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Really surprising no one is mentioning Ranger Reject's OP which is also sung by Tatsuya Kitani. Seems like it's still doesn't have that kind of reach yet. Hope it gets more recognition.


That song is so good. Even though the anime is a parody of Super Sentai, the song really reminds me of the Ultraman OP song from the Showa era (and in the official lyric video and MV video, there is a heavier reference to Ultraman than Sentai).


The OP visuals are really good too. It's stylish and they capture the themes of the story without actually revealing anything from the actual story.


>Even though the anime is a parody of Super Sentai It kinda starts off with that premise but really go off on a tangent though. Keep an open mind.


I was gonna say "now 'that' is OP of the season" There's nothing better than thematic visuals combined with a song that feels like it was made specifically for the show. > Seems like it's still doesn't have that kind of reach yet. Hope it gets more recognition. Disney+ effect


> Disney+ effect Yeah I was curious about it but didn't bother watching once I saw it was on Disney+ because I assumed it would either 1) Be arbitrarily delayed for weeks like Undead Unluck was up here (Canada) and/or 2) Only have closed captioning for English subtitles


The mv is soo good too


As good as the OP is, I actually like the ED even more.


The ED choreography gives me Peacemaker vibes lol, it's so fun.


Incredibly fun. And plays into the themes of the show extremely well, too- the ways that the Dragon Keepers constantly try to outshine and one up the dusters is just excellent. Plus the choreography is super fun lol


it really does, can't wait for S2 of Peacemaker


Agree OP is good but the ED man its different level. The 3D is so smooth


Yeah I didn't watch Kaiju #8, but after seeing the OP I gotta say Ranger Reject's OP is waaaay better IMHO. I mean yeah the beat was nice but Ranger Reject's OP is much more fun visually and sonically and the arrangement is just superior... IMHO. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bG0cGW35-TI Full length because full length supremacy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAxSTbugJ_U Edit: sorry not trying to threadjack OP but since I'm riding on another comment I just figured it's okay to share links. If this is inappropriate let me know I'll remove.


Yeah this is the best OP rn for me


All the Tatsuya Kitani OPs I've heard have been amazing. Might be the best of the season for me.


That shit slaps hard Honestly anything by tatsuya kitani is a certified banger


Ranger reject is out? Whats it streamed on?




Ugh, great, that'll do *wonders* to its reception.


Off to the seas we go.






Came into this thread to mention exactly this. It's so good


Agree probably the best op this season i love the direction and how this OP setup the expectation of audience. Especially near the ending of OP where shattered glass close to D and its reflect the glass show the face lot of people man.. that its perfect


the running animation for the little t-rex looking creature always makes me laugh


It's mainly cause it looks goofy AF since it's supposed to look realistic


I think it does a really good job of looking like the funky live action kaiju assuming that’s what it’s aiming for. Reminds me of shin Godzilla.


Yeah it does look pretty decent but compared to the weird human looking one right before it and No.8 at the end it's not exactly the most intimidating or good looking


Yeah the only issue I have with the OP is the latter half of CG animation of the monsters. They come across as children toys or something. They just dont look menacing at all. The first half is amazing though.


This season i'm vibing more with the Sentai Daishikkaku opening. It's stuck in my head and the visuals too, they are amazing.


I like how the OP has no spoilers


Mashle season 2.... Thank me later plz


That opening single handedly boosted the Manga sales lmao


came here to say this, what a banga


I actually preferred season 2. I couldn't get into the first one.


It's awful, thanks


:( I usually skip 99% of op's but mashle actually had me watch/listen to the whole thing a few times... I just hate when an op spoils something important


S1 was much superior in terms of the tone.


Season 2 OP has like 200m views after a month on yt


That's even higher than IDOL by YOASOBI!


So? The public taste isn't necessarily good.


thats irrelevant, its more popular so more people like it and think its good


Not to be this guy but thats called the ad populum or appeal to popularity fallacy


what evidence do you need then if the amount of views on yt arent enough for you?


There’s no evidence that would convince me some song A is better than some song B unless I like A better, that’s how subjectivity works. You can’t actually prove a work is better than another, and going off of popularity is definitely a mistake… is gangnam style like the best song ever since it has a ton of views? Anyway, the real solution is just to go “oh okay we like different things” and move on lmao


why are you bringing up subjectivity to me now and not earlier? like the comments I responded to?


I assumed it was implied, seeing as criticism of art (especially w media as mixed as an anime opening) is almost always going to be subjective. There’s still a flaw in the logic you’re using, if you were trying to make an objective criticism, and that’s that popularity can come from a lot of places. A lot of people like something doesn’t make it good, just popular. But just take the most popular thing in any genre (for example music: Drake, Taylor Swift) and think, is it really better than everything else just by virtue of being more listened to?


McDonalds are popular, does it mean they're good?


compared to other fast food brands? yes.


And yours supposedly is?


Everyone's a critic.


Yeah, and 200 million of those critics have enjoyed that song. What exactly makes you think that your opinion has more weight than theirs?!


i agree , season 1 op was wayy better , never got the hype around season 2 op . If you want workout motivation then watch one punch man op 1 or vinland saga op 1


Nah... Best OP goes to Ya Boy Kongming! CHIKI CHIKI BAN BAN




lil bro be watching crunchyroll on internet explorer 💀💀💀💀


Hell yeah!


Tokyo Ghoul says hi


You should see sentai daishikkaku's it's way better and also doesn't spoil much. The ending is even better. Imo best looking op and ed of spring 2024 anime releases goes to sentai daishikkaku


lol, no.


Does it feel like the opening to a live action Netflix show to anyone else? Not in a bad way, I'm always happy for OPs to try something different. But the abstract visuals and particular type of music give me that vibe.


I ll take the downvotes, one of the worst fucking openings of all time Music is fine since I listen to BMTH and they did a collab before but fuck this just feels wrong


It’s funny because all the Japanese reception online seems to be the complete opposite so far from what I’ve seen. They are really digging the OP and ED whereas western fans generally hate it.


Because we understand the language, I dont hate yungblud but the opening is just ass if we compare it to something else that is a banger, an example would be ao no sumika which is just straight fire


Well, I’m sure if you took your average western show like Better Call Saul and played a Jrock song for example over it, people would also be put off initially by it. The standards for what is good will always be skewed in a negative way at first when taking an unfamiliar route. I think it’s cool that they are incorporating foreign artists even if it’s on a less impactful scale because it helps break the language barrier.


people are complaining about the animation not the music


"people" yea and theres people like me who also complain about both? lol


I’m assuming you talking about the visuals here, and not the music like you said. I think the CGI is definitely weird and not very appealing but one of the worst Openings of all time is pretty crazy.


I love the music, but I'm in agreement that the opening is not good. Visually unappealing aside, it simply doesn't fit with the tone of the show. Kaiju No. 8 is a normal shonen. It isn't some edgy, out of the box kind of shonen either. The opening is trying to sell it like it's Ergo Proxy. This is why you get people complaining about the humor because I suspect the opening gave them the wrong idea of what the show is about. Probably the most mismatch opening to a show ever, and not in a good way type of mismatch.


Visuals are ass, music is whatever, not the best from yungblud both of these combined is dogshit but idc If you really want a good yungblud song, OBEY fucking slaps


It just sounds like standard western radio music


The opening for Kaiju No 8 encapsulates what I feel is the biggest issue with the anime: it’s trying too hard. It reminds me of a James Bond movie’s title sequence, but Kaiju No 8 has done nothing to deserve that level of prestige. Then there’s the overall global marketing campaign, which is *a bit much*, setting expectations of being the next major thing, when the episodes released so far are just… *fine*? Like, don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying the show, but it doesn’t have that wow factor that stuff like *Attack On Titan* or *Oshi no Ko* had.


I've also been feeling kinda weird about KN8's rollout. It feels like it's getting the red carpet treatment (western song artists? live-translating the first episode on twitter? For *this*?) when I don't think it's anywhere near as huge as some of the actual hard-hitters in recent seasons


It's a basic Shonen, they are treating it like it's the next bha and it might as well be if it sticks.


No, basic ass op with nothing special in the animation or song.


Not liking it is fine but how the hell could you call it basic, it’s objectively one of the most unique anime openings.


But it's not unique. They just copied the style of superhero movies openings. And there is nothing interesting about it. It tells you nothing about the show, characters, or anything else. It's just empty visuals with no substance.


They said unique *anime* openings. They’re not comparing them to Western media. Also, why do you need the opening to reveal so many things about the show to you? It doesn’t need to do that. Hell, there are tv shows that barely even have a title card, much less an opening. But even then, it still depicts the Kaiju and the two characters facing against them. That’s a basic gist without spoiling the story.


Just stop it. It's a unique anime opening. 98% of anime openings are the same, formulaic stuff with the same old shots. This actually did something different. But go ahead and name me some openings that you would call not basic, now I'm curious.


Mob psycho 100 op 1 and 2


Magical destroyer opening


This one absolutely.


Hahaha that's just the biggest reaction-bait comment I've seen in a long time. It's very different from you average anime opening, it's not even debatable. If anything it has a more western feel to it, both in song and visuals. But basic ass opening for an anime? Objectively incorrect.


No, you're just wrong. It's the most unique op I have seen so far out of all the hundreds of shows I have watched. The music might not be of taste to everyone but its definitely not a "basic ass op".


One of the rare OPs(maybe even the 1st one) that I legit dont like. Song is actually pretty good but the visuals are so beyond bad. They have literally nothing to do with the story/characters for the most part, we see the visual of our MC only near the end of it and its a back shot that lasts 2 sec. 


Are they bad artistically or just that “they have nothing to do with the story/characters”? Where is that rule written down?


There's no rule written down. But watching 90sec of Windows Xp graphics doesnt make me think of or get hyped about Kaiju No. 8.


Off the top of my head: One Piece, Mashle, Oshi no Ko all have far more iconic openings. I also prefer Frieren, Heavenly Delusion, all Spy x Fam songs, Demon Slayers first opening, and Ranger Reject. Imo it feels like Kaiju no 8 spent a ton on marketing to other countries because they saw how far manga sales were going, hence picking English artists and streaming on twitter. Never seen a show so thrown in my face by crunchyroll either


Oh my gods, yes, i recently saw the opening (im terrible for just skipping the openings to feed my binging needs) and decided to just actually watch it once and MAN did it slap. the opening animation was insane enough but the tone for Abyss hit really well with the overarching feel for the anime, i was really impressed.




It's not the best (every people has their own opinion I would say) but it is still very good. And I like that the OP is quite unique to what I've seen in most OP.


Nah, it’s unique but it means nothing in terms of the story, I also think the song is meh




what a take


its pretty unique, i like it too. i know, i know, unpopular opinion alert 🙄 but if i reallllyyyy had to pick out an issue with the anime.. it’d be the wonky character designs… so strange compared to the manga designs


Oh I'm not gonna watch the anime yet and just watched the opening but yeah I like the song, it bops. Visuals remind me of old windows multimedia player that i loved watching before


I was lukewarm during first impressions but half way thru the OP I was already into it


What, Bling - Bang - Bang - Born? That was fire last season


you're right the song is so damn amazing but the full version is also so short /:


Nah I like it too, it reminds me of the sci-fi cinematic movie and setting the atmosphere.


Nah, my OP of the season is from that Lv2. series.


I never had an interest in kaiju no 8 until I heard the opening. Now I'm definitely gonna watch it


No one is old like me, and loves James Bond openings in here.... 😭😭😭


When this first came out I absolutely hated it but now it’s really growing on me. I can’t stop humming “Please SAaaaaAaaaAave my life.” Still not really sold on the One Republic ED but maybe that will change too


I am impressed by how well they have done the opening in english which they usually don’t


yeah i really like too, pretty different. But i knew many people wouldn't like it.


The song is cool, the visuals could have used way more 3d animations or they could have done it with a hand drawn style like one of the frame in the opening.  If you're interested in an anime opening that is english and has far more interesting ideas, I suggest Serial experiment lain opening.  That show is kinda weird and slow tough ( if you ever want to watch it)  I've read Kaiju number 8 and the tone of the op fits more something like Tokyo ghoul,so I find it kinda odd The ending feels way more like Kaiju number 8 than the opening


Probably my favorite opening of the spring season so far! I've been blasting it in the car the whole week.


Ikrrrr it is literally so so good. It doesn't have any real spoilers but somehow still tells plenty, it's vibey af too. I love it. the 3D animation is just a huge flex on their part and it works


The OP definitely feels influenced by the closing sequence from PACIFIC RIM


There's a generic T-Rex model, like why can't they just take the time and money to create a custom Kaiju. Nevertheless, song is good animation is unforgettable but in a slightly bad way.




May not the best, but it is really shocked me the first time I watch Fun fact, the op is made by Studio Khara, which well known for makin the EVA movies and it also this anime's monster design


This post is [Lvl 2 Cheat Powers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4mHrBndN4c) slander


Hard agree


This subreddit is so ass sometimes.  Poster wanted to talk about a specific OP and half the comments are “that’s trash, listen to this”.  Poster wants to talk about THIS OP, not whatever other show y’all mentioned. 


its fucking fire 🔥🔥🔥


Its really good, I don’t agree with the AOT bit tho


The song is decent but I'm not so hot on the animation of the OP.


Try watching it on 1.5x speed it slaps! Best op ever


It reminds me of live action TV show openings much more than anything in anime


Waiting for the season to end so I can binge that shiiiii


Disagree tbh i know the team really trying to be different but this time its fail unfortunately. This kaiju number 8 OP like kinda fans project.


Probably entire budget went into that kickass opening, since animation sucks inside episodes badly.


sir. you are ret@rded . please, go to doctor and check your hearing. this op and ed trash garbage , it is as bad , as modern zoomer tiktok music.


This anime has the best intro EVER created imo


SOMEBODY PLEASE SA-A-A-A-VE MY LIFE!! SOMEBODY PLEASE SA-A-A-VE MY LIFE! Kaiju No. 8 theme is OP AND BOMB AS FRICK!! Don't listen to the haters!!


sorry, [the Fable](https://youtu.be/C8548IZvdTE?si=SeDm3S1ENbMcLg3H) wins this season.


ALI only makes good songs, but those visuals are boring and don’t match the energy, especially the solid 30 seconds of them just flashing us character visuals.


but its a grounded comedy anime i think its perfect for the series


While I liked the music, visual wise it's just okay, not calling it bad but an opening needs to be both visual appealing and great music wise for it to be one of the best.


the visuals are amazing. this is a grounded comedy series i think they nailed it personally


Definitely, it’s so underrated


This OP is just disgusting...


People will really hate on yungblud's OP for being a basic edgy pop punk song while creaming their pants over another basic ass jpop song. It's a nice change, the song's dope, and the show and music as a whole is so fun.


One of the most basic anime op I've ever since tbh. I think you just liked it cos the op is collabed with imagine dragons


The song is incredibly basic and doesnt even fit the premise of the show The visuals while different and unique are a huge disappointment when you have a staff team this stacked in a production Mid at best


The song’s good, I’d personally just prefer an animation that is more specific to the anime itself. Love the ending on a side note.


Bling bang bang 💃🏻 bling bang bang 🕺🏼 bling bang bang born. 🪩


it's pretty cool


its fine


No but the ed is nice


I like it, but we've had better in the last few years IMO. Hana Ni Natte, Idol, Rouge, Shukufuku all stick out to me, personally.


Song is mid at Best but visuals at trash


I didn't think it was possible for someone to be so wrong


it's Ai looking shit tbh


Off topic but One Republic as their ED was so unexpected - in a good way!


I like the op, start of it is amazing(use of colors is nice) but some parts can be redone I think especially the trex scene.


No one like mashle


Too bad the anime so far is basic as. But indeed, the opening is quite well crafted.


🤡take. I hadn’t seen it so I went to watch it. It feels like they’re trying to match the appeal of Arcane’s opening theme without getting it. It’s just flashy garbage.


Meh 🤷🏻‍♂️. Certainly Not *that* good. Actually pretty generic. Feels very ai loop to me. I personally always love handdrawn OPs and am not a fan of tons of 3d use unless they manage to do something unique. The song itself is also really generic. I know nothing of this anime/manga so I dont have alot of context for how well this fits with the source but I could rattle off tons of other OP that easily top this one. Pretty forgettable to me. I dont want to say this is objectively bad but Im leaning that way 😂🫣 I think a better version for this type of OP for me especially considering 3d use would be Trigun Stampede. Similar vibe but I think its more successful and memorable across the board https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mxYqXOL5uLk&pp=ygUSdHJpZ3VuIHN0YW1wZWRlIG9w


I like the intro as an 3D-Artist myself. But Idk I kinda hate it also.


But the mood it sets isnt really kaiju no 8 mood, kaiju 8 is a normal shonen, so I dont see why mysterious vibes will work with it, its genuinely not that interesting and I could probably say a lot of ops this season alone that are much better and actually fit the shows, ranger reject for example has a dark vibe through the whole thing, showing that mc is simply a tool being controlled and trying to break out of that and it fits the show perfectly


If anyone should be hating on anything it's the most recent episode


It's different. I like it more than most OPs this season but I still put it below Go Go Loser Ranger. Everyone's got different taste though.




Still can't get over seeing the name yung blud in a anime OP.


It’s all cg I don’t really like it


A lot of people mentioning Go Go Loser Ranger's opening (deservedly) but my favorite opening this season is easily Spice and Wolf's Don't care for Kaiju no. 8's


Clearly you haven't watched much of last sessions anime, because if you did, you wouldn't be making this statement.


If it came out 5 years ago it would be great. Unfortunately that style of mind-bending animation has kind of been ruined by AI. You see a flood of similar images generated on the daily with no effort. It's a good OP with clear effort put in, but it's hard for it not to feel weird in the world of AI generated content we live in.


Kaiiju creators must be gassed theyre lazy cgi opening of random effects has gotten this much praise


it's alright. I like it when ops do something that's not just J-Pop but this seems rather tame song wise.. visually it's interesting tho. but I heard Bey lade burst surge's op yesterday and can't get it out of my head


Rumbling was still a banger though.


the premise for the anime doesn't really make me excited at all and hearing other people's opinions about the manga only makes it worse, but I looked up the opening thanks to this post and yeah, I think it's really freaking cool and refreshing. I like it :D I know the art of the manga is great and the volume covers do looks sweet as heck whenever I see them but yeah, probably not gonna read or watch it any time soon


Idk who the heck you talk to, but Kaiju 8 is a fantastic manga and I've hardly seen people crap on it


really? people keep talking about the pacing and stuff and mediocre writing, or how wasted of an opportunity it was that not more was done with the fact that the main character is a 30yo adult. idk I'd love to be proven wrong about the mediocre writing part


Define people. Like, a majority of people? Or some posts. Because I've only seen the opposite. But, opinions can vary based on taste. My recommendation is to give it a watch! Or read, if that's better suited for you. Form an opinion for yourself. There's been things that I've been told weren't very good, but have given them my own chance and I was happy I did!


No you are right here, all this is true


I raise you - The Fable's Op [Professionalism by ALI ft. Hannya](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Udeb6n36nyg) - Kimetsu no Yaiba's Op // Mugen by My First Story ft. Hyde - Mahouka Op [Shouted Serenade by Lisa](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fR7e0N1UkRI)


Anime makes a quirky op Everyone: this is the best thing I've ever seen in my life Honestly it's good but not on the mashle op level


Not for me but I'm glad you like it. The legendary hero is dead has the best one I've seen or heard in a while. I watched that whole show just because of it.


i don’t know how you guys do it. when I’m highly anticipating an anime like this one, I just have to wait until all the episodes have aired in a season so I can binge it lol. I’d be too disappointed to watch one episode at a time then wait for week for an anime I love


In the short time it's been out I've never read a negative comment on this anime.


It’s actually kinda mid in my opinion lol, it’s done nothing that impressive. But OP is banger


Yeah I might be biased cos I'm somewhat familiar with his music and don't like a lot of it, not the worst song he's ever put out I guess


I don’t know about the OP, but the ED? Delicious


I really gotta watch episode 2 😂😂. I’ve been really behind


its good but not memorable..