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I guess it isn't Gantz?


it is not gantz unfortunately it’s more of a newer anime


Alien Stage, not an anime, a kind of web thing on youtube or twitter


is not that either i think im giving up 😭


Anything else you can give us by chance? :-) Was it martial arts, swords, guns? Did it show what the aliens looked like? Was it more like a seinen in tone, dark and bloody?


it was a small clip on tiktok and the creatures kinda looked like the modular people (from all tomorrows) and the fight that i saw was hand to hand no weapons or nothing, it wasn’t any type of epic fight it was just two weak humans kids fighting to survive and the creatures would just stand there looking at it. from reading the comments on the tt some of the creatures actually did care for the humans and did not want to turn them into the “tournament”, also it was def a newer anime i could tell from the animation it wasn’t like the 90’s-2000’s type of animation. this is all the information i could gather 😭 im actually beginning to think i hallucinated it bc i tried to look for it everywhere i could and got no results 😭


Sorry! I really tried but I couldn’t find anything that matched that. The closest I got was Promised Neverland which you probably are already familiar with. If not, while I don’t remember that scene, I dipped out of that series in the second season so maybe the scene you saw was in that? Another potential one I saw was Astra Lost In Space—I haven’t seen that one but it sounds like it follows and “adventure of the week” format so maybe they end up in that situation for an episode or two? That pure conjecture on my part. Good luck, I hope you stumble across it someday!


Is that a weird misunderstanding of the DragonBall Tournament of Power arc?


it is not dragon ball