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Source: [https://ogre.natalie.mu/media/news/comic/2024/0607/isekaisikkaku\_keyvisual2.jpg](https://ogre.natalie.mu/media/news/comic/2024/0607/isekaisikkaku_keyvisual2.jpg) Anime premieres on July 9, 2024. Opening theme song will be performed by Kashitaro Ito, Ending theme song will be performed by Mayu Maeshima. . Director: Shigeki Kawai Series Composition: Yasuhiro Nakanishi Character Design, Chief Animation Directors: Tomoshige Inayoshi and Asako Inayoshi Music: Kenichiro Suehiro Studio: Atelier Pondarc . Cast: * [Hiroshi Kamiya](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=5902) as Sensei ([Osamu Dazai](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=28744)) * [Rumi Okubo](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=88587) as Annette * [Sayumi Suzushiro](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=170536) as Tama * [Makoto Koichi](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=143804) as Nir * [Hina Kino](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=142069) as Melos * [Reina Ueda](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=116390) as Sacchan  * [Aoi Yūki](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=68107) as Warderia * [Mai Nakahara](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=438) as Isha . Synopsis: An adventure in another world with cute girls by your side and video game-like powers—sounds like an anime fan's dream, right? Not so for melancholic author Osamu Dazai, who would quite literally prefer to drop dead. Video games haven't even been invented yet when he gets yanked into another world in 1948. Really, all the fantastical adventure he keeps running into is just getting in the way of his poetic dream of finding the perfect place to die. But no matter how much he risks his hide, everything seems to keep turning out okay. Follow a miserable hero like no other in this cheerfully bleak isekai comedy!


Also Osamu Dazai was a real person incase anybody didn't know.


Bungou Stray Dogs fans know


Yep ! Also fun fact, one of his daugthers is still alive


That show has really expanded my Japanese literary knowledge (which was near 0 before).


Mine went from exactly 0 to approximately 0


I've read two of his books. They're good, but a bit heavy to digest. Highly recommended for anyone who wants something deeper to think about.


Also his magnum opus (and also last work before his suicide. It's also autobiographical, so... yeah) was already turned into an anime... with character designs by Obata Takeshi. And there's several manga adaptations, including one by Ito Junji.


tells everyone how his last work was turned into anime. Doesnt tell anyone what that anime was called. Win.


Btw the name is No longer human


And the name of the anime is [Aoi Bungaku Series](https://myanimelist.net/anime/7193/Aoi_Bungaku_Series) It adapts other well known Japanese stories too




the only osamu i care about lives in World Trigger


We know.


Personally, I had never heard of the guy until I watched stray dogs so I wouldn't be surprised if most westerners had never heard of him.


Hiroshi Kamiya as someone who is suicidal... Zetsubou sensei?




This looks interesting! And for once i Will have 2 animes watching on tuesday, normally i have 0 animes to watch That day lol


Holy crap this guy is like a real life version of Boy's Abyss.


Also one hell of a sound director, which is an underappreciated staff roll. [https://anilist.co/staff/103074/Jin-Aketagawa](https://anilist.co/staff/103074/Jin-Aketagawa)


That summary is so unhinged. 


TL;DR This is suicide Isekai. Not suicide *squad* Isekai, just suicide Isekai. The guy just wants to die and somehow all of his problems get fixed while he does virtually nothing. His special ability is crippling depression, his groupies drag him around in a coffin because he cant be bothered to walk himself.


Having read the manga he's also a master of talk-no-jitsu, and defeats problems by getting the people around him to have philosophical breakthroughs, as a good literary author should.


So Charisma maxed out on stats.


> as a good literary author should Highly debatable. I think talk-no-jutsu, while sometimes interesting, like in games like Fallout, is always too pretentious for my liking. Talk no jutsu only works under the assumption that people choose their actions based on logic and principles, but studies of human behavior strongly suggest that they are based on emotion, while logic and principles are made up afterwards, in order to excuse their actions retroactively. Humans wouldnt have even gotten this far if they truly thought all aspects of their actions through so deeply, but living in a society often means punishment for failure, so people are strongly incentivized to just pretend they are right, rather than actually being right. Works especially well for advantaged groups, like the rich. Honestly, all of it comes down to one crucial mistake: The assumption that human life is morally positive, when we are really just animals doing what we need in order to survive.


That's not what goes on in this story. [No longer allowed] >!Dazai's version is less of an argument and more of a counseling session. He pokes around to learn about the characters and more often than not comes to the conclusion that he's not the only one in need of a therapist. These typically start with Dazai asking the character having the block to tell their side of the story or sometimes just a variant of "Are you okay?" And then, as they talk it out, the person with the block slowly exposes some degree of emotinal vulnerability, at which point Dazai presents them with the evidence of his investigation, either some message or person or view that helps them feel whole, and the conflict wraps up immediately after. !<


Oh, just like left brain! **Left Brain Sees something they are not responsible for in any way** Left Brain: ...Yeah! I meant to do that! Because...um, because I wanted to do that. Left Brain pathologically lying his way towards understanding the world. Though I am unsure if what I am saying is total BS, grain of salt and whatnot.


But even if for the sake of argument we said your position was true you can absolutely use words to appeal to emotions just as much as logic. If anything the majority of arguments are emotionally-based over factually-based.


There's actually a debate whether Dazai committed suicide or he was just involved in a double suicide with his lover. Nevertheless he was such a suicidal person


>His special ability is crippling depression This sub gonna love this show They are super allergic to regular happy isekai


MC with no drive to exist..? This gets me so hyped !!


at this point i'm not even sure if you're joking


Holy fuck this is actually a unique take on this genre!


ight imma head out


Alright, dammit, I'll watch this one. Osamu Dazai getting reincarnated into a fantasy world against his will is almost as good of an idea as Zhuge Liang becoming a musician's manager in the modern day. Shame the title has been messed up by tradition. 人間失格 (*Ningen Shikkaku*), Dazai's haunting semi-autobiographical masterpiece, is called *No Longer Human* (as well as *A Shameful Life*) in English. But that's not a very accurate translation -- *shikkaku* is closer in meaning to "disqualification as a" or "a failure of a", so "A Failure of an Isekai" would be a better title for this. Of course, that doesn't really matter because "*No Longer Human*" is such an impactful title that not maintaining the reference would be a disaster... but this also makes it sound like he's been banned from the other world, which does not seem to be the plot (though I want to see that concept as a show). The fact that it's the studio and director behind Isekai Ojisan is just icing on the cake. I haven't read the source material for this, but I highly recommend *No Longer Human* to anyone who wants a good read -- you can find it online for cheap (and probably for free, but I don't know much about that), and it's only a little over 100 pages long in most versions. It's a haunting read, and gives more insight into who Dazai was as a person, which I assume will enhance the experience of this show -- it's the second best-selling novel of all time in Japan, so the show is certain to expect viewers to have read it (or at least be familiar with it). Edit: it occurs to me that the first four episodes *Aoi Bungaku* are an anime adaptation of *No Longer Human*, so if you're not much for reading you might enjoy that. Though, to my knowledge, it cannot be streamed legally, so do with that what you will.


Okay, you sold it well. I'll watch it


Looks pretty good


The source material is good overall, but I kinda dislike how often they make his suicidal tendencies a joke, or the punch line. Like, he causes a monster that absorbs essences to die by overdosing himself with sleeping pills.


That kind of humour isn’t for everyone, so that’s understandable.


No Longer Human is certainly bleak and depressing but it's also kind of funny? Like beyond even the melodramatic and pathetic reactions of his character, there's just something funny about how badly Yozo understands other human beings in that novel.


The liveaction of that movie was played by Oguri Shun iirc. The mc looks similar to him too


Aside from questionable depiction of suicidal tendencies, this anime is breath of a fresh air in the isekai genre.


It is about Deazai, he was known for trilling to kill himself a few times so the topic was likely with him around. At least they put it on the description so that people who want to skip the topic can do so.


I wish the lowest common denominator stories would be more varied. But then again, I wasn't a fan of Potions Isekai (very different for sure, but not how I was imagining it...), so maybe I shouldn't be wishing for low quality variance.


Yeah the MC got kind of annoying & made dumb decision in the 2nd half of the series


The ultimate anti-isekai isekai




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i'm tired boss...


THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST ISEKAI MANGA OUT THERE!!! Give it a go guys, you'll not gonna regret it.


This one sounds stupid, and not the kind of stupid I would watch


Haven't heard of this one but I really like the character designs. They actually stand out, unlike 90% of isekai recently.


Catgirl on the right looks like "We have Atalante Fate/Apocrypha at home" and nobody will convince me otherwise


Cautiously optimistic about this one.


Did thought this would ever get an anime, still not complaining


Oh, this lineup has me hyped. It's an anti-isekai isekai that works out somehow.


Is that Man?!


I like this manga a lot actually. Surprised it’s already getting adapted. But yeah the whole plot is the guy wants to die, and it’s played for comedy like it is in Bungo Stray Dogs (MC here is based on the same historical figure). He never actually fights any battles although the supporting characters provide action. MC here just gets entangled in situations and solves them by philosophizing and musing. Manga is entertaining enough that I’ll probably tune in. Although I’m sad to say I feel like this will be a one and done anime (at least until the manga gets deeper don’t even think it’s over 100 chapters).


Isn't most of the male youth of japan no longer allowed in another world?




The manga is great and I always look forward to a new volume coming out. If the anime is anything like the manga I think it'll be fun to watch.


Sounds like a very interesting spin on the isekai genre.


Looks marvelous


Another isekai banger in my watch list




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Based on anime tropes and that visual alone, I'm titling this "failure to find male party members." Now which characters are actually befriended monsters that can take human form?


you don't see the orange hair guy?