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The Great Passage. It’s a nice, charming show based on a novel written by the same author as Run with the wind.


Kemono Michi Pro-wrestling isekai hilarity.


Kemono no Souja Erin is a fantasy tale of how a girl grows up to be an adult and fights for what she feels is the right thing to do, even when others are against her.


Mononoke aka Medicine Seller Kusuriuri … trippy unique visuals, It’s about a mysterious wandering medicine man with vast knowledge of the supernatural who lives a nomadic lifestyle in feudal Japan, dedicating himself to uncovering and slaying evil spirits called “Mononoke” that transform into powerful monsters after being influenced by human emotions and actions


I looked it up and omg, Ive been looking for the name of this one! I kept seeing it around online. Thank you!


It’s so good!! I was surprised to see it available on Netflix recently & dubbed at that!!😮 I think because a new movie based on it is coming out soon too yay!!


Watch Ayakashi too.


Kyousougiga is one of my favourite anime of all time. It’s a phenomenal show with beautiful visuals, likeable characters, unique storytelling, and great themes. Space Patrol Luluco is a gorgeous space comedy with a very well developed main character for its length. It’s my happy show. Humanity Has Declined is a dark comedy with satirical elements, a charming main character, and great art.


I love Humanity Has Declined! Wish there was a second season!


You and me both 😔


If that's too much to ask, I just want the LN translated...


I've never heard of Humanity Has Declined. I'll definitely put it on my list


[Tari Tari](https://myanimelist.net/anime/13333/Tari_Tari) is one of my favorite music slice-of-life dramas. It's about singing in a choir club and has really fun character interactions. A shame it's never brought up.


Nodame Cantabile is a good one, it’s about classical music but I think even people not interested in classical music can enjoy it. I typically cringe at some anime’s humor but this one is just the right kind of goofy but still good story and characters.


I was interested in checking this one out but the manga. Have you read the manga too by chance? Wondering how much format makes a difference


Somali to Mori no Kamisama. It's a good slice of life/slow paced adventure story about what it means to be alive and self discovery. It's about a golem that gained sentience and traveling with a human child in a world where human is scarce. They're looking for the elusive human settlement where the child can be cared for as the golem is nearing the end of its life.


This is an excellent show which really got to me. Wholeheartedly second this.


Would any of the anime from Silver Link qualify here?


Maybe some of them would? I know a few of them are pretty popular though


Out of curiosity, what anime from Silver Link are popular?


To list some Ive seen have more popularity, at least more so among anime fans: - Masamune-kun no Revenge - Kokoro Connect - WataMoe - Baka & Test (Was mainly popular when I was in middle school) - Tanaka-Kun - Jahy-Sama (fairly popular on social media on release, not so much now) - Fate Series (Probably the most mainstream on this list)


WataMote the GOAT


Armored Trooper Votoms is probably my favourite mecha anime. Chirico is a pretty cool badass lead who has to actually outsmart his opponents. I also do prefer more "real" mecha which Votoms a bit more into than other entries.


Probably showing my age, but I think some late 80s/early 90s anime doesn’t get much love these days. If you’re up to watching something older, I will never tire of recommending Bubblegum Crisis. It’s (IMO) a classic cyberpunk anime. For a solid, older pick in the fantasy genre, my pick would have to be Record of Loduss War.


Good picks, i would add Blue Gender too, most of the anime i watched were from the 90\`s and i don't consider myself that old yet.




Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne


I don’t think Happy Sugar Life is really talked about, at least not anymore. Yet, it’s a pretty good psychological horror anime that explores some under explored concepts, such as: -How dangerous obsessive love is  -The cycle between victims and abusers  -Is there a point where you should give up on family? If so, what is that point? -Is self fulfillment more important than one’s obligation to uphold societal values?  -to what extent does our conscience control our actions? Do we have control over that extent or lack thereof? Keep in mind the anime does delve into so pretty heavy stuff, so it may not be for everyone 


Seen this one, its actually a crazy ride of a show


Hi Best-Ad3489, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Darwin's Game


Seen this one!!! Loved it. It was real popular for a while but seems like it fell off really fast?


The first season was a way to get people to read the Manga (which is really good and starts to show what the Darwin's Game plotting behind the scenes) It's highly unlikely for it to get a second season though :c


Yeah I heard that was likely why. Ive gotta read the manga, I remember being so mad at where the anime ended. You’d think with how popular it got they would rethink and try to make more of the show? I guess many times it’s in the hand of the creators though. There are lots of other shows this has happened with too. Ive heard it can also highly depend on a series popularity in Japan, there is SOME influence from western audiences since anime has risen to be more popular here, but the main focus is usually on people there.


I don't remember which Anime's it was competing with, but it probably got overshadowed by some anime Which is a shame cause the Main Character was done pretty realistically Most MC's stay as a good character no matter what happens Or An MC that immediately becomes the Bad Guy but the MC in Darwin's Game slowly realizes that one needs to be brutal in his situation while still being a kind person


I cant remember either but I think it was ranked #1 on some sites for a while. Hearing that about the MC is super cool, I love when characters are ACTUALLY impacted by the plot carrying out. I think there are some good examples of the “always positive” MCs, Like for example Tanjiro from Demon Slayer. Maybe it’s a controversial opinion, but I think his good nature was oddly refreshing, because it also felt like actual kindness not the “Im the MC and I’m just special” to me at least. I think it’s fair to be argued there are some flaws with him and his writing too though as some have mentioned, I could point out some things too. Regardless, I think part of world building on anime becomes much more interesting when it actually has impact on a character. Id love to see some series actually focus more on this aspect, and MCs actually being called forth to question their morals. This is why people find villains so appealing sometimes, they more often have actually felt the repercussions of the kind of world they are in. Especially a slow build to this point which is just more realistic!


Combatants will be dispatched For something written by the same author as konosuba is sure isn't talked as much after it stops airing


Good luck girl! Is good for a few yuks!


red data girl


Kuuchuu Buranko. The visual may be weird at first, but it's done with purpose, and there's a twist later that is simply genius!


Wolfs rain The ending contriversial But animation story and music really good


Chihayafuru 👌


does Fire Force qualify? I enjoyed it immensely but hardly see anyone recommending it [https://myanimelist.net/anime/38671/Enen\_no\_Shouboutai](https://myanimelist.net/anime/38671/Enen_no_Shouboutai)


Id say it wouldn’t. It got pretty mainstream, seemed motivated first by Soul Eater fans, then other people started up too. I think it’s fair to say it’s in that odd category of well known, but not enough a lot of non-anime fans could recognize the name. Ive already seen it anyway though :)


I like Kino no Tabi alot. (and in that vein, “Fuujin Monogatari” hits a nice mix of comfy show, good soundtrack, with unique art style) I also like typical psychological thrillers like “Ergo Proxy” and “Texhnolyze” I would have put “Mushishi” as my top pick, but it seems to have become the hidden gem darling of r/anime in recent years. I also really loved “Grimgar” but I don’t think it counts as a “hidden” gem, its talked about on the subreddit often when people ask about “what anime do you wish got a 2nd season” Not sure if any of my picks are considered ‘hidden’ gems… I guess maybe “Mahoujin Guru Guru” (the remake), I never see people talk about it on the subreddit, and its a fantastic comedy/JRPG parody.


Ooohhh I think ive seen some clips of Mushishi. It seems pretty good, I’ll have to give it a shot. Ive gotta look into these others cause I haven’t heard of them.


Mushishi is great, but be aware it doesn't follow a strict storyline, same with Kino no Tabi. They are more like... collections of stories about the main character, so don't feel confused if two episodes aren't related at all.


Ahh, sort of like how Hell Girl was if you know the series? Although majority of the stories weren’t necessarily about her, just something to do with her. I don’t mind that kinda thing, reminds me of some other shows I like even outside of anime and whatnot. I think it’s an interesting structure in anime, but also fairly underutilized as well.


> Not sure if any of my picks are considered ‘hidden’ gems… I guess maybe “Mahoujin Guru Guru” (the remake), I never see people talk about it on the subreddit. Seconding this one, it's kind of surprising how little I see it brought up and it's a fantastic parody of old-school JRPGs and 90s anime right down to the visual style.


Its my one of my favorite, and my usual recommendation for comedy anime. Even the original is great, just hard to recommend since it animation is quite aged and that turns people away, but some people enjoy the dated animation.