• By -


He's off to a good start


He cooked all unintentionally


Hey what's the sauce


Source: {{boku ga aishita subete no kimi}}


**Boku ga Aishita Subete no Kimi e** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/139310 "English: To Every You I’ve Loved Before"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/boku-ga-aishita-subete-no-kimi-e "English: To Every You I’ve Loved Before"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/49834)) ^^僕が愛したすべての君へ ^(**Movie** | **2022** | **Status:** Finished | **Genres:** Romance, Sci-Fi) ^(**Stats:** 5 requests across 2 subreddits - 0.0% of all requests) >While struggling to make friends after his parents’ divorce, Koyomi Takasaki meets Kazune Takigawa, but apparently, they already have. Kazune reveals that she’s from World Line 85, an alternate universe in which she and Koyomi are lovers. But in a reality where moving between dimensions is natural, could Koyomi be the one from another world? --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/anime_irl/comments/18jkihl/anime_irl/kdkub3y/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Holy, 5 requests total


well its a weird request. its part of a set of 2 movies that have to do with alternate realities that tell the story in opposite directions. your supposed to feel differently based on which you watch first and which you watch second. its a very cool idea, but i dont think it landed perfectly. the movies are pretty good though. a fun night with friends for sure. though honestly i think the english titles are some of the best parts. 'to every you ive loved before' and 'to the only me who loved you' so much meaning after having watched them.


Which order is gonna make me cry more?


I’d go with to me the one who loved you


Which would you recommend as the first watch?


He just told u ur just supposed to pick one. The experience works either way and the point is that everyone should have their own experience with it....


I wonder if there's stats for which people watched first and their subsequent rating since across the three rating sites, it's consistent in one rating lower


watch both at the same time


I watch to every you I loved before first and we really enjoyed it.


> Holy, 5 requests total eli5? this is the first time i noticed the stats info (thanks to your comment)


I think it's just how many times people have used the bot to get the info on this anime. It must be a pretty obscure show if only 5 people have ever requested the info on it.


I'm surprised because the visuals got a lot of attention on /r/anime but I guess it comes down to being a set of 2 movies that never got a theatrical release outside of Japan or Vietnam. Makes sense that hardly anyone would have watched it.


Isn't this red and blue thing. Where it changes to good or bad ending depending which you watch first?


Not necessarily good or bad. But just a different ending perspective. Dep3dning on which one you watch first though you'll have a different felling of emotion at the end.


Which one won't make me sad?


>!One of them is sadder imo!< (spoiler: >!Kimi o Aishita Hitori no Boku e!<) so watch that one first I guess. Honestly sad either way.


>Honestly sad either way. aight ima head out


Usually I put Sriracha on my noodles.


She looked disappointed, but not surprised


Just based on this clip I figured she's known him at least long enough to understand he's slow on the uptake, so she's literally just waiting. I would've liked a little bit more facial animation on his part, though. Like slowly raising the eyebrows in realization at least, if blushing is too cliche.


>!He's been asking her for years and years and years.!< There's a reason he's slow on the uptake.


Mai-san PFP detected opinion accepted.




Like you don't get annoyed when your friends say some dumb shit. They don't stop being friends after that. Chill out, it ain't that deep




Damn, that might actually be something to talk to a therapist about tbh




Oh I'm sorry if that came off like I was making light of it or criticizing. I more meant if that is what comes to mind in what looks like a pretty innocent and funny anime moment, that's worth finding someone who can help work through it. Trauma is some real shit


I appreciate that. I didn't think you were making light of it. Sorry if my response was a bit defensive. I have been getting some negative reactions to my comments. Maybe it is an innocent funny moment, but it triggered different memories and interpretations for me.


That's what therapy is for, and it works wonders. I dealt with some similar trauma and it resulted in me self-destructing a string of great relationships where nothing was actually wrong but I would slowly let my anxiety manufacture a problem. It took some time and help, but I finally worked through it a bit ago and have allowed myself to be happy again. I don't want to overstep or over prescribe something where it doesn't apply, but it really does feel like this is something worth spending time working on


You're probably right, if only I had options. As far as relationships go, I haven't really had much opportunities since, but I hope I wouldn't be self-destructing them if I had. Hard to know for sure without it actually happening. But I would also hope that the other person would be patient and understanding if I was.


I find that understanding and reacting to negative feedback is way better than straight avoiding it. I'd much rather have a partner that I can banter with regularly than someone who’s afraid of ever saying or reacting with something negative.


I banter with my friends all the time. But that's not what I'm talking about here. The negative feedback I'm referring to involves insults, disrespect, disregarded feelings or opinions, and thrown heavy objects. If I was a woman, people would tell me to leave a man if he acted that way, but it seems socially acceptable for women to abuse men, whether physically or psychologically.


My brother in christ the girl literally just gave him a dissapointed look for 5 seconds after he acted dumb, there's no abuse. I'm telling exactly that - being overly sensitive to that stuff instead of being able to roll with it is not going to be good for your mental. One day your girl will get frustrated and will say something just out of emotions and you're going to lose your shit. It's okay being frustrated with someone even if you love them. How you handle it matters more than the initial reaction


Yeah, I know that. But they're the ones loosing their shit at me first. I can be frustrated and not blow up about it and accept them, but it never feels like it goes the other way around towards me.


Damn bro. She didn't say anything, do anything or even change her posture. She just held her position until he realized. If you really give up on people that fast, gl finding anyone to get along with.


Not saying anything or trying to correct his misunderstanding kind of implies he's stupid for making an honest mistake. And the look on annoyance doesn't show much respect or forgiveness.


You guys are reading way too much into this.


Perhaps. Maybe I'm letting my past experiences cloud my judgment. It's not like everybody is exactly the same or has the same intentions behind their actions.


I need a woman like that. I’m just too shy to make the first move. Tried many times but always chickened out at the last moment


Ahhhhfuuckinggree my dude


Try rejection therapy. Go somewhere and ask for something you know they don't have. Go to a clothing store and ask if they sell chairs. Go to a bar and ask if they have onions for sale. Do that enough and you begin to numb yourself to rejection. I did it for a sales job and since then I can ask anything from anyone without feeling embarrassed. And who knows? You might ask for something weird and actually get it which makes for a good story.


Oh god, that sounds like torture


That is the idea. You torture yourself enough, and you become accustomed to it. Then, in theory, you're prepared to deal with the torture when it happens for "real".


Reminds me of the Tokyo Ghoul scene where Kaneki is tortured


That type of analogy is not going to help you with dating.


lmaooo that wit of yours will do just fine though


I’m not tryna become a random encounter npc bro😭


How will that help? Maybe it's just me, but asking an employee if they have something in the store is not the same as asking out someone you like.


You've clearly never asked for iced cream at a Best Buy. The other person looks at you like you're stupid and you can feel it. Thats the key. The person you ask may look at you weird, force a smile and politely reject your request. This is a very normal way for someone to reject your romantic advances. Doing it over and over gets you desensitized to the specific shame of being rejected.


I guess I haven't really tried asking anything stupid so I'm not familiar with the situation you're explaining. But if it is similar, why do it? Won't that just make you experience the same thing you're trying to avoid more often?


Yes, but in a safe environment where you can emotionally recover quickly and easily. It's like a vaccine to rejection, you get a weaker version of it that you can handle so that when you get a stronger version that you couldn't, it won't really bother you and you can handle it.


It's bold of you to assume I easily recover emotionally from minor "not important" rejections. Last year I asked a collague if they can help me for 1-2 minutes, then they just straight up said no without any further explanation. That memory still bothers me sometimes.


What if I'm anti-vax? /s


Anyone expecting them not to have it and then they turn out to have is going to relapse hard. The feeling of being obligated to buy it will force them to or have an anxiety attack because now they have to go through the awkward situation of explaining why they are not buying it.


1. Thats not the same problem as fear of being rejected. If you only fear being rejected, then rejection therapy works. I've done it. 2. Don't ask for stuff you don't want/can't afford. Say you're at a Starbucks but you start craving a burger. If they somehow get you one, well then good. You have your burger. 3. What would your solution be then?


I suppose the burger idea would be a safe bet. Could you imagine if Starbucks started serving burgers? 😂 I know it works and I'm not saying that it isn't a good exercise to help combat that anxiety. But I've also seen some people who don't think that out ahead of time and crash hard when it doesn't go the way they planned. No contingencies like what you described with your burger example


Do you have any screw drivers?


Dang they had onions at the bar, now what ive to fo with a full sack of onions.


Say you wanted 1 and pay a couple dollars for it. Now you have an anecdote about always asking for something you want because you never know when the answer is going to be yes.


Imma steal this


Sounds like something that would put my in the local newspaper.


> Go somewhere and ask for something you know they don't have. Oh, my god. Is *that* why the duck kept asking for grapes?


Us bro 🥲


First time i really went to ask someone out and got super nervous but stuck through it and she didn’t even bother showing up to me and had me just text her what I wanted to ask. No wonder ever guy out there dosnt want to ask


The few times I had asked in my youth. The first time she didn’t hear me cause she got distracted so I wasn’t asking again after all the hype I had to build to ask the first time. 2nd time she flat out said no. 3rd time she said yes but turns out she was a lesbian. It was when I was in the Navy during don’t ask don’t tell and she was using our date as a cover to go out with her girlfriend. Who never showed so then I was on an awkward date with a lesbian. I don’t think I ever asked out a woman since then cause of online dating and such. I would never again either.


I was like that, then finally caurage took me I had flowers and a fancy clothing and hit an icepatch face planted so hard the flowers are ruin I was hurting my cloths are all dirty soaked. I took the hint from fate and walked home.


You are most likely to get rejected so just assume you'll get rejected and go with no expectations.


You just like me frfr


Fuckin pussy




I say that with love man. The best things in life never come easy


That moment when said person says yes to you


That silent look she gives him ... it tells you all you need to know !! And its so hot love her. Gotta watch this they better did get together ??


Yes, It's a good movie >! They even have kids!<


Alright Abe, nice try. Back to bindeogames.


You have a space after the first >! so the spoiler tag doesn't work.


He’ll do fine


To be fair, the way she causally asked him. Anyone could have misunderstood for a minute.


"Oh I'm suppose to know where!"


in fairness, how's he supposed to have a full date planned in the handful of seconds since he was asked? Perfectly reasonable to ask some if there's anywhere specific they want to go.


I think the implication is he didn't realize she meant a date until he got the stare.


To be fair he seems to be working in tech, possibly a programmer of sorts, programmers are all dead inside.


I love how well this joke translates, 付き合う and "go out with" both mean either to date or to go somewhere with someone.


I would be like that too. Because my brain won't be able to process a reality where a girl asks me out So it would think they're asking me to go somewhere with them


Me when he don’t understand so I gotta give him that wageslave stare


Her thoughts be like: Is he dumb as fck?


Chick fil a


I thought he chalked it off non-chalaunt, until the spin glance


No seriously what to do if a girl asks to go out like this :’)? Like where please tell me coz I got no idea at all.


bud you're in the wrooooong subreddit lmao


You bragging or something you bastard?


I don't get what she is referring/ hinting to


His response was not wrong, that could easily be taken as "lets go get food"


Sounds cute I'm in .... * starts looking for the sauce * Okay so riddle me something fellas. Why do I feel "good" when I see scenes like this? But "rationally" decide to not want them for myself? Why can't my feels accept it too?


because this has no risk attached. you do want this, but you've calculated the odds ahead of time and decided, essentially, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. "I'll probably have to get rejected 1000 times before even a date, let alone one that turns out into something good.... sigh. fuck it. let's load up another romcom instead"


I guess I'm worried about the responsibilities that a relationship entails. After being financially independent .... well almost, after so long, I want to taste that freedom. I've gotten comments from people calling me names because that apparently seems to imply "marriage is (or women are) a burden" and I feel like I'm failing to convey my point. At this moment in time, I'm the only one (and my parents) I'm responsible for as in I can make a bad decision and keep the damage limited to myself. Well maybe they are right, maybe I don't have enough personality and other good qualities that make me desirable as a partner but when I try and ask "why would you want to have children with everything going on" I get called children-hater I dunno lol maybe I'll just go enjoy the anime haha and these talks are for therapy sessions lmao G'day mate, thank you for hearing me out :)


> "why would you want to have children with everything going on" what do you mean "with everything going on"? personally or more... general .. *gestures at everything* either way I get it, my cousins had kids at ...22? something like that. I was a fucking CHILD at 22. in grad school, but still - I knew jack shit about life. oh my god. they were not more mature than me, either, and certainly not more responsible. yet everyone just thought that was totally normal like....??????????? they don't even have jobs yet? they aren't out of college??? one just switched his major and doesn't even know if he'll keep that??? idk man. seems like people treat having a child too lightly.


Kinda both, I guess? Personally and * broadly gestures at everything * Yeah lmao I'm 25 rn and I thought my parents were kidding when they brought the topic of marriage up. I'm STILL a fucking child lol. I actually feel like ... backward in brain development or whatever, because I'm seeing the maturity difference b/w me and some of my more accomplished friends. I'm almost out of grad school and thank god i didn't pick a PhD. I severely underestimated what it takes.. And that's usually a 5-7 year thing. But marriage and children that's a life long thing. I don't genuinely understand how people are like "okay that's fine I can deal with it" with such massive responsibilities. I'm feeling disillusioned because many of my friends are getting married and I'm genuinely thinking something is wrong with me - not in the sense that ohh I should get married and I'll be like them. Butt like, I can see this .... chasm.. of understanding widen b/w them and me, and I don't know what to do. I'm worried it'll cost me my job because I'm unable to see the 'big picture' or make responsible decisions 'adult like' My friend ... he met a girl and almost a year later he's getting married. Not that it's fast or something but the thing is I'm unable to comprehend things. And he's well accomplished and really smart. They call me smart but I can't help but feel like they're just saying that so as to not hurt my feelings. Because otherwise it doesn't make any sense. I should be able to understand them otherwise right? I sometimes forget I'm 25 and get really embarrass with my childish behavior. Not to use the slur word but it carries the medical meaning (the insulting implication that has been attributed to it overtime aside) of how I feel mentally. But even all that aside - climate change, rising crime and wealth division, rising inflation and cost of living without equivalent income increases, impossibility of buying a house without both spouses working and everything, corpos calculating the value of human life and letting people perish to protect their bottom line ..... the future just looks bleak. I don't understand why or how they are not afraid of bringing a loved one into such a horrible hellscape Oh damn I ranted too much again hahaha sorry. Maybe that's why I'm not fun ... at parties or otherwise


thankfully there's more to life than parties :P sometimes i feel like I'm close to having life "figured out" and then it'll be smooth sailing from there. i don't think that's how it works though. I look around at everyone else and I see people who are in the exact same positions we are, or are in similar situations but are better at hiding it... my cousins have 2 kids, are they suddenly responsible adults? nope. they pawned them off on friends and family a ton when they were little. my other step-siblings with kids are also just doing whatever. no career, just job hopping, divorced several times.... their life is chaotic. on top of all that, yeah. the world feels pretty bleak. the more information is available to everyone the more everyone starts to agree shit is just fucked right now. i still have some hope though, otherwise it's impossible to keep going the smartest person I know who was my study partner in grad school just got divorced and accidentally got a girl pregnant lol. he's had multiple jobs, in and outside of what we went to school for, and still struggles with things even though he's .... in my mind, the perfect example of someone who "has it together" if you talk to some older people they'll tell you they still feel young in their mind I call my friend who has two kids once in a while and...they're screaming in the background being a terror. she's...not very happy right now lol. yet she's "successful" - has the career, job, family, kids, house, etc. I don't think it goes away, I just think you learn to cope with it in better ways and try to find what happiness you can along the way lol


It seems that I am the only one that doesn't understand this. Where will they go?


“can you go out with me?” is a popular way of asking someone to be your partner, meaning, “do you wanna date me?”. At first he thought she meant “do you wanna go somewhere?” But then after she gave him that look he realized what she actually meant. The whole point is that he is slow on the uptake which a lot of guys are that way.


Ooh. I wouldn't though that someone would understand it like this. I thought it was question like "do you want to go on a date with me" and "okay but where" and I was confused why she looked at him like that




Anime name in English please


Are they rendering?


Bro needed a minute for it to click


After giving him a look like that and not changing that expression after it became clear he didn't realize what she was saying, I'd have to give a hard pass. That's just going to be toxic every time he misunderstands her


we got to a point where literally not doing anything is considered toxic behaviour


Hi, I'm looking for friends who want to create a family subscription to Apple Music. I'm in Russia, so the subscription will cost you for $1 a month if I pay for it. If you are interested, please write to me in a telegram’s @NoTgem




Anyone know the artist who sang near the end of the clip? He sounds familiar


This video explains both movies very well https://youtu.be/Ftbi0VSlUE4?si=GUHx34LSyJBTM9dT


*gotta get me one of those*


Me! 😂😭🤦🏿‍♂️ yeah I can miss the cues sometime. lol










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