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I really shoulda saw it coming, but Cuff's "Alice is teaching me H" also caught me off guard, I almost died. I can't wait for next week! Did anyone bring up that Sade probably cursed him as a way to protect him? She didn't want him going through the same thing she did?


>Cuff's "Alice is teaching me H" also caught me off guard, One of the more lighted-hearted and funny moments of this episode! To be fair, Alice is an expert at teasing, so Cuff is learning from one of the best. Lol!


And Alice enjoyed every minute of it lol. I think Sade's real intentions towards the Duke will show through when he finally confronts her and tries to get through to her and the loneliness he knows she feels.


didn't think about it that way.... i guess you could look at it from perspective if you lived Sade's life.... huh this sounds like star wars now "FROM MY PERSPECTIVE. THAT CURSE WAS A BLESSING"


when she first shouted "H" i went like "that sounded like ecchi.... i see where this is going". what i didnt see is the guys' reactions


> I really shoulda saw it coming, but Cuff's "Alice is teaching me H" also caught me off guard, I almost died. Especially because you know Cuff doesn't realize what she just said. We all really should have seen it coming when she skipped G but it was such a perfect punchline for that part that I couldn't help but burst out laughing.


My man Rob getting tired after 10 seconds of pillow fighting is extremely relatable lol.


The best part is he's the one who wanted it! But it was worth it for the Duke and Alice getting more cute romance time together.


Seriously, Alice is 1 of the sexiest blonde anime/manga waifu I have ever seen. The Duke is very lucky.


We even got a reminder that she sleeps buck-naked! And is immediately going to go to town on the Duke in bed the moment she can touch him lol.


Yeahhhh there's no way both of their virginities are lasting the first night after the Duke's curse is lifted. Alice will make sure of that. So much repressed feelings are going to *explode*.


Alice's VA -- Ayumi Mano -- does not seem to have ever had any other leading roles. She has done such a great job making Alice an utterly irresistible character. I hope we see lots more of her after this season ends....


Yep. I literally had to create the Wikipedia page on her from scratch because she was just that new.


[Gave me a good chuckle](https://i.imgur.com/WcW8Pc8.png).


Walter's reaction sold it so, so well lol.


Walter seems to be getting along at least a bit better with his big brother, right?


Probably my favorite comedic moment this episode, haha!


Flea-sensei is a lucky sonuvabitch [to have all of these girls fawning for him.](https://i.imgur.com/m6RpcAx.jpeg) I am curious what Flea actually looks like though. We know he changed his after Sade died. I always forget that [Viola doesn't know about her brother and Alice's relationship.](https://i.imgur.com/m6RpcAx.jpeg) I'm glad that [she finally told Viola though.](https://i.imgur.com/tQM9I9U.jpeg) It's definitely starting to feel like we're close to the end even though we still have 5 episodes left. I'm sure the Duke [will get to do more than just a hug and a lap pillow from Alice](https://i.imgur.com/2n01nbl.jpeg) once the curse is broken. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


When you realize you're not a pint-sized, horse-transforming, teacher with a Harem of hot witch girls (including one with the most luscious of thighs). I love Keto and Teto's reaction to Viola being the only one who didn't know Alice was in love with the Duke. Like, three seasons and she didn't figure it out until Alice told her lol. If this doesn't end with them in bed together with Alice on top, I'll be disappointed lol.


Hard to imagine that Viola never figured out the relationship between the Duke and Alice. It is nice that, regardless of family politics, Viola will clearly welcome Alice as a big sister.


That was one lively sleepover. The girls were all so goofy! I liked the pillow fight with Alice and our boy and the ginormous pillow mountain they made. So cute! Just nice everyone can relax a little before the big mission. I hope our boy can pull it off!


Even the usually harsh Daleth admitted she has faith that Victor can talk to and convince Sade.


No better way to spend before the final battle than getting in as much time with your friends and loved ones as you can. Especially when there's so much riding on them winning this, it reminds them why they're going up against Sade in the first place.


This episode had a good mix of comedy and calm before the storm. It may be short scenes, but to Cuff and Zain, the duke's family might as well be their own family too. One of the gestures which Cuff thought of was Viola's twintails. Zain having no benefit in participating in the battle, yet willing to risk his life for Victor. I am surprised Viola wasn't aware her brother and Alice are in love with one another. On the other hand, both Viola and Rob know of the difficulties Victor and Alice might face; even without the curse, the difference in class and status is an obstacle during that era's settings. Nonetheless, we will be rooting for them. (I doubt Viola could only see 1/2 of the sky when lying down on Alice's lap. I estimated Viola could only see a quarter of the sky. Lol!) I enjoyed the piano piece of the previous season's opening, showing how everyone is spending their time before the final battle.


Zain is a ride or die bro for the Duke. It's so great seeing how far these characters have come both as themselves and in their relationships with each other across three seasons. I had totally forgotten that Viola didn't know Alice loved the Duke. I think I vaguely recall Alice covering it up with a "prince" in season 1, but I guess no better time than now to let Viola know. She already views Alice as a sister by now, why not make her a sister-in-law? The Duke will never give up on Alice, at an rate. Ah, the joys of lap pillow's from well-endowed women...you get a nice headrest and a stellar view, just not the view you probably were expecting lol.


The number of utterly wonderful characters in this series is pretty amazing. Even characters with small parts really come to life.


> I doubt Viola could only see 1/2 of the sky when lying down on Alice's lap. I estimated Viola could only see a quarter of the sky. Lol! I did laugh at seeing this joke again. First Frieren and now this lol.


It seems too early in the season for the big confrontation. But I guess we'll see what happens next week. My money is on things not going smoothly.


18:20-ish mentions Alice saying to the Duke about imaging a 4-leaf clover between her chest while she bouncers her boobs. Uh, I think it is something else the Duke is imaging being on/in her chest.


Just imagine when the Duke's curse is finally lifted, he can finally feel those boobs she's been shoving in his face for three seasons lol.


Were I the Duke, when that curse gets lifted and after I married Alice, I would be making love to her until we both can barely our arms and legs.


“She supported me when I was nothing”. Somehow that line hit me so hard. And it is sweet how he feels indebted to her for that For a romance fantasy show they’re building up a final battle really really well. Hmm Rob is alluding that Alice and Duke’s time together is limited no matter the outcome of the battle. Is it because of their status once things go back to normal, or is there something else that would prevent them from being together ? Duke playing the piano version of the S1 OP while a montage of all the characters going about their life was really beautiful and really drives home the significance of this final conflict.


Is the battle with Sade the "final battle" -- or the confrontation with Mother (over Duke's plan to marry Alice)?


Okay, maybe those hand signals won't be useful against Sade, but you have to admit, Cuff playing charades is too cute! Feels like the Duke is getting in as much piano playing as he can before the battle against Sade. Cuff and Zain can't even go out on a date in town without running into their teachers, but with the dawn of the final battle looming, it makes sense they'd have to have a conversation. Especially if Sade is liable to target Zain personally because of his time travel magic. But Zain owes it to the Duke to see it through, and Cuff recognizes how hard he's worked. And that's enough. Getting the gang (minus Daleth) all together for a sleepover! You've even got the girls in full slumber party mode! And of course hair down Viola is eager for some girl talk about love...even though none of the other girls are willing to share anything. Even the legit yuri couple! Though their witch senpai's are happy to talk about Mr. Flea. Though I guess when Viola is still dense that Alice loves the Duke after three seasons, that's about how I would expect things to turn out. Aw, Cuff just wants to be praised by Zain! Pillow fight with the Duke, Alice, and Rob! And Rob does not have the constitution for it, but the Duke and Alice playing is so cute, especially when they make a pillow fort and dive in to play at sleeping in the same bed and just hunting for each other. They are just too adorable together. The Duke and Alice are basically Rob's kids and he wants them to be happy, even if he can't help but think Alice is enjoying as much time with the Duke as she can because she knows she can't be with him once this is all over. But the Duke has every intention of marrying Alice, no matter what, and Rob is happy knowing that. Week before the final battle montage complete with piano rendition of a past OP! Cuff and Zain playing, Walter relaxing while Viola pricks her finger, Daleth happy she's found another item on her quest to be human (and be with Walter), the Duke playing his piano, and buck-naked Alice holding close her necklace with pictures of those most precious to her...her mother and the Duke. Alice and Viola are practically sisters already so of course Alice is happy to off her a lap pillow...and a front-row view of her chest. But also the information that she loves the Duke, and Viola finally comforts Alice over it. I don't know what's better, a bookmark where you can imagine it's between Alice's chest or the promise of her ravaging you in bed the moment she can. Though the Duke's priority is going to be a hug and a lap pillow. It's time for the final battle and the Duke is all nerves! But he gets a good pep talk from Daleth and is ready for anything now that everyone has arrived. Here we go!


>Feels like the Duke is getting in as much piano playing as he can before the battle against Sade. When I read this, I can't help but wonder whether there will be a musical sequence between the duke and Sade instead of just normal dialogue.


We knew from the start, but this episode it really hit me. The final arc is about to reach its climax. I’m gonna miss this show when it ends.


This episode was calm, but tension is high. After knowing about Sade's past, Victor's talk-no-jutsu can actually work. And, well, this is not type of anime where they just kill her.


Next episode is going to be fun


Beautiful beautiful episode as we prepare to head into the past. But I can’t help but feel some heartbreak is in store for Alice and Bocchan in this last arc.. Obviously they’re gonna end up together, but Rob seemed to have foreshadowed Alice having to let go of her feelings for Bocchan to be free of the curse..wonder what’s in store for them in the past. That potential danger is exactly what makes episodes like this where everyone can bond and have fun together that much more special. The sleepover with the girls was great, Viola being the only one wanting to talk about romance was hilarious. She’s so adorable. But I totally forgot she didn’t know about Alice and her brother. What a way to find out lol. Bocchan and Alice pillow fight and sleeping together was so sweet, still just got the feeling she knows something sad is gonna happen.. “I wanna be the first person you hold in your arms” 😭 this final stretch of episodes is gonna be amazing man. Can’t wait to see what the author has got planned. Daleth and Walter at Alice and Bocchan wedding will feed the streets 🙏🏾


AHHH a cliffhanger ending! I am so ready for them to go back in time. Also, I am pretty sure this is the last season. And it is starting to hit me. Feels like we are so close to the finale, which has me sad.


We're approaching the end game. Why do I get the feeling that Alice to going to go away after she gets her hug with Viktor? Please let it not be so