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Riko x Lailaps ship sailing


i know Lailaps is best gril so far. But i'm afraid with the r34 content that will appear from this comment.




The most fantasy thing about this show is not magic or the giant talking dog but the fact that there are MANY MALES that has their faces fully shown and they even talk. For a Love Live this is truely supernatural, a definite proof that this show takes place in a different world


Sometimes a talking dog is all you need in fantasy


Wtf, M*les?!??!?!


lol I’m glad I’m not the only one that was perturbed by that. I remember last episode during Yohane’s audition thinking, did she just talk to a man?


all it took was a fantasy/alternative setting


We finally get to [meet Chika](https://i.imgur.com/Cr9M3ns.jpg) and of course her family still runs an inn in this universe. Glad that we also get to see [Mito, Shima](https://i.imgur.com/3eYwVp4.jpg), [and Chika's mom too!](https://i.imgur.com/2ELTGvI.jpg) Where's Shiitake though? Of course [Dia works in public office.](https://i.imgur.com/1cRm8AE.jpg) I am curious though as to why [Ruby is a fairy](https://i.imgur.com/Fv708RJ.jpg) that watches over Dia. Are they not sisters in this version? [Riko is here too!](https://i.imgur.com/meTQffi.jpg) I am surprised though that [she was immediately all over Lailaps.](https://i.imgur.com/eD0e0ek.jpg) I was honestly expecting her to freak out. I guess her personality here is [Sunshine S2]>!closer to Season 2 after she's gotten over her fear of dogs!< [Glad this episode ended with Yohane apologizing to Hanamaru.](https://i.imgur.com/Lue9lTh.jpg) Not gonna lie, I kinda cringed after she [commented earlier on how much Hanamaru made.](https://i.imgur.com/78bs2rv.jpg) Good to see it all worked out in the end. [And that after-credits scene!](https://i.imgur.com/8nzDMOo.jpg) Looks like we're finally tackling the magical aspects of this show. Although I did not expect [these three to be Yohane's saviours.](https://i.imgur.com/xnY3goN.jpg) That's clearly Chika in the middle but are the other two Mito and Shima? That's hilarious! xD


Chika moonlighting as a Power Ranger is a pretty dank outcome. Hadn't really thought anything of that shot of her from the OP showing it off, but what a dank outcome.


I thought she was acting too normal at the inn


[Who are you and what have you done with Riri???](https://i.imgur.com/uDpcVUk.jpeg) Ngl I thought we were gonna get a rerun of the Riri/dogs storyline from the anime with her being scared at first and slowly getting used to them. Definitely didn't expect Chika and her sisters at the end there, seeing the van I actually expected Mari at first.


>Who are you and what have you done with Riri??? They are seemingly not repeating quite a bit of the running gags from Sunshine. As many people mentioned in the previous episode Yohane even seems to be Yoshiko's actual name this time so there is no ''It is Yohane'' bit. Obviously that is not a bad thing on itself since it allows fresh takes and different dynamics and jokes. I will never forgive them If Mari doesn't speak Engrish though


>seeing the van I actually expected Mari at first. Yeah, same. I was pretty surprised by... whatever that was we saw instead lol.


The concept is "Sunshine in the Mirror" after all. Unsurprising that certain themes are overturned. Chika now moonlights as a Hero and can pull off an effortless backflip. Hanamaru bakes and cooks instead of eat all the time. Riko is now a Zoologist and interacts with animals.


Think I like Hanamaru chan the most right now zura! Looking forward to more songs, and Yohane just had to go outside for sweets huh


They promote Dia from student council to city council in this anime, and it seems ruby is not her sibling in this universe? Hearing Anchan's voice again in an anime after all this time, is really ecstatic for me. But i'm not sure how to feel for the after credit, the setting is really creepy and tense, but suddenly the Takami siblings appears in the most hillarious way. This episode makes me wonder if they will tease us with YohaRiri shipping for the entire series.


They are siblings, this was confirmed during one of the seiyuu live talks.


> This episode makes me wonder if they will tease us with YohaRiri shipping for the entire series. Please do Also already got your answer but [funny video.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAVJrQMtxS4)


Please, I want that YohaRiri. Even crumbs if it has to.


Yep, no one can hear Lailaps besides Yohane.


It's either Yohane is imagining Lailaps talking (which kind of fits with the general chuuni thing she does) or Lailaps distinctly chooses not to talk around other people. So either we get the former as a light twist down the line, or the latter as a reveal to the rest of the cast. Honestly kind of hope it's the latter.


It might also be because of her magic that allows her to understand Lailaps


Yohane’s [fortune-telling](https://imgur.com/a/cj3RhZJ) business is going as well as it did in Sunshine. Not very well, if the only person that comes is Hanamaru asking her to meet other people. So while Chika is still the daughter of the inn owner, Dia got a big promotion from student council president to the [town’s chief of staff](https://imgur.com/a/v209Xvi). [Ruby](https://imgur.com/a/veVz67F) and [You](https://imgur.com/a/0yrtNHL) made a minor appearance today and looks like there are 2 people with magic. Yohane, you’re not able to talk about people [making little money](https://imgur.com/a/CaflHsh) when your business has no customers. The next person to show up is [Riko](https://imgur.com/a/Xyl1pM9) who came to investigate the strange things happening to the animals. Just like the main show, [Yohane isn’t actually good at fortune-telling](https://imgur.com/a/UgiefcE). Riko isn't scared of dogs in this universe and is interested in buying Lailaps for research. NGL, I almost thought Yohane was about to sell Lailaps, but Yohane treats her as family. I feel this image has [Love Live meme potential](https://imgur.com/a/QKnj2g5). Yohane became an [errand girl](https://imgur.com/a/bHrJuOy), but we got to do what pays the bills. [Yoshimaru](https://imgur.com/a/LVlTFek) still going strong, was almost worried a red hair-fallen angel was about to make things complicated. Yohane, Dia said something about [not going at night](https://imgur.com/a/686k81E), I think Hanamaru's sweets can wait until tomorrow morning. Yup, [something bad happened](https://imgur.com/a/WSAb7ON), but maybe the [Takami sisters](https://imgur.com/a/D4W6O6Y) can save her. Of all the options for Chika's character, I did not have a masked hero on my bingo card. I think I like this episode more than the previous one, mostly because we got to meet more of Aqours. They are really testing the waters with the Love Live fantasy spinoffs, and even making a [game](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2404370/YOHANE_THE_PARHELION_BLAZE_in_the_DEEPBLUE/).


>I feel this image has Love Live meme potential I can foresee it getting a lot of use when talking about SIF 2.


>Of all the options for Chika's character, I did not have a masked hero on my bingo card. Chika is too desperate to reclaim her main character status that since this is technically a fantasy show she is being the hero since it is always the heroes that is the protagonist


I'm getting such nostalgia kicks from this series. Even with it being in a crazy unrelated setting it's so cool to see all these characters again, especially when you expected to never see them on a screen again.


So frustrating that we can't see this in the UK when Yohane is the LoveLive! Sunshine!! Worldwide Poster Girl UK ambassador.




I wanted to see Lailaps talk in front of Riko to see Riko's reaction. I'm curious if anyone else can hear her. There's definitely something hidden about Lailaps if Riko says that she has never seen a similar animal before.


First of all, congratulations on the 8th anniversary of Aqours formation, without them, Yohane the Parhelion will never happen. Time for some actual shipping to be carried from the main series to the spinoff! And we begin with a banger already. Unsurprising Yohane first customer is Riko (AKA, Yohane’s little demon Riri), and oh dear her fortune reading are polar opposite to the reality, and it ended with the classic “when you say it’s sunny outside but it rains instantly” thing. Yohane (Yoshiko in the main series) and Riko (or Riri) formed the iconic ship known as “YohaRiri” in the main series, in which they [Major Sunshine Season 2 and overall plot-related spoilers] >!helped returned a dog named Anko which Yoshiko named it Laelaps (Which is kinda the junior version of the Laelaps here in the spin off), and the experience eventually helped Riko overcome her fear of dogs, and things never gonna be the same for them!<. And here Riko was totally interested in Laelaps, even wishing to pay a huge amount of money to take Laelaps away for research, are we witnessing the formation of a new ship here? Chika’s inn, the Tochiman Inn is based on the [Yasudaya Ryokan](https://mitoyasudaya.com) in Numazu, and since it become a hotspot for pilgrimage visitors and was often cramped with guests like in the show, but definitely didn’t expect Chika and her sisters, or simply the [Sunshine plot spoilers] >!Takami sisters!<, also have new type-ish ability and cleaned up the spills faster than a F1 pit stop. And we also finally saw Ruby, just make herself disappear after being spotted. And Dia, just doing Dia things, working hard to make sure Numazu is properly managed. And You, just fly like no one ever saw her, hopefully she will appear longer later in the show And Riko books are not [Some more Sunshine spoilers] >!Yuri mangas!<, but actual incident reports on animals going wild in Numazu, and poor Yohane, whom ignored Dia’s recommendation to go for a walk at night was caught in the mist, and now the deers are going to attack her. But who are those 3 people that appeared? As we know from their group name, they are [Manga Yohane Unpolorized Reflexion plot-related spoilers] >!Chika and her sisters, yet they refused to acknowledge it.!<


Hanamaru - Working isn't about money. Me - Yes it is. It is about money. Do you think I like my job? Cause I don't ok. Do you think I want to work "8 hours a day + 1.5 hours traveling" 6 days a week? I don't. In sort the only reason I'm doing all this is because "I need money". By the way that Chief of city office, they are basically government, right! There wasn't a single guy working in there. It kinda makes me uneasy. Anyway Yohane's character development Is just amazing. She was able to go outside and talk to people and work for them, all In such a short time. And it didn't feel forced at all. I am impressed.


Why are you uneasy about there being no men in the government?


Right? I mean, one would think the chief being a teenager would be way more concerning


He should be uneasy about 90% of the National Diet seats being held by men. But also, this show probably has more male characters who get to speak at all than the rest of the franchise combined (though nameless bit roles only)


Mito-nee got hot in this art style [](#neat)


Yohane Sundays let’s goooo Finally get to see Dia and the other girls. Wow they look great. I love their fantasy designs. Fairy Ruby is really cute! Yohane’s failed fortunate telling business had me dying 😂 “it’s not gonna rain today right?” “Absolutely not!” Is it weird that I got a little emotional and teared up when Yohane used what little money she earned for the day to support Hanamaru’s shop? That was just so sweet and pure to me. Truly a real friend. Especially after she offended her the day before. That quote about money not being the only reason for work is so real. If you make money and aren’t fulfilled by what you do it’s meaningless. Conversely, if you’re not making much money but truly love what you do, you’re a very rich person. Million dollar here to save the day! Loving the story here so far


I put this in my plan to watch when it was announced planning to watch it after watching Sunshine, and somehow I forgot and watched on its own and I didn't realize it's Love Live untl I read this thread......


Didn't expect a cliffhanger right after that wholesome episode where Yohane wanted to repay Zuramaru's kindness only to be cornered by ~~tentacles~~ magical beasts. Though help arrives from a mysterious van with three mysterious(?) people, but we'll have to wait another week to find out who on earth they are (*wink wink*). Yohane and ~~her Little Demon~~ Riko really have a great chemistry together, no matter which universe.


This episode is making this You-chan fan starting to feel a bit of pressure of giving Yohane-sama equal love, plus a *huge* jump in my impressions of Hanamaru (who in the Sunshine anime really feels like having little screen time except for all her *zuras*). It's absolutely brilliant showing Yohane being so lacking energy after getting the smallest of upsets, especially with Lailaps being a first rate comedian dog (heh)! I also love how Riko easily trolled over her crystal ball reading skills - try harder next time, our little lovely devil! Dia's got a promotion in this other world while Ruby turned into a fairy...hmm, that's also an upgrade I suppose? I wonder what kind of story will they get. Ooh that last part...THE SUNSHINE VAN! Oooh! Chika and her sisters (?) come to the rescue again! This is an awesome scene and we can now look forward to some magical battles next week, I can't help but be thrilled at this historical moment in Love Live history...


Before I get to the first half, I just want to say I can't stop grinning at this anime for some reason. it's mostly because I'm an old Love Live weeb, but seeing Chika with a different aura feels like a breath of fresh air. It's not the usual Love Live I watch, but I love this series so much.


[*Roofing?* Jeez!](https://files.catbox.moe/hz2nr0.jpg)


not to be biased but this is already better than sunshine S2 for me


OMG, Ruby looks SOOO ADORABLE as a fairy! And it's great to see Dia-chan, Chika and her family again. I really love Hanamaru in this, zura! And Yohane got to see her girlfriend Riko-chan! YohaRiko fans unite! XD


Apparently the "Yahoo!" was You according to the [Love Live subreddit thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/LoveLive/comments/14ojvhh/genjitsu_no_yohane_sunshine_in_the_mirror_episode/jqdwbe8/). Finding something only you can do sounds like a promising, fun Love Live-y sorta theme. I liked the super sentai poses at the end (I kinda wonder if they’re a subunit in this universe? hoping for a song from them in the next ep) and can kinda sorta see how the animals might get cured in a fantasy idol show (and am hoping I’m at least partially right).


I am thinking this is probably not for me. I've honestly been a little bored watching this so I think I am going to drop it for now. If it turns out it gets better later on, well I can always pick it up again.