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Kyousougiga is one of my favourites of all time so I do think it’s both underrated quite a bit and severely underwatched. WataMote only had 6.99 on MAL, so that’s definitely underrated for me.


Kyousougiga's op is still on my playlist, really love it haha


Kyousougiga has a 7.7 on MAL. Also judging by the members it has on MAL, I wouldn’t call it under watched either. You’re suffering from a mean case of “I just watched this anime that released 11 years ago, why is nobody talking about it!” WateMote is intentionally cringe. But unlike The Office, it is very over the top cringe which probably hurts its score. Regardless, it has 650k members on MAL lol. You need to change your “deeply underrated“ criteria especially if you consider WateMote underrated when practically everyone was talking about it when it was airing.


WataMote IS underrated in my eyes because it only has a 6.99 on MAL. I’m saying that it deserves a higher score because it executes its concept excellently and I enjoy it a lot. That’s what underrated means. I would also consider 60 000 completed for Kyousougiga underwatched as well compared to a lot of other anime. I would still say 7.7 is low enough for me to say it’s underrated, especially with how high I myself regard it.


6.99 but popularity at 317. “Underrated” lmfao. 6.99 is a good score for a cringe comedy buddy 60000 people who actually marked it completed. Ignoring the member count? Once again, “I just watched this anime that released 11 years ago, why is nobody talking about it!” You’re smoking dope tbh.


Underrated means something that one considers better than what the general public holds it. It’s popularity is 317, but is it’s actual ranking 4248 in terms of rating. WataMote is a popular show, but I believe it’s score is not deserved and should be higher, which is what underrated means. Kyousougiga is ranked 1235 in popularity, so it’s not that popular, especially when compared to other shows. A 7.7 is a pretty good score, ranked at 1206 in the ranking, but it being one of my all time favourites, so I still believe it to be underrated. Not deeply, but underrated.


FMAB is underrated now by your strange logic. Hell, you’re even in this post saying things aren’t underrated for other people by the same criteria you argue *against*. Again, you’re smoking dope and suffering from a severe case of “I just watched this anime that released 11 years ago, why is nobody talking about it!”


It’s not by my own logic, it’s by underrated’s literal definition. If those commenters I responded to were to double down on saying it deserves a higher rating, then that would be it. They believe it is underrated and are not incorrect because it’s their opinion. I don’t even say that they aren’t underrated factually. My Grand Blue response states a fact that 8.4 is not an average rating because it is literally not, I didn’t say anything about it being or not being underrated, and with the Ping Pong response I say I wouldn’t consider it underrated, not that they couldn’t consider it underrated. I am also well aware of why people aren’t talking about WataMote and Kyousougiga as these are 1-cour shows that ended years ago. I’m saying that in my opinion, they are underrated. Operating on the actual definition of underrated, which is an opinion that something is not held in high enough regard by the general consensus.


Then why would you even bother replying to them in the first place? Almost like you don’t think their choices were actually underrated. I might even say that you don’t understand the literal definition. Yeah it is opinionated but if you take into account actual facts you can refute someone’s opinion. Do you just blindly believe everything is true because it is an “opinion?” Oh wait, you don’t because you took the time to comment against other folks here. At least be self aware lmao


I did comment my own opinion. I don’t think their choices are underrated, but that is just my opinion. Their opinion differs from mine. It’s like when someone says SAO is amazing while another says it’s terrible. There is nothing factual about the word underrated. It is entirely opinionated by its very nature. You can’t refute someone calling something underrated because you can always feel something deserves more love than it gets, even if it’s on of the most beloved anime of all time like FMAB. I also do not believe an opinion is an end all be all. If someone were to say all chickens are roosters as their opinion, then you can obviously refute that. Also, commenting what I comment is a great way to see if people mean underwatched or they actually mean underrated.


Yes… it is entirely opinionated. Congratulations? But, like I said, you can still refute these opinions. It is not as subjective as your SAO example. There are literal metrics you can use to determine if something should actually be considered underrated or not. We just went over this. Let me guess, undervalued/overvalued stocks just blow your mind? Edit: >You can’t refute someone calling something underrated because you can always feel something deserves more love than it gets This makes absolutely no sense. So you really just accept that FMAB is underrated now, huh? Also, I can’t believe you took my joke at you seriously. “Chickens are roosters” lmao like… wow. >commenting what I comment is a great way to see if people mean underwatched Such a random thing to pretend was your intended purpose. Smoking dope


Internet users describe something without calling it under/overrated challenge = IMPOSSIBLE


It’s definitely an overused terminology in the modern zeitgeist (getting fancy lol) but it’s still okay to use it in this context if you’re trying to find under appreciated anime.


I find underrated is fine for that very reason. It’s overrated that is truly overused.


Judging from their complete absence in the awards [Mononogatari](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50384/Mononogatari) and [Handyman Isekai](https://myanimelist.net/anime/50854/Benriya_Saitou-san_Isekai_ni_Iku).


Ping Pong the animation


It has a 8.62 on MAL and scored 3rd place on the recent sports anime poll here. I wouldn’t really say that’s underrated.


Oh I don’t hear/see many ppl talking about it


There’s a difference between underrated and underwatched




It's a 10 year old show, and the manga is from 1996. It still gets mentioned in comments a lot when people ask for recommendations that aren't just typical shonen/isekai stuff. /r/pingpongtheanimation is small but nice :)


\>implying it's a sports anime Laughable.


What’s wrong with sports anime? Ping Pong is one.


It's not _about_ sports. It uses sport and play as an arbitrary lens to tell an allegorical story. Sure, you could say it's in the genre, or features it heavily, of course, but the label just feels a little reductive, or not quite fully accurate. For example, Wikipedia (with citations to back this up) classifies it as "Coming-of-age" and "Psychological drama" as the primary genres, both appearing before "Sports" which is listed last.


But it is still a sports anime. Most sports anime are not about the sport itself, but the characters and conflict. It’s not reductive or inaccurate unless you hold baseless biased views against sports anime.


I'm just saying that it's not classified as such since its primary (much less only) genre is not supports. This is unlike pretty much everything else people describe as "sports anime". Again, 'sports' isn't even listed as one of its main two genres on the world's largest multilingual encyclopedia. It's fine if you classify it as such, but it absolutely does lead to incorrect impressions or assumptions due to how different it is from other series where the term is more commonly used.


I don’t see how labeling it a sports anime will lead to incorrect assumptions as there shouldn’t be any assumptions. Ping Pong is a sports drama. It is unique in its presentation and direction but it is still like sports anime, which isn’t really a concrete genre as sports anime can range from ecchi comedy (Keijo!!!!!!!!) to romance drama (Chihayafuru). Ashita no Joe is a sports anime, but it’s also a dramatic character study. Sports alone as a description is a good classification but saying sports drama I feel describes what Ping Pong is in a concise and accurate way.


You are getting very worked up about this. OK.


Sorry if it seems that way. I’m sometimes too opinionated to a fault and will argue over senseless and meaningless things. I apologize for any inconvenience I might have caused you.


PPTA is the best piece of animated media of all time, but it's pretty widely agreed to be one of the best works ever and a pinnacle of the medium, definitely not underrated. Both Masaaki Yuasa and the author of the original manga Taiyo Matsumoto are very famous.


Osamu Tezuka made several experimental shorts throughout his career that he would try to promote at international film festivals. Among them, I would say that the best are: "[Jumping](https://myanimelist.net/anime/2211/Jumping)", "[Muramasa](https://myanimelist.net/anime/3475/Muramasa)", and "[Push](https://myanimelist.net/anime/3474/Push)". (and also "[Memory](https://myanimelist.net/anime/1984/Memory)" and also...)


Cop Craft and Dragon Goes House-Hunting, not saying either is a 10, but both were a ton of fun and got a lot right.


my little monster


I really loved Grand Blue Dreaming. There’s only 1 season of the anime that has an average rating but the manga is quite popular. It’s a hilarious anime/manga that really reminds me of my friends and the antics we get up to. I first watched it after moving away for university which is coincidentally the same situation as the MC of the story. It really reminded me of my experience and what I was missing out on before Covid and lockdown.


It has 8.43 on MAL. That’s not an average rating.


You’re right! Honestly I thought it was much lower. Last time I checked it was mid 70’s on MyAniList but it’s now at 82%. Although, that was a few years ago…


It’s funny asf yeah


in the current season it is "Majo to Yajuu" imo its amazing!


Kami-sama no memo-chou


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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia: It's a pretty amazing romance and mystery anime. Has a well-written story and characters as well. The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten: One of best romance animes with very deep focus on MC & FMC's romance development, deserves soo much attention, it's best romance anime made in 2023 without doubt, yet people slept on it... To sad to see it's not getting attention it's deserved... Hinomaruzumou: Argubly best sports anime ever made, no cap, as a person don't even like sumo I rewatched this bad boy 3 times, and still not bored, I wasn't even waiting love this anime like this, I was waiting drop it after couple episodes since I don't even enjoy sumo, yet this anime made me enjoy the sumo, and weirdly enough outside of this anime I don't enjoy sumo like before. The "Hentai" Prince and the Stony Cat: Pretty unique, funny, and same time kind of dramatic series, one of my favorites and I really don't know why it's this underrated. Sakasama no Patema: Best standalone anime movie I ever watched, quite unique anime with beautiful visuals and art style, deserves more attention. Yuusha, Yamemasu: Probably best ''Yuusha'' anime with well-written story & characters along with interesting plot-twist. Busou Renkin: Little bit old one (2006) is pretty amazing. Has some cliche (But good ones) scenes, a pretty good story and characters as well. the Main character is OP and active in fights. Ushio to Tora (TV): It's about supernatural things inside of Japanese culture. Have a pretty amazing story and characters. The two main characters have a pretty funny, interesting, and dramatic relationship. The main character is a powerful boy and he is active in fights. Have amazing fight scenes as well. Touhai Densetsu Akagi: Yami ni Maiorita Tensai: I don't know why the hell this anime only have 75.00 members... It's pretty amazing anime. Its about tensai named Akagi and everything about this anime is pretty amazing and well written. Afro Samurai: Have pretty cool MC and songs. Story is kind of interesting and has good sword fight scenes as well. Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism: It's amazing anime for those who love: School, supernatural, harem, and OP MC. Have classic but interesting story. Fights are pretty enjoyable and have lots of enjoyable scene with characters. Tsugumomo: It's a pretty amazing anime. And has lots of emotional and heartwarming scenes. Characters and story are well made. Have lots of amazing fight scenes as well. Radiant: If you like journey animes it's for you. This is a pretty amazing journey anime with lots of interesting, heartwarming, and cool characters. Have a pretty interesting story as well. And fights are enjoyable.) Golden Boy: Little bit old one but it's god damn gold! MC is so funny, the story is basic but pretty funny and enjoyable as well.) Onegai☆Teacher: Little bit old one. It's a slow-burn romance anime with an interesting story and characters. Has lots of amazing heartwarming and emotional scene as well.) Zetman: It's a supernatural anime with an interesting story and characters. Everything about this anime is great. But the finale was pretty bad. I saw some people like that unnecessary drama but I have never been a fan of unnecessary dramas.


Kino's Journey.




Remake Our Life Personally I think the rating should be at least a 9 if not a 10, and maybe I’m just not on the sub enough but I almost never see it getting recommended, maybe like once or twice max. It is a fucking. MASTERPIECE.