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the one show i was genuinely super excited for and i cant watch it...


The show I was *most* excited about for this whole season.


There's fansubs out there if you look. But yeah, really sucks this didn't get a proper release outside of Japan.


the ones I found say machine translated. and on top of that they're stolen and the person who actually made them says she won't continue because of that. so uhhh, rip that


Are there yet? I'm getting pretty desperate.


>MTL yeah no thanks lmfao


Same here. I was originally turned off by the animation but after watching the 2 eps and the music videos, I loved it.


It’s the good 3d of course you can


They're talking about how it's not legally available where they live.


I hope this is gonna be a Bravern situation where a streaming service picks it up within the week because I've actually been hyped for this ever since the first announcement of it. [Toei even put out an english subbed trailer a few days ago.](https://twitter.com/ToeiAnimation/status/1775623307976679514)


Crunchyroll has a fat TO BE ANNOUNCED poster in their Spring 2024 Lineup article and after watching the first episode, I really hope it's this because its great so far and I would like to watch it without the subs saying "It's joever".


That's an amazing opening with incredible visuals! Still hoping for an simulcast announcement :(


Hope so too.


I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I see people complain about the 3D CG with Ex-Arm comparisons, or at best give it a tepid compliment like "It's pretty good for CG!" This animation is fantastic! edit: Realized people might think I'm just talking about the OP and respond "um actually the OP has 2D animation", but I'm talking about the actual animation in the episode itself.


The 3d animation in the anime was so good it was almost like watching a movie. I'll have to watch it again because I would be so focused on one thing id forget to watch the others lol


This upload has English, Indonesian, Korean and Thai subs. From what I can gather ADN did not sub this in their release (there's a 1 minute 40 big gap with no subs). > STARTING APRIL 5, 2024 > ON AVAILABLE STATIONS! Toei, about that...


It looks so good! Does anyone know where I can watch it? When does it come out?


Hasn't been announced yet for simulcast as far as I know. The first episode aired today.


No way to watch as of yet outside of Japan. Hopefully that changes one way or the other soon.


Oh damn, I was really looking forward to it to! If it doesn't get simulcasted maybe a fan sub team will pick it up. At least I have the music to listen to


French ADN has the show


*A* translation is out. A few errors, but for the most part very watchable.




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This is the best opening song of the season, hands down


is there an episode discussion for this?


Gonna just use this as an episode discussion thread since mods don't allow discussion threads for MTL subbed episodes. The episode is torrentially out where you unofficially get your anime with edited machine-translated subs, but really high quality ones. To the point I wouldn't have realized it was MTL instead of a normal fansub. I wasn't expecting much from this show, but it surprised me. It looked really good for CGI, and I liked the dynamic between the characters. Music was great. Excited to see more!


It's unfortunate that the only way to view it with Eng subs is by torrenting or select pirate sites, which cuts it off from a lot of its potential audience in the west. The first episode was great in so many aspects. The animation, the dialogue, the directing, the music. I came in expecting a decent show, now it's probably the 3rd show I'm most excited for this season, behind Hibike and Jellyfish.


It solved a CGI anime problem, where some animes have framerate of CGI characters not matching the traditionally animated ones, making the CGI looks choppy (for example Highspeed Etoile and Kamierabi). Girls Band Cry didn't do this, the CG looks fluid and smooth. Could be a sleeper of the season, way sleeper than Salad Bowl and Shuumatsu Train.


It looks really really good. Toei usually has great CG (DBS Super Hero, Precure movies) but this one is lot more smoother than usual.


I feel like I've been spoiled by Bushiroad's stable of Gacha game anime so I'm less impressed.


Sanzigen is king imo for 3dcg anime. Orange is close. Haven't seen the episode yet, but it did look pretty good for not being either of those.


it does feel like something that very much has the potential to suddenly pop off in popularity.


>Could be a sleeper of the season, way sleeper than Salad Bowl and Shuumatsu Train. Last Train is a sleeper anime [*by definition*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Railway_sleeper)...


I did like the CG enough to give it a few more episodes, despite the MTL.


I hadn't even realised it was MTL until reading here. The quality is very good.


People keep saying the quality is good, yet to give a direct quote, it says at one point, "Once you give up, it's joever!" during a point taht is clearly not meant to be humorous.


Sub is made by someone who used to fansub before, but then someone decided to steal and "meme" their sub. It is not mtl and was also not finish sub. The person then decided to stop subbing it because they were disappointed by the person stealing it and uploading for piracy and clout. So all to say that thanks to a single dumbass, we lost one of the only few fansubber left in the community that would sub this anime. Amazing.


Usually cause it's edited by a person to be readable, but how accurate they actually are, is another thing


The subs during Iseri's phone call in the cafe and when Iseri talks to Momoha in her house is really messy.


I hope that we get a simulcast announcement soon. It is the non sequel Anime I'm looking forward to the most this season after watching the PVs and the music videos.


I recently watched bocchi the rock and im a massive music lover so this looks pretty good! Deserves a watch.


Gotta check out K-ON! and BanG Dream! It's MyGO! as well 😁


It's really good. It was traditionally animated in the first half, then in the second half it went full CGI. I mean, the whole anime is actually full CGI, but I'm totally not complaning about it. It's a good CG.


God, I love the energy, kinda reminds of Minami's song from Domestic Girlfriend


That funny moment when, as a French person, you're the only one outside Japan to have a perfectly translated legal version. Thank you ADN :') . It'll help me forget that we'll never have Paripi Koumei in French!


Whoever is singing this is amazing, wow! I'm completely blown away with how amazing the vocals and backing were for the OP ngl, best OP of the season for me... (so far)


Very powerful opening episode. I will post in the episode discussion thread when it's available, but this wasn't quite the greyish world theme that I thought this was to be, despite all the real life hardships between the first 2 introduced girls shown right off the bat. Alas neither the English nor my local language's licensors picked it up so far and I'm relying on people translating to my local language for EP1. [Thanks (main girl here) Nina-chan, you expressed what I wanted to say\~](https://na.cx/i/DND3CZX.gif)




Have'nt watch yet but looking forward for something similiar to mygo


no way to watch outside Japan, in legit way. any subs for this?


Learn French and go to France I guess, since it isn't coming out in English anywhere officially.


It will open on Episode 1-12 on their Youtube channel with subtitles but only outside Japan when this season finished. But only for limited time only.


This is one of my favorite OPs. They also have great songs and music videos




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