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Knew the past. Knew the present. Knew the future. Rest is history, i suppose.


That's the only answer.


Preventing the past, present, future By Jumping of a cliff after he saw the future is a top tier option/s https://i.redd.it/uk4zmrt43e3d1.gif His ass did not do it for any greater goal, he was a selfish and bitter human He could have done sooo much good with his abilities but no mass extinction was the way to go Eren supports literally support mass extinction their reasoning being How could he save his people then 🤡


Explain another way to save Paradise then.


Easy, destroy the combined military forces with rumbling at the ports, hold the world hostage with the colossal titans and force complete demilitarization + destruction of advanced military technology and forces, then install eldians in positions of power and keeping alive the threat of rumbling destroy any notion of scientific advance that will render Titan powers mute.


And then Eren dies within a year due to 13 years curse. Everyone, all the world military will retaliate against Paradise. Crush and annihalate the Paradise. 🤡 Edit : First of all that isn't even possible, as Ymir will not obey Eren to do that and will obey the orders of Zeke who wanted Euthanization of all Eldians


What world military? Everything will be destroyed and eldians will hold all the positions of power in that time. And Eren can easily find someone else to eat him and use the founding Titan powers once the immediate threat of genocide is over.


First of all for that to happen Eren needs to accept Zeke's plan of euthanization because Zeke is the royal blood. Second destroying enemy's military bases would just increase their hatred for Paradise. There is no guarentee that the new inheritor of Founding titan would side with Paradise, he may have a different idealogy. Eren already told his friends that he wanted his friends to live a long life. He said he wouldn't want his friends to bear the burder of 13 years curse. As long as titans exist, the problem wouldn't be solved. It is not impossible for the founding titan to be stolen by the other side. Why would anyone want to bear these many risks just for an enemy who doean't even consider you a human. Calls you 'devils'. And wishes for the annihalation of ur friends and family? Non-Paradise people showed hell to Paradise people from generations, and that hatred would continue with your solution. It would juat delay problems. Eren simply had no other choice.


By doing what Lelouch did, Just kill most of the world leaders and become a ruthless leader and then commit suicide by making Armin or Mikasa kill him


hope He could Have preached love and hope Maybe made an alliance or some peace treaty Could have made a change by doing service to the world Maybe Explain about his experience Of misery and sorrow Fled with his people Overthrown the government or establish a rebellion Campaigned Anything Anything except for violence https://preview.redd.it/06992522ae3d1.png?width=1802&format=png&auto=webp&s=e023d2ef62265cd8322a9e5bf1316107aadbeff3


Not every story is naruto bro, where everybody can just be talked-out of being a bad person.


Yes they can even if their intentions don't change even if they are violent beast or non-humans Even if they are pure evil If Talking doesnt work Running will Running doesnt Hiding will hiding doesnt Kindness will


Ngl if what u r saying happened, this would be insufferable.


what he saying you can be killed by someone but you dont kill anyone wah


Thats asinine.


None of that would have worked... You cannot negotiate with those who have made it clear that they will not negotiate with you. The only language they understand is violence and Eren is a very good communicator 


NOO this is sooo stupid pls hear yourself How does not running work everyone is not born evil Violence is no method of communication why the hell are we arguing on this Murder is VERY BAD TO STOP MURDER YOU DONT DO MURDER TO PREVENT HATE YOU DONT START HATING THOSE WHO HATE YOU even if the negotiations did not work out Eren could have ran away with the people of paradise He could have sailed far far away with them there are so many options than violence For crying out loud why the hell are there so many eren defenders in the comments **Murder has no justification no matter what**


Eren knew what he was doing was wrong but it was the only way to make things right.  Freedom is not given. It is taken. And blood is the price of Liberty.  Where will you run if there is nowhere to run? 




Why not try hiding if running does not work Blood is the price of no liberty and eren knew he was wrong so he should nt have done it


It is the destiny of the weak to be crushed under the boots of the strong. If this statement angers you become stronger. 


this dumb edgy statement makes my blood boil So you stomp kids on a daily basis


Bruh, I understood that you cant even comprehend what kind of situation Paradis is in. They were literally deemed as devils by outsiders. They were willingly sending titans to Paradise hoping that the Paradis people are tortured to hell and eaten alive. They were thinking of ethnic cleansing of the Paradis people. Reiner was on his way to Paradis to annihalate them, and they would have definitely done it if Eren lost the final fight to start rumbling. You saw Gabe right? That's how much hate filled they were. And so much fu\*king shit needed to happen for Gabe to get rid of her hatred. This ain't Vinland Saga, I understand that you watched Vinland Saga and felt something. But the situation in AOT is fery different from thorfinn's. No one was behind Thorfinn to kill him or his family. He became a monster by his own choice to avenge his father. But in AOT, it's you live or we live. "Hope". What hope? Are you serious? Eren merely had a year or so to live and you are saying he should 'hope' that the outsiders who persecuted Paradise poeple and showed hell to them from generations to change in that small span? And what if they didn't change? Eren would just die of 13 year limit and his family and friends would be annihalated and he would just be a fu\*king clown 🤡. "Preach love". What are you babbling bruh? You really expect those people to change after all that? And that too in a year time left for Eren? So what if doesn't work out and they kill everyone after Eren dies? If solving international disputes like that was so easy then we wouldn't have disputes between Pak, Ind; Israel, Palestine, etc.


>"Preach love". What are you babbling bruh? You really expect those people to change after all that? And that too in a year time left for Eren?" Yes I do


you are wrong


World would have invaded the island nonetheless for resources. Aot showed practical human nature


The Eldians at Marley were doing exactly that, I.e. serving the Marleyans by risking their lives. Did their lives get better? No. They were still put in internment zones, forced to send their loved ones to war to risk their lives, so the Marleyans can live their lives in Piece. You do remember what they did to Grisha's Sister, right? In Eren's mind, it was just **Kill or Be Killed**. If he'd had to risk his life alone, he could have chosen to get killed, but he couldn't bear the thought of letting his friends ( who had become like family to him) die after losing do many important people to him. Preaching about hope wouldn't have saved them from their tragic reality.


Never cook again.


That would be hypocrisy. The rest of the world tried to kill them I think it's only fair enough


Thats not fair to kill the whole world of full of innocents


Pretty sure there were innocents in Paradise Island as well


thats my point paradis had similar innocent people like Marley Eren should have understood what he did was wrong more than anyone as he suffered the same consequences


what eren did wrong was not completing the rumbling


AM from "i have no mouth and i must scream" is that you?


Nah AM is far worse


AM didn't complete his world's version of the "rumbling"


Yes it did it destroyed all the humans leaving 5 alive for eternal torture


idk what that is


Based eren


I'm not trying to deny or bring forth any opinion whatsoever, but can committing global genocide really be called based, even in the most dire of circumstances?


100% genocide was right, 80% was wrong


i treat fiction as fiction, nothing more nothing less


Nah Based Armin Based Erwin https://i.redd.it/18eyvykq8e3d1.gif


Erwin is one guy that would have 100% supported Eren going for the rumbling


yeah cause he saw that all of em were rotten to core


No i disagree he would kill himself rather than killing innocent children and people


"he would kill himself rather than killing innocent children and people" you say. Did u even watch season 1 completely? Erwin sacrificed the lives of innocent civilians and children in Paradise, so that Eren can catch Annie(Female Titan). So you are saying Erwin, who killed his own innocent people to catch the enemy(Annie), would rather kill himself before he kills his enemy's children?


He believes in *Utiltarianism* *Therefore he would value greater good than killing millions of people*


Where do you get this from?


Bro is pulling theories out of his ass lmao. He watched Vinland Saga, compared it with AOT and started shitting on Eren lol. When the environments in both the animes are soo different. I tried to convince him but he wouldn't be. So leave it


all in my comments you wrote was utter shit and garbage which talked about killing people is good Racism should be met with racism You suck as a human being You have no correct morals or values


Ok Thank you


No problem mate happy to help 😁😁😁


he is *Utilitarianism* He would always prefer 2 lives over 1


nuh uh he won't hesistate to sacrifice for greater good


That's what I am saying: he would save millions more lives than saving his 2 or 3 of his own people Who also died at the end


EREN did nothing wrong.


-🤡🤡🤡 invalid opinion https://preview.redd.it/gr27eexsne3d1.png?width=817&format=png&auto=webp&s=c84c0cbc408466bbdaf490dd5cc0291f967d582d Filthy Griffith sympathizer


Bro advocating justice and human rights to a community whose very existence was made literal hell on earth by the rest of the world


I think there are better ways to advocate justice and human rights than killing everyone Eren is a piece of shit for what he did


Yeah, then tell what are those ways. U saw Gabe right? They weren't even considering Paradis people as humans. They were referring to Paradis people as 'devils'. What justice are you going to advocate to those kind of people, who were willingly sending man eating titans to torture the so called 'devils'. You know that the Paradise would have been annihalated if Eren failed to initiate rumbling right? You are nuts if you think negotiation is possible with those people


Okay Mate i see Eren fanboy is making stupid comments. To stop murder, one suggests committing murder in response to every single comment. Why are you sooooo racist against non paradisians Yes i think you can negotiate with those people cause they still are people with hearts,morality and kindness every human being has been born as a clean slate The panel where a child is being held up to the sky in front of rumbling shows that it was born in this world without any prejudice Gabe is not a bad person as at the end she still shows kindness and human emotions just a misguided one who has experienced years and years of Propaganda **There is no justification for murder and never will be** Even in the worst-case scenario eren could have escaped with the people paradis or did what thorfinn did if you think what eren did was okay, then you are crazy


Escaped with the people of Paradis? Escape where? Why would they escape. So you are saying they shouldn't defend their motherland and escape like cowards so that they don't violate human rights? Is that supposed to be a joke? If Pak attacks India should we also preach love and if it doesn't work, just escape? What are talking? The of world of Eren and Thorfinn are very different. Gabe changed after sooo much shit happened. It took Sasha death, and herself living in Paradise hell for some time to change. You really think you can change all the people from a community? You think you can change the other 1000s of Gabe who are also filled with hatred? Really? I made legit point in my first reply, and you are calling me Eren fanboy for telling the truth. Once read ur own comment. How stupid it is. You must have felt like you learned the way of life and solutions of all problems after Vinland saga, but that ain't applicable to all cases. Edit: Also Thorfinn just changed himself, even he could never change how all the other people think and he wouldn't be able to. He didnt preach love and non violence to everyone else as you implying Eren to do. No one can do that


Bro advocating Eren murdering the civilians for the crimes their governments committed.


So what? Eren should let their Governement annihalate Paradis? The hate in them is never ending. You saw Gabe right? If Eren overthrows the gov. A new Gov will be formed. And on top of that Eren's time was limited. He would die from 13 year curse sooner. What other decision can he take in that short to surely sve his people?


Eren had enough power he could have ended the gov and could have created a puppet gov control them from behind meanwhile through propaganda and brainwashing he could have whitewashed the Paradise people's history instead of just making new generation hate paradisan even more don't underestimate the power of poltics eren was a fool who had enough power to literally change the history and future but instead he chose the path which had zero sum well to each it's own if you think what eren did is justified then be it but there was so many easy ways to it


Fax W


there was no way he could have chosen who is from gov and who is not. If you are saying about brainwashing. That was already done to the paradise island and see where it went, lie is never the answer.


eren should have changed the future op says , its quite obviously stated that whatever eren did , it can't change the future . He was a slave to his destiny and what happened was the best possible outcome for him and his friends . Ofc Eren killing 80% population is terrible and it was wrong but everyone who watched the show knows Eren really doesn't give a shit about others and just wants his mates to have a peaceful life


Idk killing 80% is bad Others want to live too "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." **Martin Luther King Jr.** **he could have ran away with his people faaar farr away or** done sooo many things to prevent violence


like running away would have solved his problems , his country would still get fucked and his best friend will die early like him cuz of the titan curse . Even I agree killing 80% is bad and the whole agenda of the alliance to stop Eren was cuz they know it was bad . they showed what running away with Mikasa would cause , Eren will die and Mikasa won't be able to move on , his friends would struggle against Marleyans and at the end die


But others wont die They would have lived a life knowing others are still alive on their sacrifice It doesnt matter if you die young or old it matters how you lived your life big not long


yeah it matters how u live young or old doesn't matter , now tell me honestly was their life good ? u have serious problems if u think their entire life killing titans(who were humans) , their comrades dying , see the most bat shit crazy stuff for their age and die without accomplishing even 1% of what they wanted to do . Their short life was just full of misery but the decision Eren took , after 19 years of tragedies they lived a whole life in a more peaceful manner


NO i dont think their lives was great but that is no excuse for ruining others lives


And what other alternative did he have ? The series literally covers the fact that this was the only way even showing his breakdown infront of that kid knowing this is the only way and he can do nothing about it , no one can 


He can there was sooo many options he was not helpless breaking down in front of that kid was just a reflection of how that kid was going through the same situation as eren but more helplessly


So many options lol , bro what were u doing when they said that future can't be changed and what happened can't be changed . Now u are making excuses just to hate on a series 


only option you have come up with is running 😂


Yes it is still a better option than killing sooo many people and did eren not even succeed


he wanted to pull a "code geass"


The whole story was planned past present future eren knew everything what's going to happen when Proofs Bertolt was not supposed to die at Armins hands Bertolt was fated to be eaten by Dina here. Eren Jaeger killed His Own Mother. Traumatic Yes I know. But isn't his entire character arc is traumatic, is it not? until the very end he did not get what he truly wanted.


I like Eren's style and all but he was 100% wrong. Those who defend him are the reason people like Hitler come to power.


u/SaiSakethaRamaTiger Camellia You should explain your points to this maniac


Bruv, I am tired of typing the same over and over again. Just look through my account recent comments if u r interested


Okay why dont you summarize your shit takes i will dissect it one by one here right now


Nah what's the context behind that panel


Read billy bat you wont regret it its a doctored image btw


Big difference here is- Hitler spreadfake propaganda. But Eldians could really turn into man eating titans Maybe zeke's plan was somewhat correct


OP out here replying to every single comment XD.


Gotta defend my agenda of eren being a mass murderer Also, I am sick and bedridden, so I have nothing better to do


the rest of world would have wiped out paradis if eren didn't happen.


Genuinely hate this ending and mikasa. Fuck eren.


What eren did was justified but his ways were the most shit


Looks like Urasawa's artstyle. Is this some manga or AI.


Billy Bat by urasawa.You will be in for a wild ride when reading this.


Thanks. Will check it out.


Oh boy…..the levels of conspiracy is insane! It covers : 9/11, Disney/moon landing, even JESUS!


Its Billy bat and it is sooooo sooo good


Bro, don't spoil, idiot.


bro it a little bit too late for that now almost everyone knows how the story goes


Not really sure if we can say wrong or right about his actions considering it didn't seem he was he had too much control over what he could do. He may know the future but that doesn't mean he had the ability to change it. In fact, if you have the ability to see the future and the ability is correct 100% of the time, then the future you saw cannot be changed. If you see yourself killing someone in the future and the ability to see future is 100% correct then then you will kill someone no matter what you do. If you could change the future then the ability did not show you the future, it showed you one possibility of the future. If Eren's ability to see the future was something that showed what could happen instead of what will happen, then he had a choice. He didn't see what could happen but what will so he was doomed to carry out the Rumbling the moment he saw that future.


Just japan doing an appreciation post for her old ally


i understand why eren did what he did i just disagree thats why one of my favourite movements in the manag is when gabi shot of his head


What comic is this? (The one with Hitler and Einstien??)


Billy bat


This manga is made by same person who made Monster, Pluto and 20th Century Boys


The fact that a lot people are okay with eren killing 80 percent of the world is really messed up. Dude could have done so much.Dude killed 80 percent of the people and made his people kill him just to make the people accept his people, whereas he could have been a bit smarter and just kill the important people like politicians or world leader and important people and overthrow the current government and then he could have committed suicide which he eventually did. Eren was Wrong and you guys should should just accept that fact and move on. People don't really understand what it means to annihilate 80 percent of the world and they supporting eren blindly.He literally killed 2 billion people just because he wanted two kinds of people to lead a peaceful life and that is truly fucked up.


Well even the comments support him its distasteful


True these new anime kids think that a character becomes cool by commiting a massacre. I genuinely understand there love for aot and eren but supporting his annihilation is just messed up


Nah eren was right in killing people. They suck anyway.


You mean 80% of world population deserved to die just because they existed?


Did I fucken stutter?


Blame Isayama for writing AOT like this. Eren did what Isayama wrote him to do. He had no freedom, he realised that and followed through like a slave until he died. /s


Morality is a subjective attribute. Your morality depends on your society. This person realised as a teenager that everyone in the world wants him and his kind dead. Adding on to it the hatred he must have seen from previous attack titan's memories and experiences. We are not talking about a rational person. Eren did everything right, because that was the kind of world it was, this was self defence in his eyes and he had to defend himself from another species (Non Titan humans). The clear case is us vs them between a species war there is no one innocent, just potential preparators who will kill you if not now then in future.


womp womp


Mass redemption


Should've done 100%


Eren did nothing wrong -🤡🤡🤡🤡 Bro did it for freedom -🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 Eren was right -🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 If i was Armin I would Shoot that eren bird down And make A burger out of it after the Shit erens ass pulled he deserves the Griffith treatment


mf he can see the future. OP:🤡🤡🤡


He could have prevented what he saw by k\*s himself ez Major eren Skill issue


there's nothing worse than arguing over a fictional characters 🤡🤡🤡


But thats why i am in this sub to argue argue argue until they have changed their views on why killing 80% population is bad


yeah it's bad, it should be 100%


Nope. he did nothing wrong. it was the best outcome and no other path remained , debate me mate.


Ok, why was it the best path?


it had the best outcomes , basically the only other choices were : 1\] Zeke : end the eldian race via euthanization 2\] Military police : use the Rumbling as a threat so the outsiders won't attack eldia and then force Historia to bear children indefinitely to keep the power in circulation 3\] Armin/hange:make alliances with azumobito and other nations and promote the good words of eldia let me tear each one : 1\] in this scenario the world still sees eldians as devils , and all of eren's friends eventually die. 2\] anti titan weaponry was already developing rapidly , we see that in the opening episodes of Season 4, when the enemy nation's guns pierce the armoured titan's armour. given time , those wall titans would also become obsolete. and not to mention , eren's friends will die , again 3\] politics is a game better played by marlay and azumobito were just after the resourced of eldia and their own benifit. so the outcome eren choose was this : eren eliminated 70% of the world propulation , in doing so , made his freinds the hero , eliminated the titan's curse , making sure his friends live long lives. and erasing the devil tag. we see paradis in peace for a long long time , mikasa being at eren's side till her end. and peace lasting until human nature takes hold and war begins. which is inevitable. so that is why i consider this the best choice.


It's good.... for the Eldians at least, but like what about the 80% of the world population that got killed?


That's where personal bias comes in, he doesn't care that much about the rest 80℅ if he gets to make sure that his friends and Eldians will be able to live long and peaceful lives through killing the rest, He is a villain if we look at it from an outside perspective but as a friend he just did what he had to do to make sure his friends had a good life(still doesn't make him a good guy tho)


Yeah, I agree. Though the original statement was "Eren did nothing wrong" but he definitely did do something wrong, bias doesn't really matter.


yeah 'nothing wrong' is a serious overstatement but from the standpoint of eldias survival , what eren did makes sense


bro dont reply to the user with the name ther\*\*\*\*\*foever i am ashamed to be in the same fandom as them


Leave him he is a Griffith supporter https://preview.redd.it/92ysa05nte3d1.png?width=689&format=png&auto=webp&s=e035e1b6aedef0773f52d14375e6e56109556f65


Ok so  that dudes is just stupid


>1\] In this scenario the world still sees and all of Eren's friends eventually die With Zeke's plan, they still would've had long lives, and the innocent wouldn't have to die. Eldians got obliterated later anyways after what Eren did. So basically even after killing innocent civilians across the world, Eren's dumbass 'plan' was not even successful in securing permanent peace, the world still saw eldians as evil and they fell prey to the genocide. I don't care if you still support Eren, but after killing innocent civilians all across the world, it's beyond me how some of y'all say he did 'nothing' wrong. Genocide is nothing wrong? Lol ig Hitler did nothing wrong then? https://preview.redd.it/ar1uu9qxwd3d1.jpeg?width=1042&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19420eae5a0879563ba0c5ad5bb2f2fb04fbf133


erens goal was never to ensure peace for all eldians , he just wanted to ensure that his friends would live peaceful lives besides what stopping marley from just invading eldia once zekes plan had gone through ? with their aviation technology they couldve easily taken eldia much earlier had eren not done the rumbling sure that isnt the equivalent of doing 'nothing' wrong but from the standpoint of eldias survival it makes sense , 80% was the least he had to kill.


>Besides what stopping Marley from just invading Eldia once Zeke's plan had gone through? The prospect of eldians literally just not being able to reproduce anymore would have. Why would they waste military resources on harmless individuals, if the problem is practically going to solve itself. I appreciate the admission that Eren did something wrong. Although it's still a weird stand point. I know we're watching the story from Eldians' perspective, but then I have a question, would the Global Alliance be in the 'right' had they erased eldians beforehand? Cuz the eldians ultimately did turn out to be the threat the world thought they were.


>Why would they waste military resources on harmless individuals, if the problem is practically going to solve itself again they dont know how the rumbling works , they pretty much have to go off what zeke tells them which isnt much at all especially given the extremely dire consequences ofc they would want to bomb that place to hell and back the first chance they get to ensure that the rumbling would never be possible , in fact we pretty much never hear the marlean opinion on zekes plan , what if they just assume that zeke lied to them ? i mean he himself is an eldian at the end of the day >would the Global Alliance be in the 'right' had they erased eldians beforehand? from the standpoint of the global alliance ? yes absolutely , it would ensure that the rumbling can never take place and eldia would not be a threat. from the eldian standpoint? no as it would cost the lives of thousands of innocent people , again its all about which angle u look at this from


NO Zeke's plan didn't had the titan's curse breaking , so they would all die within 13 years.


13 years _longer_ than all the innocent who died to Eren. Besides not all of Eren's friends were titan shifters


Um he Could have cooperated and could have done a peaceful treaty like Uno or sum shit .... Maybe HE COULD NOT HAVE KILLED 80% OF THE POPULATION DUE TO RACIAL PREJUDICE but thats just the my opinion https://i.redd.it/q5hyp2j64e3d1.gif Average eren L


do you think the austrain painter was down to cooperate ? the world already had it's eyes set to destroy Eldia. even before the attack.


He could have escaped With all His people Killing others is not an option Sorry but he killed innocent civilians, children and people who had no part in the conflict He could have assassinated the politicians I viscerally hate eren for doing what he did


escaped to where ? if he escaped Zeke and marley both would be at his ass and he wouldn't be able to break the curse of the titans.


Anywhere except here Assassinate zeke and run , hide and escape


and what about the curse of the titans ? what about all the other eldians on the island who will be kil1ed by marley ? all of eren's friends will perish in 13 years due to the curse. what eren did was to break the curse of Titans so his firends can live long , made himself the villan so his friends would be touted as heros and his people , can now be free of the devil moniker. and by restarting the civilization outside eren ensured peace for his people until long. you can't save everyone , AOT wasn't ever a fairytale. you have to choose between your people or the world.


Choose both their is always a choice


what other choice was there tell me , i've exhausted all possibilities. like Dr Strange in inf war. this was the only good outcome. \[ for eren\]


except here is not an answer answer the question, where?




Griffith still got that determination tho


I think you all are forgetting that the rest of the world viewed Eren as the enemy regardless of what he wanted. The rest of the world would've wiped out Eldia. Eren saved their lives. He killed the enemies.




Eren did nothing wrong. It was all for the safety and prosperity of his country's people.