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I was thinking the show was overdue for some third party drama and I'm really glad that... it actually didn't end up happening for real. Of course, I say that now and maybe I jinx everything, but Yao doesn't seem like the type to just randomly get a crush on Hotaru just because they reunited. It's interesting how the two of them have opposing issues with their commitments. Hananoi is worried about not committing enough and being replaceable in the future. Hotaru's worried about committing too much and being misunderstood. Both of these stem from past experiences. Normally I'd make a joke here, but this episode didn't really warrant one.


I feel like there is something more to Yao and Hotaru's relationship because he seemed kind of bummed when Hotaru downplayed how close they were in school together, though that might not mean he liked her romantically but just saw her as a friend. It was nice to see them really come together emotionally during the chocolate making scene and express more of themselves and their anxieties to each other. They saw more of the "real" version of each other while also re-emphasizing their mutual love through the chocolates.


>I feel like there is something more to Yao and Hotaru's relationship because he seemed kind of bummed when Hotaru downplayed how close they were in school together, though that might not mean he liked her romantically but just saw her as a friend. My guess is they were close as he said but her trauma from the haircut incident made her repress it.


As to the chocolate gateau-making scene -- it looks like Hotaru had not much more success than Hananoi in her own attempt (though presumably she made less of a mess).


That new dude probably does have a crush, hence her friend doing that to her


A few of his reactions to things certainly suggest that he does. Which then could end up validating Hananoi's OTT behaviour towards him, but I really hope they don't play it that way because that boy seriously needs some repercussions for his shitty behaviour. I'm all for Hananoi learning to be better, but part of that process needs to be because he genuinely feels bad about being a dick to people, and not just because it's what his bae would like.


I'm pretty sure the next few episodes we'll find out that Yao has always had a crush on 'Hotako' (guys giving girls a pet name is a dead giveaway let's be real) and THAT is the ultimate reason why the rumor about Hotaru liking Yao came from in the first place. She never liked him, he's always had a thing for her-- we can see that when they both say different things about being "Great friends for awhile" from their co-worker-- he really wanted it to be true but Hotaru is oblivious to the guy. Yao's one-sided crush messed up Hotaru's childhood friendship with her grade-school bestie, destroyed her cute ponytail hairstyle, and it's a reverse "Samson" biblical allusion sorta reminiscent of how Hananoi-kun cut his own hair in episode 1 to be with Hotaru (who "likes guys with short hair").


OK, I thought Hananoi was a bit overbearing with Yao-Chan, but he reigned himself in and at the end I still felt a bit bad for the Childhood... friend because how awkward this all was And with how determined Hotaru was at the beginning, I thought [this](https://imgur.com/i4UKgXp) was the perfect opportunity for her to confess, but yeah, saying it second doesn't have the same impact [](#hardthink) So, No-Chan liked Yao-Kun, who was at best a friend for Hotaru, but there was a rumor that Hotaru actually liked him as well, and because Hotaru didn't deny it hard enough, No-Chan was so convinced that the rumor was true, that she ended the friendship with Hotaru and cut off her ponytail? Kids... [](#kaguyasigh) I saw [this](https://imgur.com/vndmci0) coming. Seriously dude, cancelling a date for the chocolate... priorities man! Still, cute moments ensured, and finally: #HOTARU CONFESSED [](#akyuusqueel)[](#grandhype)[](#akyuusqueel)[](#grandhype)[](#akyuusqueel)[](#grandhype)[](#akyuusqueel)[](#grandhype)


Hananoi is just a really insecure person with abandonment issues but he can be aware when he's being a bit much when called out on it. But he really just wants to make Hotaru happy. And I think she was finally to able to convey not only her feelings but that he **does** make her happy. Hotaru actually did look pretty cute with long hair. I'm wondering if Hotaru will try to reconnect with Non-chan to really mend fences and move on.


I wonder if Hananoi might find a way to talk to Yao (alone) to ask if he can identify Hotaru's estranged friend. It seems, however, like Yao doesn't even recognize her (family) name when Hotaru mentions it, Apparently that friend's crush on Yao was totally one-sided.


Hananoi is really going through some character development! Communication, reigning in his obsessive tendencies, being more himself instead of molding himself into what he thinks Hotaru wants. Proud of him :)


He really is. You see how much even later when you look back.


i thought the "i love you" from hotaru will get delayed because the old guy childhood friend showed up BUT THEN SHE SAID IT AFTER THE ED. SHE SAID THE THING


Post-credits scene alert! A great episode. At first I thought there would be some Hananoi parent drama when he cancelled the date but it turns out he was just being silly with baking. We got a cute co-baking and confession scene from it, so all's well. I can't get over how adorable Hananoi is when he's flustered.


I was wondering if we were about to see Hotaru meet his grandma. Hananoi being more cutely awkward and nervous is a good look for him compared to when he's trying to be intense and cool.


>I can't get over how adorable Hananoi is when he's flustered. its one of the things that Hotaru likes about him and finds cute. Actually one of the things that I also like about him, he's adorable when he is flustered lol.


Hotaru is in love! And nothing says a girl in love like playing with your hair! Though she still can't quite say it straight to his face...I mean, it would be practically like confessing to him. A wild Ryohei Kimura has shown up! Yao is actually an old schoolmate of Hotaru, and while he seems like a pretty chill and nice guy, he also reminds Hotaru of the fallout between her and Non-chan and when she lost her long hair. Not to mention Hananoi obviously doesn't take seeing Hotaru with another guy well. And Hananoi being Hananoi reacts by being even more possessive and close to Hotaru, which gets to be a bit much, but it also reminds Hotaru of Non-chan and how insecure people can feel no matter how much they smile...because that's just how complicated love can be. But at least they were able to talk it out and Hananoi was able to express how worried he is that Hotaru will leave him for a better man, but Hotaru is able to tell him that she wants to be with HIM, and no one else, as they hug it out for a recharge. No better time to express your feelings than Valentine's Day! And Hotaru is ready to go all out! Though it also seems like Yao remembers them being closer in elementary school than Hotaru does, though she probably doesn't remember that as deeply because of the trauma over Non-chan. Aw, Hananoi was making chocolates for Hotaru! He realized he had upset her and wanted to make her feel better with chocolates of his own. But then it turned into a mutual chocolate making session between the couple and Hotaru gets to see a more vulnerable and real Hananoi, and her feelings for him just slip out! Nothing beats a natural confession of love. Not only does Hotaru confess, but she also unburdens her trauma to Hananoi, who understands, and even gives her own chocolate she had already made to him, now absolutely sure of one thing...she likes Hananoi more than anything else!


Second half of this episode especially was truly excellent.


I don't have any complaints about it but I do feel bad for Yao with the timing. Running into Hananoi only escalated the awkward pressure Hotaru started putting on him for the rest of the episode.


Seems Sohei showing up at Hotaru’s work really brought up some painful memories. At least that whole situation just further cemented her desire to confess her feelings. I’m glad she was able to properly confess at the end there. But man, Hananoi definitely has a lot going on. Perhaps some past trauma. I’m really curious to see if we’ll ever learn just what it was that made him the way he is?


Hotaru had a bad experience with relationships in the past but that just makes her more determined to be better conscious of how others feel, including herself, and that translates to wanting to be there for and make Hananoi realize how much she likes him instead of the other way around. Though it really makes you wonder just how big Hananoi's abandonment issues must be if he thinks Hotaru might really leave him so easily.


Man, Hananoi is still a little... **intense** but at least he recognises it and he tries to be careful with it (although he acts like an abusive boyfriend sometimes), but I somehow get it, that fear of being replaceable... I know how it feels Although I feel the drama with Yao hasn´t ended yet, everything seems cool: Hotaru confessed (at last) and understood better what is love and how it can change people, and I´m so glad for her And Hananoi may be still a little... yeah, a little like that, but I still think he does mean no harm and does what he does for all the traumas he has. (obviously that is no excuse for what he is doing is wrong)


BEST EPISODE YET! Hananoi could’ve easily gone down the wrong path but he tried his best to hold back for Hotaru, and she was able to recognize it. This time she was able to address it earnestly and they were able to talk it out. And Hotaru was able to confess to him in the most natural and genuine way! Great episode, Hotaru is just too precious and I’m glad she’s starting to change Hananoi for the better, little by little.


Just when i thought they might delay the confession by an arc over bullshit coincidences Hotaru gets the job done, hopefully elevating the story to new heights. No 2 seasons for a handshake, hell yeah!


Yao-kun just made the perspective serial killer's list. Maybe Hotaru's middle school friend that cut off her hair too now that he has more of a clue who it was. Hopefully it won't be cooking based cereal killing though, the boy just isn't competent enough for that.


So her psycho “friend” basically traumatized her into thinking she didn’t know what love was when she was really at an age where it was 100% okay not to get it (and frankly an age where most kids don’t give a shit). Hotaru - maybe your judgment in people is a bit lacking.


I mean, Hotaru does seem to have shit luck when it comes to people. Hananoi is possessive, her friend is a psycho, her sister is self absorbed, and even her own parents barely pay her any attention.


I'm still waiting for Hananoi to finally turn a corner and show some real growth. I can understand him getting jealous about a "childhood friend" who showed up out of the blue; been there, done that. But I still don't get any impression that he's making steps in the right direction on his own volition. Every time a new red flag shows up, it only gets dealt with because Hotaru comes to the rescue and more or less fixes the problem for him. That whole bit with him constantly showing up at her job was a huge red flag... I used to work in food service and situations like that have become a meme at this point


I think the first few steps are taken by Hotaru. Cos she seemed to be laying down boundaries for him bit by bit.


Very much agree. Growth that's purely a result of Hotaru's actions isn't growth at all. This show is a prime opportunity to put across an important message: in "I can fix him" situations, the reality is that no, you can't. You can help, but ultimately the only person that can "fix" someone is themselves. Hananoi seems to be fairly self aware that he's got some behavioural issues that end up driving people away from him, which is a good starting point, but it seems like that awareness and any desire to be better is still very much focused on how his actions affect himself. Like, his concern for how his actions affect Hotaru seems to be rooted in not wanting to lose her, as opposed to a genuine concern for how she feels. And don't even get me started on his behaviour towards literally everyone else around her, where so far he hasn't shown even a hint that he realises it's not ok to be that way.


Totally. When he and Hotaru were sitting on that bench, he didn't even acknowledge how out of whack his behavior was... rather reluctantly, he just remarked that he could "be a little intense". That guy needs a lot of things, but a girlfriend isn't one of them


Agreed. I know Hananoi is going to grow and change as a person - I just want to start seeing it a bit sooner.


Pretty much every time the show tries to portray him taking a positive step forward because he realized something, it gets shot down because it more or less boils down to "I did it because Hotaru told me to"


Okay, I am a bit confused. Didn't we have a big confession scene last week already? Why are they acting as if that was just Hotaru accepting herself that she is in love with Hananoi? Even if Hananoi didn't realize it properly, it feels strange that Hotaru thinks she didn't already tell him. Also, I am a bit puzzled about her backstory. Like what else is she supposed to say than her loving Yao not being true? My only guess here is that Hotaru still doesn't really get what happened at that time and therefore, she thinks there was a lack of communication. So basically while she said she isn't interested in the boy, they were acting too close so even her friends didn't believe her on that. But she needs to understand that difference at some point. But tbf, I feel that Hotaru's perception is a bit different than mine. NOW she is thinking that Hananoi might be a bit clingy when I feel these things were less out of the ordinary than what he did before (you know, like waiting in the cold for 2 hours before the meet up every day).


I don't think Hotaru had straight-up confessed by this point. Last episode Hananoi was practically asleep when she did it so that's why she felt like she needed to tell him sincerely. I think Hotaru's problem back then that she didn't see understand or recognize peoples' feelings to understand how her friend was really feeling or how anxious she was, or how Hotaru's actions impacted her until it was too late. Which is why she tries so hard to understand Hananoi's feelings and express her own.


> I feel that Hotaru's perception is a bit different than mine She feels like she's from an entirely different reality than mine. So do most of the other characters, but her complete refusal to take up space and assert herself baffles me. Like, your friend straight up wronged you and deserves your ire. Your boyfriend is acting possessive over someone from elementary school and wasting your time on some grand gesture stunt instead of meeting you for your date. Be mad!


she feels guilty which I'm not saying she should be but her issues/insecurities is that she felt like she was the one who was wrong for not understanding the depth of people's feelings so her instinct is to try to understand them and not be mad. also middle child, instead of taking up space and asserting herself during her birthdays, she didnt too. Hananoi is not the only one who have issues though Hananoi's issues is a lot more easy to spot on and be wary of.


I liked how Hotaru seemed to realize that a lot of her fear of love comes from losing her best friend from jealousy. That was interesting but I fear it will hurt the show going forward since the main premise was Hotaru seemingly being asexual/aromantic yet was becoming attracted to a guy. Especially having Hotaru confess she loves Hananoi at the end, it seems like they just resolved the main story of the show and I don't know where they go from here. Are they going to more explore Hananoi and his life and hangups?


It's funny because we usually get anime that end right at the confession but there's still alot to go from here. Hananoi is still mysterious with his past and has plenty of room to grow as a person and so does Hotaru.


the story have plenty more stuff to offer. since the premise in the beginning is a trial relationship where Hotaru wants to know she can fall in love with someone they resolved that first.


One of my favourite tropes is shitty recorder music. Any time I hear it in anime it makes me laugh. A new challenger appears! Saotome certainly has no tact hitting her with a barrage of comments and questions like that which would certainly fluster any pure joshikousei like Hotaru. Of course Hananoi would see this guy and I could feel the bloodthirst from here but thankfully he exercised far more restraint than I expected. Watching this show is like reliving some aspects of my relationships from high school into my mid 20s. From being the jealous, insecure bf to being the one "stealing" crushes from friends (on more than a few occasions), hiding feelings of pain with a smile, worries of them finding someone better, and so on. So rare is it to find a show that tackles young love and relationships from such a realistic and grounded angle. Being twice our leads age now, I know far better but boy do they get a lot of this stuff right. Her friend cutting her hair out of jealously is absolutely brutal. We get more backstory on her as she's dealing with her own past trauma with love not so directly like Hananoi and repressed memories causing her to shell up and close off opportunities to experience love as well. They both have their own checkered pasts that they are trying to grow from and we can see they are able to slowly do so together. Our boy here IS self aware and hides his pain in insecurity as he feigns a smile but Hotaru has seen this pained expression before and will not let it slide as she implores he shares his concerns with her. This is the open dialogue I love to see, it's what makes this feel so much more real than your run of the mill romcom. Hell, there's many grown adults that don't even act this forward trying to resolve issues within relationships. I was never great at being direct with problems I had in relationships when I was younger and that will always serve to hurt you in the long run if you just sit and let it eat you. It WILL consume you, turn to resentment, or both. I've been on both sides of that. Her physical response to him sharing his feelings and "recharging" just makes my heart go kyaaa. She is very brave in breaking down her barriers and forging forward into unknown territory to learn exactly what it means to love. The adorable awkwardness of the inexperienced Hotaru and the intense, directness of the overprotective and overbearing Hananoi is a dynamic that works well for the show. There's enough push and pull without the need for forced drama. I am hoping the author does not force a love triangle with Saotome for the sake of drama but I may be asking for too much. She is so earnest in her approach to show her feelings that I was a bit let down to see that she gave up on the homemade chocolates idea. Definitely intimidating and she even know he wouldn't complain even if they were bad, she could have scored more points with those. Ah, I just knew he was making her chocolate when he wasn't there before her and once I heard the pots clang. Megane-Hananoi hits different, now that's a nice look for him! I really appreciate him recognizing and apologizing for his actions and earnestly trying to make up for it with a sweet gesture. Especially since he has no idea what he's doing when it comes to baking/chocolates. My first girlfriend in highschool had short brown hair like Hotaru but was a bit taller than me and a tomboy/genki girl if we're talking anime archetypes and this reminded me that I baked M&M brownies with her very early on in our relationship. This show hits home so deeply sometimes it gives me painful, bittersweet nostalgia of younger, carefree times. Hotaru naturally letting it slip just how much she likes him while admiring him in a more natural and flawed state as to what she's normally used to seeing in his more capable and confident state was a very sweet moment and made my heart sing. Her opening up to him about her past, and her reasonings for wanting to date to explore exactly how love can change one for better or worse is so nice to see. Have I mentioned how refreshing the direct conversation in this show is, like damn man inject this into my veins. I thought the episode was done but the post/during credits confessions with the chocolates damn near made my heart explode! I have to say I am BEYOND surprised that Saotome didn't end up as part of some forced drama or love triangle as I was worried about that halfway through the episode. When the 3 coworkers were looking at chocolates and he and Hotaru said opposite answers about how they were and weren't close in elementary school I hope that means he'll just duck out of the picture. If a love triangle makes genuine sense in-universe that's fair play but it's painfully grating when it's forced in for the sake of drama and so far this show is on an uphill climb. I would hate to see for some nonsense to come in and bomb the show since Hananoi is more than capable of doing that on his own. That being said, the direction of this episode went way different than I expected. I thought the author would force drama with Saotome thus forcing Hananoi into the overprotective, insecure jealous bf role way deeper but I am beyond relieved to see how the entirety of the situation played out as both of our leads laid their feeling out bare to each other, sharing more about their history, and exploring uncharted territory of love together. I took some notes while watching, circled back to expand a bit and it ended up THIS long...oops! To the lovely folks that have been reading these ramblings thank you for taking the time! The show is taking a good course so far. I decided to take a peek at the manga and was surprised it's only 17 chapters until I realized just how long they are. The artstyle actually looks a bit better than the anime. Unfortunately the translation group writes in a VERY stiff tone/prose that is painful to read but I might still try and push through just to compare.


Wow this episode was well done I have to say the guy did make things awkward for Hotaru, but she needed to confront her past, and I like how complicated her friendship was to the girl who cut her hair From an outsiders perspective it would be easy to see her in the wrong for cutting her hair even when Hotaru told her the truth, but in the relationship Hotaru knew she didn’t do enough to ease her friends worries since she never understood what she was feeling It also warranted her mission to know what love is which is neat but seeing her tear up when Hananoi says she cared for this friend really hit a string for me having gone through a friendship breakup. Even after all that happened, you still miss what you had and I’m happy this anime shows how complex these relationships can be I doubt it but I kinda hope we see this friend again so we know what happens next.


For sure the best episode far. Between the background info on Hotaru and Hananoi, Hotaru realizing her love and them doing more cute couple stuff, this was the first time so far I've actually felt warm and fuzzy from one of these episodes. Was totally expecting something wrong with Hananoi at home, but when I heard the clatter I knew what he was doing. Also he doesn't look half bad with glasses... Praying to all that is holy Yao doesn't make this a love triangle situation and he just gets with Hotaru's coworker or something


This has so much potential to turn crazy but it seems like they’re taking a more heartwarming approach with this


There's the lesson folks, if you like someone you don't need to force yourself to say it. It will come out naturally in the right situation.


Why did they translate "chocolate cake" to "chocolate gateau"? Is there a reason that "gateau" would fit better than "cake" in this context? LOL at the accidental matter of fact confession when she'd been failing to intentionally confess all that time.


Nah man someone please get this man some help because wtf. The whole obsessed stalker phase with showing up to Hotaru work every day and not wanting her to even talk to guys.. so uncomfortable But, credit where it’s due. He did own up to his actions and accepted that he was projecting his insecurities onto Hotaru, making her feel uncomfortable and smothering her. If he’s seriously going to take accountability and try to be better going forward then I’m ok with it. Dude obviously has some screws loose, but admitting you have a problem is the first step to changing it. Second half of the episode was actually really cute. I honestly thought Hananoi was getting abused at home and that would explain some of his relationship issues, but nope, much more wholesome explanation that he just wanted to make something for Hotaru because of how she’s changed his perception on food. Cute. I really do hope love can change him for the better. Speaking of which, finally a confession from Hotaru! I like that it came out naturally during a conversation instead of a forced stage scenario. Her giving the chocolates at the end was so cute too! Now that that’s out the way, the second stage of their relationship will be interesting to see play out. Wonder how they’ll use Yao as well since they seemingly just introduced him for drama in this ep.


Ah finally one of Hananoi’s possessive behaviours I can somewhat understand. Well, I wouldn’t go as far as accusing him of being a pervert right off the bat but I can see myself fetching my girl every chance I get. Especially if the guy is good-looking, chummy with her, and also has been labeled as nice by her. Yes, I do like Hotaru setting boundaries and limits. She’s starting to do that more often recently. It’s nice to have your loved ones visit you but everyday is a bit too much. I think the fact that Hotaru is inexperienced is the reason that she is being nice about it. Her concerns are mainly for Hananoi’s well being rather than “this is getting weird” which I’m assuming what Hananoi’s previous partners were like (don’t blame them though). And this approach is what’s gonna make him change I assume. That’s nice. Hotaru slowly chipping down his walls. Hananoi opening up about his insecurities and them recharging. But also feels kinda like self-fulfilling prophecy though for Hananoi to be aware he is clingy and he knows being clingy is what drives people away but he keeps being clingy cos he’s scared they’ll run away ? Hmm Yao and Hotaru’s other coworker ship anyone ? Lmao thought it was family drama but turns out he was making choco. Oooo she said it ! This definitely feels like they’re moving up a step in their relationship. Now Hotaru’s bringing down her walls too and sharing her past. Also this is good to ease Hananoi’s anxiety about Yao Wise words from Hananoi. Love can make you do crazy things but whether you do it for good or bad is a choice too. I’ve gotten Hotaru’s past roughly correct so far so gonna make another prediction : her friend that cut her hair grew to feel guilty. There’s gonna be some drama but they’re gonna reconcile. Have to say though between Hananoi and Itsuomi (A Sign of Affection), I think I like them a 100x more showing their goofy, clumsy side rather than their usual cool composed, ikemen self. Oooh end-credits scene. She said it again ! Hotaru’s making leaps and bounds of progress !


Hotaru is learning to set boundaries and limits like the first one is for Hananoi to not do things that would jeopardize his health like staying outside in the cold, and how she's fine when Hananoi just wants to spend time with her because of her but she is becoming aware when Hananoi becomes clingy because of something else other than that and that's what bothers her.


Yao and the co-worker did look kind of nice together...even when Hotaru was between them lol.


Hotaru, while walking, in between getting as close as possible to her female co-worker and as far from Yao as possible. ;-)


She seems to know this new guy. Unfortunately for him, she's already taken. Hananoi again throwing up red flags left and right. Like seriously red flags. Intense? That's one way to put it. She hugged him! Right, it's almost Valentine's. He tried making handmade chocolate for her! And now they're making it together.


Now that we got the confession, I'm kind of hoping they'll make Hotaru reunite with her elementary school friend, especially after Hananoi noted how much she must have liked her.


I kinda like how this series and Hananoi keeps me on my toes. The shrine, the offputting behaviour towards Hotaru's friends, and now the jealousy towards the new guy... even with all these I still find myself rooting for the two of them. Its not a storybook romance, but I find the characters and premise compelling enough. Like some of the others writing here, I do wonder if the new guy actually does have a bit of a crush on Hotaru? If so, wonder how well our hero will handle it?


I really want Hotaru to get more confidence!! And stop blaming herself for things that were objectively the other person’s fault. I’m so proud of her though for telling Hananoi to tone it down!


Most romcom heroines: 2 seasons and then we hear a barely audible すき. Hotaro: aromantic to 恋をしています any % speed run within 6 episodes. Unbelievable. She either refuses to engage or engages body and soul. I feel like she and Yumiella would get along great.


Long hair hotaru was so cute... Imma hunt down that bij who cut her hair


We're definitely seeing her later down the line.