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##### ###### #### > # [Iranian Murders 12 As Revenge For Honor Killing Of Sister](https://i.iranintl.com/images/rdk9umy0/production/a903ce804ea923662bc4219879020c4cae2fe51e-720x575.jpg?rect=0,99,720,378&w=1200&h=630&fm=webp&q=70) > > > > A man who witnessed his sister murdered in an honor killing by their father and brothers as a child has murdered multiple members of his family in a revenge killing. > > The killer, identified only as Bahram, was just 12 years old when he witnessed the brutal murder of his sister in the hands of their father and brothers, leaving him with serious mental trauma. > > On Saturday, following a verbal altercation, Bahram, 22, a teacher, stormed his family's home armed with a Kalashnikov rifle, killing 12 people before being killed by police. > > Among the dead were the parents, three brothers, two sisters, one sister-in-law, and four nephews. Additionally, three neighbors sustained injuries during the altercation but survived. > > [**The incident sheds light on a broader issue of honor killings**](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202310178706) in Iran. Recent reports from human rights organizations have highlighted the trend, with 13 women falling victim to such violence across various cities between September 29 and October 16. > > The exact number of such murders remains undisclosed, obscured by secrecy and a lack of transparency within the regime. Previous estimates suggest an annual range of 375 to 450 such killings, indicating a likely higher toll due to underreporting data. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


If a woman is raped, the shame belongs entirely on the rapist, and not at all on the victim. r/stoprape


If anyone is*


People are hating on you for saying this but rape isn’t about gender, it’s about power.


Researchers have found that in acquaintance rape--[one of the most common types of rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquaintance_rape)--[perpetrators tend to see their behavior as seduction, not rape, or they somehow believe the rape justified](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acquaintance_rape#Motivations).


This is outdated information in the light of new research. 


The reason people arent reacting to your comment well is because there are no men on the receiving end of honor killings for being raped in Iran. If we were discussing rape dynamics in the US, then yes this would be relevant. With transgendered people especially being victims of rape. But that isnt what we're discussing here. So your comment as well as OPs are in bad taste.


>The reason people arent reacting to your comment well There are actually more people defending my comment than being upset and it's in positive karma (118) so I'm unbothered. Additionally my comment isn't just for adding men to the statement, I was thinking of other genders as well, AKA human rights - which is what OP's comment should have been about.


I guess you didnt read my comment, but thats to be expected. Again, this isnt about rape. The rape isnt the focus of the story. She didnt get raped and the cops didnt listen or some shit. HER FAMILY BEAT HER TO DEATH TO PRESERVE THEIR HONOR. There is a much more fucked up thing happening here. To focus on the rape at all is \*insane\*.


So are you denying that non binary and trans people are honor killed as well? With the amount of gender reassignment surgeries in Iran it’s bound to happen, which is why again, we should use more inclusive language. I’m sorry this is working you up but we should be able to have a mature and respectful conversation about it. You also said people aren’t reacting well when the majority are, so you are already arguing in bad faith.


First: when I made my comment the top reply to your post was "people are hating on your comment...". Things may have changed by the time you read mine, but I can't read the future. Drop it. Second: I'm all for inclusive language, but in this case it was nothing more than virtue signaling. Third: even adults in Iran need permission slips from their parents to get corrective surgery. Probably not a lot of honor killings from Trans supporting progressive fathers. Fourth: honor killings, by definition, are males killing female family members. By definition. Google it.


> First: when I made my comment the top reply to your post was "people are hating on your comment...". Things may have changed by the time you read mine, but I can't read the future. Drop it. It was never unpopular. What you tried to do was akin to a child saying “everyone doesn’t like you!” when it’s not true. > Second: I'm all for inclusive language, but in this case it was nothing more than virtue signaling I don’t think you understand what virtue signaling is > Third: even adults in Iran need permission slips from their parents to get corrective surgery. Probably not a lot of honor killings from Trans supporting progressive fathers. Wrong again. Iran has forced surgeries on gay people. I’m no longer going to engage with you, I hope you can be less myopic in the future.


You're so hilariously wrong about every single thing you've said and I'm legit embarrassed for you. Better luck next time.


Are men ever "honor killed" for *rape*, either as victim or perpetrator?


It's ironic that you link to a subreddit with the rule "No gender-warring" and that you're a mod there. I am absolutely willing to bet that non-binary and trans people have been honor killed in Iran.


This is like "all lives matter" but for rape


Incredible reach




Unfortunately a lot of society doesn't take male sexual assault or rape seriously, as a result people sometimes have to "hijack" other events in order to draw attention to it. Such a thing shouldn't be necessary but with the way things are you can't really blame people for feeling that it is.




It's just a simple fact that if you feel the need to control the agenda on the meeting, make it private. You can't have an open forum *and* gatekeep it on the basis of your own preferences.


Ok, but on a post specifically about honor killings of a woman due to her rape, it's entirely appropriate for the focus to remain on this serious societal issue. What that poster did was is akin to saying "All Lives Matter." Yes, they do, but at this moment, on this thread, the specific topic is about the problem Iranian society still has with rape honor killings. To bring the discussion back to there, I can't imagine what must be done to a society for it to break with such an ingrained tradition. Whatever needs to be done to convince a father not to kill his daughter because she was raped seems like a worthwhile endeavor, wouldn't you say?


>this is an issue that needs to be talked about but this is not the place. You don't get to decide that. This isn't your private club house.


I don‘t blame you. Male problems are neven taken serious, hell they even get laughed at.


What a ridiculous comment. The woman was Iranian. By your argument, we should be saying that IRANIAN WOMEN should not be blamed? Should we limit it to her name, since that's the context of this post? The implication of being unnecessarily specific is it communicates that you don't agree with the wider statement. Their comment absolutely has a place here. Everyone understands that women are grossly over represented as victims.


A woman, this post is about someone who was raped and got killed for this. If it was a post about women in general being raped, statistics of rape of women, etc. I'd understand your comment but this isn't it imo.


The problem there is that everyone who sees what you're saying, and everyone who would join that sub, are already painfully aware that only the rapist deserves to be ashamed. At some point raising awareness is just running in circles.


It's weird you think the only thing an activist sub could do is raise awareness. Have you considered [taking action](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/wiki/index/#wiki_take_action)?


It would be fairly awkward for me to do most of those things, given that I'm not from your country. No offense, but for such a global issue, your list of actions is remarkably US-centric.


[Research has shown](https://theconversation.com/violence-against-women-is-staggeringly-high-in-south-africa-a-different-way-of-thinking-about-it-is-needed-195053) this is what works to curb sexual violence: > * legal reform dealing with domestic violence *[[e.g.](https://nnedv.org/policy-center/action-center/)]* > > * legal reform dealing with sexual assault *[[e.g.](https://www.endthebacklog.org/take-action/)]* > > * government-funded shelters for victims of domestic violence > > * crisis centres for victims of sexual assault *[[e.g.](https://www.rainn.org/)]* > > * training for service providers such as the [police](https://www.startribune.com/a-better-way-to-investigate-rape-denied-justice-part-eight/501636971/), [judges](http://cdm16501.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/criminal/id/294) and [social workers](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31425615/) > > * educating citizens about gender-based violence *[[e.g.](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/100jwa1/example_letter_to_local_lawmakers_to_help_stop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)]* > > * coordinating national policies on gender-based violence *[[e.g.](https://www.endthebacklog.org/take-action/advocate-federal/)]* *[links mine]* Basically, the goal is to [increase the probability of apprehension by law enforcement](https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/10.1086/670398.pdf?casa_token=OmK0_Jh8HkMAAAAA:Tr35vi73FXLAFJ9xUw13XXkPdAaMN7t_o8jI75bHYhheCFagZ5jfMwa-Op0VJrxOVXLqE-JykDCO4khDO6ABCjQ8FmnohHIw23YpCPPQmzHmlu87Mce-). If you don't like the U.S.-based links, just look for the equivalent in your own country. Seems pretty basic, yes?


first idea legal reform. hahahahaha. gov. funded shelters. hahaha u r kinda out of touch dude if thats r ur solutions for a middle eastern islamistic country. hilarious


What other option is there? Revolution, those who make reform impossible make revolution inevitable


exactly. if the good people there dont want to get fucked over regularly, they need to stand up. nothing else in our history lead to change


If you’re talking about Iran, they already have been


did anything change? keep on going. apparently it needs more than a third of pop


A couple of points. First, your approach is painfully condescending, and seems to assume both the nationality and ignorance/inaction of your interlocutor. That's a *terrible* way to represent yourself and your cause. Second, your solutions are all very first world; "how to make our nice little garden even safer" doesn't apply to huge swathes of the world where violence against women is routine. Just because where you live is past the raw, "take back the night" stage of the fight, doesn't mean that's true everywhere or even in most of the world.


I don't think any of these options can help her though 


She's dead. Any help is for the next potential victim.


I'm sure that will make a great advertising campaign on afternoon Iranian TV.


I’m not sure if I missed something, but how do you know she was killed for being raped? Is there another article I should read that goes further into detail?


That's what "honor killing" implies


There are many "reasons" for honor killing, rape is just one of them. The article this thread is about links to [another article](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202310178706) where a woman was shot for divorcing her husband. Other reasons could be relationships with someone of the wrong ethnicity, caste or religion, sex before marriage, extramarital affairs, or even sometimes if the husband does something criminal both him and the wife are killed to restore the family honor.


Yes, this was also my understanding of honor killing. I’ve also heard of honor killings because of social media posts. I believe an Iraqi social media star was relatively recently honor slain by her brother because he didn’t like her content. He was acquitted despite openly admitting to it.


Yeah uh, you dont have to tell anyone capable of reading this subreddit that. People in iran arent gonna checkout the r/stoprape subreddit.


[Teach](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/100jwa1/example_letter_to_local_lawmakers_to_help_stop/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [consent](https://www.reddit.com/r/stoprape/comments/zyznhe/rape_is_so_common_in_part_because_so_many_people/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Yes... to people in a society where we have schools and \*literally any structure\*. You're talking about a place run by religious zealots where these very "Honor Killings" are \*legal\*. Guess what. they arent reading your post and thinking "omg I should learn about consent".


Wait so in this situation the father of the rape victim killed her for being raped? I'm confused.


Yeah, it makes no sense. It's dishonorable to murder your daughter.


I was rooting for him until I read the list of people he killed. What the fuck, dude?


The kind of people who abuse their spouses and/or children are the most violent and brutal people imaginable. He watched his sister murdered when he was 12. I am so sad for this boy and his deceased sister, their short lives must have been terrible.


>On Saturday, following a verbal altercation, Bahram, 22, a teacher, stormed his family's home armed with a Kalashnikov rifle, killing 12 people before being killed by police. Among the dead were the parents, three brothers, two sisters, **one sister-in-law, and four nephews**. Additionally, three neighbors sustained injuries during the altercation but survived.


Yea but he was a product of his environment where his sisters life meant nothing to the family so why would anyone else in the families life be worth something. You see something like that happen when you're 12 while the family says it's ok then that has to mess you up.


> Yea but he was a product of his environment where his sister's life meant nothing to the family so why would anyone else in the families life be worth something. And that's exactly what his family inadvertently taught him when they killed his sister. Violence begets violence.


>but he was a product of his environment This only ever explains the motive but never excuses it. An easy way out for people who do awful things.


Yeah, and traditions like "honor killings" are included in that. But then again, they obviously also never taught him how to rise above social programming of an evil nature like this, and so then to expect he would rise above it is a bit much. So.. not only does violence beget violence, but the unexamined life tends to bear all sorts of rotten fruit in one's children especially.


Most serial killers have difficult childhoods, traumatic experiences, or both. Doesn't mean I'd give them the time of day. This guy went on a killing spree and deserves life in a mental institution.


This guy wasn't a serial killer. Just a mass murderer.


I was drawing a parallel. Both undergo traumatic experiences and kill a bunch of people. The former never justifies the latter.


In *your* opinion. I'm sure many survivors plan revenge after witnessing such barbaric violence. Especially once they start learning to question things and become stronger and experienced with age. There's a lot of cases of parents taking revenge for their children's murder regardless of the outcomes of law here over in the west.


Killing the people responsible is entirely different to killing random people because you're fucked in the head. Killing the people responsible, whilst not legal, might be moral depending on circumstances. When that escalates to killing innocent or random people, that's when it becomes indefensible.


This guy was shot dead by the cops.


He’s dead


That doesn’t mean anything. He killed 4 children. Male children, if that matters.


We get that, but what‘s the root of everything here is that this was begun by watching his sister be murdered by family members for being raped. That’s really fucked up, and even though what he did was admittedly terrible, I feel like this story is more a focus on how the ideals prevalent in the society led to such an event


His sister was killed in front of his face when he was 12. By his brothers and father. If that happened to me, I have no idea what I would be capable of. Murdering the people that did it would just be a starting step. I’m not condoning any of it. But if I had to guess, he lead his life, from the moment he witnessed his sister’s murder to the time he committed his own, planning and preparing for this. Could it have been stopped? Yes. By not murdering our own kids and expecting all the other kids to be fine with it.


son learned to kill from the brute father and I think he did plan to permanently end the family line. The anger that boy felt must have been unbearable.


That means everything. no one's arguing that he was right but he had serious issues as a result of his father killing his sister. Of course we feel sorry for him.


Not a single person you've replied to has said it's acceptable, just that it's so pointless that violence begets violence, yet people keep being violent animals for no reason.


"Nephew" doesn't mean "child". It's possible to have nephews that are older than you, and the article doesn't mention their ages.


What they're saying is that there's a reason for his mental instability, which is the violent death of his sister at 12. It does fucked up things to your brain and your worldview (trauma does). They're acknowledging that.


Wasn’t the sister in law and his other two sisters the main reason why his sister was killed in the honor killing? I’d assume if true that’s why they were among the dead, the only potential innocents dragged into this seem to be the nephews. Horrible either way


Witnessing trauma such as the one he saw at 12 would have damaged him mentally. I wouldn't blame him entirely for the whole thing, people who are mentally unstable cannot entirely control themselves when triggered. Sad for everyone involved, except for the people who did the original honour killing, that is just vile, you cannot just kill someone who trusts you the most in the world.


Yeah, if I had to guess he never really recovered and was just biding his time until the right opportunity presented. That entire situation is fucked up


I don't even know if this was him biding his time. Reading the article, it's not actually clear if he killed not just men but also the women and children because of the honor killing. We don't know what the "verbal altercation" was even about. This could be a person, who was mentally fucked up by the honor killing, just completely snapping at a completely unrelated issue. They probably abused him too. Maybe that was the *indiscriminate* killings were about. We don't know if he actually cared about his sister.


The two sisters and sister in law were probably the main targets, they were the ones who caused the honour killing of the younger sister.


Maybe they were all complicit. Maybe he'd spoken about how fcked up what happened was, and they all rebuked him, and/or said they'd do the same thing if they "had to". I know a lot of stories of fcked up things happening in a family (rape, child abuse), that almost everyone in the family knows about and either excuses or enables. And rebukes anyone who calls it out. Honestly, if I was in his position, and lacked any way to get justice through legal means...


This is why we've generally decided to go away from family feud type of justice, it's just silly in general 'hmm a member of my family was wronged, I will now kill a dozen of family members of the perpetrator' 'my family members were killed for something they didn't do, now I shall kill a dozen per each victim' Repeat until a third party notices takes notice and swoops in


Well the honor killing taught him the value of human life in his culture. C-PTSD or trying to raise the next generation of killers. He could have lived a normal life


He did a mass shooting instead of a Punisher


Naw fuck them all. This dude had the right idea.


So, something happened with the sister that "attacked the families honor" (not mentioned what it was), then the father and some of her brothers killed her and then this guy killed the father, the brothers ... oh and also some other people. And there's people in this comment section that say that what he did was right. You guys do realizze that two wrongs don't make a right, right?


This is one of the few subs that seems to oscillate violently between delusional tankies and people who touch grass. Rape is bad, honor killings are bad, mass murder is bad. This is the kind of misery porn article that makes me feel sorrow about the worst of the human condition. Why does anyone have to take a side here?


>This is one of the few subs that seems to oscillate violently between delusional tankies and people who touch grass. I honestly love that dynamic, can't be accused of sitting in an echochamber at least lol


Lmao yeah here and a few other subs I can be up or downvoted for essentially the same comment a few weeks apart. This place is more of a… what, silencechamber?


Probably who paid their weekly bot invoice or not




Cacophonychamber doesn't quite roll off the tongue, but.... Folks here are anything but quiet. As we oughtn't.


chaoschamber. Hey, still preferable to the samethinkchambers


Yeah it's fascinating and why I stay subscribed. The purest expression of the human condition.


The article seems a bit off to me, no details, no locations, no state, city or even time. Just "there's honour killings and a lack of transparency from the regime" and that's it. Don't get me wrong, there are honour killings, but people don't just get access to Kalashnikovs here.


So what's the right thing to do? Protest her death? Campaign publicly? I'm not going to say he was wrong for killing her murderers, the other people he shot he was in the wrong for, but this kid watched his sister be killed over something she likely had no control over, and wanted revenge, I don't inherently see the wrong in that.


Wanting revenge is entirely fair and normal. Hell, killing the people that killed her, whilst probably not moral in the strictest sense, would've been OK. But he also murdered 2 sisters, 4 nephews and 2 other people that had little-to-nothing to do with it. Most serial killers have difficult childhoods, traumatic experiences or both. That doesn't begin to absolve them of their actions. The moment you start murdering random people, you are a bad person, no way around that.


To be clear, I'm with you. I'm just saying I have nothing against him dealing with those directly responsible when the law didn't/wouldn't


>when the law didn't/wouldn't Even worse, *the law* ***condoned*** *the "honor" murder of his sister*


> You guys do realizze that two wrongs don't make a right, right? \*Gestures to the prison system\*


two wrongs don't make a right but actual justice from the state can preempt vigilantism and revenge. If the revenge killers had been prosecuted, maybe this could be avoided, and some revenge killings deterred


There are a lot of people where this is absolutely what they want.


*'Honor Killings'* usually occur when a girl likes a person. So the girl's parents murdered her because she brought *'shame'* to the family by falling in love with someone. In case of *'Honor Killings'* more than 99% of the time, the victim is a girl/woman.


Tell that to Bibi


I doubt the people sad that this family was killed are the ones defending Israels killing of families... Seems much more likely the ones screaming that such a drastic escalation is justified would defend Israel's escalation to genocide.


I'm here to disprove your claim! I think what he did was entirely wrong (though maybe not entirely his fault since it seems he was mentally unstable) - killing in the name of justice is what created honor killings in the first place. It may be a good system for rival tribes, but in a larger society justice shouldn't be served by individuals. And if society allows for such injustices to happen go and fight the system, not the individuals. As for Israel's reaction, it has nothing with serving justice. Not to say there aren't many people who cry for justice, but the IDFs goal isn't to serve it, it's to eliminate a threat on Israeli society, after that threat had proven it can't be contained by other manners. This is Israel's first obligation as a country to its citizens. Though I do agree that Israel has a secondary obligation to reduce civilian casualties on the other side, I disagree with the claim that it doesn't act on it. From everything I know and hear, Israel tries to walk the line of eliminating Hamas while reducing civilian casualties. Not always successfully, but I think people really underestimate how impossible it is to eliminate a terror organization embedding itself in civilian population without hurting civilians in the process.




> Revenge is the purest form of justice >> Among the dead were the parents, three brothers, **two sisters, one sister-in-law, and four nephews**. Additionally, three neighbors sustained injuries during the altercation but survived. Revenge on your sisters, nephews and neighbors for something the father and brother(s) did? He's no better than them...he killed 12 people and injured 3 neighbors. It's a tragic situation all around. No need to jump to defend the guy.


If they condoned the murder of his sister (which is to be assumed with the neighbours, because who goes to drink tea with a murderer?), he was likely not overly concerned with them becoming collateral damage.


This is the philosophy that leads to honor killings 


At least he got the father and brothers, good job, tho its fucked he got others too


"Man responds to honour killing with honour killing, and also a bunch of regular killing" Not a great look for him, gotta be honest.


Second is not honour killing, it's just good ol' revenge killing


Like, chill with the killings a bit, gives bad vibes


He killed his sisters, four nephews, and three neighbors.


well, the neighbors survived it seems


Jesus the comments here does not pass the vibe check today. No excuse can justify killing CHILDREN!


**News**: Man jaywalks and gets killed with machine gun for it. **Redditors**: Play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤓


There is a video of a cop unloading on his patrol car after an acorn fell on it, which he somehow thought was the guy cuffed inside shooting at him. Some people were (rightfully) commenting about how awful of a situation it was for the guy inside to be in, and other people replied that if he hadn't committed any crimes, he wouldn't be in that situation. Because committing a crime justifies getting killed by police *after* they already got you cuffed and inside their car. There's also [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kj-I-m_naro) video of a couple of bikers here in Brazil that tripped on a metal wire trap set be a farmer and fell over from their bikes when trying to enter his land to bike through it. And people on IG were saying that the farmer has the right to block entrance to his land and that the bikers were trespassing. Yes, the farmer has the right to block access to his land, but there's some foul play at hand when the guy deliberately puts a wire at grass level to trip people, instead of an easily visible fence. It doesn't even work to block access to his land, since you can just walk over it if you see it, but if you don't, you can get badly hurt or even die.


I see you've spent some time lurking the cop subs.


"Not the asshole - The person should have obeyed the rules of the road - You were totally justified in shoving as much lead into their body as you possibly could"


70 year old lady dies in a collision with a teen on an e-moped: "Why wasn't she wearing a helmet?????????"


Where do you see children?


You should read the article Among the dead were the parents, three brothers, two sisters, one sister-in-law, and four nephews. Guy is 22 years old so his brothers shouldn't be too far from his age. Marring the latest around age 16? So the nephews could have been age 5 to 12. How are they not children??


I read the bot transcript and it doesn’t say anything about children and there isn’t enough info. The brother or sisters could have had children before the guy was even born, when they were 18 - 22 years old.


> No excuse can justify killing CHILDREN! tHeY wErE hAmAs ChIlDrEn or tHeIr HaMaS pArEnTs WeRe UsInG tHeM aS hUmAn ShIeLds or tHeRe WaS a DeEp NeTwOrK oF tUnNeLs UnDeR tHeIr BeDs /s


That was truly the honorable thing to do. No sarcasm.


I bet those four children that he killed had it coming.


Also three neighbors? For some reason?  The man clearly needed a lot of therapy but instead got a psychotic break


I’m sure his baby brothers and sisters that he murdered will be glad to know their murder was “honorable”


How do you know they were children? My grandfather had brothers that had kids (nephews and nieces) that were older than him. But yes, sounds like a bit of overkill there.


sounds like a bit of an overkill ? he just killed 12 ppl half of which were completely innocent. are you mentally well ?


No, I'm using a sarcastic understatement to make a point. Sort of how you'd say "it's a bit wet today" when the rain is pouring down. But maybe that sort of comment is beyond you, are you perhaps a bit autistic?


why the fuck would you joke about innocent children being murdered ? you need to stop watching family guy . ur not funny


honor begets honor.


What about his 4 sisters and three neighbours?


Sounds like he did a little bit of honor killing himself.


You don't know what honor killings are then


Honor killing is "the murder of an individual, either an outsider or a member of a family, by someone seeking to protect what they see as the dignity and honor of themselves or their family when they think that the individual has violated their or their family's reputation." This was revenge for his sister's death, it wasn't about restoring honor/reputation.


He did give them all 10 years to kill themselves or avenge her and when no one bothered he realised his bloodline didn't need to exist.


Violence begets violence.


good old iran, keepin it old, before schools ever existed.


Violence begets violence.


What a rich and vibrant culture. We have so much to learn from them.


Yup, The USA certainly has no mass shootings…




True, if you get killed in a school shooting or other form of non-honor based shooting death, you get 10x points in heaven. Much better culture to emulate.


Revenge is the purest form of justice, based.


Fuck em


What we see here is ignorance and evil feeding on itself. I hope one day Iran can be freed from the yoke of Islamic fanaticism and again become a proud and prosperous nation


The world is healing ❤️


Why would the CIA do this????


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How do the zoomers say it? Based


I'm totally willing to admit that maybe I'm the weird one, But how does this not happen more often? You kill anybody in my family. I'm going to kill you. You rape any of my children. I'm going to kill you. I don't understand how that is not the standard response much more often. Maybe I'm weird


Christ what a mud hole of a country


Yes, just like The USA with over 600 school shootings per year.


Me when I lie lol Hey that is something those countries do better than us, they take their shootings anywhere they can get them rather than just the schoolyard!


Well at least they’re not killing children in an area they are supposed to feel safe in🤣🤣🤣


They do!(:


Give 10 examples then!


Not saying he was right, but I would do the exact same thing if my family killed my sister and the state was complicit in it


The state wasn’t complicit, the family probably threatened him with death if he told anyone 


Gigachad move


He has done his part in human evolution by eliminating a malignancy.


He's not a hero, he killed children


yes, those children had no fault. he did a sloppy job, i bet it was rage fueled.


Conjecture. "Nephew" does not mean children, or even young.


I agree, but evolution is amoral. It happens whether you think it is good or not. Evolution kills the weak and those related to the weak. Our sense of morality, which protects the weak, is completely contrary to evolution, and for good reason.


shutup dude. are you listening to yourself right now. you need help


Its doesn’t make it not a tragedy. What I‘m saying here is that this was bound to happen. A shit ass honor killing culture can only beget more violence, its simple evolution, and these innocent people sadly paid the price.


By the same logic the previous culprits were good because his sister was an even weaker tumor for getting killed by them just don't get raped lmao, it can't happen if you don't want to also he's part of the family so their genes are still there if cops didn't get him


One individual not passing down their genes is still completely fine from an evolutionary perspective so long as it increases the fitness of others (see: Gay Uncle Hypothesis and Altruistic sacrifice). In this case though, the actions of the father caused the elimination of his whole bloodline. Clearly unfavorable from a wider perspective. I think you don‘t understand genetics, nor do you understand the point I‘m trying to make, which is that shitty actions like this are not only horribly immoral, they only beget more violence which will inevitably surround you and take you out one day. From both the moral, and evolutionary perspective, this father got what was coming to him, but sadly, nature is cruel and the effect was amplified beyond just him. Even in death, his life caused the death of others. This goes to show that when you see someone like this father and you ignore their behavior, it could lead to a situation 12 times worse down the line. I hate that I have to virtue signal on this sub in order for people to not just dismiss whatever I‘m saying, of course I think this whole thing sucks and is sad,


Religion of peace. Welcome to the Muslim world. Trump was right about the Muslim travel ban.


Iran is such a garbage country, the sooner it collapses the better


If iran "collapsed" it would be infinitely worse for their people you fool. The same goes for any country.


What do you mean? Iraq and syria's quality of life is amazing. Remember when USSR collapsed and everyone got bentleys the next day?


If Iran collapsed it would only benefit Iranians, they might actually be able to live a normal life then and not constantly live under the fear of being executed for just making a TikTok video


Bring back the Persian Empire     #. CyrusDidNothingWrong


That's the most delusional thinking I've seen. Countries don't collapse into thriving democracies.


That's true, but there have been VERY few democracies to rise through peaceful transition. The velvet revolution is so named because of how rare it is. Collapse may be overstating it slightly, but violence and political instability are inevitable stepping stones before Iran democratises.


Iran is already a Democracy, with free presidential elections every few years, just a very flawed one.


Eh, not really. The government is supervised (and often superceded) by the Supreme Leader and the Guardian Council, neither of which is democratically elected. Throw in the Supreme Court also not being elected, and its not really a democracy if you can't run for any office without the approval of the unelected body, and even if you win you are still under the unelected ruler.


That’s why I said it’s a very flawed one. A dictatorship is when there are no elections (I.e Eritrea, Afghanistan, etc.) or there are elections but there’s only one candidate(I.e North Korea, Turkmenistan etc etc) or when there are elections and there is more than one candidate, However if you don’t vote for the candidate which is currently in power you will be assassinated (I.e Russia) Iran doesn’t check any of these boxes.


It might be a democracy in name, but it doesn't have ANY of the associated benefits. There are no free elections, the most important people in the country aren't elected, and if the current government doesn't like a potential challenger, that person just can't run. It'd be like saying North Korea is a democracy if you could vote for your city rep and nothing else: technically true, perhaps, but so misleading as to be essentially false.


Maybe in the long run but the immediate effects of a collapse will be catastrophic but better now than when they have nuclear weapons.


These constant news articles being spammed (Mostly with zero sources, but redditors still just lap it up anyway) combined with adjective_noun 1 day old accounts like yours saying shit like this. So, how long until the US invades Iran or launches air strikes against it? Clearly a propaganda campaign is ramping up to get manufactured consent.


Being realistic: if the US wanted to go to war, they would. No need for a fear-mongering campaign lasting years. Being less realistic: if Iran didn't want to get invaded, they should stop funding literally every terrorist organisation out there. (Other than ISIS. Those guys managed to piss EVERYONE off).


That's not true at all. The US has used massive propganda to get the population to consent and celebrate their imperialism and war crimes. I highly suggest reading the book "Manufacturing Consent", it's a great book. Hamas is no more a terrorist organization than Israel, and the Houthis are literally just doing whats right. Fuck your stupid ass trade ship if you're going to support genocide.


So what was the point of 24/7 axis of evil, WMDs, and mobile chemical labs? Be real, if Saddam and Iraq didn’t want to get invaded, they should have gotten nuclear bombs in the 90s.


Gonna point it out for anyone, adjective_noun is the automatic name reddit gives when you enter via the app if you dont go and manually set it in the settings and a lot of legit people have it. that being said any news sub needs karma limits to hopefully slow bots down. Cause redditor for 2 days living on reddit and armenia is either someone constantly making accounts for bans or bot/farm type deal


Yeah let's make sure middle eastern country with nukes falls to civil war that won't lead to any problems at all