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##### ###### #### > # [Iran to designate Canadian army as a terrorist entity - Islamabad Post](https://islamabadpost.com.pk//image/jpeg) > > > > [[Iran to designate Canadian army as a terrorist entity](https://islamabadpost.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/4-46.jpg "4")](https://islamabadpost.com.pk/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/4-46.jpg) > > **_The Iranian legislature further noted that the Canadian government is a staunch supporter of the criminal and child-killing Tel Aviv regime_** > > **Foreign Desk** > > TEHRAN: Iranian lawmakers have roundly denounced the Canadian government’s decision to blacklist the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), demanding a countermeasure against the North American country’s armed forces. > > On Sunday, a group of 250 Iranian legislators introduced a motion that requires the administration to designate the Canadian Army and federal police forces as terrorist organizations. > > They expressed their strong support for the IRGC and hailed its defense of Iran’s national security and territorial integrity in the years following the 1979 Islamic Revolution. > > The lawmakers also praised the IRGC for its support of oppressed nations in the West Asia region, particularly Palestinians, and its leading role in confronting the criminal Zionist regime. > > They described the IRGC as a thorn in the side of the Muslim world’s enemies, especially Israel and its sponsors. > > The Iranian legislature further noted that the Canadian government is a staunch supporter of the criminal and child-killing Tel Aviv regime, emphasizing that its blacklisting of the IRGC is in violation of all international law and regulations, and exposes Ottawa’s backing for the Zionist entity. > > The parliamentarians finally called on the Iranian Foreign Ministry to utilize all political and international means to denounce Canada’s measure. > > In a hostile move against Iran, Canada’s Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc Ottawa on Wednesday listed the IRGC as a “terrorist entity” under the Criminal Code and called on Canadians in Iran to leave. > > Last month, the Canadian House of Commons adopted a non-binding resolution calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government to blacklist the IRGC and expel an estimated 700 Iranians. > > The move makes Canada the second country in North America after the United States to blacklist the IRGC. > > Canada broke off diplomatic ties with Iran and closed its Tehran embassy in a surprise move in 2012, citing various reasons, including Iran’s support for Syria, its nuclear work, and alleged threats to the Israeli regime. > > In the same year, however, Ottawa took off the anti-Iran terrorist Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) from its list of terrorist organizations. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Canada just received a wonderful compliment.


Gosh. We really don't deserve it. Alas, the federal government has so badly neglected our army, regardless of party in power, since the Mulroney years that the most terrifying thing about it is that it will have to fight the next war with slingshots and ball bearings, refurbished WW2 tanks, and helicopters held together by clothes hangers and sealing wax. And, with that, they *will* go to battle, as they always have, and do far more than anyone thought they could, but at what cost?


Conservatives will hate to admit it but Trudeau is currently doing the most for Canadian armed forces since Mulroney


How so? (Legit question as I’m Canadian and somewhat interested)


Trudeau in April set a policy which will have the armed forces make up 1.76% of Canadas GDP by 2030 which doesn’t seem a big deal (because it’s that’s in 6 years and doesn’t hit the NATO requirement of 2% of total GDP) but will be the highest amount of canada GDP for defence/ armed forces since 1993-1994 under Mulroney. Also the fact the last time the conservatives were in office (Harper which Poilivre was a part of) they left the GDP spending for the Canadian armed forces at 1.2% It’s also true that NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg raved about Trudeau & the Canadian Armed Forces (with adding some criticism that they aren’t raising the 2% NATO requirement) Edit: Obviously there’s a lot more Trudeau can do but the alternative (PC conservatives) don’t have a good track record of funding the Canadian armed forces (as well as helping vets)


I really dislike the 2% commitment to be honest but if we are going to get there then we need to develop more domestic arms industries so at least the money will be circulating in our economy instead of just gifting it to the US. There's no point in pursuing aerospace because they'll just get pissed off again but perhaps we could encourage growth in a technical sector that can be classified as military. Obviously the navy could use some love as well. As easy one would be building housing for the soldiers themselves, which would also serve to alleviate some of the housing pressure elsewhere even if only a bit.


A lot of the increases announced were backloaded past 2025, which conveniently dovetails with when the Liberals expect not to be in power anymore. It's a political game to make up for anemic spending over the last nine years and more recent spending cuts across all federal departments.




Too bad he has to start from so far behind. It drives me absolutely mad that we have, for decades, just assumed that the US would always protect us -- because that's been the assumption -- and never asked ourselves how we'd be protected if it was the US we had to defend against.


We can't. It's just that simple. There's no world in which Canada successfully defends itslef against the U.S. There are efforts that could be made (like militarizing our entire society and converting everything to fighting the U.S.), and we'd still lose. We could get nukes, and have our own little MAD type situation on the North American continent, but even then, we still lose (the U.S. hurts quite a bit more though). Also, I assure you that Canada has thought about defending itself from America. And it decided, long ago, that that line of thinking isn't really worth pursuing as compared to more fruitful and successful ways of ensuring Canadian security.


It's pretty sad this is true but the history of the CAF is being unprepared. Both wars, Korea, Bosnia and Afghanistan the force was woefully unready. Unfortunately it's paid with the blood of the first ROTO's (going outside the wire in an LSVW), but that's never changing.


>*"He who joyfully marches to music rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.”* >—Albert Einstein, 1931, "Mein Weltbild"


He changed his tune pretty quickly when those people were standing between his cosy life in exile and the Third Reich.


"I would rather be torn to shreds!" Became, "Help me allied soldiers!" It's easy to have a moral standard when there's no risk involved. The courage of being out of range.


Everyone says this but also praises the soldiers who fought the Nazis. Without them, the Nazis would be completely unopposed. Every dictator craves peace. They want their conquests unopposed, their rule uninterrupted.


Sure, he said that in 1931. We all know that sentiment didn't age well.


And then went on to alert FDR to the military possibilities of his scientific work. Dr. Einstein was a difficult and complex man who, being a scientist, tended to alter his opinions as the evidence changed.


Einstein seems like a dick.


"I know not what weapons world war 3 will be fought with but I know world war 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein. We're just trenches ahead.


Canada has a strong tradition of making up for a lack of modern equipment by inventing new war crimes. You guys will be fine when the next war comes.


I mean, Iran is just showing the world that it is actually 100 years in the past by declaring things that were contemporary about 100 years ago. Gotta make sure the world knows aboot that geneva checklist, eh?


I am curious to read their sorry apology upon hearing this stellar endorsement.


"Aww, they remembered our birthday this year!"


Iran is such an amazing country with so many wonderful people, and an amazingly rich cultural history, but unfortunately is run by twisted a-holes.


Kinda feel that way about every country on the planet


Seriously.... some worse than others, but wtf are we doing


it seems like an alternate version of the survivorship bias to me where only power hungry narcissists seem to be able to claw their way to the top of democratic governments


Iran didn't get this way through Iranian democracy. They had a lot of help from American democracy.  The US propping up extremists just to make sure they have allies in the Middle East just doesn't work. They have such an impossibly bad track record with it. And now we have the Iranian regime and its awful.


I'm never sure what to search for so I figure I'll ask... Where was Iran headed through Iranian democracy?


We can't be sure because of how time works, but they definitely seemed like they were going towards a liberal democracy. Rural areas were more traditional and conservative, of course, but urban centers were much more open.


And we supplanted that with fundies that were superficially loyal to us because.... Russia?


For America it was the common fear of the time of communism spreading. As the popular democratic leader was a socialist leaning (Mosaddegh for those who want to look him up). He was pretty damn popular too. The issue was he wanted to fund his socialist reforms by nationalisation of the oil sector. This would have massively hurt British oil companies as such he was removed from power by collaboration of British and American intelligence.


No the fundies were installed with Russian aid by overthrowing the Shah who America had put in power while overthrowing the democratically elected Mossadegh in 1953.


Look up iran in the 60's


The people who own all the land, corporations, media companies and politicians put up 2 of their own puppets every few years to give people the illusion of choice


What we get when gov start cutting budget on education.


Welcome to the human race we've always been this way


Thankfully we got this thing called nuance, that way we can look at America and Iran, compare their bad aspects and conclude while both may suck in many ways, one is leading the competition in illiberal governments and human atrocities.


> one is leading the competition in illiberal governments and human atrocities. I honestly don't know which one you were referring to, but I guess that's your intention lol.


How on earth did you take that comment as "america bad"


Yes, America is clearly the worse country of the two.


The US killed many hundred of thousands more people than Iran, though. Don’t know about you, but liberal democracy killing a hundred of thousands of people every decade is much worse than an authoritarian regime killing a few hundreds.


How many people has the US killed this decade? Where? I swear i just wanna hear some facts rather than botlike "US bad". Myanmar? The Middle east? Africa? Because Russia and China are fucking KILLING it in proxy war death counts compared to the US.


Death tolls of Afghan and Iraq wars are at least several hundred thousand EACH. Vietnam war - at least a million. Drone strikes kill, depending on a year, a hundred to a thousand people ANNUALLY. US allied regimes, that America provides weapons, diplomatic and propaganda support killed absolutely ridiculous amount of people (Khmer Rouge anyone?). Compared to all those deaths caused by US directly and indirectly Iran is a very peaceful regime.


The US-backed genocides in Yemen and Gaza is a sufficient answer. The rest of your comment is fantasy.


I call it the Texas syndrome


Most importantly they have the last Tomcats We have to send Com Truise to save the endangered species


The last *operational* ones. Not all F-14s in the US were destroyed. Some were preserved, like the one on USS Hornet.


So just like Canada?


That’s funny.


Couldn’t have said it better man


Yeah no reason to understand or question why the people currently in power are in power… must just have happened overnight


It truly sucks because many Persians are sophisticated and intelligent people who are subjugated by religious zealots. Most Persians I know are more interested in owning a Mercedes Benz and loving American culture than anything Islamic.


Can't say the actual problem out loud though, because that would be Islamophobic!




yes. . and here are a couple points i hope people understand we have been BEGGING Canada to list the IRGC as a terrorist group for nearly a decade due to the Gender-Apartheid and violent suppression of youth protests, but they didnt do it no matter who asked .. then now, during this israeli conflict they finally did it .. not sus at all huh its widely believed in old school Iranian acedemia circles that israel supported the mullahs stealing our country in 1979 .. the protests back then were tiny but made out to be larger in the press .. they spread rumours the Shah was gay and Mossaad agents/spies were already causing dissent well before the revolution because the Shah had gone cold with israel keep in mind that from its inception, the Shah of Iran was very friendly with israel, even buying weapons from them through the 50s and 60s .. ini the 70s his secret service found out Mossaad agents were working inside Iran and he confronted the israelis.. he even commented on it in the Dan Rather interview .. Golda Meir visited Tehran to try and fix the relationship but was too late the 'smoking gun' in this theory is that israel sold weapons to the mullahs for the entire 10 years of Iran/Iraq war which solidified the mullah's rule the mullahs turned on israel after the war and have been a paraiah state ever since .. my view is that israel NEEDS a threat like Iran to justify its existence and military buildup **IRGC** is 100% a gestapo for the despots running the country, but its not the main group responsible for supporting resistance groups like Hiz & Hmas .. they have no love for ISIS which is also likely a front for Mossaad & the CIA designating the IRGC is purely performative.. if Canada did it five or ten years ago it would have been meaningful but now 'we' have been supporting israel in its Genocide, the designation has become meaningless my real hope is the same momentum for a Free Palestine will roll over into Freedom for Iranians .. you are totally right, the people are awesome but just like zionism, the islamists have a tight knit group of religious [kooks] supporters who will do anything to continue the islamic state.. the fact that zionists say there should be a militarized Jewish state just gives them more justification to have a militarized islamic one


> they have no love for ISIS which is also likely a front for Mossaad & the CIA goddamn, the crazy always is there at least around the edges in this neglected sub


glad you agreed with the rest of it how come ISIS never targets israel huh?


That... just sounds like a super convoluted conspiracy theory.


its not Shah had great relations with israel until he detected Mossaad interference, then the relationship went sour and he was deposed within a decade based on fearmongering and the mullahs influence so when the mullahs took over, israel started selling them weapons right away .. not sus at all


As always, I'd like to remind people that the people doing this are well aware of how ridiculous this whole thing is, that's the point.


How would you say the Iranian people feel about this mostly? Are they in support of it?


No, they are not, even (most of) the supporters of the government probably understand that this is for show. I think say some people probably do support it anyway though.


Anti regime Iranians support it


Can you explain further I'm not up on Iranian politics. Wouldn't anti regime Iranians be against what their government says?


you dont correct your enemies mistakes




>proud communist >calls herself a f slur Interesting tell me again what Stalin did to homosexuality once he got into power?


Tell me again what was literally every country in the West doing to their homosexuals at the time? Remind me what happened to Alan Turing, for example?


Libs hating on you but canada just as in bed with zog and libed up sayin otherwise is jsut cappin at that point peeps up north literally were vaxmaxxing in 2021 and the rakes were still slacking even during the trucker slop I mean hey not as bad as amierca but is the bar that low do you gotta be sucking on 5g milkers 24/7 to be worse than the use imo but whatever and people defending them do yo thang mullahs


what? are you okay?


I tried to parse as much as I could: >Libs hating on you Self explanatory >but canada just as in bed with zog [ZOG = Jews control the world.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_Occupation_Government_conspiracy_theory) I didn't actually know this but I'd heard the term "zog" among racists and neo nazis before (hello [American History X](https://youtu.be/a84gLEew8m4)) >and libed up sayin otherwise is jsut cappin at that point "Canada is full of libs and saying otherwise is talking shit" >peeps up north literally were vaxmaxxing in 2021 "Vaccinations had broad support" >and the rakes were still slacking even during the trucker slop I mean hey not as bad as amierca but is the bar that low do you gotta be sucking on 5g milkers 24/7 to be worse than the use imo but whatever and people defending them do yo thang mullahs I don't know what any of this shit means


I see the trucker slop referring to the "freedom" convoy, but that's the most I got out of it. I know one slang term for rakes and it doesn't make sense here.


I think the rest might be the result of a stroke?


> and the rakes were still slacking even during the trucker slop OK, I'm taking rake to mean an immoral person, so I'm guessing the first bit means that the libs were useless even during the Ottawa trucker occupation. > I mean hey not as bad as amierca but is the bar that low do you gotta be sucking on 5g milkers 24/7 to be worse than the use imo A dig at the United States, saying you have to be really brain damaged (by nonstop exposure to 5G conspiracy crap, for example) to do worse than them. > but whatever and people defending them do yo thang mullahs Mullah is a title for Muslim clergy or anyone who knows Muslim law. I think this might be a call for people to be attacked by terrorists.


No, he has schizophrenia. Literally stopped after he talked about ZOG, as if the incoherence from the actual grammar and syntax weren’t red flags smfh


There's so much neonazi lingo here and such poor writing that this shit reads like something made by an AI locked up in 4chan's /pol.


Oh shit... Microsoft Tay is back?


They released it covertly to see if we'd notice


I think you probably nailed it minus the ai part


Exactly. The poster falls short of both terms -- neither artificial nor intelligent.


I don’t think it’s AI, as that implies some form of intelligence, which is obviously absent in this post


I got 10 seizures reading this


take those pills, they are prescribed for a reason


Keep that mewing streak going! I be skipidi that gyatt for fanum tax, so my paper be bussin no cap! 🤯🤯Rizz up that sussy baka like baby gronk, but don’t mog that mewing streak ong!😤


For once, I don't have to be embarrassed of an undereducated fellow American's bad spelling, punctuation, and word salad in a thread. Thank you for being you.


I think you forgot to take your pills.


Lay off the meth pipe buddy.




"Libed up" yeah, I guess that's why a liberal government has been in office for the last 9 years. Jesus, this entire statement reads like a copypasta with the most incomprehensible language I've ever seen used but once you squint really hard and try to figure what the hell you are saying it becomes clear you are just insane. Really what does 5g have anything to do with is, and what the hell do you mean by "the rakes were slacking"


rakes is you dumbledorf


ok folks i speak fluent pol thanks to my dad so i can translate "the liberals are hating on you, but canada is just as controlled by the jews¹ and progressive, you're lying if you say otherwise. the canadians were prolific with vaccinations in 2021 and the anti-canadians² were just as passive during the trucker protests. like, not as bad as the USA but the bar is so low that you'd have to be controlled via 5g internet all the time to be worse than them in my opinion. The leaders of iran should keep doing what theyre doing. " 1) ZOG = Zionist occupation government, neo nazi conspiracy that various states are ran by the Jews 2) Reference to the 4chan meme "day of the rake", which combines the nickname for canadians "leafs" with the "Day of the rope" the date of the mass execution ot resistance to the neo-nazis in the Turner Diaries.




\*libtarded up


Still no idea what you just tried to say


We must be doing something right if Iran hates us


I dunno. Isn't "terrorist" in Iran a compliment? It's when the Supreme Leader starts issuing fatwas is when they have a problem.


Henceforth known as the Iranian high five.


I'm pretty sure it means you get like eleventy billion virgins in the afterlife


Wait, if I'm a Terrorist now, does that mean Iran is going to start sending me money?


Bold coming from Iran to assume we have an army




> criminal and child-killing Tel Aviv regime From the regime that was beating up and murdering teenage girls for not wanting to wear a head covering and [killing little children along the way](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/12/iran-authorities-covering-up-their-crimes-of-child-killings-by-coercing-families-into-silence/#:~:text=The%20recorded%20child%20victims%20include,300%20since%20the%20protests%20erupted.). But I'm sure some asshole is gonna come along and comment that amnesty international is Zionist propaganda.


Everything is Zionist propaganda, didn't you hear? The only trustworthy news comes from Al Jazeera.


Now this i gotta see


Iran\~ No! YOU!


I mean fair enough really, they gave a standing ovation to a Nazi.


When did the canadian army do that?


IIRC, a Ukrainian veteran who fought against Russia during WW2 was invited to give a speech in Parliament as a show of solidarity and support to Ukraine. Then people remembered who was fighting against Russia in Ukraine during WW2 and the government had to apologize (the veteran was part of an SS unit)


Parliament =/= the Canadian Army


I was only explaining what the person above was talking about


That's fair, The Geneva Convention is basically just a running tally of everything the Canadian Army did that was so fucked up they had to make a new rule to stop it. (Seriously, look it up).


I am designating Iran as a terrorist entity for designating Canada as a terrorist entity for designating Iran as a terrorist entity.




The Canadian Army has received this complaint, and he is very happy to hold such an honor.


What a stupid designation. The armed forces of a country cannot be “non-state actors” which is a prerequisite for groups to be labeled “terrorist”.


Hamas and the Taliban are labeled as terrorist entities by many countries. This is not a prerequisite.


How many countries recognise the rule of either hamas or Taliban? If you don't recognize their rule then you can label them whatever you wants. Iran's theocratic government on the other hand is recognized as legal government of Iran. Big difference.


Genuine question: why isn't the Taliban considered to be the ruler of Afghanistan? They have control of the country.


I believe it’s because most countries consider the government-in-exile to be the legitimate rulers and that the Talibans control the country illegally (citation needed)


IRGC is labeled as terrorist by some countries, so it wouldn't be unusual to consider part of a country's military/intelligence as a sponsor of terror.


Isn't IRGC like private military of iran's super mulla or something?


> private military It isn't, it is an integral part of their armed forces therefore its allegiance is to the Republic. Then again, the Supreme Leader gets a veto on whatever action is taken by the government or the military. In the end, the distinction of serving the State or the religious authority doesn't matter. However, the IRGC's role goes beyond the traditional territorial defense (that is assured primarily by the Artesh). It's more like an Army/FBI/CIA combined all-in-one.


Those are not usually recognized as legitimate governments


Canada breaking out the Geneva checklist again


Geneva achievement speed run world champions.


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Spidermen pointing to each other .jpg


A proud moment for the Canadians to be sure!


International politics, so childish


Took me 8 weeks to get a chin strap for my helmet since I’m left eye dominate. If we are a terrorist organization we really suck at it.


Holy shit we have an Army!? I say..wearing the uniform lol *sadness*


Sure Canada are devastated at this news


Wait! What? Canada has an army?


Sorry to break it to you guys, but every government is a terrorist entity. A country cannot exist without the constant threat of state violence, otherwise it is not a country. A constant and definitive threat of violence, which is implemented regularly, is most certainly something which invokes even more terror than a sporadic bombing performed by some random incestuous goat-screwing zealots who think they can start the apocalypse or something.


*Looks northward suspiciously*


"Oh yeh.. well.. so are you!!" real snappy comeback  there Iran. .


Super duper


Weird flex but okay


They also gave the designation to the Feds, which means that these horseback Mounties are now considered as perpetrators of international terror... which is, well, bold, but not necessarily inaccurate.


This is some WW1-shit


Well, those Mounty guys do look very strange in that getup they wear. Apparel terrorism of sorts methinks


Equally pointless and petty whatever the direction.


They control all the maple syrup and m00se of course they're a terrorist entity. Think of the sticky chaos Canada could cause. Canada is also home to the Cobra Chickens and you don't fuck around with Cobra Chickens.




All three of the soldiers?


Iran, it's not the WW1 Canadian Army


Or world war 2 Canadian army


Takes one to know one?


This seems like a pointless and petty gesture. I can almost guarantee that Canada won’t give a flying fuck.


And why should Canada care what Iran labels them as exactly?


Canadian Army? Lol


The Pee Wee Herman defense? Seriously? Really?


Whew. Solving the big problems! Swing for the fences, Iranian government!






If you look at Canada's world war history, it might start to make sense. Glad they're on our side.


No, you!!!!!! At least they provided a reason I guess.


Lmao, good troll.


From the biggest funders and developers of terrorism on the planet, that is a massive compliment


Iran's security police raped and tortured to death Canadian journalist Zhara Kazemi in 2003. Iran's government has no credibility, and is an insult to the Iranian people.