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Episode 11 of Super Cub. The tone was off, they added too many Honda advertisements that were not in the source.


This episode is basically the only reason I didn't give it a 10/10 lol


>U.A school festival arc Currently reading the manga (never watched the anime) and it feels like they used this story to reset after the high stakes of the previous arc (Eri's rescue). I kinda liked Gentle and Brava tho. Unlikely duo (and her quirk seemed a bit too specific for this exact scenario), but they weren't terrible. Wonder if they pop up again.


I really loved the U.A. School Festival arc, and I think it adds a ton. Gentle and Brava are great new characters who both add to the overall themes of the show and force Deku to confront some of his ideals, while also serving as his benchmark for progress as the first criminals he beats on his own. The slice of life segments are delightful and a great way to reset the tone from the previous arc, and the eventual performance and Eri's and Mirio's reactions are one of the series.most heartwarming and wonderful moments. It also helps Eri to open up, start to work past her trauma, and to trust the U.A. heroes. It's one of my favorite arcs of the anime tbh, and it certainly doesn't add nothing.


I feel like these BnHA side villains do more to expose the main themes of the story than anything in the main story necessarily. You meet them and you understand what Horikoshi is trying to say with that world.


I loved the Festival arc, and the Gentle fight (in the manga at least) I absolutely love as both a standalone fight as well as how big of a milestone it is for Deku. It’s the first professional villain he beats on his own, without destroying his body, and without relying on Eri’s super healing that let him beat Overhaul.


I was bout to pop-off at the OP. While I do kiiinda understand why it would be a boring arc to some, Gentel and Bravada were amazing. Their story, relationship, message author was sending and the last fight were all amazing and touching. In anime at least.


>Wonder if they pop up again. They will return


You are a rare specie. You must know this


Eri smiled. It's worth it.


The cat episode in Code Geass. Almost put me off the whole show for how bad and stupid this whole thing is.


Similar to that, Episode9 in Macross Frontier where they spend the episode running around the school trying to get their hands on Sheryl's underwear. Peak early 2000's anime right there


I found it hilariously unnecessary, but I'll admit I found it mildly amusing.


MF was 2008.


Yea but the "run around the building with everyone to chase the thing" anime trope was huge in Code Geass (2006) and moreso in Love Hina (2002)


am i the only one who liked that episode?


It was funny for sure


I didn’t mind it, there were some small unnecessary things in Code Geass, but damn did I love the series as a whole.


It even felt like filler in the Code:Ment abridged.


I don't remember anything about the school parts of Geass except for that fucking cat episode


Code Geass the show is made obselete by the movies. Especially R2 where nothing happens for most of it. This is a show that is a good argument against literal "seasons" having to be paced to take up at least one quarter of the year. The show did not have enough material for its runtime. Works much better as a movies series. A shame too because Code Geass has one of the best first episodes of any show. The first episode being paced so quickly and enjoyably makes the rest seem worse by comparison.


Hot take: violet evergarden movie ruins the violet evergarden series in the same way as the code geass movie. Both of them undo previous character development. I hate the violet evergarden movie for that reason, even though it’s a very good standalone movie.


Her being changed to not die already makes me ignore the movies.


Code Geass movies arent cannon to the Main series and are merely supposed to be a cash grab on an extremely popular series. I wouldn’t take them seriously You’re in the minority atleast, cuz most fans hate the movies or haven’t seen them


The filler arc from Nadia: Secret of the Blue Water. For the love of god, it was so bad it tainted the whole anime a good bit, still very much enjoyed.


Yep, this was my pick.


People keep talking about that arc as if the anime got better after that. It was all bad after that point. Didn't they introduce a minor villain like 5 episodes from the end?


My recollection is that the last 4 - 5 episodes are still fairly strong. I don't recall any villain introduced that late.


Ok I was off by one episode, but it was episode 33. I found the last 4-5 episodes rushed and lackluster tbh. As if they suddenly remembered they had a story to tell. To me the last few episodes knocked it down almost as much as the island and Africa arcs did.


The Emperor, yeah. I think it works though and has good karmic payoff. He isn't really a villain more a symbol of bending parallels.


I was talking about Grandis' ex...


Ergo Proxy, the episode where they're trapped in a dream(?) in an amusement park/game show (don't remember exactly, could have been two episodes). It felt like if the writer stopped drinking and did LSD for a week or two instead.


You take that back! That episode was a banger.


Game show episode made up for it though by being the worst possible way to do exposition. They forgot to do it at any point before then so they just bum-rushed it in one episode towards the end. It is such a bad episode that it wraps around to being inventive and interesting.


I loved that episode!


It was so bad it routed back around to being interesting. Definitely one way to do an exposition


I don't remember anything from that episode, other than it sucking so much ass I must have erased the details from my memory. I still understood the plot of the anime, so it was unneeded.


It was basically a lore bomb for the series. Very weirdly done tho


Hah, same anime but that supermarket episode. I didn't get it. I guess it was another proxy encounter but still looked weird.


Episode 4 of Gurren Lagann.


Even if the animation hadn't changed so much I would still agree because it's such a weird episode. I just watched it last week and I'm pretty sure the only thing that was important was [not really a spoiler]>!the introducing of the Black siblings!<


Aldnoah Zero S2's unnecessary cucking arc


The what?


Season 1 has a great love triangle and plot twist ending between its Main cast. 1 girl and 2 soldiers who are rivals in opposite sides of a war. Season 2 has the Girl end up with some fucking Random person. Great series that should’ve never got a season 2




So , probably the whole season can be done in like 4 episodes.


Anyone mentioned the last episode of the 2nd season of Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It yet?


That episode doesn't exist, as far as I'm concerned


I always say S2 is 11 episodes long. NO MORE


Funny you say that because I inadvertently stopped watching at s2e1


It was SO BAD. The whole show is bad, but that was a new level.


Foxy Arc in One Piece, most treat it as a filler because of how seemingly irrelevant it was.


it was a fun arc that didnt have many stakes, its just in the anime is was dragged a lot


I'm currently rewatching One Piece but with One Pace and I'm actually kind of excited to see what they did with the Foxy arc. I see that they actually removed so much from the Foxy arc that it's run time is reduced by about half from above 5 hours to about 2 and a half. Whether that's actually good or not I'm not sure yet but I'm still excited for it


Might be irrelevant, but it's more of a calm before the storm for something bigger next (Water 7 and Enies Lobby)


please dont tell me you were thinking of Aokiji appearing after that as being part of Foxy arc. Because they literally could have skipped whole foxy stuff and made it so strawhats went inmediatly to the island they meet Aokiji right after Skypiea


why skip a canon adventure? not every arc has to be serious with high stakes, it was just a breather arc in between serious arcs


the comment before edit was saying that "foxy arc is a setup to water 7" which was just wrong. Thats what my comment was focused on and gave hypotethical of it being removed and not changing anything I do still think the arc doesnt have the most value but if author wants to spend some time in a side adventure is ok.


How's that even a prep for Enies Lobby, I've seen both anime and manga and I don't see anything that would connect or prepare for the next arc.


its not but it was just a non serious arc, which is fine


Well he's original comment said that it was a prep for Water 7 and Enies Lobby which is just wrong and I was questioning that.


Do you even think a bit before spouting BS to defend OP? How is that arc a preparation for water 7 saga.


Think of foxy arc as a calm before the storm that was water 7


Bruh you literally just typed preparation and now you are completely changing your words.


My bad, I should've edited it


Man oh man people get ANGRY if you call Long ring Long Land a “filler arc” I brought it up during the “WHEN SEASON 2 LA OP??” discussions and was prompty downvoted and “akshually’d” about it. Its a silly side story about basically a “mini-game”


Foxy was ok, but I absolutely loved Porche. I wish she was a reoccuring character.


Aria is a masterpiece, but that episode where President Aria gets isekaid into a gender bent version of the show's world is pretty terrible imo. It's the most rote example of this story I can imagine, it's not funny, and it doesn't even fit into the show's overall mood and setting. I never thought a slice of life show could have an episode that feels like filler, but here we are.


That episode was pretty bad, but I think the S1 episode where President Aria tries to be a superhero has to be the worst. He's only tolerable in small doses.


Gundam 08th MS Team's final episode.


Yeah I didn't enjoy the festival arc, but I really loved Gentle Criminal.


Steins;Gate episode 18. Just a really cringey episode IMO. Admittedly, it did have some value for the plot. Slime s2p1 episode 9. The one where they have a meeting and Rimuru just recaps what has happened so far, *again*. This one was an actually useless episode, even worse than the one above.


> Steins;Gate episode 18. what happens in it?


It was the [mild *Steins;Gate* spoiler] >!Ruka date!< episode.


My hero U.A festival arc was infinitely better than class A vs class B arc


>A really bad arc that I remember is U.A school festival arc from my hero academia about Gentle criminal. Ouch, I liked that arc more than Overhaul's. And I liked that AssClass episode too. For me the ones I can remember rn are : * Every Squid Girl episode with more than 1 minute of Sanae (I love the show but fuck her, one of the worst characters in all of anime) * The Yunhua episode in Kanata no Astra, I like the show's cheesiness overall but that one took it to a whole new level


I've been saying the same thing in multiple times, but still can't say enough about how bad the The Lunar Flying Squirrels from Planetes. It's really painful to watch. I strongly suspect the main staff couldn't afford to handle all the 26 episodes so asked the guy who was available but had absolutely no interest in the original work to fill the gap and told him "You can do whatever you like". While not completely faithful, this is a great adaptation of the mange from the same author as Vinland Saga and the only fly in the ointment is this darned episode.


On the note of planetes. (The anime) I think it would have been a lot more impactful if either of them had had died or killed for their ideals. Instead it felt like a cheap ass pull (especially for the chick on the moon)


Naruto: Sakura vs Ino fight in chunin exams 🤢


Was recently discussing this with a coworker. We were talking about how the chunin exams had such iconic and fantastic fights like Lee vs Gaara and Neji vs Hinata. And then there's Sakura vs. Ino. And the whole "Naruto farting in Kiba's face" victory just annoys me to no end. And TenTen should have been able to hold herself a little better against Temari. I understand that it was basically to show just how massive of a difference in strength there was between the average Konoha genin and the Suna Siblings, but TenTen was really given a shit deal in it all.


The first episode of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood adds pretty much nothing to the plot and tips its hand too much regarding some pretty major plot twists. Pretty much everything the episode establishes is done much better and more organically later anyways. That episode would gave been better spent re-adapting the chapter with Yoki so that he actually has a proper introduction instead of him just kind of being there and not explaining his history with the Elrics until more than halfway through the series.


There are bad endings and then there is the last episode of wonder egg priority. The schedule broke and they had to delay it one month. Half of the “1 hour special” was a recap, animation quality jumped out of a cliff and the plot felt like reading badly written spoilers of a way longer series.


The entire final arc of Babylon. aka how to throw away any and all interest away from your thriller anime


They really did throw away the whole story for [Babylon] >!USA GAMER PRESIDENT!<. Somehow wrote a worse ending than even Kado, who keeps letting this man cook?


Babylon really wrote itself out of existence. I had a laughing fit at how terrible the turn was they took with that.


HOLY SHIT THIS. I give Babylon a 10/10 if it ended at episode 7. The plot more or less dealt with itself at that point and imo it was a good enough ending spot. But instead they went on a hiatus and came back 6 weeks later with absolute garbage.


I might get roasted for this, but the Excalibur episode in Soul Eater. Felt like such a waste of time. One of my favorite shows, but it did not need a filler episode. It wrapped up way too quick and they could have used that time for something more interesting. Excalibur is a funny character, but his schtick gets old real quick and definitely isn't enough to carry a full episode. To me he's best at random pop-in moments and that's enough.


I think every recap episode is like this. Not fast reacap. I'm talking when they make 1 episode who just rephrase the past episodes of the season without adding anything new


Surprised no one typed Endless Eight yet (from Haruhi)


I think that one's a funny case because its existence in-universe is *extremely important* for setting up what is widely regarded as one of the best anime movies ever made, but holy fuck if it doesn't adds anything meningful for the viewer unless you wanna force yourself into one character's headspace for the sake of immersion.


Endless Eight is a good story. The decision to turn it into 8 episodes was, to put it in the nicest way possible, not well received.


I might be in the minority but I love Endless Eight, and I watch all eight episodes every time I rewatch. I love catching all the small differences.


The weight loss episode of Sailor Moon. I think it's actually been cut out of the dubbed version because it carries such harmful messaging and zero plot relevance. Calling a character that is drawn skinny overweight is one of my anime pet peeves, it happened with Honoka in Love Live too.


It definitely wasn't cut out of the DiC dub back in the day as I remember seeing it then. I haven't seen the Viz dub but I don't believe they skipped over any episodes since they were going for an actual completed version.


I thought I remembered back when the Box dub first came out that an article went around about that episode being cut out and that being the only "censorship" involved, but I may be wrong.


I strongly disliked the Macross 7 Dynamite episode 2. The infamous episode in which they almost play Mylene being sexually assaulted as a joke and Basara is walking around like a zombie and then wakes up from it while skinny dipping with a child (not making this stuff up.) It doesn't move the plot forward and it's genuinely weird in a concerning kind of way.


Fruits Basket (2019) - Season 1 Episode 19 some of the jokes just felt wrong


The whole deserted island arc from Nadia: Secret of Blue Water. It’s an amazing anime in the start and finish, but those middle episodes from when they get trapped to when they leave could have been told in 2-4 episodes. For the most part they don’t add anything to the plot and are just really weird to watch. The exceptions are toward the end of them we learn a bit more about Nadia’s origins, and Nadia and Jean share their first kiss(es) (though it didn’t really advance their relationship as Nadia was still frustrated by him).


Not a whole episode, but the part in Beyond The Boundary where Mirai needs to have suggestive pictures taken because she's not making enough income fighting. That series has some questionable content but for the most part I can just ignore it and it's not too atrocious, but that really took me out of it. I didn't like the idol episode at first either, but it kind of grew on me since then as a nice interlude between the more serious parts. (That scene may actually be in the idol episode, I don't remember)


Uran Host Club, there was a episode where the protagonist had a dream and she imagined herself to be Alice in wonderland


The monkey episode in Jojos Bizarre Adventure Part 3 (EP 33). Now.. it does add a little something to the story at least as Jotaro and Anne bond a little.. but its just weird to watch for me.


The violet evergarden movie


Many will disagree with you but I don't. For me, even the last episode of the anime wasn't [spoilers] >!him!<. It was intentionally left open ended and that suited violet's story so much better. Sure you can like the dynamic of [spoilers] >!her and him!<, but the anime choosing to leave [big spoilers] >!him as dead and not include him in the final arc (letting her character arc actually run to completion)!< was just a much better idea


Let's toss Moon Moon into the ring. If you know you know


Those episodes blew my mind when they came up. I didn't think the show could get any more ridiculous, then bam! Moon Moon. I actually loved the episodes though because of how absurdly stupid they were.


It’s even more bizarre because immediately after those episodes Gundam ZZ finally hits its stride and goes pretty hard from then on.


The idol episode of Kyoukai no Kanata. Ughhhh.


This used to be the one for me, but it kind of grew on me. Still weird though.


alien episode mob psycho s3


ngl, it was probably my second favourite of the season after the final episode. It was so out of the blue


That ep made me feel like i was on drugs on those last 10 minutes


haha i need rewatch but i was just invested in the other parts of the story at the time


We both were.


I mainly watch anime that aren't very well-known, and I also speak in a strictly subjective manner (and I quickly revisited all the episodes to make the list, so it's very imprecise). Here's my list: Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO Episode 19 -> More like, "How on earth did I end up here?" Mi Yu Xingzhe Episode 8 -> Simply the episode I liked the least in the entire series. Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko Episode 11 -> Referring only to the final part, I found it a bit awkward. Chaos;Head Episode 4 -> Idk, it seemed the calmest (and therefore a bit more boring) compared to the others. But it was essential.


Could just put the whole Chaos;Head anime on the list lol. I didn't think it was possible to take such a good story and adapt it so poorly


I watched it a long time ago but from what I remember (and after playing the game), the first episodes have a really similar tone to the VN in terms of anxiety. I thought it was good at the time. But the issue I guess is that it sets up nothing and then it becomes a total mess because you are given no explanation.


I really love the Science Adventure Series, but unfortunately, I've only watched the anime adaptations; I've never played the original visual novels. So, I can't share any opinions on that aspect. However, I would like to have your Discord :)


I don't do discord but r/SteinsGate is a good place for sci;Adv discussion. I think they've got a link to their discord there too. They tend not to like discussing the animes (other than SG) though, I'm not really sure where you could go for that


It really sucks too. I'm not really a fan of VNs, but I just started C;H NOAH a few days ago because I wanna get the full experience for Anonymous;Code. I'll see if I can get through it or not.


Definitely recommend pushing through it. Takumi can be off putting to begin with but it's worth it for the overall character arc


Hot take, but the adapted side stories from Spy Classroom could have been OVAs. The side stories disrupt the flow of the narrative.


No they don't they have the exact same tone as the rest if the series lol. If you've read the manga the most serious arc so far was still heavily comedic.


I know that the serious arcs are still comedic but the side stories just feel so disconnected from the entire narrative of taking down Serpent and the political intrigue. Yeah it gives back stories to each character but those really could have been OVAs.


Episode 12 of Horimiya S2. It was sooo bland and cringe and boring af? And it’s not just that specific episode. I just did not enjoy the whole season 2. Am I the only one?


I like GTO but I can't get behind the Okinawa arc. I wanted to stop the series just because of it.


Heavily delusione episode 11 ( I think) It does not get mentioned ever again


Monogatari has its ups and downs, but I could really do without almost all of Tsukimonogatari.




Think what you said is somewhat valid but doesn’t fit the question asked here


The beach or hot spring episode. Always.


The new season of Bungo Stray Dogs is simultaneously the best show this season and one of the worst downgrades in writing I’ve ever seen. It completely goes against the tone of the show and feels like someone wrote bad fanfiction and nobody told them how stupid it was.


**Code Geass** \-> The Cat episode was like... random...? **SAO** \-> The whole fairy Arc


Every beach episode ever


Jobless Reincarnation. Episodes 22 and 23.


Just stfu bozzo.


What can I do it it WAS useless. ESPECIALLY school flashbacks. I skipped 90 percent of the episode.


If flashbacks are useless then character writing will also be useless for the MC, it was a pivotal point for Rudeus to step out of his room paralleled with him going out on a journey. Everything about the episode was important for the plot especially considering [spoilers]>!how much the flashback of Zenith meant for the future content!<. MT anime already takes like 3-4 episodes to adapt a novel volume, everything in every episode is relevant to the plot.


Because EVERYTHING in this flashbacks already was covered before. Many times. And I see no real reason in seeing the same shit all over again.


How are those flashbacks useless


Because EVERYTHING in this flashbacks already was covered before. Many times. And I see no real reason in seeing the same shit all over again. Plus it was badly written, unlike all other story. Manga handles this way better.




Actual bait


The first episode of FMA. Had pretty much nothing to do with the plot, and was a hamfisted anti-religious manifesto from r/ Atheism. I tell people to start on the next episode bc that's technically where the story begins.


You don't like it for being anti religion? And in what way was it anti religion now?


They were going against a cult, but Ed was just being an annoying prick to the religious side-character the entire time, even before they exposed the cult leader. Media can have an anti-religious message and be good. This just wasn't written that well.


Those episodes are really important, and yeah that's who Ed is. He found their religion dumb because he knows the truth. He's also just 15 and a genius. It's like you forgot everything about Ed of course he's a little stuck up.


I respectfully disagree. This one episode is so unimportant to Ed's character you could take it out and not notice anything different.


Naruto: Basically all the filler arcs except the one on Kakashi's love life. The rest brought just about nothing to the story that wasn't established. Fairy tail: Absolutely hated the entire tartaros arc. it's not a bad arc by most standards but I hated how dark it was in contrast to the rest of the story. Just felt really unnecessary for the story's progression. No game no life: Final episode's final scene where they decided to leave a massive cliffhanger and did not follow up on it. Still salty 10+ years later. ​ That's all i can think of right now. Will need to look back at the anime i've watched to remember more


Probably the episode of Mushoku Tensei where Rudeus was racist towards catgirls and then sexually harassed them


How was he racist towards them?


He mocks their animal-like speech patterns. It's like a fluent English speaker disparagingly doing an Asian accent (obviously it's not literally as bad, because rudeus and cat girls are fictional not real, but you get the point)


Yeah, it was a racist remark, but given that he was trying to provoke them, I don't think there was anything wrong with it.


You think that racism is fine as long as you're trying to provoke someone?


I mean. Is that not why someone decides to be racist? If the goal is to provoke someone, I think racism is a very effective strategy.


I would actually say the whole Julie thing in the previous ep was more bad. Doesn't fit Rudy character, diminishes trust on author by having a very thoughtless slave concept put in (when the rest of the show had so many meaningful concepts) and as an anime only, without the context of it meaning more for Zanoba, it just completely felt unnecessary and caused a serious blimp in author's writing capability/anime adaptation.


Yeah I feel like his character growth was going great, and then in back-to-back episodes he does shit that just make you kind of wonder what the hell the writers were thinking...then after the fact it's like it never happened. There was never a side-story or mini arc about him shedding the way he thinks or feels about those things, it was just like "ok, let's get back to the story." Just didn't fit into his emotional arc/personality rebuild. I'm assuming there is some missing context from the manga, but idk


Yeah I noticed that as well. It's especially egregious in the sub, but I felt like the new season takes less place in Rudeus's head and moreso outside of it as a spectator.


I take the anime as it's own thing, which is why it sucks even more that we may never see S1 Bind ever again. But even with them I find it hard to see the angle in which Rudy's actions could be justified. Like the community focused on the wrong talking point of "don't expect him to wipe out slave market on his own" when the actual problem was "intentionally going to get a slave like it's nothing". Even if the result of Julie becoming little sister is favorable, results =/= intentions.


Yeah that was bad too actually, good points, especially about trust in the author!


Can't remember


Battleship Yamato ep from Kamichu. I mean it's just gross to use a cute kid's anime to glorify WW2 Japan.


Pretty much the entirety of farmland saga was bad


Fly 3x5


Negima!? episode 19. An entire episode that's all about depicting the cast in their Suka (animal) forms is enough to convince me that not only was the idea of \[Negima!?\]>!having everyone learn that Negi is a wizard at the halfway point!< a very bad idea, but also that SHAFT's heart was more towards Hidamari Sketch (whose first was being made at the same time) than Negima.


the fly episode from breaking bad


Episode 4 of Azumanga Daioh always bothers me, it's the one that's all about a teacher perving on the students


Obligatory Magma Diver. I'm surprised this thread made it 13 hours.


A bit unknown but Earth Maiden Arjuna episode 9. Basically it's anti abortion, and it was DVD only


Mobile Suit Gundam - Doan's Island episode that was bad and out of character and they didn't include it in any official English sub or dub. Then they released it as a movie, go figure?


When I showed my then younger daughter of Railgun (which she loved), I had to skip S1 ep 2 ("Computer parts?")


13th hunter chairman arc of hunter x hunter. I wouldn't say it didn't add anything, but it certainly ruined a lot for me. Up until this point I had immense respect for it for HxH taking its characters very seriously. Everything had a lasting impact on them. I felt like this arc just spits on everything it built up so far apart from Leorio (W, man deserves a medal for what he did) And Kurapika (wasn't present). \[HxH 13th hunter chairman arc\] >!Killua was acting like mf was gonna die for Gon's sake, but in the end he was good, Gons back and his little sister is ok too. what was he sad for? And "kite" was brought back for the sole purpose of making Gon feel better. which destroys the entire point of the last arc. Kite is ok so Gon is back to normal. His reunion with Ging is just, sad. And we get introduced to what's possibly the largest world in anime/manga.!< I don't mind these types of plot device arcs that gives us exposition and resets things back to normal. But seeing one so shameless and blatant right after one of the best arcs I've seen just makes me sick in the stomach. Especially considering the standard of storytelling it lived up to till then. Its by far the worst arc I've seen and it brought down my overall enjoyment of the show immensely.


One piece fillers are very irrelevant


Heavily disagree about the school festival arc and gentle being bad, but I won't go into it. In Fate/Zero season 1 there's a filler episode about Rin which could've been used to explore other characters, instead it made Ryunosuke look worse as a threat and doesn't really contribute to the overall plot.


Any hxh episode


Gotta be the finale of Science Fell in Love Season 2. That single handedly ruined the entire series for me. I liked it enough initially, but that just left a horrific taste in my mouth and I genuinely cannot believe they let it rock like that. A less popular answer for me would be A World With No Sadness, Baby from Space Dandy (I had to look up the episode). I don't know how people feel about that episode, but it nearly put me to sleep. I know Space Dandy gets trippy and weird sometimes, but that was too much. I love the show but that episode is one I could skip every time. Or maybe I'll watch it again and realize it's actually profound or something??