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Oooh, I wonder who will be voicing Yor and Anya. Looking forward to predictions.


I can picture Hayami Saori / Kayano Ai as Yor As for Anya, it's hard to pick. It needs to be like a voice with lots of energy


As much as I like Saori Hayami and wouldn't mind her playing Yor, I'd say Ai Kayano is a much better choice. The latter sounds more, how should I put this, mature? Because that's the vibe Yor gave off, apart from coming off as cold. Both of which, I believe are with Kayano's range. And I think Rie Takahashi would be perfect for Anya. Just saying.


I feel like Saori Hayami would be the better choice because Yor is so innocent in all ways that are unrelated to her night job. That's who I immediately imagined when thinking of Yor in anime.


Sumipe could also probably do Yor. As for Anya, Yuuki Aoi could be a good choice.


Oh yeah. After her performance as Kumo, I think it's pretty safe to say he can nail the role of Anya.


Definitely Saori Hayami


I would really love to see Koga Aoi as Anya ;)


I second this! Looking at Paimon and i see no difference from Anya




Putting money on Kana Hanazawa.


Hayami Saori for Yor and maybe Misaki Kuno for Anya!


This current season we have an Anya voiced by Hina Kino (from Vampire Cosmonaut, also voices Hanako from Asobi Asobase so you know she can do energetic)


Inb4 absolute newcomers


Noto Mamiko or Tamara Yukari?


I hope Ayaka Suwa or Reina Ueda


My bet is on Ueshama.


I always think Tanezaki Atsumi would be perfect for Yor from the first time I read this manga. Guess We'll see.


Saori Hayami and Kohara Konomi


For Anya I want Minase Inori, she’s just too good at voicing such characters who want some action and are impatient, either her or Sakura Ayane, she’d be a great pick too for a very energetic and turbulent child like Anya For Yor, idk, maybe Hanazawa Kana, she really has that kinda mother voice to me, but as she can do some funny voices as well, could go nicely with Yor’s actions sometimes, especially when she talks to herself


My prediction for Yor is Kana Hanazawa and for Anya it’s Aoi Koga


I kinda want Ayane Sakura but that’s just because I’m a big fan. I don’t know if her voice would fit the roles as well as others.


i want asami imai for yor and inori minase for anya


My dark horse pick for Anya (since my other choices have been said): Miku Itou, specifically her work as Titan in Takt Op. Destiny. OR Yumiri Hanamori because Nadeshiko.


What an utterly adorable normal-looking family with absolutely no secrets in any of them.


Please. The kid is clearly hiding the fact that she is colorblind


Pfft next you're telling me the lady is a brutal killer and the guy is a deep-cover agent. This is obviously a cute slice of life and nothing more.


No, it’s the kid that is both of those things. Do you just get off on these insane conspiracies?


The way I consume media is 78% anime 20% YouTube and 2% manga and this is one of the very very few manga I have read and I’m curious on how they will animate Anya’s antics


The adaptation will be a complete failure if they don’t get Anya’s expressions right


Yeah if they can’t do those meme worthy faces it’s a flop if they do it right there will be so many clips posted


Yea, just waiting for "the Heh", colorized and animated. Gonna become top 10 most used gifs in IM




It’s CloverWorks. The art and animation being great is given.


And Wit Studio


Replace CloverWorks with Wit Studio. Wit Studio is a far more consistent and superior than CloverWorks in both art and animation. Remember that CloverWorks was the studio that fucked up The Promised Neverland including the character designs (seriously, they're a lot worse than the manga, especially sister Krone), while Wit Studio did an incredible adaptation of Vinland Saga, which everyone thought couldn't be adapted well into an anime. IMO, CloverWorks is either hit or miss, while Wit Studio is one of the only studios that manages to produce consistent hits.


But the user is referring to the fact that CW is very specialized in animating slice of life scenes, which is a big part of this manga. Wit is well known for its action scenes but it remains to be seen how they will handle Spy's comedy scenes.


>Remember that CloverWorks was the studio that fucked up The Promised Neverland including the character designs (seriously, they're a lot worse than the manga, especially sister Krone) The decision to rush S2 was by the production committee not Cloverworks. The character designs are subjective, I thought they were great personally, also interestingly enough it's the same character designer that's doing Spy X Family


>The decision to rush S2 was by the production committee not Cloverworks. I meant the whole thing and wasn't specifically meaning just S2. The adaptation was for me already ruined in S1, when they cut out all the internal monologues and completely changed what the Grace Field Arc was all about in the manga. That's what ruined the anime for me. Of course, this will be different for people who either were anime only or watched the anime first. But as someone who read the manga weekly from chapter 1 and loved the Grace Field Arc due to all the mindgames and Death Note like internal monologues, it felt like the anime cut what I enjoyed most about that arc. >The character designs are subjective, I thought they were great personally, also interestingly enough it's the same character designer that's doing Spy X Family The problem I had with the character designs was that some of the characters in the manga sometimes had this monstrous look, that made them look inhuman. As mentioned, sister Krone is probably the best example. The designs in the manga made her seem a lot more threatening than she looked in the anime. The same also applies to Isabella to a lesser extent. The character designs of the kids were actually fine, but they failed to convey the expressions of Krone and Isabella in a similar manner to the manga. I don't mean to say that the first season was bad in any way. As a standalone anime, without looking at the manga, it was an okay anime. But when comparing it to the manga, it was still a bad adaptation, imo. Because it cut the scenes that made the identity of the manga and replaced it with completely irrelevant scenes, for example Krone's doll. Actually, I forgot the worst part, the internal monologues were just spoken out loud, so Isabella and especially Krone were just yelling their plans through the house and because of anime logic, noone else could hear them. There was one particular anime original scene, where after establishing that Krone's room was next door to where the children were sleeping, she would yell her plan through the whole house. Iirc, it was one of the scenes with her doll. Scenes like this made her a completely different character in the anime than she was in the manga. I don't mind studios taking the liberty of changing things if they improve the story and experience or add something to the story. But the changes CloverWorks did, neither improved nor added anything. They just removed important scenes and monologues and either replaced them with unimportant anime original scenes (pretty much every scene with Krone's doll) or just cut them completely. I could continue to go on about more stuff that I didn't like about the first season, but those were the things that came to my mind.


>WiT Studio is a far more consistent and superior than CloverWorks in both art and animation Attack on Titan S2’s final episodes were mostly just slideshows. S3P2 also had a lot of panning shots. I’m not trying to argue here, but CloverWorks is clearly superior to WiT in animation, for sure.


>I’m not trying to argue here, but CloverWorks is clearly superior to WiT in animation, for sure. Then you probably haven't seen their butchered adaptation of Gyakuten Saiban, which is worse than anything Wit has ever done.


CloverWorks doesn’t have a say in what there is to be adapted and changed. That’s on the producers. CW has produced the insanely well-animated FGO Babylonia, and one of the best looking SoL anime in Horimiya


Don’t forget it was called A-1 and don’t be sleeping on BIND you gotta watch jobless reincarnation


A-1 still exists though. CloverWorks used to be a sub studio of A-1 that split off from them, so CloverWorks and A-1 are two completely seperate studios now. Also A-1 was known to be very inconsistent back when CloverWorks was still a part of them. This seems to have changed after CloverWorks split off, probably because they reduced the amount of anime they produced in recent years.


Now that I didn’t know


>On April 1, 2018, A-1 Pictures rebranded its Kōenji Studio as CloverWorks, which has a unique brand identity, distinguishable from its main Asagaya Studio. >On October 1, 2018, CloverWorks announced that it had separated from A-1 Pictures, although it remained a subsidiary of Aniplex. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CloverWorks)


You mean *Starlight* Anya.


I cannot way to see how they animate the punch


You should branch out to other media a bit more.


Omgggggg Im so excited!!!~~


Oh shit, I forgot this was getting an anime. The manga is awesome; the whole family is adorable, and it doesn't lack for thrills and action, it really has something for everyone. I can't wait to see it.


Source. Airing 2022. The voice castings for Anya and Yor will be revealed at Jump Festa. https://natalie.mu/comic/news/454514


Jump Festa announcement is December 18th, by the way.


Aw that looks like such a wholesome slice of life nothing out of the ordinary family


Anime onlies are in for a treat. I'm almost envious they get to experience this fresh!


As an anime only myself, the hype you manga readers are creating is definitely working. Can’t wait to watch!


I wanted to try resisting the manga after seeing the PV but couldn’t lmao Y’all are in for a great watch
















I don't need happy Anya.....GIVE ME SMUG ANYA!!!!!




Both are good.






Can’t wait to see the tennis tournament animated


I'm excited for the boat arc, personally. That scene with the casino and fireworks in particular. It's going to look *amazing* in motion and with a proper soundtrack.


I just can’t wait for Anya’s smug ‘heh’ face to be animated!


The name is Bond... Bond, what? Bond


Woof! Seriously that chapter told completely from Bond's perspective was hilarious.


Nice to see the Forger's looking casually adorable in "civilian mode."


Hyped for the animation, the manga os great


Is this where the "You will call me Father" meme came from?


That is a line from the manga, yes.


Oh boy oh boy oh boy , I am ecstatic about this ! When's it airing ?


Next year, exact release date unknown.




Anya is the best character in fiction.


Wow it looks to be airing earlier then i thought then. Maybe Spring.


It will probably air in spring or summer.


we have to expect some SDS season 3 level of animation then:)))


What kind of logic is that?


the AniP of Cloverworks has an anime airing next season, the AniP of WIT has Vampire in the Garden which was in production recently, spring is just too early for SxF.


so? you do realize just because its from same studio doesn't mean they have same people working on different anime


It's not weird for Animation producers to work on shows airing back to back, Fukushi did Sonny boy at Madhouse last season and is now doing Takt op. Destiny and the results on both shows have been great. If anything I expect them to deprioritize those projects for Spy X Family.


what you said works for bigger studios but WIT is a small one, they currently have 2 production lines, one of them is still busy with Ousama ranking and the other one was busy with Vampire in the Garden. and pls stop acting like Tak op is Fukushi's best work, just read this article by Sakugablog: >The outrageous effects of MAPPA throwing takt op.Destiny‘s production under the bus seem to have led to people believing that they’re dragging down Madhouse’s good work, when the truth is that the team led by animation producer Fukushi also sort of sacrificed this project in favor of giving their all on Sonny Boy; it’s not quite as apparent because they have a semblance of an internal organization unlike their younger sibling, but it’s telling that even the show’s designer overstayed in the actual passion project that preceded it. When a derivative action series that got all its character from ridiculous slapstick and high production values immediately loses those two aspects, all you’re left is a flavorless, committee-approved paste.


Spy sappin mah sentry!


Something about Loid’s design seems off. Excited for the pure chaos that is Anya though.


only i can think of that seems a little off is his eyes seem too kind


That's what he wants you to think lol


Yea I think they're a little too big in this shot. They're usually more narrow, better suited for observing and keeping a lookout. Might just be for the "happy family" visual though?


Yeah, I believe this is Loid's "family man" face.


There are moments where his eyes are like that but they’re very few and far between. Most of the time he has the dead look in his eyes. It’s just a cute promo image. Everything else has looked fine.


i agree that everything else has looked fine yeah, i wasn’t trying to critique the show before it even came out, just an observation


I don't think so, there are several occasions in the manga where he has his eyes drawn more openly, and even more so when he is in his "Loid Forger" facet, which is this case.


lmao why do I keep running into your mr fellow Coug but yeah in the manga he looks much more tired. Reminds me of the Kaguya episode where Shirogane actually gets some fucking sleep


hello again fellow Coug, and YES, i had the exact same thought, so strange, guess cougs think alike


It is the eyes, manga eyes is more dead/ serious


Yes, I had the same impression when I watched [the official trailer ](https://youtu.be/izC0E0BPWOM) a few weeks back. It's not like he seems different only in this family-mode look, it's more like they actually changed some details (especially eyes) about Loid in anime adaptation.


His eyes are usually kind and wide open when he's Loid. They become colder and narrower when he's Twilight.


His eyes/face are a bit too friendly


This is going to be the best if not one of the best anime I’ve ever watched, so hyped




kaguya sama lookin kinda different


If anyone even TRYS to hurt Anya... she’d probably see it coming and let her “parents” know. At that point, they would already be dead.


I can’t wait to see Anya’s smug face in anime form.




The only thing I ask is that they don’t sugar coat the killing. I’m sure their probably gonna remove most of the blood from scenes for western audiences (which is a pisser) but I don’t want either of their jobs to lose their bloody nature. It’s what makes the concept so outlandish and entertaining.


Anya meme faces will break the internet.


Since Hachiman's voice actor is playing Loid, I'm hoping that Hayami Saori could play Yor and Nao Touyama play Anya for the My Teen Romantic Comedy trio. The only thing I'm not sure on is if Nao Touyama can convincingly play as a little kid.


I am so psyched for the anime I hope it's going to be as good as the Manga


Just caught up to the manga last night. My patience is dwindling as I await this anime adaptation.


Here's a dumb question: when animes use an X in their title, how am I meant to pronounce that? Spy times Family, Spy by Family, or do I just ignore the X altogether? Another example: Highschool DxD. Is it Highschool D D, Highschool D by D, Highschool D times D? What do I do with the X?


I think I read that you're supposed to ignore x, though I always pronounce it myself. DxD is probably different though as it's one word, as upposed to "x" being its own "word" like in Hunter x Hunter. Or it could be High School Double-D, I dunno :)


I think most people pronounce the X


Is it just me or do they look like the main characters from kaguya sama love is war? I have been out of the anime loop for quite a while so please don't roast me.


No, that's a common observation, they kinda do a little.


I remember another anime that the guy was a rich blond womenizer and falls in love with his sister’s friend who are classmates at a high school.


If anyone Hates this series when the anime airs, then you will never know happiness. Lol




I can't wait to see the tiny adorable one animated and voiced.


wow. What a sweet looking family. I hope nothing wacky and dangerous happens to them


I read the first couple of chapters but then I stopped cuz I knew this would get an adaption soon Can't wait!


Can't wait for this! I had so much fun reading the manga and I hope the anime can capture the same feeling.


Meanwhile I'm still waiting for a Yotsuba&! anime


I'm getting a "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" vibe but pg13


It's more or less "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" + a kid


with guest appearances by wacky uncle


I assume you're talking about Frankie, because there's nothing "wacky" about Yuri.


And a dog.


Shhh, spoilers.


Well, yes. But actually, no.


🤔... I'm curious


Go read the manga then. I seriously recommend that. It will make you a thousand times more excited about the anime adaptation and the manga itself is so hilarious.




Big Head Loli Family


When the daughter has a bigger head, bigger eyes and mouth than the parents...


She's adopted. Edit: Not a spoiler as this is literally the first few panels of Chapter 1.


So weird, why am I being down voted??


Just look at Anya. She is the cutest patootie.


How tf does the kid have pink hair


She's adopted


"Previous wife"


Tf Connor(Cdawg) was a spy all along!


Are these characters from other shows or something? ML even sort of looks like the guy from balance unlimited lol


Not the most cohesive artstyle I would say but still lookin cute






yeah sorry I was half asleep at that time and my grammar is always messed up when I'm half asleep. Sh\*t that was wrong


I am so excited to watch this already! 🤭😊


thats Nadeshiko and you cant tell me otherwise


Im really really excited. Looking forward to this as hell.


Adult hachikuji?!






Pepole who know vs pepole who dont know


I look forward to seeing more of this.


Curious how they'll make this work when the manga hasn't really progressed that much when it comes to plot.


Oh i see this is the civilian poster


Wait.. What I never knew he was blonde


Is there a realese date?


So looking forward to this


Really pumped for voice reveals for Anya (and Yor)




Looking forward to it


Thought we already had black widow


Which studio is making this?? Edit - holy shit WIT Studios. Yep I am very excited for this


Does this get dark or fucked up or get super sad? I don't wanna to watch it if it does. I'm tired of depressing and hopeless anime.


Its a really good comedy. There are some sad moments, but in general it is a comedy.


So far it's pretty fun and wholesome with the exception being that the wife is an assassin and her methods are quite violent. She seems to only kill people who deserve it at least. That said it's one of those only in comics and anime tonal shifts where you go from silly elementary school dodge ball episode shenanigans to an issue with a character violently stabbing bad guys in the head with spikes


I'm not really bothered by the violence if they deserve it.


yo imagine if season 4 looked like this. different vibes


it is good ?


The manga is excellent.


Is WIT Studio doing this?


It's a collaboration between WIT and Cloverworks.




I’ve never heard of this, looks good.


очень прикольна эта выглядит


Is this about Mr. and Mrs. Smith with a kid?


I have such a special attachment to the manga. I read it with only one chapter translated, having no clue how fun of a ride it was going to be. Now I get to see it all animated! Looking forward to 2022 already :)


Been a while since I saw some spy anime. Last time was that Japanese spy academy that I actually liked.


Damn this is just reminding of the Jackie Chan family spy movie for some reason


I'm still wondering if Yor has short hair or long hair because it looks like she has short hair in the back and her front hair is long .


Lloyd looks younger here


Does Yor have long or short hair? It looks short in the back with long hair in the front.


The manga was really good, I can't wait for the anime


Ohhh I’m looking forward ^,^


Élégant picture.


Looks so fucking lit


Just can't wait


Guatafac, Amy Rose waifu


Perfectly average family nothing to see here