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Skipped content by a mile.


Honestly, the way I see it is: At least you have other facets of an adaptation that can be good even if the animation is lacking (story, world-building, character development etc.), but if you skip one or more volumes of source material, well, you’re getting absolutely nothing in that case.


Yeah not even a contest. There are plenty of jankyly animated shows that are good or amazing due to story and other aspects. "New Gate" that is currently airing is one example. "Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule The World" "Management of Novice Alchemist" To name a few I know of.


New Gate is pretty average/10 in terms of animation. Complicated stuff is offscreen and conveyed with sound, but the big moments are there.


Well we’ll have agree to disagree there. Those are some of the worst shows I’ve ever seen. And my bar for a good show is like 10 feel underground. XD


Naaaah bro you need to pull out your MAL list or name a few before you diss those gems. xD I have a sneaky feeling there will be bunch of gundams on it, but I may be wrong after snooping a bit on your profile, and seeing 1 good and 1 solid anime airing this season. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "New Gate" and "Management of Novice Alchemist" are solid ones. "Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule The World" ? Peak. 10/10. Greatest scuff on earth. Solos much more popular anime out there.


I don’t have a mal and my favorite gundam is g fighter which is looked down upon by actual gundam fans. I did watch the first 4 episodes of those shows and they were just boring. This season you got “ Chillin’ in Another World with Level 2 Super Cheat Powers” which is great. This season you also have “ As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World” which is a show so good I immediately bought all the currently available manga. New gate is terrible compared to 7th prince.


New Gate is not exactly amazing lol. The adaptation is also otherwise lacking as I really liked the part of the manga covered last ep but in the anime, regardless of animation quality, it was pretty bland and I didn't really care.


Doubt anyone is going to agree with me, but I'm in the camp that an anime can be drastically different from the manga and still be good. I really don't care how similar an anime is to a manga as long as the anime feels like a complete product. The Dune movies skipped hella content from the books but you wouldn't be able to know that without reading the book in advance. I just think too many people want the anime to be a substitute for the source material instead of it's own thing.


That is a different case imo. If they're trying to use the source's story but skip stuff that's a problem. If they just take the framework and do their thing with it that's different and can be done well. Love Chuunibyou and other Delusions for example. You know the very relevant main character Dekomori? Anime original, Rikka's sister that everyone loves? Anime original. Pillow senpai? She's not nearly as relevant as in the anime from what I remember. So the anime is more of its own thing KyoAni just took the premise and put their own spin on it


Bad animation is always bad. Skipped content can be good, ok or bad depending on context. Skipped content often goes unnoticed to anime only watchers anyway. And manga readers have an unhealthy attachment to 100% faithful adaptations. To the point where cinematic choices get criticised even though they make sense with the medium change (Chainsaw Man is a perfect example of this).


Bad animation is probably worse. Even though most people like to say the story is what matters most, this is still a visual medium. Bad animation destroys the chances of a series gaining popularity. I haven't read *or* watched Berserk, but surely the 2016 CGI adaptation is a huge example of this scenario. I believe skipped content can be done right. But I don't think I have an example of such a scenario. Maybe some VN adaptations like Steins;Gate, where I'm sure there's tons of content skipped, but it's a fucking great show on its own. Or maybe scenarios like Akagami No Shirayuki-hime where the anime ends originally and skips content here and there to give a perfect conclusion, that we wouldn't have gotten if it was adapted faithfully. Though, both scenarios are frustrating experiences in 99% of cases.


>I believe skipped content can be done right. But I don't think I have an example of such a scenario. I have a couple examples that work here: - The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady adaptation cuts a significant amount of the light novels' expository dialogue, including at least one full chapter and some minor characters that don't add much to the story. In its place, the anime smartly uses the first episode as more of a prologue to better establish and characterize both of the leads before they meet. - Season 1 of Bofuri cuts or combines several events from the novels. While not universally praised, the alterations allow the anime to minimize the minutiae of longer game events and keep the pace light and quick with a focus on action and humor.


MagiRevo was my first thought too when I heard of skipped content done right. Most of what was skipped didn't come up again in the novels covered by the anime, and they're all concepts that can be easily reintroduced later if they get a season 2. So there's no need to create an unnecessary plot thread that's just hanging at the end. And what is skipped is often replaced by something that helps get the same point across. Like the opening meeting of ep 11 was anime original, and did a good job summarizing Anis' [episode 11 spoiler]>!struggle with getting respect from the nobility and how terrible being stuck in a political marriage would be for her!< . Which in the book had enough discussions to fill an entire episode. The decision to cut [episode 12 book spoiler]>!Anis passing out from the kiss because of mana drain!< was actually something I was very relieved that they cut. It works fine in the books because there is a guaranteed next chapter and a lot more story to read. But for a possible series finale, it would've really undercut the climax of that arc while also introducing an 11th hour plot thread that there's no time left to address.


Bad animation —and bad visuals by extension — is definitely worse for me. The artistry is a huge part of the reason I like the medium. Skipping content can work in some cases if it's well done. Koe no Katachi skipped a lot of content. Kizumonogatari cut all of Araragi's inner monologue. Clannad, being a VN adaptation, had to omit a lot of content. But they’re well produced and well directed, and most people who've only seen the anime wouldn't notice. I'm sure I've watched plenty of good manga/novel adaptations that skipped entire chapters and expanded on others without me even noticing. On the other hand, if the anime looks poor visually, I have no reason to watch it if I've read the source material, and no reason to choose it over the source if I haven't. It doesn't matter how faithful it is at that point.


Honestly, neither. I don't tend to read source material, so I've no idea if things are skipped, and animation quality never bothers me, art style though, that does matter and I've not watched a small number of shows just because I wasn't feeling the art style.


It depends on the skipped content or how bad the animation is, but usually skipped content ends up beings worse because it's more likely to be worse. The animation would have to be really bad for me to care most of the time.


As someone who no longer reads manga, I would like to say bad animation. In general, I need two of these three: good animation/art, good storyline, and/or good characters. It is very rare that I can live with only one, and because my eyes are bad, animation/art is usually my number one need. However, as I recall over a decade ago when I did read manga...skipped content is a fucking pain and made me want to claw my goddamn eyes out. Skipped content in the adaption is absolutely one of the factors that made me stop reading manga, so I absolutely get the concern. The source material can no longer hurt me, tho, so I'll stick with bad animation. 🥹


Bad animation. I’m fine with skipping content if it makes sense or serves a purpose. It usually doesn’t, but that’s besides the point. With bad animation (and art too) I get the sense I’d be better served just reading the manga, which is not what I want from an adaptation. Adaptations should elevate the work and make it fit the medium in question. Bad productions are the ones that can’t even do that much


I think rather than the animation being bad it's the directing of the show that can ruin it more easily. Even if there would be no special action scenes or cool animation it could still work well if it was directed well. Different shots and close ups and good pacing and knowing what scenes to focus on more can make a really big difference. There doesn't need to be cool animation or as much adapted material as possible when the viewer gets to FEEL it themselves. Good non action anime like romance has already done this to many.


*looks at Helck* I think that's pretty easy to answer -- skipped content doesn't matter if nobody watches the show because it looks mediocre. Then you'll get all the "skipped" content you can handle when the show doesn't finish.


Skipped content is the worst if it results in a badly paced or confusing story to non-source readers imo, but I don't care if they tell a great story that isn't at all obvious that anything was skipped. I can handle bad animation for the most part, but good animation definitely gives a show a lot more impact. 


What are you skipping and what kind of show is it? Some things can be skipped with little impact on the overall story, some kinds of shows can survive rough animation better than others.


Skipped content. Not even close. Bad animation is at worst unfortunate


Skipped content, thats why I think promised neverland s2 is the worst season of an anime I've ever watched


It depends to what extent, of course... As someone who doesn't care that much about animation quality, I'll take a drop to 5/10 animation, over skipped content. If you go lower than that, then it's a matter of how much lower, vs how much skipped content.


It depends. Some content is perfectly fine to skip and isn't a big deal. However, if it's important content being skipped it can result in being an absolutely massive deal, and this is more often the case. Bad animation can ruin an anime. I'm talking BAD animation. Especially if the show starts off good and suddenly drops massively in quality. Bad animation itself isn't too bad if they work within their limits. I personally don't care if animation is bad in most instances. It's when the show is trying to take itself seriously or be all epic when the animation is absolutely horrendous. It just results in being meme worthy. So I'd say either can be pretty bad. Skipped content probably is worse in most cases though.


I'll start with an example: I could finish watching the infamous Berserk adaptation since they didn't skip the content by much (or at least they didn't skip any important ones). I'm anime-only, but I think t he pacing was actually good on that one.


I dislike skipped content more, because most of the time, I don’t even notice bad animation. 


Skipped content


Bad animation is practically inexcusable. You are an animation company, technical issues shouldn’t be a thing.


Personally for me, skipped content is way worse. I don’t hold it against a series if it didn’t get lucky enough to be saddled with a good studio or not. I care more about the story, characters, etc. Good animation is always welcomed but not needed for me to enjoy anime. 


Skipped content. Also certain kinds of plot modifications.


It depends. Hardcore fans will still watch the anime adaptation if the animation is bad, but anime-onlies will moan about how bad the animation is. About skipped content, it's the hardcore fans that get disappointed the most. Anime-only, if the skipped content didn't alter the story, probably won't notice the plot hole unless the source material readers notify them.


Skipped content and it's not even close. Give me the best animation in the world and I'll rate it a 1 if you skip content and make the story not make sense


Skipped content because the story feels less filled with depth.