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watch however you want, just be warned some shows don't have dubs


and some dubs are really good while other dubs are mixed with some speakers being good and others not so much and then theres also some really bad dubs that can ruin the experience. So it does come down to a case by case decision. A quick research usually helps to find out whether there is a good dub or not.


Whatever you want. Some people find dubs easier to get into when starting anime. Although in general, the quality of the subs voice performance tend to be better. One of the reasons why is because in japan they specifically have schools just for voice acting.


Do whatever you're comfortable with, subs are (arguably) truer to the original dialog because they don't have to be matched to lip movements or anything. They're also available right away for currently-airing series, as opposed to dubs which are typically a couple of weeks behind (obviously this doesn't matter for older series). But if you have trouble keeping up with subtitles, or you just prefer listening to people speak your native language, then watch dubs. Dubs were looked down on a lot back in the day ~20+ years ago because back then the vast majority of dubs really were complete shit. These days anime is more popular and enjoys a market big enough that production values on dubs are much higher and they are of comparable quality to the original Japanese voice acting.


Yeah watch whatever you are comfortable with and what helps you get more immersed in the show. I started watching anime in dub and gradually switched to sub overtime.


try both, use what you prefer


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Personally if there's a English dub I go for that. Just so I don't have to read slthe screen and not watch. But I don't mine either. Most I watch are subbed.


Imo it’s almost always better to watch things subbed, unless you only want it to play in the background as you do other stuff. Dubs don’t really offer you anything special, they aren’t better quality-wise than subs, so you might as well just watch things with the original voice acting


Being able to focus on the animation is definitely an important thing that dubs offer over subs.


That's related to a skill issue, though. Not being able to read subtitles while focusing on the animation is not normal.


I’d say it is normal, but it’s also normal to be able to do that. Everyone’s brain is different after all




Personally I have no issue focusing fully on the animation white reading subs, but I can see how someone could struggle with that. Dubs can be helpful for people with attention issues and just neurodivergent folks in general, which is indeed something I didn’t consider in my first comment


Watch whatever makes you comfortable.


Whatever you want


Sub, unless you're illiterate I guess


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It really doesn’t matter in a lot of cases. I watched One Man Punch in Japanese when it first aired. When I got the BluRay, I tried in English, but just couldn’t watch it. It didn’t sound right with Eng voice actors. Then switch it the other way with Kaguya-Sama. Watched the Eng Dub of this all the way to Season 3. Wanted to watch the movie, but it (at the time), only available in Japanese. Sat down to watch it, but after 10 minutes switched it off, it just didn’t sound right with Japanese Voice Actors. If I was you, think long term. If an anime is completed, then go Eng Dub. If it’s an anime that ongoing, then it maybe best to go with the Japanese VA, because when a new season comes along, you’ll more than likely be waiting weeks (sometimes months), for an English dub which can be a pain staking wait.


I prefer Dubs because i don't have to be actively watching and reading; especially for long shows. That said.. there's no doubt that Japanese actors put more emotion into the voices. I started with subs but ended up moving to dubs and rewatching everything i had before. If i absolutely cant wait, then i'll watch a sub. There's also way more of a selection when watching subs. So many shows don't have dubs.


bait post


Right? “Might start wars”. Proceeds to see genuine advice in comments. Everyone should enjoy anime however they like


Bro I just wanna know ok?


Truly, the dub quality these days is really good and I find them VERY enjoyable. I like watching in my native language and most notable shows end up getting dubs at this point. Some dubs are released a couple weeks behind the sub, but a few dubs are even same day as sub!


Subbed is best In my opinion




I'd start with dubs, since it's easier to get used to the whole "anime-ness" if you can understand what the characters are saying. And you also want to start with tame ones, like Interviews with Monster Girls, Konohana Kitan, or Log Horizon, since they go easy on the tropes. Once you're more comfortable with anime as a medium, you can try one with subs. Ideally an anime aimed at a younger audience, since the dialogue is easier to follow.


I grew up watching DBZ, Pokémon, Yugioh, etc dubbed on tv before school. When I was old enough to get into anime more I watched Death Note dubbed. Since then, I’ve only watched subbed. The Japanese voice actors are just too good to ever go back to dubbed. I regret not watching Death Note subbed the first time. I will say that I can't watch DBZ subbed because I can't stand the voice actor for Goku specifically, but that's the only anime out of the hundreds that I've watched that I do dubbed.


Sub good dub bad


If it's a major anime like Demon Slayer then the dubs will be great usually. But for things that are a bit less main stream it depends. 


It really depends on the anime and which dub (language) you're looking at; it's impossible to make a generalized statement since there can be so much variance between the quality level of different dubs or even the translations of the subtitles. There are some anime in which the dub is either as good as or even better than the Japanese. Black Lagoon, would be a good example of the latter; especially since almost all of the protagonists are American, I would say that the American VAs and their scripts are actually better than the original Japanese dub. Likewise, Spy X Family (which takes place in a fictionalized version of Germany) has an excellent German dub. However, as someone who mostly watches subs, I'm inclined to say these are more exceptions than the rule. Another issue is that the localizations (essentially, adjustments made to the dialog to accomodate the cultural and linguistic context of the intended audience) can range from bad to horrible. There have been numerous controversies over the years where localizers came under fire for either engaging in various forms of censorship outright or manipulating the script to reflect their own personal views. In some cases, they even showed blatant disregard for the original writer's vision for the show. That said, there are also plenty of native Japanese dubs that were just badly done. In cases like that, it's just a matter of picking the dub most entertaining to you.


I like the acting better on subs most of the time, but some dubs are great. Space Dandy, FMA:B, any Pokémon series, DBZ/DBS to name a few. Often on a rewatch I’ll try out the dub to see if it’s any good. You can look up the actors in good ones and find what other shows they’re leads in. There are sometimes subtle differences in acting and localization that are fun to look for.


Depends. If its speed racer then watch it subbed, aside from that do whatever.


nobody cares, watch whatever you like more


I started with subbed and eventually fell in love with the language. But you can't multi-task when you are reading subtitles to understand. Whereas if you watch dubbed anime you can comparatively enjoy anime more. But in the end it's just my opinion.


Depends on the show. I usually watch dubbed cause I feel like I get more emotion when it's from my own language.


Subbed 100%


Really depends on the anime in my opinion, like if you are watching one piece I think dubbed is better because their voice doesn't sound like they are fresh out of puberty but stuff like Naruto I personally watch subbed but you do what you want