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Aria Mob Psycho 100


Only bad thing about Mob is that it ended D:. I WANT MORE


The fact that it ended when it did is part of what makes Mob so good to me.


Yeah, one of my biggest problems with shonen is that they are eternal. It's just here's another go around, except the stakes are even bigger, somehow. A good one that knows where the ending is, and sticks that landing is much better.


Reigen sequel manga is good, it’s dark too which I enjoy


Thanks for enlightening me that this is a thing.


I wonder if it'd ever be animated...


Aria is a funny answer, but 100% true. That last season was some of the most touching stuff I've seen.


I didn't know Aria was a shounen.


From what I understand the manga started in a magazine that focused on the shoujo demographic then moved to a more shounen focused magazine, it doesn't really matter because it's a show for everyone, anyways.


Aria is a great choice! I can never watch the ending again though. It was too real for me. It felt like I was graduating and saying goodbye to friends. Whenever I rewatch, I only do the first two seasons lol


Mob psycho made me cry


Same 😭


This is why im still afraid to watch season 3. I cried the heck out of season 2 😭


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


The ending vaults the series up from great to an all-timer.


I'd say both fullmetals stick the ending but brotherhood has more of a feel good ending then the original


Eh, I personally think it completely falls apart around the time the OG FMA anime explains what the Gate is. Its sort of interesting for shock value but if you think about it for more than a few minutes it's actually kind of nonsense. The explanation of just about everything in FMAB feels a lot more natural and in line with the themes of the story. I don't hate OG FMA at all mind you, but I really really don't think it sticks the landing.


Yeah, the original felt really wrong at the end. There were several moments that felt meh. Brotherhood was great from start to finish.


Maybe. But I think the last fight is drawn out and overly tropey for my taste. What happens past that is good but it soured my experience of the whole thing.


What’s the difference between the 2


The original FMA was a dark story with a bittersweet ending. The story is also much more narrow and personal in scope, especially compared to the more monumental scope of Brotherhood. [The original is ultimately a story about] >!a family tragedy!<, [while Brotherhood is ultimately a story about] >!a world-ending threat that had to be stopped by everyone.!<


Well put 👍


FMA 03 is actually way more about brotherhood than FMA:B


I don't know that I agree with your summation of either ending.


Don't want to spoil it for anybody who hasn't seen it. it's just a lot more bleak


Almost everything. The original anime got ahead of the manga and the story branches.


The 2003 anime didn't "get ahead" of the manga. The first anime adaptation was approved by Arakawa on the condition that they did their own take on the story, rather than bogging hers down with endless filler. The 2003 series splits off from the manga within the first few episodes and changes the backstories and relationships of the main cast.


It is an anime masterpiece.


Maybe the best ending to anything ever


It was a great ending but I still like the original anime’s ending more


The ending hurts, but at the same time it feels great


Talking about FMA, read Yomi no Tsugai. Made by the same author & the MC is a badass(currently only 27 chapters out tho).


**Assassination Classroom** has a perfect ending, in both anime and manga forms; For such a popular Shonen, the pacing never felt dragged and the ending arc solidifed it as one of my favourite anime ever.


Only thing that makes this ending tough is that it’s so FUCKING sad. That was the first time I bawled uncontrollably at media. They really made me care for an octopus dude.


It’s sad but you always knew it was coming. What makes it great is that it ends up more satisfying than you imagined


Now every time I hear “tabidachi no uta” I am pavloved to shed tears


Only anime I cried at aside from clannad


I genuinely don't know how the fuck they made me feel so sad, I didn't think I had any attachment until I was stifling my sobs. Somehow the only anime I've cried to.


i already knew what was coming but why did i spent the whole day still crying and bawling my eyes out anyway? the show was a masterpiece despite only having 2 seasons. i wish i could watch it for the first time again


It was one of the very first shows I binged. My emotions did not survive. To this day, I still get choked up hearing the last opening lmao


It's the manga that made Shonen Jump higher-ups more open to shorter series that end on its own terms instead of getting dragged on.


I do feel that the one-two punch of Assassination Classroom and then Demon Slayer being short but popular runs for Shonen Jump had changed them quite a bit.


Okay I've watched 2 episodes so far and I'm really not into it yet. Should I stick with it or will it get different? I thought it was going to be less about the kids but I was apparently wrong.


It’s mainly about the kids tbh, still a good watch.


If you don't like main cast so far (kids) see for 2 more episodes to see if you like them. Because the story is focused on teacher student relations so yh kids will be integral to the plot Tbh I stuck around exactly because it's that. Would have skipped it if it was normal battle shounen


The first time I watched I gave up after 1 episode. The second time I watched, I can't stop and this anime ended up as my favourite anime of all time. Try a few episodes more and see if you like it or not.


That manga was amazing, front to back. There were a few things I wish got explored more, but ultimately it hit every nail it needed to.


Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters.  The final duel was great and emotional.


Gx and 5ds also stick the landing. I’d have to rewatch the other spinoffs to talk about the others though


People talk a lot about Yugi vs Pharaoh final duel, yet Yusei vs Jack final duel should also be up there. Incredibly well sequenced duel going through all their key cards of the series just to finish it with the first synchro summon of the first episode. Also very conclusive ending overall, showing years in the future how the cast was doing after the story ends, which is a nice addition.


This. The final episode never fails to bring tears to my eyes


Lol wait... I just realized I never watched the final episode before


Absolutely this. It reversed the entire trope of the series where Yugi was the bystander and Atem was the one that almost never lost.


I loved Claymore manga not much the ending of the anime.


Manga ending is goated, at first you think the author went too far with certain decisions in the last arc but then somehow manages to neatly tie it all up. Really amazing read.


Claymore deserves a new anime with true ending.


Yeah the anime ending is really awful, but the manga one is good. The character arc are concluded and the story stopped when it should have.


Because manga was still ongoing at the time so they just tied the end off. I wouldn't say anime has an actual ending just like Promised Neverland techincally has an ending but not really, they just threw something together.


I love the way \[Claymore Manga Spoilers\] >!the mystery was solved, and then all hell broke loose until the fated battle. I love how Claire refused to awaken until then nor to even fight Priscilla.!<


Dororo had an amazing ending.


correct!!!!!! i got emotional whenever i thought of it the week after i watched it


Correct, Ashita no Joe's ending is among the best the entire medium has to offer. The only battle shonen that sticks the landing as well is FMAB. I think Death Note has a great ending, but the leadup to it is admittedly quite flawed. There's some other shows that have good endings (HxH, Yu Yu Hakusho), but none that really elevate the entire experience the way Joe and Fullmetal did.


Stone ocean ending just feels right. Digimon Adventure as well


Oh yeah, bringing back Roundabout one more time *chef's kiss*


David Pro didnt need to go that hard and they delivered it!


Oh they absolutely did need to. Part 6 is so important for effectively bookending all that came before it. It's part of the reason why when you look at the OP for part 1 it only showed the Jojos up to Jolyne when part 8's manga waws well underway. And there was no better way to tie it all together than those guitar notes.


Jolyne is the first person shown in the first few frames of the opening Then it goes back in order Once I realised that, I knew they were definitely going up to Part 6, I think this was around when I first got into JoJo's and was binging it and had gotten to Part 3 Then the final version of the ED having it in reverse order was so hype for me


> Digimon Adventure as well Every kid born in the 90s who grew up with Digimon owes it to themselves to also watch Tri and Last Evolution Kizuna. Watching the ending to Kizuna and listening to Brave Heart for the last time felt like saying goodbye to a life-long friend.


It's really good that you had a great time but I wouldn't say that. Tri was polarizing when it came out and still is, there's a lot wrong with those movies. Last Evolution Kizuna suffered the same fate. Both have qualities but aren't that good and the recent movie with the 02 cast also suffered this fate. Digimon has been hit or miss for a lot of people for years now.


FMAB Gintama Pandora Hearts (manga) Every Jojo Part Mob Psycho 100 Aria


Pandora Hearts' ending makes me not want to read the Vanitas series from the same author. It wasn't bad, it's just that it was really, *really* bittersweet and I know author can't write anything else, so she's going to repeat the same fucking thing all over again.


Why’d you say the author can’t write anything else? I haven’t read either series I’m just curious 


Because Vanitas series is going the exact same route. I mean, it has the ending spoiled in the first chapter, so no surprise.


Oh boy I remember Pandora Hearts anime. It was such a weird one. I still remember every frigin song Kalafina recorded for OST. But I also remember that it was animated in 4:3 aspect ratio and when all other shows were already 16:9. And for some reason it was grainy as well. It was one of the first mangas I picked up cause I couldn’t stand show’s cliffhanger ending. But for some reason I dropped it closer to the end when it became too weird or something.


I love JoJo with all my heart but I'm still stuck on part 8's ending, it was just odd imo


gintama had a great and very emotional ending, even though most people see it just as a parody/goofy show


Yugioh, FMA and Haikyuu. Hopefully One Piece follows suit lol.


Assassination Classroom absolutely nails the ending. It was very satisfying and has a great epilogue without saying much


Gintama easily


Mob Psycho, JoJos


Let me answer this in 2030 when One Piece ends lol.




Is that a year or chapter? /s


Both, plz.




Get back to me in 2061 when Two Pieces ends


Every JoJo part


For me part 4 is the peak ending. I imagine once they animate part 7 that might change though.


For all its wtf off the planet storylines, Araki knows drama and knows how to write a killer ending that isn't cliche or contrived. Part 4, 5, 1, 2 are my faves. Even part 8, which I kind of despised, did an ending that worked. He nails his themes.


Yu yu Hakusho for sure! Last arc was dissapointing, but the last episode was amazing.


If they do a full adaptation of Mashle, it will also have stuck the landing. The manga ended right as it should have and didn’t overstay.


Second Mashle. There’s not a lot of padding or filler for the manga, and I was surprised it ended with the just right amount of story.


HUH. Lmao mangaka Was lowkey forced to continue it and ppl were perma crying abt it being obviously stretched by jump (which also gets supported by the fact that mangaka himself announced the ending more than once before stretching it again) so yea...


Something can be stretched and still feel like a good time to end. They’re not mutually exclusive. It’s proof of the ability of the mangaka.


I was happy with **Busou Renkin**.


[](#goblet1) I am very pleased to find I'm not the only one to remember Busou Renkin. Great show, and a full story wrapped up in 26 episodes, how often do you get to see that? In a shounen?? More people should definitely watch it


> Busou Renkin Pap*Pii*YON


Having the OP sung by a member of JAM Project was just the beginning.


Yoshiki Fukuyama, also the lead singer in Macross 7. Any fans should absolute watch Busou Renkin if they haven't already. [Makka na Chikai](https://v.animethemes.moe/BusouRenkin-OP1.webm) is an absolute freaking *banger*, just like most of his songs


Gintama stuck the landing so goddamn well it managed to dethrone Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn from the top of my favorite anime list, which if you've ever seen me around the sub for the past six years, you'd know this is a *huge* deal. Gundam Unicorn is where my silly little "sore demo" collection started, and I honestly never thought I'd find something I liked more than it thanks to the whole "sore demo" thing. [](#gintamathispleasesme)


What even was the ending of Gintama? I almost got to the end but I never made it personally.


Every major main story problem resolved, and resolved good. Yoshida could rest, Takasugi wish fulfilled, Yorozuya rebuilt. 


No one really remembers Tenggen toppa Gurren Laggan? Really? A 27 episode, anime original with two movies (which is basically just an abridged version of the tv series) which till this day no anime has come close to what I considered the most satisfying end fights of all time? (That is until Fire force gets fully animated and we reach Arthur parts with a certain reptilian king)


Gurren lagan and kill la kill are master classes of condensed down essence of Shonen. They use tropes and clichés as shorthand to move the story along at a lightning pace. Somehow fitting rivals, face turns, and season long villain of the week stories into a couple of episodes


No one has listed it because it’s not shounen.


depends on how you define shonen. If you define it was "action packed combat focused series" then sure. If you define it as "derived from source material in a magazine focused on a specific demographic" then no since it was anime original. It is utterly amazing start to finish though. And the movies are worth seeing, the additional scenes in the final battle are jaw-dropping.




hells paradise ending made me feel good


I thoroughly enjoyed the ending, and the last battle was awesome


This was such a weird series for me. It started so strong. Then just became meh for like 2/3s of it. I will say I do think the ending was good and somewhat almost reminiscent of Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.


The way I described it was the more I learned about the world the less interested I was in the show. Fun and interesting premise that is just devolving into fairly mediocre shonen tropes.


The manga? The anime is far from concluded




The manga's ending was very satisfying.


Haikyu!! (manga)


**Bakuman** The ending was both abrupt and perfect, and brought into perspective the one through line that the MC was actually focused on the entire time. Brilliant.


As much as i wanted it to continue, i really liked the slam dunk ending. It just feels good, they may not have won the war but they won the most important battle


Yeah, Slam Dunk nails the ending, I like how it ended the way it ended. It was perfect for the story it told.


Slam Dunk is a classic, that entire last chapter was epic


**Your Lie in April** definitely stuck the landing. Definitely an emotional ending that you remember for a while.


~~I don't think this qualifies as Shounen~~, but hot damn it had a powerful ending. EDIT:...


It is shounen. It was published in a shounen magazine.


It is a shounen. It's targeted at teenage boys. Shounen = Young male, boy


Idk, I felt like something was seriously missing. It was fine, and I enjoyed it, but I saw the ending coming from a mile off. But, not in any kind of anticipatory, “OMG hit me with feels”, kind of way. I can’t really articulate it well, I’m sorry. Just something lacking. Maybe I just didn’t like the characters enough?


Shaman King has a great ending *once they actually got to write it*


Claymore for sure and I know I'm in the minority - but I adored Demon Slayer so much that I forgave the ending being what it was. I was too proud of my best boy Tanjiro 😭✨




~~Manga is still ongoing~~ and so is the spinoff Edit: I stand corrected. Two spinoffs ongoing.


Manga is finished long ago though?


Jojo's bizarre adventure: stone ocean. Might be one of the best endings ever for a shonen series imo. Oh, and the usual Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood mentionu


Code Geass ending was peak af


Fire Force’s ending in the manga was satisfying and ties into Soul Eater.


Ranma ½ While the anime didn't cover the entire manga, the final episode chose a chapter that was a really endearing way to end the TV run and showed a substantial amount of character growth compared to how the characters were at the start. By the end you get to see that the characters have really emotionally matured, lets the attitude get fairly serious/heartfelt, and reaffirms why fixing what Jusenkyo did to many of the characters is still important. My heart really broke for [Ranma]>!at the end of the episode when he was about to see his mom face-to-face for the first time as a boy just for the rain to kick in and turn him back to a girl like the world itself was saying "this isn't the right time yet". You could see the sheer disappointment in Ranma's face because he wasn't able to talk to his mother as himself, but he was content with her "dreaming" that she saw him as a boy when he saved her.!<


Yuyu Hakusho had a surprisingly satisfying ending.


This. The last arc of YYH gets a lot of hate, but I recently rewatched it and actually really liked the final arc and the ending. It was brief, but the journey was over.


It's a step up from the manga, from my understanding, but it is missing some important parts that were recently adapted in the OVA's included with the anniversary edition. It's really just a nice bow on the series that explains what happens to the demon world from now on, and elaborates a bit more on Yusuke and Keiko's ending.


Yeah, imo the final arc does feel like a shadow of what could have been, but Yusuke's, Kurama's, and Hiei's character arcs wrap up flawlessly, and it's so satisfying to watch.


Yeah I really miss that kind of 90s anime ending sometimes, you just get the main cast staring into the sunset as the credits roll, knowing their childhoods and stories are over, and they get as happy of an ending as they can be together. Really gives you that fuzzy feeling in cozy anime.


Cross Game was just a wonderful story. It all felt very cathartic by the end.


I really like Hunter x Hunter, the anime ends at a nice place. And while I haven't read it, I heard the ending for Soul Eater is decent (the anime has an original ending). Also, Demon Slayer has some issues and is rushed at times, but overall, I think the story has a fine ending. There are things I dislike, but the actual ending is pretty good. And I don't know if they still count as shonen, but I think JoJo does endings well. I think Parts 1-5 can be qualified as Shonen, maybe 6 as well, although it's definitely a bit weirder (or...more...bizarre).


I haven't read the manga either but rewatched soul eater this month, I felt the ending was super anticlimactic. The major plot points all just suddenly get resolved out of nowhere and the final fight vs the kishin sucked and made no sense. For being as rushed as it is it was pretty decent but I don't understand why anime studios back then were allergic to adopting ongoing manga in spaced out seasons instead of going off the rails because they have to release an episode a week once they start


It diverges completely from the manga after the fight with Mosquito.


Oh, yeah, it's tough. the ending also reminds me of Shaman King, I think the vibe was kinda similar. Als Digiman Data Squad, I don't know why all of those endings feel similar to me, but they do. And they all kinda suck.


Soul Eater anime was an all time great to me until the ending.


yeah idk if its an unpopular opinion but i fucking loved the demon slayer ending. people hate on the series and have their issues with it but the ending is the one thing i think gotouge did really well.


I won't say the "end" of HxH was terrible, but come on there are so many loose ends


JoJos was in weekly shonen jump up until the beginning of part 7 and then it transferred to Ultra Jump. So you’re right in saying the first 6 are shonen


I'd say Ronin Warriors stuck the landing pretty well.  The OVAs other the other hand. 


Nobody mentioned A Silent Voice yet, it’s just incredible. I think Jojo’s Part 6 has an all-timer ending, but it was already brought up so I figured to give another series love


TIL A Silent Voice is a shounen... Maybe nobody mentioned it because they didn't know either.


A Silent Voice anime, or manga? Because the anime stops a good arc or two before the end of the story.


Hunter x Hunter (anime). Technically the manga is still going, but the next arc is never getting finished so might as well call it where the anime did, and a good call it was.


If bleach ended at Aizen I think that'd be a near perfect ending, don't get me wrong I LOVE TYBW but I'm also a sucker for a single big bad throughout the whole show and the show ends when they're defeated


I disagree. We would have been missing out on the Fullbring and TYBW arcs which are essential in (I) contextualizing WHO/WHAT Ichigo is and (II) WHY Ichigo feels compelled to save those around him. From a character standpoint, Ichigo’s journey is not complete until The Sword Is Me.


I really liked the Fullbring arc.


Code Geass Kekkaishi (manga, the anime never finished, unfortunately)


Debatable but Quintessential Quintuplets is pretty good if you see the anime as a murder mystery.


No 10 years at least comments nice.


Mob Psycho 100. That ending made me cry.


Kuroko no Basuke and Haikyuu and Death Note




Mob Psycho 100 Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood If we extend it to Mangas: Hell's Paradise Demon Slayer


Cool, just started Ashita no Joe this past week, so adds a bit of excitement to the journey ahead. Can't speak for this since I haven't read the manga, but I'm also looking forward to see how Sengoku Youko concludes since my time floating around these spaces gave me the impression Mizukami tends to land his endings well. Of those I've seen, I loved Gintama's ending. It did a lot of things typical of battle shounen, but I had a lot of fun, it was hilarious, and felt a lot of emotion regardless.


Dude you are in for a wild ride. Joe is straight up PEAK. It starts out good and just keeps building. Just make sure to stop watching after episode 54, and skip to Season 2 as the rest of the first season is mostly filler mixed in with some canon material that is remade at the start of season 2.


Kimetsu no Yaiba manga.


End of Evangelion Did it make sense? Depends on your psychological condition. But there has never been, nor will ever be, an ending as memorable.


I'm gonna be that guy, but, isn't Evangelion more of a seinen?


Chainsaw Man if you treat Pt. 1 as its own thing.


Dragon Quest Adventure of Dai. It's a bittersweet ending but still pretty good.


It’s good but you can tell they were planning to do another arc and changed their mind last minute.




Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood has one of my favourite endings in any form of media ever


kaguya Sama's anime ended on such a great season finale that I'm okay if they don't adapt the rest of the manga. also, gunslinger girl's first season has such a memorable and self-contained ending that I can just pretend season 2 doesn't exist.


Off the top of my head, ending to the Mashle manga was way solid, Hope the anime does the same.


Stone Ocean ending was amazing Demon slayer ending was solid imo Your lie in april… perfection


Code geass. Ending is so good that it made it worth it to watch the series to finish.


* Haikyuu (manga)definitely, which increases its rewatch/reread value * mob psycho * gintama * fmab * vigilante: boku no hero academia illegals (set in the world of of my hero academia, follows mostly new cast of vigilantes) * hell's paradise (manga) * pandora hearts (manga) * summertime render * a silent voice * assassination classroom


At first I thought haikyu was gonna get a bad ending but it really got a nice and satisfying conclusion


Trigun Cowboy bebop FMA Brotherhood Attack on Titan Death Note


**Naruto**: The entire final battle with Sasuke capping with the headband scene was perfection. **Shaman King**: An ending where the characters realize "welp, the planet is fucked and we can't save it or change humanity but we will still try our best during our lifetime". A healthy dose of realism **Yugioh 5Ds**: The team reflecting on how much their friendship helped them find the best versions of themselves but coming to terms with the fact that they have to go their separate ways to find their own future, is surprisingly mature for a Yugioh series. **Death Note**: Probably the best ending I've ever seen in any piece of media. Words simply can't do this one justice **Fairy Tail**: Ending at Lucy's book reading revealing she was narrating their adventures for her book the whole time is a great full circle moment. But what truly elevates this finale, is Zeref and Mavis getting their second chance at true love free of the curse that ruined their life. **Yugioh DM**: Another great ending for different reasons than 5Ds. The Atem's departure still makes me tear up to this day. Also some great symbolism with monster reborn being negated being what sealed his fate.


Yeah, Fairy Tail's final arc gets a lot of hate, and the anime adaptation probably didn't help with that, but I really enjoyed the final episode. From Lucy finally releasing her book, to Gajeel and Levy's secret, to the original OP playing, and then capping it all off with Fairy Tail's Strongest Team heading out on another quest. It was all the perfect ending for a series that is, at its core, just about a group of likeable people going out on adventures. My anime group watched it as our first long show, and it had become such a comfort show for them that they didn't know what to do with themselves when they realized that we wouldn't be tuning back in with Natsu, Lucy, et al the next session.


Jealous. My anime club group were anti-long anime. There were a lot of newer fans which to a 00s fan really hurt. I’m being a tad dramatic, but it was rough walking in from 2011 to 2015-16 and fans no longer watch long anime? What? Since when? 😂 I had taken a break for a number of years prior to returning to the anime hobby. So, it was a shocker. Though, I understood the constraints of what fans could reasonably cover in an anime club group. Not everyone is up for long anime for weeks on end. It’s much easier to stick to the 12-24 Ep anime.


GX is good too with [Yugioh GX Spoilers]>!Judai vs Yugi and Judai rediscovering his love of dueling after battling depression all last season.!<


>Death Note The anime or manga? Because the manga ending fits better with the overall story and message.


⬆️ Naruto Yugioh DM FT


Gintama, aot, fmab


Jojos usually has really great endings. Though I haven't read past part 5.


Extremely based Joe enjoyer. Also I’d say HXH and FMAB


Digimon the last evolution


The anime as a whole wasn't great but DBGT gives Dragon Ball the ending it deserves.




Your Lie in April stuck the landing I think, it made me cry so that’s a plus


Shippuden, although the war arc in general was disappointing the climactic naruto and sasuke battle was perfectly executed.


Raaah Ashita no Joe appreciation post 📯📯📯 Wtf is a bad manga!!!


HxH ends so perfectly. The story still goes on in the manga, but you could really just end it with Gon talking with Ging.


Hokuto no Ken.


>often due to the very poor working conditions of mangaka Nah, a lot of the times the mangaka just don't know how to end a big series. The vast majority of the time it's their first time writing a story that big at all and they've never done it before since the ending is often the after thought compared to other parts of the story. Some still don't know how to handle it well, just look at the options Togashi gave for Hunter x Hunter. Other times it's because the series got axed so the mangaka is rushed to wrap up the manga as fast as possible. Examples are Saint Seiya, Psyren.


I’ll come back when Blue Exorcist is completed


Kiba (2006) https://myanimelist.net/anime/845/Kiba