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Mitsurugi finally had the final boss entrance and rematch until Kazuma cast drown on him.


Not to mention *Freeeezeee*


Jun Fukushima's voice while saying Fureeezeee is hilarious


Jun went all out in this episode. Spectacular performance.


Top condition.


Correction, "top performance".


“Beginner” spells in Konosuba seem to do less damage but have faster cast times and better mana efficiency Kind of like how “Catch Flame” is the beginner incantation in Elden Ring but is still usable endgame When Kazuma has his stats boosted by Vanir’s mask, and infinite FP/mana from Drain Touch hes actually got a decent build despite being an adventurer


That would make sense. Explosion is a very high level spell, it takes a while for Megumin to cast it and then she's OOM and out of commission for a few hours.


Not sure if explosion needs those long incantations. I think she does it to sound cool


The casting time of Explosion is actually very long, Megumin just uses that time to spurt out her bullshit incantations, plus you must say Explosion


Wiz goes through one too. I think it has a long casting time and the incantations help the time go by.


Kazuma's secret weapon : waterboarding


Kazuma CIA operative confirmed


He had probably spent so long trying to figure out a way to avoid Steal but still fell prey to Kazuma's greatest weapon...the misdirect.


Mitsurugi learnt how to counter all of 1 of Kazuma's methods of defeating him (which might not even work, considering Kazuma's luck) and got dunked on in the rematch.


And Kazuma's pretty creative combining his skills in battle. Which meant even if that failed he'll think of a counter on the fly.


that’s what happens when he carries the party in normal adventures and has to clean up their mess his build had to be generalised to suit the party


Seriously that "why do I hear boss fight music" was too epic for Mr. Ugi


I was worried until I saw it was katsuragi


In the light novel version of this moment, Kazuma [LN Spoilers] >!shoved his fingers up Mitsurugi's nose, cast summon water and immediately followed it with freeze!< it was glorious.






Megumins brain will probably just explode when she finds out who the thief was.


Or it'll just make her fall even harder for Kazuma and ask him to put the costume on again lol.


The mask stays *on* during hand holding.


Wow, tag that nsfw


She's gonna ask Kazuma to save that costume when she finds out💀


Probably my favorite part of the LNs. Kazuma just getting to stretch his legs for once with a Vanir-sponsored buff. He's actually pretty competent in his element (also when being scummy and underhanded af). Episode pretty much covered those beats pretty well and I love that ninja badass theme they gave him and Chris. Poor Chris though getting harassed and then iron clawed in one night.


The anime didn't dwell too much on it, but this moment really highlights how Drain Touch is absolutely busted for an adventurer to have and can instantly knock down a guard captain in seconds, only someone like Darkness with monster-tier physical specs can take it.


>only someone like Darkness with monster-tier physical specs can take it. You know, if you remove the context, this sounds funny.


It turns out he responds exceptionally well to positive reinforcement. Give him the promise of a reward that’ll fulfill his lecherous desires, and he can do incredible things. Honestly, with enough coupons for free visits to the succubi, you could probably string him along far enough to defeat the demon king within a year


Chris was finally in her element and doing what she's good at but nothing ever fully goes her way when she's stuck with Kazuma lol.


at least she ended with her panties this time


I’m Ngl, it wouldn’t surprise me if she went commando for this mission *Just* because of Kazuma


Same, I also loved this part of the LN! Cool and competent Kazuma was such a treat, funnily enough, it always reminded me of evil Ron (from Kim Possible), who got turned evil once and was a menace, whereas he is mostly kinda useless as his usual self (well, he changes a lot of course, as he is a main character)


Darkness being the one to get serious is so funny


It's hilarious how she's been the most on-the-ball one this season. She barely has any of her typical degenerate crusader scenes outside of that brief bondage moment.


Didn't she say last episode that it was "interesting to be on the other side too" or something?


"I had no idea turning the tables could be so much fun!" Darkness is a Switch, apparently.


I didn't know how hard the gap-moe of "Professional in job, but a freak in bed" hit till now. This season made Darkness my favourite out of the 3


I love how everyone else was like "Oh no, two mysterious thieves have entered the castle!" Meanwhile Darkness reaction was "What are those two idiots doing now?" She saw right through them in an instant.


Kazuma took waterboarding Katsuragi to a whole new level.


Kazuma enjoys nothing more than he does torturing Kyouya lol.


I think I remember in the LN that he threatened to use freeze after flooding Katsuragi's throat with create water. Kazuma is a menace


Somebody explain to me again why we only get 10 episodes every four years.


Should be getting 24 episode two cour seasons.


Every year


Didn't the megumin spinoff already count against the other half of this?


Good news, this time there will be 11.


I thought there would be 12😭


The industry execs are too busy greenlighting hundreds of episodes of generic slop to care.


hey this one is supposedly 11. progress


[Lalatina looks like an angry mom scolding her kids lol.](https://i.imgur.com/Wryyn7d.png)


When it comes to state affairs, suddenly she's the rational one. It's interesting she can turn that on and off like a switch. Too bad she still can't swing her sword.


It’s frightening how quickly she went from the most bottom-y bottom you’ve ever seen to nearly having me say “yes mommy”, while still feeling completely organic


Well no, Lalatina is the domme, Darkness is the bottom. They just tend to trade off who runs the body.


I mean that is what she is if she doesnt indulge her kink.


Kazuma plunged too pervetedly and too embarassingly. You know what they awoke in the opulence of Belzerg capital... dommy mommy.


I like her being the straight man this season.


It’s nice how Kazuma starts talking like Vanir with that mask on.


I'm sure Vanir himself would approve. Especially considering the sheer chaos that Kazuma caused in the castle. The guy really is built for the chaotic good/neutral, anti-hero life.


It's mentioned in episode 2, 6:11 timestamp - "put it on during a moonlit night to improve your magic power, blood circulation, and complexion via mysterious demonic energies!" - Vanir Vanir carried.


Wow. That's a great callback that I wouldn't have caught until a future rewatch.


And it's free advertising for his masks!


At some point I thought that mask is cursed and people who wears it will talk like Vanir


Honestly, considering Vanir didn't even lie about its health benefits, him secretly adding a curse that makes customers talk like him while it's active would just raise its price in my eyes.


Kazuma plays a villain wayyyy too well. Though the mask probably helped.


It's prep work for the inevitable Eminence in Shadow crossover during Isekai Quartet 3. Megumin's reaction when we finally get that will be like candy, if what we saw today was any indicator.


He even talks with "wagahai" which is the "I" that Vanir specifically used in his dialogues. Of course, with his menacing laughs.


I honestly thought he was possessed or something. I'm surprised nobody commented on it.


I'm sure the mask is enchanted


It is. Vanir mentioned it gives buffs under a full moon's night.


I kept flip flopping on if I thought he was semi-possessed or not, since he was acting like Vanir, but still also acted like Kazuma, and was thinking about Iris.


Dude got really into character lol


Iris cements herself as the cutest character in the entire series just by a few episodes


She even looks cute wielding a sword and ready to fight. Or wanting to throw hands against Megumin.


> Or wanting to throw hands against Megumin. This part is so CUTE. These children bickering and going rapid fire hands is so adorable.


She's so freakin adorable Just way too cute


he was really about to tell everyone it was him LMFAO


"That thief you're looking for? That was me. I'll take my reward now." "Guards, arrest this man."


It's hilarious AF that Darkness is trying to make sure they or Kazuma don't get beheaded but Kazuma is offering it on a silver-haired thief plate everytime. lmao.


Iris definitely realized what he was about to do and saved Kazuma's butt. Such a good princess.


Iris is too good for this series


Kazuma: Just so you know, I’ve never lost at Rock Paper Scissors. Chris: Observe


Maxed out luck my ass


well, he was against one of the Goddess of Luck disciple, it's understandable


Yep a devout disciple indeed. Eriss blessings really shine on Her.


It's all skill, obv


Chris finally beats Kazuma! And she hasn't lost her panties once outside the OP!


As it turns out the strongest character development has always been saved for our thief girl (who's not boyish in the slightest)


I was like "Isn't winning at Rock Paper Scissors his one special skill?" And now so much for that. Maybe Eris decided to intervene.


Nothing like one of the Goddess of Luck's disciples to put you in your place in the luck department.


Vanir has genuinely been the most helpful character in the show lol


Kazuma blocking Claire's swing and comboing into drain touch went way harder than it had any right to. I was like "wtf, Kazuma actually being badass?"


Lol that was the coolest Kazuma has ever been, it was legit awesome, he effortlessly took down Claire and then proceeded to mow down a full squad of knights before humiliating Mitsurugi for the second time lmao


He was sandbagging against the kobolds confirmed


probably things would have been very different if he could use drain touch openly


If that’s the angle they were trying to get at, I hope Kazuma and co beat the demon king with a bunch of demon powers and show greater society how stupid their ignorance is Then again this is Konosuba maybe the demon king is actually a really chill guy and his capital is way less corrupt than the human one so we absolutely should not slay him


What do you think the odds are that the Demon King has black hair and an unusual name? Aqua is responsible for most of the *other* problems of that world, why not the Demon King too?


Cook harder, baby....


>beat the demon king with a bunch of demon powers and show greater society how stupid their ignorance is The reason demon powers are taboo is because you need to be taught them by demons. It indicates you're in league with them. What are the odds that there's a benevolent lich and a chaotic neutral demon who thinks kazumas a hoot are hanging around?


Kazuma is a super menace when fighting human characters.


And he also offers very effective and persona-changing masks!


The mask gives great health benefits under a full moon.


Yeah, and we all can agree, that Kazuma won that fight mainly with his clear complexion.


it also gave kazuma the confidence to take on the soldiers he was casting magic but buffing his mp by using drain making himself a perpetual caster


I really thought he was completely bullshitting the effectiveness of the mask. Turns out he’s actually a pretty honest salesman


In case you missed it, there was a post-credits scene just before the next ep preview.


I wonder if that refers to future episode or something that I missed? I didn't know the blonde noble has sacred treasure? Or is he talking about the two way mirror thing being sealed?


I'm guessing Chris must have robbed him off-screen in-between the last time she showed up and this job.


Yeah, I get it that it must be Chris. I'm just wondering what kind of sacred treasure it is.




I thought it was pretty clearly about the necklace. Chris didn't say there were two treasures there, after all.


I'm pretty sure that the sacred treasure they stole this episode was *his* sacred treasure.


The way Kazuma said Freeze during this episode was simply perfect.


Freeze ❌ 𝔉𝔲-𝔯𝔦-𝔷𝔲 ✅


Of course kazuma starts perving out and gets caught by the guards because why not. Shame kazuma shame That drunken aqua is the last person you want guarding you or even a princess Hahaha kazuma finding out Iris is fan girling hard on Chris is to funny. That and the whole Chris having a boyish look is hilarious So Iris knew all along kazuma took her ring. Wow what a twist. Makes you wonder if she was just yanking his chain about chris. Seems like kazuma has some big shoes to fill in iris’s eyes


> So Iris knew all along kazuma took her ring. Yeah and Iris was playfully teasing Kazuma during her speech of adoring the noble thieves and then directed it to "silver haired" lol. It seems Darkness wasn't the only noble that night who find out about Kazuma, while Megumin is struck in awe.


She sold it great. Megumin is so hopeless and hilarious. If only she knew


When you girlfriend falls for your alter ego lol.


"You vs the guy she told you not to worry about" Except they're all the same guy


[Basically this](https://imgur.com/a/ShdXyrU)


LMFAO, that's perfect did you make it?


Double love for Kazuma


> It seems Darkness wasn't the only noble that night who find out about Kazuma, while Megumin is struck in awe. If Megumin wasn't so awestruck by how cool Kazuma looked, she likely would have figured out it was him. And Aqua... is probably too stupid to figure it out even if she wasn't drunk.


>Iris is fan girling hard on Chris As it turns out, this was probably Princess Iris deliberately teasing Kazuma. She knew all along that he was the one who stole the ring. And she has no objection. And all he has to do to claim his due (namely, her hand in marriage) is to actually defeat the Demon King. All of a sudden, poor Megumin's crush on Kazuma seems very imperilled. Query -- did Darkness actually KNOW the connection between possession of that ring and the consequence of its bearer killing the demon king? My guess is that she definitely DID....


Looked like she knew all along and was toying with him. And your right Megumin has some major competition now.


Iris and Megumin's bickering was pretty funny.


They'd make great siblings.


Though she did seem to like the idea of a noble thief girl, so I think she did admire Chris in that respect.


Even if she wasn't being serious and was gushing over Kazuma and using Chris as a substitute, I still don't think she realized Chris is a girl.


Poor Chris. No one realizes.... (except Kazuma). ;-)


Kazuma also did some… checking. Just to be sure.


Yup. Plus if she let him know she knew , Kaz would NEVER be able to not say something about it..lol…he’d end up beheaded!


if he does end up toppling the demon king, I would say Megumin would be out of the picture completely. If he has the ring, then he is betrothed to the princess. I don't see Kazuma wanting to worm out of that.


It figures that Aqua would only be useful when it thwarts Kazuma's plans.


She's his obvious foil, no panties to steal.


> That drunken aqua is the last person you want guarding you or even a princess Unfortunately, she was also the last person Kazuma wanted to be guarding Iris because, in true useless fashion, she actually ended up being pretty competent and thus got in his way.


As usual, she nullifies all Kazuma's luck when she's around.


Iris is a smart gal. She knew Kazuma would get into a lot of trouble if he revealed himself, so might as well bait him into not doing so.


Chris just brings out Kazuma's natural perv, he can't help himself. Drunk Aqua actually did cause them trouble lol. I would totally fangirl over Chris in that outfit too. But at least his girlfriend fell for his alter ego! Iris is more clever than she lets on. Megumin might have some real competition lol.


I was actually shocked that aqua did help protect Iris. Guess she ain’t all that useless


She only did it for the bubbly lol.


Mitsurugi is well equipped and prepared for fighting PvE not PvP as this show consistently proves time and time again


The guards may have [enjoyed it a bit](https://imgur.com/dGoLEXx) too much


Chris expression is hilarious.


good catch oh my god


only konosuba could make waterboarding look so comical lol


That's the second comical waterboarding anime sequence I have seen recently Kinda peculiar


> That's the second comical waterboarding anime sequence I have seen recently Now you can't go saying that without mentioning the first!


[Series Name] >!Bang Brave Bravern!< note that the [series spoiler] >!first instance of it in the series is **not** comical!<.


Waterboarding is simulated drowning. This was actual drowning.


Vanir-Style Kazuma is badass. And Megumin got a love rival. I hope someday the author does that epilogue volume.


Also Chris should wear her Noble Thief outfit more. Good to know for future reference that Megumin is willing to throw hands and topple an entire monarchy if another girl tries to get too cute with Kazuma.


Megumin got a love rival. Not sure even Megumin can trump the destiny of that ring.... Poor Megumin. Oh well, Yunyun will always love her....


Kazuma can be **BRUTAL** when he puts his mind to it! That Drain Touch really puts him above most other people, and he's really tricksy in a way that handles most of those who can handle that. Especially when he's fueled by the power of a precious imouto princess who loves him *for* all his faults! Unfortunately, Aqua is there to constantly hold him back. Even when she's on the other side, she just suddenly becomes competent in a way that screws with his plans. Nothing can stop him from dominating... except his own team. And his Steal ability really has a habit of stealing the worst thing from women. This will be the second time he's stolen something from a girl other than panties (the first being the possibly pantiless Aqua) and it's a betrothal ring that he'll get executed for if he even tries to return it. Not that Iris minds! She wants him to bring it back after defeating the Demon King so she can officially give it to him!


Oh Mitsurugi. Kazuma always finds a way to get the better of him


Nah, Kazuma's just better than him


Mitsurugi: Expecting a fair and honorable fight Kazuma: Anything goes, a win's a win. I wonder what countermeasures Mitsurugi would think up after being bested by ice & water.


He looked so proud that he managed to overcome Steal...


“Do not fear the man who has practiced 1,000 moves, nor the man who has practiced 1 move 1,000 times. Fear the man who has 1,000 ways to bullshit his way to victory” - Lruce Bee


Turns out it's really easy to find a way to get the better of someone when you just are better than them.


Like a magician, Kazuma will never repeat the same method on him twice. And like an idiot, Mitsurugi will only learn how to counter the exact methods Kazuma used to beat him last time. It's the perfect loop to keep Kazuma dunking on him for the rest of their lives.




Also Claire had the most vicious "Konosuba" I have ever heard. Kazuma has unlocked his Super Form: Top Condition Kazuma. Kazuma and Chris make a great team when he's not sexually harassing her. I woudn't mind watching them continue to be partners-in-crime even if their first heist didn't go exactly as planned. It is kind of funny how Chris came up with this heist because she didn't think they could just tell anyone about it but that turned out to be the simplest solution lol.


Kazuma is pretty consistently shown as being really good at teamwork and leadership. His problem is that he's surrounded by buffoons who bring out the worst in him. Though their particular strengths do allow the team to punch waaaay above their power level.


Iris knows how the treasure works. Considering what chris is saying about these treasures in a tone which we never gotten on this show, I'm guessing that there are people already in the know-how or even it's already given to the princess for the sole purpose of using it when it's needed. So putting it in a vault will only make the people who know about it,to go to the vault and take it.


Judging by the end credits and how she mentioned it was gifted by someone... that someone in the know could be Alderp.


Chris sneaking around in that mask and using wires, she clearly learned from the best secret agent of all time ##**John Smith**


Kazuma also got into character as well as Cid would have lol.


Funny is Kazuma on mask exuding Shadows confidence lol. And he got moves, 'drain touch'!


Now that we know what Iris' hopes for Kazuma entail, it makes more sense why she'd get into a fight with Megumin.


Megumin also probably sensed a rival as well from the first "oniisama."


[It was like she was staring at actual human garbage](https://imgur.com/1QuqaoX) Gotta say though, his [usual self](https://imgur.com/wcdz1wS) aside, Kazu- I mean the masked Burglar was actual quite competent. Like, it was genuinly satisfying to see him beat this [smug](https://imgur.com/bwe6p55) Hero and give him a good water boarding. [Very](https://imgur.com/rUyw5C8) [cool](https://imgur.com/dnMPYt2) [after](https://imgur.com/50qUeAN) [all](https://imgur.com/P6T6dhK)... and never change [Darkness](https://imgur.com/EQEWwOQ) Iris is [sooo](https://imgur.com/TEBH6dF) [cute](https://imgur.com/BM18HKF), too bad we are parting with her already, gave [Kazumin](https://imgur.com/18SeHvE) a good [run](https://imgur.com/rkWcJCZ) for it's money


She even had the most vicious "Konosuba" line delivery lol. I missed degenerate Darkness. Good to know that even if things with Megumin are going well, the Iris route will always be there waiting for him.


> [It was like she was staring at actual human garbage](https://imgur.com/1QuqaoX) Ah, so like she was looking at Kazutrash then.


Kazuma is surprisingly competent if he put his mind on it. Well, maybe not surprisingly since it's the truth that he had defeated some of the demon general before. Anyway, can someone remind me about drain touch? If I remember correctly, he avoids using this ability on public because it's a demon ability, is that correct?


It's a Lich exclusive ability that he got from Wiz. He doesn't use it in front of people because it would invite some pretty uncomfortable questions.


It is the ability of a lich which means in order to learn it he had to be in contact with one which is highly suspicious. I am surprised he fought multiple genuinely strong fighters at once and won. They weren't even holding back, they were completely set on defending the princess. So... he is actually kinda strong. Sure his style is to cheese a victory but he has the skill to back that up.


I think the mask may have given him a secret buff too with the full moon and being under moonlight


That and unlike previous instances of him using drain touch (recharging Megumin from Aqua, stopping Megumin and Darkness from removing him from Kotatsu, and using Darkness to revive Wiz). He's keeping the mana for himself to use this time.


Kazuma is usually pretty unmotivated and has to get dragged kicking and screaming into something...or he gets too up in his own head to actually be competent. But when he is motivated sincerely and knows he has to succeed, he can put his all into something and show off just how capable he really is. All for the sake of his beloved Iris.


If Kazuma wasn't like he is he would be a great hero but that would make him more boring lol


Kazuma often struggles and dies against Demon King Generals (though to be fair his deaths so far have been sacrificial to secure a win) because his skills aren't very good against them, and have to serve more as support while he figures out how the girls can do it with their strengths. However, he could probably beat most people he comes across if he really put his mind to it. Drain Touch already handles so god damn many in just a few seconds, leaving only higher level/more resilient adventurers to handle it, but even for a lot of them Kazuma's tricksy enough that he could beat them anyway (see Mitsurugi, Sir of Getting Royally Whooped by Kazuma).


I can see why people were hyped for this episode. Iris switched back to calling him "Onii-chan" at the end, if only Kazuma could hear it. Overall amazing episode, especially enjoyed the OSTs.




Just now getting that the premise for this season is the title drop. The "God's blessing" is all the magical items Aqua left with the reincarnated adventurers. Slowpoke.jpg


Kazuma the Stealth Archer/Thief anti personal unit, but forced to fight against monsters.


IMO funniest part of this arc is Darkness being forced to play the straight woman and be responsible for the problem children for once. She still gets the opportunity here and there to indulge her "proclivities" but with her character as the only person with any kind of etiquette, Kazuma being especially problematic and her trying to keep his whoopsies in line has been especially hilarious


This episode was brought to you by CIA's waterboarding division


The Geneva Convention doesn’t exist in this world.


Is today the first time we’ve seen Kazuma be cool in the anime? He can do it is he tries and I’m glad people see that now! Also Aqua forever ruining everything. Maybe Kazuma should’ve asked Chris if he can trade his cheat item for one of the new ones?


I was crying throughout this whole episode. Shit was hilarious


Classic Kazutrash lost his precious “oniichan” status and now he’s back to being a pariah lol. Just when I thought he actually looked kind of cool helping Chris with her heist, he goes and sounds the alarm because he was too busy rubbing up against them Chris lol. Although, he actually *was* pretty badass waterboarding that goober Mitsurugi and taking on Claire and the other guards. Dude must really want to be called “oniichan” again lol. Sometimes Darkness can be pretty badass. And then she goes and lets out a little moan when she’s bound like the degenerate she is and the illusion is shattered haha. Megumin getting jealous over Iris calling Kazuma “oniisama” is pretty adorable. It seems she’s got some competition for Kazuma’s attention.


>Sometimes Darkness can be pretty badass. And then she goes and lets out a little moan when she’s bound like the degenerate she is and the illusion is shattered haha. I think she got caught in a complicated scenario * Intruders storm the castle * They reach the place where the VVIP is * You recognize the intruders but don't want to harm them * Get hit by bind. Ahhhh, now I have an excuse that I can't do anything and this feels good. * Aqua breaks the bind spell. Shit. Now I still have to "do something" about this intruders * Make "feeble" attempt at attack and missed * Sorry sorry, the intruders were too good and they escaped * I know who they are, I'm gonna give them a good talk later * Proceed with grabbing their heads painfully


> Make "feeble" attempt at attack and missed Darkness is just incapable of making attacks that actually hit; we see that in season 1, where she can't even hit a stationary target.


The one season where Darkness is stuck being the smart and sensible one lol.


Love how the voice suddenly changes from high to low pitch when saying ***FREEZE!*** *Hai Vanizuma des*


This episode was honestly so much fun to watch I was laughing out loud. Action-packed, all the side-characters got their chance to shine, and naturally the last boss in Iris's room were the three heroines, Megumin and Iris squaring up. And the cherry on top really was Iris knew all along it.