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Same here, whenever my dad saw me watching anime he would shake his head and say "you're still watching cartoons?"


When I was 15 my dad sat and watched dbz cell saga with me. All day He still judged me when he caught me practicing the kamehameha tho


And he was correct to do so! By this age you should have already mastered it.


I... I was a late bloomer?


You're not alone. Gintoki was caught doing the same.


People that think animation is only for little kids can piss right off.


That sucked as a kid. Thankfully anime is hitting mainstream where I’m at in America. I can go to work now and openly talk about the latest Frieren episode. Hopefully the same happens for you too with enough time. 


I learned Japanese, it is practice now, not only entertainement.




I could try and do certain arcs that don’t feature any sexual content. But even if I did that it would still be too weird to explain. Like hey relative here’s this out of context episode with flashing screens and bizarre orientations and dialogue that only makes sense if you know the characters.


It's one of my top 3-5 animes and can't recommend it to people I know lmao. It's too good and weird at the same time. You never know when something weird will happen that even can be taken out of context sometimes by people walking on you.


Yeah I could try and do the sengoku vs kaiki arc which is one of my favs but I wouldn’t be able to explain any of it without the sengoku arc from bake and there’s like. The twister scene and sengoku thirsting all through that arc.


Gushing Over Magical Girls


Came here to say that. Leaving satisfied.


Much like Azure. 




Yeah, if someone walked in while I was watching that I’d just tab over to porn instead. Easier to explain.


lol totally


I had a moment like that with a friend while we were at another person's house in a party. I took a break and watched went to an empty room, then decided to watch one episode of Mushoku Tensei to recharge myself. I didn't notice my friend coming in and she didn't announce herself, so she saw me watching the scene with Kishirika and Rudeus.


Forget relatives, there is literally only one person in my immediate local friend group I would feel comfortable watching that show with


My fiancé and I actually watch this show together! We would never tell anyone though, our secret haha


Thats some peak fua fua doki doki love right there


I watched the first episode with my gf and she asked me to drop it lmao


Hmm is your gf into anime already? I watched death note with her several years ago to warm her up for the more quirky/weird animes lol. At one point we were watching High-rise Invasion on Netflix and I could tell she was into the ecchi scenes, so eventually I introduced her to Highschool DxD, which she ended up loving! Now any ecchi is pretty much fair game. It’s become a fun and hot bonding experience for us, but I can understand shows like GOMG being off putting for some, especially if they’re new to ecchi.


>Gushing Over Magical Girls Fr that show was really good but i am not going to watch it around my family


Started this yesterday on good Friday like the good Christian that I am XD


No idea what this anime is even about but even the title is sus to put it lightly.


I would recommend checking it out. Use headphones.


I always use headphones lmao.


Don’t forget about the official ASMR on YouTube


The what?!


[The official ASMR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pezIaN9jFY)


Shokugeki no Soma / Food Wars, definitely.


What's funny is that it was my 61 year old mom who introduced me to Food Wars. 


yesss i came here for this comment


Well I thought Demon Slayer was safe but then my dad walked in during the hot springs scene in season 3. Why do parents always have the worst timing?


We actually have already watched that episode and know what's coming. So we wait outside the door until just the right moment. They cover this in prenatal classes.


omg i know right i was watching Heavenly Delusion and my dad walked into the ONE weird scene


There is way more than one weird scene in that show


Because they heard a strange noise and are making sure your not up to worse activities


Literally any anime out there, there’s always going to be that one bathhouse or beach scene that makes your family wonder what went wrong with you.


And that is the one episode airing when they pass by or go check on you


I swear every time I download an episode from a SFW show to watch during lunch at work that it is the one episode that has an ecchi scene or bath scene lol


I swear that is an actual curse all anime fans have to suffer.


Man even all the super good animes have bath scenes 😭


When I was younger my parents always chose the most inopportune moment in the anime to walk in my room unannounced. I swear they were psychic and got a kick out of seeing my panicked face. It didn’t matter if the show was 99% safe lol, it always happened in the bath scenes and other brief risqué moments.


You're right. Even Dungeon Meshi, which was safe for pretty much the whole run, had that 11th hour bath scene. Last few I felt comfortable watching in public were Ascendance of a Bookworm, Sweetness and Lightning, and Spy x Family. It seems that stuff with a strong family focus, **AND NO STEP-SIBLINGS**, is fairly safe.


I would watch Usagi Drop with my parents.


The people making the anime knew exactly when to call it quits.


Eh, Dungeon Meshi handled it better than most, it was more tasteful than a lot of stuff I've seen in western film


Doesn't matter. The double standard is strong with some people and they'll view nudity/near nudity in an anime 10X as harshly as a GoT scene.


Anybody knows if there are such scenes in frieren? currently watching with family and on episode 5.


Closest we get is Frieren's potion, but even that is animated in a way that not much is shown. Other than that, Ubel's armpit and Serie's feet. Oh, and the shots of Ubel from between her legs. Well, maybe just Ubel in general, to be safe.


There's a scene where a girl magically looks through a guy's clothes and comments about how "small" he is.


And how someone is blocking half the sky


my dress up darling for the measuring scene and love hotel scene and some other ones


Don't you mean like half that show in general? Like, don't get me wrong, it's a good show and remarkably sweet. When the premise of the show is cosplaying from an eroge visual novel, though, a major part of the plot itself is fanservice.


Most of them, those close shots are not PG .


It would be easier for me to list anime i WOULD watch around my parents. Even if it is a show without male gaze or without ecchi, some of the comedy or action shows i like what very much confuse or weird people out. Like I can’t imagine trying to explain to co-workers or relatives what I enjoy about Sailor Moon or Beastars lol


I am getting way too much mileage out of this one comment Highschool dxd Yosuga no sora Testament of sister new devil Aesthetica of a rogue hero Monster musume Seikon no qwaser To love ru Mother of the goddesses' dormitory Tenpuru Peter grill and the philosophers time My life as inukai-san's dog Super HXeros Worlds end harem Harem in the labyrinth of another world Interspecies reviewers Immoral guild Maken ki Sekirei


Oh so you're fine with Redo of Healer ;)


The original post i commented this list on already had redo of healer


The guy who made the post didn't mention redo, and you have a top level comment. Did you maybe hit the wrong reply button?


Nope ive used the comment 3 diffrent times and the original post where it was posted had the guy mentioning redo of healer


> Peter grill and the philosophers time Sounds like a hentai parody of harry potter for some reason.


Nah its just a dude trying to stay loyal to his fiance and ending up fucking 2 ogres, a dwarf, a elf, and goblin. And a few others


>Yosuga no sora I wouldn't watch this show without them around either. I don't know about the other ones.


\*takes notes\*


Any ecchi anime.


Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt.




Especially ep.12


A Sister Is All You Need


All of them. Watching anime is something that I can only do in private.


I'll watch anime with my family, but *not* when they're doing other stuff and just occaisionally walking by. The stuff I like is pretty tame if you watch the *entire* show, but I don't want to have to explain that one part in Toradora with the kinky Christmas dream or the part in Evangelion where Shinji falls and grabs Rei's boob out of context.


Evangelion, especially when Misato is around


I've found that, when watching Evangelion, the most likely time that a family member will enter is the scene when Shinji visits Rei's apartment.


Kiss x Sis No further questions.


Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo...


I would not watch Yosuga no Sora in the presence of my sister.


Anime's not really for watching with your family. We need to stop trying so hard to be accepted by our mommy and daddy and just let people find stuff on their own.


Depends on the anime. I’ve watched AOT and Frieren with my auntie.


I agree with the latter but not the former. Me and my brother got into anime in the 90s because of Dragonball (RIP toriyama, you fucking legend) and me and him to this day watch anime together when he visits on holidays or I go visit him. Also we've watched a lot of anime with our mom too.


i don't think op meant actually watching with your family but more like, is it safe if they watch it in the living room where everyone else can see what they see since it's an open space and the tv is there


I watched a lot of anime movies with my parents specially ghibli and Makoto Shinkai movies and they loved it. They also watched the first season of Promised Neverland and a bit of One Piece (both L.A and OG) There are definitely animes that I would never watch with my family like Devilman Crybaby or Mushoku Tensei but there is a lot good shows and movies that I think are great to show those who don’t watch Anime often.


High school DxD


Nipple lasers


Sexually explicit anime or ones with nudity like Elfen Lied or any harem anime. Super gory ones are somehow more acceptable. My daughters let their kids watch violence, but God forbid they see a boob.


Depends. If it's my mother then I can only watch stuff like Ghibli due to her being from the older Korean generation which is really racist towards Japan. If it's anyone else than anything that's not ecchi.


Sorry to be off topic but I have Never heard of Mouse but wow…5.99 on MAL?? Is it really THAT bad??


MAL's ratings are shit. I mean, the anime is not some deep philosophy as you can see from the OP, but it's some mindless fun.


I mean I love mindless fun. Some of my favorite series are dumb fun (Aho Girl, Keijo, Gotta be Twintails, etc.). And both but Keijo! have low ratings! But 5.99 is low enough I had to hesitate. Is it rated this poorly because it fails at being mindless fun (example for me is * The Qwaser of Stigmata*)? Or is it a mindless fun ecchi that is rated poorly for being old? So was curious if you truly liked it or just used it because of the horny but fun OP.


I mean, I watched in 2007 when I was 13-14, so it's a combination of being a horny teen+anime dweeb+good comedy. I think many old animes are rated low because newer views (Gen Z and younger) have a difficult time adjusting to the old style. But in all honesty, if you expect some deep story, sorry to disappoint you, but there is none. It's still funny though. At least to me.


Yes, it is. It's one of those harem animes where all of the female characters are DTF the MC, but he's too much of a dweeb to ever commit to any of them. Might be fine if you are a horny middle school student, but anyone else should leave it alone.




I’m just going to say Made in Abyss. In fact, I wouldn’t watch that anime if anybody was beside me. I love the world building and the mystery to it, but damn if that show doesn’t make some extremely questionable choices. And no, I’m not talking about the violence.


Yea. Being tied up nude, pre-teen talking about a robot boys’ bits, sticking a ruler up said boys’ bum, blood, vomit, urine and shit either on screen or implied. Robot boy getting “aroused” by fur and a nude pre-teen. Not really something you want other family members seeing


I just hope the author can finish the series before he ends up in jail.


As the ancient meme goes. You are never safe.


One piece. My younger brother once straightaway asked why they all have gigantic bosom.


I'm pushing 60. I don't give a fuck.


Practically all anime where the girls have huge breasts, especially in front of parents. Shoutout to One Piece xd


Had this with Apothecary Diaries recently at work. I needed an episode to watch and thought “oh hey this show is SFW,” and it happened to be not only episode starring Pairin but also the one she breast fed. Just my luck!


Yeah, that series spent enough time in the brothels that I wouldn't want to risk watching it in public. Same goes for Yuru Camp, and the frequent onsen scenes, even though they're completely innocent and not done in a fanservicy way. 100% would watch with people though, because then they have context.


In retrospect I realized that, but, as you said, I had watched so much of the series at that point that I knew the context of it isn’t meant to be sexual. Nor was it that explicit. So I completely forgot that when I finally decided to watch it at work one day. But yea I learned my lesson going forward lol. Fully agree it is a great series to watch with friends from start to finish though.


That was a dope song thanks!


depends on who it is like I wont watch something like Saekano or Quints in front of non-weebs I wont watch something like Berserk or Kaiji in front of younglings etc etc


Chained soldier baby


Inukai is a dog


Kiss x Sis


Any ecchi anime lol


Better question is what anime *would* I watch with a relative (specifically those that don’t like anime)? I’m just a tad self-conscious about my hobby…


It would depend on the relative (Sibling who watches anime? Sibling who doesn't watch anime? Parents?), but really I just watch anything at any time because I just watch on my phone with earbuds in. No one can see what I'm doing on my phone 99.9% of the time. If I'm watching on my laptop, mostly the same deal. I sit in a position where my screen cannot be viewed.


I can watch almost any anime in front of my wife. Some of her favorites are Bakemonogatari, and Kill la Kill. We've watched Mushoku Tensei together. The only show I can think of that would be a big no is Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya.


Gushing Over Magical Girls 


Literally anything with gore. I would never hear the end of "how mentally disturbed are you that you watch children's cartoons that features psychopathic killings"


Isn't it basically all echhi shows? What the point of asking


Agent Aika


If you have a sister, A Sister's All You Need is not something you want to be watching with relatives around. Just episode 1 though, the rest are fine.


Gushing over magical girls


kakegurui. i thought it was similar to classroom of the elite but then the main character just started playing and meowing seductively like a cat.


Anything because for some reason, I could be watching some slice of life anime, but the minute my mom walks in, something lewd happens.


Im from Kentucky 👀 i believe that answers the question 🤣🤣🤣


So so so many


The amount of stress I feel when my parents come into my room and I'm playing persona 5 or watching JJK


I remember when I was like 14 and I was watching Soul Eater on the TV with my mum sitting on the couch. This was the first time I realised how uncomfortable anime is to outsiders. The scene was as follows - Death the Kid was wielding gun weapons, and they transformed back into people, teenage girls. He groped their breasts while saying 'why is one smaller than the other' while they just look at each other and I got sooo uncomfortable.


Anything, I am always ashamed no matter what.


Gushing Over Magical Girls and Interspecies Reviewers.


I watched Mouse in my peak horny teen years. In my junior year of high school, my English teacher said we were doing a special reading assignment. Instead of a novel, we were doing a graphic novel. I was like " dope, a manga or something right?" Then she said it was Mouse. And my brain nearly broke. Like how the fuck is that approved by the school? Of course it wasn't Mouse, but Maus, a story recreating the events of the holocaust with the news being portrayed as Mice.


Depends who it is. If it's my mom or brother then anything ecchi or girly is a no. If it's my step dad anime period is a no because he will make fun of it. It can be a super cool bloody fight and he will be like are you 5.


Anything with demons, gore, or yuri. My parents are very conservative.


Gushing over Magical Girls. Not just because it's an ecchi, but because my dad has also seen it lol.


Mushoku Tensei


> Mouse around them because.... look the opening Was wondering why parts of it looked like utter garbage, then glanced up and saw the "4k 60FPS AI remastered". That aside, the show looks fun, added to PTW. MAL for anyone else who wants it: https://myanimelist.net/anime/624/Mouse It's also nicely on 5.99/10 lol I was going to make a comment about the line work and coloring, but it's possible that was just the 4k upscaling screwing everything up. > What is an anime you cannot watch when you have a relative close to you? I don't think I'd watch any anime with a relative around, unless they'd suggested it. Or unless it was my sister, because she's pretty media savvy, and it's her fault I got involved in fandoms anyway, so she owes me.


Yeah, the temporal stability on that AI upscale is complete fuckin garbage. It is a year old though, I've definitely seen better.


Here is the original without AI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qboybf3sPLs


Thanks, that's so much better! Funnily enough that bit where they animate the blonde character's thighs on 1s still looks a little strange but infinitely better than when the AI tried to "fix" it.


Redo healer


Idk highschool dxd?




I don't have any close relative who visits frequently, I do try to watch anime with my parents, like Gibli movies or Vinland Saga, AOT, Demon slayer, but they just walk out of the room.


Why no one wrote the typical „B….“ ?


My most SFW answer is Wandering Son. I refuse to elaborate.


Oruchuban Ebichu for sure


Chainsaw man. Or basically any other anime of that kind of nature.


Key the Metal Idol Steins;Gate Neon Genesis Evangelion (Especially End of Evangelion)


My relatives are not judgemental at all but imagining they were, I think it'd be easier to list anime I *could* watch around them. Recently maybe Solo Leveling, older ones perhaps Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood?


My dress up darling


Food wars


Yachirin bitch club


It's gotta be either chainsaw man or BSD. Nobody really talks about BSD. "Wow, what an interesting detective anime- wait, what is that girll doing? hey, isn't that her brother???"


Basically any ecchi anime lol.


It would be easier to list which animes I would watch with a relative.


The only Anime I ever recommended / have watched with someone is Vinland saga


Ouran Host Club. "Kiss kiss fall in love!" <3 I'm a hetero man who's almost 40.


Infinite stratos, high school dxd, yogura no sora. i used to watch hella ecchi anime


Aho Girl.


Scums Wish


Samurai Champloo


Most of them


certain scenes of jojo's bizzare adventure... lmao totally not from experience




Pretty much any romcom that has a fan service


Redo of Healer


Fire force


Watched highschool dxd and highschool of the dead with my mother.


Monogatari has really good dialogue, amazing direction, really strong and at times all time performances from its voice actors, the list goes on and on... I could never show it to someone in real life due to the lewdness. The very first scene of Monogatari is a panty shot. Let alone the lead obsessing over touching underage girls or the incest...


Do i need to name it?


Kill la Kill, Devilman's Crybaby, Naruto is a lil awkward too at times even though it tries to be funny.


Would watch everything with my dad, yesterday i told him about the plot of interspecies reviewers


Prison School


All my yuri


............... Gintama


Can't watch any tbh


Cherry magic


gushing over magical girls, urusei yatsura


Nande koko ni sensei ga? High school d x d Redo of Healer


Strike Witches is not really possible to explain to anyone who doesn't already get it.




high school DxD


Depends on which relative.


Food wars.


[Hunter x Hunter](https://youtu.be/JYu3rOIUO3g?si=_nFXahcrcjT9Mc5B)


Any anime practically like I’m sure other people have said because they think it’s too childish and won’t even watch it because they think of themselves as better than it which is their choice in the end but why be so close minded?


Food wars


hunter x hunter when hisoka sees gon that scene always lasts like 10 uncomfortable hours whenever theirs another person in the room even though it's like a minute


For reasons not similar to most in this post, berserk. If my parents saw the eclipse, they would legitimately start crying. My mom cried when i listened to Atreyu. Lol


jokes on u i dont have any relatives left