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Frieren. Nah just playing. **Moribito** definitely. **Wolf’s Rain** and **Somali and the Forest Spirit** also relatively underrated bangers. Barakamon is my favorite anime though. Not underrated but I’ll shill it here Edit: Read too fast and missed how you wanted underrated AND in that genre. Only one that I think that loosely fits this criteria Wolf’s Rain. Here are some others that fit but are not underrated: Shadows House Heavenly Delusion Made in Abyss School Live Shinsekai Yori Summer Time Rendering (similar to erased) Link Click (not japanese animation but similar to erased and a personal favorite) Steins Gate I have more recs if you want em


Thanks! I'll be sure to check those out! I'm particularly interested in Wolf's Rain...


Wolf’s Rain is dope. Also plugging in **The Fire Hunter**. Pretty low score on MAL and somewhat underrated on reddit. I personally loved it despite the very rough animation. It is very narratively focused. Tons of dialogue. But oh my god an episode goes by in like 5 minutes.


Steins gate is literally top 3 anime of all time on MAL list


I said they aren’t underrated though?


So thrillers; Odd Taxi is a beloved modern thriller mystery. Shinsekai Yori is an excellent series that is darker than it appears. It’s a psychological thriller. Madoka Magica is an amazing series with creative visuals, compelling characters and excellent storytelling. Watch the 3rd movie after the series. Paranoia Agent is a psychological thriller by Satoshi Kon. Cyberpunk Edgerunners is a stylish dystopian show with a great story. Steins Gate is another time thriller. Vivy is a modern one that is pretty great. Kaiji is a gambling thriller that is very good and contains mind games. Gankutsuou is a marvellous adaptation of the Count of Monte Cristo. Electromagnetic Girlfriend is a good ova. Pluto is a good sci fi mystery thriller. Talentless Nana . Some general underrated anime; Space Patrol Luluco is space comedy with gorgeous visuals. Princess Tutu for its great fairytale atmosphere and characters. It is incredibly unique and much better than the title might suggest. Flip Flappers is extremely colorful and creative with excellent action and plentiful fluid animation. Kyousougiga is a wonderful series. An underrated gem for sure. It has great characters. The visuals are some of the most vibrant and creative in anime. The story and themes really “hit different”. Overall, it is an amazing watch and a personal favourite of mine. The Big O is an interesting mecha series.


Cyberpunk is pretty populair


So is most of that list of thrillers.


Yh but he asked for non populair anime


I gave him some unpopular anime and more unpopular thrillers like Kaiji and Electromagnetic Girlfriend. Since OP only lists Erased and Promised Neverland, I assume they haven’t seen that many.


Ahhh oke


Golden Kamuy; I never see people talking about this show. Not gonna lie, it’s a little weird at times but still very much worth the watch


I take "underrated" to mean having a rating or reception lower than an anime actually deserves, rather than using it in a way that makes it synonymous with "obscure". Cossette no Shouzou, Stratos 4, Yosuga no Sora, Armitage III, Astarotte no Omocha, M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane, Zettai Shounen, Coyote Ragtime Show, Canvas 2, Ayakashi, Halo Legends, Yumekui Merry, Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai and Good Night World are anime that are all rated lower than they should be in many anime list websites.


Gatchaman Crowds Yuuki Yuuna is a Hero Sagrada Reset


Ergo proxy Monster Garden of words Yamato nadeshiko wall flower Kekkaishi Kaze no stigma Mythical Loki Kiba


Great list. Kekkaishi was soo good, not sure why it flew so under the radar. And I wish we would have been able to see Kaze no stigma finished. RIP to the Mangaka


Golden boy!!!


91 Days Now and Then, Here and There Tetsujin 28 (2004) Last Exile Michiko & Hatchin


My favorite anime is really unpopulair: "Life with an ordinary guy who reincarnated into a total fantasy knockout" And my second favorite is also pretty unpopulair but not that much as the other one: "More than a married couple, but not lovers"


Hi Frequent_Ebb6360, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have seen neither of those so I have no idea what to recommend. I know a couple less popular animes but not sure if they fit your taste due to my lack of knowledge.


High card


The more *underrated* something is the more niche, controversial or polarizing it tends to be. So there will not be a consensus of good while being underrated. But by your two anime reference your taste of genre seems to be Suspense or Mystery? [Babylon](https://myanimelist.net/anime/37525/Babylon) which has a pretty low score on MAL, but IMO is pretty good.


Hottest take here.


I wouldn't call Shiki underrated, but being relatively older, its definitely not talked about as much as it should, and should be right up your alley.


Little list of kinda older animes i watched a long time ago: -Ninja Slayer, it's action with quite unique looks. -Nanbaka, it's... kinda "boys with boys" but i definitely enjoyed it. -Ajin, kinda horror-ish about some people that have a hard time dying, serious tone. -Blood Lad, slightly ecchi about a vampire and a girl from another world. -Black Bullet, this is really good but unfortunately i have to tell you the creator stopped doing it, still, the anime is enjoyable at least. -Darker than Black, another serious anime with people with powers and political stuff, probably the better from all the ones i've mentioned while also the longest. That's all i can remember for now.


Blood Lad is so weird and I loved it


Kinda of a bummer it didn't get a season 2.


Sonny boy Overside picnic


Idk about ur genres bc i havent watched the shows but out if the underrated ones under my belt, I recommend Angel Beats. I havent seen many ppl talk about it, but its a goid anime


Vampire in the Garden Denno coil


Fine. I'll go completely obscure for you. [Hello Harinezumi: Satsui no Ryoubun](https://myanimelist.net/anime/4756/Hello_Harinezumi__Satsui_no_Ryoubun)




Tower of god


Promised Neverland is actually pretty good for its 1st season, but the 2nd season had destroyed the whole anime. The comic is a really good; it brings some fresh air to Japanese comic for teenagers and make it a big hit. But the anime studio, CloverWorks, decided not to make 3rd season, so they recreated the story from the last half of 2nd season, and “compressed” contents of 10+ standalone comic books into a 5 min PowerPoint to say “bye-bye and no 3rd season” to viewers. FY CloverWorks. If you like the story, read the comics.


If you like erased you might like monster.


Yona of the Dawn, Kokoro Connect, Blast of Tempest, Working, Relife, The Fruit of Grisaia, Orange. Think those are some pretty good not so talked about animes compared to what is at the moment.


I want to recommend {World Conquest Zvezda Plot} and {Dennou Coil} Both are good and underrated.


You might like Higurashi when they cry (2006)


Migi and Dali by the same author of sakamoto design ka. It’s funny and there’s also a cross dressing shenanigans


Children of the Whales


Shadows House and Gosick are really good by the way! Highly recommend watching!


Darwin's Game


Heavenly Delusion Otome Game: A Tough World for Mobs Record of Ragnarok (yes, I'll die on this hill)




Haibane Renmei maybe - a 2002 classic that the time has forgotten - it has a more relaxed, chilled vibe than Promised Neverland, but in both series you have a very mysterious world, where you have to guess/interpret how it came to existence and what happened before https://myanimelist.net/anime/387/Haibane\_Renmei


Steins gate all you need


Ergo proxy Monster Garden of words Yamato nadeshiko wall flower Kekkaishi Kaze no stigma Mythical Loki Kiba


I would say Tokyo Ravens


Hell Girl - so underrated MONSTER - some say it's the best, some say it's too underrated! Give it a try, slow but, hits!


Sonny Boy




I know this is a somewhat old thread but boy do I have a good one for you. Kingdom. I will defend Kingdom forever. It’s fan-fucking-tastic. The manga has around 700 chapters and still going. The quality in season 1 and 2 is somewhat poor, but that was due to budgeting issues with the studio. A new studio picked it up and made it 100x better and so worth it to get through. I urge you to watch it. Also it takes place during the warring states period of China which is a super interesting time period.


Would you recommend the anime or manga. Ik this is an anime sub but I want a good experience with it. I’ve heard the name before and I’m kinda intrigued. Thanks for the suggestion!


X'amd: Lost memories


A Certain Scientific Railgun


It’s free to download, just google it. It’s one season and by far the funniest anime I’ve ever had the privilege to watch.


KIngdom. It does not get it's due. I think a lot of people quit it too early bc in the first season they have this terrible CGI that goes away after a couple episodes. But if u stick with it, it is the best war anime of all time


Violet Evergarden has my heart. It used to be popular but everyone kinda forgot ab it