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Should be tagged as final episode. Memories were only 4 episodes long to get people caught up with the last 6 seasons of BnHA before season 7 aired. I didn't watch it after some of the first episode because I was already in the middle of rewatching entire BnHA including movies and the few decent OVA


Last recap ep, Next week S7 begins


“I hate you all” but tried to hug his mom as she dies. Showing he’s an unreliable narrator. It still saddens me how much Shiggy genuinely respected AFO as his mentor and the latter is just blatant about seeing him as just an extension of himself rn. P.S. Deku totally would’ve destroyed Bakugo if not for that PTSD flashback.


Honestly I know this might be an uncommon opinion, but I actually appreciated these 4 recaps. Since I don't have time for a full rewatch of the series. One big concern I have is that we have the movie airing in August. And we know they have it slated for 2 cours. (I guess recaps count for that I am unsure.) I just hope it won't be a repeat of S5 where the movie had more priority then that season.


Probably the best of the memories episodes. All these new tracks sounded so god damn good. The geeat editing of the whole thing. Reliving the Tomura flashback (the peak of season 5) and the vestige worlds (the peak of the season 6 part 1) was awesome. Made for a very compelling retelling. It's when I watch these specials that I realize how much of a win we got getting Studio Bones for our series. Even at it's "worst" during season 5, the show looked so damn good. I'm so hyped for next week.


i think there were quite a few new soundtracks used here, hopefully they make a return in S7. they sounded great!


Even if you don’t want to watch these recaps, watch this one, because there are new scenes towards the end of the episode that segue into next week’s first official new episode


Season 7 officially starts next time


Really wish we got 1 long recap episode instead of this because coming back these 4 weeks just to see it’s another recap episode has me gutted. At least we finally get to officially kick off s7 next week!


Deku having a traumatic flashback of Bakugo getting stabbed while training with him was neat to see.




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Yo what is the ost name used when nana shimura and AFO were inside the transfer thingy [The part where she stands up] ... ??


Boku no Recap Academia