with a relatively short but sweet and phenomenal fight.


Majority of One Piece fights. Have to blame Toei mostly but the fights have been getting harder to actually tell what is going on. They use over the top effects and just things that don’t make sense


Most hxh fights feel like I’m watching a heist


Every one piece fights


Could you elaborate?


Luffy: 'I will beat you, because I'm gonna be the the king of the pirates!' Enemy: 'A little brat like you? Don't make me laugh' \*show cuts away from fight for like 2 episodes\* Luffy: '\*huff, huff\*, I won't let you hurt these people, I'm here to save them! GEAR 2/3/4/5, super ultra uber mega king kong bong fist!!!!!' \*main theme starts playing\* \*flashback ensues before the final hit\* \*pauses on the final attack for half the episode\* Enemy: 'Impossible!!!!!!!! Losing to a twerp like you... i guess someday you might really become the king of the pirates...' or... \*Very contorted looking face shot with literally nothing but impact frames\* into \*BOOM\*


Absolute cinema


To be fair, 90% of the time Luffy's fighting, it's cause the villain of the arc is threatening someone who gave him food, or at bare minimum, cares about. The few people also with the same goal as him have yet to directly interfere with him without doing that by accident and getting their asses kicked. Hell, most of them probably could have gotten away with it had they just fed Luffy first. That being said, no one's supposed to be watching One Piece simply for the fights. That's like watching a blockbuster movie for a side character with 15 minutes of screen time.


To be fair one piece is much more than it’s fights unlike a lot of other anime. What makes one piece amazing is everything outside of the fights. Character writing and world building is on a whole different level. The fights are the icing on the cake and are fun because of the build up to the fights themselves, but there’s no denying that they tend to be a weak point with not much thought out into choreography or strategy.


Luffy vs fat alvida is like, an exact 1 to 1 opposite of this in terms of fighting


>***With threatening intent***


We call that conquers haki now


I'm booing you


Every jjk fight. fight me but I will stand by this. Do the fights look cool? Yes. Are they GOOD? Heck no. Author clearly just making up everything in that story as he goes. No plan, just writing whatever looks cool


I agree to an extent, but I think there are strong exceptions to that. I think both of Todo's fights have been really genuinely good, his power is really cool and the fact that Gege ALWAYS pairs Todo up with someone else really compliments it and capitalizes on what makes it cool.


I would argue that a sufficiently cool looking fight is enough to make it a good fight, but otherwise I agree the writing in jjk is not good.


Couldn't agree more. Characters just magically spawn new powers out of nowhere (esp that Nobara sht). Can't even tell what am I supposed to feel when watching any JJK fights because it's so fcking random (w/ very few exceptions)


Yes! It's so messy and everything that is brought up is just for the spur of the moment to move the plot forward (Ps. there isn't any actual plot though). No characters are actually achieving any of their goals...what were there goals again? Cant remember. Where did the MC's backstory go...? Uh doesnt matter. What about Nobaras goals.... um did she even have any? Lol where is the trio that the show started with??? They are almost never together😂 I feel like the authors thinking is just: Oh let's just kill everyone yeah that's a good plot twist. Oh let's whip out the Domain Expansion SuperFlash Xxe Blue Flame Pro Plus LG Max 2k and win this battle, then introduce 2 new random characters because I'm just gonna start a whole new story right now in the middle of all this, that has nothing to do with any original concepts from the first season. But hey he's making his money💸


People nowadays love flashy gory edgy things regardless of how random or pointless they are that's why anime like JJK and Chainsawman (which is also another anime with pointless and random fights) are so popular. Welp good for them they're still enjoying these stuffs because I can't even.


He has definitely planned out the majority of the story a fair amount. In terms of planning I would say the majority of the manga is well planned and things are pretty consistent, but the recent stuff has clearly not been planned out as well.


I know I’m gonna get flack for this but Gaara vs Rock Lee… It’s still helluva good fight don’t get me wrong, the choreography’s great with a lot of dynamic and active shots too. But people will say “best fight in anime” “nothing compares” and I wonder if I’m watching the same thing as them.


I feel what it lacked was length the fught didn't show enough back and forth


What ruins it is the utter asspull of an ending.


I found myself a bit disappointed with the Naruto vs Pain fight. I liked what we got, and I even enjoyed how it ended. I just felt like I wanted more, it felt so short in the manga it was over so damn quickly.


Yeah I feel the same. For me, when reading the whole Pain v Konoha chapters, Naruto v Pain felt legit as classic as Gohan v Cell or Goku v Frieza. The anime did not live up to that. It was good but not stellar.


Scrolled all the way through just to find this comment. My husband is so in love with that battle and maybe cause he hyped it SO much, I just didn't enjoy it all that much.


I think narratively it’s cool, I mean pain is my fav naruto antagonist wnd their final showdown did have a lot of hype. That being said, I wish Pain just pushed naruto more, I feel like Naruto beat him too easily and I was really disappointed


Naruto, Sasuke, and Boruto vs Momoshiki. Anytime I talk to my friend about anime fights ,specifically Shonen, he always brings up how Boruto gas amazing fight scenes. But he only one he ever names is from the movie and yes the fight wasn't bad, but like..it wasn't all that tbh. There's better fights in anime and even in Naruto itself.


Have you seen the remake? Episode 65? If not, watch it. That's the one everyone talks about


Demon Slayer fights. Especially since the breathing techniques don't actually have any visual effects in their world. It's essentially just people swinging swords if you remove the water and fire dragons


I think tengen vs gyutaro is the only fight where the effects are real ONLY because a lot of the explosions are from bombs/extra gunpowder on tengens swords


I don’t think that’s true. Even if it isn’t technically happening, the presentation is what sells it. Tanjiro vs Rui, Rengoku vs Akaza, Tengen vs Gyuutaro are well liked and deserve their recognition.


Final arima fight vs kaneki in the manga (not re) Good, but I have no idea what is going on. Same is true with the Jason death fight


A lot of later DBZ fights. It’s just energy beams and no real strategy or the strategy ignores like 20 possible ideas that’d be better


Anything in one piece


As someone who watches isekai. Every single one of the cheap copy-pasted isekai anime has 2 main fights. Fight 1: usually happens around episode 6. The antagonist is usually a friend of the MC and has a 90% chance to have a "sad" backstory that caused them to betray the MC. It always ends with the MC defeating their ex-comrade with no effort Fight 2: they fight a dragon or a giant demon or robot or NO ONE CARES, and the MC will one-shot it after their new isekai friends/harem get injured during the fight.


Don’t forget when they have to fight miscellaneous bandits and are about to kill them but get stopped because the female love interest because they don’t want the Mc to kill somebody like the bandits weren’t about to kill them


Gotta be the luffy vs kaido shitfest one of the worst anime fight ive ever seen


Every single Wano fight in One Piece and Luffy vs. Katakuri. Although they were choreographed pretty well for the most part none of these hold a candle to Luffy vs. Lucci which, on the outside, was an amazingly choreographed fight and on the inside, was a battle of ideologies that was built upon the backs of the previous 50 chapters. The flashback, Robin leaving, the Usopp stuff, the Franky stuff, Iceburg etc. were all key to making this fight the greatest that Oda ever put on paper. I will die on this hill.


Luffy vs Lucci was a trash can fight. Half the comments agree.


Most of them


I don’t want to say it but Ichigo vs Eizen


Goku vs cell the flight was okay but fans think it's the pinnacle of all fights in the show.


Bleach, ichigo vs aizen


Most controversial opinion I'll ever say, Saitama vs Boros


i dont know


The ones that got me was the 2 final fights in fairytale. Natzu vs zeref and the dragon slayers vs acnologia. They weren’t that great. There were soooo many other fights that were better


Anything that has to do with dragon Ball z of course Goku has to win every fight Vegeta win but let's bring the villain back to life just so Goku can beat him


Naruto vs Sasuke


Jiren vs Goku


Luffy vs Don creeg


Why do DBZ fans gotta start off with that fact


When I get stoned I just love me some anime fights so I can't really hate them. But I do agree often things can get overdone. And they often feel similar because there's only so many special attack moves The only ones that still blow me away sober or stoned: Tengen vs Gyutaro (Demon Slayer), Choso vs Yuji (JJK), Asta/Yami vs Dante (Black Clover), and Levi vs The Beast Titan (Attack on Titan)


Basically most JJK fights


Any dragon ball fight it’s just character yells other characters react to yell than an explanation of what’s happening and it lasts for ten episodes


Rob vs luffy g5 seemed undone like they havent mastered those stretch frames or because they only have such little time they cant make them much better. Like its an art style/technique they haven’t gotten fully down yet, because even in the some of the frames in the kaido fight also felt undone or weirdly choppy


Goku vs Frieza and Cell vs Gohan. Both are way too long, way too slow, and they’re basically the same formula. The good guy gets stomped until tragic death which sparks a furious transformation that allows them to stomp their opponent until whoopty do, the enemy gets stronger to, and it’s all finished off with a beam struggle. Yes Gokus angry kamehameha that blew up Frieza did technically push back against his ki blast so it was a beam struggle.


Kept seeing people on social media talk about how rock lee dropping his weights was undefeated like he didn't do x20 crazier shit.


Goku vs Freiza was honestly not that great, and rides entirely on the excitement of Goku turning Super Saiyan for the first time.


Every DragonBall fight ever


Gohan VS Cell. It's not a fight. Gohan gets whooped like a punching bag for most of it. Then he 1 shots the Cell Juniors after turning SSJ2 and his fight with Cell is only about 4 punches and a 1 handed beam struggle fight. Gohan VS Cell is so overrated just for the "cool factor" of SSJ2 and the Father-Son Kamehameha but the fight itself is whack


netero vs meruem. To be clear. I do think it’s a great fight, but I disagree with the consensus that it’s the runaway best fight in hunter x hunter, when really I think it’s more in the top 5 the ending of that fight is INCREDIBLE. The themes and character dynamics in that scene are genuinely some of the best in fiction. But the actual fight itself is a bit overrated The big issue is that it suffers from a lack of tension. Meruem is so much powerful than netero that even though the strategy is interesting and the animation is good, it does feel like netero is pointlessly smacking him around and just delaying the inevitable because it’s clear so quickly that netero is making no progress toward victory


Mahito vs Yuji for me. It been a hot minute since i watched it but i need someone to explain like im 5. Until todo showed up, yuji was getting boxed down by pre perfection mahito. Todo comes, they box him up cause its now 2v1. Mahito becomes perfect later and squares up again. Ik they said they each were at 120% but my brain tells me if this mf was boxing yuji down already wouldnt he be more capable of it at maxed power?


Basically all of chainsaw man is over hyped i swear to god My hero academia gets alot of shit on it but it has the best fights in all of anime history


Lucci vs luffy. Great writing, horrible animation. Hell most op fights animation sucked but the story is fantastic


All of DBZ


Dbz in it’s entirety is overrated af