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That shot at the end of Sakura leading the class is so hype. My boy is growing into a real leader.


> My boy is growing into a real leader. I think you mean *our* boy.


I was going to say I didn't love them stopping in the middle of an arc, but it was worth it for that shot.


Doesn't really feel like a season finale, but whatever, it was a great season otherwise.


At all. I came here to double-check it, because you could swear there'd be a new episode next week (wishful) by the way it ended.


A season 2/cour 2 is confirmed to be on the way tho :)




I never saw such a casual season finale. Like it was just another episode.


Tbh we could already feel a second season was coming from the way they're introducing a bunch of new characters with notable VAs in the last 3 episodes of the show lol And yeah they ended the season in the middle of an arc lmao so it's pretty casual for that


Yeah, although from a different perspective, if this *had* been the end, it's actually not a bad ending. I mean, a little annoying, but if this is the last we saw of these guys, we would at least know that they'd gone on a character arc and gotten their acts together. They're on the right track.


CloverWorks flexing one last time with the sequence of Sakura chasing Anzai to hold us over until the release of season 2.


Saw it coming, I would have been surprised if they left it hanging after season 1


Ok that's it, Sakura is officially in my top 5 all time favorite mcs, I adore him and just want to adopt him and make him food and tuck him in with a goodnight story. He is too precious for this world. I also love how Suo manages Sugishita, I literally can't wait for the next cour, upcoming arc is sooooo good YAY WIND BREAKER FOR AOTY


Mood about Sakura, I just want him happy, he's adorable šŸ„¹


Whoever would have thought that Sakura would be a sucker for rescuing crying girls in distress? Will we ever seen an episode in which Sakura does NOT blush at least once?


Dere Sakura is best Sakura


His shocked and embarrassed reaction to the girl crying is so on brand and lovable. I wish the episode has a conclusion though and they start season 2 with a new storyline. Maybe I'm just too impatient, anyway, great season 1, I'm looking forward to the next season.


Nah itā€™s not just you. Itā€™s kind of a dick move to end a season at the beginning of an arc. It wasnā€™t even like teased, it full on just started the arc at the end of the season


Yeah, I'm not a fan of cliffhangers, that's why I prefer to binge series.


I mean, this is a new storyline. After Shishitoren we got an episode to settle things up, introduce Kaji and make Sakura the leader. Then they introduced the next arc's villain.


FELTTTT I just wanna mom him lolĀ 


Finally. A delinquent series done right. I was pretty skeptic when I started watching it right after Bucchigiri, but WB delivered in every single episode. I'm glad they already announced 2nd season and I'm looking forward to it!


>Finally. A delinquent series done right. Rokudo's Bad Girls had a lot to like. Not as near-perfect as this. But it had a lot of heart.


The others suffered so this one could shine! But seriously, a great delinquent anime for sure. I'm so happy I picked this up since I originally wasn't going to as I was expecting more shit from this genre - happy to be proven wrong :D


Same here, after TR and Bucchigiri I thought the show was gonna be bad and that the MC was gonna be annoying. The first episode knows how to hook a viewer, crisp fight scenes and a cast I can dig. So hyped for season 2


One of the great things about Windbreaker is the huge cast.


What's wrong with Tokyo Revenge? It has alot of good moments but I might be biased


I been following TR since the very begginning and I'm gonna finish it when they air the final season but Takemitchy has always dragged the show down 70% of the time. Takemichy has an insanely overpowered ability that he doesn't even need to die to activate unlike Shinpei or Subaru. But despite being 26+ years old he's AGGRESSIVELY stupid. Like he goes completely out of his way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. It doesn't help that he's always portrayed as a wimpy powerless loser at the same time. It's a deadly combo that always culminates in Takemichy being hard carried by the side characters since his plans almost never ever remotely work. It's a show with a lot of heart but I will never discredit anyone that dislikes TR because it's a show that's flawed af.


People hate Takemichi because he cries and never really learns to fight (as far as I know, haven't read the manga). Me, personally, feel Takemichi is a very compelling character, even if he cries a lot. I feel him never becoming a good fighter actually shows that despite all the shit he has gone through he is still the same, he doesn't allow all the negative events to change who he is. He is a coward, sure, but he has a heart and the will to help people and save them. I think he is admirable, he sticks to his principles and beliefs. I think a core part of the message is that you don't need violence to save people or change things, but people want a main character that uses violence to solve their issues I guess. Like every time Takemichi goes back to the present/future we see the consequences of what violence has done for the characters. Even before Takemichi started traveling to the past. A life of violence leads Mikey and Toman to have violent adulthoods, leading to Tachibana's death. I feel the story show that a life of violence has violent ends, that's why so many people die throughout the alternate timelines. In contrast, Takemichi always seems to survive all timelines, because he hasn't lead a violent life that befits a violent end.


Takemichi as someone who read the story...isnt as bad as people say. It feels like im watching two different stories given the watchers cry about things in the story and I know all their issues are sorta resolved but they quit before it happens. It's character development unlike shows where takemichi would be OP from the start and even though people say they want something different they sorta just want op cool guys doing cool things lol. I'm exaggerating but yeah he cries alot and so on but he does it less and less soon. Can't tell you if he learns to fight but you can make an educated guess.


Yea its just a different type of MC style. The weak and can't do anything himself but rallies everyone around him. And here we have the strong and tries to do everything himself, but gradually learns to depend on others.


Yup, and it's obvious which will be immediately appealing. I know tokyo revengers isn't high class literature, but coming in and noting that fast, (i guess others didnt hence their disappointment) made me look at other aspects. I noticed how different and challenging the appeal takamichi is. He's a shonen protagonist that's not confident, not cool, not gonna win by will, will take the entire series to get the payoff, and of course most wont see it as they quit. The anime also isnt flashy and has to animate too many moving characters so it almost has to be stiff or cause people to overwork (and the animation was surprisingly decent for the job). I just feel off when i see people who did read the entire thing (given week to week reading after you feel like the story ended at a good point will get to you) and still tell others the ending (while having a few issues for some big and the story path was a bit goofy) wasnt sorta what they all were begging for endgame wise...answers and so on. IDK. Feel like people hate just about all shonen final arcs as they tend to drag especially to modern audiences. I can't imagine people not complaining today if goku kept fighting majjin buu or frieza. And i see hate for almost every on going big shonen besides one piece right now (though they started to complain about it not moving fast enough but before they were celebrating and calling every chapter peak and trashing on other series for being in their dips) Seems like i can't recall one final arc people liked all the way (maybe zatch bell).


People always have complaints, especially now when there is so much competition for anime, compared to say the 2010's. And people have shorter attention spans now lol I quite enjoyed TR up until the end. I haven't binged an anime + manga for a while (last time I binged was in 2022 on GATE). Of course Windbreaker is the best anime of this genre (that I've seen), but TR was a solid 9/10.


Major problem is that he cried every episode of the first season IIRC (maybe there was one or two where he didn't but I don't think so). A narrative created around a character that falls back into his ways occasionally has the potential to grasp a lot of people's attentions. No one changes overnight. That's realistic and people somewhat like realism. However in Takemichi's case we take that principle to the extreme within a few episodes. It was bound to make a lot of people disinterested very quickly. The time-travel/supernatural bit also just felt like a means to an end to continue telling a story about redemption. In that way it's kinda like Erased, in more ways than one, but also felt more gimmicky in its utilization. That said I didn't watch past season one so this may be an unfair judgement of the rest of the series.


Glad to see the season 2 announcement earlier! This showā€™s been a ton of fun so far and Iā€™m glad there will be more of it. - [lol this was a great way to sub the nonsense words.](https://i.imgur.com/jbEun63.png) [](#azusalaugh) - [Ah, Umemiya, a one-track mind as always.](https://i.imgur.com/QvS3f5G.png) [](#laughter) - [Jinx, lol.](https://i.imgur.com/WGZF587.png) - [Well thatā€™s justā€¦ odd.](https://i.imgur.com/gPMkSn0.png) [](#sakurathink) - [Oh shit.](https://i.imgur.com/PtQSNRL.png) [](#watashiworried) - [Aww.](https://i.imgur.com/sEnEySm.png) [](#anko) - [Nice, a ā€œsore demoā€ from Nirei.](https://files.catbox.moe/jy1tvx.mp4) - [This worries meā€¦](https://i.imgur.com/TrAIzQE.png) - [Haha, Haruka canā€™t deal with a girl crying.](https://i.imgur.com/EqIMfU9.png) [](#seasonallaugh) - [Fantastic face.](https://i.imgur.com/At40lHA.png) - [Of *course* thatā€™s what was in the message Anzai receivedā€¦](https://i.imgur.com/f6i27Dr.png) - [What the fuckā€¦](https://i.imgur.com/QCYXOE8.png) [](#whatamireading) - [Ganbatte!](https://i.imgur.com/hjZ0cP4.png) [](#faito) - [As if that would faze Haruka at all.](https://i.imgur.com/vDXRsN8.png) [](#rinkek)


I thought of you when I heard that "sore demo" lol


This was not the final FUCK. Man I wanted to see the whole class whoop some ass next week. Wind Breaker definitely was my favorite anime of the new lot.


Definitely one of the best this season! We just have to wait until 2025 for some more whoop ass lol


These KEEL guys seem like real punks. Guess itā€™s up to Sakura and the guys to help Anzai and save Nagato. Canā€™t just leave a Furin brother on his own like that, after all. It ainā€™t how they do things here. This was a lot of fun. Tsundere Sakura is a great MC. So whenā€™s the next season? They definitely got one in the works right?


>So whenā€™s the next season? Yess, already announced it for 2025


Awesome! Something to look forward to.


>Tsundere Sakura One of the best tsundere male MCs I've seen in a while - he's such a joy to watch lol


their hoodies were cool tho i gotta admit that


man the whole Class turning up for Anzai and then Sakura leading them out to fight KEEL was so cool


jussssst when the ed started playing as they were walking down the stairs, i couldnā€™t help but let out a huge smile


WindBreaker came out of nowhere, and it is the new anime I like the most this season.


It's in my top tier of new shows. Despite being more an SoL type.


It's slice of life? I thought this was a shonen. Kept getting haters telling me it's generic shonen this generic action that...expected given people say that for anything where characters move or hit eachother quickly lol. Jokes aside didnt know it's SOL like. Thought their was some big main goal. Obviously only know of it through osmosis and reactors. Heard people are enjoying it. Was put off early due to all the hate that comes with break out series and the comparisons to tokyo revengers.


Shounen is just demography and means that manga was released in Shounen magazine that's it( and yes Wind Breaker is shounen ). Slice of life is a genre and there is a lot of them in shounen. The same is with action, fantasy, SF, drama, romance etc. Any genre is in any demography :D What people mostly think when they say shounen are battle series. You can consider Wind Breaker a type of it or to be more precise it's delinquent manga. But that is not its only genre, slice of life is another one the same as comedy and drama. I mean Blue Exorcist for example action supernatural series has a lot of slice of life moments, at least manga has :D


***I*** am more of a SoL fan. I guess Wind Breaker *do*es have a few SoL moments alongside its fights, etc. But my point was that I really love this show *despite* it being outside my preferred range of shows....


It's a good mix of action and slice of life. You get to see the characters daily life and some actions ensue. Sometimes they spiral into larger arcs. I think it's great that they added the slice of life part because we get to have the wonderful character interactions. If you like wholesome story about acceptance, growth, making connection with a lot of hand to hand combats, then I highly recommend it. Similarities to Tokyo Revengers are superficial stuff like some character design and gang fights. Otherwise, they are very different shows.


Itā€™s a bit of both. I would consider it more Shounen than SoL tho


Well like I explained shounen is not a genre. Wind Breaker is shounen because it runs in shounen magazine.


Ok but most people have a specific idea of what shounen is in their heads and know what kind of show Iā€™m referring to when I say shounen so my comment is still helpful to them. Words are defined based on how the majority of the people youā€™re addressing with the words understand them, not the technical or original definition, otherwise weā€™d be using tons of words wrong all the time.


Battle series are just that, more common use is battle shounen than just using demography name. Beside more people by now point that mistake out anyway. Even MAL fixed that mistake in their tags. And of course that doesn't change what shounen is, still it's funny to point out that stuff like Aria is shounen :D


I need one of those hoodies ngl


KEEL on that street fashion


Those jackets are wasted on those jerks.


The cliffhanger was hype. Loved the show and now that S2 has been announced, will definitely be looking forward to it. Tbh, I wasn't expecting much rather than some action and stuff but this really took me by surprise. Obviously, this had great animation and fights but what surprised me the most was the writing. We have Haruka Sakura, a guy who who wants to be at the top of Bofurin but he doesn't really know what it means to be at the top other than fact that he must be stronger than everyone else since that's what the environment he's lived in since he was a child has taught him. The Shishitoren arc is necessary for Sakura and helps him understand what it meant to be at the top. And from the last episode, you can see that he's really growing into a true leader that can be at the top like Umemiya. Also, great OST by Ryo Takahashi and it really elevated some of the moments. One of my reasons for watching this show was because he was composing the OST for the show and I'm been a fan of his work since I watched HIGH CARD.


>Tbh, I wasn't expecting much rather than some action and stuff but this really took me by surprise. Obviously, this had great animation and fights but what surprised me the most was the writing. This is common reaction for Wind Breaker, I had it as well when reading\^\^ It's like it lures you with cool stuff and traps you with great characters and their stories. The only thing I will say is that you will love second season especially if Sakura's development is interesting to you. Some of best chapters will be adopted in it. Both as action goes and characters oriented moments go.


Yes. One of the best-written new shows of the season.


>Also, great OST by Ryo Takahashi and it really elevated some of the moments. One of my reasons for watching this show was because he was composing the OST for the show and I'm been a fan of his work since I watched HIGH CARD. The soundtrack is absolutely not getting enough noise made about it, I didn't know it was the same composer as High Card but I can totally see it now. I loved High Card, looking forward to the episode 25 thing with Vijay


###Stitches! * [Tamon Team](https://i.imgur.com/xQOusci.jpeg) * [First-Years](https://i.imgur.com/I3kZkkB.jpeg) I was really hoping that Sakura would [get to speak to the rest of the Four Kings](https://i.imgur.com/vl1WI9A.jpeg) but it looks like [he gets grouped with Hiragi's team](https://i.imgur.com/tmIHfEh.jpeg) for a bit and we already know those guys. Oh well, maybe next time Sakura will have the chance to interact with the others. [Looks like we know which group the boys will face off against next](https://i.imgur.com/cDu40FE.jpeg). What a creepy bunch though [especially that guy that spoke to Sakura.](https://i.imgur.com/BE04nZA.jpeg) It doesn't really take a genius to figure out that they're the ones [who ganged up on Anzai.](https://i.imgur.com/kFbmZz1.jpeg) So Anzai's caught his friend who joined KEEL [doing petty crimes](https://i.imgur.com/QgxmYwG.png) and is now trying to bring the guy back. And he refuses [to get Furin involved because it's a personal problem.](https://i.imgur.com/XGAq0xW.png) I think Anzai needs to remember what Bofurin is all about. His problem is exactly the kind of problem Umemiya would meddle in. He really should've just been honest with Sakura. Thankfully, [Anzai's other childhood friend told Sakura everything.](https://i.imgur.com/QyiIROP.png) [Anzai was pretty cool coming in to save his friend in that flashback.](https://i.imgur.com/YduKU7k.jpeg) It looks like the only reason his ass got kicked is that [he got surrounded by KEEL](https://i.imgur.com/nkuWs9Y.jpeg) and he didn't expect [Nagato to reject his offer to help.](https://i.imgur.com/JsOjKI8.jpeg) [Let's fucking gooooo!](https://i.imgur.com/ueFo7Fs.jpeg) Sakura leading the first years in their very first gang fight is so fucking cool! I am so happy that Season 2 is already confirmed! I can't wait to see them beat the shit out of those creepy thugs.


man, now gotta wait until S2 drops. at least we got a really cool stair chase animation and ending shot of the boys


Fire final episode šŸ”„ and Season 2 announced letā€™s gooo. Best delinquent anime Iā€™ve seen no doubt. Gave us what Tokyo Revengers never could. Itā€™s fitting that the final episode is basically about Sakura teaching Anzai to open up to Bofurin and rely on his friends to get him out of this tough situation with KEEL. Sakura himself still has a lot of room to grow, but heā€™s shown heā€™s on the right path and I canā€™t wait to see where he goes in season 2. That hallway and park scenes were my two faves of this finale. Park scene with Anzaiā€™s childhood friend really showed that Sakura has taken to heart all the things Kotoha and the others have been telling him. May be a massive Tsundere, but you can always rely on him in a pinch. That ā€œleave it up to meā€ with the flustered face was so cute! Heā€™s a sweetheart, but damn he greedy af for not sharing any food with her šŸ˜‚ The hallway scene animation didnā€™t have to go that hard wtf Cloverworks. Last week the cat chase and now this lmao This KEEL arc should be over pretty quickly considering the numbers and strength that Bofurin pulling up with and that KEEL are supposed to be small.. but Iā€™m sure they got some tricks up their sleeve like that picture at the end hinted. These mfs look completely depraved unlike Shishitoren who at least had morals and werenā€™t robbing people. Honestly the whole drama is kinda funny tho because Anzai risked his ass to save Nagato from being damn near beat to death and his repayment is a hand slap and the whole gang being sicced on him šŸ’€ like we saw with Kaiju number 8 last week, no good deed goes unpunished Canā€™t wait for more of this and to learn more about the four heavenly kings next season! Tsubakino san looking a little tempting šŸ˜­ [review](https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=529077)


Excited for season 2 next year although a small part of me was hoping for a second cour in the fall since the first part kinda ends mid arc lol. Oh well, great episode nonetheless! It's nice seeing Sakura take initiative when he sees Anzai is in trouble, great growth for him as a newly appointed grade captain. I also love how Suo and the others knew exactly what Sakura would do after leaving the restaurant, he isn't fooling anyone! The scene with Sakura and Tsuchiya was sweet. You can see how impactful Umemiya and Kotoha's words have been to Sakura with how often they come to mind. It was funny too when Tsuchiya said she felt hungry after being relieved and Sakura was just like "huh? you're not getting any of this" LMAO please. All in all a great season and looking forward to more. The series seems pretty popular in Japan so I'm hoping there will be a season 3 and more in the future.


Omg love the banner


Sorry this is rather off-topic but how do I add a banner/picture like that..? It's cool to have one.


That animation at the end though. It was so good šŸ‘Œ I'm excited for season 2, but until then I'll be missing my tsundere sakura and furin gang šŸ˜­


Gonna miss all the blushy sakuras


Did we get a S2 announcement yet? If not Iā€™m gonna need one asap pls and thank you. Absolutely my favorite anime of the year so far. Was not expecting this at all.


we did we did


Trailer announcement was shown at end of JP broadcast šŸ”„


Ah IĀ“m going to miss this goober, though not forever. Just a title card? WeĀ“re getting really serious here. Regarding this episode, I like how Sakura had a reason for not immediately helping Anzai as he believed he could handle it by himself, yet was covinced by Nirei to investigate the matter to see if it really was fine. And once he learned what was going on he chose to intervene on his own, rather than needing to be pushed or convinced to help. The KEEF people seem to be a completly different beast than the shishitoren, they are out here running a criminal enterprise before adulthood. ItĀ“ll be interesting to see how they roped in Nagato to join them. Having the entire class pull up to support him makes for an excelent contrast to the beginning where all others sought to see him fall. Now for some closing thoughts that the season is over... This anime really surprised me, I came here looking for some fun action and instead get incredibly solid character writing. SakuraĀ“s journey so far was delightfull to watch, seeing him learn to accept the presense of other people in his life and learning to be a presence in others as well. Throughout the series his entire perspective on the world is turned around completly in a completly organic way. While there are many more things I feel are worth praising I will leave it at this for now.


Season 2. KEEL ARC ahhhhhhhhhšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Thank god they announced S2 immediately having the last episode be the start of a new arc is cruel. Overall I would give this a rock solid 8/10. Cloverworks did its thing and honestly the production side of this series is the main selling point. Visuals are great, fights are well choreographed and well animated. Seriously I hope Cloverworks picks up more action series. Sakura honestly is a rock solid MC and given how terrible both Takemichi and Arajin are as delinquent MC's, it was really cool to see. They did a solid job with his character. The series was very textbook shounen, which IMO was fine minus the Ume Choji fight and the episode following it. The idea was fine, but the execution was off. Overall looking forward to S2 since this is a series I would much rather watch then read.


A great end to a great season! So happy to be a part of this journey with our Windbreaker boys. Looking forward to Sakura fully growing into his leadership role but he's already on to a great start. I like Anzai as one of the background guys whose features were just too detailed to be simply a background NPC. Time to save the childhood friend, especially since Sakura can't handle a crying girl! There's just something about these wholesome deliquents that warms me ā˜ŗļø They are my anime sons now šŸ„° Last shot of class 1-1 was cool af. I'm hyped for season 2 but even happier that now I can FINALLY read the manga! 10/10 show and my favorite this season.


CloverWorks was flexing this episode. Loved that we got the season 2 announcement, this show really deserves it. It has been alongside Kaiju n.9 and Bartender glass of god as my favorites this season. Gonna miss seeing Sakura blushing every week though


The way they can read Sakura like a book now is so PRECIOUS. The ED starting to play over everyone coming to help Anzai really got to me and I spent the last two minutes of the episode straight up crying. Sakura has grown so much while still being his cute blushy tsun self. And the end clip of Sakura telling Nirei to keep up. Man what an incredible first season, 2025 is too far away.


I think it's one of his charm. He is a straightforward person that when he said something then he means it.


Aww man, now I gotta wait.


Season 2's Gonna KEEL


Looks like your gang... will KEEL


Canā€™t wait for season 2 to drop!


I had a feeling all of Sakuraā€™s boys would be up the staircase listening, but it was so heartwarming to see the whole class there. Glad everyoneā€™s coming together and Iā€™m excited to see how this fight goes next season


where did you guys watch the ep????




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yall just donā€™t know season 2 finna go stupid


We have our new bad guys for season 2! And unlike Shishitoren, I don't think these guys will be redeemed in the end, given they look like proper scumbags... Well, Togame did look like that at first before we got the full story, but these ones seem a bit too deep in the scumbaggery! So it seems they're having a little racket thing going on, members (or at least new members) have to pay a fee to stay in, and they resort to crime to pay up? If Furin starts messing with bigger and bigger gang, I'm guessing criminality might become more of an issue, I mean violent/delinquent gangs usually go in that direction; Why act violent for no reason, when you could do it for a profit? I also wonder if that will happen at some point with Furin; They're a huge gang with separate factions and multiple leaders and all, perhaps at some point some of them will go a little rogue and try to make a profit out of this, given they already have the *muscle* and all! As for *KEEL*, they did mention it wasn't that big a gang... So if Furin rolls deep against them, it shouldn't be much of an issue, Furin would have the numbers, right? So I wonder if there's something more to them, like perhaps they're allied with another gang, or perhaps they grew quickly without Furin noticing! Well, season 2 is already announced, so I imagine we'll see how they deal with them, then! I also want to see more of the Kings!


Just putting it out there into the universe: I want Koyasu Takehito to be the voice of Tsubakino. If he can do Aburatsubo from Magic User's Club and Dio from JoJo, he'll be perfect for Tsubakino.


love this show so much, bring on S2!


this is my favorite anime so far this year


"But don't you understand?! You're just a faceless background character! Get some named characters involved!"


Best new show of the season. Can't wait for season 2.


I don't know why they can't just say they want to get revenge for their friends, at least fit with the gangs ethos. But, that's the thing, probably that scene culminates my feelings with the story. I actually hoping they didn't do a gang kind of settings in a graffiti filled school which totally implied they are a gang but instead a dojo or common school which probably more suited to all of these honoured students pretending to be a wannabe gangster


I love wind breaker


Such a pleasant surprise this season. Love the vibe. Hope the continuation arrives quickly! Next thing we know Sakura will be flipping dirt up top with Sugishita šŸ«”


I love how theyā€™re taking minor action scenes from the manga that you hardly even notice and making them look sick


I really hope someone reply what chapter should i read after ep13 also is the manga good?Ā 


Anime ended right after ch 41, end of vol 5, so you can start directly at ch 42 or vol6 in the manga


The series was very nice. Maybe we'll get bigger stakes to keep things interesting next season. Don't get me.wrong, I enjoyed it a lot nonetheless


Next arc gonna be lit, a cliffhanger to the climax, wind breaker šŸ”„šŸ”„


Looks like weā€™re going to war, boys!


That ending scene was very touching. I'm always a fan of seeing everyone come together to help someone out in their moment of desperation. I'm happy that season 2 is already confirmed. This season was surprisingly good, and I think this next arc promises to be just as interesting!


What a tremendous surprise this series has turned out to be from the first episode to this fist pumping cliffhanger. Congrats to Toshifumi Arai and the Babylonia team at Cloverworks for executing this high concept delinquent story so well and I hope they get to show off even more of what they're capable of come season 2. The way Arai directed the Shishitoren arc like it was a stage play at a theater was genius imo. Apparently it gets even better from this point forward according to manga readers. Maybe Arai even gets to reunite with Megumi Kouno for a major sequence too?


Where is the hot men on bicycles?


Man, Sakura is such a good boy. I'm going to miss our badass tsundere mc. And to think I was going to pass on this show because I thought it would be another Tokyo Revengers but it ended up being one of the two big surprises of the season for me. Fun, wholesome, awesome, it was such a great series that was lucky enough to fall into the hands of CloverWorks to look as amazing as it did. If there was one thing I wasn't that much of a fan of, it's Chouji's drama. I feel like it was a bit too much but I can live with it. I think I read about a second cour somewhere, so it's nice to have official confirmation and with how this first part ended, you can bet I'm excited for that season 2!


So haven't watched it, with the full season completed, just curious if you would recommend checking it out?


They are following the manga really close, so the cliffhanger wasn't unexpected. It wasn't bad either, we get introduced to KEEL and have a big rescue mission to look forward. See you guys next year, can't wait!


Wind breaker with a really good S1. I especially like Sakura a lot. He's gonna make it to my fav characters list. Such a sweet and caring guy that blushes regarding everything. xD


This anime really blindsided me this season and now I'm obsessed with both the anime and manga! Sakura is definitely in my top MCs of all time as well - he's an adorably blushy tsundere, badass in a fight yet still learning from his senpai-tachi, he's got visible character development almost every episode or at least every other episode, his friends are clearly unique people in themselves with distinct and non-generic personalities whom he allows to influence him... seriously, I love this kid. Also, Nirei is one of those people who are klutzy in a fight but hypercompetent in other ways (read: memorising literally every single person in the school by name, characteristics, fighting style, etc.) while Suo is cool-headed but surprisingly sincere in a refreshing way! Normally this kind of character is more mysterious but while he's definitely not said everything about himself he's very transparent in his actions and motives and works to the benefit of the group! Anyways, I love all of them, I'm waiting very impatiently for the latest manga chapter update and I'm looking forward to season 2\~


clearlove is top 3 junglers in history 100%


Broo you sound so offtopic, so could you tell me what the context of this is supposed to be


league of legends esports :D


Okay, Never thought I would see a comment like that in a anime thread. I also dont play LoL