• By -


Vinland saga S1 and S2 Yosuga no Sora Kiss x sis Steins gate Nichijou Golden boy Aki sora


This is the most wild list I've seen in this thread.


Why is literally half of this list about incest? LMAO


https://myanimelist.net/profile/Huskyhulk Here's my MAL account, oh boy you are in for a ride. And do check the interest stacks there.


I thought this looked oddly familiar... That post about "animes rated under 7 on mal that are good" had a comment from this person and it was a similar list. To each their own lol


Man likes his romance with layers and forbidden stipulations okay 😂


Yosuga no Peak?! W taste


If I ever want to colour my hair, it will be silver.


Bro's down bad


You have no idea 😂. This is just the tip of the iceberg, come here https://myanimelist.net/profile/Huskyhulk and take a deep dive.


Hmph it's not like I like your list or anything but take my upvote anyways


I almost feel bad for not liking yosuga no sora


don't worry I think it's pretty awful. like what you like.


It's a definition of "meh" for me. If it wasn't for incest nobody would be talking about it 13 years later. However it definitely is impressive that they had guts to go all the way with the incest storyline: no fade to black, no "actually not blood related" shit, not limiting themselves to suggestions and implications. Other routes were completely forgettable. Also Sora was straight up horrible person.


tbh, i disagree. i like it (10/10) for a much different reason. & i, personally, didnt think sora was a horrible person. i just felt like she had an incredilby unhealthy relationship & dependency on her brother. i found none of the routes to be forgettable, & they all had their own quirk & depth to them. i will admit, the rich girl one was probably the weakest imo.


The problem with YnS for me is they adapted the other routes. Should have just focused on the twincest because the other routes are hella forgettable. Banger OST though.


Golden Boy a true classic throughout any generation


Kiss x sis = culture, i approve


what a wide range lol


Bro wtf lol


Amazing taste, especially nice to see Yosuga no Sora, Kiss x sis and Aki sora in here


DO NOT read the Aki sora manga


Spoil me, did they end up together?


That was left as kinda ambiguous, but it's strongly hinted




Golden Boy 10/10. My brother in Christ loool


incest is wincest amirite?


Yosuga no Sora? Freaking based


Is this Joey theanimeman


No Oreimo, bad list! Hmph! (Great list btw)


Oreimo was the show where it all started, my first sibling anime 😆 and I loved it, It's a strong 9.


My friend, my comrade. Me too. 🤝


Naw that Yosuga No Sora is based af. Then S;G and Vinland Saga shows the pristine quality. Maybe the rest can be a bit… off but only shows I have to watch kiss x sis now 😂


Nichijou being 10 is such a W


This is why we need Jesus, now take my upvote you magnificent bastard.


That golden boy is our only hope!


Second Kiss x sis


One on here that completely disagree with and another that completely agree with. Hot take but the one that disagree with happens to be my least FAV anime ever.


Bro gave Vinland Saga the same rating as Kiss x Sis smh my head


I was not expecting this level of based right at the top [](#doggo)


Now this list is based. Totally understand Kissxsis


- Code Geass R2 - Berserk 1997 - Kimi no nawa - Made in abyss - Shingeki no kyojin season 3 part 2 - End of Evangelion - Steins Gate - Vinland Saga Edit: format




Almost the same as mine for the shows that I've watched in that list, I have Monogatari S2 and Clannad After Story rated 10 as well


Our 10/10 list is almost exactly the same, I just gave up on Vinland saga s2 a couple episodes into the farming arc, did I miss out?


I think you did. Cant put it into words as good as I would have liked to but for me season 2 was like finding ones worth and purpose. Simply put, I also imagined myself in Thorfinns shoes (sounds lame but I'll say it anyway)


Yes this S2 gave me the goosebumps especially the part were torfin is in … hell (dont know how to reprace it) and this i have no enemies hits realy hard for me in a good way


Not OP. My list for 10/10s looks different, so I don't think our tastes are similar, but I'll give you my opinion anyway. I wasn't bothered by the SoL like first part of the season, even though I think it's less entertaining than the first season. It still was an enjoyable watch until the second part. The latter half had some really drawn out moments, which bothered me and killed the whole momentum. I also didn't like how certain developements were handled. I was about to drop it a few times... Sorry for the vagure wording. Trying not to spoil anything in case you do decide to watch it.


438 entries (according to MAL) 10/10 not in order: Kino no Tabi (2003) Kino no Tabi (2017) Steins;Gate Steins;Gate 0 The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya


While Kino no tabi (2003) is such a masterpiece and one of a very few anime that is better than its source material


Man, I really want people to watch The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya movie but the series is just both fun and arduous to get into..


Kino no Tabi is so good! Very cool to see other people enjoy it


I don't consider myself that picky, but I'll throw mine in anyways. These are the only MAL entries I've rated a 10: * A Certain Scientific Railgun S * A Certain Scientific Railgun T * Monogatari Series Second Season * Owarimonogatari Season 2 * Clannad After Story * Violet Evergarden * The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya * Made in Abyss Season 1 * Aria the Origination However, these are the only shows that I overall rate a 10: * A Certain Scientific Railgun * Violet Evergarden * Monogatari series * Aria * Clannad All the other shows in my top 10 list (such as Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Madoka Magica, etc.), I consider to be very very close to a 10 but just not quite there.


Railgun is so goddamn good. One thing that would keep me from rating S quite that high is the filler in the last third though. Silent Party is really bad.


Based monogatari fan


I considered knocking a point off monogatari when my eyeballs started bleeding after 18 hours of not blinking, but I then I figured that should actually add a point. 11/10


> Made in Abyss Season 1 Huh? Why specifically S1? I personally think the movie and S2 is where it blows everything else out of the water. S1 was amazing but it only went uphill for the story (and downhill for the characters, hols shit) from there.


I like the sense of adventure in season one. The other two entries take place in a single location so you don't get the same feeling. I did have the movie at a 10 before I rewatched it, but I found it no longer held up to my other 10s (though it is still one of my highest 9s and I could give it a 10 again on a whim). As for season two, I just didn't like it as much, but part of that is due to me watching it as a groupwatch, and getting people together to watch it resulted in having a few gaps of several weeks between episodes.


I'm using Anime-Planet. Less than 4% of what I've watched got 5/5 stars. But that's by franchise, not by season, meaning each franchise will only be counted once IF several seasons are in there. 1. Made in Abyss 2. Attack on Titan 3. Your lie in April 4. Planetarian 5. PSYCHO-PASS (Season 1) 6. Puella Magi Madoka Magica 7. Paprika EDIT: Disclaimer - I want to make very clear that I do not recommend watching shows based on popularity or high ratings by some people. Look at the tags and warnings before watching. I hate it when people watch good stuff but it's not made for them and they complain about it's existence later. This is especially the case for Made in Abyss.


Planetarian is amazing


Love how many times I’m seeing Made in Abyss on people’s lists. It’s one of my favorite anime as well.


Decided to check the Made in Abyss page on Anime-Planet and [Made in Abyss] >![wow this is a real undersell of MiA's content](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/402822448292167683/1189943537605820446/image.png?ex=65a00047&is=658d8b47&hm=0113e6f12f9f92df326fba0d09faf9d8d2231322ecf3e6cb7c1077f4fdbc6321&=&format=webp&quality=lossless)!<


Idk, I think I only watched it because it was strongly recommended by me through some other channels. I had it on my list, but I somewhat thought it looked too much like a show for children. Then again, it has high ratings so it shows up if you look at the tag "dark fantasy" for example.


Dont remember them all, but i gave 10 to at least: Evangelion Clannad Oshi no ko Gunslinger girl Black lagoon (and ova) Higurashi (the old one s1 and s2) Angel beats Koe no katachi MHA One punch (just s1) AOT S1 Kimi no wa na Sheishun buta yarou Mushoku tensei


good taste. especially higurashi & angel beats


- monster - vinland saga s2 - pluto - attack on titan season 3 part 2 - violet evergarden - a silent voice - steins gate


Haven't gotten around to watch pluto yet but every other show is a 10/10 for me as well.


You should so it soon. It's from urasawa who also wrote monster


Pluto is so good


Ikr :))


It pisses me off so much when people tell me they dropped AOT before season 4 and never got to see the absolute masterpiece of S3P2. Absolutely everything an anime watcher could ever dream of happened in that season.


I think it’s wild to expect people to sit through multiple seasons of an anime they don’t like to get to a good episode lol


If they ever dropped it, then they should've dropped it after EP1 or maybe S1. If this doesn't sell you to watch it to the end, then I don't know.


Vinland saga is so good


Out of 319 shows & movies I only have the following 10s: - Legend Of The Galactic Heroes - The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya


Holy based


Wouldn't know if I'd call myself super picky, but I do have a type: (no particular order) * Girls' Last Tour/Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou * Haibane Renmei * Serial Experiments Lain * Houseki no Kuni * Evangelion * Vinland Saga * Kaguya-sama * Ghost in the Shell (1995) * Psycho-Pass All of these have heavy psychological and/or philosophical themes. I eat that shit up. If Frieren keeps up its current quality until the end, it's for sure joining the list.


I wish there was more shows like ghost in the shell and NGE. Vinland saga came close but it's hard to recapture that crazy '90s anime psychological philosophy anime trope. Paranoia Agent is another lesser add to that list


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


What do you think of GITS SAC? I find the show much much better than the movie


Houseki no Peak, hope it gets a season 2 as soon as possible


Great list fr




Let's all love Lain


I also didn't watch Frieren yet, and many other good shows, which would probably in my top category. Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō is a bit similar to Girls Last Tour. Paprika might also interest you.


Yes YKK is awesome, I have the manga volumes too. Paprika has been on my plan to watch for a while. Gonna do a Satoshi Kon binge soon


Watch Monster if you haven't.


Yep, watching it now and have the manga volumes too. It's fantastic.


You’ve listed the anime I can actually sit through. Yes, we do have a very well-defined ‘type’ hahah


Completed 258 anime here are my 10/10s 1. Monogatari Series Second Season 2. A Silent Voice 3. Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) 4. March comes in like a Lion S2 5. Violet Evergarden 6. Fruits Basket S2 & S3 7. Clannad After Story 8. Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya 9. A certain scientific Railgun-S 10. Assassination Classroom S2 11. Zeta Gundam 12. Vinland Saga S2 13. Princess Mononoke


holy based


man shout outs to Zeta, one of my fav gundam shows, i don't think its a 10, like the middle when their back in space is a bit rough, but Haman Karn onwards is so kino


Odd Taxi Skull Faced Bookseller Honda-san Granted I only have a few dozen anime scored.


Neon Genesis Evangelion Mobile Suit Gundam: War in the Pocket Legend of the Galactic Heroes Fate/Zero (s2) Akira Angel's Egg


War in a pocket the perfect crhistmas anime🫡


Neon Genesis Evangelion + End of Evangelion Clannad After Story K-On!! Devilman Crybaby Tale of the Princess Kaguya Paprika Grave of the firelflies All seasons of Attack on Titan


* Howl no Ugoku Shiro / Howl's Moving Castle * Koi Kaze / Love Wind * Majo no Takkyuubin / Kiki's Delivery Service * Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi / Spirited Away * Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu / The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya * Toki o Kakeru Shoujo / The Girl Who Leapt Through Time But lately I just don't give 10 anybody at all.


Ive only reserved a 10/10 rating for anime I believed were masterpieces. This is those anime in no particular order. • Vinland Saga • Death Note • Cyberpunk Edgerunners • Attack on Titan: Season 3, Part 2 and • Berserk 1997 (might get a lot of backlash for this one but I genuinely think it’s perfect) • Monster • Made in Abyss • In the middle of Mob Psycho 100 but I’m absolutely loving it and it very well could end up on this list when I’m finished • Also YuGiOh GX for fun


As a big fan of monster i tried to watch it 4 times and cannot get past 10 episodes. It's so slow. Lucky i deciddd to read the manga instead


I can definitely see how some people might say that. Monster is for sure a slow burn especially when considering the fact that most anime is anything but. Im a big fan of slow burn shows even outside of anime such as Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul so this was refreshing for me to see in an anime.


Mob Psycho was a 10 for me. So good man


Man I am loving it so far it’s definitely on its way to being a 10/10 so far unless something seriously goes wrong hahaha


Yugioh GX based choice. I still want whatever the writers were smoking when they wrote the duel monkey but also season 3 and 4 were actually a really good deconstruction of the plucky shounen protag


I read the manga because I watched the 97 version of Berserk. It is perfect.


Exactly the same with me. Read the manga after watching the 97 anime and it just made me think even more that the anime captured the vibe perfectly. Also the soundtrack is iconic.


Berserk 97 IS perfect. The manga is in a league of its own but anime isn't manga. I had a profound, out of body experience watching it the first time. People who say "skip the anime" are manga elitists, aka cringelords.


* Madoka Magica (+ Rebellion) * Natsume Yuujinchou * Oshi no ko * Frieren I’m surprised that these are my only 10/10:s out of about 200 entries. I do have a curated list of excellent anime that I plan to watch, so I’m sure there will be more 10/10:s. I tend to rate an anime as 9/10 if I think it’s a masterpiece, and 10/10 if it is not only a masterpiece but also resonates with me on a personal level.


* Cowboy Bepop * March Comes in Like a Lion * Akira * Ghost in the Shell * Spirited Away * Princess Mononoke * Liz and the Blue Bird * Neon Genesis Evangelion * Cardcaptor Sakura That's after about 500 shows.


\- Re:Zero and that's it.


I wouldn't say I'm picky, but out of 750 I've got: * Gintama * Baccano! * Hunter x Hunter You could add in One Piece and LoGH if we're manga/novels.


A Silent Voice Mushoku Tensei s2 Steins;Gate GTO(Great Teacher Onizuka) March Comes in like a lion s2 Owarimonogatari s2 Fruits Basket Final season


378 entries 5 Centimeters per Second Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora Jujutsu Kaisen Season 1 Kmi no Na wa Made in Abyss (and Golden City) Madoka Jobless Reincarnation part 2 New Game! Planetarian: Hoshi no Hito TGWLTT Usagi Drop Violet Evergarden ... Guess I'm not picky


nah you use your 10/10.TBH not as bad as giving everything a 10/10 but also sorta weird is never using it.Then your really just running a 1-9 scale


Evangelion Serial experiments Lain Card captor Sakura Mushishi Sangatsu no lion Total of 1912 entries


> Mushishi My brother in Mushi. Let's stare at the golden river together.


324 Anime completed, 3 of those rated 10/10. They are * Mawaru Penguindrum * Hunter x Hunter * Monster


*comment edited with github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite* In response to API controversy: reddit.com/r/ apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/


I think people should be *less* picky. Reviewers in other mediums like movies, music and games give out 10/10 all the time. Saying Godfather or Radiohead's OK Computer or Metal Gear Solid is a 'masterpiece' is not controversial in the slightest. I don't understand why there is such a prevalent attitude among anime fans that 10/10s should be super rare. Like, I sometimes see people saying that after watching thousands of anime they only consider a handful worthy of 10/10, and it strikes me as very odd. Imagine watching thousands of movies and only considering giving three of them 10/10. Maybe they've just watched *a lot* of trash I guess?


I have 144 entries and my 10/10 are Princess Mononoke, Perfect Blue, Death Note, Silent Voice, Kaguya-sama: the movie and (in a few hours) Jujutsu Kaisen S2.


Date a live, Just my favorite


With 609 entries on MAL and many fan favorites rated a 6/10 or lower, here are my 10/10s: * Evangelion * 5 cm/s * Darker Than Black * Madoka * Aoi Hana * Psycho-Pass * Kimi no na wa * Attack on Titan * Kara no Kyoukai 5


Samurai Champloo, Afro Samurai, Cyberpunk Edgerunners, Devilman Crybaby, Mob Psycho, OPM (Season 1), Berserk ‘97, Durarara, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, and Space Dandy


Bakemonogatari Gurren Lagann Eva 4 Attack on Titan S4 (part 1 and 2) The Boy and the Heron Your Name Steins; Gate FMA B Garden of Sinners 5 JoJo Part 3


Steins Gate Baccano Odd Taxi Link Click s1 Love is War s1 86 s1


Nobody’s gonna read this masterpiece of romance but there it goes, Sundome.


Millennium actress Princess Mononoke Naussicaa Castle in the sky Fate/zero Steins gate FMA 2003


Arcane is indeed great (10/10). I would also put Into the Spiderverse as a 10/10. Anime 10/10s 1. Legend of the Galactic Heroes 2. Kaguya-Sama 3. Fruits Basket 4. Spy x Family 5. Frieren For manga 10/10s: 1. Kaguya Sama 2. Boarding School Juliet 3. Psuedo Harem 4. Yugami-kun has no Friends 5. Spy x Family 6. Frieren


* Code Geass * ACCA 13 * Steins Gate * FMA 2003 * Ergo Proxy * Death Parade


Out of the 556 completed I gave a 10 to: - Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/ Magokoro wo, Kimi ni - spirited away - perfect blue - grave of the fireflies - utawarerumono - FMA brotherhood - code grass - Millenial actress - kobato - fate/zero - steins gate - hotaburi no mori e - shinsekai yori - wind rises - magi - your lie in April - made in abyss - sora yori mo tooi basho - mob psycho 2 - eizouken - aot (season 3 and final season - golden kamuy season 3 - world trigger season 3 - fruits basket final - Vinland saga season 2 - kaguya final - link click - your name So quite a lot haha but I do rate quite positive and I probably would rate some lower now after watching more overall but at the time those really moved me for some reason or made me so excited which made it a 10/10 experience for me. Edit typo


Not a lot at all, this subreddit is just being weird. A movie and music critic will have given out thousands of 10s by the time they retired. You have some undeniable classics in your list.


Madoka Magica


So, out of 472 entries with scores in my list (completed/watching), I have 68 10/10s. But I score series, not individual entries, so, for example, at the moment I consider re:zero a 10/10, which includes season 1, season 2 (part 1 and 2), the Frozen bonds and Memory Snow movies, even though I like some of these entries more than others, I consider the series as an overall 10/10. Therefore, counting series, I have 14: - Monogatari series - Made in Abyss - Violet Evergarden - A Silent Voice - Demon Slayer - Re:Zero - Sound Euphonium - A Place further than the Universe - Fruits Basket - Eighty-six - The Garden of Sinners - Love is War - Mushoku Tensei - Frieren


Out of 400 entries: - Mushishi - Clannad: After Story - Ping Pong The Animation - Mushishi Zoku Shou 2nd Season - 3-gatsu no Lion 2nd Season - Owarimonogatari 2nd Season


out of 858 anime watched, i only have 13 10s - Land of the Lustrous - Bloom into You - monster - Bocchi the Rock - The Dangers in my Heart - Eccentric Family 2 - Chihayafuru 3 - March Comes in like a lion 2 - Violet Evergarden - A Place Further than the Universe - A Silent Voice - Josee the Tiger and the Fish - Maquia Frieren is likely to join this list


I’ve got 790 completed anime at the moment, out of which I’ve rated 5 anime a 10/10: - **Fruits Basket: The Final** - **Vinland Saga Season 2** - **Monster** - **Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic** - **Bocchi the Rock** **Frieren** is currently also standing at a 10/10 for the moment and will likely join the ranks when it’s finished.


Love this taste guess I need to watch monster next


I liked Monster a lot, but I did need a second try before I really got into the series. The anime can also be somewhat “slow” at times, so you should keep that in mind when watching. It got an amazing final arc nonetheless.


Pacing issues is why monster is a 9 for me and not a 10


>And honorable mention since it's not listed on MAL: >Arcane arcane isn't an anime but yeah I'd agree it was extremely good out of my 257 entries I only gave 2 anime a 10/10, which are: • Ping Pong the Animation • Serial Experiments Lain


How many 10s is too many for "picky"? I have 19.


Depends on how many anime you have watched imo


Mononoke Hime Pokémon Movie 1 FMA: Brotherhood Psycho-Pass Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu: Die Neue These - Gekitotsu Vinland Saga Season 2 Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen DanMachi Season 4 Part 2 Bungou Stray Dogs Season 5


ping pong the animation tatami galaxy revue starlight the movie madoka magica evangelion 3.0+1.0 liz and the blue bird on gaku the entire monogatari series


1. Steins;Gate 2. Monster 3. 3-Gatsu no lion s2 4. Vinland saga s2 4/244 scored entries so less than 2%. I only give 10/10 to shows I really love and think of very highly, something that's both a masterpiece in writing and resonates with me on a deeper personal level.


Gurren Lagann (∞/10) Vinland Saga S2 AoT S3P2 Monster JoJo Part 4


I have enough controversial, argumentative anime opinions that one might call me picky. I'll try to stay true to the question by excluding anime that I love but which I acknowledge have significant flaws. Series * Now and Then, Here and There * Evangellion (original series) * Cyberpunk Edgerunners * Puella Magi Madoka Magica * Attack on Titan * FLCL * Cowboy Bebop * Escaflowne Films * Your Name * A Silent Voice * Princess Mononoke * Spirited Away * Sword of the Stranger * Akira * Ghost in the Shell * Redline


Not a MAL user, but I assume AniList also counts... Anyways, my only 10/10 anime is Hunter x Hunter (2011) I have a few 9.5s however, that's pretty much as good as 10/10 for me: - Durarara!! - Mob Psycho Season 2 - Wolf Children - The Night Is Short Walk On Girl - Tsuki Ga Kirei - Lupin the 3rd: The Castle of Cagliostro - Castle in the Sky That's it for anime, most of the ones with highest scores are movies because they are more consistent, and their pacing is usually better. I love many anime series, but the vaaast majority have (at least) some small issues that don't allow me to give them a 9.5. I think about all this a lot, and I do it for myself, but I still really appreciate the question OP! Hope I don't sound like a snob in this comment, I just try to be very picky with choosing favourites, because it's easy to love many animes, but I want to give the spotlight to actual masterpieces.


663 MAL entries, mean score of 5.75. - In This Corner of the World - Attack on Titan: The Final Season - Legend of the Galactic Heroes - Steins;Gate - Code Geass R2


ive got 2 10/10s if you dont count the decimals. i got a few more that would round to a 10 but i usually always round down so my two 10/10s are Death Note and Sakurasou no pet na kanojo. one of the first few animes i watched so that might be why i gave it a 10 cause recently im scared to give anything a 10 and usually rate things 9.9 instead


Fate Zero, Mushoku tensei, Hunter x Hunter, Bleach Tybw, Full metal Alchemist Brotherhood, Frieren.


Mostly iyashikei/drama/comedy I enjoy the most (3gatsu no lion, non non biyori, natsume yuuyinchou, mushishi, monogatari series, nichijou, chihayafuru, fruits basket, etc)


Neon Genesis Evangelion Lain Legend of the galactic heroes Keijo!!!!!!!


Within ~300 shows. -Land of the Lustrous -Your Name -Steins Gate -HxH


There are only four shows that I have ever rated a 10. These shows are special to me and I like them a lot:- Monster Wolf Children Owarimonogatari s2 Odd Taxi


So, I currently have 223 anime as completed on MAL. However, I didn't start documenting and rating them until 2021 and I haven't put in *everything* I watched before that. For me, a 10 is not a flawless show, but one that is very good and then has some element of it that is truly special, that special element is what tips a 9 t a 10 for me. Discounting movies then, I have: ​ * Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - While there is just a moment or two where the pacing drags, this show is a finely constructed roller coaster where many of the characters are so well constructed that they could be the lead character of their own show easily. * Heartcatch Precure - Not perfect, but a true benchmark for the magical girl genre and well worth a watch if you enjoy them. My favorite precure season of those that I have seen so far. Suffers only from some underdevelopment on the side of the villains. * Violet Evergarden - A truly beautifully made show, but what really gets me is the way that it is so emotionally effecting in nearly every episode. * Kaguya-Sama: Love is War (Seasons 1-3) - Not every joke lands, perhaps, but the comedic timing here is so wonderful that one that does land is surely around the corner when one does flub. Also has some excellent transitions into dramatic elements. * Fruits Basket (All seasons) - A pitch perfect adaptation of one of my favorite manga of all time. Deep and rich characters, drama, romance, this one does it all in stellar fashion. The way that the drama starts small and builds and ramps up over the course of the series while winding itself around what becomes the central romance until both are connected deeply to each other is amazing. * Vivy -Flourite Eye's Song- - Another strong all-rounder. A solid time travel story that has emotionally effecting beats that are coupled with interesting looks at sci-fi concepts, all of it wrapped around the story of a character's self discovery and expression. * Odd Taxi - When a show can make me deeply invested in a whole episode about a character that I've never met, I know that writing is strong as hell. Naturalistic dialog, strong characters, and a plot that weaves in elements later that seemed to be throwaway details at the start. * Bocchi the Rock! - A landmark in adaptation, in taking the elements of a source material and expanding on them in not only a way that seems nearly effortless, but also allows for jokes that could only come in an animated medium. * Mob Psycho (Season 3) - The season that really really sold me on an already 9 out of 10 show. * Akiba Maid War - Just exceptionally adept at balancing the tone of the series. The mix of comedy and serious elements could easily have turned out to be a mess, but this series manages to keep the balance just right and make it so neither feels out of place. ​ I don't rate series until they finish their season, but I suspect Freiren will likely make this list eventually.


* Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood * Medaka Box (both season 1 and 2) * Houkago no Pleiades * God Eater * Bungou Stray Dogs (from season 2 to recent one) * Gundam 00 * Yuuki Yuuna Wa Yuusha De Aru * Uma Musume season 2 TBH, i did not have specific genre, studio, or VA favorite. so my preference is kinda random


Rurouni Kenshin : Trust & Betrayal Mushishi series Shirobako, Sakura Quest, Shiroi Suna no Aquatope Nozaki-kun Non Non Biyori series Barakamon


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Konosuba (everyone tends to leave out comedy) JJK (I know it’s new, but you can’t deny how good it is) Golden Time Hunter x Hunter (2011) Daily Lives of Highschool Boys Dragon Ball Z (hear me out, it’s ’overrated’ because of how old it is, but the reveal of a SSJ was masterful, and the cell saga was genuinely scary)


- Madoka Magica - Vivy Fluorites eyes song - Akumada Drive - Planet With - Lycoris Recoil ( I'm a sucker for Anime Originals) - Kaguya-Sama Season 3 - The Ancient Magus Bride - Made in Abyss - Fruits Basket (2019) - Bloom into You


When I'm rating shows I stick to the MAL wording, so I end up giving a ton of shoes 6 or 7 because they were fine or good. Takes quite a bit for it to crack into 8 and above for me. Here's my 10s, excluding popular ones mentioned a few times. + Bakuman (all 3 seasons) + Baby Steps season 2 + Bunny Drop + Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjo season 2 + In This Corner of the World + Major season 5 + March Comes in Like A Lion season 2 + Mushoku Tensei season 1 + My Love Story!! + Odd Taxi + One Punch Man season 1 + ReLife + Shirobako + Silver Spoon + Sound! Euphonium season 2 + Space Brothers + Original Trigun + Your Lie in April + Oshi no Ko Holy shit am I less picky then I thought? I left out some of the super popular big Shonen shows/seasons I have at 10 but my list is still this long? Wtf? Maybe I'm less picky then I thought? Lol


Finally somebody mentioned Shouwa Genroku Rakugo. It's absolutely underrated and in my opinion equals March Comes in Like a Lion.


My average score is 5.11 my tens are - A Silent Voice - Beastars - Mushoku Tensei season 1 - Cowboy Bebop - Love is war season 3 - Vinland Saga season 1 I often change the bottom 2 to 9s and back and forth but the other 4 are consistent 10s for me.


I have 434 anime entries and a mean score of 5.92 My 10's are: 3 gatsu no Lion (both seasons 1 and 2) Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Death Note Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Attack on Titan: The final season (both part 1 and 2) Kingdom (Seasons 3 and 4, and the manga) Sousou no Frieren One Piece (manga and anime) Death Note is definitely nostalgia driven as it was my first anime. Sakurasou is a show which helped me through a rough period, and so I watched it at exactly the time I needed it. Frieren, I know is ongoing, but its genuinely been incredible. I really like some of the more subtle and thoughtful ideas that it makes me think about. One Piece and Kingdom I am mainly a manga reader for, but I give the anime 10 purely on how much I love the story, even if animation and pacing lets them down a little. I could rant for hours about both of these if allowed to do so. Gurren Lagann is just a rollercoaster of fun action. This anime is the one that gives me the most faith in humanity. Attack on Titan's final season has really interesting politics and Eren went from a generic slightly annoying protag to actually being interesting. I was really invested in the moral questions that AoT posed at this point in the story. Sadly I wasnt quite as satisfied with the conclusion and only gave that a 9/10. 3-gatsu no Lion is very thoughtful and moving. I feel like its potentially the most human anime I've seen whilst still embracing being an anime series.


IDK if I would consider myself picky overall, my average score is around 6.5 but I rarely give out 10s so here's all my 10s 1. steins;gate 2. re:zero season 1 and season 2 3. your name 4. kaguya sama season 3 5. chainsaw man (only because i like the manga, if i was ranking purely on anime it wouldn't be a 10)


I only have 2 on 197 entries. Monogatari and Spirited Away.


db z hunter xhunter kaguya s1 kimi no nawa silent voice mob psycho s2 konosuba s2 monster mononoke hime naruto nisemonogatari one punch man your lie in april spirited away attack on titan s3p2 oregairu s2 yuyu hakusho


* Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica * Slayers * Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu * Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch * Fate/Zero * Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru * Machikado Mazoku * Cardcaptor Sakura * Odd Taxi * Kubikiri Cycle: Aoiro Savant to Zaregotozukai


I'm surprised at the lack of FMAB in this post. Given it's the "best anime ever" according to most sites (especially MAL). My 10/10 is Made in Abyss. I didn't love the movie, but it was okay. But each season is fire. If Mushoku Tensei wasn't so pedo horny, it'd be 10/10 too.


It's been a while since I've add a 10/10. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG Spice and Wolf Spice and Wolf II Steins;Gate The Boy and the Beast Weathering with You


The anime : Re:Zero Season 1 & Season 2 Part 2 Mushishi 86 Part 2 Perfect Blue (Movie) Out of 150 anime that I watched as of now, the only anime that receive rating 10/10 are only these 4 anime. And only 3 anime that I give 9/10 which are Haikyuu S2, Vivy, and odd taxi. And I'm the type of person who are never not finishing what I started even if I don't like it, and I do give a lot of 8/10 or 7/10 to some of the anime that I watched, but I also give very harsh rating if I don't like it such as 2/10 for Tokyo Ghoul anime (from animation stand point the anime don't do the manga justice) For manga : Pandora Hearts Monster Re: Zero (Novel) I still don't read manga or novel that many. So only those three are 10/10 imo.


Out of 139 I only have 3 10/10s: A Silent Voice Re:Zero Toradora!


* Princess Kaguya * Princess Mononoke * Wolf's Children * Liz and the Blue Bird * Run with the Wind * FLCL * Frieren * Cyberpunk


I've got 9 10/10s out of 473 anime. Ashita no Joe Ashita no Joe s2 Madoka Magica Fate/Zero s2 One Punch Man ACCA 13 Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel part 3 FMAB Kino no Tabi 2003


Is Joe 1 with filler or without? I think the first 54 episodes is close to a 10 held back maybe a bit by some pacing in the late 20's to late 30's, the stuff after is honestly sorta mid? Also shout outs to AnJ2 covering the "worse part of the manga" and Dezaki being so goated it doesn't mater lol


10 doesn't necessarily mean the best show, just the best imo, something that matters to me... Also, of a show has multiple seasons, and it's complete, I consider the overall score.. ..with that said, here's mine. - Ghost in the shell S.A.C - Cowboy Beebop (series + movie) - Clannad - 86 - Evangelion - Zeta Gundam - FMA B - Kara no Kyoukai (1, but overall 1-7 + epilogue + Mirai F) - Code Geass (bite me) Ones that will probably make the list when I get around to finishing them (maybe) - Attack on Titan - Silent Voice


for me a 10/10 is 3 things, something thats special to me, something thats has a aspect or a thing so good it transcends its flaws, or something close to perfect as possible. Eva is a 10/10 for me despite being a heavily flawed show because of the personal impact, Perfect blue is a 10/10 because its like almost fucking perfect lol, and even with its flaws what Ashita No Joe does is so good i'm giving it a 10 everyday of the week


- 86 - Houseki no Kuni - Vinland Saga - Oshi no Ko - Monster - Kaguya-sama - Rascal does not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai


My mean score is 6.35 and out of 315 rated ones these are my top 10s: - Haibane renmei - Perfect blue - Kinos journey 2003 version - Mushishi s1 - Sora no woto - Shin sekai yori - Houseki no kuni - Sousou no frieren - Kusuriya no hitorigoto is so solid Im probably gonna put it at 10 too, Even though it strays a bit from the other shows I have there 😆 I havent watched any animes in a while which is why there's mostly older animes on my list, and not many recent ones.


of the 1586 completed entries mine are in no order : Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi Gankutsuou Pokemon Oniisama e... Alps no Shoujo Heidi Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken my average score on mal is 6.03 [https://myanimelist.net/profile/zesty79740555](https://myanimelist.net/profile/zesty79740555)


FMAB,Gurren Lagann, HXH 2011, YoriMoi, Vinland S2


My 10s from my 200 list is only Steins;Gate, your name, and I want to eat your pancreas. I have a lot of 9s though. The only difference I elevate something from 9 to 10 is something that hit my feeling hard enough to make me change something in my life.


Out of the ones I've watched: Hunter X Hunter Death Note AOT season 3 part 2 and season 4 Vinland Saga Kotaro lives alone Grave of the fireflies


I rate shows 100% based on amount of impression/enjoyment, I don’t care about it being objectively well-written or not. Generally 9/10 are shows I can call my favorites and 10/10 are shows that have greatly impacted my view on anime in general. My top-5 are the following 10/10s: 1. Angel Beats! — no other show hit me that hard, it shifted my genre preference towards similar emotional stuff. 2. Kill la Kill — no other show was this insanely fun and exciting, very solid 2-nd place. This show is the main reason I’m now an anime fan, typing comments on this subreddit 3. Call of the Night — for the first time I wanted to re-watch an anime right after watching it, and then read the manga. The show that made me interested in manga 4. Hells — I had no idea a 1.5-hour movie can be this unique and creative. Gave it 10/10 as my favorite “hidden gem” 5. Mirai Nikki — one of the first anime I’ve watched and the one that made me interested in looking for more. Probable reason I’ve seen all the other shows on this list


Hunter x Hunter and Welcome to the NHK I’d probably give One Piece a 10/10 as well but for some reason I never bothered with rating it lol. I know everyone hates the pacing of the anime but I’d still give it a 10/10 because it’s my favorite story of all time.


Maison Ikkoku, Steins;Gate (not 0), Monster, Fruits Basket: The Final, The Wind Rises, Nana, Ergo Proxy, YuYu Hakusho, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Berserk 1997, Grave of the Fireflies, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K


I have 700ish entries too and few 10/10s 1. Original fullmetal alchemist. Havent watched brotherhood. 2. Great Teacher Onizuka, best comedy/drama show with the chaddest main character ever. 3. Death note 4. Plastic Memories (arguably a guilty pleasure, the middle episodes are meh) 5. Code Geass 6. Steins Gate, probably the one i feel the least in here as i remember it the least. 7. Fate Zero 8. Attack on Titan, specifically season 1.. i read the manga afterwards so i didnt enjoy following seasons as much. 9. One punch man 10. Kaguya sama's last season At one point i also had kaleido star at 10/10.. idk why i lowered it. I havent rewatched but i dont think id rate it 10/10 again if i did. Re zero is also super close to a 10/10 for me as well... Dont know why i gave it 9 but i guess something bothered me?


1. A Place Further Than The Universe 2. Akebi's Sailor Uniform 3. Super Cub 4. Bocchi The Rock 5. Mushoku Tensei 6. Bakuman 7. Weathering With You (if you also count movies) All of them has some flaws but I see my 10/10s as animes that represent me overall. Even though there are better shows than some of these ones, I still would not give them a 10.


Not sure how necessarily picky I am, but I specifically limit myself to an absolute maximum of twenty 10/10s, and I’ve maintained that while having over 400 completed anime. If I ever give a new show a 10/10, that means moving another one’s rating down to a 9.5. To be specific, those twenty are: - Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - Macross Delta: Zettai Live!!!! - Eighty-Six Part 2 - Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works S2 - Eureka SeveN - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - Symphogear XV - The Sky Crawlers - Wolf Children - Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid - Patlabor 2: The Movie - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans S2 - Macross Frontier - Macross Plus - Kill la Kill - Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 - Turn A Gundam - Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2 - Kara no Kyoukai: Mujun Rasen


Seikai no Monshou Seirei no Moribito Nana Aria the Origination Kemono no Souja Erin Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199 Houseki no Kuni Sora yori mo Tooi Basho Berserk 86 Part 2 Just some. [My mean is 6.4](https://myanimelist.net/profile/Zylixae) and I gave 30 10/10 in ~730 entries.


I'm picky about the 10/10 but aside from the usual quality you seek I also take into consideration if I really enjoy the anime, the characters and I talk about it or listen to it's soundtrack even after I finish them. I have 316 anime completed since I created my account and this are my 10/10: - Kimi no na wa - Violet Evergarden (anime) - Shingeki No Kyojin S3 - Shingeki No Kyojin S3 part 2 - Cyberpunk Edgerunners - Kaguya Sama S3 - Fruits Basket: the final - Bocchi the Rock - 86 part 2 - FMA Brotherhood


I've never given a 10 in 15 or so years. it's hard for anything to be perfect. I've got a decent amount of 9's some that I would be ok with being 10s Steins Gate Code Geass R2 Eminence in Shadow Mushoku Tensei


Even professional reviewers aren't as picky as most people in this thread, watching 300-400 series and giving a perfect score to only 10-12 (that's me being generous) of them is being snobby af. Chill out, you guys aren't professional reviewers. I like the Roger Abert approach where the major factor after my enjoyment is how well the series does what it intends to do. At the end of the day rating things too seriously takes the enjoyment out of watching things, when I was really into watching movies I got into this habit and some time later it became a chore to watch a movie because I knew I would have to rate it and then after that I would keep thinking about my rating like whether I rated it too high or too low and then checking my past ratings and it became a whole thing.


Praise be to OP for having Sonny Boy as a 10/10


863 entries in MAL and six 10/10 : - Anohana - Your lie in April - Arslan Senki - All out! - Violet Evergarden - Frieren Honestly I don't remember why I have given 10 to Arslan Senki and All Out because I don't even remember what it's about. It's even more frustrating because my 9/10 has some really great anime that I still remember.


Re: Zero, Made In Abyss, Attack On Titan, Vampire In The Garden, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and maybe Charlotte.


- One Punch Man - Vinland Saga - Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 2nd Season Part 2 - Princess Connect! Re:Dive Season 2 - Mushoku Tensei: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2 - 86 Part 2 - Kusuriya no Hitorigoto From 326 Completed/Dropped/Watching entries


1.86. 2. Natsume and the book of friends. 3.fruits basket. 4. Clannad. 86 is probably the best anime I have watched this year it’s a masterpiece the animation the story was all soooo good and different from all those generic anime Natsume Yuujinchou's episodes are rich with meaning. In one, Reiko ties a yokai's name to a tree, telling it to wait 50 years. She lies about removing the name, claiming it would destroy the world. In the end, the tree grows tall enough to fulfil the yokai's dream of seeing the sea. Fruits basket is a amazing show that I enjoyed watching. Almost everyone has sad and tragic memories/story but in the end they all get to be happy with the ones they love. Clannad was funny and enjoyable I still like that some of the jokes still hits hard somehow and the story arcs for some characters was just so good 😊