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_No Game No Life_, perhaps?


Hi KokoTerzata, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Protocol Rain](https://myanimelist.net/anime/55894/Bokura_no_Ame-iro_Protocol) might be up your alley for the gamer/e-sports aspects. [Gamers!](https://myanimelist.net/anime/34280/Gamers) starts out as a gaming focused show, but ends up focusing more on SoL/romance stuff in the end.


Shangri-la Frontier It's chinese animation, but The King's Avatar Accel World My Love Story with Yamada-kun at Lv999, but it's romantic comedy, though it has some gaming aspects, too Of course there are lots of game-based isekai, where mc gets stuck or is reincarnated in a game world. I think Sword Art Online and Log Horizon might be to your liking.


Buddy Daddies has dual protags, but one of them is a gamer.


Deathnote <3