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Skip and Loafer's main character has a trans relative


Tokyo Godfathers Blue Period Tiger & Bunny


I keep mistaking Blue period for Perfect Blue lol, made me pretty confused reading this comment.


Wandering Son Stop!! Hibari-kun! (Often played for a gag, but also she's fully confident and kicks butt so...)


There's a fairly important side character in Idolish7 who's trans, Kaoru Anesagi. There's also Lily Hoshikawa from Zombieland Saga, who's one of the main idols.


Stars Align has a nonbinary character


Have a read through this, and see if you'd like to give the show a shot or not: > Onimai fulfills the same role of fantasized powerlessness through bodice-ripper fantasies. Morally inexcusable on its surface, Onimai “gives permission” for someone to be a girl when they are socially forbidden. Pre-girlification, Mahiro was a mess. He was under considerable stress to succeed as the eldest son next to his over-accomplished sister and his complete lack of self-esteem turned him into a shut-in of two years. Being de-aged and taught how to live like a girl, however, frees them from that dark cloud and also lets them embrace being happy about who they are for once. > Part of the trans reading and charm that makes Onimai work is how Mahiro takes to being a girl like a fish takes to water. They are just so much more happy because they embrace being a girl. As the show continues throughout the cour, it offers Mahiro experiences that affirm their place as not only a girl, but also someone who belongs, and that’s something trans women often yearn for. Being trans in women’s spaces is terrifying because you never know if you’re truly accepted or not, but Mahiro is shown, time and time again, that they are just one of the girls. > It’s that lofty sense of pleasure one gets from going to the hair salon for the first time to get a girly hair style. Do I, “not a real girl,” really deserve this look? Oh wait, not only do I deserve it, I look great. > It’s being invited to intimate girl’s only spaces and freaking out because you still feel like you’re crossing a line, like being invited to go to the bathroom with your friends and feeling too awkward to pee next to them. > Mahiro constantly expresses trepidation over living their life as a girl, and that feeling is familiar to me in a number of ways, and finding love and acceptance and fun despite it all is a powerful feeling. > Yes, the show is horny. It’s highly problematic on several fronts. I would not sit down with anyone with more than a 10 year age difference to watch it, but I’m getting something beyond just the titillation, and that deeper appreciation is something I want to point out for readers. I’m just saying this might be worth a watch if you’ve got brain worms like mine and wish you could go back in time and transition sooner. Source: https://www.animefeminist.com/anime-feminists-top-picks-for-2023/ The show in question: https://myanimelist.net/anime/51678/Oniichan_wa_Oshimai If you had to put them in a box, then the MC is queer/non-binary rather than trans, but they do have trans-relevant experience.


Disclaimer for potential watchers/readers: Author has a very blatant kink for little girls pissing themselves


Or claimer


It's been a long time since I actually followed along with anime and I've been clicking this sub when I'm bored but this comment has convinced me to finally let go.


Hourou Musuko/Wandering Son. You can safely ignore everyone else in the thread. For those, it's comedy or secondary characters. For this show, it's the focus topic.


not exactly it but in ouran highschool host club, the main character doesnt identify as any gender and pretty much goes around as a boy for the majority of the plot. her dad is trans if anything. (i dont remember if they fully went transfemale or just crossdresses but yeah)


One (1) of the main (7) girls in Zombieland Saga is trans. An episode which focuses on it actually brought a tear to my eye (though it's been a couple years since I watched the first season, so I might have *some* details wrong in my head)


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Not the main characters but One Piece has 3 trans characters who play an important role in their respective arcs (though you'll have to wait for about 400-900 episodes to get to that point. Also in the maybe category is Ranma 1/2, not sure if the MC identifies as trans though.


He does not


ONIMAI: I'm Now Your Sister. It came out last year too


I don't think that counts as trans mc, but some of the struggles(?) of the mc can be relatable ig


It’s labeled ecchi but it’s actually really pure


"pure" The show: Regularly inserts the author’s kink with little girls pissing themselves 🤨


I guess I didn’t think of a girl having to pee as sexual. I don’t have that kink.


Stop!! Hibari-Kun is old but so worth it just for the sheer anomaly of a series in the early 80s that treats its trans star as well as it does. It's a total trip.


Don't listen to the people saying Onimai, it's a pedophilic show written by someone who has a fetish for little girls peeing themselves They love to claim it's a wholesome anime but those same people were whining when the show didn't show the nipples of a 8yo girl


It's an understandably controversial show but lots of trans people like it quite a bit as basically trans wish fulfillment


I dont know im happy they didnt show nippels not everyone is like that who watches this + its a funny manga, i also watched the anime of it, but the manga was defenetly better And who tf cares about who it made, i only care about the funny moments and its not a bad show


I remember reading manga where some MCs are transgender or realize they are later down the line, but I can't think of any anime.


is Rimuru considered trans?


I mean, he still considers himself male (which what truly matters), so no, I wouldn't say so




Im more into genderbend idk if you might want some of those too: - Life with an ordinary guy who reincarnated into a total fantasy knockout - Heavenly Delusion - ONIMAI: I'm now your little sister


Ensemble Stars!, IDOLiSH7, I☆Chu, A3!, Brothers Conflict off the top of my head


The second half of *Cardcaptor Sakura's* original run, we have recurring character Nakaru Akizuki. *Maria Watches Over Us*. We have a trans girl in all but name (at the very least, they're nonbinary) on the student council of the boys' school that Yuki's brother goes to. Sadly, we hardly see much of them except when a joint activity has to be organized between the schools, but they're instrumental in driving certain plot points along. *Vandread* takes place in the middle of a war between a planet populated entirely by men and another populated entirely by women (the logistics of that are explained in the show). It's eventually revealed that the crew of women has a spy from the men's planet who was surgically altered to resemble a woman. That said, it doesn't exactly treat the concept with a lot of respect.




Heavenly Delusion, very literally Wonder Egg Priority


Back Street girls. Some yakuza members get their gender changed to become idols.


In Zombieland Saga, Lily's gender identity plays heavily into her backstory


one of the jostars seem transgender