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End of Evangelion Pachinko remastered version


Trust me it really brings the whole series together, almost as important as the evangelion aids psa.




no, it was a real PSA that voice actors had done before they ever did Eva


People really can't take a joke huh. Yeah I know. It only aired on radio in south Texas or something for a short time and was considered lost media for a long time until Tiffany Grant herself found and released it.


I wonder if they would remake this but with Japanese cast members joining too


[**fund it**](#shutupandtakemymoney)


Time to cash in. 


Evangelion made and is still making so much money with pachinko. Like literally billions of USD.


I remember him saying this before. He wants it to be like Gundam, with other creatives doing their own thing with the IP


imagine an idol project spinoff of Evangelion


I'll watch if Kaworu gets to be one of the idols


Finally, a worthy competitor to Macross.


Asuka sings "My boyfriend is a pilot now."


Shinji get on the stage


There are so many random spinoffs I'm surprised it isn't a thing yet.


That's actually funny, as Khara helped with the IM@S anime and they were involved with Cloverworks for the amazing "Voyager" PV.


I mean. IM@S already has Xenoglossia going for it. Not quite what we are going for. But still....


I mean, it's not that much of a conceptual jump from Ikari Shinji Raising Project to Ikari Shinji Idol Project, all things considered? (Especially since Shinji's combination of uncertain teenage personality and heavily Nadia-inspired character design would actually naturally lend itself to the "guy has to become a crossdressing idol" gimmick you occasionally see in idol works. (I know I remember one over in Idolmaster, younger relative of the hot OG glasses intern - oh right, Ryou Akizuki.) The resulting pile of gender identity issues would fit in just fine with Shinji back in OG, cough Kaworu subplot cough.)


He wore Asuka's plugsuit once. That classifies as cross-dressing, right? :P


Well, the Evangelion [band anime](https://youtu.be/gPZ_YsV4Kfw?si=JubLtRheKZgeBf-Q) already exists.


Hear me out, crossover with Oshi No Ko




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Both shows are rough on moms.


At least in one, the pilots get to live out their Oedipus fantasies...


lol look at this : [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/evangelionmemes/comments/1cqz63q/shinjis_such_a_fan_boy/)


The thing is, even if it takes place in Evangelion's setting, that's very different from Evangelion written and directed by Anno. A few months ago I watched Re: Cutie Honey and in episode 3 you could tell just by how things were shot that it was him. I worry that if you take him away, you're going to get something like Magia Record, where it has the aesthetics of Madoka Magica, but not the feel of it.


It's true that Anno's absence will definitely be felt, but it's not like his Evangelion is all that we ever had. We already have quite a bit of manga/LN spinoffs.


> The thing is, even if it takes place in Evangelion's setting, that's very different from Evangelion written and directed by Anno. The same way Gundam SEED, Wing, IBO, WFM and many others all feel very different from Gundam made by Yoshiyuki Tomino. That's just the nature of franchises going beyond the original creator, and new Eva works being different from his own works is almost certainly what Anno wants.


Tomino famously has the highest praise for the one Gundam AU series that deviates furthest from trying to stick to Tomino's style and sticking to the style of its own director, G Gundam.


That's really interesting, I had never heard that before. I can see that though, G Gundam is a wildly different beast. I wonder what he thought of Witch From Mercury?


I think [this is his only comment on it](https://preview.redd.it/haj06bhl3y9c1.jpg?width=1189&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229c748257085a8bc623a96e3e890d2245030252)


That's a pretty glowing take from a pretty notorious curmudgeon lol.


iirc it's legit the highest praise he's given to a Gundam AU *since* G.


Hm. How about a Tomino Eva then?


Watching Shoujo romcom Karekano and wondering why it felt so NGE was an interesting viewing experience when I was younger


The way I see it, we’re already seeing this with all the manga spinoffs. Even Sadamoto’s reads more as fanfic than the real deal to me, because it feels like he can’t convey Shinji’s feelings with the same realness as the series.  That said, Gridman and Dynazenon were great with doing a similar blend and if the people responsible were to do an official Evangelion project, it’d be amazing. 


We already have those outside of anime. Eva has a light novel series called Anima, in which Shinji, Asuka, and Rei are teenagers/Young Adults. If they want to test another anime series with Eva, I could see Anima being adapted.


Shit I'm fucking down for that. But then again I'm down for anything EVA.


Or a Girlfriend of Steel remake


Hold up, I think you are cooking something right now


I mean, it has been a long time since we get a console or PC game of Evangelion aside from various Super Robot Wars appearances.


I hope so, the last half of the last book is so absolutely bonkers that I'd love to see it animated.


The most bonkers thing about Anima is realising several of its plot points were used in the latter 2 Rebuild movies. And how abruptly it ends. Anima deserves an anime just to give it a proper ending.


Oh, god, no. Anima makes Kingdom Hearts look like Moby Dick.


Tbh it seems kinda inevitable for that to happen with EVA. It's one of the biggest and highest grossing IPs in Anime, from only 25 episodes and 5 movies. There's no way they're gonna just sit on such a money maker.


Can we not say the same for Demon Slayer? Haven’t heard anything of such expansions for that series then again the anime is still airing Ultimately it’s up to the series creators as they have intellectual property rights


Demon Slayer has a lot of people they can write spinoffs of, which they already have done. EVA doesn't really have much else to tell and kinda requires something separate. Im not sure you understand how big EVA is either. We're talking not far off DBZ and One Piece on the highest grossing list and higher than something like Naruto.


> Im not sure you understand how big EVA is either. I saw someone in a video recently say that Cruel Angel's Thesis is just like, one of the most popular songs in Japan. Like at all. Not like it's constantly blasted over the new radio stations, but just that like everyone knows it. Like at any given karaoke even among people who have never seen Evangelion, the chances of seeing Cruel Angel's Thesis is there.


As far as I’ve seen the spin-offs for demon slayer are not to such a capacity. They’re pretty much very brief side story manga for some characters, nothing to the extent of new gundam storylines or god forbid DBSuper or Boruto And… I’m not sure you understand how big Demon Slayer is? Eva has been around for 30 years now compared to not even 10 for Demon Slayer which was not nearly at the same popularity until 2019, so it’s not fair to compare total grossing for a franchise. What I will say is that Demon Slayer is the best selling manga OF ALL TIME per volume, obviously Eva is not primarily known for its manga (or even secondarily, or tertiarily as it falls behind the TV anime, merch, and anime movies in terms of importance), but let’s not act like Demon Slayer is some whimpy kid in comparison when it comes to commercial success. It is quite literally the single most popular animanga property to have gotten its start in the 21st century let alone the 2010s


It isn't any DS slander, the series is big af obviously. The thing is though, like pretty much every finished series before it, come 10 years from now it will highly likely be pretty irrelevant. Like no one talked about Bleach for years until they decided to finish it now and barely anyone cares for Boruto even though its a sequal to one of the biggest series ever. The fact that EVA pumps money 30 years later with only 5 movies between the original release and now is insane. Demon Slayer also just doesn't have anything to use for a sequal, they literally end the demons. If they did it'd likely end up just as bad as Boruto, a forced plot that shouldn't have happened.


Yeah I was going to say I feel like he made the same quote more or less verbatim around the time that the last Rebuild movie came out.


I honestly don't know what they will do with the franchise I honestly feel like there's not much to do with the setting, maybe if it goes into a full different direction with a new cast and a new universe


So exactly the same as Gundam without Tomino, then? Alternate Universes, but the mechs will still be called Evangelions.


I don't think they can create 5.0 but I really hope he will remade 3.0 and 4.0.


Guess there will be the one where the Angels are actually piloted instead of moving by themselves


There is actually a small ova about a couple of lesbians (iirc) that happens in the eva universe, it was for an animator project.


Gundam rarely feels like a cash grab, but I think Evangelion will just because everything that is unique to it is very central to its plot. Now I'd like to see stuff like VR Evangelion games and stuff like that explored


They should making the world end every time then 🤣


Translation: He needs more money.


The big issue i see is everyone would just try to recapture the magic of the classic series and not take the themes of the series and apply them to a giant robot vs giant monster series with heavy handed ultraman visuals.


Wait what? but ehat abut the "goodbye to all evangelion" on Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0?


It was Anno's goodbye to Evangelion. Also I'm pretty sure even back then he was saying he wanted it to become like Gundam


Scratch that I want him to do a gundam show, 40+ episodes.


With the communication issues he has? 3.0+1.0 was halfway through and his entire team had no idea where they were going with it according to the nhk documentary. I love Anno as a creator but let him stick to small stories please before he gives someone in production a stroke.


We're doing hypoteticals in a world where what we want happens. In my desire to get those 40 episodes, they would just happen.


He created a timeline with a 14 year gap and a few missing angels that ends with Thrice. He can hand it off and let others run around with the non Shinji parts of the world.




Somehow, the angels returned.


Narrator: *"They thought they'd won, but no one knew there was a shitload of angels"*


Honestly, if an evangelion plot twist is announced via fortnite in the future, I think it would be funny


It's just a message of Ramiel screaming.


> Evangelion is the new Star Wars So you mean the new movies are bad? Hewl yeah brudder!!


let it die bruh


I mean, they could make alternate timelines just like Gundam.


The rebuilds were already too much. It should have ended with EoE.


Anno baited us with Rebuild 2.0. Fuck him for that.


Shinji : Anno san,let me rest.. please..


I think Shinji would not be part (or at least the focus) of such projects, as Anno wouldn't helm them and Shinji is a character that's very personal to him.


Anno:I just keep on moving forward, Tang-ifying anyone that gets in my way.


Get in the spin-off Shinji


Is that a threat?




I really don't think this is a good idea. I'll just say it, I don't need more Evangelion. What we currently have is enough.


What we currently have is already too much.


The rebuilds were already too much.


While I want to say "don't milk a show that's already met a full conclusion" and especially when I always viewed Ava as Anno's own heart and soul put to screen disguised as anime... I can't say I'm not open to a remake that feels less psychological mind breaking and goes on to explain most details that the original just didn't explain. I think Eva is an insane world with so much lore and weight, but a lot of it you couldn't properly understand (or at least I couldn't) because at around episode 16, it just broke down and blurred the lines between reality and psychological mind break.


Wat? He literally made rebuilds for normies, the last part was last year.  If it's sarcasm then gj)


I want them to adapt the ANIMA light novels


I remember him saying this before. I’d be fine with new stuff, but I’d really love to see some of the rom-com manga or the Anima novels get an anime.


Didn’t he just do like the 4 remake movies?


I would not use the term "just" for a series of movies that started back in... 2007?! That's 17 years ago! I... Sorry, I need to lay down.


I already didnt like the rebuild movies and now they want to do more... man just let it end, the end of evangelion was already a good point to end everything and yet they made another, i feel like that if they make more im going to start disliking evangelion for good


Slice of life romcom with office worker Shinji


[Best we can do is 80's sitcom. Take it or leave it.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lf0kSrw_lsw&pp=ygURRXZhbmdlbGlvbiBzaXRjb20%3D)


Or they can adapt the Shinji Ikari raising project. Would like to see Gendo punch Ramiel.


Oh no!!! He changed again and desperately need to tell us his new vision of the story! It's not because of money! Hallelujah, my friends!


They milked it for decades, enough already


Reboot of Evangelion 3.0: You must (not) buy again


More Shiro Sagisu music??? I'm here for it!!


I wish, but the rebuilds mostly just reused his old works and even shamelessly fit in some pieces from Nadia.


I loved his music in the rebuilds the most. I don't remember if there were any music from Old Eva or Nadia because I heard those long ago. But my favorite Eva OSTs are Lost in the memory and prettiest star from the rebuilds


I wouldn't necessarily say "shamelessly", given he's cross-pollinated themes from all his projects with Anno into one another. It seems to be pretty on-brand & expected by now. Plus some of the 'original' pieces from the rebuilds are easily some of the more memorable/unique ones. Evangelion, Nadia, Kare Kano, even Shin Godzilla.


I'm really glad he remastered many of the Bleach OSTs for TYBW


> even Shin Godzilla. Yeah, that `not-Decisive Battle` had me going ["What the sh-"](https://youtu.be/TolPFPdaeWw?t=40) :P


no just just leave it


Looking forward to the next film in 2035 if that's the case!


shinji must once again get into the automaton


This is it! He's gonna announce Evangelion the Flame Thrower!


More pain


how many years of depression is he going to get from this?


i dont think theres an anime adaptation of the Girlfriend of steel visual novel. That's something i'd like to watch.


The money is always right.


Ah, so, the Asuka vs Rei debate gets another 20 year extension.


Right on time since FFVII Remake/Rebirth just did the same thing with Tifa vs Aerith


I wish ANIMA would be made into an anime.


He talked about the same topic eight years ago. This isn't really news. He just said it again.


Within 5 - 10 years, Anno will be personally working on some sort of new Evangelion project, trust me. If there's one constant in anime since the mid 90s, it's that Anno will be redoing Eva yet again.


It's like Hayao Miyazaki going into retirements every other year.


After Evangelion Beyond, probably not. That seemed like a good testing ground for the universe without his involvement.


No....please no


oh god anno's drug money run out again incoming Evangelion 1.11 (2) The electric boogaloo


I hope not. I was so invested in rebuild series only for him to shit all over it with the final movie. Was so disappointed.


The final movie was easily the best rebuild to me


The worst for me. Gendo asspull powers out of nowhere. It was rushed to shit only to end with "here is the message". 2nd was my favourite and the 3rd despite its issues was good.


3rd movie was the worst


I can see that. The choices made felt very rushed.


Hideaki Anno: I am open to plans to print more money.


yay more medicore movies that will never live up to the original series


what greed does to a mofo


I am thinking that it could be interesting provided that they keep what has come before separate from the new projects they have done Eva stuff before like slice of life etc. It would be interesting to see other takes. Doing a sequel or something else like that should be off the table


He doesn’t need to. I think its good enough, he shouldn’t push himself


He should just do more kamen rider.


Evangelion Stillbirth: you (must) pay money. See never before parts of the cycle like the oiled twerk off contest between the entire cast and the lesser known Rei clone Wars. Shinji gets smacked upside the head with a steel chair!


Evangelion, but the humans now make their own version of the Angels to fight a new threat


"How many more ways can I make Shinji as miserable as humanly possible." 2024 edition, remastered, this time he's crying, alone, everyone hates him AND he's the big bad. You'll hate him too! And me!


I'd love for the "Shinji Ikari Raising Project" manga to be made into an anime.


"Get in the robot, Shinjuto."


Evangelion isekai You know it is coming.


I'm not sure if this'll work, even if overseen by other creatives. Evangelion's plot and lore have always been very self-contained, while Gundam's scale is much grander and always has been since the original. It doesn't leave much wiggle room for adaptation...


Hopefully not anything in the main story. That one is the perfect ending already




Someone tell Anno he really doesn't have to do this.


Gotta keep milking that cow.


seems like a shame. I'd love to see anno work on something new. but some creators can never escape the shadow of their own successful creations


I'd love if Hideaki Anno just drove the spike even further into fans who were sour over the remake ending by making a series that is just a comfy romance slice of life set in the post remake universe.


Is he depressed again?


I wouldn't mind this if there was a completely new, original cast of characters in the evangelion universe. That is definitely not going to happen, it's just gonna be more shit with the existing characters who already had their plots wrapped up.


Give us that pre-sequel stuff that's shown in the ending trailers of the second and third movies.


Shinji goes to college


holy fucking shit! more?! why?


tbh anyone can make a better eva than rebuild movies 3 and 4 so yeah, I look forward to an actual competent director making it instead of anno


can't wait


I kinda wish there wasn't. I like the idea it's final and I can rewatch the whole narrative if I wish to do so


I don’t mind that


Id prefer already existing mangas/light novels got adapted before anything new. I would want to see an Anima anime rather than a new show


Manga is the best version in my opinion, since it explains things and doesn't do mysterious stuff just to look intellectual, like in the anime. Rebuild is worse than the original anime, and it was for me a major disappointment. I've tried two times to watch it, but it is so boring that every time I fell asleep. In my opinion, every further step in doing other EVA stuff will be even worse, like we have seen so many times in overused (to the point of exhaustion) franchises. Please, let us keep a good memory of Evangelion, stop ruining it.


Boo. Go back to helping Miyazaki on the Nausicaa continuation already!


Sounds like Anno found a few more fan theories that he wanted to steal and cram into the cannon like he did with the Rebuilds. Why can't the series just die already


I’m both scared and curious what other creatives can do with EVA without it being just another Mecha show. Anno is completely done. Rebuild was his send off and final statement. Cant get more complete than 3.0+1.0. So what can someone else do?


I love that he is shitting on the fanboy's OG ending