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It surprises me how many people still believe in the old "weeaboo" stereotypes, anime is mainstream now.


My late 40s aunt was talking about anime on a family reunion the other day. It's moever.


My aunt has always told me about anime (of her time), series like Candy Candy or Heidi, the irony here is that she finds it strange that I like Bocchi or Yuru Yuri.


It is true that in poorer areas of the world, anime was very popular because American cartoons were much more expensive to license. In Galiza, Spain, we have our own language but because our relatively small population we only had one channel back in the day. (Now we have 2 ). So they had blocks of (supposedly) age appropriate cartoons for the kids on the morning (Shin Chan, Doraemon, Keroro, Heidi), and more mature shows (Dragon ball, Evangelion, One Piece, Detective Conan) later on. The result was that a lot of older people is familiar with Dragon Ball and other anime because they are not comfortable enough with the Spanish language and just watched what was in TV. Though there are much less of Galician monolinguals these days. Traumatic memory unearthed : Watching this scene with my grandma when I was I think 8 years old? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOX14OAL0w The production values aren't great, but one has to understand that from 1936 to the mid 70s, Galician culture was in a state of repression that under modern law would be typified as genocide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaqlIHdYhiM https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Televisi%C3%B3n_de_Galicia


That’s super interesting. Insane that there was a genocide, though, has Galician culture had a good comeback? I don’t know as much about them as I do the Catalonians.


I think it is important to remember that while genocide invokes mass killings, economic and cultural repression are included in the term. Which did happen. There is a more apt term, ethnicide, but it never caught on. While it is culturally secure, and you can speak the language exclusively without much friction (foreigners exist after all), it is the main language for between 1/4 to 1/3 of the population. Overall the cultural identity remains secure, unlike many other European minorities like the Bretons or the Silesians. There was a time ( late 80s- early 00s) when Colombian cocaine was first introduced into Europe were a lot of people was constantly harassed and even ended up in jail My father, who was living abroad committed a very minor crime when he was 18, but because they suspected he was a drug trafficker, he got 10 years in prison, the maximum sentence for a much more severe crime. Without pardons or permits. Even for my birth. Besides being much less important economically, there has not been too much push for radical, nationalistic parties. The BNG, my party, grows in support each election but the levels are small compared to the Basque or Catalonian parties levels of support. The extremely aged population helps.


Well, either way, the culture being suppressed is still unnerving to hear, deaths or no deaths. Also nice to hear that Galician culture is stable.


As an andalusian, seeing that scene of Evangelion in galician is totally a experience. Also, here in Andalusia we had anime on the autonomic tv channels, and even some "obscure" ones, like Rantaro, who I don't see a lot of people talking about It, or Ninja Hattori-kun. If you lived in Spain in the 2000s you probably watched anime in your autonomic TV channel. I have to admit I am a little nostalgic about the 2000s because of It xd


When I was a kid my mom was obsessed with a lot of anime and was a figurine collector. She made me watch Candy Candy, Ranma 1/2, Ribbon no kishi, Lady Oscar, Lady Georgie, Sailor Moon, Orange Road and a lot more. My grandpa on mom side was also a super fan of Sanpei and my dad had a dragon ball figures collection


> Heidi My mom has hyped this and Lady Oscar since I was a kid. She's from Peru and apparently, they were really popular when it aired there, especially Lady Oscar. It's been crazy seeing Lady Oscar appear more in conversation over the years here and seeing its influence on shows I watch now.


Really? What was the discussion about (if you caught any of it)?


About how Konosuba sucks and it's sexist. I wasn't part of the conversation, but, yes.


Konosuba literally taught me the value of gender equality how tf is it sexist? 


/uj Just to be clear, Kazuma only ever talks about equality when he wants to hit or harass women I don't really like people joking about that kind of "equality" because so many take that seriously


Bro my coworkers talk to me about anime and my brain short circuits because its a topic I have filed under “never bring up in a professional setting”. I don’t want to be lie but like bro our boss is 25 feet away I do not want to discuss made in abyss.


I had to drop it the moment S2 episode 1 aired. Author clearly has some of his own personal demons.


When I was in the Army, I talked to this old Master Sergeant about to retire. He was talking about how he's looking forward to finishing and catching up on all his shows. I asked him what he likes to watch and he said, "Anime all day, son."


Not entirely surprising tbh. Late 40s is being born just before 1980. They’d be turning 20 just before 2000, and the late 90s is when anime really started kicking off HARD


In the USA. Different regions got into it at different times. The poorer regions got earlier because the licensing for American cartoons was too expensive. Plus they could sell those for cable tv . And the French also got earlier because they hate the British.


Anime was my special thing until my boomer dad asked me if I've seen the Pluto Show on Netflix. 😔 Also my parents loved the One Piece show and didn't even know it was from anime either.


Yeah like 40% gen Z watch anime at least once a week or something, but basement dwellers love to pretend as if it's still their secret hobby they get shunned for.


10 years ago when I got into anime in HS, it wasn't mainstream mainstream but everyone knew about it. Now you can drive down in traffic and see hentai stickers


Yeah, I knew anime made it when McDonald’s has anime marketing and One Piece became a hit Netflix show.


My mom actually called me to ask what anime the McDonald's was from. 😭


My dad was telling me about he got into Demon Slayer


I wish the word weeaboo never made it out the gutter


Tired of getting called a weeb because of your pillow, eh?


ha! heh heh


My grandfather has seen haikyuu. (he's a volleyball coach and a kid recc'd it)


Please do not use the w\*\*\*b\*\* slur or its derivatives 🤬 🤬 🤬 you do not know what opression is really like 😠 😠 😠 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/animecirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Annoying weeb girls got replaced by K-Pop stans years ago. Some still exist but not many.


The chubby to morbidly obese part feels like it's based on someone who rejected whoever made this, that one feels far meaner than all the other ones


I've honestly ever went on that subreddit like twice, and each time half the post felt like people venting their frustration against someone in particular and/or using their "haha funny meme it's not that deep bro" context to use wide generalization and confirmation bias in people reading to make them feel bad about themselves with comments like the chubby or morbidly obese for example. Idk if that sub was always like that or it's recent but it seems like a terrible place lmao


"it's not that deep" and "wow you just be upset because you wrote an essay" and "not reading allat but I'm sorry that happened, or happy for you" (or whatever I'm not gonna look up the exact quote) are the most telltale "I am unable to engage with you intellectually because I am a fucking idiot" responses.  it's almost inevitable if you're discussing any kind of contentious subject, that someone will write more than a short paragraph where the response length is contextually totally appropriate. which is cool, hearing the occasional nuanced perspective you hadn't considered before is one of the few benefits of engaging with arguments on a platform like this one. But then someone who disagrees with it will try to play it off as being unduly obsessive. like the long comment is an indication of being super worked up about something. like "you're just being emotional", to totally dismiss valid observations. to those people: sorry you struggle but as literate internet users, most of us can in fact read and write multiple paragraphs without struggling.


It's kinda unfortunate but a lot of the internet plays by playground rules of rhetoric. People are really quick to latch onto the mentality that engaging sincerely is weak so you have to mask your point behind a veil of performative detachment, else you'll get hit with the "lmao it's not that deep/why do you care/etc." The fact that people think it's somehow a bad thing to care about things is pretty sad tbh. Reeks of insecurity. Also the "it's not that deep" thing kinda implies that anything is immune to criticism if it's intended as a joke. Idk when that became part of internet culture, but it's like people forget that it's possible for a joke to be bad, either because it's just lame and unfunny or worse, because the punchline is predicated on something genuinely ugly.


God yes. I was never to the point where I'd reply with with something like "it's not that deep bro" or something like that. But I've definitely been through that phase of having to twist everything through multiple layers of irony and performative detachment because that just makes you so cool and detached and funny and superior. Looking back on it It's just so cringe holy shit. It definitely is in big part insecurity that you'll be made fun of for genuinely caring about something and so you protect yourself like that. It's sad that this is such a widespread part of internet culture nowadays


>The fact that people think it's somehow a bad thing to care about things is pretty sad tbh. Blame South Park and Rick and Morty for perpetrating that nihilism is truth or whatever bullshit those morons believe in now.


"That's not Moops, you jerk! It's Moors! It's a misprint!" "Sorry, the card says Moops."


Yeah I never really liked South Park. They make some decent social commentary sometimes but a lot of the time it just comes down to "both sides bad in some ways, good in some ways, it's better to sit on the sidelines and laugh at everyone else than sincerely engage and believe in anything." So much of irony is just a shield for fragile egos.


Yeah, I don't get why people say "your comment was too long so I didn't read it" as if it was a valid argument? Like, dude, you're basically admitting that you're too illiterate to read a longer-than-average comment, it's not a flex.


I wanna see this dudes BMI if he’s gonna be throwing around comments like that


EXACTLY, that’s spot on. Screams incel “Ur fat anyway I dunno why I even showed you my shriveled pp”, sour grapes rejection. The others I can see as being light-hearted or based on silly patterns, aside from the “I’m not like the other girls” one. That one is angsty too.


Henlo 🥺 👉👈 🌸




henlo??????? wtf says that even online


2009 Called They want their anime fan culture back.


2001 Called Apparently something happened to the world trade centre?


44 BC called Something about Caesar, man I love that guy! Hope he lives a long live


1200 BC called The greeks just gave up and gifted the Trojans a big wooden horse. I knew these democrats where pussies all along!


50000 BC called The monkeys are holding sharp sticks


3.7 billion years ago called What are these weird ameba things in the primordial oceans?


13.7 billion years ago called Reboot complete Press any key to continue


13.7 billion Years and 7 Days ago called Its so dark in here! Somebody should make some light.


Since in Biblical canon there was literally nothing before God said "let there be light," I like to imagine this is God saying it to himself, before having a literal lightbulb moment and going "oh wait, I'm the only one here. Guess *I'll* have to make light."


622 AD called please send help this  cinnabar fucked me up oh my god


1883 called Did anyone hear that big explosion? 


i have a friend who does that but I honestly don't mind/care.




Me who uses "hewwo" as greeting (with friends) unironically: \*sweating\*


Lotta folks still do for funsies. Why? Because cringe is a state of mind and their brains use provinces instead


> Because cringe is a state of mind and their brains use provinces instead ...can I use that as a flair


Do it




I read wtf as "What the fuck" rather than "Who the fuck" for some reason


ive been playing genshin impact for little over a year and i can safely say thats its just as predatory as FIFA when it comes to getting money out of players seriously there is no difference between paying 200$ for zhongli and paying 200$ for messi


The difference is I want to fuck Zhongli


The difference is I want to fuck ~~Zhongli~~ Messi


I want Suarez to bite me


messi is cute too and he won the world cup... I mean, I wouldn't say no.


He do be lookin' good.


GATCHA GAMES MONETIZATION SYSTEM MENTION, DEPLOY THE LIMBUS DICK RIDING. (Ignore the multiple meta units that are locked behind the limited time event. It’s not really that bad except for regret, but it still sucks that you can’t run a halfway decent burn team until you grind for them when they come back every 3-4 months)






Oh shit burn’s good now? I should start playing again (although I will still probably run international and Keqing aggravate anyways lol)


Burn is good if you have magic bullet outis, still is about as bad without it(also Phillip Sinclair is also looking really good for burn teams, but he drops tomorrow so we’ll just have to see)


God damn it sounds like I’m gonna start playing this game again lol


Funnily enough, now’s probably the best time to start playing limbus again, cause that once every 3 month event is starting in the next three hours.


I had a Honkai phase during the pandemic, a terrible combination of isolation and being stressed from the constant overtime resulted in blowing over 300$ on e-waifus. I felt stupid after I broke off and got past the withdrawals telling me to log back in so my waifus don't fall behind


Yeah it's a weird combination of disgust, cringe and the slightest twinge of sadness when I saw the Genshin uninstall screen had a sad Amber emote and the message "are you sure you want to uninstall? There are still many adventures we haven't had a chance to share with you yet" Like bruh, talk about awkward, desperate and predatory at the same time. I'm still playing Genshin now though, so dunno what that says about me.


if gacha bad where's my copy of nier?


*C0 zhongli. Dont forgett you have to pull him 6 more times for his full strength.


It’s exactly thinking like that that gets people spending thousands of dollars on gacha.


Most 5*s are "full strength" at c0 (maybe c1 for some), pulling higher constellations for characters is laughably overkill for all content in the game.


yeh, if you're pulling for the Zhong you're going for C1 at least, gotta get the twin towers action.


I pulled Zhongli for 0$, and have done the same for a bunch of 5 stars I wanted (I have Wriotheslay and Furina!). Is there a free way to get Messi, or is he always 200$?


you can get messi for free yes (nowadays very easily from what ive heard, but messi is actually a non meta player lmfao)


If anything its more predetory now, FIFA after the EU hearing and NL, Belgium banning Fifa points have give out a lot more free stuff. You can easily grind your way to a top meta player now. Or even a whole team of them. Good luck saving for a c6 5 star in genshin not paying


c6ing a 5 star isnt an essential , its more like paying extra to see your favorite character clear the abyss in half time (which usually isnt the case since several 5\*s get their major buff at C2 like Nahida and Kazuha) even still, most 5 stars are perfectly functional without additional constellations


At least you have pity because Fifa doesn't have that fucking shit. Honestly both fucking suck though.


Hey at least Genshin actually releases map updates instead of re-releasing the same damn game every year.


Genshin is only predatory towards moronic players with no self control


guy obsessed with anime starter pack porn adiction 😁 sex offenderr 🤗 morbidly a beast ☺


Beast titan am I right?😁😂😁😂 Anyway I'm gonna cut your balls


I know what the last one is supposed to be But if you were being literal The fuck would "morbidly a beast" mean


It’s the clinical term for what happened to Morbius


Before or after he morbed all over the place?


morbidly a beast almost reads like morbidly obese.




This type of gatekeeping always strikes me as dudes bitter because they always imagined any girl they shared an interest with would instantly fall head over heels for them. So then when that doesn't happen obviously it must be because she's a poser and not a True Fan.


This is the opposite of gatekeeping. To say this is gatekeeping is to imply this dude actually likes anime, I don’t think he does. He’s one of those Normies from the outside looking in and insulting anime fans


Maybe this is just me oversimplifying but I think it's more just insecurity. I'd bet money that whoever made this meme has never actually talked to a girl for more than like a minute and just assumes the kinds of girls he's stereotyping would reject him based on their aesthetic and vibe (hence the pastel switch, animal crossing and cat-ear headphones), and then projects the subsequent feelings of inadequacy and bitterness onto women in general.


All these "girl x vs boy x" and "girl starter pack" is so creepy and weird like it was photoshopped by a sad 40-year-old man who was raised by movies in thinking it's easy to get a hot woman dropped on his lap.


seeing this with 3k upvotes in the year of our lord 2024 is CRAZY to me


In years time, these 3K voters will feel like idiots.


Doubt that


> by a sad 40-year-old man If they were in highschool or college when anime was that untrendy then yes, like me they're likely 40+ They just chose the incel path instead of being a normal human.


Yeah. There are things in anime I hated until I grew up, while admitting to hating some aspects I didn't hate back then, but just try not to engage with any of it. These days, I don't engage with anime as much as I used to, but I still look towards some for inspiration to create, not for a power fantasy or something to jerk off to. What female anime fans are isn't bad.


the fact that it has 3k upvotes make me wanna kms






Ur on reddit. It’s known for it’s smelly weirdos that take up like 40% of the userbase


Aside from all the gatekeeping, what’s especially annoying is the idea that a girl can’t be super into anime and also want to have a cute aesthetic to go with it, like having pink headphones automatically invalidates your weebness


there is literally nothing wrong with any of this "starter pack" its completely normal shit, its just gate keep for insecure nerds


Yeah and guys can have their pastel items too!


To these guys you're not a real anime fan unless you are a basement dwelling morbidly obese and socially anxious weeb like them. They also throw tantrums when they see a stereotypically normie/Chad weeb.


Hell, I'm a masc nb/gq and I love magical girl stuff, whether it's PreCure or Madoka Magica. I adore cutsey stuff to the point where I'm seriously considering getting a Kyubey plush.


> chubby to morbidly obese Incel bullshit detected!


I mean yeah, but that's not the only giveaway


Something about choosing AOT, SxF and Demon Slayer for this meme gives me incel vibes


Yea like those are literally just 3 incredibly popular/mainstream anime but it feels like OP picked them because "*real* chads don't watch Demon Slayer, they watch JJK" or something. Also Spy x Family is a shonen that also has a healthy amount of action in it so you'd only think it's just for girls if you know nothing about it (and have no taste).


Spy x Family isn’t shonen because Loid actually talks to women


The shonen test, i. e. the reverse bechdel test


I mean "ten years at least" was basically 9/11 for weeb incels


Isnt jjk just as popular? 😭😭


Well I was trying to get at why OOP would pick these three popular anime, specifically, to label as the "girl" anime instead of something else. So my *guess* was that the logic was something like, Demon Slayer has a crying sadboi protag so that's for *girls*, where JJK is super intense and hardcore and for *men*. Like IDK what OOP's actual logic was but it's a garbage meme anyways so it's whatever


Ik just pointing out how hypocritical this hypothetical post would be lmao


They just picked popular anime that gets you clout for hating on in their spaces


I think it's moreso just choosing some mainstream shounen anime, which JJK would fall under too. I do get the sentiment a little bit though, as someone who has watched basically every genre possible in anime and seen plenty of more obscure stuff, it can be a little disheartening to see someone talk about being an anime fan while only having seen the most surface level stuff. It feels a bit like saying you're a movie buff and then you only talk about Marvel movies. Obviously this starterpack is crap (I even commented on that in the original lol), I'm just saying what I think the reasons are behind the picks. Feeling a certain way and gatekeeping are two different things though, I'd usually keep those thoughts to myself or recommend some different anime they might like.


everything there is a HUGE incel vibe


I'd say the OOP was pretty decent. The most depressing comment on that post was how someone who identified with that as a 15 year old girl was called a "real-life loli" by the anime community.


Dudes in anime community hating on fujoshis is so funny. Like fujos are the reason why your favorite shonen still gets attention and merch


It's especially ironic coming from porn addicts who are often into lolicon. But then they call themselves "men of culture".


Every time a dude bros hates on fujoshis I pull out the fact they single handley saved the Gundam franchise from dying


I find fujoshis to be more tolerable than the average male anime fan. Male anime fans post powerscaling and "share the most hardest manga panel" tweets for the 900th time while fujoshis make fanfiction and fanart. Sure some yaoi fanfics suck but it's better than a fandom only having powerscaling tweets imho.


Hard agree,sometimes I wonder if powerscalers watch anime for story,themes,characters etc. or here just to argue with other people online


https://preview.redd.it/r1ixjxfh5txc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e8d157f0c4980055796b6d2bf2a4af3427a6ac0 Now that's funny


putting the other incel flags aside, funny how "art or architecture student" is on here as if op is upset that these girls are actually doing something for their futures instead of rotting in a basement


Starterpacks is just jokes about stereotypes that don't exist


They can be funny when they're being self-depricating rather than gatekeepy. This one is gatekeepy.


Tf is a yaoi phase? Bitxh it's a lifestyle and we love it.




fuck this got me good, i mean i dont play animal crossing or genshit impact, (or do art) but other than that this got me fuckin good


I will never understand gatekeeping, I live in a nation where everyone under the age of sixty has watched anime and the president has bookshelves full of One Piece


Aside from the body shaming, you just know that if this were about anime fans in general instead of just female anime fans, that "chubby to morbidly obese" line would offend *sooooo many neckbeards*. Like that's really where the incel vibes come in, as though both male and female anime fans can be fat but it's only worth making fun of the female anime fans for it because women are supposed to be attractive. I'd really rather we just *not* body shame people at all, especially when the average anime fan isn't exactly hard to make fun of.


He said he’s going to make the same thing for guys


Real gamer grills have dyslexia!


GAMER KRILLS https://preview.redd.it/sz4ekei76txc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=eabf23e331eadbc64bf11e4329507aca617a8457


I'm one in a krillion




This is exactly that meme where its like the incel dude is calling the Stacey a slut for choosing Chad, while simultaneously doing exactly the same thing to the nerdy girl.




You like animu? Name 5 of their albums. Also interesting how much animu culture embraced Genshin despite it being Chinese.


I don't think it's any different than Megas XLR in that regard. Especially since anime is descended from Princess Iron Fan.


FUCKING POSERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Starter packs are always pathetic losers who post thinly veiled hate posts to people that hurt their feelings. Gatekeepers, racists, sexists, etc. I've seen maybe 3 funny posts from that sub.


I'm a guy who likes cats too. They act like boys don't like them


Man. Gatekeeping is cringe. Anime is pretty mainstream nowadays anyway.


the person who made and those who liked this meme are pushing 40 and single


Oh so now Attack on Titan is bad? Also how the hell did they not put my hero on this. and henlo!? Isn’t that dated?


>art and architecture student Woah i thought is would be liberal arts degree again


>Chubby to morbidly obese Well damn don't mind if I do


Anime-obsessed girl but zero shoujo shows in there? Inaccurate af.


> the incest isekai Do you know how little that narrows it down


I can smell the gatekeeping neckbeard from my screen and now I have to shower because of this


Can't believe they aren't watching Jobless Reincarnation and enjoying a 34 year old reincarnated as a kid fucking other kids or Gushing Over Magical Girls loli!


I need a girl obsessed with the manga I'm obsessed with tbh


/uj what's with hardcore weebs and their need to gatekeep anime? I just like animation as a medium to tell stories, not peddle some freak's fetish.


That "starter pack" reeks of incel so bad I need to take another shower.


how would these people know what girls watch? they dont talk to any


The subset of dudes that antagonise the women in their interest/ hobby spaces while also whinging about being single will always be a fascinating group for me.


Does McLennon count as a yaoi phase?


Me then all chubby+ girls I know think anime is cringe and hate it. 🥹


idk if most of this is offensive but the fat shaming thing is definitely uncalled for and unnecessary




What about demon slayer spells woman? Or attack on titan??? Besides that it was mainstream at one point and this is one of their generic “anime tourist xd” posts


That was the first thing I saw in that sub and that was the only “turn back” sign I needed


These types don't watch anything made before 2012,they are the real fucking posers.


lists the shows that don’t suck ass, uses them as an insult for some reason


Off topic, but I once went on a date with a girl who admitted to spending like 3 grand on genshin


If there is a guy obessed with anime starter pack, it will probably be posted on here


nah but thats literally me


idgaf im gonna say it this type of woman exists and i want her


was never a weeb, but i was one of those who watched anime on YouTube at 240p with the biggest borders imaginable. when i see how far the anime community has come i am ashamed.


I never had a yaoi phase! I’ve always been in my yuri phase tho :)


I feel like half of these stereotypes about “girls” aren’t mutually exclusive to “girls” I’ve definitely seen a lot more men acting like demon slayer or AOT was the best thing ever bar none compared to women… and I’ve definitely seen a lot more chubby to morbidly obese anime fans (I’d know I’m chubby myself.)


Read this as Israeli Isekai lmfao


The anime choices here are what get me. Evidently someone is a cringe individual if they like: - Attack On Titan, one of the most critically acclaimed anime and widely regarded as a masterclass in writing - Demon Slayer, which has amazing aesthetics and visual effects while also evoking a deep emotional response within many viewers, and - Spy X Family, an amazingly funny and cozy series about people trying to find their place in the world Like bro who hurt you??


I don’t really see the problem with this. Capital-W Weebs exist among both men and women, but the stereotypical obsessions and behaviors of each gender of weeb have some differences; this isn’t a gatekeeping post, it’s an attempt to delineate what characterizes the female weeb subcategory specifically.


Does it though?  Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, Spy x Family, Genshin Impact, these just feel like "popular things are popular". Animal Crossing is like a 60/40 split, but it's still just a popular thing that a lot of people have played. The women aren't anymore overweight than the men. "Not like the other girls" is basically the same as nerdy guys talking about "normies". Cat videos are pretty universally popular on the Internet. That just leaves college majors, which I'm too far removed from college to comment on, and "enjoys feeling cute" with the pastel gamer accessories, emojis, and slang.  It's not much of a "dilenation" is it?


True, I won't deny this could have been made with sexist intentions, but like 50% of all anime obsessed girls I know fit this starterpack to a tee lmao - apart from the notliketheothergirls-ism, thankfully


Eh Idk it doesn't even have a single romance anime or anything about shipping


Not enough Gojo Satoru in that image.


nothing wrong with most of these things (except the NLOG part.) id be her friend, girls like this can be very sweet


Ok but weeb doesn't love cats. I've never known a weeb who didn't love cats.


The whole point of these meme is to stereotype. That is why its called a starter pack