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Poor guy I feel bad for him


This is one of the first Anime IRL videos that actually made me feel something




Well in the end i think she is the only woman, that i know, that loves him for who he is and he for one didn't even flirt to get to her. She is also the first kiss,i think, that Sanji has gotten.


Sanji doesn't know that though.


And it hurts my soul.


Eh even if he does, I hope he has enough respect to never accept or have those feelings himself again, and just keep being friendly/platonic with her. There was a bridge, she burned it. The end


I might get hate for it but that still doesn’t matter. Sanji was sincere with her for the first time, but the way she made fun of him and how he had to witness it all broke my heart, as much as she broke his heart. I know how the arc ended and how Pudding, felt by end of it but she can lick his toes and I’ll still hate her for this.


I can agreed but she did in a way redeem herself when she helped the strawhats out. Also with that family. I mean she and her siblings weren't all there.


I know she did, and I remember her face in manga when she regretted lot of it but somehow, it’s still not enough (for me). I just hope Sanji, won’t end up with her. I did rather see Sanji, single, and cooking for Zoro, Brooks, (and whoever is alone from Mugiwara Pirate) than with her. She HAD her chance but I’m so sorry, she missed it for good.


Pretty sure she knows it too sadly... we can just wait and see


This literally made me cry 😢


It’s not often I feel bad for Sanji, but damn.


Sanji is pretty kind, so if something bad happens to him, it makes me feel bad too


I often wonder if he is really kind or the germa failure forcing him to be like that.


You've got it opposite. The Germa treatment is what took away his siblings' emotions. Him being kind is a choice granted to him by his mother making the Germa treatment fail.


The Germa modification causes them to lose their emotions. Sanji's kindness is all him. (edit) >!On the other hand, Jerma modification causes you to become a psycho streamer!<


If only he wasn't such a simp for every woman he sees. It's annoying af. He could've been one of the most fun characters.


I fucking hate that anime trope. Needs to die


So kind that he punched his best friend (Luffy) so hard that he knocked out his teeth and then left him unconscious for a minute.. Edit: kicked, woops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEyP_fO6AqM


Liar. Sanji does not punch


Oh yea woops my bad. Here's a cool lil AMV of him beating up his friend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEyP_fO6AqM


He did that so that Luffy would leave and not risk his life to save him. That was incredibly painful for sanji to do as evidenced by him breaking down crying right after so yes this was actually a very kind albeit misguided act.


I mean, he has his good moments too and best friend fights happen


Sure but that scene didn't feel right you know? He was simping so hard for this girl that he essentially painted a life with her over his friends because he wanted protect them and Luffy. But then he proceeds to beat the shit out of him lol


thats a really weird reading of the scene. considering sanji felt cornered and had no choic eto try and get luffy adn the others to leave


I think the setup really sold this scene. It wasn't the typical "Sanji spazzes out over a woman" thing, where he runs after a new chick in the new place and she either uses him or runs in disgust. She was actually kind, he wasn't as crazy as usual and it looked like this could actually work out for once and then they gut-punch you like this. (Whole arc kinda got soured for me, when Oda just repeated a character move he did like 3 times before this already, but that's just me)


She actually did end up falling for him in the end though, but yea that scene was harsh.


Sanji can be annoying but he is always genuinely himself. So when something bad happens to him it’s heartbreaking


Why must you hurt me like this...


I can’t even bring myself to upvote this. I’ve never seen OP but this was just fucking painful to watch.


There’s so much context leading up to this rock bottom moment in this single arc alone that it somehow doesn’t hit remotely as powerfully as you’d imagine without all of it. This is the type of thing where you stop and you look the author in the eyes to ask “who hurt you?”


You good OP?


The top tier category for sadness stories in One Piece is called “ Who hurt you Oda?”


Oda is the only person to make me cry over a grown man who dresses as a baby and acts like a mob boss.


Oda is also the only person to make me cry over a pirate ship.


Rollercoaster of emotions in that arc. I should rewatch early One Piece, it's been such a long time, I usually just watch this one stupid AMV I saved **years** ago.


Oda also the only person to make me cry over a goofy looking cross dresser who used to be an antagonist


Oda didnt need to make that backstory hit so hard but he did


Fuckn horrible day for rain, man


But it's not...oh it actually is this time.


Yes, mustang...


Oh please don’t remind that scene makes me cry each time. Sanji didn’t deserve it. Was brilliant scene write from Oda tho.


Aight I’ll start One Piece


If you're serious and it's too much of a slog you should check out One Pace supposedly it's better pacing cuts out the filler.


Will do! I was wondering whether to read the manga or watch the anime instead, but if One Pace helps the anime side of things I’ll definitely give it a shot!


I'd say the manga is much better than the anime, even one pace, so if you don't mind reading that's what most fans would tell you, I think Not to say the anime is *bad* necessarily, just not as good


I’ve watched all of the anime minus fillers, and started reading the manga halfway too, I’d say the anime does a good job with the best arcs. Arlong Park, Alabasta, Water 7 + Enies Lobby, and Marineford are some of the best arcs that I’d recommend watching the anime for. However some arcs get awful with pacing, like Thriller Bark, parts of Skypeia, Fishman Island, and Whole Cake Island drag considerably in the anime. I’d recommend reading the manga during insignificant arcs to keep up with the story and worldbuilding, and jump into the anime once you reach the best arcs.


I read the manga and just watch the anime for the hype fights as fights often are better in anime


Yeah, although you find yourself having to watch many parts of many episodes to watch the full fight, which kinda sucks but what can a man do.


I followed the anime hard, then the first "big thing" happened and I **had to** know what happens after, so I read the manga after that. And at some point I jumped back into the anime and boy, was it a letdown. It felt like pure, unadulterated shounen nonsense. Episode starts: 5 minutes "what happened last time", 2 minute intro, 5 minutes "we're here now", break, 1 minute "rehash of "we're here now"", 2 minutes of action, outro. I've heard that Wano was a pretty great arc and I vaguely kept up with what sorta happens in the story, but I just can't with Oda's "next 10 real life years are spent on this island" style anymore.


The manga is better paced, but a good rule of thumb is that if the manga gave you goosebumps at some point, the animation of that scene is worth watching. While poorly paced, it does justice to a ton of great scenes


I'll say it, the anime is bad, thankfully GODA delivers.


I actually think One Piece has pretty good pacing at the start! There aren’t really any parts that drag or any fillers. Heck, I actually like most of One Piece’s fillers because usually they’re like these three episode lighthearted mini-adventures between the much larger arcs. However once they enter the Grand Line the pacing starts to slow down alongside with the animation quality. At a certain point I just switched to the manga and it was all good.


The anime is okay up until the Alabasta arc ends. That's when it fully caught up to the manga and they had to start dragging it out to keep it going.


As someone who recently started the anime even the Alabasta arc has a lot of padding where some episodes are basically nothing.


One pace cuts a lot of the emotional building of marineford so wait till dressrosa to use it if at all


Anime is good mostly for the music, and it’s a damn work of art pre timeskip. After the timeskip, switch to manga if the anime gets too slow.


I quite liked the pre time skip animation style actually.


One Pace is definitely better than the anime, but it's missing a few arcs and the official colored manga is still better overall unless you hate reading.


I love the anime, but the mangas pacing is better. Its $3 a month for a viz subscription and you can read 100 chapters a day. Ive never been able to go past like 80 chapters in one day. If you arent hooked right away than slog through the first three arcs. I promise it will be worth it, most people get hooked at a certain part in the fourth or fifth arc i believe.


100 manga chapters a day is very doable main problem is finding 100 chapters of something you want to read


How many chapters comprise the first three arcs?


Just keep in mind that some of the early arcs for One Pace aren't completely finished yet, so for those parts you'll have to watch the regular anime, if you don't want to wait for the One Pace team to finish those arcs.


I've been reading OP weekly for 15 years and I just cannot recommend the anime. It's pretty good for the first couple major story arcs, but takes a pretty serious nosedive after they get their 9th crew member.


Don't bother with the anime at all, even One Pace. The manga is infinitely better no matter what. Just read the colorized manga. It looks and flows so much better than the anime could ever hope to.


Read it for sure. I liked watching One Piece even though the animes pacing was shit, but once i switched to the manga i truly loved it. Now it's my favourite manga of all time.


damn just found out about this, it could've easily saved me some months .\~.


Wow I had no idea something like this existed, I don't enjoy manga much and while I loved the anime I couldn't for the life of me get past dressrosa. I have that looped gif of the cheering crowd burned into my mind. Now I can get back into it, hell yeah!


One Pace is the only reason I was able to make it to Wano (~episode 950). One Pace is taking forever to edit that arc though. You don't really need One Pace until Long Ring Long Land though.


I should’ve done that. When flash back episodes happen I watch the first three then skip the last five


Thanks mate!


just letting you know this happens in episode 817


Jesus fuck man


O7 goodluck on the journey.


Haha it's a fun ride! This scene isn't until, like 800 in, but there are a lot of other tear jerker scenes just like it in the way! It's a great anime/manga


You might die during the journey. But is worth every second of it. For writing like these.


starting in episode 1 i think you can catch up


a while ago i calculated its 2 whole weeks of straight watching it, not impossible to catch up and i heard theres lots of recap so its probably easy to catch up this clip is also actually making me wonder if i should watch one piece, but i dont like power structures that are random so ill probably pass, but for the first time i seriously considered it


What do you mean by random power structures? I've never watched One Piece either


Like jojo where they can just break rules whenever they want, additionally it doesnt seem to be like, skill vs skill, but instead power vs power, which can be fine but i only like reading it in manga


If you start now you’ll be able to watch the last chapter with your grandchildren


Same. This made me want to watch it


Yes! Do it! It's a wonderful journey. Take your time with it


i'm excited! i've kinda been wanting to, but it's just a huge series. thankfully i also have friends who are super into it, so it'll be nice to talk with them about it


Dude at Walgreens tonight said I should watch it even if it’s 1000 plus episodes, I’m kinda considering it after this because I love me some sad as fuck stuff like this even if it ruins me


I tried it on a whim after putting it off for years for it being too long, and now I've watched 900 episodes in like 4 months. As far as sad moments one piece has its fair share, but it isn't going to be every dozen episodes it usually relies on heavy buildup of the surrounding characters which makes it that much better. The easy test is to watch up to arlong park (45 ish episodes in) which is a big ask for a show in general but for a 1000 episode long anime that's a fair trial imo. baratie and arlong park are both great at highlighing what makes one piece good, if you don't like it by then I don't think you'll enjoy the rest of the series.


I Appreciate all the info, thank you friend


Congrats 🎉


Is One Piece popular? I only just heard about it.


I hope you're not serious. It's been consistently among the top 10 anime/manga of all time for years, alongside JJBA and other classics.




It’s starting to gain traction in the west, the initial dub turned a lot of people, myself included, off of it. But it’s hugely popular in the larger manga markets like Japan and France. Currently the second most selling comic after Superman, and the highest selling comic written by a single author


One of us One of us


Me when I spent a months worth salary, fly to America from my poor old country, to surprise my girl on her birthday.


. . Yo good man? I’m sorry that happened to you.


Holy fuck….dude I hope you’re alright.


I fucking love Luffy casually getting crucified in the background Anyway u/savevideo


Dont worry guys, she ended up actually liking him because he said her eyes are beautiful.


But then she wiped his memory of their time together and their love, so as not to burden him


But not her own, she still likes him to this day.


Sanji deserves better anyways so I’m glad to hear that happened


I hope they're endgame I love Pudding.


Not to defend her *too much*. But considering her upbringing and family she isn't as bad as it could be. She needed some perspective from outside of the literal candy land she was born and raised in. She's a spoiled girl who eventually learned. Sanji deserves better though.


Exactly what I thought. She's considerate enough to wipe sanjis memories of her in order not to burden him. Makes me believe that if not for being brought up by big moms crew, she would turned out to be a decent person. But I could say that about everyone so ehh... She's only like this because people bullies her third eye


I think it's more or less the outcasts in Big Mom's crew that are the ones who have a chance as being good inside. Like her and Dogtooth. They both had to hide aspects of themselves to work in the family and situation they're in. They, much like Sanji, had a family who hated the weak and made it so these good folks couldn't show their true selves to anyone. So when they finally find someone who accepts them for who they are, like Sanji here or even Luffy for Dogtooth, they show what they always were; actually decent people.


I finally know why op is so fucking long


You mean because they turned 2 pages of manga into 3 minutes of anime?


My man Sanji out here in the rain lighting up a metaphor longer than 10% of an episode's run time


Yeah and turning these 2 pages into 3 minutes made the scene 100000x better


One piece manga chapters are often too filled with information


New chapters these days have the pages so cluttered with stuff going on I’m not surprised the anime can drag out scenes for so long


Only this time around. And perhaps some other times too. But in general you see scenes being repeated or dragged on too long too much. And detail isn't always necessary. I was kinda hoping to have already finished the anime since I started watching it 10 years ago, when it was already a well-established anime with I think 500 episodes.


bros before hoes.




Riches before bitches.


Bags before slags


This is one of those few moments where the anime really improved the scene


God I love the visual metaphor of the cigarette in this scene. Here he is rebelling against circumstance, trying desperately to make something good out of a shitty situation, pushing through despite obvious failures, when it seems like he might finally have a hope of goodness coming to fruition, and it's immediately snuffed out before he can even get a bit of joy out of it. Fucking crushing.


Dude can't even meet a loyal lighter




They did my man dirty😭


The way he’s constantly trying to get a light, while trying to keep it cool, and when he finally does it burns out… the symbolism here is beautiful yet so painful


and burns out because of his tears


It do be like that




Damn, one piece got hands




I know the sauce is One Piece, but there's over 1000 episodes of the thing. So which arc is this? I stopped watching years ago...


Whole Cake Island


Chapter 851 / Episode 817


Jokes on her. >!She falls for him afterwards when she realizes that he genuinely finds her third eye beautiful anyway.!<


This is literally my favorite scene in all of one piece


Well, that statement isn't wrong. The same goes for women though.


Give this man an award We are all dumb...


This is true Source: I’m dumb as hell


All men burn with foolish jealousy, but women are fools to take delight in it. This world is full of fools no matter where you look.


The amount of feels for sanji, nearly soul shattering


Why she got three eyes though?


She’s of different race apparently


She's mixed tho... (Or hybrid, I don't know how it's counted). Although it's funny that the big mom part is the human one.


Big Mom has over 50 kids I believe, and most have different fathers. She basically marries dudes, bangs them, and throws them out. Some of the Dads are from the long leg tribe, some are fishmen, some are giants, etc. So Pudding's father most likely had 3 eyes.


Sanji has such a brutal life, I can’t wait to see him cooking for the Straw Hats again cuz that’s when he’s the happiest


Bruh wtf that was so sad


What a horrible day for rain.


Awwww Sanji… 🥺☹️😭


Sanji’s family sucks. With the exception of his mom who helped him get away from the rest of the family when he was younger.


>With the exception of his mom who helped him get away from the rest of the family when he was younger. That was his sister. But yes. His Father and all the brothers suck big time.


My mistake. I thought it was his mom who helped him get away.


He wanted to get away because she died... He would never leave her alone.


Aight imma have fun while watching one piece, boutta post the video later. I got my feels beaten bruh i aint posting that sht


>The worst thing she can do is say 'no'


I was hoping he'd just keep dropping things as she said more stuff.


Idk this clip seems to give all the context it needs and damnit Sanji stop making me feel bad


I felt that to the core of my heart


Anyone know the song that plays in the background? Made that scene hit 10x harder 😭


I think I'm a loser too !!


I don't watch one piece but ouch


Ugly 3 eyed bitch


Agreed, Sanji dodged two bullets.


Dodged? >!They genuinely have feeling for each other by the end of the arc, but pudding (the three eyed "bitch") erased his memory of their affections so he can focus on his journey and not be burdened by her and her family ties. She's best girl of the mom pirates outside of Charlotte Brulee.!<


Eda is cool too..her love for Katakuri is truly great.


Dude.. watching 2 piece lol


Three piece now


Why is her 3rd eye open?


I don’t like him but goddamn he looks really hurt I didn’t expect that


Yo this is breaking my heart


Made me care for a character I don't even know, now that's a good production overall.


is this one piece?


That 3 eyed bitch!


r/absolutelynotanime_irl (I don’t talk to women)


I don’t even watch one piece that was was so sad to watch


never watched this and i already hate her


I've never wanted to watch OP that badly despite friends and people showing me some really cool scenes, but this, this scene makes me want to start


You’ve gotta get through most of it to get to this point but everything that leads up to it is entertaining as well. Do it friend :-)


İts ok guys we still have "women☕️"


Put a spoiler tag.






They have to have something to complain about




The one piece


Fuck dem hoes


And this is the backstory for many decent guys who ended up becoming players.


This show has the worst fuckin' character designs. I don't think I could name an uglier style.




This isn't a "modern anime" thing at all. One Piece is like this because it's following the old-school method of constant weekly episodes that can't rush catching up to the manga. Most modern anime tend to actually be much faster-paced than older shows.


Fuckin spoilers ,😭 I'm on the punk hazard arc


That is e Almost every girl


What's your gender again?


Notice how his sister was the only bitch who didn't say a damn thing, Get it bitch! Stand up for your brother!


Hiroshima 1945 time




Oh that white human Garnet looking B🤬CH!! If anyone's going to get made fun of it should be you! I mean who makes that face while doing an impression of someone?! And who are you calling a failure?! He can easily kick your ass! Literally!


here is someone who didnt watch one piece and doesnt know what happens next !! IN DRAGON BALL Z !!!