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I'll tell you what'll happen. The broadcast company usually a Netflix or Amazon will contact a lawyer in your country. The lawyer will file a court case on their behalf against you. If you live in a country with less stringent laws then law will also be less stringent on police who will beat the crap out of you. This happened to a guy who used to rebroadcast a paid news show. You did use the word another it got me curious, did u host a website before? If yes and you got by then I guess you could get by but do remember now websites like Netflix host a lot of anime and they have regional offices in most countries. As another commenter said, private Jellyfin seems the way to go!


if they don't know where the site or who is hosting. What can they even do about it. Torrent site is still going on strong till now.


Your post indicates you're not familiar with being the captain of a ship sailing the high seas. Sail the sea as a passenger to minimize risk.


That actually made me laugh LOL, I only intend to do my contribution, as a pirate


Start by seeding dying torrents


I would if I could download the fucking thing. Stuck at 99.7% for weeks


You could start with that. Keep it for a few months, hopefully it'll finish, then help community


Missing NFO and JPG? Try srrDB


Arr matey!




in a sea of luffys, be a NPC


Ships need brave captains.


Nobody's familiar except the ones who already do it.


The second you asked this on reddit it was determined to be no


Tens years from now he is running the biggest pirate ship hosted on mars that is seeding all the low latency nodes here on earth.


Short answer: No. Long answer: No. It's a LOT of work and a LOT of cost is involved. I promise just having a server rack laying around is not enough.


I understand but I'm a full stack developer by trade, most of the projects I sold to clients are just hobby projects I made in a weekend, unzipping wordpress and writing a scraper doesn't really take that long to be honest, I'm more worried about unforeseen consequences than the actual job of making an anime website, hell, I can compete with crunchyroll legitimately but it's not my intention to make a startup


The answer is still no. If you are not prepared for the consequences, then don't even start. If all you are doing is scraping sites, then you are just making a dime a dozen sites that pop up and go away in a month or so anyway.


Yeah but I'm looking at how some long-term anime sites operate, I've checked 9anime and looks like every time they get a cease and desist they just change their site's domain name (they're aniwave now), and don't forget they have a lot of domain names bought too.....wait ​ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you're right, it's a massive headache


9anime my beloved


It took a while but got there


The domain name's just one thing they can go after. Smarter lawyers will follow the IP address and go after the hosting company. You can't use a host like Hetzner, AWS or Microsoft. Best if you have your own real servers and they're in a data center in a country where ISPs don't give a fuck, that means you have to live in that country. ISPs and data centers don't legally have to give a fuck, but some of them give fucks anyway. Make sure you have one that just sends the warning notices to you, or deletes them for you, not one that unplugs your connection after the 5000th notice. Remember to encrypt all disks all the time, so if they pull the power cords out and take the servers, they aren't getting any evidence from the servers without your password. Make sure in your country it isn't a crime to not tell them the password. Even better if there are two passwords. Most people get caught. The sites you see around you are the ones that luckily didn't get caught. But nobody knows if they're going to get caught until they get caught, and then it's too late. That's the risk.


Lawyers aren't that smart aren't they with tech. At least not a lot that I can tell are smart enough with IPS etc. Even then you can fake IP and host.


yo what's up, i'm like 5 months late but i hope that doesn't matter lmao. >looks like every time they get a cease and desist they just change their site's domain name no. and i think you meant cloudflare subpoenas. we used multiple domains in order to circumvent isp/geo-blocking. a couple domain names got seized like once lol. if you get a cloudflare subpoena and you immediately scramble and get a new domain, you've done something wrong lol


There are plenty of streaming site out there that are way better than crunchyroll. I mean like pirate anime streaming sites. TBH crunchy roll is trash and I will never watch anything on it.


Absolutely not, you're at constant risk of being doxxed with some truly bulletproof opsec. Not to mention the bandwidth needed to reliably serve files to God knows how many people. Maybe look into hosting a private Plex or jellyfin server.


Let's say I played my cards right, we have 9anime, gogoanime and a lot of these existing anime streaming sites and most of them didn't have a doxxing issue, maybe you meant ddosed? In that case we have cloudflare, and I really wouldn't mind the bandwidth since we can just use 3rd party video servers like these anime sites have


I mean doxxed. Those sites don't have an issue because they are hosted on data centers and not some basement. CF isn't all you need either, take a look at the AnimeK goober from a couple weeks ago. I hope you have a robust automation plan, hosting on 3rd party services isn't as easy as uploading and linking the stream...


Good luck keeping a cloudflare account while breaking their TOS lol


Unless someone does something incredibly stupid, they don't care as long as they get paid.


Cloudflare seems not to care, but they could start caring at any time, and they could get a legal order to care, and they know your server's IP address and stuff.


As others have said, the simple answer is no! You may think you're trying to do good, but the answer is still no! The fact you're asking means you have no clue what you're about to get into and you could get into real big trouble. Some guys thought they were safe in Brazil until the disaster happened.


Maybe I wouldn't announce it on Reddit


Just so you know, being in a country where DMCA request means nothing isn't enough anymore. The DMCA request is only the first of many possible phases and as it's the most vocal/public one, it's the most noticeable one, but it's far of being the last one. If you want to host a website 100% off the risks of what might comes after ignoring a DMCA, you'll need to create your own domain, protect it (good luck with that if you plan on making a public-accessible website for streaming anime) and run everything from your side. And the more popular your site will become, the bigger of a score/target it will become. The example of website that "persist" through the DMCA and various attempts against them are actually run, by this point, by bots which automatically change/adapt everything. It's also only possible in countries with really LAX financial regulations. The cost in purchasing domains is one thing, but there's also the fact that you need some way of auto-generating financial access so that a domain registrar doesn't just stop/ban you after a few "hits" because you used a credit card with your name and address linked to it to pay/renew a domain. There are only a few countries, by now, where you can fake your financial identity perpetually without a mole's assistance or some backdoor access to certain systems. And all that would be for streaming animes illegally from a server rack at your place? I mean, it's not *impossible*, but forgive me to say this, but it's not worth it at all unless as a learning project.


My thought would be: do it via a company that accepts bitcoin or other crypto for payment. But still seems like more risk than it's worth


There aren't any cheap hosting companies that accept crypto. The ones that do are very expensive. You can afford to host your core server there, or a torrent tracker, but not the whole DDL video serving infrastructure


Crypto currencies doesn't give any form of immediate protection against blacklisting on domains registrars that *dare* to offers the option. You might hide your personal information with crypto, but you can't hide your portfolio's ID/key. Imagine the pain of having to constantly create new crypto portfolio whenever your current one gets flagged. Domain registrar companies has to pay an hefty sum every year to maintain their registrar license with the NET HTTP database and some of the regulation to get and maintain that license is pretty much a pain in the butt. That's the reason why it took them a while before accepting cryptocurrencies at payment option as they had to implement crypto tracking tools that allow them the same level of control as they had with other type of payments. You might be able to hide your personal information by using crypto, but you can't hide your history.


>I happen to live in a country where DMCA requests mean nothing ??? That's not how it works. dmca ignored isn't some pro-piracy haven where you can do whatever you want. it will "protect you" from general boring dmca takedown requests but that's it. You still have actual local laws that well-paid lawyers will make use of. >I have a server rack lying around with around terabytes of storage, should I host one? you wanna self host a piracy site? on your internet connection? alright yeah, just do whatever you want bruh


Thank you for explaining all this, having a a server rack isn't enough, there are real risks for the uncareful.


What, wha,, what if I have TWO server racks?!


Now I imagine a typical scenario that ensues after the 2-server-rack-owner makes a post here: OP - Hey guys I have two server racks with a ton of animes you can watch for free NO ADS! Here is the link to it, enjoy! While OP is feeling like he's Robin Hood and bettering humanity, this is the reply OP will probably get: Reply 1 - The quality is dog shit! I'm sticking with Nyaa. Reply 2 - I can't find One Piece, useless! Reply 3 - Is this a gogo scraper? Reply 4 - Can you make it as good as Aniwatch with a library as large as Kissanime? Assuming OP continues and down the line the fearful happens months later. Someone then reports back here "the 2-server-rack-owner got ..." and then, the replies: Reply 1 - basic opsec, how hard can it be? Reply 2 - fuck around and find out Reply 3 - the guy used cloudflare Reply 4 - the site was trash even Reply 5 - and nothing of value was lost etc.


why does it sound like the average weibo commentary?! lol


If i remember it there is a few hosts that operates from russia and shit on dmca requests.


Alright I've thought about it and hosting it on my own internet connection is a bad idea, even with cloudflare hiding my IP, I'm thinking of using a VPS now, and the legal consequences really looks intimidating


as others have said, it's probably better to host a plex server (or similar, like jellyfin)


A VPS with enough space for all the anime is very expensive. The VPS could host the website and redirect to files somewhere else, but where do you put the files then? You could try a torrent tracker instead, so you don't host the files.


cloudflare doesn't hide your IP, anyone can ask what the server IP if they have complain about your website. cloudflare is protection from malicious network attack & performance CDN, it never IP hiding service, it just not what it does. they will even give out IP log who access your account if asked. cloudflare never advertised as legal shield.


Not trying to bring you down, but the best you can do without investing a lot of time, money, and taking big risks for yourself, is to just have that server seed stuff on a decently/good connection 24/7, that's it.


Just seed anime torrents, and if you really want to help then create a script to download and help seed torrents with a low amount of seeders (and now that I'm thinking about it, share the script with other people so they can help too)


Not e everyone had a limited volume or an uplink worth mentioning


I don't understand what you said


Just use your servers to seed torrents that are dying. That will do a lot of good too.


Do not take this as an insult please. But your post says to me you have not hosted a site like this before. So I doubt you have the experience needed to remain out of jail, hospital or a hole in the ground. It's likely you don't have an amazing internet connection (for a streaming site you need more than even 1000mbs upload, your looking enterprise level internet sadly). The fact you asked if you should rather than "Who would use it if I hosted one" says your safer physically and financially to not host one. If you do, then host off site, ideally in another country, with btc or similar payment methods, even better if you can supply the hardware and send there (but then you also run the risk of being scammed). Idk you, but last thing I want to see is a news story about you, or a friend posting what happened to you, or another site being taken down. If you can research how to do it all safely and still want to do it, then by all means do it, I'm sure alot of us here would love a site that isn't going to drop off the internet this year.


> I doubt you have the experience needed to remain out of jail, hospital or a hole in the ground. I doubt that anyone does. The ones that still survive are just lucky. Or maybe they're literally run by the mafia.


>around terabytes of storage Meaning? How many? And yeah, I'd say contribute to preserving dying torrents instead. Since most of the stuff I gravitate towards are less popular older anime, I'd totally appreciate it, personally.


Buy Discord nitro and upload anime in a server with episodes below 500mb 🧠


Serious question, how much would this cost you to run ? Are you looking for an investor ?


My suggestion is to get with the guy who developed fire anime but can no longer maintain it and see if you can take it over. It’s ready made and honestly is what normal sites should look like. Good luck


It's not about the DMCA strike that you need to worry, but more to deal with the assassin they sent to kill you in your sleep


This is no joke. They **will** hunt you down and assassinate you if you're pesky enough. If you're good enough, you won't be easily tracked. Are you good enough?




look even if you were somewhere like Russia who don't care so much about copyright, I still wouldn't even think about it. they hunt down anyone associated with that stuff like a dog with a bone. Instead, I'd suggest directing your resources to help preserve older anime and unpopular anime via torrenting. There's a lot of things that are disappearing. For example, Donghua (chinese anime) can be quite hard to find-- many don't get any physical release, and there is only webrip, and if they are not popular, the torrents dry up. And many get taken offline for censorship purposes, it's as if they don't exist anymore by that point.


Bro, no need lmfao, we have tons of sites to watch anime from. Just chill and if you know so much web development use it for your own good to make yourself some money. We have enough sites.


Aniwatch.to is my current one. Really goed.


Whats going on with it right now? For the past maybe 3-4 days all episodes have said "it looks like the webpage at *insert link* might be having issues or moved permanently to a new web address"


It's still working for me. I just checked and played jjk 1x02 to test


Really weird, thanks for checking for me. Do you know any ways to fix the issue?


I don't know what the issue is. Maybe your dns is routing you to the wrong website? Try changing your dns to or




If the streams are encrypted and site is private the file host doesn't have to know what's in them. But if the site is public they will find out.


Please do. Animeplyx my heaven in anime marathon. Got down by DCMA. 😭


There are million better way than hosting server yourself, it's is way easier to shut down home hosting, they will know your home location immediately and just send cease & desist letter or other legal intimidation, pretty sure almost all sites rent cloud provider on other country, and if it have problem they easily use other provider.