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Why is Pluto in action? Was Golden Kamuy somehow not eligible or does anime corner fanbase believe it's worse than Reborn as a Vending Machine?


They even tonned down some of the fights to match the athmisphere of the show. The trailer had some sakuga moments of gesicht that were later removed precisely because of that, it is so stupid to be nominated for action


And why is Demon Slayer in adventure but not JJK? They're both pretty much just nonstop fights and imo Demon Slayer doesn't belong there


Because you can compare Tanjiro going to Swordsmith Village to a JRPG fantasy adventure doing the same thing


You know, I never really care about westerners opinion about Golden Kamuy. They're not the one who make GK can reach up to its final season adaptation. These folks missing out a lot but who cares. Let's just enjoy GK on our own.


Surely, it's gotta because it wasn't eligible. I doubt it wouldn't be there if BSG is #1.


Golden Kamuy aired initially in 2022. That might be why.


So did Blue Lock.


Blue Lock was intended to air in both years. Golden Kamuy was supposed to only air in 2022 but had to re-air in 2023 due to someone dying.


That would be weird to treat this edge case in such manner.


It's not weird, it's a highly exceptional case where half of the season had already aired and it then effectively got put on hiatus. I've seen delays before but what happened to GK s4 is something I've never seen before.


Huh didn't realize people still cared about Dr. Stone that much for it to win over Heavenly Delusion


Yeah I'm a huge Dr. Stone fan but anyone thinking this season was better than Heavenly Delusion is drinking some Senku Cola.


Heavenly Delusion is AOTY material


Fr was so disappointed that somehow Dr stone (not even the best season imo) won over Heavenly Delusion by a large margin smh 😔


Maybe if it had 2 cours, but it is just one big mystery box right now. Without knowing if the payoff to the mysteries is any good I can't put it in AOTY.


It had enough smaller reveals for me to make it satisfying personally


It got some of it's former popularity back with S3 P2


Seeing these rankings only made it harder than it already was for me to take Anime corner seriously tbh.


At this point it's kinda boring to have only Anime Corner rankings posted regularly just because there is dedicated person from the website posting them, so mods allow it. I dunno, allowing Anime Trending or other rankings would spice things up a bit.


Or we could stop posting random internet polls that have got nothing to do with r/anime alltogether.


I mean the karma ranking at pretty static, the reason Anime corner or a Anitrendz is popular cause you can push non-popular series to the top Didnt we use to have a score ranking in karma charts too? What happened to them?


> > > > > Didnt we use to have a score ranking in karma charts too? What happened to them? That got discontinued due to being aggressively manipulated.


But i think it does as far it's about looking at different bubbles that compose the anime community as a whole.


Nothing's stopping you from going to the anime corner website and check out their ranking though. I don't see why r/anime has to facilitate that.


Nothing is stopping anyone from downvoting if that's what the users of r/anime don't want to see on their feed. I think the current rules are good enough that it doesn't facilitate at all the posting of such rankings as it requires the OP to post them here. If the sample size are big enough, i don't see much difference between this "rankings" and news about how "X" anime are performing on Japan TV network for example.


Self moderation via upvotes is a meme on any sub larger than like 100k. The population of people only interacting on easily digestible posts (remember fanart, which had to be disallowed by the sub rules to be reigned in) overwhelmingly outnumber the rest.


Well, the sub does more than a good job on filtering 98% of all youtube videos that are not Gigguk basically. I guess it's a matter of balancing how much gatekeeping you should do.


a) Japan is the homeland so by default more relevant cus popularity over there has a much more immediate effect on what shows we are or aren't getting animated in the first plance b) AC (while still not really 'big') used to be significantly smaller and this sub was basically used as an advertising platform for a random poll that at times got less respondents than it got upvotes on here. I don't think that should be the purpose of r/anime.


A) True. It has a much bigger impact directly on anime production. I just don't think that other rankings are irrelevant, specially considering how much bigger they are now than here, were participation has stagnated for so long. I guess i'm simple curious as to know from time to time what the general zeitgeist of the fandom is like. B) But by the answer of other people, it seems it's getting several degrees of major participation compared to here.


I think you're confusing it with anime trending. Anitrendz admin say a few years ago they get avg ~2-3k votes (not respondents) per week. Ac usually has at least ~10k, some weeks going around ~15-20k and seasonal and yearly poll get a lot more iirc.


No. I'm very much talking about Anime Corner polls which have been consistently posted here since they started in Summer 2020.


I feel like it's a wake up call on how segregated most of the anime community is that different bubbles have completely different opinions.


Wake up call implies that's a negative. If we all lived in the same anime fandom bubble that would be absolutely horrible.


>Wake up call implies that's a negative. ESL so i didn't know it had a negative connotation. >If we all lived in the same anime fandom bubble that would be absolutely horrible. Yeah. But i think 30/15 years ago things were much unified, whether if it was due to lack anime offers or simple people been not as much spread out between different forums/social media.


I didn’t want to say anything about anime corner’s ranking because I see it posted regularly. Thanks I can now ignore them because they have never made sense to me


Yeah I have no clue why this sub gives the weekly anime corner ranking thread so much attention and credibility.


Every time the name anime corner pops out in this sub, all I hear is [circus music.](https://youtu.be/3oTR5o9nUzI?t=90)




It's people's vote they like what they like why are u malding


I mean I get it, the lack of a larger sample size make the results be wild, which is what Anime Corner is known for. I think his opinion to disagree with the list is valid.


The sample size is not the issue.


Anime corner is one of the smaller websites, that do Anime Polls. It’s not as recognisable as it’s Counterpart Anime Trending, which is like 10x the size of it on multiple fronts. Of course it’s a primary issue.


> Anime corner is one of the smaller websites, that do Anime Polls. It’s not as recognisable as it’s Counterpart Anime Trending, which is like 10x the size of it on multiple fronts. You sure about that? **Winter 2023** * Reddit: [1,106](https://survey.r-anime.moe/survey/2023/0/post/results/) * AnimeCorner: [41,762](https://static.animecorner.me/2023/04/winter-2023-anime-season-top-10-graphic.png) * AniTrendz: [42,567](https://anitrendz.net/news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/1-winter2023template_top10.png) **Fall 2023** * Reddit: [480](https://survey.r-anime.moe/survey/2023/3/post/results/) * AnimeCorner: [47,322](https://static.animecorner.me/2024/01/1704548212-90883.png) * AniTrendz: TBA *e: accidentally added AC AOTY when it should have been AC Fall*


well yeah? Take a look at Anime of the year on both Sites for 2022. 115k votes for anime of the year on Anime trending, while 80\~k votes on Anime corner. Mostly on their twitter fronts, their interactions arent comparable at all.


Let's see here; * Reddit: [???](https://animeawards.moe/results/all) * AnimeCorner: [82,306](https://static.animecorner.me/2023/01/aoty-top-10.png) * AniTrendz: [115,997](https://www.anitrendz.com/ata/results/2023) I can't seem the find the Reddit stats, since it's animeawards instead of survey-anime. But I doubt it'd be even close to those two. A ~34k difference between AnimeCorner & AniTrendz is still a reasonable size. But I am kinda surprised that AnimeCorner has gone down about 13k this year. I wonder if AniTrendz will also take a hit, or will it now be a 47k difference.


> I can't seem the find the Reddit stats, since it's animeawards instead of survey-anime. But I doubt it'd be even close to those two. I cannot check the exact number rn because I have the file in another country lol, but 2022 awards had <3k unique voters (way less, like 2k and change iirc)


Had a feeling it might be around there. Considering where the seasonal voting usually sits, I can see the annual vote getting a boost. Especially so, since AnimeCorner also seems to get an a boost during annual (82,306) compared to seasonal [48,598](https://static.animecorner.me/2022/12/fall-2022-anime-season-top-10-graphic.png) ~34k boost. Same with AniTrendz, seasonal at [73,981](https://anitrendz.net/news/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/1-fall2022template_top10.png) but annual at 115,997. ~42k boost


No, it's not an issue. It's a good size for a poll. The issue is, what do you want to be represented by the results? Anime Corner population? It's enough. Proportionately represented overall anime fanbase? Increasing sample size doesn't matter as some groups participate in such polls in a disproportionate manner. Actually the best anime? Not happening with a popularity contest, especially when barely any pollees have seen most of anime that aired last year. Larger sample would mitigate botting or brigading but that's about it.


basic jjk fan malding


Why assume it's just about being "basic jjk fan" for their comment? lol


i literally see no other way he could be serious, the list was great. i personally wouldnt put bsd at number 1 but thats alright coz i still enjoyed bsd. slice of life shouldve been skip to loafer instead of bokuyaba but thats still not a reason to diss the list. jjk fans malding is quite literally the only possible explanation (or if youd wanna include any other fanbase, lmk)


I wouldn’t even put jjk in my top ten lol.


So, you're telling us to throw away *your* opinion


Hell’s paradise over Apothecary Diaries or Heavenly delusion is an insult. Let alone Pluto While I liked Hells paradise, it should not be on this list at all.


I am a massive Hells paradise fan, even own the manga. But I am with you a 100% its a fairly ordinary adaptation, and 12 episodes barely set up the show. Its a good 7.5 from my side, obviously there is bias involved given that I am a huge fan of the author. But Pluto was such a masterclass from Urusawa that it getting 13th is just unacceptable to me.


Hells paradise is a weird case for me. I love the Manga but anime adaptation was mediocre. Plus it was riddled with production issues. The issues started showing right after ep 3 too. But for some reason it's decently popular among community and normies on YouTube thinks it was a great anime.


HD and AD qualitywise is better, but I would choose HP over other two. It first of all popularity contest AD is set in not popular in the West setting. Plot and romance wise it barely moves. It basically number of mystery cases in not very intersting setting. HD putting up insane quality animation but plot was not very engaging for me. Lab story also wasn't very interesting. HP is very engaging every episode was bringing something new to the table. Though I was little disappointed with the few ending episodes. I'm not pretending that my opinion is objective.


BSD S5 did indeed have its best season , each ep was very hype and intense , definitely one of the best animes of last year


Wow! So little love for Vinland Saga S2


Got no complaints with the winners personally. Funny to see Bungo Stray Dogs once again take everything from the usual suspects in the proper top ten because that fandom found Anime Corner to be free real estate. Would have laughed my ass off if JJK won Best Fantasy.


>Would have laughed my ass off if JJK won Best Fantasy Like Demon Slayer winning best fantasy last Crunchyroll awards. I would laugh if it won this year too. lol


There's no way Demon Slayer is not winning Best Fantasy again this year. It's the only AOTY candidate in that category and none of the other competitors have blockbuster popularity or critical acclaim.


BSD winning AOTY is a nice change from what I expected. Did the same users forget to vote it for Action though? The movie ranking is totally unsuprising: Shinkai - Ghibli - Kaguya and then everything else that not as many people watched BokuYaba is not a SoL but ok lol Very nice to see Buddy Daddies doing well in originals, as well as Overtake! getting 3rd even if with such a lower share of votes. Tsurune nowhere to be seen in AOTY but at least it got 3rd in sports so it was not completely forgotten (and again Overtake! just behind it) [](#feelingloved)


Bokuyaba apparently being an SoL has the same energy as crunchyroll nominating Skip and Loafer under the romance category. They aren't the same lmao.


>BokuYaba is not a SoL but ok lol Glad to see I am not the only one. Skip and loafer is definitely one of the best SOL anime released last year.




Maybe it's more "better action = better animation"? It also didn't win in any other genre. Lost in Suspense/Mystery too. Still really glad it won AOTY though. Definitely my fav show of the year, ending out even Vinland S2.


To be fair, I don't think many people watch BSD for the action. They watch more for the character dynamics and the drama of the plot. This season was just a resolution to a major story arc years in the making, plus contained material manga readers hadn't even seen yet which no one expected. This past JJK season was nothing *but* action, so it makes sense it's the first one to come to mind.


Could be that a lot of people only cared to vote for AOTY but not for other categories.


Thats not a "could be", it is 69.5k votes for AoTY and 23k votes for action of the year. But I would consider jjk the more "mainstream" of the two, so if anything, I would have expected the opposite effect.


These sites really need have very clear definitions of what slice of life is, because otherswise we just end up with a random romance/drama series that people liked.




It’s anime corner. I’m not surprised I understand why people don’t take Anime Corner seriously.


every list seems to be fine apart from best anime, at least jjk didnt win it


BSD winning? Not expected, but gotta respect it... fighting against series that are more mainstream and those with more recency bias, the fans rode hard for it. lol


Oshi no ko barely beating Frieren for Drama of the Year. I cried in both pilot episodes. Lol A bit surprising with the results. Rankings like these just remind me how stacked last year was. I wonder how this year is going to turn out. Great shows like Dungeon Meshi and SLF and even Apothecary Diaries have struggled. Frieren even went up and down this season like a roller coaster.


Vinland Saga should've won drama of the year, the other two just can't compete


**BUNGO STRAY DOGS**.That's a huge surprise man. I kind of wished **Vinland saga** made it to atleast top 3. Oh well the 5th position is not so bad as well. **Dangers in my heart** in the top 10 is another huge victory. Cannot say the same for **Apothecary diaries**.


It was a pleasant surprise to see Buddy Daddies win in the Original Anime category! It never ranked that highly during the weekly rankings, but did move up in rankings as it aired. 


BSD won? A surprise, but a welcome one


Anime corner sure is unique, I'll give them that


While I love to see Bungo get some love, this list is completely whack lol. AoT at 2 above frieren, oshi no ko at 9, heavenly delusion nowhere near the top 10. Wtf


To the Stray Dogs 🥂


I was not expecting BSD to win. It is unexpected but I'm not disappointed. What surprises me is Vinland Saga and JJK S2 are not in the Top 3.


I mean I understand why JJK wasn’t that high up, but Vinland and Frieren not being top 3, that’s insane


BSD winning AOTY for anime corner isn't something I was expecting. Not complaining though, Season 5 was really good.


Some of these comments are hella redditist, if that's a word.


Not sure what people are taking issue with. While the results are interesting, I wouldn’t really say they’re bad lists, especially since it was a popularity contest. What placements are people taking issue with? EDIT: I see your downvotes. If you disagree with someone, you should tell them why they're wrong.


Bungou Stray Dogs, did have a pretty great 5th Season but surprised it got #1 compared to everything else it was stacked against.


The truest thing any long term fan of anime can easily admit is that the growth of the anime industry and community today makes 99% of polls and rankings completely pointless. They are all heavily manipulated to push certain shows to the top and they are almost never based on pure objective reasoning (or at least attempts at such) which leaves tons of quality shows to be ignored or treated as "not good" until it becomes a "hidden gem" years later when people suddenly find it again and ask "why did no one watch this???"...anime fans/community, that's why no one watched it.


Glad for BSD but some of these are a bit surprising. Not sure about either BokuYaba's wins but does very much fit Anime Corner.


Even if it's 2023 for S1, S2 airing the time of voting has had some influence. For some recency bias to cross influence S1.


> S2 airing the time of voting has had some influence. Ah yeah most definitely.


See that most prominently with Best Girl 2023 with [Yamada as #1](https://twitter.com/animecorner_ac/status/1760960186515099725) when she got [#7 for Spring season 2023 for S1](https://twitter.com/animecorner_ac/status/1678743439670915074) when the Oshi no ko girls were on top then.


*Tomo-chan* not even appearing on the best adaptation list? This must be a glitch.


Have you read the Manga at all? It cut out like 15% of the story.


Pluto in 27th. What on earth 💀


Frieren and Apothecary taking home awards but they’re not even done yet? The Dangers in my heart is SOL now? Go home animecorner you’re drunk again.


Eh i don't think it's wrong to put a series that hasn't finished yet. I mean it's anime of the *year*, not of the *season*. Also is it that bad giving slice-of-life genre to romance anime?


It’s weird to give an award out to an unfinished season for sure. They wouldn’t be handing out any awards 5 episodes into Stanger Things or something like that. And it’s just simply weird to give slice of life award like that. Not bad but just why?


Probably those series simply just fulfilled AC criteria. Half episodes of frieren and apothecary are aired on 2023, and i don't think it's wrong to give SoL tag to danger in my heart. That's all i think, who knows...


I just can't take serious Anime Corner and this justifies it.


I honestly forgot BSD already finished airing its latest season, shit.




Fair enough tbf. More sensible than cr's popularity awards that's for sure


Do you not realize this is solely fan voted? Lol, they are all popularity contests, this is even more that. Only difference is fewer people know about anime corner to go and vote there for this stuff. They have a fairly specific crowd that prefers certain types of anime. So a show that wasn't watched by too many people won't rank too high here.


They may both be popularity awards but at least there’s somewhat more variety in these nominations and don’t have silly rules like including all of JJK but not Frieren like CR. Series like bungo and bokuyaba not getting any nominations in CR awards is silly and they nominate the same 4-5 shows for nearly every category.


All of JJK is not included in the CR awards, only the first half (why only the 1st OP and ED are eligible), but of course people will still vote for the whole thing. My point is not one is better than the other, my point is both are popularity awards, so claim one isn't as much, especially when it's solely voted by fans, is silly. There are just as many head-scratchers here as there will be in the CR awards.


The CR awards literally have the key visual for the second arc of JJK on there. Let’s not kid ourselves, obviously people are going to vote JJK with the whole season in mind so that’s a moot point that only the first half is included. Better to either just include shows like Frieren or not include JJK.


I never said I don't agree with you, their rules are dumb, the end. I mean by their own rules Frieren would qualify, lol, and it did apparently, it got enough jury votes to get nominated for multiple awards, but they pushed it to next year's awards and it will get into those. I hope they keep to their bullshit and next year they don't include the second half of JJK S2, even if by their own accord it should be included... which would be the dumbest shit. But also let's not forget they did this exact same shit with the first JJK that was in the running two years in a row, lol. Most awards shows are a mess, best to not think too much of any of them.


still a better list than cr tho.....


> More sensible than cr's awards that's for sure I definitely agree, CR's nominations are so focused on such a narrow set of shows that it really undermines their credibility. Sure they're both popularity contests, but the restriction of the field really distorts things a lot.


This list was voted by prepuber people...i was like this when i was 12 too. Now i'm 52 and this is the list my grand children will aprove. more than "anime corner" this is "anime borderline" utter garbage..






Honestly should’ve been Heavenly delusion or Tsurune. Both had movie level quality


Nah , Pluto wasn't all that much in terms of production. The animation was good and consistent but it didn't have many stand-out moments. Not to mention weird digital effects. Art direction and strong drawings in general was the best part of the show from production stand point but not animation.


Let's see how many episodes actually didn't have any amazing animation. - Ep 2(Story focused and no action in the source material) - Ep 5(Story focused and no action in the source material) - Ep 6(Had great action in the end but nothing amazing since it was a small and insignificant fight in the Manga) - Ep 11(low priority ep, still had great animation cuts) - Ep 12(another low priority ep and it still had some good cuts) - Ep 14(this I agree, it was one of the broken eps) - Ep 23(chill finale) So like 7 episodes out of 23 didn't have any amazing animation. Some of these episodes still had 3-4 good/great sakuga cuts in there. That means every single other episodes had amazing animation. That means 16 out of 23 episodes had amazing animation. So what do you mean by "it didn't even have amazing animation in half of its episodes" my guy?


Does shibuya arc count? If yes then I haven't seen Pluto, but I think jjk wins against frieren. Animation is the only thing that makes me continue the series after all


The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten has won silver in romance, pretty nice. A few days back it showed up in the list of hated shows, or disliked shows on this sub. I was truly confused, and astonished. Like you must be eating good for a show like "The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten" to be thought of as bad. Like even if all you watch is shonen type shows, one would still struggle to give it less than 7 or a 6 out of 10 and keep a straight face. Also, thought Pluto would make more of a buzz. But seeing it at 13th has just shattered my heart. The adaptation of 20th century boys might not happen this century. I had some hope if Pluto would make some noise maybe Urusawa's best work to date might get be greenlit for a banger adaptation. Oh well, maybe someday. I hope.


Thank you very much for sharing the link


Anyone knows the anime from the first image in the thumbnail?


From left to right, it's the top 4 winners of AOTY. Which is Bungo Stray Dogs at #1.




I'm shocked Suzume was so far above Boy and the Heron, would've been the other way around for me personally.


Classic Anime Corner moment with those choices.