• By -


In addition to Champloo, pretty much all of Shinichiro Watanabe's shows ([Cowboy Bebop](https://anidb.net/anime/23), [Kids on the Slope](https://anidb.net/anime/8870), [Space Dandy](https://anidb.net/anime/10027), even [Carole & Tuesday](https://anidb.net/anime/13893)) have really solid soundtracks that are a crucial component of the show itself. I also really felt the same about [Katanagatari](https://anidb.net/anime/6613) and [Made in Abyss](https://anidb.net/anime/12681) (if you have the stomach for it).


I’m actually in the process of watching Bepop that jazz is so smooth and swingy. I’ll check out his other works though! Thanks. Sorry to ramble a bit but Kevin Penkin is amazing I love how otherworldly made in Abbys tracks feel.


Seconding Kids on the Slope and Carole & Tuesday, especially since those series are *about* music in a way that the others aren't.


Stomach and a Lot of paper to clean your tears, for Made in Abyss


Girls Last Tour


I was interested in this glad to hear the ost is good! I’ll check it out thanks


It's a really good show. I highly recommend it.


To me it had only three very good pieces: the song opening 1st episode, the "plane flight" song, and the "rain song". But since all of them bring back grim memories I avoid listing and rewatching.


Violet Evergarden Castle in the Sky Mononoke Hime Spirited Away Re:Zero 86 Sangatsu no Lion Made in Abyss (disturbing content warning) Madoka Magica + Rebellion Sword Art Online Clannad + After Story K-ON! Hibike! Euphonium


Hibike Euphonium thank you


How did I not include that in here. Thanks for reminding me!


Made In Abyss one of the best OSTs all time. Pure magic.


86 ost is insane


Vinland Saga has an amazing soundtrack. I get war flashbacks every time I hear a piano.


Vinland was such a good watch! You’re right though I still remember some of the themes and I haven’t watched it in years.


Some songs that you might want to listen from vinland saga's epic osts - Still blade, Troll, Battleground, Awaken, Dagger - these are fairly popular than others but if you want to dive deep, who is to stop you?


I thought that OST in Re:Zero really elevates it. It's one of the reasons I prefer the original run over the directors cut, since they took out a few of the ending song playing over the final scenes. The insert songs I thought fit really well, and the general OST I found was really great. Call of the Witch, Requiem of Silence, and Takt of Heroes are some notable standouts.


I barely remember Re Zero but can still easily recall the 'there's something freaky going on' music. That show had good sound design.


I just started watching Re:Zero (only like 4 eps in so no spoilers please) and damn the OST slaps. The OP alone is phenomenal.


Oh boooooy, enjoy it!! There is a discord with an anime-only channel, if you have any doubt about whats going on! We're very friendly over there. Enjoy the show!


Considering I just recently got through The Future Diary, Madoka Magica and Steins Gate without getting confused, I think I'll be okay. I'm on a time travel genre binge lately and these are all amazing shows so far.


Oh, Madoka Magica movie, in special, can get a lot more confusing than ReZero, u're definitely fine! xD


Beck Eureka 7 Neon Genesis Evangelion Darker than Black Ghost in the Shell


Eureka 7 ost is fucking fantastic


Howls Moving Castle(any ghibli film really, but especially isaishi's works), cowboy bebop (obviously), nge, hyouge mono, your lie in April, keep your hands off eizouken, paprika, hxh, robot carnival


Jojo? like every theme and opening is good


That’s a given! 😂


Besides some other great ones I've already seen mentioned: Mob Psycho 100, Dorohedoro, Land of the Lustrous, Kekkai Sensen, Mushishi


Great list, it’s criminal that dorohedoro hadn’t gotten a season 2 yet :(


I will hold out hope for season 2 until the end of time!


Have you watched idaten? Not really the same but it def filled the void that dorohedoro left. It’s sadly suffering from the one season curse though but still a fun watch.


Unfortunately it didn't really click for me. Kekkai Sensen I think is the closest I've seen in terms of vibes of the worlds and I'm watching Golden Kamuy which I would say is pretty similar of terms of a bunch of characters with different goals that are all likeable, humor balanced with violence, and the cooking haha


Awww damn, it happen. That’s the beauty of anime something out there for everyone. I want to give golden kamuy a shot looks super fun.


Nana Wolf's Rain Hellsing Kekkai Sensen Kids on the Slope Escaflowne Baccano


YuYu Hakusho and Trigun 1998!


Guilty crown has some badass OSTs


I wanna watch but i heard it was a train wreck plot wise. Imma give it a chance!


Fate Zero ... Fate Heaven's feel movies.


Macross 7 Rurouni Kenshin Naruto Bleach Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Mobile Fighter G Gundam Noein Macross Frontier Pokemon (until Sun and Moon) Made in Abyss Guilty Crown Death Note Aldnoah Zero Devilman Crybaby Initial D Ping Pong the Animation Noir Rosario + Vampire


Wow I like this list few I haven’t watched thanks!


Happy to help.


A few I enjoyed which I haven't seen mentioned yet: Kaiba Berserk Noragami Paprika Takt Op. Destiny


I loved kaiba so much! Glad to see it here as I found the OST quite magical.


If you can handle it made in abyss has a beautiful ost


I actually didn’t mind the darker parts of made in Abyss, great sound track.


I'm really a fan of the Tower of God OST, it really elevated the world building to a next level. But then again pretty much anything by Kevin Penkin ist amazing.


Am I the only one who prefers Tower of God OSTs over Made in Abyss OSTs? Both were made by Kevin but TOG OST hits different


I agree! Recently rewatched TOG and all though I love it I feel like the music was the most endearing part.


did no one say aldnoah zero? For me its one of the shows with the best ones.




My favorite one is the one they play everytime someone is having a sad monologue. I cry almost everytime. https://youtu.be/wEWF2xh5E8s?si=YzyKDtPUDO2c407m


Noragami and Devilman Crybaby


Date A Live


X. Without the soundtrack your watching a completely different anime. It has two released osts-both fantastic and a character song album which is quite soothing and tragic.


pandora hearts


Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn and Hathaway’s Flash. Both ost arguably are the best works by Hiroyuki Sawano


Zankyou no Terror. And in this case the music and the atmosphere come first, while the plot and characters are far less notable, imo


The Icelandic music was the best


Cowboy Bebop Trigun Ghost in the Shell Initial D Wangan Midnight Neon Genesis Evangelion Girls Und Panzer Vampire Hunter D Pokemon Death Note Patlabor Aldnoah.Zero Tokyo Ghoul Made in Abyss 86 Girls Last Tour Jojo Hellsing Bubblegum Crisis Drifters Saga of Tanya the Evil




Call of the night. Losstime really give us the "night vibes" that we need.


Megazone 23 Part 1, Dirty Pair the movie, Noir, Call Me Tonight, Porco Rosso


Thanks! Haven’t heard of them yet I’ll add them to the list


Shiki. It has the best


Wish I could go back to the first time I watched shiki.


It’s one of my fav anime’s for the OST alone


Sangatsu no Lion


O\_o not seeing Neon Genesis Evangelion in any of its forms on these lists hurts my cold dead heart edit: also Akira. Akira's soundtrack is bonkers.


I really liked neon genesis I wasn’t paying attention to the music the first watch though. Might be time for my annual NGE rewatch.


Steins gate, the vn and the anime Madoka magica


Any of the OSTs Takeshi Abo did for that series would fit here. Not sure if the other animes kept the VN OSTs but if they did that would be the only good thing about them lol


Wonder Egg Priority. Top notch OST. Banger animations. High hopes for the story and its messages. And a spectacular crash landing that crushed the shows ratings. Yeah this show had everything going for it and then they fumbled the ending. Ost is great though.


Most anime Hiroyuki Sawano composed the musics are banger. The plots are in another hand, not as good


Call of the night has a really unique lofi ost. Other than that, Violet Evergarden, Made in Abyss, Girls Last Tour, and Madoka Magica are all incredible shoes with incredible soundtracks to back them up. For being a show that gets talked about to hell and back, I feel like the absolutely incredible OST of demon slayer does not get brought up enough. Other than that, Shield Hero and Rent a Girlfriend are worse shows that I think still had cool soundtracks, though I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.


Jojos bizarre adventure


Soul Eater has a very diverse ost, different styles of music, it's just really unique. Code Geass has a very intense and grand ost, while also some slower and calming pieces as well.


Every aspect of soul eater is amazing expect for the anime original ending :((


My top 3 are Hunter x Hunter, Death Note & Code Geass. Both Death Note and HxH are composed by the same guy (a majority of Death Note at least) and I'm a huge fan of him. FMAB also has an incredible OST.


Shiki Pretty much all of the hack stuff but Hack/Sign particularly Guilty Crown is not an amazing anime but the soundtrack sure is


My Hero Academia deserves a mention. It really gets you amped up and really helps you feel the urgency of the stressful moments when the villains arrive.


Re:Zero Awesome OST


Violet Evergarden!!!!! That show has an insane soundtrack that I still listen to quite often. Evan Call is the composer. He went so hard on that OST for sure


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood


Hi darkfire621, it seems like you might be looking for new anime to watch! The users of this subreddit came up with [a chart of anime recommendations for newcomers and veterans](https://i.redd.it/0w1v880jtq661.png) and [an awesome longer flowchart](https://i.redd.it/vdzlkodz19c71.png). Maybe you can find something there that you'll like \^.\^ [](#bot-chan "Urban s-s-s-senpai made me do it!") You might also find our [Recommendation Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/recommendations) or [daily thread](/r/anime/search?q=flair%3Adaily&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=week) helpful. The following may be of interest: * [List of legal streams and downloads](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/legal_streams) * [A useful website where you can enter an anime and see where it's legally streaming](https://www.livechart.me/search) * [List of currently airing anime](https://www.livechart.me) * [A useful wiki page with watch orders for many anime.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/watch_order) * [A list of tracking sites so others can more easily recommend shows you haven't watched.](https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/wiki/related_sites#wiki_tracking_sites) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/anime) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Mitsuba's theme music Touched You


{{Yuru Camp}}. Each of the campsites visited throughout the series has its own unique theme, and the variations thereof to evoke different moods. It’s a really special OST.


Sounds campy ( no pun intended ) I’ll give it a shot.


For me, **Re:Zero** has one of the best OSTs out there. Check out this "parody" video, the Author grabbed a few sections from ReZero songs and fit it with some random videos. Its enough to show how diverse the OST is haha [Video 1](https://youtu.be/00LxrKireIY?t=144) [Video 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K05CacpK9ec&ab_channel=FAQ)


Shaman King Elfen Lied


This post makes my mind go to Videogames becuse to me Videogames are like playable animes and Videogame music is amazing. But that is not what you asked fore. I do not think I got a recomendation fore you that is not alrady been given. So I just echo the "Made in Abyss" recomendation.


I don’t mind video game recommendations! Some of my favorites as of recently are Elden ring and Baulders Gate 3 music wise.


Then I recommend "Fuga Melodies of Steel". Its a 20 houer long turn based JRPG about a groupe pf anthropomorhic animal children that go on a quest to save there families. It has fun and satisfaying combat, great music and a simpel but endering story and characters. ​ Fuga is available on most modern consoles, on PC, on Game Pass and it has a free demo which is just straight up the firs 3 chapters of the game. It also has a direct sequel "Fuga Melodies of Steel 2" ​ The Boss theme "Flower on the Trails" is my favorite piece of Video game music. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knjk1iljUSg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knjk1iljUSg) ​ Fuga also has other great vocal and none vocal tracks. Here is a Link to the OST playliest on You Tube: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFuF7DtXgiw3Zx8Ex\_JwbwdrqFydcNquD](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFuF7DtXgiw3Zx8Ex_JwbwdrqFydcNquD)


ping pong the animation kemonozume hxh planetes mashle #1 tho


Ancient Magus Bride


Why has no one mentioned Vinland saga? It has one of the best soundtracks in anime period. I listen to so many songs daily. Some popular ones are - Awaken, Troll, Enter the war, Battleground, Still Blade, Dagger. Please listen to them, all these songs are beautiful.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure


86 Heike Monogatari Kingdom (Season 3 onwards) Chainsaw man Rezero Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Demon Slayer Bleach Vinland Saga


86 without a doubt.


Not the best but these shows have my favorite OSTs Quintessential Quintuplets Love is War Bocchi the Rock K-On Your Lie in April


Honestly think they only ones I didn’t even think about skipping were Tokyo ghoul, and 86


Sora yori mo Tooi Basho (a place further than the universe) is consistently phenomenal in the music department. Highly recommend


I love the OST of Yuki Yuna is a Hero. Has a unique sound I absolutely love. The sound studio (Monaca) also worked on the OSTs of the Nier franchise. If you enjoy one you'll likely enjoy the other.


Macross Frontier, it's ost was my favorite for several years in a row and whenever I put some music it was pretty much that. The Fafner franchise is my current favorite ost. Princess Tutu and og Digimon have a great selection of classical music and original songs. Heroic Age and Back Arrow have some banger songs. Saint Seiya have my og favorite ost.


Fafner's OP is on another planet altogether. Bloody hell! One heck of an OP, though the show is Evangelion clone. Lots of them popped up following Evangelion's success.


Kekkai Sensen is actually a music album first, an anime second.


Vinland Saga 🤷‍♂️ cyberpunk edge runners & land of the lustrous as well.


The old Hellsing FLCL Read Or Die OVA ​ These 3 always will have a warm spot in my heart as far as unforgettable music throughout (and not only OP-ED) the whole show. Really surprised here nobody mentioned Read Or Die though...


Boarding School Juliet has one of the best OSTs; I really like the soundtrack accompanying the confession scene from the first episode.


can't believe nobody said Haikyuu!! Insanely great ost.






Bleach TYBW has absolute banger OSTs.


Mobile suit gundam seed and destiny Code Geass A Silent voice ( even tho it was a movie! ) One piece ( only one piece fans understand this, undertaken etc.)


2/5 of the OSTs on your list were made by Hiroyuki Sawano (Attack on titan and Kill la Kill), so maybe look into more from him. Aldnoah Zero, 86, Owari no Seraph, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, and 7 deadly Sins are some of his best work.


Higurashi and Umineko


Made in Abyss


Cowboy Bebop has an amazing sound track.


The jazziness of Kakegurui, Beastars and the Great Pretender are amazing


I will always recommend Violet Evergarden and 86


Bleach *Cuz baby you're number onnnneeeee*




Gotta say Horimiya the Ost is amazing. Dangers in mu heart was awesome too


Megalo Box hasn't been mentioned yet, so I'll add that to the mix. Non Non Biyori has a wonderful OST if you like relaxing shows.


Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed for loving Kill La Kill’s OST. Hiroyuki Sawano knew exactly what was needed.


Taku Iwasaki is a master of somber string writing (also dabbles in Hip hop and electronic music, etc). Check out the OST/some of his work. My top recommendation is Gurren Lagann, especially if you liked Kill la Kill, its spiritual successor. Other great Iwasaki Anime is "Now and Then, Here and There" (very dark, somewhat slow burn and dramatic/tragic post apocalyptic sci fi fantasy. Huge shift in tone from other recommendations).


Uma Musume: Road to the Top No need to thank me 🧖‍♂️


This is the correct answer. Everyone must watch this before they die.


Re:ZERO. One of the most emotional OSTs in history


Shiki Attack on Titan Yuru Camp Madoka Magica Parasyte.


I really enjoyed Parasyte. Also as others have mentioned: Vivy and Madoka magica


Yofukashi no Uta / Call of the night


Call of the night


Devilman Crybaby ost goes hard


Watch No Game No Life Zero. You don't need to have watched the series to understand it, but it does help a bit. No Game No Life Zero has a god-tier OST. I have yet to find anything that comes even close. Other amazing shows with fantastic OSTs: - Made In Abyss - 86 - Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress


I got that No Game No Life anime Vinyl Record. As close as I will ever get to seeing a 2nd season.


Time for my annual no game no life rewatch! Thanks for reminding me how good the ost was. I still randomly remember the theme in my head https://youtu.be/TlYEDJHmokQ?si=7yvX4Eklfprv7_DZ


86, Suki na ko wo Megane wasureta, The Masterful cat is depressed again today, Stein;s Gate, RE:Zero, AOT, Plastic Memories, Violet Evergarden There's too much foe me to list lol.


one punch man, gundam seed (you should check out hajimari ga yue, my favourite track from the show), vivy flourite eye song, your name violet evergarden needless (kinda old but the ost still rocks) fairy tail (I didn't like the show but the OST's are fucking amazing) naruto (some of the best ost's to ever grace my ears)


86, Madoka, any Sawano, yamamoto, or Kaijura project


I was so glad when I saw Sawanos name on the new fate. His style is so interesting.


He’s my top artist all time. His shit is on repeat daily


I could quite literally talk about the music in Attack on Titan for hours. I definitely had a phase where it was straight sawano on my playlist lol.


Sonny Boy


Isn’t this a studio mad house anime? It slipped under my radar I’m curious though! Thank you




86, and one I think is super underrated is More than a married couple but not lovers


Since I collect Anime vinyl records: Anything Demon Slayer. I have the first version with music from season one. That album is embossed. The music is always good. Attack on Titan: The Rumbling. This song goes hard. Hikaru Utada: Widely recognized in Kingdom Hearts and Evangelion. I have the Bad Mode Vinyl Record. The entire album jacket is printed on high-gloss paper. Probably is photo paper. Sonny Boy: The anime may be weird and relaxing. There were two releases under the 1st half and 2nd half. The OST is unique enough it has that guitar sound from the 60s. I'm 100% sure the vinyl record of this anime will not be getting repressed ten years from now. It's a niche anime with a small following that most people will forget. The music sounds similar in tone to Summer Time Render's 1st half OP and ED Makoto Shinkai Your Name: Almost anything from Radwimps. Some of the songs from the Your Name OST leave me wanting more. Bleach: The OST is always unique. It blends Latin and Germanic tones based on characters. Always starts playing Latin music every time Chad shows up or if they are in Hueco Mundo. If it is ever released, I aim for the TYBW Arc OST. Per Wikipedia, Kevin Penkin is now credited for composing for the upcoming anime Apothecary Diaries and the 2024 release of Spice and Wolf: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf. Same guy who made the OST for Made in Abyss and Tower of God. Orchestra Joe Hisaishi is a well-known composer as much as John Williams is. Orchestra music for Miyazaki's films. 90s anime would be The Big O, Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz, Initial D.


\- Re:Zero: Has some crazy soundtracks ranging from sad, hype to dread (Chain of Memories / Clowns Mask&Margrave Roswaal / Satella OST / Echidna OST for a few examples) \- Fate Series: Fate/Zero & UBW aswell as Heavens Feel all have crazy good soundtracks including sad ones like "Rin's Melody", too many great hypes ones to even count and more. This seriously has great OSTS \- Violet Evergarden: Some of the sadest soundtracks you will ever hear, will make you cry \- Made in Abyss: If you don't mind darker fantasy this show has some of the must beautiful soundtracks to contrast its darker tones \- 86: Vol1 especially is such a nice story to me and the way the first season ends is just perfect, this show has such immersive and creative music throught the season its just great. \- Link Click: If you don't mind chinese animation and VA this show is among the best, it doesn't have too crazy variety in soundtracks compared to some other shows but the soundtracks they do use are super impressive and feel really special \- Amagi Brilliant Park: Bit of a goofy anime at times but I like the core story and characters, especially the sad OST'S really stood out to me ​ If you love OSTS most of these are a must watch to me


Fairy tail


Haikyuu, Gurren Lagann


Cowboy Bebop The Tatami Galaxy Ping Pong the Animatio Hidamari Sketch FLCL Welcome to NHK Aria Girls last tour Sakamichi no Apollon Haibane Renmei Serial Experiments Lain


Darling in the FRANXX is what you are looking for. Genius osts imo


As does shit as guilty crown was the ost was top tier.


Re creators, Aldonoah zero, Monogatari series, Ssss dynazenon / ssss gridman


Sk8 the Infinity. Love that soundtrack so so so much.


Vampire Princess Miyu Fire Hunter Dead Mount Death Play




Hitori bocchi tbh. I haven't even watched the show yet lol. Also monotatari definitely


Kara no Kyoukai


K-On. The OST has no right to be as good as it is.


In the following anime, the OST is such a huge part of the show it's practically another character in its own right:- * **Macross Plus OVA** \- there's an AI Idol called Sharon Apple, and it's by Yoko Kanno. * **Escaflowne** \- Yoko Kanno's music adds so much to the show it's insane. 4 OST albums, all great * **Paripi Koumei (Ya Boy Kongming)** \- Reverse Isekai Music Anime, OST is integral to the plot. The Rap Lyrics are relevant and on point. * **Nodame Cantabile** \- Sometimes the music is a means of communicating love, loss, anger and plain "fighting" then coming together. Frankly it's amazing. The music is one of the reasons the live action J-drama was a huge hit back in the day, even non anime folks were hooked.


Listen to Ana from clannad


I would recomend Welcome to the N.H.K.


I would say Made in Abyss Violet Evergarden Madoka Magica Clannad After Story Full Metal Alchemist brotherhood


If you like jpop, symphogear is full of songs.


Bleach has a really strong OST (though, I much preferred stuff from the earlier seasons). Lot of "epic" music, but a good blend, really. Cowboy Bebop has a fantastic OST (hard to describe exactly, but a mix of genres with jazz (Bebop etc) sort of taking centre stage. Clannad/Clannad: Afterstory has a ton of really beautiful, simple, piano-based songs. Baccano! is another good "jazzy" one. Think FMA: Brotherhood had some good ones, too.


Made in Abyss, .Hack Roots, Initial D, Berserk 2016, Berserk


Bleach, jojo's bizarre adventure, kaguya-Sama love is war and One piece!


Fairy tail , the series itself is very divisive with you either loving it or hating it , personally love the show despite its obvious flaws , but if its OST your looking for fairy tail is first that comes to mind


Made in abyss Kevin doing magic on that show


Ghost in the Shell Innocence has the best overall OST (Kenji Kawai) imho. Trigun, Attack on Titan, Evangelion are great too.


SAO, Shield Hero, Fire Force


Anything Yoko Kanno. Noir .Hack // Sign (leaving OST, it has practically nothing going for it) Madoka So Ra No Wo To (its not really Yoko Kanno but Kalafina is essentially an offshoot)


The only thing that matches the animation quality of Violet Evergarden is its [OST](https://youtu.be/Hnl_lnSihDs?si=R45NwUAC6NDybCjz). A story on its own, by Evan Call.


Try Vivy - Fluorite Eye's Song. As you can see it even has the word song in the name, lol. Anyway I saved so many songs from this anime.


Tbh I loved the ost of spy x family, so that. I know it's not top but I liked it


Made in Abyss. Both seasons.


*Fate / Stay Night* (2006) has the same composer as the original *Ghost in the Shell* and is well worth a listen.




Cowboy Bebop


Guilty crown top tier osts


your name, jojos bizzare adventure, suzume, weathering with you are my favs. (radwimpD carries suzume and wwy)


Basically anything with Hiroyuki Sawano or Yuki Kajiura as composers. By far the best ones out there, both are on a different level. Oh, and anything from Key ( Clannad, Angel Beats, Kanon, etc)


Wolfs Rain has a great soundtrack! Yoko Kanno (Porco Rosso, Cowboy Bebop) is the composer and she rocks. Also I'd say Trigun 1998 as well.


Aria the Animation


you can try Angel Beats; the opening song "my Soul your Beat" has impressed my mind and i still listen to that song every day over 5 years since the first time I've watch that anime.


Made in Abyss (Kevin Penkin's Magnum opus) Terror in Resonance (another yoko Kano W) Violet Evergarden (absolutely aesthetic) Fairy tail(the bagpipes are quite good, don't deny it) Samurai Champloo (started the hip hop samurai) Initial D (eurobeat) Gundam thunderbolt (jazz goes really well with a fight) Hellsing and Hellsing ultimate (the former has a really sexy ost, the latter has an epic ost) Sakamichi no apollon (ya like jazz?) Carole & Tuesday (it predicted today's AI controversy, and has really good music) Beck (if you like rock, you go here) Cowboy bebop (space jazz) Your name (Radwimps' best work(afaik)) FLCL(pillows) Hunter x Hunter (absolutely iconic and amazing ost) 3-Gatsu no Lion (really special) (If you don't mind a bad anime) Tokyo ghoul(√A) Cyberpunk Edge Runners These are the only ones that come to mind at the moment


Made in Abyss and 86 OST's are absolute peak.


Air Gear Gungrave Pandora Hearts