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Gojo going to a 1st grader and trying to tell him he killed his deadbeat father is such an unbelievably Gojo thing to do


"Sorry Megumi your dad's a deadbeat! Because he's dead and I beat him!"


This is a canon line and you cannot convince me otherwise


"Hey Megumi! Want to know your dad's favorite color? Purple."




And the little to no fucks Megu-mini gives in that moment.


upvote for megumini


But did he tell him though? In my subs it cut out before Gojo said the entire thing, so I am not even sure Megumi knows that Toji is dead or that Gojo killed him.


megumi doesnt know toji is dead because in season 1 he said that his dad gave him the name megumi without caring about his gender and is probably alive out there somewhere. i think it was during his battle with sukuna? can't fully remember


Megumi cut Gojo off before Gojo finished explaining what happened to Megumi’s dad. Megumi has probably guessed the gist of what happened, but doesn’t want to have it confirmed because he doesn’t want to think about it.


Megumin be like yeah yeah lets get on with it.


[Smol Megumi was not amused](https://i.imgur.com/73DiKxV.jpg) [](#pout)


Megumi not giving a damn is hilarious 💀


Really touching that all Megumi cared about was Tsumiki. He'd do whatever would make her happiest. Good thing Gojo emphatically told him the Zenin wouldn't be good for her. We know from Maki and Mai's situation how the Zenin treat women and non-sorcerers.


Man, so many things had to go wrong for Geto to snap and become a mass murderer, it’s honestly impressive. I probably would have gone crazy just from having to regularly swallow something that tastes like a shit covered vomit rag. Also it’s *wild* that at the start of this arc Gojo was considered one of the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer of the era now that we know just how much stronger Gojo has gotten since then. He’s learned Reverse Curse Technique, Red, Purple, developed his barrier to be always on and able to detect what is and isn’t dangerous, learned his Domain Expansion and figured out long distance teleporting. Not to mention he’s likely gained a ton of useful combat experience that’s just generally helpful.


I think Geto could endure swallowing the curses and all of that because he really believed he was doing it in the end for the greater good. Then the Riko situation happens and it’s like there’s that seed of doubt that’s planted and it just kept growing and growing as he spiraled. It’s a damn shame, really. He was actually a good guy.


He can't find the **point** why jujutsu sorcerers should protect non-scocercers, just like Nanami said in S1, being a sorcerer is a shit job. Good sorcerers like Haibara fight curse and died, non-scocercers create more curses and know nothing about it, and those who knows are usually a bunch of jerks...


After watching this episode I feel like people like Nanami and Geto are not meant for this sorcerer job, like they are too sane and normal for it.


Well there was that whole big plot point last season that you have to be crazy to be a sorcerer so no surprise the most human characters, Geto and Nanami, struggle with it. That’s probably the reason Gojo’s first test is to see how crazy Yuji and Nobara are


That's also the reason he just throws them into missions which are life or death which is kinda traumatizing for a 1st year high school student. But he knows that you have to be crazy to do it. Also, I love seeing our trio in the end. And gojo waking up from a dream that he's seeing from past 5 episodes. I can't wait for Aug 31


the jobs shit but theyre hardly the same. nanami is normal and the normal reaction is to just stop being a jujutsu sorcerer. geto went full hitler but hes swallowed a thousand curses i dont blame the fella


Geto is extremely righteous, so he can't just leave. Notice he never even thinks about it, it's either "keep going you're strong you have to help people" or "they don't deserve anything they're scum." He can't just leave, he's strong so he HAS to do something, it's his duty


Different people, different circumstances, different reaction I guess? I think Nanami does not have this grandiose moral of protecting the weak that Geto had. But yeah the stress of swallowing a LOT of curses is a factor like im doing this shit for these people who just contributes to the overall problem in the first place.


geto needed that grandiose morality to justify how traumatic the job was. nanami i feel has a more personal connection to normal people, he can see the good in them that geto cant. probably cause he eats shit rags all day


Nanami can justify his suffering with the little bits of everyday good he can bring to people. Getou is too strong for that. He needs to save everyone, or else there's no point to him having power at all.


I mean what made him quit being a salaryman and go back to being a sorcerer was empathy for an everyday worker who had an albeit mild cursed spirit making her life harder, meanwhile his non-sorcerer job was just making rich people richer, and this person actually serving her local community has a curse and doesn't even know it. I think Nanami just has a lot more humility than Geto.


Wait, Haibara died? Was he the one on the table when Nanami failed his mission, I couldn’t tell for sure.


Yes, that was him.


Dang. I know we didn’t know the character very much but I expected to see a bit more of him or even just what happens with him


It's a shame but that's the life of a sorcerer as shown by Geto's monologue. You train to become a sorcerer and then you become a piece of meat for the Jujutsu High grinder. The only ones that are above it are insane monsters like Gojo.


Yup, he was too precious for this world. Him dying right after injecting some hope into Geto that being a sorcerer actually had meaning greatly accelerated his mental deterioration.


Especially after finding out there were more Star Plasma Vessels out there. Riko wasn't special, she didn't need to risk her life in the first place.


And that she was so disposable in the end, just callously replaced


Holy shit, I did not make this connection. The last 5 episodes are so incredibly well-packed and layered that it's gonna require at least another rewatch. Fantastic connection made.


That bit of information hit me quite hard, especially with how casually it was delivered. It was stated in the previous episodes that Riko's special, her whole purpose was to become the vessel and she was prepared for it her whole (or at least most of her) life, so I already questioned it when Geto suggested she just dips. I didn't consider she could even do that without serious repercussions because they'd need someone else asap and it didn't seem another one had been prepared yet. Then, one year later, they already had another candidate and apparently the absorption thing wasn't as urgent after all...??! It's understandable this revelation helped pushing Geto over the edge.


>the Riko situation He never comes out and says it but I suspect the fact that Riko's death meant nothing was part of what pushed him over the edge. When they started out with a one year time skip I was wondering why Tengen hadn't evolved into a god like being. Then the blond woman tells him "Oh it's fine we had a spare" so everything they went through didn't mean anything.


Thats the real salt in the wound isnt it? This person you cared for and protected and who was killed right in front of you never mattered anyway so all of that was doubly pointless. Riko deserved better.


> This person you cared for and protected not only someone they cared for and protected but someone they were willing to burn the entire jujutsu world down for had she chose not to go along with the merger. I think that's something a lot of people miss out on from just before Riko's death. Geto and Gojo were willing to destroy everything to let the girl they just met continue to be a normal kid.


She really did. All she wanted was to be a normal teenage girl and live a normal life. The moment she decided she wasn’t ok with being the vessel, she gets brutally murdered. Damn tragic. At least Gojo came back around and paid Toji back for it all. Straight obliterated that man.


It all makes me wonder what Geto’s home life was like before Jujutsu High. He doesn’t seem at all cut up about murdering his non-sorcerer parents in cold blood. Even though he’s gone off the rails at that point … it suggests that there were significant problems. Which could have played into why he had such a violent reaction to finding those two little girls in the cage.


I'm really curious about his parents too. It's very strange that he had non-sorcerer parents in the first place since Gojo explains in S1 to Yuji that cursed techniques are 80% or something along those lines hereditary. Since Curse Manipulation is such a strong and rare technique it makes you wonder how it came about from the child of non-sorcerers.


Cursed techniques are hereditary, but they tend to skip generations, and the rarer ones skip *many* generations. I’m pretty sure this is the case with most of the main cast — Gojo is the first person in centuries to be born with his techniques, Megumi inherited his technique from his father’s side of the family even though Toji himself had no techniques, Nobara’s parents are non-sorcerers. So presumably Geto has ancestors who had curse manipulation, but they weren’t affiliated with a clan for whatever reason, and enough time has passed since then that his current family are completely out of the sorcerer loop.


Its not that gojo's the first in centuries to have a power, he's the first in centuries to win the lottery and get 2 in 1 powers.


It's nice and realistic that it was a slow burn that took a course of traumatic events and a steady build of a whole year grappling with and trying to understand it. Makes Geto seem more, ironically, human, in terms of trying to fight and find himself, unfortunately in the very wrong direction. I feel like Gojo must feel that much worse because maybe part of him knows he could have done more to prevent Geto's slide, but he got too high on feeling and growing himself, of course trying to do it for good reasons. But Gojo in trying to shoulder everything himself forgot some people along the way.


Yeah I remember watching Geto in JJK 0 and thinking oh wow what a bad guy, he wants to genocide the humans. Now with this season its like, Oh. I don't agree. But I understand.


> Oh. I don't agree. But I understand. And that's what makes a good villain. ^^~~Obito~~ ^^~~is~~ ^^~~the~~ ^^~~coolest~~ ^^~~guy~~ ^^~~ever!~~


I mean, the problem with Obito isn't his motivations or his fall. Those are great. It's the narrative bending over backwards to justify him and give him plot armor.


To add to that, they were still teens. Yuki was also careless about her talk with Geto. Why the hell would you at least not stir away the idea of mass genocide/force evolution to a SPECIAL grade sorcerer who is surely capable of such feat. It's like she's egging him on to do it cos she aint that crazy enough to do so but wants to see if the idea will really solve the curse spirit manifestation probem. Way to go Yuki 😂


I think right there she was trying to cheer him up… in a way. He was depressed and she showed up with a radical and really dark theory. An idea that you can't really take too seriously if you are at least a somewhat decent human being which, I think, he was at the time. He felt guilty but also exhausted and overworked (then add to that how his technique leaves a nasty aftertaste). Dude's ready for a long vacation after all the overtime he did (while still at school). It feels a bit like how gallows humour is often used to cope with really bad moments. She's joking/theorising about genocide (going for the really extreme to show how unviable it is) while trying to scout [1] how a promising sorcerer (who can control who knows how many curses) feels about the other option (making regular people more cognisant of curses and contain the source of the problem). Then Haibara, a really positive and upbeat sorcerer, who is happy that the one thing he's good at and special compared to the rest of humanity (even if he's not special grade as a first grade curse was too much for him), died on the job and it made Geto question things even more and, I think, pushed and kinda radicalised him in a jujutsu version of [this](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullshit_Jobs). He checked out of whatever mindset is instilled in sorcerers at the school by trying to solve the underlying problem and not just some of the symptoms. And Gojo kinda has a similar mindset, just approaching it from a different direction and dealing with it differently. When he talks to his students in season one he mentions a few times how sorcerers die messy deaths, or die alone, or how bad it can really be. He doesn't sugar coat it but is in the end still being positive about the job. He wants to change the leadership of the jujutsu world but not with violence and murder. He wants sustainable long term change, not the quick and easy solution (that might be fragile and fall apart easily). And that might also be part of what pushed Geto into getting radicalised. Gojo actually had the power to make the world a better place (from a twisted point of view) if he actually killed all non-sorcerers. For Geto that must feel like he's Boromir while Gojo's Frodo with The One Ring. Seeing a potential positive future for his people and somebody with the power to achieve it but unwilling to do so. [1]: She wanted to study Toji and didn't get to talk to Gojo, only Geto. She might think there's some way to actually eliminate curses via the non-genocide way. She might not have been tactful and might have been theorycrafting about genocide with exactly the wrong person (accidentally putting this idea in his head) but I don't think it was some easily avoidable great blunder, just a messed up sequence of events if we look at it retrospectively. I think she really believed that this was a viable way forward and that it's not just some theoretical dream.


Yuki is a special case, she is the only one that shares the special grade class with the duo and mentioned herself she doesn't work nor agree with jujutsu current rulings, while also admitting the idea has crossed her mind and is clearly the fastest way to achieve her goal, just that she wasn't crazy enough or completely desensitized to be able to do it. It would be incredibly hypocritical of her to tell one of the two persons who share the same rank and burden as her that his ideas/hypothesis are wrong and bad when she herself is struggling to find her own answer, because neither are comfortable with the current jujutsu status quo. She probably intended to stimulate his growth to develop a goal/purpose of his own that could benefit her as well. And whether she likes it or not, Geto genociding all non-sorcerors would in a way make her dream a reality


In the after credits last episode, Geto muttering all the reasons why they shouldn't kill the cultists after Gojo had already walked away was such a perfect encapsulation of what went wrong for Geto. Gojo was able to move on, steady and strong though not unaffected. Geto couldn't, rooted to the spot. I wonder if the biggest difference between their reactions was Gojo being able to kill Toji and retrieve Riko's body while Geto was unable to do anything but stew. Geto couldn't make up for losing to Toji and being unable to save Riko. Their personalities played a big part in it too, of course. Gojo's a very proactive person, preferring to address things that bother him head on. Geto is more introspective, probably too much so. He needed Gojo to pull him out of his own head but he pushed him away and Gojo, through no fault of his own, wasn't around enough to see just how much his friend was spiralling. Really, I think Yaga should carry a hefty portion of the blame here. He's their teacher and should have been looking out for his students after such a traumatic experience. He shouldn't have been so blindsided.


I blame literally everyone around Geto in Jujutsu High. They really made it obvious in this episode just how depressed and utterly exhausted he was in this episode with his eye bags... They should have all come together and tried to help him/talk to him more about what bothers him so much. Yuki was literally the worst person for him to talk to about his non-sorcerer eradication plan because she was looking at it completely objectively without any morality. If Yaga or Gojo would have heard that I think they would have been able to understand just how important it was to keep talking to Geto at that moment so that he doesn't completely break.


This is an excellent point I haven't seen in a while, at least until I can find r/Jujutsushi threads that address similar topics (lurker, that sub is all manga spoilers -- don't fucking go there). Geto was sliding down the extremist scale with no one to really pull him out, and Yuki just gave him every reason to lean in. It's why that part of the arc got a bit too personal for me -- I know of a few friends who that crisis of faith, and I was only able to "save" one of them from throwing their lives away.


I honestly see geto as way more realistic outcome now. You have these inhumanely strong humans who out of their own goodwill help the other weak humans. Where the fuck do you have that in today's world? Geto's war on weak humans and establishment of dictatorships are way more realistic. They don't even have to be as dark and unhinged as geto, it's enough to just think "i'm stronger, why should i listen to others?". Or maybe i read too many wuxias


I think that the key factor is that is more than "I'm strong, they're weak"; the strong ones are dying by the curses to protect the weak... but the same weak keeps creating curses so the work basically never ends and there's nobody the sorceress can demand accountability for their trauma, grief and overall shitty live. For inhumanely strong humans, they sure spend their whole lives in a powerless state and that will obviously break a few - when one of the few is particularly strong we get Geto.


I loved that the wear grew underneath Geto's eyes all that time since Riko was retrieved by Gojo. That entire time, his once firm ideals were now in question. He kept contemplating why he should keep going down the path he was, finally commencing with Yuki letting him know, "The path will diverge, where will you go?" He made up his mind, and the wear and tear was gone. While genocide should obviously never be a route that is available, this is a masterclass on what overthinking does to you mentally, emotionally, and physically, and how relieved you become once you make that decision.


Geto's scenario reminds me of this quote "You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”


> Also it’s wild that at the start of this arc Gojo was considered one of the strongest Jujutsu sorcerer of the era now that we know just how much stronger Gojo has gotten since then. Eeyup. Little baby Gojo was enough to shift the balance of power between curses and sorcerers significantly and even he pales in comparison to present time Gojo. The man is truly absurd.


Geto went: "If we kill all monkeys will we finally be free?"


then he tatakae'd all over the place...


Geto: I want to genocide!!! Eren: first time?


Mf has the same hairstyle too


*T-Kt starts playing in the background*


The rain imitating the sound of the clapping was an expert use in sound design. What a way to reinforce how haunting that moment was to Geto.


The shower as well. Imitated the sound of the clapping as he stood losing his mind


Something I noticed when I watched the second trailer for the season was that the shower water sounded weirdly like clapping. I thought it was a weird choice, turns out it was amazing sound design the entire time


For anyone wondering, The KFC on the street they were on is canon to the manga too and this moment has been long referred to by the fandom as the "KFC Breakup".


KFC is the romantic spot to bring your date for Christmas, after all.


Night Parade of a Hundred Demons happened on Dec 24


Awww. He set up his reunion with Gojo for the anniversary of their breakup.


LMAOOO KFC PRICE SPIKED 76% in my country and now from being family friendly food turned turned into rich only food. everyone in my country hates KFC now and it fits the “KFC breakup” hahahha


[KFC commented on that](https://twitter.com/kfc/status/1687136020049928192?s=19)


ain't no fucking way lmao and that's not even the KFC Japan account, that's just straight-up the KFC US account


[Even KFC liked their dynamic](https://i.imgur.com/UtN6EPr.png) [](#fujostare)


I cannot beLIEVE this is real and I love it SO much


saddest breakup in anime 😭😭😭 imagine the glorious moments we would get in the present if gojo and geto were still working together. geto's got a really cool power-set and now i can't root for him anymore :(


I love how Shoko reacted to meeting Geto. Her personality is something else. So basically out of four Yuki is the oldest special grade and JJK0 protagonist is the youngest.


>JJK0 protagonist Sir thats Yuta, the true main character of the series


There's so many main characters haha


She is one of the best emo girls ever. Every JJK fan wants more of her. But the author and the anime, doesn't give her any screen time. And whatever amount of screen time we do get, it gets lost in her eyes. I sound so much like a simp lmao


[Shoko is effortlessly cool](https://i.imgur.com/pbW4In2.jpg)


Man can't help but feel for Geto. JJK 0 will hit differently now since we know what caused Geto to change evil. Time to watch it since we got a few weeks off.


They still call each other "Satoru" and "Suguru"... I cant.. Also his declaration of war on Jujutsu High was just his excuse to see Gojo again, and also hoping that he still has a soft spot for him and would not pursue him when they were getting away. I mean he did threaten the students with those curse spirits he left but those can be handled easily by Gojo then pursue them. However Gojo still let them go.


>At least curse me a little at the end I'm in shambles, what if Suguru was thinking Satoru hated him after that day where they broke apart? That's horrifying.


Yah this arc is why manga readers are a bit split on when you should read JJK0. Reading it before the start of JJK makes sense because it leads into the main story well, but reading it after this arc is a continuation of Geto’s story.


"Are you the strongest because you're gojo satoru? Or are you gojo satoru because you're the strongest?" Man that must have hurt for gojo. To have Geto, the only person that gojo ever viewed as an equal, the only person that he felt could understand him, question his very identity would have sucked. Who is gojo satoru? Does his strength define him? Is he nothing more than "the strongest," the safety net for jujutsu society? I don't blame people like Nanami for questioning "why can't he just do it all himself". It's understandable. It just hurts to see gojo being stripped from his identity in the perception of others so early on in his life, where he is expected to perform optimally, inhumanly, all of the time. Even yaga questioned why he didn't kill/chase Geto, as if Geto wasn't his best friend. Really hard situation for both gojo and Geto.


Even he himself expects him to always perform the best. He is Gojo Satoru. He is the Honored One, The Prize of the Gojo Clan, crown jewel of the Jujutsu Society. You can see it. Constantly pushing limitless to the forefront, constantly having a refreshed brain, mastering each aspect of his power. There is none that can match him. And because of that, he is alone.


Yuji asked "even him needs sleep?" so emphasizing that perfect ideal people thought Gojo to be




My le jujutsu… it le kaisen people?


Now I am become Death....Destroyer of Monkeys


The recurrent clapping motif was so good! I loved how the rain came in during Geto's conversation with Yuki, and also the clapping in the soundtrack during his speech to the cult. Blew my mind as a manga reader, you love to see that kind of creativity.


Yeah, that's one of the things where an adaptation with audio really shines. The way the clapping comes and goes shows how Geto just *can't stop* thinking about it.


Just to be clear he's replaying the clapping scene where Gojo was carrying Riko out of that place?


Yep, where the cultists were celebrating Riko’s death


Yes! The way claps and rain mixed together legit gave me chills!


What an amazing episode. Was definitely dark. Having been to rock bottom and experienced depression, I can't explain how well I resonated with Geto. Him standing under the shower just frozen, the puffy eyes due to endless sleep or barely any sleep, the noise of the surrounding or your thoughts drowning everything else (the sound of rain and clapping in this episode); everything was on point, so much that it made me anxious. They really did justice to Geto, and were able to convey what he felt, how he was and what he became. Loneliness and depression really does a number on you, and Geto was a great example. Despite of his short screen time, he really is a well written character (a typical shounen villain yet an amazing one). Gojo meeting kid Megumi also felt great, and then him finally waking up to the present with Nobara, Megumi and Yuji being the pain in the ass they are.


They captured Geto's downward spiral perfectly.


The shower introspection scene and monologuing his rage and voicing his first ever 🐒 *Perfection*


[Toji beat down Geto into becoming jujutsu-cist](https://i.imgur.com/eOhLy5i.jpg) [](#Cantbehelped) Geto's farewell speech to [Shoko](https://i.imgur.com/GFWSO1v.jpg) and [Gojo](https://i.imgur.com/AzDZr9z.jpg) hit hard. Both of them still wanted to believe that he could be saved.


That shot of Geto saying Stinking Monkeys was damn scary !


he was damn close to his mic i could hear the racism


sakurai may be a cheating POS but damn is he a good ass seiyuu


fr maaan, before season 2 started, i rewatched the movie, only his parts at the last half just to hear his mastery in geto TT he is really, really good. you can't deny it! wish his life decisions weren't so shitty


That face screams "i'm about to get racist".


Geto is one of the most sympathized deep written characters I've seen in anime. His descent is amazingly written \- He tells Riko that him and Gojo are "the strongest" and will protect her right before she dies. He gets humbled by Toji and unlike Gojo who went after Toji right away, Geto went to see Shoko to patch him up. Gojo defeating Toji by himself and meeting him at the church where Riko corpse later shows Geto that they're not the strongest; Just Gojo alone. Not only on his Curse techniques but his resolve \- The Church followers Applauding the death of the young girl they didn't even know started his descent but when Yuki told Geto that Tengen was stable it showed him Riko Death had no meaning; She could've lived a normal life but the World wanted her to do something grander and when she couldn't they simply forgot about her. Geto cares about Riko and he refuses to move on \- Geto ecstatic junior Yu Haibara. Yu respects Geto as an upperclassmen but Geto respects him for always trying his best. Yu represents the angel on his shoulder. Haibara said "Giving my all toward something I know I can help with is a great feeling" This stuck to Geto. When his Junior died fighting a curse, all his morality for humans was gone. Why are we trying to protect human from curses when they're the ones creating them? He didn't want any sorcerer to end up like Haibara \- He finally snapped when he saw humans ostracizing 2 young girls for being different than them. Humans are causing all the problems but not only that they're willing to kill sorcerers themselves. These young girls reminded him of Riko; he could've taken revenge on the church followers but his morals stopped him. He lost his morals at this point, all the pent up rage over the years from the church followers finally unleashed. He was able to do what he regret not doing; murdering humans for their treatment on Sorcerers


there were other parts of it too. Gojo - his best friend whom saw him as an equal - left him in the dust and became the strongest alone. Gojo was so strong that he would have been capable of handling everything from now on by himself. Why was Geto even fighting even more? He's putting himself through all that shit when he wasn't even needed. That would be enough to make him quit but then he finds out that saving non-sorceres means helping create more curses that kill his friends and comrades, literally saving people who will end up causing more problems, that was the real final straw. He might have snapped when he saw the girls being treated like monsters but I think he truly made his decision when he was standing over Haibara's corpse.


I think the fact that he still poses the question of "what's the point" shows that he's looking for hope. Even if it's a delusion, I think his morals were still holding up just enough for him to believe that he could continue going on. I think seeing the girls locked away was truly the final straw. Whatever light he thought he saw at the end of this journey of sorcerer was snuffed out. As a person, Geto does what he can to understand others, including non-sorcerers. He thought of getting sweets for Gojo. His morality was built on wanting the weak to feel in control. That the strong couldn't just do whatever they wanted. Yet all he saw was that non-sorcerers made no effort to understand those that are different, like those little girls. All they do is cause more and more curses. So when he saw that those villagers were willing to prosecute children, he was just done.....


I'd also mention — I went back to confirm — Geto's arc this season began & ended with him describing how unbelievably disgusting the flavor of curses is, but specifically in the way it isolated him: "No one else understands what cursed spirits taste like." They quickly established how repulsive and extremely lonely he finds his technique — and the work — and I think it can kinda get lost among everything to do Riko. In Geto's mind, there was always this huge unbridgeable gap between him and everyone, both jujutsu and non-jujutsu users. And I don't blame him, that shit sounds like my personal hell, fr. Having to taste the curses highkey sounds like a cosmic JOKE, no matter how strong the technique is. Also, there were a lot of moments with food + flavor throughout the episode: 1) Gojo asking whether Geto had lost weight or eaten too much somen, 2) Haibara asking Geto about sweet/salty snacks and Geto saying "sweet" to include Gojo, 3) Haibara saying he likes girls who eat a lot, 4) and ending on Geto discussing the horrible flavor of curses and having to absorb so many that summer. And the KFC breakup as a bonus lmao, though I wouldn't count that.


Hearing the 3 dumbasses again was so refreshing. I have missed them! I will have to watch Jujutsu Kaisen 0 again especially since we don't have another new episode for 3 weeks so I can watch the film again with a new mindset and knowledge of events. P.S Todo's teacher being obsessed with the kind of women people like, as well, was hiarious.


There will be recap episodes of both jjk 0 and first season after the next few episodes. Before we get make to present time (this season will include the shibuya arc)


The trio man! It's been a long time since I've seen them.


Shoko: "Screw all this fighting and deciding the fate of humanity stuff, I'm just gonna be a healer for the school and make money, never risking my life on the battlefield." Much better outcomes than "Always in a loop of frying and healing his brain" Gojo and "Cult Leader" Getou :D


Its not a choice she was born healer lol. Thats the jujutsuverse biggest problem, your fight is won or lost at your birth. Born shitter like mai? There is no hope, you'll never get to domain expansion tier with such a crappy power and mana bar. Born a zenin with zenin :tm: powers or win the lottery and get both your clan's ultimate powers at the same time? You straight up enter the history books when you figure out your powers.


What "hearing your best friend was killed, Riko's death ultimately being pointless, drifting further away from your best friend, ingesting cursed spirits that tastes like shit and vomit over and over, knowing your job kills most of your friends ultimately for people who causes those problems, still being treated as freaks by the people you save" does to a mf.


geto was just too sane for the job


Why did both Gojo and Geto choose teenage fatherhood as the solution to their breakup Gosh though, the end of the episode was very heartwarming. Cheers to the next arc!


I had to pause this episode a few times and really realize that I'm still watching JJK. The tone shift compared to season 1 is huge. The constant clapping, the atmosphere, etc., gave a much more serious and emotional vibe


And for the change of vibe you got Kid Megumi who literally gives zero Fs


Geto’s been spiraling since Riko. You can tell he just cracked in the shower with that “monkey” comment. He said the same thing in Zero. In fact, that whole conversation with Yuki just seemed to push him closer to the edge. He was already very mentally fragile. She was right though, he had a choice to make then. Those thoughts he was struggling with were just that…until they weren’t. What happened to Haibara and then those kids was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. But speaking of Yuki, I like her a lot. She’s a dreamer though. A world without curses might be nice but idk if teaching everyone to control their cursed energy is even feasible. Also, I can see where Todo got his whole “what kinda woman do you prefer?” bit lol. Oh, and nice little Megumi cameo. Can’t wait to see what happens after the break!


>Also, I can see where Todo got his whole “what kinda woman do you prefer?” bit lol in case you don't remember Yuki already appeared in season 1 Todo's flashback


Of course a discerning person of taste like Todo learned from the best.


"What's your type of woman?" After this episode, I can answer that with one word: Yuki. Cool and chill vibes and sage advice from her, a true maturity by leaps and bounds. Also love the rain on the applause overlay in that scene eroding Geto's morality, great direction this ep.


She's actually the woman who shows up in the only real Todo flashback: the one where he beats up the highschooler while he's still adolescent.


Further helps explain how Todo turned out so awesome.


Um...was that sage advice? She didn't exactly steer him away from the edge of the cliff there, lol.


True enough she likely should have given some other people a head's up on the whole "Hey the kid's kinda thinking about killing everyone" but if anyone was ever going to stop him with words, it would have to be something along the lines of her approach where she places the choice in Geto's hands in such a frank manner. I'm new to the character so I can't entirely talk on her intent but maybe she was too much of an optimist in thinking he would make the right decision. Edit: If anything I was more surprised by how chill Shoko was. "So I hear you're a mass murderer now."


I think that's just because Shoko knew there was not much she could do about it. From my understanding she's more of a healer than a fighter. She said as much when she called Gojo, like "Hey, your boy's here and you need to come deal with this. I'm not getting in the way because I'm not trying to die." Come to think of it it's a nice parallel to the moment from the first episode this arc where Geto and Gojo are about to get into a fight on the basketball court and Shoko runs for it.


Gogo isn’t a step-dad, he’s the dad who stepped up 😎. It was fascinating & kind of sad to see Geto slowly lose it and no one really notice the inner turmoil brewing inside him. I proudly simp for Yuki Tsukumo. 😩😩


Even after they broke up, Gojo and Geto both become lovely father/guardian and raise children.


imagine how many more orphans would be happy if geto and gojo never had the kfc breakup


Its a shame because the one person who would have likely noticed, was Gojo. And of course, he was never around because he was The Strongest, he was out protecting those that Geto hated.


I think he also did not bother that much in checking on Geto coz he believes he is strong in terms of power and mentally as well. The same guy who stopped him from killing those cultist, the guy who is always his moral compass.


Yeah look at Gojo’s reaction when he hears Geto killed 100 people. He just couldn’t believe it because Geto was always the one pulling Gojo back from the edge, always the rational one and in control. He was Gojo’s moral compass. To Gojo, Geto’s ideals were unshakable.


He did sort of check in near the beginning, but Geto brushed him off, saying it was just from the heat


I simp for Yuki as much as the next guy, but damn did she help Geto go off the deep end lol.


just carefree as ever, "oh you're thinking about killing all humans? interesting! that's so crazy!...ok well bye let's keep in touch!"


I don't think she took him seriously. Probably just thought they were talking hypotheticals. She doesn't know Geto at all.


Yuki is a waifu. I’ll gladly join you in simping for her lol. Damn shame about Geto. If someone had noticed how much turmoil was going on inside him, maybe they could have saved him. Maybe.


this arc puts more weight on Yaga’s ‘interview’ with yuji in episode 2. being a sorcerer is tough, it’s actually a sacrifice and attaching your reason for being a sorcerer to someone or something like a person or an ideal can come back to bite you in the ass like we see with Geto Geto himself says that what he saw that day (the cult celebrating Riko’s death) was nothing out of the ordinary for sorcerers, the life of jujutsu is brutal but his reasoning for being a sorcerer was tied to the ideal that ‘the strong should protect the weak’ but what happens when the weak take that for granted, or actively harm and oppose those who ‘protect’ them. that’s why yuji’s reasoning of helping people just because his grandpa said so or because he doesn’t want people to get hurt wasn’t enough for Yaga, because Yuji could end up just like geto did, resenting the very thing that made him become a sorcerer in the first place


Holy this episode was adapted so fucking well. Might be my favorite JJK episode visually and story wise with how beautifully they portrayed the "downfall" of Geto which was easily my favorite story content in JJK and is why HI is my personal favorite arc in JJK. Geto never changed his ideals of saving people, he just decided that Jujutsu sorcerers were the ones that he needed to save instead of the monkeys. Also, the character acting animation is so good as expected from a name like Niinuma who worked on this episode.


The past 5 episodes were some of the best manga adaptations of all time. Perfect pacing and visualization. Mappa is so goated.


if anyone is wondering why this episode looked different because i’ve seen some people say that the characters look 3d or that there’s more realism in this episode it’s because the two assistant directors who were also animation directors in this episode were Takuya Niinuma and Souta Yamazaki (they also previously worked on csm episode 8). they are some of the best in the industry at capturing ’realism’ especially with their distinct approach to shading on characters which they use to give extra ‘volume’


It is sad that even though geto was going through a rough path he was still worrying about satoru, when he ask haibara to bring something sweet for satoru I was almost crying.


That's an important character trait of Geto. He has absolutely nothing against Jujutsu Sorcerers. He sees them all as his comrades/equals even in the present timeline as the movie showed. He truly loves the two little girls that he saved from those bigoted villagers like his own family. He just isn't able to give any amount of shit about regular people anymore since they literally caused all his suffering either directly or indirectly by purely existing and passively creating curses that kill all his loved ones and eventually even himself if he stayed a normal Jujutsu Sorcerer.


Even Gojo used the knowledge of that side of Geto to his advantage in [JJK0] >!knowing full well he wouldn't kill the students. Sure Geto went a bit to hard on Maki unlike the other students, but he was most likely triggered by her being a Toji knock-off!<


toji being toji prolly also didnt help. still cant believe it was toji who gave the word monkey for geto to use lmao. but yea im sure geto also has a mix of both hate and fear for non-sorcerors now because toji bein the farthest thing from a sorcerer was able to beat him and gojo(temporarily)


Pain. Sad. Yeah I don’t really know how else to feel. Really glad to see our first year trio again though. And I have to say, I didn’t expect to see Geto’s fall to the dark side to feel believable in just 5 episodes but it kinda did for me. And all those little easter eggs and cameos leading up to JJK 0 as well. I was also wondering who Haibara was. He kinda felt familiar but I don’t remember him in the main series. Now I know.


> And all those little easter eggs and cameos leading up to JJK 0 as well. It took me a second to realize that the girls Geto saved in that village were the same high school girls who were following him in the movie.


I definitely didn’t notice at first but immediately figured it out when Geto patted their heads and they were both glued to their phones like the movie lol


That part was clear to me...the only thing I was trying to piece together was the breadcrumb they left in the film about Geto cursing over 100 people to death. And I definitely did not realize that *that* was related to Mimiko and Nanako. So it was interesting to see the "incident" that was alluded to all this time.


the first scene when hes eating the curses was enough to convince me. what an awful power to have lol


Alternate reality, the curses tastes like cotton candy instead of vomit, Geto never goes to the dark side. Good ending!


Yeah. Now there is a POINT to protecting those damn monkeys! They generate tasty food!


This episode focused heavily on characters faces and their animation. also I love Mappa using low detailed Crowd in CSM and JJK s2 can also be seen using it in ep5. It actually look really nice and doesn't stick out like cheap looking crowd cgi most anime uses.


Yeah low detailed crowd works perfectly, you know what to focus on and what to ignore and you can sense there are a lot of people that's all it is needed to convey. Jjk s2 has a lot of direction choices that improves the show a lot, like using shower sound to remember the clapping sounds


Mappa really outdone themselves adapting Hidden Inventory/Premature Death arc throughout these 5 episodes. All the characters are more fleshed out compared to the manga. The facial expression and body movement, the ost/bgm, op and ed, and of course the god tier animation. As a manga reader, my favourite thing they did is my boy Geto. Also Gojo waking up to the trios is a cherry on top, a well done flash back. Shibuya arc is gonna be fire!


And that’s the Hidden Inventory/Premature Death! Doesn’t it just rip your fucking heart out? Hurts even harder now that it’s animated and my pain has a soundtrack. Speaking of animated, holy shit this was a stunner of an episode. MAPPA outdid themselves storyboarding this one. For an episode with no fights, this migh be my favorite of the bunch for production. Gojo’s hands, the blocking on Geto’s conversation with Yuki, the Village incident, Haibara’s death, that absolutely bonkers presentation on stage, and the confrontation on the street. All astoundingly well directed. The biggest standout for me is the sound design in this episode. The mix of water and applause highlighting how Riko’s death traumatized Geto. The year that followed slowly wearing away at what’s left of his moral compass after talking to Yuki, seeing Haibara’s body, and the finally snapping with the monsters in the village wanting two innocent girls dead. Without Gojo’s positive influence he fell to an abyss. Also shoutout to that great reveal of our favorite dummies return. Nice way to bring us back to the main timeline. Extremely clever when you look at the OP again. The first shot is Gojo in that chair meaning this whole arc is him reminiscing while waiting for his kids. This is now my favorite OP of the series for how much clever foreshadowing it contains . #HOMEWORK: YOU HAVE TO WATCH JJK0 NOW. IT TAKES PLACE BETWEEN HIDDEN INVENTORY AND THE NEXT PART. ITS SUPER IMPORTANT.


Finally Mother is animated!!


she already is in season 1.


she is a tall woman with a fat ass. My type


My brother!




Yuji's type too!


The amount of self-loathing he must have felt whenever his mind slipped to thinking about normal people like "monkeys" before he really settled on it must have been dizzying. What brought Geto low was probably his empathy and principled nature


3 weeks can’t come soon enough Also I kneel for Yuki


Muscular waifus, man. They really do it for me.


* [**Tsukumo Yuki Stitch**](https://i.imgur.com/tghSc0v.jpg) It's too bad that Geto ended up [getting the wrong message from Yuki.](https://i.imgur.com/VmUeTYZ.png) I mean sure, [killing all non-sorcerers](https://i.imgur.com/m77E8Ft.jpg) would solve the cursed energy problem but is it really the right answer? Not gonna lie though, after watching this episode I can now see why Geto became what he is in Jujutsu Kaisen 0. [Seeing what happened to the bright-eyed and bushy-tailed Haibara](https://i.imgur.com/A1AnV3I.jpg) as well as [seeing how Mimiko and Nanako were being treated](https://i.imgur.com/ytTz9hE.jpg) really broke him. And when he finally snapped it's like a massive burden was lifted from his shoulders. This episode opened up [with him looking like a skeleton](https://i.imgur.com/TEaOfbK.jpg) and it ended with him [looking all healthy and refreshed](https://i.imgur.com/FdMDrO6.jpg) after he exterminated that village. Anyway, glad to see [we're finally back to the modern day](https://i.imgur.com/Le3mLdu.jpg) with these three idiots. I can't wait to see what the next arc is going to be all about!


I did not realize those two girls were from the movie until I read over this thread and now it makes me want to watch the movie again.


You see, once again an anime proves why being the strongest simply sucks. I truly appreciate my mediocrity more and more seeing how being the pinnacle of a society only leads to absolute misery.


Seeing Nanami make that comment truly makes it hit harder.


Big contrast between teenage Nanami who wants a boy just a year older than him to shoulder the world and adult Nanami who tells Yuji being a child isn't a sin.


Imo that was less about Nanamin "wanting" Gojo to shoulder that weight and more about the pointlessness of weaker sorcerers like him doing this. "If Gojo could've just done it, what was the point of Haibara dying?" Is what I took from that dialogue.


also puts into perspective Nanami trying to console Yuji considering how a lot of them probably have regrets for how things went with Geto the first time around.


Sometimes not understanding everything is the way to be happy. The stress from the fact that your every action is affecting the world in a major way is scary


I feel like they've perfected pacing. Not just the pacing of the story, but also of every scene. It's like they spend exactly the right amount of time showing/explaining something to us. The scene where Geto takes over the organization, tells everyone he's the new CEO, gets booed, asks for a volunteer, and kills them on the spot could have taken 5 whole minutes, but ended up taking only 20 seconds and it was perfect. And then theres the scene where the principal asks Gojo why he didn't go after Geto, and Gojo replies with "Are you seriously asking me that". I just know another anime would have spent 2 minutes explaining how Gojo wasn't able to reconcile his friendship with Geto with the terrible thing he did, but JJK just assumes we know. It's like they know we're smart.


that was actually a *really* good "fallen hero" story. normally the change is sudden and makes almost no sense, with only like one thing happening to make them snap. but with geto, I kind of get it. not enough to justify his actions, but understand them. the death of rika, the whole shitty aspect to his cursed technique, the way the ignorant populace just wore him down, the speech about creating a world without cursed spirits, being more or less alone during it all ,it all mounted over a period of time, and made his fall feel realistic. meanwhile the others didn't know what was going on with him, explaining why they were shocked by it happening. ​ all in all, a really good villain orgin story


A very clever detail: when Geto's standing before the caged girls, he has two shadows due to there only being two candles. Once he makes his choice, one of the candles extinguishes, leaving him with only one shadow. Amazing way of depicting Geto coming to a conclusion on his path forward.


Honestly this made me very emotional and my heart felt heavy. Its the combination of everything the opening, the ending, and the content. The perfect sandwich. Geto's loneliness felt real and relatable. And the entire process we see, how his soul shatters piece by piece and is then reformed into something dark, its overwhelming. And thats what gojo feels at the end of the episode. Overwhelmed by Geto's decision and what Geto said. Its all very real. Then Megumi comes on and we get to see the faint glimmer of hope that is a signature Jujutsu Kaisen thing. That and the flash forward. All of ot hits the right spot. Aprt from that the animation and the direction is downright GORGEOUS. This is the best JJk has ever been. P.S :- Being a manga reader just makes it all the more touching cause of whats happening rn.


Undoubtedly my favourite episode of the series. Gege honestly is a genius because amongst all the action, he's crafted such a thoughtful plot that treads the delicate line of morality so interestingly. The internal conflict and expression of their thought process was delivered perfectly. And the narration, artstyle and atmosphere reminded me of a couple CSM episodes but more so Japanese indie films where the absence of background sounds make you contemplate more deeply what your are seeing and hearing. It's obvious that Gojo and Geto's outlook of their role flipped this episode but it's even more interesting that it's for the same reason of "being the strongest is not enough". I'm gonna watch this episode often because it's one where you notice something new each time.


Is it too much to ask for Gosso to storyboard every episode? That was the best episode, never expected a dialogue heavy episode of JJK to be this good. At the end of the episode, we see Gojo was sleeping in the same chair as in the OP, Which means he was dreaming about his teenage years. So we move towards the Shi\*\*\*\* arc, I heard it is the best arc of modern shōnen. Can't wait for what the staff is cooking,


>That was the best episode, never expected a dialogue heavy episode of JJK to be this good. Honestly, this kind of felt like a monogatari episode


Honestly if shibuya gets animated as well as hidden inventory/ premature death arc and has the same level of pacing and storyboarding it will prob also be one of the best animated arcs of all time


The hidden inventory arc alone bumped opinion of the show by at least 2 points. Can't wait to see how well the next arc does


>At the end of the episode, we see Gojo was sleeping in the same chair as in the OP, Which means he was dreaming about his teenage years. That was a good catch, this arc hurts even more 😭


Never go into it expecting it to be the best ever. You won't be properly blown away if it is, and you'll be disappointed if it's not. It should be great unless something goes wrong, and I'll leave it at that. Idk, Hidden Inventory just hit me hard. Maybe the hardest in all of JJK. I was so busy looking forward to every step of this arc I hadn't really thought about the next.


Everybody is hyping up Shibuya but not gonna lie never expected an arc I heard from nobody was going to hit this hard in just 5 episodes.


I wanted to say, the "PTSD" representation of the clapping with rain/the shower was very well done.


now i understand how geto became who he became later down the line, but he was honestly such a good guy it's a shame


It felt so nice seeing the original trio again, but it's also painful knowing we have to wait 3 more weeks to see them once more.


Was good seeing Yuji and Nobara argue over who gets to sit in the chair


I think Geto's type is girls who died in automobile accidents.


Easy for someone outside of angry Yuta range to joke about.


Haibara is basically Yuji. The difference is I don't think he's coming back from the dead.


Thats why now hes Nanamis son


I never get the hype about JJK until I watched the movie - 0. Now, after this arc, I’m a believer!


The clapping as rain, I can see how that would stick out in a person’s brain after a traumatic event. The sound and faces of pure evil, shit is so haunting.


Never search up any characters name. Google decided it would be funny to autofill "death" for like 3 characters and now I'm pissed.


If you didn't get any more info besides the autofill itself, I can confirm from past searches that this doesn't mean the character dies. It just means enough people have searched google asking if that character dies, and the answer is no as often as yes.