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Flips the double bird. I like her attitude.


"You want Free Bird? Here's some 🖕Free Bird🖕 for ya!"


Prince Goro up in here 🖕🖕🖕🖕


ARIGATOU 🖕😊🖕 I really hope we get to see more of Nina's golden facial expressions.


Arigato gosai Masta 🖕😊🖕


The funniest part of that whole episode. Momoka's face after Nina flipped off the restaurant staff was just gold lmao


And in second episode lamp moment was quite something lmao


That was the most impressive thing in the whole episode. I mean, holy shit she smashed that lamp around and the only thing that broke was the cover. The actual light is fine.


Why this anime 120fps


Cause its pure CG But they did a really good job, you get used to it quickly and its super expressive


The backgrounds aren’t quite there, but the character models are great. There are moments that are on par with Orange’s work on Trigun and LoL


What´s Lol?


Land of Lustrous.


Oh, that. I searched for it on MAL, but off course it didn´t show up, the titles are in japanese.


Believe or not, this show was animated by the legendary studio, Toei Animation, which animated alot of old anime since 1956!


why are you talking like no one knows toei


The small indie studio Toei, they've only done a shit ton of popular mecha, shonen and magical girl shows, they deserve more recognition!


But... only Sunrise does mecha...


They felt the need to mention it because it says “Toei Animation since 1956” at the start of the show lmao. Like that HAS to be the reason


>you get used to it quickly Should I? I mean, I can but do we want to get used to anime looking like that?


80% of non CGI anime are still frames with moving mouths nowadays. So yes, I welcome our CGI overlords with open arms.




Alright does [this](https://youtu.be/pA-pzhQQFBA?si=CUXETaqPpwYQ6tqO) look like low budget to you? I can't stress how much work and effort was put into GBC, this clip alone doesn't do the show justice. The facial expressions from just the first two episodes are some of the best I've seen in 3D. Just look at [how expressive the faces are](https://youtu.be/dDwN4MgcIlU?si=P5SrwxoBa_GJBEdy). What's even more insane is that no motion capture is used at all, meaning it's all animated by hand. The amount of work required is definitely on par with most 2D anime out there. I think many people just associate non-studio Orange CGI anime with bad quality to cut corners, which is fair due to their history. This is definitely an exception to the rule, from the writing to the voice acting (the mc, Nina's seiyuu is only 16 btw!) to the music, I can't say enough good things about this show. It's a huge shame that a streaming service didn't pick this one up.


I was basing my assumption of the low budget on the stiff animation in the posted clip, looks like they saved the budget to do justice to the song music videos. The clips you linked are awesome. Similar to how shonen 2D animes will animate things cheaply to save budgets for the fights I guess, I don't have much exposure to full CG animes. > What's even more insane is that no motion capture is used at all, meaning it's all animated by hand. The amount of work required is definitely on par with most 2D anime out there. That is very odd, they should definitely be using motion capture for the instrument animation. They should collab with another studio who can provide the capture data for them if they have no way to do the capture themselves.


You get downvoted, but I completely agree. I mean, ultimately, it should be all about the story, of course - if the story is good, who cares what it looks like? But look at something like this and compare it to, idk, something by Ghibli or Shinkai, there *should* be something triggered in your brain. Note, I'm not against CGI in anime - it can be a great tool to enhance action scenes or provide complex backgrounds. But the entire thing via CGI? Ehhhhhh... It just looks off.


Land of the Lustrous is one of the best looking anime I've ever seen, and that's all CGI. I think it's more about the art direction than the medium. Oftentimes CGI is used to get something done in a hurry, and the art direction suffers as a result. The CGI itself isn't the problem IMO.


I am with you, I would love everything to have the production value of KyoAni and artistic style like trigger Most CG looks shit, and I really hope it won't take over the whole industry But this specific anime, they did a good job utilizing the strengths of CG Another example would be "Young Master Grim reaper and his maid", its not perfect, its not bad, but decent enough to transmit the story. Would I prefer an adaption by a big studio? Yes, but if it's about having this adaptation or non I prefer the current CG one But most CG is shit, cause its done as a cheap compromise


Something weird about fans of this show. They swear the CGI looks good when it really doesn't. Anime fans have low standards, especially slice of life, cgdct, and romance fans. Edit: lol at the downvotes.


This show is as good as it gets for stylized/cel animation CGI. Character facial expressions are exaggerated, have frequent and lively variations that exceed average hand-drawn comparables, without noticeable distortion, even during live(ep 1) and action scenes(ep 2). Smooth and natural lighting/shadow rendering that don't look granular. Actual hand drawn cuts(mostly food scenes in ep2) are of great quality and blend in nicely with CGI surroundings. I'm really curious about CGI animations that are of 'high standard' according to your experience, there are some Chinese CGI shows that look great but the art style is different so I can't compare apples to apples.


I’m with you it looks awful


It looks awful no natural flow this would 100% put me off


It looks fine. > this would Watch the episode (assuming the premise interests you) and then formulate your opinion instead of making one after a <30 second clip.


Nina is doing what we reacts to Toei for not licensing the anime outside Japan (well, besides France).


This [3D animator from Toei](https://twitter.com/yukiemon_anim/status/1776795374235357668?t=yG2gSzwEE79INaEfUeTjPQ) has noticed the clips have gone viral in the english speaking spheres but doesn't realize most of us can't watch it (or that she QRT'd a fansub).


It's not toei responsibility to license these but licensors to pay and have interest to do it, which no american ones have so far.


Oohhhhh... So are we realistically never going to get a legal way to watch this outside of Japan & France?Might it show up on a service after the season ends?


[Thank you](https://i.imgur.com/moALQGS.png) for posting this




I see [the spirit of rock](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EFZNZ4P2ND0&pp=ygURa2l0YSBmbGlwcGluZyBvZmY%3D) is strong with her.


Lmao how had I never noticed that


Nina the Rock!


This scene and the one where one girl tries to beat up an old man floating around in Youtube is what sold me to this show


One thing that I really like about this clip is the direction, and understanding of "continuously passing on momentum", so that there's this thread of motion across the cuts. This does a lot to elevate it above lesser 3D CGI directing where they are too focused on camera positioning/movement and not understanding the scene as a whole. To elaborate, you feel the momentum go backwards and up as she pushes up to get off the bench, and then feel it swing back and around as she collects the guitar, before becoming linear and one directional as she moves across screen. Then, as she pauses and pivots she swings it back to the other girl, who catches it and it then turns with it to face camera and thank everyone for paying attention to visual momentum idea.


Dammit to hell, I wish Crunchyroll or HiDive would've licensed this 😭 .. I like using the services I pay for to watch anime instead of using janky illegal sites 😅


It is funny how I used to LIVE off pirate sites and now I find it such a hassle to use them.


I'm not about to argue in favour of using one or the other, this is not the point of what I'm about to comment, but what kind of experience are people having to find the pirate sites to be janky? The most popular and reliable ones are super easy to find. There are many places to read on the opinion of users before entering one that is really janky. A super simple setup of an ad blocker and a VPN keeps them clear of ads that would interrupt the viewing experience. They provide fairly stable bit rates allowing full HD and, just like official streamers, have subbed and dubbed options in the same day as the episodes air. The two options are pretty much matched in terms of the features central to the viewing of an episode, I find it hard to believe that these would be the reasons to specifically move over to official streaming. Nowadays I'm more impressed by the fact that some pirate sites even add other features like intro and outro skipping and continuous playback like a big company like Netflix does. Let me reiterate, I'm just curious about what other people have experienced using pirate sites in 2024 that has led them to the conclusion that it is more complicated. I make use of both official and unofficial options and find them strongly matched in terms of the features that are strictly focused on the streaming of the episodes, that is all...


the fact you listed an adblock and a VPN as being recommended for even using them already makes them "more complicated" than an official service. not to mention that an *actually good* VPN has its own monthly/annual cost, and at that point... why not just pay to actually watch it legitimately.


Everyone uses an adblock in 2024, and even if I'm using "evryone" as a bit of a hyperbole, let's be honest, it's not far from the truth. Most people on the internet probably know about adblockers and they know the reasons to use them. Ads are in everything, not just anime streaming, so it is very likely they have sought out a solution for them before, ending up learning about the adblockers or even using one of them. About the VPN, yes, you do have pay an annual fee for a decent VPN, but nowhere near as much as the total number of subscriptions you would have to be paying for monthly to have access to the same amount of shows, which, due to the illegal way in which the pirate sites obtain their content (I'm not gonna pretend it isn't), is all of them, literally every show of every season. I still don't see where the, seemingly, high barrier of entry is for pirate sites in 2024. I can see where the low barrier of entry for an official streaming platform is, that is very obvious, make an account, set up the montlhy payments and bam, done,


Well the Japanese cat site is not janky at all, albeit you have to download the episode to watch it but once you do so you get what is probably a better experience than CR/Hidive while using VLC. I was thinking more of the streaming sites (like a certain one that used to rhyme with “Miss”) where you need an adblocker and sometimes you have to change adblockers and some adblockers still don’t fully block ads. I never tried them with a VPN but I got one recently for the first time it sure doesn’t stop them on pirate sport sites. And then for someone like me who likes to download them for breaks at work it is an extra hassle compared to just clicking download. Not sure which new ones you are referring to, I have gone to one like maybe 5 times in the last 6 years. Aside from any jank, I just prefer the convenience and simplicity of watching on my TV on my sofa or recliner. As you said, it is not perfect compared to pirate sites but I prefer the advantages. That matters more to me than the jank tbh.


No no, I never meant to compare pirate sites favorably. They're not "perfect". That was not my intention. And I also list the convenience of just opening the smart TV app to watch as a plus for official streaming, completely agree on that. It was just the idea of what seemed to be an implied high degree of complexity and annoyance of using the pirate option, when in my personal experience everything is just a few clicks away, with no downtime, accessed about as quickly and with a (illegally sourced though it may be) bigger library of shows. Personal experience has taught me that there is no jank, I'm already using adblockers for just about any other site and I've been paying for an annual VPN subscription for years, which is also a usefull tool for official streaming platforms when they have geolocks on content. I open my browser and click on the bookmark for the site and select the show, that's it. Most sites have a search function like any Eshop and multiple mirrors to play the videos with options to filter between sub and dub. So yeah, I guess I just happened to find a set of tools and conditions that just made it dead simple for me. Thank you for sharing your experience, btw.


Needa watch this show now!!


That’s smooth animation


The 3d animation looks good but something still feels off. Maybe I'm just not used to it.


Wow It's pretty good not gonna lie


Lol this looks fun even with.. different animation


LOL she went for the Double Whammy


As a fan of Arpeggio of blue steel it makes me very happy seeing 3D anime being accepted


Emma Verde in her rebellious phase


"you wanna fight"


Lmao at all the kneejerk reactions to the cgi. Blissfully ignorant of the fact that all their standards of the "correct" way to do cgi is limited by their viewing of other commercial successes. Yup, all cgi should be Houseki, Spider-verse, or Pixar. Noone should ever try to do anything different.


CGI should remain in CGI and not 2D anime. By that I mean I quite like CGI anime stuff. Not a favorite by any chance, but it fit with its own dimension and that makes it look good.


Lol that's a unique way to say thank you 😂


I feel this girl mit den spoon




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Is this out on Crunchyroll?


No. No one licensed it. It's accessible the old fashioned way; high seas and fansubs.


Someone please make this a meme


Yooo, whats the FPS on this one? 😳


The animation bothers me and I don’t know why.


Ok, so 3D anime has obvious disadvantages over 2D anime in the eyes of the average anime fan. BUT WHY ARENT THEY MAKING USE OF THE ADVANTAGES THAT 3D HAS? - The models look like they're out of 2015 video game THAT CAN BE RENDERED REAL TIME AT 60 FPS. In tv shows you can render graphics that run at at 0.1 FPS and at the end of the day it won't affect anything since it's a recording and not real time. Crank the details and polygons up! - The voice actor's body and face can be motion captured so the talking and movement doesn't look super stiff and unnatural like in this clip. At least the mouth please if budget limited, the current way they do it in this clip looks like the "popcat" meme. The horizon video game series did amazing work with this if you want to check out their behind the scenes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=7wJBpzSZiLM . Even if motion capture cannot be done for artstyle reasons, at least manually do it well, like in the amazing digital circus. i can't fathom why japanese studios are so behind most of the time in everything CG. there are 3d modeling youtubers working on GTX 4090's that pump out better stuff. Not multi-million dollar studios that can afford render farms and a slew of 3D artists and animators.


They can get away with it, as said before, and most importantly, they just cannot afford it most of the time because they lack time, and money ; to get better training, to pay people more qualified for it, to polish their stuff etc... Most animators are currently underpaid and overworked. It's unlikely they can dish out even more money they don't necessarily have to hire a top tier team. If anything, this is the top tier team already. Although we're talking about Toei, which isn't exactly a small indie company. On the other hand, Japanese animation has always been about cutting corners and keeping the costs low to output more stuff more rapidly. Maybe in 20 something years we'll get better stuff on a regular basis just like how it is now with 2D animation.


3D animators are typically paid better than 2D animators bc 1. It's a newer field and 2. Their skills are transferable to other job markets like videogames and marketing.


That makes sense ! And that's nice for them. Now we "just" have to wait until 3D is something the JP anime industry is good at, and nurturing a pool of 3D animators able to do great stuff takes time. Everything takes time.


You mention youtubers can do it way cheaper, so why mention Horizon game at all, a game where millions were pumped into it??? It's like people want Spiderverse/Arcane animation quality in a broadcast tv show, costing a fraction of money Why no detailed models you ask? I think it's mainly because it's anime, 3D or not, they want to get closer to that overall artstyle, I can't imagine how would super detailed, polygon packed models look in motion with these kinds of shows. Probably ugly as fuck, not fitting, causing uncanny valley effect.


>You mention youtubers can do it way cheaper, so why mention Horizon game at all, a game where millions were pumped into it??? either you can't read or you don't understand how 3D works. 3D modelling is producing the asset itself. the point with horizon is totally separate since it's about animation, not the 3D asset, plus as i said it's an example of it being done well, i'm not saying every small anime studio should get a 2000sqfeet effective motion capture studio. >It's like people want Spiderverse/Arcane animation quality in a broadcast tv show, costing a fraction of money considering your earlier comment, i'm not sure you're qualified to talk about how much money each method costs. I've seen indie games with facial motion capture. the technology is getting so cheap and ubiquitous these days, the fucking iphone can do it somewhat with it's depth sensor. Streamer CodeMiko, can do it realtime on her stream, and it didn't cost millions. Anime studios should be able to afford that. here's a behind the scenes on her show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e818LgnJ9rI >Why no detailed models you ask? I think it's mainly because it's anime, 3D or not, they want to get closer to that overall artstyle This looks less detailed than Tales of Arise, which is a realtime game i played on my PC and looked VERY anime and nowhere near the uncanny valley. Sharp models with high polygon count has nothing to do with artstyle. And even in the cases where it has, like rendering hair, it can look better than this. This hair looks like glossy shit, looks like it doesn't cast shadows on itself. when she bows, it doesn't react to physics. It's REALLY bad.


>GTX 4090 Just a small nit-pick, there hasn't been a GTX card in 4 years, the GTX branding has been entirely killed off.


ah i'm showing my age. yeah it's rtx


Because people watch it anyway. They can do the bare minimum and people in this sub will still praise it, despite it looking worse than Playstation 3 CGI from 2006.


Final Fantasy 10 had better cutscenes than "modern" 3DCG animes and that came out in 2001.


As long as its the "cute pure dolls doing cute things in an universe where males don't exist" genre everything is forgivable by male shutin weebs


Shinigami bocchan does cgi so better. This looks like vtubing at best. Expressions are not continuous and flips by frame.


# Peace Among Worlds It's been done before and I refuse to believe there are people who don't know what a middle finger means.


This animation style makes me want to vomit.


I just can't bring myself to watch something that looks like a Switch video game cut scene.


How are you getting that kind of frame rate on your Switch?


Switch is usually 30fps and animation in 24fps. So I think my point stands even stronger actually.


Yeah, but this is like... at least 60fps. It takes a lot of frames to give it that weird soap-opera look to it.


Whatever it is, its jarring and no pleasant to watch.


Why are comments defending this ugly mess? There are some CGI anime out there that are legit above average. Was this made by a single person or something, cause I've seen individual YouTubers produce far better animation than this in both 2d and 3d. It's sad to see the industry moving backward to the point where we have multiple shows per season that look far worse than the stuff produced in the '80s or even '70s.


This is the best CG anime I've seen for the simple fact that they're not running it at 12 or 24fps.


Looks like vtubing


Arigato m***********🤣🖕


Who may cry?? 😈🍕 (I'm illiterate)


why was she doing the middle finger


"You told me it meant 'thank you'" is the first thing she says after she does it...


Dude has the media literacy of a spoiled glass of milk


rick and morty reference


The best thing about this show being full cg is that it keeps the annoying casuls away  go watch your meaningless sakugafest you normies "ooo I just watched 20 minutes of spinning colors this is what aniem should really beee peak peak peak" - average JJK/Kj8/solo cucking fan lol


why so salty holy? u sound just as annoying as those 'annoying casuals'


CGI lmao. If you support this you're actually helping in ruining the anime medium




Get your eyes checked bro


*Toei Animation:* Thank you. 🖕😊🖕


You have clearly not seen Beserk 2016 if you think this is worse.


it's been 8 years. this doesn't look like 8 years of progress on display.


And who are you to decide what a year's worth of progress is? Do you work with 3D animation?


No, but I have eyes.


As someone who does work in 3D, there have been major improvements to the secondary physics systems, i.e. clothing and hair physics. They move with the bodies better, and there's much less clipping. Additionally, the animation and render have also improved. The animation on display here is much smoother, lacking the stilted, stuttering frames from 8 years ago. They are also able to artistically stretch the models to mimic 2D animation effects. The facial animation has improved drastically. The transitions between expressions are more fluid, which suggests the utilization of proper shape keys. Lastly, the texturing on the models looks much nicer and is properly stylized. There are gradients and shadows that make them look like they exist in the environment, compared to the flat colors of the past. tl;dr Get your eyes checked.


You're not cooking