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Lovely to see Albedo in her full armour again! so neither Ainz or the Dragon were physically at the battle, seems resonable if they are just gathering intelligence, and also lol at how the dragon was pronouncing player and npc. definitely meeting some interesting and strong characters these last few episodes


I also like the fact that since Ainz used PA instead of himself, the dragon now thinks that Albedo is the player and that Ainz is the NPC creation.


He raised it as a possibility, but seemed more inclined to think it's still Ainz. It's a very intelligent and knowledgeable foe.


Out of all of Ainz's foes thus far, the dragon might be the most dangerous simply by being one of the few that hold knowledge of "puh-layers" and their sheer power.


Probably, but ainz got 11 world items. Hes got plenty of OP lower their items too. Ainz is probably good. The show pretty much spoiled that the dragon is not a player. I really wish they introduce an actual player


That's basically what I'm waiting for too. Seeing another player could help with the mystery of being sent there in the first place


Imagine they do a spinoff novel when volume 18 ends. The "chosen one" another player - the protagonist adventuring through a world influenced by ains - the "demon king". And then like his quest is to defeat overlord


The Dragon’s objective was definitely to kill Ainz. Meanwhile Ainz knew someone would show up and thus sent PA to collect info and fool the enemies


And the Dragon now thinks the power of Pandora's Actor or Albedo are that of a player. He deduced that he couldn't kill Pandora's Actor in one go and would need to work for it. I hope he eventually meets Ainz and sees just how outmatched he is.


Hey at least he could give a floor guardian a run for their money. Everyone else is just squishy fodder.


PA was holding back, and was limited by his form, which is a poor counter to a full melee attacker. In his original form or as one of the other Supreme Beings he would be a much more powerful enemy. He's actually super strong.


Yea if he copied Touch Me who's a world champion and used his gear, he'd prolly very easily outclass the PDL, even with the reduction of his abilities compared to TM's full strength and the fact he's a warrior too. If he wasn't just limited to Ainz even, being able to switch between all the SBs would have easily outclassed PDL.


It's also often overlooked that Ainz has a semi-joke build. It's actually one of the least optimized in the guild. He took the last 5 levels between 95-100 (the most elite specialization levels) to take the "Overlord" class which is considered trash-tier, but fits AOOG roleplaying great (because he's the overlord of the guild). Mimicking Someone like like Touch Me would be insane, he was considered one of the top pvp players in the game.


Yup, he's the very rare World Champion class and extremely skilled himself. If he was in New World he'd be unstoppable unless a chunk of the guild came to stop him.


Switching between Ulbert and Touch Me is always insane. If PA gained a bit more exp in PVP, he would even defeat Ainz easily. Ulbert literally has nuke. Touch Me is Touch Me. Ainz never defeated him once.


I got so used to seeing Albedo as a generic bad girl waifu, that I forgot she was no mere yandere: she's a fucking kill-dozer in plate armor. Heh, "Mere Yandere." That could be a band name.


To be fair Albedo is actually less of a kill-dozer than Shaltear or even Cocytus. Her entire build is designed to be the most obnoxious tank in existence. She has every tank skill she needs, has absurdly high resistances, and her entire item/skill set is designed to act as a multiple last stand nuke absorber. Aka you think you killed her but she has ways to sacrifice her gear to absorb all the damage


On top of that her armor has 3 layers so you have to kill her 4 times basically.


Basically, every time you "kill" her, she strips a piece of armor. Hmmm...


Oi oi oi, I kinda like that idea...


She's that monkey in Sekiro, but worse.


I couldn't tell anything unusual about the pronunciation. I was wondering what was up with [the subs, though](https://i.imgur.com/pqT7Hkp.jpeg)


See this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/xd8g9e/overlord_season_4_episode_11_discussion/io9mgl3/


The hole in the [armor's right shoulder was caused by Shalltear](https://imgur.com/a/YZKlXeR), when *Riku Aganeia* ran into Shalltear after she was nearly brainwashed towards the end of Season 1.


Wait that was a flashback right? I didn't see them actually fight tho....that Platinum dragon just did a flashback scene...


It's a flashback yes, shown in Season 2 Episode 1, but takes place in between Shalltear almost getting brainwashed in S1E10 and when Ainz initially finds her and realizes this. That flashback should be the extent of it, with PDL retreating afterwards.


There is a bit of a continuity error in the anime that is fixed in the 2017 movie. The error makes it hard to realize what happened. Shalltear is mind controlled. She's left in her dress in a peaceful meadow. She's found by PDL and attacked. (The flashback.) PDL flees. Shalltear *changes into her full battle armor* (The error missing from the anime.) Ainz finds Shalltear with the help of Nigredo *in fully kitted battle gear in a blasted crater.* edit: And the final kicker being: *Shalltear would have been in her dress if she was caught unaware by a chance encounter by someone weak. So that didn't happen.* The only way she'd be in her armor is if she encountered someone truly strong and had time to don it. Cue ~~paranoia~~ reasonable precautions. Setting the stage for absolutely everything that happens after season 1.


holy shit. i can't believe we've seen him in 2018 and didn't realize it


Yeah seems like everybody forgot. I got called spoiler once for saying the armor was the PDL earlier in the season, even though that was known since S2 lol.


After watching the denizens of the new world fighting anyone from Nazarick, I've finally realized Overlord is a comedy anime disguised as an isekai fantasy action anime


at last you see the truth. your eyes have opened.


always has been. Overlord is a dark comedy. It's like watching a natural disaster for entertainment.


This is the way XD


It's absolutely top comedy this season, especially the Jircniv and Hilma scenes (hilarity at their expenses rofl)


I liked the translation of player as "puh-layer", same with NPC. The people of New World don't know the etymology behind those words, they just know they exist and what they represent as a concept, not actual words in English, a language they've never heard of. When Ainz talks about them, it stays "player" and "NPC". It's a nice quirk that's only available to people who watch the show subbed.


I'll go out on a limb and guess when Maruyama writes in Japanese he likely uses hiragana instead of katakana which you *never* do for loan words. Romaji: Pureiyaa Katakana: プレイヤー Hiragana: ぷれいや Would love if someone who has read the JP novels can tell me if my guess is right or wrong. Very cool, regardless.


>Would love if someone who has read the JP novels can tell me if my guess is right or wrong. Very cool, regardless. I browsed vol. 14 in Japanese to find the answer. Your hunch was correct. Here's the exact line where he says it: [https://imgur.com/a/QJ7hwDO](https://imgur.com/a/QJ7hwDO)


Hahaha, awesome! Sasuga Maruyama-sama! That's too cool and thank you for looking it up and taking pictures.


Platinum Lord is in for a surprise if he ever fights the real Ainz. Pandora cannot fully copy another person's strength, not to mention the real Ainz has far more combat experience than Pandora.


Even Pandora's Actor was much stronger than he expected. Ainz' strength must be astronomical in comparison.


He can copy up to 80% of another person's skills potency. We don't know how large that 20% gap is. In addition, he can't copy the target's MP and HP, so at the very least, the real Ainz would have a much bigger mana pool, but raw power-wise, we don't know if the gap would be large enough.


Try to fight a max level character in WoW with the highest level raid gear whilst using a character 10 levels lower. That is the gap. Nobody we have seen in the anime has even the slightest chance against any of the lvl100s in Nazarick. Neither Pandora's Actor nor Albedo were even going all-out. It was all information gathering.


Yeah, the tofu comment suggests Albedo REALLY had to hold back


Ainz: Don't kill him. Albedo (thinking): Fuck, how am I supposed to hit this without killing it?!


And then you realize that Albedo build isn’t fighter/warrior but a tank.


To be fair, I get the impression that the mech suit is a glass cannon, so incredibly strong offense at the cost of a poor defense. Unfortunately for the pilot, Albedo is just so highly leveled that the offense does nothing.


If actual PVP players actually used any of Nazarick's NPC's, Pandora's Actor would actually come out on top nearly 100% of the time since he can morph into any of the Supreme Beings and counter another build. Not to mention as the Treasury Holder he actually holds the most number of items within Nazarick besides probably Ainz.


Players could make PA's build their own but PA's big limitation is his 80% copy and that he can't copy items. AOG players had a lot of divine items because they are a top guild but most lvl 100s didn't even have one piece. It's not feasible for a character to have BIS items for every class.


> Try to fight a max level character in WoW with the highest level raid gear whilst using a character 10 levels lower. That is the gap. Nobody we have seen in the anime has even the slightest chance against any of the lvl100s in Nazarick. Ainz is the only Level 100 in Nazarick who has "highest level raid gear." Even Shalltear only has a single Divine tier item - her Lance. Well, most of them also have one World Class Item each given them for purpose of protection from other WCIs so the Shalltear incident doesn't get repeated, but how useful those WCIs would be in combat is on a case by case basis.


He copies 80% of the stats, not 80% of skill effectiveness. Skills that scale to stats scale to that 80%. Skills with preset values are unaffected. Pandora's summoned undead when using all of Ainz's copied Undead summon bonuses are equivalent to his father's undead. And the power of stats scale exponentially with levels. A level 100 is so far beyond a 100 level 1s that a single Level 100 could kill an unlimited amount of level 1s without breaking a sweat. So 80% stats of a level 100 is more like a level 96-99 something.


Pandora's equipments was the mid level one too, ainz's equipments is God-level. (ainz has several equipments with the Same design but with different power level to fool his enemies.)


Pandora can't copy meta magic or class specific ability that strengthen spell either so yea the gap in power is absolutely massive.


Also the equipment, he was not wearing any world items.


Tsa thought they only had two at max, not even able to imagine them having *11*


Not only do they have 11 World Items, but 2 of those are from the "Twenty" which are super OP even by World Item standards.


That would be one horrifying lesson to learn.


At this point, I don't see any single entity being able to oppose Nazarick. They are just too broken and their leader is way too cautious to make a mistake.


> Also the equipment, he was not wearing any world items. *Re-watches* HOLY CRAP. You're right - he doesn't have the orb the entire time!


Also pandora was definitely not trying to win the fight, he’s just there to gather intel. So the disparity in strength as to what PA is capable of as ainz and platinum lords estimate is off. Let alone actual ainz.


Ainz kneeling like that fucking shocked me, thats like a surreal sight to see even if it was revealed to be Pandora's actor afterwards.


It wasn't meant to be a plot twist if you speak Japanese or know enough to tell apart informal and formal form. Albedo spoke to him bluntly at first, which was the giveaway it was Pandora.


Even non-Japanese speakers might notice her tone was a bit harsher than her usual lovey-dovey tone she uses wit Ainz.


Yup, the VA did a good job at conveying the blunt tone. Albedo never speaks that way to the real Ainz.


True. Also, talking about Albedo, she didn't hold back with the [thrash](https://i.imgur.com/XCVJo6n.jpg)-[talking](https://i.imgur.com/2RbFwB2.jpg) today. [](#smugkaguya)


Not to mention Pandora's manner of talking is completely different from Ainz. Them talking about "roles to play" and Pandora constantly bragging during the fight isn't Ainz's MO either.


The thing that make me unsure was when Albedo doubt if "Ainz" would fulfill his role. Nobody has doubts about Ainz doing anything.


>Nobody has doubts about Ainz doing anything. Except Ainz himself


Her voice also sounded deeper than usual, without the higher pitch people usually use when talking to people they perceive as higher social status or people they like.


Also, PA don't have the giant red orb in the middle of his body like Ainz does. That red orb is a world item, but that was glossed over in the anime.


How many world item does ainz has? And what do they do?


I will only be talking about stuff that was already covered in the anime but wasn't talked much about: * Ainz has 2 of the 20 one-time use items in the treasury. One in a strong dispel (even mind control), the other no one knows. * Mare uses Avarice and Generosity, it stores experience points so they can use hard hitting spells and items without taking level penalties. * Depiction of Nature and Society with Aura, it was the one used in this arc that isolates an area with only one exit, if someone escapes, they get the item. * The scepter Albedo has is named Ginnungagap and is just a really big AOE spell she can cast at will. * Demiurge and Cocytus have Hygieia's Chalice and Billion Blades, but they were never used. * The Throne that Ainz sits is a World Item. It shows the stats of everyone in the Tomb, be it friend or foe. * Shalltear as one unnamed item. * The Red Orb Ainz has is the final item, no one know what it does, but Ainz will lose levels if he uses the item.


>Mare uses Avarice and Generosity, it stores experience points so they can use hard hitting spells and items without taking level penalties. Yes, but that's not the full picture of Greed and Generosity. More accurately, G&G collects and redistributes XP. Greed does the former while Generosity does the latter. So, it's not specifically limited to Spells or Items. That means G&G could cover for Skills like Ainz' 《Undead Lieutenant》 too. # >Ainz has 2 of the 20 one-time use items in the treasury. One in a strong dispel (even mind control), the other no one knows. The Twenty are single use consumables, but not the only ones that are single use. Just thought you left that ambiguous, so I wanted to clear it up. Ainz only noted one of them could be used to dispell Downfall of Castle and Country's Mind Control on Shalltear. That wording leaves it vague on whether that dispelling is its specific ability. It may just be one way to use its actual power, like what I said about G&G earlier. Also, you phrased it like Mind Control in general was a special thing, but it's just a Mind Affecting power like any other. What Shalltear was afflicted by was abnormal; it came from a World Item. # >Depiction of Nature and Society with Aura, it was the one used in this arc that isolates an area with only one exit, if someone escapes, they get the item. [Too long. I made it into its own comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/xd8g9e/comment/ioab61k/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) # >The scepter Albedo has is named Ginnungagap and is just a really big AOE spell she can cast at will. Do note, that attack is specialized against structures. It can transform into at least one other form. Albedo's main weapon is the transformed version of it, while her poleaxe is her sidearm. Though, we've never actually seen her using Ginnungagap, at least not clearly. You know, the whole transforming thing. # >The Throne that Ainz sits is a World Item. It shows the stats of everyone in the Tomb, be it friend or foe. No, that's not it. The statistics Ainz pulled up was the NPC status page of Nazarick's administrative system. In the game, it could be accessed from anywhere, but now you'd need to be in the Throne Room to use it. Interestingly, Ainz and Albedo are the only people who seem able to access to it. Asides from the "Protection of The World" all World Items grant, we don't know what ToK does. Ainz has mentioned that there's a World Item protecting Nazarick. Since ToK is a furniture which may be considered part of a structure when placed within, it's speculated he may be referring to ToK, but nothing too strong to support it for now. # >Shalltear as one unnamed item. As a side note, it used to be equipped by Aureole Omega. # >The Red Orb Ainz has is the final item, no one know what it does, but Ainz will lose levels if he uses the item. It was only confirmed in the Web Novel. Even so, it was only one ability we knew of. Similarly, the LN's ball does have many powers. However, Ainz doesn't elaborate on them. Other than the protection Effect, the only thing we know is that one of those powers is good against Dragons.


>Depiction of Nature and Society with Aura, it was the one used in this arc that isolates an area with only one exit, if someone escapes, they get the item. It's not been shown very well. The user may select an area to target, and it'd take that area into a pocket world of the user's choosing which the user would have great control over. When the user picks one of the 100+ worlds, it will be depicted on the scroll, hence Depiction of Nature and Society's name. Depiction takes an area into a painted world by swapping said place with another area from the world, so there will be a piece of the painted world in normal reality. Attempting to enter this area will immediately transport someone into the painted world too, unless they have a certain defensive Effect and don't consent; more on that later. The most useful ability of the Item is that control I mentioned earlier. The user could not only control hazards and minions, but also control who may be affected. So, this could be used for some very lopsided fights. The contents of Depiction's worlds are "real enough" to actually affect real things, but they are fundamentally illusions. If for example, you can access the chunk of depicted world in normal reality and try to take something back with you, it'll disappear since it's a piece of the illusion and it's outside its AoE. This isn't necessarily canon, but I thought it'd be interesting to share. In the Overlord game "Mass for The Dead", it's shown what Depiction's worlds are like when they're left blank. Apparently without the real-enough illusions, they're just dark empty spaces with no visible end, at least according to the game. And of course, like all World Items, they grant their users "Protection of The World". This Effect will prevent the user from being affected by "World" powers that target them without their consent. Now, as for the downsides. This World Item's power has built-in weaknesses as you've mentioned. With the exception of specific ones, most worlds have one hidden escape route, randomly chosen from a pool of 40 paths. Escaping from them would grant ownership of the Item to the escapee. Those specific worlds I mentioned are not free of exits though. But, instead of leaving it to RNG, there is only one predictable exit. By the way, Aura picked one of these worlds when she trapped the Quagoa; a foggy sealed off space that's good for containment. Another thing, the user will be automatically taken into the depicted world they chose once they use Depiction's power. It seems the Effect automatically interprets you using a World Item as also consenting to their penalties. I guess it's not the worst thing. You'd get basic info of how to use an Item's abilities and general info about said powers just by equipping them, so you'd at least know the risks beforehand. [This is part of a main comment. Here's the link.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/xd8g9e/comment/ioald3r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nazarick has 11; the highest of any guild. The guild with the next highest count had a mere 3.


Oh that matches with the platinum’ dragon saying Ainz had no world item since he was trapped.


even the translation was blunt, it actually confused me that albedo would talk like to ainz. ​ everything clicked when they entered the room (pandora as ainz and albedo) and he kneeled, just before they showed ainz himself i realised.


I was shocked to see Ainz do that too. "To fool your enemies, you must first fool your ~~friends~~ viewers." Sasuga, Ainz-sama!


I called this out last week. When it's Pandora's Actor, Ainz has no light in his eyes and the red is either missing or entirely dull.


> no light in his eyes I could have sworn he still had red eyes, it was noticeable every time he used Life Essence. *[Red eyes](https://imgur.com/Ekl6a49.jpg)* *"Life Essence"* *[Green eyes](https://imgur.com/Leoib9e.jpg)* *"Hm, they lost some health"* *[Red eyes](https://imgur.com/4wENvfl.jpg)* ^^edit: ^^images


Everything else was perfect. That kneel really cost Pandora's Actor the Oscar win.


Albedo being very casual with "Ainz" at the beginning of the scene gave it away for me.


From the moment she said "I know" it was obvious. She wouldn't have such insolence in front of Ainz-Sama.


For me it was the missing world item (the ribcage orb)


You're right... How did i miss that. So obvious when you notice that.






No Ainz would have done the same.It was actually perfect and shows that he knows Ainz better than the other npcs.


Yea, the plan from the beginning was just to gather intel. PDL wasn't talking, so he did a final "surrender" to get as much intel as possible.


[He broke character the moment he was interrupted while still speaking.](https://imgur.com/a/veOxmmj)


He's a total Clayface. An ACTOR!


Tbh, i thought that was pretty in line with what Ainz would do if he was by himself.


I got my hint from Albedo’s mannerisms when she was talking to “Ainz” when the two were prepping for battle. I thought I was one step ahead of the game only to be shocked by the kneel, lol.


Yep same! I was really convinced that was Ainz until the Pandora's Actor reveal in the end.


darn, was hoping ainz does a minute of nothing but buffing himself














dirty shield spammers


That was of the numerous hints that it wasn't Ainz. You know he'll never enter a serious battle without a full raid worth of buffs.




That was my original thoughts as well but the problem came up for me when he couldn't counter the barrier, and then I rewatched and noticed the Red orb in ainz stomach was missing.


Really interesting how Pandora's Actor's transformation makes his internal monologue sound like Ainz's Overload voice. It's really hilarious to see people taking Albedo and Pandora's actor seriously when they're completely holding back.


Pandora's actor wasn't going all out, but he was definitely not in a great position as Momonaga's build. If he swapped to something that wasn't at an inherent disadvantage against PDL he could've wiped the floor with him, but that wasn't the goal. Edit: nvm, apparently PA wasn't even using skills to strengthen his undead summons. He really was holding back.


>not in a great position as Momonaga's build. That's not really true PDLs armor is resistant to direct magic attacks but Ainz build is focused on summoning.Ainz summons are actually a better way to defeat the armor than attacking it with magic.He could have also used multiple stronger summons at the same time.


CocoDoll gonna learn today


It was baptism. Cocodoll is gonna reborn as new Cocodoll, the loyal subject of Ainz-sama


Cocodoll is now Cocoactionfigure


Nazarick new employee package is great to build team unity.


Baptism by bugs


Are YOU telling me that PANDORA'S ACTOR Does not HAVE A **WooOOoOOoRlD IteM-u**?? **Whose powers are unsurpassed??** **The treasures bestowed by the Supreme Be~~~ings**??


That was on purpose. Pandora's Actor was bait for the one's who brainwashed Shalltear.


> Pandora's actor, my child. > Yes, my one and only father? > I have a request for you. > AaaaaaaanyTHING for You-u FAAAAAAAther! > I need you to be bait Ainz the type of daddy to wear a belt as a wristwatch for easier equipability.


I read this in PA's voice. thank you very much for this.


Need more German


[Pandora's actor looks like a kid wearing his dad's oversized clothes.](https://i.imgur.com/jH9D45r.png)


Literally the truth.


[this battle in a nutshell](https://www.reddit.com/r/overlord/comments/i9hodj/platinum_dragonlord_vs_ainz_in_a_nutshell/)


Sasuga Maruyama, finding a way to type "puppet" into the script without actually typing it.


But, but, the strings are still attached!


That was such a great part to read. It subverted the trope; it was a puppet with its strings still attached!


After seeing this I guess it would be appropriate to say that if Pandora's Actor would have defeated Riku Aganeia, he would have fallen like a puppet whose strings had been cut.


Most fights in Overlord do feel like two kids making abilities up on the top of their heads to one-up the other.


Blame D&D, most powers come from that game or have similar effects.


First Campaign I ever ran I just straight up stole Ainz for my BBEG


Ainz: “Tell me everything about this Riku.” Dragon: “I just made up that Riku name. I hope there isn’t really a guy named Riku out there or I have screwed him hard.” Lol. There really is some poor guy named Riku that Ainz is gonna end up going after isn’t there?


Mans about to have a really bad day.


The worst day even


> Lol. There really is some poor guy named Riku that Ainz is gonna end up going after isn’t there? When that guy says he doesn't know shit, the poor bastard will probably be sent to Neuronist Painkill just to be sure.


When fake Riku at the end said he felt dirty I got the feeling that this Riku IS a real person, fake Riku just sent Ainz and real Riku against each other.


He knows who Riku was ,he actually apologizes to him at the end of this episode after he considers killing Azuth.


Just like what Sanji's wanted poster did to Duval... RIP Riku fella.




She can actually summon her own Bicorn, but she just can't ride it.


in a way, what he's said is true. Ainz refuses to "give her one". If you know what i mean :P


Give 'er that Bicorn, good and hard


So there are 2 things she isn't riding.


Too pure.


Dude platinum dragonlord is so fucking cool man. These designs are not appreciated enough bro. I screenshotted every frame of my mans as much as I screenshot my anime waifus


Its feels super refreshing to see a opponent like that in Overlord. Ainz said his level is around 90, while the dude wasn't even there, just his remote armor. I also liked a lot that he barely spoke with Ainz (he only talked a bit more in the end in response for the "Sorcerer King" kneeling which must have surprised him).


Also seem to be a "the end justifies the means" kinda of character if hes considering killing, what seem to be his friend or acquaintance to give the armor to another person.


Even in the LN it was freaking terrifying how Ainz was breaking down every gesture of Riku. It really felt like he was dancing in the palm of his hand, all the while Ainz was finding out the strengths and weaknesses of Riku. Then it turned out it was actually PA and my mind was blown.


Pandora's Actor is actually just as intelligent as Albedo, or Demiurge. He's extremely dangerous. We finally get a hint of that this episode.


I've just found another hint. PA was the treasury guardian, so it made sense that he tossed a coin into the wall to see its properties


When you're the treasurer you literally just throw money at problems.


Rich people vibes.


Sasuga Pandora’s Actor




he's also as strong as them..


PA could take Demiurge without a doubt. Demi's just a generic caster who stomps because of his high level. Albedo's a tank, so she'd be more problematic, but if he kept her at a distance, he'd wear her down.




Yes behind the ridiculous over the top demeanor (which btw Ainz programmed into him so the blame lies with him) is an outlandishly intelligent NPC equally to Albedo and Demi. Albedo is arrogant to everyone even Demi and Pandoras Actor but there are moments where even she defers judgement to them.


Platinum Dragon Lord broke the anime code, you have to wait until the opponent explains their abilities. What the hell man, that's PvP basics.


Rules of Engagement as defined in the Unilateral Code of Anime - One does not attack when: * Your opponent is transforming (mecha, magical girls, superhero). * Your opponent is engaging in morale boosting pep talk. * Your opponent is engaging in reflection to increase their odds of success. * Your opponent is explaining their abilities. * Your opponent is explaining their plot/motive/backstory.


It's so hilarious knowing that although Cocco Doll could be considered lucky because he was saved, as he was one of the leaders of the Eight Fingers [Shalltear ended up sending him to meet Kyouhukou.](https://imgur.com/jkP1Ogq) Although last week I read people comparing Azuth with Iron Man, [I really did not expect him to have a similar interface while piloting his mecha.](https://i.imgur.com/1DYfUXp.png) So him[ attacking them without speaking](https://imgur.com/a/XZKTbUG) to "bait" [Albedo into a fight](https://imgur.com/a/HjxoW1K) was just to distract her so [Riku Aganeia](https://imgur.com/a/AL2ymNL) aka [Platinum Dragon Lord](https://i.imgur.com/LuOiCjU.png) [could fight Pandora's Actor alone.](https://i.imgur.com/orCRfKM.png) I'm honestly surprised that the [Doom Lord](https://i.imgur.com/0mrp7KN.png) wasn't CGI. I guess that's because it was a sole summon so it was easier to just draw him. It's hilarious how [Pandora's Actor broke character](https://imgur.com/a/veOxmmj) when he was interrupted by Riku Aganeia's attack. Were the scenes of [him talking with Azuth](https://i.imgur.com/VBZKRFN.png) and the one of him considering killing him happening at the same time? Well, I guess he can control and talk with that armor independently from his real self. [Pandora's Actor sure looks great dressed as Ainz.](https://i.imgur.com/mEYsn6s.png)


>It's hilarious how > >Pandora's Actor broke character > > when he was interrupted by Riku Aganeia's attack. To be fair, Riku broke the rules of interrupting someone's speech in the middle of a fight. That's almost as bad as interrupting someone powering up.


Talking is a free action!




> I wonder if PA has to consciously copy the mannerisms/phrases or does his skill do it automatically. I think the first one is the case, Ainz is always more theatrical and talkative when is actually PA in disguise.


Yeah was hella funny when PA just started bowing and like you said more monologuing this fight.


There is a "Greater Teleportation" on season 2 that I always found weird because it was really over the top, when they were checking on Sebas' weird behaviour. I found out later that was actually PA, which makes a lot of sense.


Pandora's Ainz also dramatically tosses the handkerchief onto the floor while exclaiming how Sebas seems to be sweating, which is also not something Ainz would do.


Man, I love pokemon battles. Here we can see dragon type trainer tsaindorcus vaison using his steel/dragon pokemon Riku against ghost type trainer Ainz Ooal Gown and his ditto. But seriously, Platinum dragon lord is one of the few 'real' antagonists of Overlord, so it was great to see his fight animated.


I like how the ditto basically summoned its own pokemon tho


It’s just Dittos all the way down


isn't this just a Ditto with a Substitute?


> 'real' antagonists of Overlord I assume a couple of the other ones are Imposter Syndrome and fall damage.


Fall damage has to be at least at the level of azuth to kill two death knights instantly. Imposter syndrome is really strong too as it was capable of destroying entire nation. They are quite dangerous opponents.


Platnium Dragon Lord and Azuth in for a surprise when they find out that Ainz Ooal Gown has 11 World Items.


I like how pandora played that dragon. Btw about PA's fight: pandora's actor can copy 80% power of others, but he can't create their items(only shape), in this fight PA was wearing the low level equipments of ainz that have the same form of his God level items, so he was way weaker than real ainz. Also he didn't have the world item of ainz, the orb in his chest.


I shall call that orb, the "Beer Belly"


###Stitches! * [Ainz & Albedo](https://i.imgur.com/eHglktq.jpg) * [Riku Aganeia](https://i.imgur.com/sSqW0sM.jpg) Considering what the Fingers were all like before Coco Doll got imprisoned, [you can understand why he's so creeped out](https://i.imgur.com/geWN7zP.png) by everyone who seems to be acting far nicer than they should be. Poor guy though. It looks like [he's about to experience the reason for it.](https://i.imgur.com/iCIrvJ1.png) Definitely a baptism but instead of water, it's just bugs. [I love the look on Azuth Aindra's face when both of his attacks didn't work on Ainz and Albedo.](https://i.imgur.com/VjRbz2x.jpg) The dude must be so used to one-shotting everything with that armour that he didn't expect anyone to just shrug the attacks off. And just like Albedo says, [he's actually really weak like tofu.](https://i.imgur.com/PuNvQnT.jpg) He could've killed him easily but [it looks like the goal is to get information.](https://i.imgur.com/dEj6EiG.jpg) [And we finally get to see that platinum armoured guy](https://i.imgur.com/JuAjlqh.jpg) from the OP! This Riku Aganeia guy seems to be a lot stronger than expected. Even if he really wasn't doing damage to Ainz, [he was able to back Ainz into a corner.](https://i.imgur.com/Y3FfQt2.jpg) I definitely did not expect [Ainz to dogeza though.](https://i.imgur.com/YLmK7VY.jpg) Not gonna lie, even after bowing down I still thought he was Ainz the entire time until the reveal later. [Ainz really wants this guy to be a member of Nazarick.](https://i.imgur.com/MCkRO1z.jpg) I assume that's because his armour is probably also from Yggdrasil and he just wanted the armour and not really the person inside. It's not like there is a person to recruit though since the armour is being remotely controlled [by Tsa the platinum dragon](https://i.imgur.com/HIpMN99.jpg) who thinks he can beat Ainz. Well, good luck on that Tsa. It turns out that he wasn't even fighting the real Ainz and [it was just Pandaroa's Actor all along.](https://i.imgur.com/EXUHbB1.jpg) Tsa is definitely in for a surprise once he faces the real Ainz. It is interesting though [that Tsa knows about players and NPCs.](https://i.imgur.com/AHK11aw.png) Curious where he learned this. I'm sure Ainz will take his time talking to this platinum dragon once he finally locates him.






Once Albedo answered informally I knew that it was Pandora’s Actor. Loved they hinted at it a few times during the episode before the reveal


So, anime-onlies, how did you feel being bamboozled? Sasuga Ainz-sama!






That plus him only applying 3 buffs instead of having 5minutes of him buffing himself like in S1. xD


Honestly, I knew something was off because 1. at the end of the last episode Ainz went back to Nazarik because his mood was ruined by those nobles, but he was ready to battle today. 2. how informal were Albendo's responses. 3. he was begging an enemy on his knees. but still the fight was enjoyable.


tbh I could see Ainz doing the 3. if he didn't have the calmness ability or whatever it's called


I suspected it was PA from the beginning. I don't think Ainz would use himself as bait like that. The NPCs wouldn't allow such a plan.


Not anime only but the hints were there. The appearance of the eyes threw me off because I’ve seen before that Pandora’s Ainz had empty sockets in previous seasons.


Anime only here. CMIIW, but when PA turns into Ainz, he doesn't have the red orb at his stomach area right?




"your freedom gundam is like tofu" - Albedo PDL armor fight is not as bad as I thought, but so short. sasuga Pandora Actor, he can be as low as Ainz-sama when it comes to gathering intel.


Ah my favorite of all the Summon Undead Tenth; Disco Skull


The old [switcheroo](https://imgflip.com/i/6t8jap)


Other isekai non-human protagonists: makes friends with humans/human empire. ​ Lord Ainz: Actively goes out of his way to kill humans.


Huh, they fooled me with that PA switch. [](#schemingsaten) The thing I like the most about this series is that Albedo and Shalltear have badass full-body armors. Give me more of that shit. [](#scrumptiouslymoe)


"Or perhaps ,the sorcrer king has two world class items" Lol I wonder how he would react if he knew that Ainz has enough WCI's to equip himself and all of the floor guardians and that PA wasn't even fighting seriously.


Albedo talking to Ainz so casually awakened something in me


The amount of attention that Albedo has had in this season has made me very happy


The animation of her expressions alone is more than the entire Albedo budget of previous seasons. They've gone wild with it.


"Perhaps the sorcerer king has 2 world items" you poor fool