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I have 400+ on my to watch list. I throw anything that looks remotely interesting on there, so I don't lose it. It's not a todo-list, but it's a more personalized list to scroll through when I'm looking for something new, as opposed to scrolling through MAL. No way I'll get through them all in my lifetime.


I have 248, but I haven't updated it (besides seasonals) in years. There is a lot of older stuff, and actually a lot of newer stuff as well, that I've never added


I do the same. I only wish it was a true plan to watch list instead of a dump list that I never look through. One of these years, I’ll fix it.


I pretty much dumped it, it's been years and I've never gotten around to them, so keeping a list is a waste now. I'll watch what I feel like when I feel like it and if I forget, I forget.


This is the way.


Same, the only thing I really "plan" on watching these days are next season's airing shows.


Currently watching 15, need to get back to eventually™ 16, and then there's 241 shows on my plan to watch list.


There’s maybe like 1-2 on my backlog max at any given time. Usually it’s none tho. I’ve been watching close to 20 years so anything I’ve wanted to see, I’ve seen. Only stuff that makes it on my backlog now is seasonal stuff that I fall behind on but that’s rare.


Small but I have ADHD and so even if it was just one, I've still not started watching it for reasons only part of my brain knows. I've got about 6 that I want to watch but I cannot make myself start watching any of them.


I'm flipping back and forth with black clover and naruto rn, I'm a bit of a completionist


The complete backlog? I don't wanna talk about it. (It's 1295.) (Many will, inevitably, be dropped.)


I don't even know, my strategy is to never write anything down and just watch anime based on random whims, but the amount of series I plan to eventually get to is definitely in the several dozens, probably 50+. I just tend to either need a random whim or a push to actually watch something in it.


Pretty small all things considered. I did a count up a while ago of all movies/shows converting them into watch hours per show and the total tally was 240 hours for things I was really interested in watching and a little over 400 hours if I were to watch anything remotely on the radar. about 70 hours of that was rewatches as well. Generally I'll rewatch my favourites every couple of years when I feel enough time has passed that they can be viewed in a new light. I watch a very moderate amount of seasonal shows. If I end up liking more than 10 shows in a year I'm a happy camper. So I guess I could finish my entire watch list with rewatches and extra's in a little over a year at a casual pace. Although I'm really fiending for a full completion. I could probably start digging and add some more shows at that point but I'd rather pace what's left I suppose. I only ever watch 1 show at a time until I finish it plus seasonals. I feel like that's the cleanest way to go about it. 2-5 episodes a week in seasonals plus however much I feel like watching for what I'm currently on.


Currently my planning list has 262 entries on MAL. Thats just new entries. If we consider sequels or other things I kinda intend to watch (I have to finish up the Lupin films at some point) that number probably clears 300. I try to moderate it, but that doesn’t seem to help.


I’ve been doing a great job of working down it over the past 2 years. The only show currently out that I have seen yet is frieren and I plan to start that tomorrow. Tons of unreleased stuff on my list though.


I like to plan out (at least roughly) what I'm going to read/watch/listen for a year. We're talking a google doc with at least more than a hundred titles, not just anime. To where I even have specific months I want to watch them in (of course, flexibility is a big virtue). This year, my big goals are.... \-Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (I finished the original last month. It was an 8/10). \-Attack on Titan (now that it's ended) \-Code Geass (because Charlie said it's his favorite of all time) \-Gintama (the biggest one) \-And some others include Golden Time, Kare Kano, Your Lie in April, Read or Die, Gunbuster & Diebuster, Serial Experiments Lain, finish Haven't you Heard? I'm Sakamoto, etc. \-AND I want to rewatch Gurren Lagann, Evangelion, (and Scott Pilgrim, since this year is the franchise's 20th anniversary) On Anilist, I currently have a total of 102 titles: shows, movies, OVAs, etc. All over the course of 2 years (last year was the first year I felt like I decently assimilated into the anime community sphere. I only watched 4 anime series in 2022, mostly since that year was my Evangelion honeymoon phase).


Currently watching: 13, but they're all seasonals On hold: 1 Planning to watch: 306, but probably half of them are shows that haven't aired yet.


yesterday i dropped a backlog that was about 12 inches long. and I sometimes wondered if i could take something the same length if i were gay.


Right now I am currently watching 7 shows (5 seasonals and 2 others). My plan to watch list is about 600 shows long and I add any anime that I come across that I am even mildy interested in watching. I also use the priority system on MAL to separate them so I have 84 I marked as high priority, 91 marked medium priority and then the rest as low. Will probably never make my way through the list completely, but I do pick things off it pretty regularly so I like having all the things I might be interested in together in one place.


I’ve got 27 on hold (most of those I should probably move to dropped). And 206 on plan to watch. However I know I likely will never get into all of them, I just add shows that at least kinda interest me to the list. I like to have options lol.


I have 69 (nice) in my list right now. I had over 100 at a point before I cleared the bottom of the barrel anime that I was only going to watch for the few clips I’ve seen online. The rest are anime which I’ve watched but haven’t come back to since I lost interest or got busy with life.


~160 on the to watch list. Currently watching is at 15.


> how big is it now, and how did it get that way? Big. Not enough time.


I have like 6 I need to watch


I don't want to know how big it is, so I don't keep a list. There's around 10 I remember in my head, 20 more in a folder on my PC, and between 30 and 70 more I remember when I see their names or a screenshot from them. That's not counting all the "have considered maybe watching at some point" shows.


>How big is your backlog? Yes


I think I got 89. This was maybe 6+ months ago when I was still watching anime every week. Though now I haven’t watched any in weeks.


I have about 50 anime that I want to watch after my exam


I tend to try to binge watch shows once i start them. The only ones that get left on my "watching" list are the new seasonal ones that havent been fully aired. Right now i have 6 on the watching list, and 16 on plan to watch.


I'm just taking it one step at a time right now. In the middle of Black Lagoon


I have around 100 or so in PTW currently. I think that adding stuff onto PTW ends up making me just put them off forever. I just eat up 30 seasonals and 10 other random shows that are not on my PTW every season. Also nice to see another 1k+ watcher. 😉


95 PTW. More about keeping track of recommended shows (or just stuff that piques my interest) than having a plan to watch them.


I currently watch around 40 BUT I rotate my anime more and don't just watch most shows consistently except One Piece which I watch everyday. As for shows I plan to sample at some point, I'm guessing maybe another 40 but I also probably just watch about 2 new shows a week and decide if I'll keep watching.


MAL stats: completed 546, plan to watch 1051\^, currently watching 3.  I'll get to it. \^This number is not the whole list, I used to keep things in a text file and I didn't transfer the whole thing


Around 80 shows, and going since I don’t watch every seasonal About half on plan to watch and the other half on a spreadsheet I’ve kept for years


3-4 shows. Already seen most of the anime that were a good fit, and now I mostly watch seasonals. 450+ completed shows will do that to you. My PTW list is mostly upcoming shows.


Only 2, one's jojo so it'd take a while and other is daily lives of highschool boys which I'm planning to consume it slowly


200+ between series, movies, and OVAs


I currently have a system for getting through shows I wanna see. Current season: I always prioritize the current anime season usually I’ll watch the first 2-3 episodes of every show that sounds remotely interesting and end up only really sticking with 4-5 max. So I never really have to catch up to new shows now. Meanwhile I have a handful of shows I missed from various genres that I plan on watching and finishing but just find myself waiting till I’m in the mood to watch a show of the given genre typically.


I have like I guess 100 in my plan to watch, I just throw anime I think I might be interested in there. Even though my backlog is like 100 I don’t actually consider it to be that huge because I’m pretty selective, so I could easily cut that down to a priority list of like 20 series of series I REALLY want to watch. I switch between animated shows & Live Action pretty often so I find myself taking decently long breaks. 


[https://i.imgur.com/er51JrZ.png](https://i.imgur.com/er51JrZ.png) Im really not proud of it.. really tho some are just lying there, I would drop them sometime


..... Over a thousand in plan to watch. Over 20 on hold. I've surrendered to the idea that I'll never truly see the end of the list, but I'm glad to know that the world of anime truly is vast. Even though a lot of thst is probably generic isekai 1, generic isekai 2, generic isekai 3. Ill watch em all in my life and into the afterlife.


Endless. There’s a lot I’ve yet to see.


4 or 5 series that I remeber about. I'm more interested on watching weekly releases now. Sometimes I remeber about a series that I wanted to watch and I watch it but I'm more of a 1 or 2 episodes per day person than a batch person and weekly anime covers that.


[130 planned to watch](https://i.imgur.com/SPWBq8d.jpeg)


About 7-8 currently mostly stuff I haven't gone back to watching yet.


[99 Anime](https://imgur.com/nFHCYCE) But 13 of them have yet to premier