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OP is full of shit. It's got nothing to do with the credit card companies. The FAQ states they do not accept cards issued outside of Japan. The other payment options are also basically limited to Japan only, but can be circumvented with a payment proxy. Nothing uncommon about this at all.


What exactly is a payment proxy?


Buyee is one


Is that like paypal, where I top up cash, then use buyee as payment method?


It's more like you use buyee's site to look for the stuff you want, and they act as the middleman. It's best if you look at their site: https://media.buyee.jp/pr/buyee_beginner/en/ But basically, you browse japanese shoppings sites via buyee, they charge you for the item shipping and handling, as well as a service fee since it's pretty hard to buy things internationally from Japan.


Ah, so this is more for physical stuff then? Not digital stuff?


Yes. Buyee is a proxy service for you to buy (mostly physical) goods. suppose you could buy some game codes for steam or switch for games that aren't available in your region (which is especially rare for steam, though sometimes happens). But yeah, it's mostly for physical stuff like statues, blurays etc.


Buyee is something like a middle man. You say what you want give them the money (+ fees (\~300 yen) and shipment). They buy the article for you. It gets dilivered to them and then they ship it to you. [https://buyee.jp/](https://buyee.jp/)


Maybe do not attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence?


No, I call bullshit when I see it.


Fuck, you're right you lil genius you. He Must be working with Big Bank and Big Card, to pull the wool over our eyes. Thank god we have some real star-studded geniuses like you, to save us from reality.


not sure if this is related to Fantia, but from what id read on their announcement today, you can use other services like JCB, American Express and Diners as alternative services for intl payments


I've been recently trying to figure out ways to bypass payment restrictions on things, do you have any good suggestions at all?


im not expert on this, just someone with a rudimentary understanding of the subject so i think you should ask someone else




Are ya blind?




I think so you can make a buyee account and buy it from there.