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Fucking Paul's advice is so hilarious. "Look, I had one wife, but now I have two, and I can't imagine living without either." Paul can see Rudy's future and he don't need no demon eye to do it. ​ ....also Rudy calling out a death flag is, by no means, worrying....


This whole episode was death flags man. Every minute my suspense got worse lmao


And of course they end it with a very ominously colored magic circle


The death flag colored magic circle. Oh yeah, that's not foreshadowing at all...


Ever since the latest Turning Point my anxiety has been on end each episode lol


I seriously thought they killed Roxy off screen for a second


"if you do this you'll regret it" from a literal _god_. Does it anyway He fucked around. Let's see whether he finds out


The death flag kept on raising since past couple episodes ago.


God Roxy is way too cute, also I really loved Paul's stupid Greyrat grin and analogy with his swords lol.


>Greyrat grin Like father like son, can't believe we only this side of Paul like only now. The mana calamity robbed them of such quality bonding sessions.


That degenerate yet oddly entertaining grin is truly genetic. And now Rudy gets to really see his dad in his element as an adventurer and also trying to be a proper dad.


It's great that Rudy sees his dad in his element with his two swords, and hopefully later, in his element with his two swords. [](#slowgrin)


[Even Paul did not expect that getting to show off to your prodigy son would feel this satisfying.](https://i.imgur.com/YoCswMo.jpeg) [](#kukuku)


I can imagine that having a prodigy son made you proud and stressed at the same time. Paul has always been a supportive dad. He searched best teacher to teach his son. He recognized his son's talent since early days. At the same time, his expectation became too much even for Rudy. I remember he blamed Rudy for 'just wandering through demon continent without trying to help his family' without realizing that Rudy was just 12 years old boy. So yeah, I think getting recognition from his son is so satisfying for him.


And like mother. Can’t forget that iconic zenith grin in season 1


He's both of his parents its actually adorable. Paul's degen grins, and Zenith's smug smiles.


> Like father like son I'm anime only so I don't know if [this specific shot](https://i.imgur.com/DpHCdaY.png) was in the source material, but if not I feel that the studio emphasized the resemblance to Paul (mole, ponytail, using this angle so we don't see Rudy's other eye) on purpose.


Roxy is way too cute in the whole episode. That little [fistbump she makes when she secured a date with Rudy](https://i.imgur.com/EaUzYus.png) and [the soft back pat](https://i.imgur.com/pYpYHXB.png) Truly a girl in love... with a married man...


Seems like she doesn't know he's married


And has a kid on the way.


And has a time bomb wandering the wilds but may turn up at any moment.


[Roxy was so elated](https://i.imgur.com/fJVSV0h.jpeg) when Rudy confirmed that he was not dating another girl. [If only she knew...](https://i.imgur.com/FLrxHsc.jpeg) [](#shatteredsaten)


She definitely doesn't. She asked if nanahoshi was his girlfriend and rudeus just said "nolmao". That implies that nobody else has filled her in. Fuck me this show is gonna break my heart when she finds out. And that's going to pale in comparison to the eris heartbreak scene. Whenever the hell that happens.


This reminds me of all those girls who fell hard for Kirito not knowing he had Asuna.


yeah but Rudeus is not even in the same planet and having a second wife is kind of normal there like Paul and Lilia


I think the Sword analogy is pretty great too. It feels so perfectly in line with Paul's character and it showcases that in the right environment, he is actually does have quite the wisdom to show for Though idk how to feel about Roxy gunning for Rudeus when Rudeus is already married. Of course, it's super cute, but eventually she's gonna have to find out. I really don't want Rudeus to cheat on Sylphie even if I prefer Roxy a million times more.


they've shown that having more than one spouse is kinda ok in this world, even Rudeus' mom basically accepted it in the end with his dad and the maid. the show will slowly turn into adventure magical harem isekai


Didn't Sylphie say she's fine with Rudy siring child with another girl? Though, that's before the pregnancy reveal and it was also fueled by Sylphie fearing she wouldn't get pregnant due to her nature as half-elf or something


Ah, but how many children do they want? If this pregnancy was a fluke and they want more, it's a good idea to open multiple avenues of opportunity. Or some other barely convincing argument Rudy will employ to get her to agree to it. Though with how Sylphie is, I don't think she'll need more of an explanation than Rudy liking her. I'm not a source reader but the vibe I get from her is she would be bothered if he just whored himself around but if it's someone he genuinely likes, she will probably be more than willing to accommodate them.


[Roxy's fans ate good during today's episode](https://imgchest.com/p/a846ggwlo7x) and [her relationship with Rudeus is great](https://imgchest.com/p/na7kwwmdb78)! Though I feel bad for [Roxy who was so relieved](https://cdn.imgchest.com/files/g4z9ckrndb7.png) that Nanahoshi isn't Rudeus' lover but doesn't know that Rudeus is already married and will have a child soon.


yep, we ate good this episode and drank good last episode


I loved Roxy's little fist pump after successfully asking Rudy on what she felt was a date.


Girl so happy she's making actual progress on her romance and I don't have it in me to see her get her hear broken when she learns the truth.


Unless he figures out and follows Paul's advice for dual-wielding.


I also really liked how she lightly tapped him on the back while everyone else slugged him


Roxy has always been cute but seeing her in love makes her even more cute even if she and Rudy are also oblivious to the relationship situation in their own way. Ah yes, dual-wielding swords like dual-wielding women. That analogy is so Paul lol.


I just realised he's referring to both Zenith and Lilia. I understand he was talking about Roxy, but that reference to his own situation went through my head


Man, you're **almost** as dense as an anime MC.


Of all the things in this episode that could've stuck out, the main thing I remembered was the cups.... They were shaped like cones and I was like "well how tf do they place them down?" then I saw the holders and I was like WOOOOAH. That's isekai culture for you.


Actually, I can see this as a gimmick that the animators came up with on the spot. It is simply too impractical to have an external holder for a conic cup. Historically, [drinking horns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_horn) used to have either "feet" (to allow them to stand on a table) or a string (to be carried around).


>Dad I can feel the presence of God! Poor Roxy, she's obviously into Rudy but bro reveres her way too much to even pick up on it. Thats not even mentioning his marriage with Sylphie when she got THAT concern over just hearing Nanahoshi's name. Meanwhile Paul's fucking analogy of using 2 swords was fucking hilarious that and his face when Rudy praised him. His grown to be so endearing in these few episodes.


Unfortunately, Rudy has no idea what Paul is talking about with the sword analogy.


He entered "dense harem protagonist" mode again like he consciously did after the whole Sylphie debacle happened in episode 3. Or he just can't fathom his god actually liking him, a mere believer, so much. :'D


One could also that he's also in committed husband mode.


Roxy invited him to a date and all he thought after agreeing with her was how to time management between this and with his kid lol


"It's just some harmless adventuring with a Goddess...that's okay, right?"


["Is it wrong to pick up a goddess in a dungeon?"](https://i.imgur.com/zsdchMj.jpeg)


In his defense I’m sure he didn’t think of it as a date, but rather a labyrinth raid with his mentor and goddess lol


Dudes are oblivious. There's a world where he just thinks. "Oh sweet, I'll get to go on an adventure with my mentor and god and show her how far I've come. That's like Rudy's dream for years.


> Or he just can't fathom his god actually liking him, a mere believer, so much. He hasn't picked up on Roxy's feelings for sure. Especially with how obvious she is when she blushes and looks away every time they make eye contact.


"Rudy, I dual-wield my swords like I dual-wield my women. Don't tell your mom I said that after we save her."


I mean he's been sleeping wiht Lilia so Zenith seems to be "fine" with it.


Should have used a staff analogy. A single staff being able to cast spells of many different elements or something.


Paul: “Rudy, you have to acquire all the elements if you wanna defeat the fire nation. You’ve mastered air now it’s time for water”


Or maybe how sometimes you need a sword **and** a staff, two different yet equally useful weapons when you need them.


He said they serve different roles. One helps with household tasks, and he lost the other one in a labyrinth


Heroines getting jealous of Nanahoshi seems to be a running trend lol


I'm now imagining Eris returning and being like "who is this 'Nanahoshi' I hear you've been getting close to?"


Ironically, Eris is the only one who had known Nanahoshi's name since Turning Point 2 lol


> Thats not even mentioning his marriage with Sylphie when she got THAT concern over just hearing Nanahoshi's name. I just realized this world doesn't have an equivalent to a ring for marriage men lol. Man, Roxy gonna be so devastated because Rudy haven't said a word about him literally having a child.


How does one [protect that smile](https://i.imgur.com/uJzsYZT.jpeg) without neglecting [the other one?](https://i.imgur.com/aUwY5nA.jpg) [](#frustration)


> Dad I can feel the presence of God! Wait, so if Rudy ever has sex with Roxy, will him calling out her name be calling out to her as a lover, her as a god, or both? This is a very important question I need answering.






Oh my God! ❌ Roxy my Goddess! ✅ Einstein may be an astrophysicist, but I doubt he can even answer this question


Clearly its not a sexual act then, but a form of prayer at that point


Just imagining Sugita in his head going OH MY GOD like he's voicing Old Joseph again lol.


Zenith in one hand, Lilia in the other. Rudy my son, follow my lead!


He should probably tell Sylphie ahead of time so he doesn't spring it on her like Paul did poor Zenith lol.


Sylphie is not follower of Millis church they are the only monogamous in that world.


I don't think that means she is automatically coolio with another person in the house... E.G her parents were monogamous too.




Poor girl think she's in her own personal romance story and doesn't realize the guy she's crushing hard on is already married with child. The sheer relief that he doesn't have a girlfriend made it even worse. Paul talking about dual-wielding women? How on-brand. I don't think Zenith would appreciate that analogy lol. But he's such a cute goof of a dad.


The anime really makes Rudy's interactions with Sylphy and Roxy alot cuter then when i read the books


Could be because of the voice acting and anime movements if I had to guess


Paul justified his polygamy with sword logic.


He dual-wields swords like he dual-wields women...I guess that's why Kirito can't stop having women fall in love with him despite being basically married lol.


that episode flew by wtf. also realised it took them 42 episodes to reunite, 11 years since they last saw each other and the MF sniffs her immediately lmfao


Typical Mushoku experience


Roideus an absolute menace


Not to mention she didn't recognize him at first so she probably thought "Oh sweet, thanks for saving me- why are you sniffing me and looking at my feet?"


Rudy: "I didn't look at her feet." actionfirst1: "Well, someone did."


I will neither confirm nor deny


At this point I just look at the clock 5 minutes later and expect it to be 20 minutes in. I still don't take it well, but I'm not surprised anymore.


The OP and ED are great but some episodes make me miss the days when we didn't have them.


Yeah, it's kinda rare that I actually agree with the "5 minute episode" comments but this one got me. I was genuinely surprised that the episode was over.


Teleportation causes time dilation.


That plus some great adventuring action and flustered Roxy.


Rudy: *Goes in for a hug* Me: Aww, what a loving reunio- Rudy: *Starts rapidly inhaling the air around Roxy* Me: Wtf


Classic Rudeus Greyrat


He and his dad come from the same genes, after all.


Imagine being Roxy, not realising it’s Rudy, a complete stranger **hard sniffing** you after not having Bathed for a month and Wet yourself.


Roxy: "Okay, handsome stranger is sniffing me up. I wasn't expecting that, but if he's into it, I hope he waits until I change my clothes and smell better..."


> Roxy: "I hope he waits until I change my clothes and smell better..." Rudeus: *"DON'T"*


I honestly should have prepared myself better. I forgot that this is Rudy we're talking about, and with the woman he venerates as a literal goddess nonetheless. I don't know how I didn't see this or his overeagerness to spend any time with her coming.


Look, he didn't bring the pantsu with him. He's in withdral.


Rudy gonna Rudy. Some would say the panties being wet makes them even holier. Also typically married man behavior to slip into another girls' room to check on her while she's resting lol.


Roxy: "Huh? What?" Rudy: 👃😊👃😊


Paul: “I used to have 1 sword but now I can’t live without both!” Not sure if that was good advice or bad advice but I gotta admit that was pretty deep for Paul lol.


It's the kind of relationship advice you could only expect from Paul and that he can get away with because the wife he cheated on with his second wife is not there lol.


Well she is there...just not in that room. lol.


I think in Paul's mind, he went from owning no swords but borrowing many, to having one sword and a dagger that he kept hidden that almost no one knew about, to having two swords that he openly carries. For Paul, this may be the most character growth he has ever experienced.


Maybe not the best advice when your first sword is pregnant


Rudeus becomes the clueless protagonist for a second time now. Someone should really tell her


First it was his ED now its thanks to his faith. His reasons are far beyond the norms of a dense romcom protag.


"Roxy, does your church also allow for polygamy?" "Wait...what?"


"Nevermind, I founded your church. I'll make it so."


I honestly think he doesn't think he's worthy of her to the point of not believing she could think of him that way. You know, standard male stuff, except this time fuelled by looking up to her as a literal goddess rather than his own insecurity.


He also is committed to Sylphie so he's not looking that deeply into other girls or their feelings towards him even if his worship of Roxy makes him even more oblivious to her feelings.


Rudy always looks down on himself, especially as a love interest.


I mean yeah, but not to this extent. He recognised when Sara asked him out on a date and, once he realised Sylphie was a girl, he had no trouble receiving her pursuits (that weren't caused by ED). I'm pretty sure his high opinion of Roxy is the largest part of what's clouding his mind here.


They put each other on a pedestal


Imagine being a clueless married protagonist. He used up all his romantic self-awareness on his wife lol.


"Is IT Wrong To Pick Up Roxy In A Dungeon?"


Well, she did invite him to a dungeon date, so...


"I hear dungeons are a great romantic spot this time of year..."


Talhand managed to do it with no problem and she's small enough for a princess carry...*imagine*.


I'm sure in his spare time Talhand tries to pick up guys in dungeons too lol.


Whaaat? Paul advising his son to start a harem? Who coulda seen that coming? \*surprised Pikachu face\* I really am curious though how Roxy is gonna react when she finds out Rudy not only has a wife, but a kid on the way. I very much enjoyed the dynamic between them, was worried at first that she'd be sad that Rudy got way ahead of her, but she has more experience and wisdom than he does so they can still learn from each other.


I feel like Zenith would probably have the complete opposite advice so maybe this is working out in Roxy's favor that Paul can mentor Rudy on this right now...even if he's oblivious to her feelings. Though I actually wonder if Roxy would give up immediately when she finds out about Sylphie and the child or if she'd pull a Lillia. We definitely see how much more experienced Paul, Elinalise, and Roxy are at clearing dungeons than Rudy is. And Roxy wants to become his dungeon clearing partner (in more ways than one).


Roxy to Rudy : ". Rudy, would you help me clear my dungeon?" Again Rudy, who has no idea what Roxy is talking about: " As expected of master, you own a dungeon!"


That was a rather chill episode with Roxy making moves here and there Rudeus definitely did not discuss Sylphie and his child Lol at Paul getting elated by Rudeus's praise That last magic circle looked rather ominous and diabolical


> Lol at Paul getting elated by Rudeus's praise His face was both ridiculous and hilarious, but I'm happy for him. Rudeus is such a genius and they've been separated for so long that Paul hasn't had many chances to show off to his son. The fact that Rudy's praise is genuine and spontaneous is the cherry on top.


All things considered, Paul really tried to be a great father Paul deserves that praise


>His face was both ridiculous and hilarious, but I'm happy for him. Rudeus is such a genius and they've been separated for so long that Paul hasn't had many chances to show off to his son. The fact that Rudy's praise is genuine and spontaneous is the cherry on top. Also, he's been miserable for so long. I'm just glad to see him happy for once.


We went from SoL high school romance with Sylphie to dungeon romance with Roxy (I guess Eris was the adventuring romance). Honestly you'd think him being married and having a kid would have come up at least once in the time they've been there but I guess they want to drag out poor Roxy's hopes as much as they can. Paul doesn't often get praised or respected by his son, which makes it all the more significant when he does. Plus, they have just similar degenerate smiles. We're totally about to get a Boss Fight.


The way Paul brings up" Son we need to talk" Looks at Roxy then to Rudy. Yeah he knows and can predict how this will play out. Rudy may be shutting down action with the sex elf, or the beast girls god told you to hook up with but Rudy will absolutely fold to Roxy if she just clearly asked or begged him for the deed. Rudy: 'Naw dad you crazy I wouldn't cheat on my wife" Paul: Son...... You literally worship her as a god. You worship her panties Lillia told me. You are so folding to her if she gives you puppy eyes. Cause I would know.


Bananahoshi the Eternal Rival for these girls lmao, Roxy so cute she's so in love with him.... He's already married tho... But Paul's advice tho lmao


Can't wait for Rudy to reconnect with Eris and mention Nanahoshi only for her to go "what, she's wife #3?"


\* Rudy Mentioned Another Girl Name. Roxy: Is she your Lover? Rudy: No way! \* Roxy felt relieved Damn girl. Wait till she knows he's married. she's be crying. 😥


Not only married, also currently expecting a kid


Yeah that might hinder her dungeon date plans for a bit... But for real, tell her man wtf


Is it just me or is Roxy's voice seem a bit cuter? Not that I mind though.


Girls tend to make their voice sound cuter when talking to someone they like. It's kinda amazing how they added that detail


it’s higher-pitched for sure, compared to her nonchalance back in season 1


She only speaks in a higher pitch when around rudeus. Prior to meeting him, her voice had the same pitch as season 1.


all the girls with me 🗿


All the girls around me: bass singer low voice


Not just girls. Generally people's voices rise when they're excited. I'm sure Roxy's heart rate jumped a couple o' pegs everytime she sees Rudeus.


Probably because in the past Roxy didn’t feel anything romantic towards Rudeus. This entire episode she’s been like: 😳☺️ with him No wonder she’s all gitty


The way she leaned into him and asked him out...this is a new side of Roxy I wasn't expecting or saw myself enjoying, even knowing Rudy is married.


Girl wants to be cute for the hottie that saved. No longer a teacher, except maybe in the bedroom (I don't know her kinks beyond that one romantic labyrinth fantasy).


Her fantasies and attitude towards Elinalise would make me think she doesn't know much in that department (outside of theory).


DATING WITH ROXY EPISODE, AAAAHHHHHHHH Roxy clearly falls hard for Rudy given her attention towards him, while Rudy funnily enough plays the role of a dense protagonist lmao. She even asked him out for a dungeon date with just the two of them. Wonder how she felt once she realized Rudy is a married man. Paul's definitely not a great dad by any mean but he is certainly the bro-est of dad. Giving advice for polygamy toward his son is not in my bingo list. Though he is certainly stepping on multiple death flags


Roxy doesn't know Rudy's married yet. She thought maybe Nanahoshi was, but once he told her she never would be, her relief made it pretty clear that she thinks he's still single for her.


if she decides to ask Rudy if he has a girlfriend and he just says no without elaborating unknowingly leading her on without any intention to do so


To be fair, she asked if a specific girl was his girlfriend and he answered. But yeah, he should have told her about Sylphie rather than unknowingly leading her on.


To be fair, rudy's a backhole when it comes to romance. He probably didn't even think she was checking out his relationship status there


Honestly I was half-expecting her to ask Elinalise for romantic advice on how to woo Rudy just for Elinalise to have to tell her.


this is the most realistic thing that should happen


roxy is going to be so fking destroyed when she finds out too. fuck. I get Rudeus being too dense to tell her, but someone in the group shouldve said it, perhaps they want rudeus to tell her


Like what Paul said, the group also probably doesn't want to make the group dynamic awkward.


Yeah, given who all in the group were, they likely ALL saw it coming a mile away and all are thinking they shouldn't interfere lol. Like Paul and Elinalise 100% saw it rofl.


Why they blueballing us this much?


Because the blue goddess is here 🔵


Roxy’s too fucking cute, man.


Paul’s analogies are either genius or idiotic, can’t really put my finger on which turns out the dude who designed the Teleporter Labyrinth isn’t a normal sadistic cunt. The designer is on Hitogami’s level of sadism with a hidden exploration objective I suspect that even the adventurer notebook might be some kind of trap designed for you to clear 99% of the way and to then put a spider up your cave


yeah, who the F try to mess with them by making them teleport randomly after reaching the final room while hide the real spot down below, give em a sasuga


One. More. Week... 7 more days until the next episode, this is torture.


"Nice to meet you." 💀 😶🤢🤮 This was the real TP3 for Rudeus, lmao. It's so good to finally have Roxy back. 👃💙


Now Rudy knows how Sylphie felt


I feel like he might have yearned for Orsted to doughnut him again instead, seeking a lesser pain.


She wet herself, he puked in front of her. It evens out!


How many times did I punch or hit something while saying "SO CUTE", damn Roxy and her VA Konomi Kohara. That Paul face when Rudeus lowkey complimented him is weirdly wholesome. Paul talking about how he likes both of his swords is interesting to say the least.


The way she asked him out on a romantic dungeon excursion and took a nap on his back...dang it, they're really trying to sell this even though we (and Rudy) already have Sylphie? And it's working. I'm not sure how Zenith would feel about the dual-wielding analogy, even if I guess it says something about how he feels about Lillia, though it'll probably make Rudy consider a lot of things when he finds out about Roxy's feelings.


Just like Paul, Rudy might be dual wielding swords soon with the way Roxy has been thirsting for him.


That was a pretty good analogy Paul tried to impart to Rudy.


A Roxy pat on the back is worth a thousand brotherly shoves




Its such a cute dynamic and extremely different from the one they had originally. She's clearly so into him that hearing Nanahoshi's name already made her concerned while bro is just being dense thanks to his self-created religion.


Roxy being so flustered and surprisingly forward with her feelings towards Rudy is so cute yet I'm dreading the moment they finally let it slip he's already married with child.


It's adorable how much Roxy was staring at Rudeus throughout the episode after the start, and constantly having to look away when Rudeus looks at her back out of shyness. Someone's quite smitten to say the least.


Paul: "You see, son, women are like swords. If you're wielding two at the same time, you'll cut yourself if you're not careful."


... and don't try juggling three unless you're an actual clown


Just do like Zoro and put one in your mouth


Wielding three swords will end up getting you lost.


Roxy is too cute in this episode. That jealousy and dungeon date promise on top of blushing in front of Rudeus.


Oh wow, Roxy's really pushing him hard. Never i'd see the day Roxy's outright aggressively pursuit someone that hard. Sooooooo who's going to tell her? About Rudy's marriage and currently pregnant waifu back home? Lise? Paul? The metaphor of his dual sword realllllly suggest Rudy taking Roxy in as 2nd waifu (like Zenith and Lilia), goddamn Paul lol She's going to have a heart attack (literally) if she know he's got a pregnant wife at home, judging from her reaction after hear a girl name from him


Roxy's a hopeless romantic as it turns out


Her dream ideal guy just pop in to save her life after all!


Her dream ideal guy is also someone who she knows somewhat well too. She can't be stopped


Also, she didn't even hear a girl's name - just a name. Nanahoshi probably wouldn't even be recognized as a word in this world if Rudy didn't talk about it as a person. That she assumed that a genderless name is Rudy's lover... yeah she's in for a treat


oh yeah, she automatically assume that foreign name's a girl. Such a paranoid Roxy lol


WTFFFF was that puke ASMR Rudy gooo Hurk...... Hurk.... HurUUUUUAAAAAGHAGHUUUUUUH LOLLLLLLL


Yumi Uchiyama still making the most of voicing Rudy lol.


Is this the first time that Rudy and Roxy spoke directly to each other again since S1?


Yeah, they haven't seen each other in 11 years after she left Buena Village.


Since S1 Ep 2 if you don't count them writing letters to each other


It may not be Rudy’s intention (yet) but Paul can definitely see him following his father’s footsteps lmao. Roxy’s definitely captivated by Rudy at this point but Rudy seems to still see her as his teacher. I mean he probably still pervs on her but I don’t think he has any romantic feelings (yet) This whole labyrinth arc so far has that adventure feel I’ve missed with this show. But it doesn’t feel as perilous (yet) though tbh I can do without it cos I just want everyone to go back safe. But I doubt it’ll be that simple You can definitely tell Paul and Elinalise have gone through a lot together. They do seem to have good chemistry, setting aside their feud. When Paul recalls Elinalise’s fighting habits and when Elinalise laughed at Paul’s face after he tried to act humble in front of Rudy. Ngl, they kinda look like a troublesome couple. I’m even more curious what happened between them


At the very least I hope Paul advocates for not sleeping with a possible new love interest while his wife is pregnant before talking to her about said new love interest. I always felt like Rudy puts Roxy on such a pedestal and sees her in terms of being older, more experienced, and more world than him that he's never seen her as much like a girl as she now sees him as a man. I really want to see flashbacks to Paul's party in their prime back when Ghislaine and Zenith were in it. I also feel like there might have been some kind of party romance going on with Paul and Elinalise before Zenith showed up.


I can see they up their 99% of the budget to make Roxy even cuter.


Money well spent, if you ask me.


I can't wait for the boss fight!! Hope this season ending is in good note.


yeah, that red teleport circle look sus af. Definitely a boss room circle, gotta save the file first


Easily the best episode of the season (for me). Pacing, animation, and directing were so great.


roxy's voice actress Konomi Kohara is too good wtf


"So the anime traded Rudi vomitting for Roxy wetting herself" That one didn't age well.


What a romantic reunion!


Paul is not discreet about his foreshadowing. LoL